Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 23, 1921, p. 6

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thx qbohoktown hbbaux novkuber aarfj lofil childrens aid society ths e uhth yoar of tho ch idren a d socfty ofhaltan succni v vic i r- l s u burt hoco iv 1 r b 1 i muyor la beortl iry mm t j uruw treasurer t ii fat urt li culli t mn lilt nttmlumi uorhnm h k a oertki gaiulurann mel hull kumul w 1 eucu k ai tl ihiyes iiihh h ouwm h in t camp bell metnr1tule mouoiftuuu w h ctcmentm milxtcd i raren miche r mookrldgo mnrvhnll ijr uowlana dj 1 ijr ai uernu heprohodujuvia from eacl t actun mm g orkr huv 1 corgetuw dr 1 it wutaon lurllngto mi 1 ope oukvllle mm w inkoliart tho reports of the treasurer u d t e inspector me uh follow summary of f nancia statement fi year and ng october 31 1921 ileceli ts npv 1 1920 balai co o 1 and 1343 1 membership itees 1 donations i w0 z6 interest gnuiu irom county lou ul 300 00 jj s24 of exprndituke transferred to gordon hume aocount 2 washing muchlna ilv 00 furniture je 00 christmas gifts 13 hospital a d othur expo blb an mlsa hollo way 78 0q sundry 36 76 balance on hund 1 b6 inspectors report another years work with all its successes and failures in tl a care of i atclected and dependent children has been added to the past i a work a comprehensive a d varltd u worlrre quiring such sound udn on i sym 1 athy und wisdom there will surely time for a change vote for fisher and good government a grand qld sea empress how k yo i i i i h i i di i jo pn i u f 1 hi m pt e 1 m r hj tl it nl tii int li ud uiul moiraled police expenses 19101911 c fll j77h2j200 1921 1922conl t r i 7000 lui r iao iv t out f i nl ii into 107 i w c nu do you wifek to continue under conservative govrnment sir wilfi id lmmor h cabinet of lfucn ummboi 8 coat 142 b00 find mder tho new me i d cabinet of twei t one imp latere cost 209 000 the man who has been satisfying his clients who have been buying houses and farms is e a benhamj 1 have sold a large number of houses and farms and have vet on my list a number for you to choose from forvarticulars apply to labenham real estate agent georgetown ont box 185 phone 164 bo ami f llui s nettle i nil us of the ci lid i rt m bouuty at u e oulu t wo desl x to oftcr o nil ere thu kw to our lleav ly 1uu or ills tfuidu iu n l i oil under j tlixumauincta a u for tho future 1 splnd wltl mthougl the grunt war cuuied tl rue yours ago und although tl u general ubi of intox eating ii luors has greatly dlmintsl ed yet there acorns tu be no cessation of poverty und neglect 1 fact the increase in domestic unhai pi neas due to estrangements oftan tho result of the immorality of parents is deplorable h is u splendid stgi of the times ll at thun are no bo ma y orguniui tions doing social welfare work all of which eem to be working so har inonloualy togethar the act recently passed by which mothers urb paid by tl e goyemment to care for their children when tht father lh either deceased or perman ently disabled 1b having a very bene flclal effect- for this wo are largely indebted to mr j j kouo a vocntetl such an act for yosra s of failure on the i art re properly for their been sufficient to brl guboul a mant of co dltlons both in addresses and 1 private conversation effort have been mode to stem hi current of cigarette lug among young people a noted judge from his exi erlence soya the clgaretta habit is the most potent factor for tho development of crime in the boy as durl g the i rovlous year so dur lng thui religious literature hos been dlamlhuted especially to p luces where children haven the o port unity legular attendance at ci urch and at eubbath school during tho year we have been sue ctuuful in scour ng aome very exoelle t homea for these unfortunate children thus making these cl lldren very far tunate but wo feel that there are many good homes who are in the position of doing such goutl mltalonary ai trlotlc work aid of br ghtenlng their i iimn but wti tl failing to grasi the opportunity in my visits i find that nearly all the foster parents arc quite auscep tlble to advice regarding the training of those under their care this he i pi to make the work more pleasant and satisfactory too mucl stress la oftan placodupon heredity it is the concensus of oplnli among psyct ologista that in oie dove opment of character environment n uch more powerful than heredity very seldom are tl e chlldrenof well to do parents in court charged with delinquency also charges thert are almost always agalnat town boys the reasons seem obvious the town boy usually has lesb man labor than the boy on the farm sees frequ ntly more articles that wishes to possess during the year the society i with a serious loss in the deatl or its very efficient matron the late miss hollo way many were the expressions of regret uirtnigrioi are pleased however that we are still able to retain the valuable services or iter mother mra butterway in closing i wish to thank crown attorney mr w 1 dick for cheertu and gratutloua legal advice mr t a hutchinson barrister for his helpful l els doctors gowland and king who have so kindly and attentively ghen medical treatment to the chll dren of the gordon home and all or gantsatlona and indlvmoale who have helped in any way to improve the social conditions of our people applications for eh 11 dren jl chll dren brought to the shelter not wards 9 children returned ut par en