Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 23, 1921, p. 2

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i i f ir in tbi ouioitowk jjmuunovkubhl ltd lht mr fishers meeting itake them a their word hood attendance nt i tlu iu itl i3 mooting in the ink rents or mi w i tihlitr hip i hoi il j inmlilutr- for halton in hit town tlm hull horo inst lvbuingf 1 till iuum dull ot ill lid ul liur lull ui i iflr i ft v nlti i iltury re coi marks in which ho spokivm hi vv it nit tt mis of the candidate iih nti un huu i iblo ginllc nun worthy of hu tl r sipgoit of tho i ketone in hi uj troduoid the spe 1 trd of ih mi iglu n and iiih frilinln n h tin iff 4m tho only itmii in in turn that in not lruo i w tin ooviiutiniidit not afford to ik judgid bj rd i tlu iu of th cm i that there ih lid that th i national evidn died r iksu i ih elk lirr lie r 1 is lq v nov pi tkcll he sou ymr ballon nominations nomination mtdling at milton johtonlivj wan largely -attondr- i when the following three oandi dates win nominated j eolith by the pople p61iticat party qb anubbhon by the liberal and conservative party w p w fl8hgr by tho liber nl party all three candidates a poke on their own behalf afl well as mr raney who spoke on behalf of mi ford i now they arc all off to a jood btart can you pick the winner stagnation instability un tiiploy peu ck m tho llratint and lack of conlldanco and lie proved lit rs fail i 1 rat reminds un of the 1 iomy pomnt of woman riglitn conditions prevailing in 1b0u nf in tin ik lit tl field six tut ltr ih jours of oonstrvativo ad ed the union government the iiiinstruiiun then came tho 15 motghcn and crerar platforms and liberal jttirn of progress and proa ei lamed to tho ladies the reasons polity we givo conservative wbj id hor oimon the liberal j tchtimonj as to that retold the enndjdate should receive their liberal government was defeated support in seitomber 1911 the borden norval messrs frank hustler roland laird doug fcndley and w t thompson of norval who havn been away on a three weeks hunt ing trip to dean lake and smok river have returned each brinf ing home n que mooae mrs w j campbell visite i friends in bronte last week mr recbell oroeuswoici of co 1 1 n wood has been visiting witi his son mr l f greeosword mrs joseph cave aged 3g years died at norval on monday 14tl after an illness of less than u month mrs cavo was horn ti yorkshire england coming to this country six years ago and settling at norval her husband and a family of four small child ren survive also her father two sisters and three brothers livmj in england a quiet wedding took place in norval on wednesday when lil ban josephine stubbs daughtet of the late william stubbs and mrs stubbs norval became the bride or george thomas cutting of aurora the ceremony took place at norval and rev walter patterson officiated mr and mrs cutting will reside at aurora on tuesday evening mrs cutting was tendered a miscellaneous shower by members of tbe sunday school and a presentation of a china cabinet and cut glass water sej by tbe members of the cod g rogation of union church of whioh she was organist her follbnct ho red to the three partus in the held a the uj o tho lob and llbeials ho criticised the government for acueptiog no tea hgni the riordon corporation up lieu of cash for taxes while the smaller concerns and individuals were compelled to pay in bard ash the government had not kept faith with tho people and fol filled their promises there were no three parties when the liberals were in power because they repro sooted toe common peoplo as well as other classes tbe extras a gancq of the government was a more serious question than the lai iff ho hod only consented to be a candidate on the understand mg that ho would not bo bound to any leader or any policy but would suiport ioy jneasi thought in the best interests of acton hon david henderson has been rather poorly the past week or so mr and mrs john r kennedy cole bra ted the eighteenth anniver sary of their marriage last tburs and were therooipieuts or numer ous congratulations from their friends a fine an tiered stag arrived from the north on tuesday which had been shot by w j patterson several of the members of tbe ladies loyal true blue lodge which was recently organ tsed here wore at georgetown on thursday evening to assist in fir ganibing n lodge there about thirty georgetown indies joined a fire at tho tanneries here last week caused considerable damage before it was gotten under control tbe ntry ho v i favor of church news st gtohop b the rector will preach a course of advent sermons