Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 16, 1921, p. 2

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tub obosonowm bbraxji novkmbkr loth lflsi vk h undert wiuson jndertaliev and uoenied embalmer kali st gratow mbilcr ii via lilr rnr night r day 54 or 5lj o mid den 1 1 1 are c llown rmefl hi t so pfkt4 socfmr died plkdal norval no monday november ilisleih bird belov- smn kgcd 5 tllranor in st jonlin iloipilat gurtph on monday nov i4lh 1i1 jdlin tfniio agedao year itinotl srkntr in rrot oukridiiy nov- ember llth 1921 mrs willmm snrmr raiw 77lliyea t in memorltun bsqwmtlti ever lovtnjf rnrinory of our belovfd mother mm caroline k brownt who ruimcd away november llh 1920 wbcnlhe eary ones wo loved enter on iheif resl above seems the earth so poor and vast m ah our life joy overcast irish be every qurmuridunib ll is only tll he come let as id ink bow heaven and borne lteyoht nwitill hrcoiiie- a fraternal visit anothor historic landmark won routed in fcbo annajs of ore till lodge at their regular mceting last friday when buhoboaui lodge of toronto paid- a fraternal visit tho visitors arrived by special ear on the suburban railway about huq pm and voro uiotby vw bro major grant bro meir and pro mimms who very kindly placed tho rest rooms o tho mcrobaut bank at their disposal it being tbjd anniversary of armis- tioe night all tho visitors and tlte brothers of ci edit lodge were dec orntiod with puppies after worshipful bro pranks master of jlehoboamjbdife and his ollicers and members had been gracefully introduced byvw bro major grant and bad been ilium ly welcomed by w bro fl corko master of credit lodge tliej pro ceoded- to exemplify the firil de deanery chapter amd womens auxiliary successful meetings were held on thursday and friday last at bt oeorges under the auspices rf the deanery chapter and women auxiliary of hal too on tburs day evening a missionary service was held af which the rex j f waller m a spoke on japan after an experience of over 80 years as a missionary in that 1 country he waaabjejto tell of tbc awakening and progress of the japanese people axultheir readi ness to receive the gospel there was a good congregation presentl and tbe musical part of the ser vice was well rendered under the leadership nf mr w f bradley those- taking part in the service were the revs c f cook of mil ton e c twins of norval and tbe rector at tbe holy communion on friday morning the devotional address was given by the rev e c twiss a public meeting was held in the afternoon when ad dresses were given by mr and mrs waller on japan and by the misses bull and mack of hamil tonmrs sparling presiding the ladies of the wa of st georges provided lunch and supper tbe convention was attended by clergy and delegates from the different parishes in hal ton county esquesing council kauuusing 14th nov idstl the council met pursuant to adjournment tho reeve jn the tuair members all prevent the minutes of laat meeting were road and confirmed hunter appelbe that the treah pay henry bayers jr 8a loads gravel at icc per yd 1 87 an drew mrcliire norval coruuir for opening diuh 060 jas mrkin ney repairing road leveller and putting new tongue 8 john jam opening dvtcb lot is con 81 27 sching piiymg liko bum wm bmelho for grading bravcl ling and material supplied on lot 7 con 11 5961 ching paying an equal rum oco letty bal anno on sucotiut of construction of bridge lot ill olh line iaqq- carried hunter brown that tho treivs pay c e bounljold i cost 1086 the candidate at the con elusion of tho work w bro franks on j behalf of robobqam lodgopre- seated a very handsome cane of working tools to crodit lodge fad which wi bro h gorko very heartily thanked the distinguished visitors and at tbe same timo ex pressed bis appreciation of the tioperlntivo excellence of their de gree work the brethren then repaired to the town ball where about 160 sat down to an excellent repast provided by tbe junior warded bro s kirk a remarkable feat ure of this function was the chore a singing of the br 3th rem of reho- boam lodge mingled with almost acrobatic expression of good reel ing to their hosts repeatedly giv- which w bro h corke said his opening remarks that to accomplish this exercise and eat tbeir supper at the same time was a triumph of mind over matter the toast to the king and tho craft having been musically hon oured brogreenwood then gave a obaracter sketch tbe lounger which was muoh appreciated oy brethren langes blower song violin