Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 23, 1921, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fifty fifth year op publication georgetown wednesday evening november 23rd 1921 1 fio per adduid in adann m oo tu u s the georgetown herald every wednesday evening at tha tcralo power rintinq office contract advertising rates furniahad an application jt m moore pahllaher ad pjeprfatair liaaaaer oaudlu vwuf newa- bu ot r tiaeti qq1no fcubt passenger passenger mail mail 1 p isaeuger mill k passenger passe i ger sunday ooin wr8t passenger mm i passenger passenger m passenger mail mail passenger sunday ootnq nobth mail mail goino sooth mail mail palm garden lunch rooms meals served at all hours lee cream fruit confectionery a full line o tobaccos oicars and cigarettes tro sakw l jfteihnv daily timetable am pm p m going bast 8 10 844 6 40 going west 8 66 m 7 89 sunday tufetabbb going bast am p ra pan pan pm 10 21 is so 8 46 610 17 going west special sale of bummer underwear children a wash dresses boys suits infant s and children b mercns ed sox striped and plain aprons or good strong print made in the institute tor the blind we also have a fall line of new fall qloves at low prices call ul iaapaot omr staok uri l whsmmts e wimhem okosloetowh stenographers wanted stenographers who can write iso wordsa minute in short hand and 60 words a mi note in touch typewriting are in constant demand we train yon at brampton busi ness institute to reach these bpeeds and when yon have attained same we guar antee a position taattoaioshbsmstiture why ton should start at guelphbasiaesscollege herald bld gwslph jbeoaase oqr instruction in com meroial law will save yon many a lawyer s fee because oar training in writing bnsinesb letters will enable yoa to write tatters that get res a its beoanse oar bookkeeping train rag will enable yoa to know yoarfeusiuess so that waste is eliminate and profit results because oar stenographers coarse prepare yon to oooupj positions of responsibility and trust which pay enviable salaries don t be a mighthavebeen start on monday uptodate harness shop are yoojfloing to take that anto trip thai yon planned last winter jfon will need a moe aotq rag and a olob bag or suitcase to take along with yon now is yonr chance to get that new set of harness at oost price only a few left also all kinds of harness necessities lerrfriif trauj aa4t h w a bailey dp todats habnb88 hop hamrtd owzmm aiaaadaaa er a stroa farm afeeacy jt j sxmsmb l1mml assert all pnunc ordrn del o 1 h wheaucy coal best d l w scranton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j walkins norwu stat on phono 6r24 junk wanted 1 am paying up r ghost cash pr ct for am kinds of j ink also hides nod poiltrj r reeldenaa oppoalta pabllfi school on vlotorta bttvot georgetown ont m freeman post olllce box 470 phone 166 cjimmuni t y pl a te the recently revised rices on nil community plate flat ware should be welcome news to those interested in fine silver plated tableware sucb patterns as adai jrosoenor coffee spoons 6 for 4 00 tea spoons 8 for 1 00 table spoons 6 for 800 soup spoons 6 for 8 00 desert forks 6 for 7 76 desert knives 6 tor 8 go desert spoons 0 for 7 76 berry spoon a each 8 75 meat forks each 2 76 butter knives each 160 sugar shells each 1 60 tomato servers each 8 60 a b willson main street next mcgibbon hotel best see our windows rubbers wnite rubber ffov obildren rubber boots for the whole family spats popular shades for men i women in felt and broadcloth they ri lake a useful g ft lowest prices don t put off buying a pair of rubbers until you get your feet wet and perhaps a cold the price of rub bers is small compared with doctor s bills they also protect and save your shoes we sell and recommend rubbers made by the dofnimon rubber system canada s largest rubber manufacturers and are guaranteed to give satisfaction our large stock is now complete gome in today and be fitted properly as rubbers that do not fit correct will not give satisfaction women s fino rubbers to fit any shape heel or toe all bikes 1 00 men s fine rubbers all eh apes and sizes 1 60 mens strong robbers srat grade s zes 6 to 11 1 26 boy s 1 tq 5 1 00 boys 11 to 18 90 girl s bobbers wide or narrow toes 11 to 2 90 children s bobbers sites 4 to 10 i 2 80 brown rubbers for men j women our stock oi heavy rubbers and socks for men and boys is now complete and we invite comparison as to quality and price drop in and see them 27 shopping days before xmas shop early xmas slippers the largeswtssortment in town for men women and child en visit our bargain tables for real shoe values we can save you money we do shoe repairing wa h jj fox poaa georgetown hurlbtftt