on the foul last kings beginning on sunday morning next and continued on tbe three following sunday even ngs baptiht thursday h pm prajor and bible btmh the trinitv suncht 11 am our helper 11 o0am the church at sunday school 046 pm soph service 7 00pm out of bon dage mondaj 8 pro b7p0 thursdav december bind s s entertainment and supper all seats frop u r welcome mfthbdibt rev n p smith ba wil preach at tho morning service don t fail to bear one of our finest young missionaries the vo people are especially urged to be present be one of the increasing number attending the evening aer vice enjoy the singing and il jou ran remain for the prayer service nearly sixty attended tins service of devotion sundaj evpning last a tariff for revenue and one that wotijd also give sufficient protec tion to all legitimate industries of the country there were com pan les that had exploited their posi tion to the full extent and had taken tbe money from tho people to amass millions of dollars which it would have been impossible to have done honestly the tariff should be revised to make it easier for the little fellow and cause tbe big fellows to carry moro load the liberals are elected to power mr fielding will again fix the tar iff almost every employer of labor in milton was in favor of tb liberal policy he was a farmer nnd bad always been one the conservatives had closed the united states markets to tho farmer the government had not used tbe returned soldiers right n their clothing allowance and had turned them down when they ask ed for more at tbe same time they increased the pay of the members and fave a bonus to civil service employees the soldiets should have bod first consideration and should at least have received the difference in the par value of their pay oid what they received in france some one must have got a rake off or else tbe government have the money yet together with the canteen fund some bait maj yet be bold out to tbe soldiers be fore election as was the so in 1917 to the dependents of soldiers and their widows if elected be won id represent the peoplo of hal ton to the best of iiib abilitv and appealed to farmers townsti business men and women for their support on dec 6th capt mulloway at toronto spoke in the interests of returned soldiers and urged them tp sup port mr fisher and the liberal government able addrobtteb were also given by mr p l robertson of milton and col thompson of ottawa predicted a win of 118 seats for tbo liberals on dec 6 th ine meeting cl sed at 1180 wth singing the national anthemj and three clilers for mr fisher card of thanks i hrrcby convey nv in ere hanks lo i rndi and e fhbors for ihur mnny kind t d sympathy extended to oie on le occas on of my sad bereavement hinted bj the death of my beloved hu- a waj for ho ittlon i ont i n didtriatn not i t i opci utd t ip and or irado with uthe r market ban we now enj qui iiiortfiuied bark conservative government tbeo into power and in november of tbo same yftar prepared the speech from the throne which contained these words it affords me great ploasuro to congratulate jou upon tbe continuedand increasing proa ptrity of the noqntry our trade both with british and for eign countries is rapidly extend ing and there istverj pro a pert that its volume the present year will be largely in extess of that attained at any timi in the past mr now sir thomas white be iamo minister of finance he oo was impressed bv the abound ng prosperity existing at the ilose of the fifteen years of liber al administration nnd he frankly testified to it at that limt in these remarkable words t it will as i have said before be giatifjing to all that the ma terial prosperity with which we have been so highly favored still continues to be onr portion desp to tho serious vicissitudes through which tbe western wheat crop has passed and the unusual heat experienced in tbe province of ontario during the past summer the field orops of canada show a bountiful yield and with the high prices pre vailing for practically all its products the great basic indus try of agriculturecontinues id a nourishing condition almost ever j department of trade and commerce shows expansion our mines are wonderfully pro dot ttve our coast flsheiiea notably the atlantic have en joyed n gopd catch and high prices our manufacturers thriving and new industries are springing up throughout the whole dominion railway cop struct on especially in the west proceeds apace preparing di pom t pi clearings and oiroula tion the amount of public and pi iv ate building- evidenced in mould pal and bitumens struc tuiih