and piano was then rend- teaniing- supplied for bridge at i norval 5718 chins paying otualj sum 15 boss burt contract on ditrfh lot 22 ooht4 50 william chisholm coo ydsmgravel at 10c per yd 75 albert peddio two sbeep killed by unknown dogs b6 geoirving valuator 4 wb shortill b6r vices as sheep valuer 2 carried brown hunter that the tress pay john stoddart for man and team 6 hrs at 60c per hour 800 1 man c hrs at 40c 2 6 spikes 80o total 040 work on bridge 22 side road coo 0 g a wriggles worth commr for work at filling approach at 6th line bridge 2 teams 4 days at 6 48 7 days shovelling at 3 21 commr 4 days at 4 16 total 86 car brown hampshire that the treasurer pay angus lawbon 2 12 days hauling gravel at 6 ic e r mills for 10 loads at 26c 260 carried appelbe brown that the trees pay tbe municipal world st thomas 60c report of sheep val uera 108 w o horse campbell- villa for tite4 x2at 8 pof tile 7 x 12 at 110 770 8 x 12 at 110 880 total 8869 sale tax glenwilliams mrs joseph mc master went to guulph hospital on monday she will undergo on nperatioo mr j olio murray of toronto is spending a few days at mr ab so lorn bates wo understand that mr hugh logan is going into the nvtottnuitr bella bates hjmnt the week end nt toronto rev mr aiken delivered ji very inpresnivc address at the me tho dist memorial service last sunday a few nf our citismift hoisted their flags lust friday did some forget hildrrn of our village looking forward to their annual christmas tree and enlerlainment what isbeing done in that hue mr garvin is busy getting bii hockey rink injo blmpe the buhop of niagara will bold a cbriq r nation aervtoo- av st albans church on sunday after- noovf at 3 oclock 1 there was a good attendance at job f fords meeting in the hall on monday evening dominioneleetion i new fall goods meetings in the interest of w f fisher obituary mns william spence after an illness of over three months mis william spence pas sed away at her homo on main st north on friday november llth in her 77th year deceased bod been a resident of georgeto over thirty flvo years she was a member of tho anglican church a good mother beloved by her family and respected by all who knew ber mr spence pro deceased ber in 1916 she leaves a family of six sons and three daughters james thorcid mrs bingham toronto robert bc charles brace bridge louis regina mrs dasnow of rochester thomas wilfred and miss maggie georgetown the funeral borneo was condno tod by rev percival mayes on monday afternoon when the re mains were interred in greenwood cemetery tho pall bearers were four sons james charles thomas wilfred geo anderson downs- view and wm barber john vheanoe another old and respected resi dent of geovgetown in tbe person of mryjolin treonor passed away at sl josephs hospital guelph on monday last nov 16th de ceased was born near dixie in peel county and was in bis year georgetown for tho past thirty years besides his widow be leaves one brother thomas trea nor of lansing mich he was a member of holy cross eh u rob where service will be held on thursday at 980 am- after which the remains will be interred in greenwood cemetery sred by the thompson brothers y- and mrs bradley and they were hampshire aflpel be that the enthusiastically encored troas pay jas douglas the snm the toast of the army and navy of 4660 for work done on check was then proposed by vw bro including price of gravel sup major grant in a most appropriate pd by h bayers to awd work speech and waa responded to by and 5 y anppliod to a e croes- bro greenwood who recited in man to george mipo one day op- flanders field b following this erating grader 4 james maban by a most polished and bnhioroub nassagaweya tbe sam of address i 12 86 being difference between- bro boataioo or toronto then rendered oct 16tb and gave two character sketches the amount paid jas sprowl 14tb workhouse and little baptiste nov on account work done on w bro corke then called on bro town line paul kennedy the foulisyho excelled himself in hie bum of 12 being value of one characteristic style and had both i sheep killed by dogs w b shor- visitors and bostb convulsed as he tiir valuer earned poured forth a torrent of rhetor i hampshire brown that the teal quips and epigrams then p wm maodoaald pm followed ave mario a violin solo the sum of 61 for work done on by mr jack thompson accompan- h line between lots 28 and 82 an interesting event at tbe november meeting at the auxilary of the w m 8 was the presenta tion of three