shoes for children slater shoes for men established 1673 it ma be jour ault that your bilker does not know the poutn b lit os or jour f irm ng operations better than ho does see blm of boner bank of hamilton g o mackay managi ooqd reeuxo a loicly id fool ng to feol that you ve done something eaol day to br ng nomo the sun a lovely old feeling to feol that your heart lias striven all day to give laugh tor a start a lovely old feeling at last and at rest to feel that througl all you havo ifcood to trie test a lovely old feeling to have done what o i coold r for somebody s comfort and glad ness and good x a loely fetlinp to fee thjit you ve borne to sotnobodj e darkness a glimpse of the mo a lovelj old renting to fee that you c are to kneeldown and thank rural service departmer special attention given tofarmers problems use our rural exchange service if you have livestock feed or wedrttram to sell or wish to jjurchase list it on our bulletin jlostvl auction sale registers furnished m of charge have you received one of our farmer account books t have yoa been sappued with a breeding and feeding- chart gatf mawsea sjim arm ntereafeof fa yonr waftoa tft mcrcmant5 bank head office montreal of canada ceorcetowtrbranch acton branch safety dapotft bens lo n established 18b4 h r mditms ii ub5horey ikni livingstones bakery main street no 1 a bread all kinds currant brown milk homemade white saturday special chelsey bun pla n buns and bread bolls every day also pies a livingstone s0n le 55 georgel phone 55 irgefcown grandys the success ofyouf christmas cake or pudding dependb largely on tfie quality ot ingredients inside in our orooery you will find the ohoioest of imported baimns currants pee b dates extracts and spiceb your ohnstmas cake or padding teill have a wonderful nchnebb of flavor if the ingredients come from qrandys raisins finest valenoias per lb cal seedless bulk per lb calf seedless m packages pi neat seeded package greek saltans perlb currants per lb candieb peel citron per lb orange per lb y lemon per lb cat peel 1 lb boxes 86c 28o sdcsoo oo- 0o 40o 40o 46o dqfy oi electors if qualified to vote under tho law it is the d itj of every person i t see that one s name is on the voters list a to cast the vote that one ib eutillud to a to vote uonwiientiouuly for the good of tbe countiy on the best information obtainable from trvation conversation cons d e ration throagl public meetings and the press tbeie is too much apathy in sucb matters people who do not value their rights to vote enough to exercise tir ibootd be deprived of t for a time at least there fa oo nruoh of a tendency to vote according to custom or prejudice be able to give a good reason for the political faith that s in you have decision of cbar acter enough to bo independent qodi a prayer address and preseiiutlu the following address and pres tat ion of 100 was made tu bev o el henderson by members of mansevtood d p church mansewood nov 14 1921 dear mr henderson if was with a feeling of much surprise and deep regret that wa learned some weeks ago of your intention of resigning as pastor of our congregation and removing from our midst during the time of your pastor ate you have been ever faithful by your preaching and life to lead as to tbe higher and better life the effect or your work for good on the young lives at the mission will never fade and yonr kindly interest in their social welfare should never be forgotten by these young people with whom you came in contact your interest in any work for the betterment of the community your in teg r ii y in all your dealings and your unselfish life have won for you dur ng your brief stay the respent and good will of yonr neighbors and we assure oc that your sojourn in our midbt will not soon be forgotten but we tbe members and ad herents of the dotted presbyter tan oh u rob feel that we cannot let you go without something more than words to express oar love and esteem for yoa there fore we woald ask yon to accept thib gift not for its lntnnsife val ae nnt for am pleasure it maj bring to you but as a blight token of remembrance and appreciation for all you have been and done as as pastor of our congrega tion and we trust as yoa go to your new field of labor that god a richest blessing will go with yoa sad with your family and as yoo 0 forward in his service yoa will be greatly strengthened for the work whereon to he bath called yoa s gned on behalf of tbe congre gation c h soott w s chisholm wm stark directory bt georges church holy commuu on is and znl suocut 11 a m 2nd 4th and 5tb sunday 8 a ra uatlna 11 a- m b venal nc t p to sunday school 9 45 a ra 8hilton wallbr1doe av dale barriatara solleltars eta