exuimi iih to tho country nil utl ht that tho gi neral pros peritv of canada at tho prcsont mint ih very grent this wis th imiidsotm usti itiony given in vll by a ctmaerv ativo minister of finamt an acknowledged master of iiih jd to the pr decessors and esicciall of mr fielding one of the lending men of the liberal party to day whose experience and knowledge wilt un duuhtedly be used in the fninmig of the now tariff mr white- went on to say that canada continued to be the laud uf prumisc tor the horneseeker im migrants ooming in at the rafe of thousands aday and labor condi tions good thefutile of canada he said looked bright indeed now after another period of conservative rule the conserv atwe literature comes out with a doleful vail about stagnation in stability unemplovment and lack of confidence and the toronto telegram mourns over the exodus of over boo 000 canadians to tbe united states in 10 years can adians are apparently rushing to take trains out of canada to es cape the consequences of conserv alive rule it may be that our conservative friends are taking ton gloom j a view doomed themselves to defeat thoyimagine that the whole country is heading for disaster if tbey are tellipg the liuth or anything near the truth it is surely time ehnnge vote for fisher nnd a tariff far prosperity from the oakville news advt jacksons tl i omimt a big money saving in all lines of footwear having to vacate part of the premises we now occupy leaves i ua hort ol room wc have lo re arrange our departments this means the sacrifice of large stocks of dependable mer chandise for a q sale to mak jrpojn iot amval of new goods we offer you big redactions on all footwear r a big saving on rabbet- men a 1 60 for womens i jo for boj s 1 10 for misses 90c for youth s 9r for chi ids uo for women s boots 4 00 misses boots 8 50 gbilds boots call and see tbe farmers friend for- hatters tie ropes whips brush es carry combs and will qnote yon prices for blankets robes single and doable harness etc and save jou money i also havs the age nay tor the good old liable frot wire fence and gates steel posts will also erect same agent for massey harris imple ments gold sbapley muir gas engines and saws grinders wind mi 11b etc beatty bros barn equipments and electric washenf 1 s b groat office phone 222w residence 232j georgetown i jo- card of thanks it john sln mm rird and f u th lo ih nk all fniyidn for lindt cms of sympathy ihe r rcipnl be if you wish to secure some fine cut glass or beautiful china don t fail to visit jackson b crock ery ale fvprything at a bargain price a pair of nice cony slippers might help to keep him home even ings try a pair this xraas ii j fox georgetown get your fish at thg right plnce at the right price fish to suit every taste halibut salmon white ftnb flounders ciscoes finnqn h addle fillets shrimps and oj stem halibut all this week reg 80c a lb for 26c a lb only the best fish bold george toranlsh and chip cafe nepdn5et rddfs iwonstxparoid roonns loot fa- the roll with the paroidl tectbur harvest so much of yonr property harvested crops stock d machinery can be destroyed by the weather or fire you really must have the protection provided by the famous paroid roofing a tough felt thoroughly saturated with genuine asphalt it is made with grey surface also with red or green crushed slate perma nent colors neponset roofs save t you money paroid j595sl imp waso uu h gtfrf i i md lmmam d if nepottmt twta smogus for all rpmcom bod son head office huttbta 0 1 wasxhodsbs montreal toronto winnipeg calgary edmonton john th largest man of roofing wall board and roofing felts in canada men s2buckle4nd laoelnm tocttnan 8 so for mens knee rubber bouts 6 00 for buys boots 4 00 youth u boots 8 00 8 60 we show woiqn fi oxford spec s 00 mis which we consulcrxceptional 2 ih good value at 5 00 our sale price ss yon get a substantial reduction on every pair ol footwear in stock n our astoria shoes for mi children yon find everything that a ehoe should be styl quality service notte mora serviceable at any price buy christmas stippe classic sboei i bow for women and comfort new fall goods the mens store our range of fall igniting is arriving daily alri uiv tho ohoictst lines are al band tin j i omprinc the vtrj 1 u st in english and si otoh twemln s r h and wort ted nn i tho pat terns are d ukdlv mnarl 3rl 1 1 ilonnrrau nil the new brown and blue in i lain ind ri li toots met tn j with popular favor it is none too early to order your fall suit do not watt until the rush order early and get tho best service an 1 the best selection samples aru