in not wards 7 children involved during theawar 20 ch idren made wurds of the children s aid society t children bent to the industrial school 1 complaints rtoelved 4 investlga tlons made ts mall matter received g1s mall matter sent out r40 meet ings addressed it mileage approxl mately ho telephone interv ews s office interviews uk court at placed end re gall stones tfarlatts specific a new faflint remedy for appendicitis indigestion stomach disorders appendicitis and kidney stones re often caused by gh stones and m ulead people tmteh those bad attacks of gall stone calk appear not oa fasten gall stone sufferer knows what la the trouble mariatfs specific will relieve without pain or operation for sale at all drug stores or jt jjfatthew druggist 6c stationer georgetown ontario j w hapilatt co c1 1 oanard st t oat georgetown jlour feed mills we carry a full line of feed bran shorts scratch feed for libdb blatcbforda egg mash it makes hone lay chops rolled oats pastry and bread flour porridge oats and oral m flour bailed huy and struw b latch ford h calf meal stock foods etc highefct prices paid for oats chopping and rolling done loweit prioes phone 195 w c bessey georgetown big reductions on ladies coats and dresses for this weekend a hirschorn brook block creorgetov when the empress of japan sailed from vancouver for tokehama kob naraamkl shanghai and banc koac a abort time aeo he atartw en har an hundred and fifty fifth voyac a voyage in steamship parlance is a round trip or in other words until the ship returns to her home port agmin the distance from vanoobvcr to honr kong s 7291 bflles t total of u5b2 m les to b wvered on each voyafte when the graareea of japan arrived at the port of vancouver she established a record for trans pacific voyages with the completion of her one hun 4red and fifty fourth voyage rh empress of japan had covered 2 boo 000 miles in the canadian pacific berviee r equal to nearly one hun dred times around the globe the emtjrea of japar was btplt at the yards of the naval construc tion and armaments company at banewon fumes and arrived at vaneoaver in 1891 she is a steel twinscrew tlteamship jhree masts two funnels of 6 000 tons la 4g6 m ft in length 61z ft in breadth and 1 ft in depth 100 a 1 aoconunc to lleyda bigister and is noted ior her trim yacht like appearance has enjoyed greater papularhty if bar entire career than almost of the smaller class of steam ships on either the atlantic or pacific ror thirty years the empress of japan has been m considered the finest of her lype afloat and for two decades was queen of the pacific she ra- mmiiahed that hanotonly ben tho spaasba jasd nuajee empress of boaaie and empress of asia wer dded t the geamhan pacific fleet vancouver and the orient it is a tribute to the builders of still in her hull and doing rood fter- vke in fact the empress of japan still maintains a speed of 16 a knots an boor and on ovober if she made 1 387 naoea in the twenty four hoar enesl the empress of japan cemphsbed the last trip from okehaaaa to vancouver in a little leas than is days allowing for the meridian day some 6f the crars american liners which have recently entered the pacific service are n sidered to have excelled themsel oa ben they cover the distance ta aalibu days children enjoy eating our bread because it is bo good it tastes almost hke enke and it lu wholsome food tor the b row ing child we bake ever thirjft from the bread to the line at of line cakes cleanh ncbr reirna supreme bore mckinley bros glenwulrama ont norval meat market best home soiled pork lerfl per lb loins per lb bote per lb shoulder per lb beef porter house roast per sirloin roast per lb round steak per lb ribs per lb lb 20o 220 18o 16418c lsc 3 t visited 144 warnings given i deaths 1 released from super vision x number of wards in thi shelter it dumber of boordi shelter t number of boys i vtiapeclfully aubmltted w h stewai the what oould you buy wore osefol tor tbe children than a pair of hnrlbot cushion sole boots comfort etyledd wear combined h j pox georgetown round steak 18c per pound j3acon m whole or half per lb v 20e r smoked rolled shoulder per 5 lb p lb 20c lb iiail breakfast bacon per lb- toc 20 lb pail tari kcttlo henderedj terms cash t w smith new barber shop exchange hotel dee 2nd spcciil aucntion pn locli idic t roberts john ballantine peoprietofl coal wood on hand all tbe tiroo best 8cranton coax the billwilt not let tn canadian tcieat but wiu sum to tfe american farmer tlie right lorn j bushel of wheat tnatlad of tra jjijf rr g tl at right to canada afr ford y tn introducing the fordnay emergency tariff bill which hat thut miuuma of dollars worth of canadian foodahifft out of the utaud stats sk c agne ill n to build up a aetfnutainbiff here at home the farmer rotectcd from unfair oom- ytifi from those cohntrtes where agriculture ts sttll being exploited president uarthng the very spot oaosesu- to deliver thu speech afinmsota shows that harding had tho canadian nortk- wett m mind while ties of friendship unite canada and the united states the attitude of undo saas is that of business first and canada cannot and should not hope for any considera tion from the united state where the interests of the farmers and business ample of that country are involved uncle sam has built the fordney tsriff directly against c agriculture and aew additional tariff proposals are now under