toronto and oeqrcatoflrn omee rannadv block la hoy dal in chrc of oorv- h g bleib ban- ater solic tor eic office m ii su georgetown hours 9 am to 5 p ra open wednesday and saturday evi db t if maacki phyalcian and 8urg d cal otboer ot hoalt ilea huutk 1 to 4 an i pbjalcian and surgeon m i street georgetown- pbone 22 hx houae surgeon gracr hotpital tocoalo spckia altent on to diaaaaoa of women and children and infant feed ng f r watsoji bbs 1 a m grandy i phone 75 sattdmum gmtuic24 rnmrl dtbccr if nqrval flou mills j ask your 3rocer for our brands of flo ir kings choice for bread i national for pastry ajarara on lud railed omta halite wkat ctnaao bram i shorta olntaa faa oilcake oreke4 corm waola and okeppad faada of all kiafa aad flaa and caaaa salt wa lva at bukmu f sale wjcampbellxnvirred norval ontario 19 tf eesssl- otlloa hoarai 9 baoapt tknraaar atunhu f 1 heath ldt o d oantlat jltlc in lauia block one door nort f 0neilla carrtafm victory hour obituary mae john sunqbby a very sad death took place at nor val on monday when mary eixabethbird wife ol johjo sltngeby passed away at the age of 50 years mrs slingsby has been a sufferer from pernicious aenemia for more than two years and has of late been deprived of the proper nfleof her limbs bat she bore hex sufferings very pat tently and death came at tbe last as a welcome release mrs slings by was born in england coming to canada when quite a young child her entire life has been passed in tbe nor val section where bhe was well known and highly esteemed although very quiet and retiring in manner ber many friends formed a warm at- aobment for ber and deep regret has been felt at the news of ber decease her husband survives also her mother five brothers james grimsby john and thorn as stewarttown william winni peg and joseph hamilton and two bisters mrs fiddler norva and miss maggie at home mrs slingsby was a devoted member of st paul b anglican church and will be much missed by its mem bers tbe funeral took place last thursday to st paul b church norval interment in norval cemetery tbe service was 00 n ducted by- bev m twiss j a ward following many weary months illness of a com plication and much suffering patiently onduted mr j a ward who has been prominent ly identified with the affairs of- oillman for over fifty years pass ed away at his home on monday october 84th in his 74th year vjeseph andrew ward was born at sommerville dandas st nenr toronto in jane 184b when 19 yeirs of age be moved with hie brothers to cherokee county iowa where he taught school and homeateaded land in 1876 be engaged in the drag fnrnitare undertaking business with his brother dr w j in qui man an der the firm name of w j and j a ward in september 1906 he suffered the loss of his brother who died suddenly bat the nubi ness was conducted under the old name in january 1837 mr ward mar ned mary b beale who passed away in september 1917 one daughter mrs elisabeth patter son and one son albert b of the firm of w j 3 a ward survive and also one sister mrs adeline mcclelland of brampton two brothers abraham ward topeka kansas and john f ward port land oregon mr ward was one of the larg est land owners of this district also vice president of the gillman canning co and president of the citisen s savingb bank he serv ed many years as director of gill man school district and was for some time a valued member of the town council and was always a faithful church worker many were the kind acts extended to those who realise the meaning of a fr end in need is a friend in deed his obi id re n mourn the loss of an indulgent father 1 friends tbat of a good neighbor the funeral which was one tbe largest neen in gil man wu held from the methodist church with which mr and mrs ward have been faithfully associated ever since its erection the vice was oondueted by bev john graham pnator of tbe congrega tional church interment m the family plot id prairie view ceme teryr- the gil i man dispatch a if heilson b c in cbargr of chut j l nd field dc llv c ciniliii t i he i st hoo of th ro- prxct c fh nprac founta n hd davwiporl looa l s offlc over hour n a drua stora co ni tat n an plnal analywa frw i ofh h h s t d nd sa u dntiotpnil jo sjopin i h nl olh iso 1 rvdrnce 60 d6njpirch ml auct ounr for ha hon and f t enwll am- post office bala conducted aatlafaetortty and 1 mnati ralea ordara aft ntlon wlsjtr jerai obcbs ju sri tuar ad cnarlaa bta ti la noted tbtoughoot canada or 11 gh c 4lc bune tdu on cradua rrah ly ob a efflp ment u i handaonie a uuo en eran me w j eulatt prlmatpaa crerar and drury speak at millon tbore was a tr 1 i t it on tu sjt f t eek to heir mr m i i lr- uler i i r iry ape ik 111 m hon 1 rj u t of mr