now ready for out of town cub totners and will bo sent on request xnrnishing department the new fall shirts collars nud ntckwinr have arrived never before have wt- had suoh a beautiful range in all the latest stjlea at popular prices mew autumn hats all the newest styl and best makesare to bo fodnd in our new arrivals thorn are m stylish features in bats this season and it wih he a pleasure to show them to you when you call ready -to- wear clothing now falf suits latest styles and well tailored at city prices we are making a special effort this season to have the very best in men s wear equal to any city furnishing extabhshment at imality before price it is a good time now to select your new fall outfit stock is all complete and selection better than later in the season weinv te yojmtironage w th auuraiue lhat we ckii k ve you sat afaillon mixlar co flna hlstbcbma tailoring ssd man fximlabln avanta for uhadaronat co toronto orolnv dry omsiiixic phone 1z qeorcetown is a bo called cheap shoe cheap a shoe of low grade leather poorly made and sold at a low price is not a cheap shoe the life is short the repair bill heavy poor satisfaction we are going to give ysu astoria and classic shoes at the price of much poorer grades then why not have tbe best men s astoria shoes that sold a vear ago for thcbame grade up to 14 our sale price stoo woman and children s classic at a big reduction let us show you these lines of footwear it places you under no obligation jacksons georgetown 4atttttaasa mccallums direct supply stpres the blarketriistseta tlieac brampton ont will be in georgetown at tbe cooperative store on saturday 26tb with a full line of choice fresh and cured meats following are a few of the exceptionally low prices pot boasts per lb thick rib roast per lb sbonlder roast cut roll per lb prime ribs cut short per lb brisket per lb rib boil per lb wing roast per lb porterhouse roast per lb sirloin roast per lb romp roast square or round en round steak roast per lb porterhouse steak per lb sirloin steak per lb round steak per lb to 10c ho 8 lo 9c 20c back bacon per lb breakfast bacon per lb sliced breakfast bacon per lb per side choice hams 8 to 10 lbs per lb 40c 80c 27c 26c imrd special we are not cutting prirea but sell the waj v re buy 20 lb pails 6 lb pails 8 lb pails 8 10 76c s0t specials in fresh pork legs whole or half per lb 20c middle cute per lb 26c xjoiu roasts per lb 28c bamsmce mccallum n all pork sausage farmer s sausage 2 lbs for butt roasts per lb shoulder roasts per lb 26c pure ho sausage per lb oe made 8 lbs for x r h thompson co georgetown ontario mccallums direct supply stores ltd the stores that set tbo pace brampton georgetown alton orangeville miltoi western canada not weekly specials but daily specials j at i druks j call in and see our line of strictly fresh choco t- lates made by such reliable and well known firms t as neil son s willard s cowans and ijowney s we are giving tbe best value for money paid out t for chocolates m georgetown y our ice cream i only everyone c the very best we use neilson s n say that neilson s is the best now about tobaccos did jou ever know that we have the most varied and largest stock of cigarettes cigars pipes and tobaccos in the come and see am be oonvinoed that guarantee tbnt you will not a false advertisement we keep all krads of fruit canned goods and fancy biscuits i hope that you will give me your patronage yonrs for service h main street druks georgetown n wn i saturday treat we bave bad 8 big saturdays in november and now for tbe fourth and last judging from list of specials we will have the record one n special no 1 vv 160 lbs of our home made butterscotch toffee made from frebh butter cane sugar and corn syrup reg 80 saturday treat price jyg special no 2 m 100 lbs of our week end chocolate creamy and caramel centres i covered with delicious chocolate worth 8 ih weekend special 82o per lb special no 3 1000 unwrapped solid sweet chocolate bars vanilla flavor hfrtb 6c each saturday special 8 for 25c special no 4 if you bave not tried one of our saturday sunday boxes we would like you to do so this saturday for tbey are wonderful value worth 76 o each saturday 49o av box t h moorehead brampton georgetown milton acton week end opeka tea in 12 lb pkg reg soc per pkg friday and saturday 27c opeka coffee friday and saturday 39c lb leather purses rdg soc for 38c odor kist soap reg 60c cake 31c assorted candies ribbons and satin mints reg soc lb 49c superior bay rum reg soc for boc a the lxibjul stare hourigans

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