life membership cer tificates those honored were mrs molood mrs we the raid and miss lindsay limebouse womens institute will hold a bacaar on thursday enrng dec 1st in no 9 school bouse come early and have your choice refreshments sold at booth g random u si cat treat at the close stp a meeting of liberals will be held in fbe town hall thursday eveaing november 17th oclock to complete organisation for coming election the meeting i will be addressed by tbe candidate i and mrs dewar of milton every liberal is requested to attend this meeting the ladies are especially invited to attend robbers are much cheaper than doctor bills compare onr rubbers for quality and price h j fox georgetown ied by mrs bradley an interest ing address on japan was then given by rev mr waller now en joying a holidav after 80 years in that country w boo b c adams then pro posed the toast to the visitors re sponded to by wor bro franks master of reboboam in a clever and witty speech and by bro j b taylor of harmony lodge toron to the well known humorist and who being vigorously heckled in a brotherly manner by the rebo boam brethren proved himself a master of repartee the proceedings were then clos ed by tbe junior wardens toasts and auld lang syne and tho brethren parted with truly onio good will church news confirmation at st gkob6rb the bishop of niagara will visit georgetown on sunday next to administer tbe rite of confirmation at st georges church in tbe or- ening at 7 pm and will also hold a confirmation service at st al- 1 bans glenwllltamst 8 oclock in the afternoon mbthodibt chtjbcq on sunday morning next dr a j truelnan formerly principal of i standstead college witl speak in the interest of onr educational work at tbe evening service at 7 oclock we will sing a number or rjlchtiflle hymns a bort prayer i and devotiboal service will be hold at tbeulose of the service on sun day evening baptist chuhcb- thursday 8 p m prayer and bible study the holiness of god sunday 11 am misguided devotion 646 p to song ser vice your favorite bymn 700 p m overcoming evil with good monday 8 p m b y p 0 tborsday deo 22nd annual s 8 supper and boertainroent john t lyons lot 27 6th line nassagaweya w holdva clearing sale of farm stock im- plemente hay grain and furniture oq wednesday nov 16th 12 jbonbi credit b- j kerrboc tioneer csnneil ol women tbe local council of women met in the town hall last tuesday effing tbe meeting was ad- spoke of the value of the red cross society during too war and the necessity of continuing work to combat disease and im prove the standard of health in this country- about 160000 peo- i pie in canada belong to the red he has been bresjdentfbb society and of these about 26000 are in ontario to further tho work of the society increased membersbip is needed and tbe society qrges tbe establishment of munioipal red cross centres municipally maintained if possible in every place there should be at feast some organisation ready to deal wjtb emergency oases such as tbe flu and there should be registered voluntary or skilled help that could be called upon in time of need mies holland public health nurse followed mr miller and emphasized tbe value of a public health nurse not only to tbe town but to tbe surrounding dis tricts both addresses were very inter esting and instructive and it is to be regretted that more people were not present to bear them taxis notes by winning both ends of the double header last tborsday night the bofl dogs square won tbc basketball competition between tbeir square and the excelsior square scores bull dogs 18 excel siors 4 bull dogs 10 excelsiors 5 tbe final standing of tbe teams was as folio ws- square woo lost points bull dogs 6 8 84 excelsiors 8 6 80 boots that re boots tbe mac- pherson shoes the hydro city wilt b held shoes the greb shoes tbe w b hamilton shoes womens boots t a half soled and nbter beels 1t mr- repairing ol all kinds we repair oclock to ber and determine mnplai rubber boots we bandit no wc i bankrupt boot repairing while yon waiti j booey the cheapest place in ontario no oppoahjou this amount includes 9 due road division on good roads account and 8 for road work performed on ellen snyders property loss 1460 paid mr macdonald on good roads account 1918 total amount due macdonald 8660 jas wilson 80 foe grading road oleaning out pit and dynamiting mountain bros 1404 for haul ing 164 yds grave at 68c per yd 86 for grading road and stripping pit wesley murray for 12 yds gravel supplied