ford tlo fir ir ui i r halton lit c i ge rneut had been for a muut ng it the townhalt but tho pr n tas theatre was also ougaged and both were orowded thin u r many liberals and coumrautt well an proresstves tbr chairmen were n wrigglcsortli at tbe town hall and john etar tng at tbe theatre the speechis- at each d d uot differ n aterially mr ford spoke br cfl he de n ed the existence of a v to 1 pact with the liberal lie ideil tl it the present camps un ull be fought out on the basis of tbe ih sues at stake at any rau aa far as bo was concerned mr crerar devoted h mself largely to the gra a en iuiry 1 911 1 ject with which mr meil on had dealt at some length wl en he spoke in milton on oct 29th he explained the organix ttioi of tl e doited grain growers point ng out tbat though each ef the 86 000 cooperative shareholders was re striated to lootsharos of stock tbe had a total turnover of more than 100 000 000 it wis antros that- as bad been stated he had been made welth bj the united gramgrowera organ xh tion he said bis dividends last year were 18 in regard to tl charge tbat tbe grain growers had taken 40000 bushels of grain from tbecpr mr lrerar referred to a letter from the c pr wl th said that after investignt on it was satisfied there was nothing n the charge al these side suls were brought in to lake the io pie b mind off tho big isbues 1 d a government mjat stooped to s ch things was in bad way r crerar referred aaip to the success of tbe cream separator and binder twine industries wh ch are not protected he arg led that as agrioolture was tbe great est canadian- indus tr it shoul 1 be eooouraged and that when t becomes prosperous success nuht follow to business and otl or in dustries in canada discussing m conic umcu mr crerar said u ret ij to rl arges the farmers did not pay their income tax k that c tl er they had not tl 1 00 t or u e department of llu 1 h u n its duties mr crerar stated tl at body should pn 1 h t in the protectee tir ff 1 i discussing tbat isxtie the tl ns used most commonly tier lie most highly taxed thus adding to the burdens of tbe peoi 1c and curbing production from tl e nat ural resources premier drury declared that the progressive policy of today was not as radical as the liberal policy of 1896 thcy didn t car ry out that platform but the pro will it is not a pint form to get in on with an but a platform to put into effect ml en do get there mr drury also indulged in a little political pro phesy he dido t think that any group woald bo big enough to gov era itself the progressnc party would be united but tbe liberal party would be split un with tl o high protection element headed at montreal joining up vilh the con servatives and the lower tariff liberals spmc of v lorn would come from quebec would join the progress vce mr drury s forces t that after the elections there will be no l b era party left in the ho ise is greatly resented by halton ltbor a a who make another forecast that the progressive rand d ite will buffer for it at tl e polls champion milton a great quantity of material has been dehveied on the site of the skating and hockey arena and workmen are bus t d hume got down town on tuesday for the first time s nee be whs aid up by tllneah nbo i n month ao h s son rex r get ting better bit s went and in able to walk at p rnent mr and mrs john s willn ott after spending a week with rela tives here left last saturday for york whence they will sail for itud to- upend the winter in southern kurope mr willmoh retired lately after being manage of tbe bank of hamilton at brandon man for a number of years oh am ptoo erin mr p matthews of toronto spent tbe week end w ci mr nd mrs h matthews mr jas small of oak llo a visiting at his borne he c on m n day mr j w burt wah wl th an attack of append t i n derwent an operat 01 on m nl at last report he ih lu nt as w as can be expected mr and mrs e j pencork and two children of grand alley were sunday visitors with mrs b 1 1 ib 7tb line mrs jas mccaig an 1 ron j 1 n of scotsguard sask are l ng with friends in town a t cu r miss maggtemrm man of tl bay la vis t mt 4 tl i r 1 nl or mrs j mcm llan a i o j a tract ctrrit townih f of eaaocmn clerit 3rd division court the lead ttf fire and lilr insur ant fra mew orluu 1 is t t i 11 nn i c a 7 ix f i o v v1 o i e tni 1 the conf v f 1 dents anfi lea n u p la returned 1 1 it the reiorl bn 1 1 able tr i ai d ll t 1 1 f was a w rj nenw r n not- respect man f vriwl n of the o a c itl ir ni inp a slofi u dat i i 111 on lie ws im t t many person- ll nl must be all ngl t i h dogs like h m tl something in it a j fellows probabl all tfu children and dogs

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