eonstderation to shut out from the united states canadian goods of every kind these measures are due to the insistence of the american farmer that the united states saar ket shall be retained exclusively for him and that the influx of canadian farm products into that country must cease they are also due to a like insistence or united states auunfactn- rera and workers who have seen their country develop trem and grow rich ander a protective tariff and who believe that a still further increase in tariff la the aoly means of aasurinjr continued prosperity contrast the attitude of the united states leaders with that ofcanapas woubdbe leaders crerar and king ktns proposes that the present reasonable tariff on the products of the american factory andf m shall hegrestiy reduced and that tbe home market oftee canadian farmer and manufacturer alike shall b thrown open ta our southern neighbour in the face of the united states emergency tariff which practically shuts out canadian farm products from these markets and also tn the face of the permanent tariff now- under consideration at washington which gives every promise of being even more drastic than the emergency tariff so far as oar products are concerned in view or the attitude of the united states waatjr ouj it is fot- crerjat and king to rjropose throwing open he canadian market to a flood friendship with the united or both agricultural and s duet of the united suea when then is not the slightest possibility of any compeasautw advantage to canada does any sane canadian betters that crerar or king hat in hand could persuade tho united ststes government to completely reverse its tariff paudca and agree to reci procal trade in face of anmrieanmnlie de mand for s high protective tariff the people of the united states conduct their affairs and protect themselves by the prin ciple that businebb is baaimamm why shonai canada do otherwise t unlike crerar or king heighen stands firm for a reasonable tsriff to protect all sear industries those of the farsa the sea tho mine the forest the factory and for tho building up of a bigger and better canada through the full development of the noma but- states yes by all means i let ns defend our home market our industries our farms our work men our homes by the same methods aa are used so effectively against us let ns work out our own destiny thst of s strong self contained empire group of nations courageous masterful self reliant katioa withlfe the british canada tkttu iiql the national liberal and conservative party puhsetty committee r j tblynls insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 203georgetown forget when yon have a suit or overcoat that yoa would like an extra rood job made of that the best place to take it is blackburn a just once will convince you that we have no superi orb also for the man that needs work shirts trousers over alls and gloves our morrthandfse will gjvg him tbe very best that money can bay all good full eizes well made and all tbe earmarks of no 1 goods headlight overalls a j blackburn phone 154 the house of quality big reductions in all deering farm machinery intematioxtsa traetfts gaaoline engine empire mi btaoliiiieb nfslott ortsn separator wigtai onttms ajad bwgxlaa i cars ol w rc fence jusl arrived wh ch e are oftvnng at a spec al price phone 101 r 88 ttaos l hewson norvnl ont do you want insurance if you do 1 am prepared to give you insurance in any of the following firstclass companies viz british american british crown em ployers liability london mutual eco nomical mutual waterloo guardian caledonian hartford western conti nental dominion hanc in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance interior decorating decorate your homes for the winter months for tbe remainder of tbe season i can give big reductions on all wall papers i handle a full line and can show jou tuunples estimates given if required painting pa per in p g mm ing etbludd box 109 glen williams bell telephone 0 nog o w w roe phone 65 georgetown property wanted and for sale wanted for client good bouse modern conveniences together with half acre or ncrc of land 76 acre farm tor sale very reasonable gool soil brick cottage bank barn with slahlmg y if 10 tbe market for a bouse at other property he it a farm 01 only a few acres lull us w t evans georgetown 0ntabio meats at erwibagoldhams meat market r main street georgetov phone no 1 jmbuck butcher alwajs its ape m okolo stook of tats bjat prooaraua ia fraah ass salt mmto udk h miu at tka lowest possible prices canada pood board l cense no 9a8 get the best hot chocolate coffee bovnl coeoa tea tomato soup served at madges candy shop ma1nstreet phone 214 why suffer pain yoll can i do justice to yourself la business social or hon e life if you suffer from headache backache neura gfa tno til tains or any of i e the sa d and o o palm with which all of ua are affl cted at one tl n e or another these pa ns indicate a very real phvsloal danger but there are tery few pains of any nature that are sot promptly rel oved by 6r miles antl psfu plus get them in handy boxes at bgx lainanranoo ache cr sickness qoralgia and pain of almost li pain pills jiladtcllls and huem7jc jja re no disagreeable afur effaots dr miles antl stop the pain gestton drowsiness trussing in tha habit tuarantsea plf ud cwrl bw its 0rt- fcy i v sotjriqaji

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