r johnston pm 180 carried brown appelbe that the treas pay harry bessey for 80 yds gravel at 26c por yd 760 in a devereaux division cart ied y brown appelbe that this coun cil adjourn to meet again on deo 15th at 10 oclock am carried terra cotta there will be thanksgiving ser vices in tbe terra cotta methodist rev mr hyde of orton will preach in the morning at 11 a m and in tbe evening at 780 there will special manic mr wm hunters handsome driver bad her leg broken recently when jumpiqg over a wire fence mr l thompson has arrived bome7rom tbe west the box social and concert held in the 10th line school friday evening was a splendid success a splendid program of drills and choruses was given by the child- ran rev mrraiken sang patriotic songs miss eva cheyne gave a humorous reading and rev mrt patterson delivered an add rest on tbe war mr frank peteb auc tioned off the boxes receipts over 7000 miss mcclelland the popular teacher deserves much credit for training the child ren who performed splendidly v mr george marshall has accept ed a position as foreman bnck yard in buffalo mr a smith of grand valley was a week end visitor here asthma msswue razma use razmak sun mah c gaaranued to restore uisnisl lnmlfciiii rtiii mocfav satheritin la the fc fcilr tabes give long blgbts of slfpcontaiiu no bawtfonnlardi flooatvtnr druc- trial ttseafc eat agsa ag w torouto s 1w 81 at ik jt m dnurshan i cnti 1 xnlslm 1 vtrnua nones ia hereby given thai a cowl if uaieipakn of eaqaeaas- i dld 2nd day of ncvenbar 1921 j atcv cterkof e- tbe liberal candidate will be held in the town hall l- glenwilliams 7 friday november 18th at s p m aftdresatssvvill bedelitered by w f fishe e l jtobertson leroy dale r and at town hall georgetown ftuesday november2 at 8 i m addresse wrill be delivered by col aridrevw- thompson p l robertson wjelfisher any pain of the body j ovarian psina one or two dr milx8 antjpaal poxsand tfa pain is iom qnu- cardof tkanka we hereby convey our nocere th tbo georgetown fire brigade an others who assisted at the ire last satur day when our basket factory was deatroy- 8 pg 1 moolh old apply to c hl bignell norval wawted retiabte youns or iniddkt srcd wwua assist in light bouse wot and be com- pnnndifofloiwk mrs skettoo wbdwood pbone 23rs up the mens store our range or fall suiting is arriving daily already the choicest onrxrarn at hand they comprise tbe very laltmt in knglish and scotch tweeds herges and worsteds and the patterns arc decidedly smart ureys prudominau itl the new brovn and blues in plain and rinbones meeting with popular favor it in none loo early to order your fall suit do it wait inj the tn cus- until tho riihh order early and get tho best service bent selection samp leu are now ready for ontofto corners and jntl be sent on reqoeatt rnrninmitg xeksrtment the iiew fall shirts collars and nerkwear have arrived never before liave we had such a beautiful range in all the latest styles at popular prices new antvtxnn hta jftl tbe newest stjlis and bast a are to befourrdin ooroewarrivatft rtberd are many stylish features in hatti his season and it will bo a pleasure to show thera to you when you call ileitdytowtwr dlotliiiiff new fall sajta latest styles and well tailored at city prices we are making a bpooial etfort trds seanonto have the very best h mens wear equal to any city furnishing eotahlisumeqt at quality before price it is a good time now to select your new fall outfit stock is all complete and selection butter ffpun later in thi we iite your patronage w mtlxarco all welcome god save the king mf t i here is your chance for want of room ve tare compelled to sell a irfurgei quantity of crockery cnixia and olaiiwmre at a saorfllce for quick sale these are newjbigh quality goods bought for our regular and holiday trade we have not room to show all tho pretty things we have mnst sacrifice we will store goods when bought and paid for wanted if for christmas gifts this is a grand opportunity to buy for yonr own uscand for holiday gifts sale commences friday nov 18th 9 m clover leaf cupb saucers decorated china cups and saucers sfto xtosx childs rubbet sice 6 on cbrcfc due or charles sl georgetow finder n id mrs 1- f denison ll georgeto btovb foh sale radiant home coal healer in first- class condition will b sold reasoimble i robert locjan 9tb lino glenwillu phone 92 r2 voters list notice nouce h tors of the by required to examine tbe list of voti for tbe said municipality for tbe year 192r and if any errors o tnerm am required the law directs to o take such steps as ban sues errors or filed as the correct voters list of tbsl town of georgetown for tbe year 1921 this list was posted ay in tb clerks office on tbe sib day otnotember 1921 f l heath town clerk dated this stfa day of november 1921 credit auction sale of r standing timber l ntidurr has instructed tbe a pubsca b umierawwd to eambsirlot 12 i aefl by abom 10 acres of atandmg timber bab- divided into lots ol a quarter acre each timber to be removed by april 1st 192x1 terms 10 months credit t ed joint notes 6 per cent per asb ben petch nra osoa tall twa tkai tbe olangj clang 1 dang of the are engine wakes many a man up co tbe necessity of taking out insurance before it is too late dont wait for the hook and ladder company they dont sell inratmnee we do a good selection of floe english cups and saucers also limoges china at bargain prices bread and butter plates 9so a large collection of bread and butter plates tea breakfast and dinner plates bread pjates cake plates 87 piece english dinner ware beg 86 to f 40 your choice 1000 english tea pots 59c a urge showing of beautiful china fruit sets salads cream sugar sets butters celery spoons bowls jugs porridge seta bon bone and many other pretty pieces at sacrihoo pnoes art pottery vases jardines fern pots- t select collection of fine cut glass vases bon bona cream and sugars butters jelly di sh ew not bowls jugs tumblers goblets sherberts and a tfost of lovely pieces all go at 1 gain pnoes good smooth tumblers fini shed 5o fruit bowls nappies and other useful pieces in pressed glass anew stock of all the different pieces in pyrex cooking and oven warn at special prices ptrex with nickel mountings for table use pie and jelly dish cs caserola round and oval bean pots etc at special it you wish to save money on your crockery needs as also on holiday purchases now is your opportunity whether or net you purchase wo want jou to see these lines ttttwatew jacksons georgetown tl tviccallunris direct supply stores see- our fine display of all kinds of fresh snctcurefp meats etc at the cooperative store on saturday november 19111 and each succeeding saturday until we open in our own premises best quality at lowest prices mccauums direct supply stores ltd the stores that set tn iiace brampton georgetown alton- omngeville mi western canada stoohwwl handvnon co toronto drain and drr fftsaiilns georgetown phone 128 not weekly specials but daily specials at druks call in and see our line of atnotly fresh choco lates made by such reliable and welt known firms 1 as neusona wtllardsj 0owans and lbwneys wo are giving the best value for money paid out for chocolates in georgetown our loo cream is the very best we use neilsons only everyone can any that neilsons is the best now about tobaccos did you ever know that we have the most varied and largest 8tocfcof cigarettes cigars pipes and tobaccos in the town come and see and we will guarantee that you will be convinced that thib is not a false advertisement we keep all kinds of fruit canned goods and fancy biscuits- i bope that you will give me your patronage yours for service h druks main street georgetown saturday treat wb are making special effort to make november a record 1m aker aud we are more than pleased with tbo result we certainty believe in small profits and a large turn over turkish delight 29c a lb 100lbaofoor own turkish delight we believe our turkish delight is equal to any on tbe market try a pound saturday reg 40c satnrdavy speoissl 89c chocolate bars 8 for 5c 1000 unwrapped solul sweet chocolate bare vanilla flavor this is an extra special andwtil not last long at this price worth 6c each smtnrdsvy specaml 8 for 35c weekend chocolates 32c lb bear in mind that chocolates are good for you especially if they are pure you cad depend on the purity or onr products assorted chocolates saturday ssoperlb saturday sunday chocolates 49c thut special is certs inl a great favorite with lovers of good chooolates neat box containing one pound of high class chocolates worth 76c saturday 49c a box brampti t h moorehead ton georgetown milton acton the man who has been satisfying his clients who have been buying houses and farms is e a benham e i have sold a large number of houses and farms and have yeton my list a number for yon to choose from for particulars apply to e a benh am real estate agent georgetown out box 1ss phone 1s4

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