Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 30, 1921, p. 1

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fflbtypilrth year off publication qeorgetown wednesday evening norember 8 pth 1021 160 par annum in advance 200 toub ffii the georgetown flerald every wednesday ev herald pow6rprttii0fic-4- gaorgatown ont contract advertising rates ife pnamti watof hw qthttaatal oltto babi 7 i rsuuenger v hil msa passenger mail passenger v- passenger sunday going w1j8t passenger j mail- passenger passenger mail mailr passeogersandav oorao north mail mail h i 782 am ttstkm 11016 ajn ll40snu mkpoj 680 pm 9i0pm 7n pm 767 an- i016 am s01 rpm 160 pra 603 pm 709 pm 880 pm 1018 scnr 800 am 610 pjn 1188 am 800 pm daily tlmb- table ajn pjn jun going bast 910 ima0 going wast 866 810 789 8dndat timexaia going bart am pjn pjn pm pm 10jm 1 846 640 917 aun jtun pm going weat 6 986 palm garden tunch rooms meah served at all if mf j loeoi confectionery 4 full line ot tobaccos cigars and cigarettes a1j phorio orders- delivered jl vviieaucy phone 188 mill st special sale op summer on dor wear childrens wash dresses boys snits infants and childrens mercris- ed 801 striped and plain aprons of good strong print made in the institute for the blind wealso have a fall line of new pali gloves at low prices oeu ud inpnt on staok mtt jlwtiiifelwirfem okoboetovh taawaiaakam mateemto u aoted thry canada for higti- gfiotilbuamiss education gtadoale nadir oh towotbasitt write kr liabdweilmkstlarant tfajev coal best d l c w sctanton xooj in all sizes also smithing and steam coal jbslj walkins norral station pbone6bra dont put orfijuyingapairofrubbem until you get your feewet and pexbaps a cold the price of rub- irstnaircompied-ifthdortorvbills- theyalso protectand save jour shoes weell and recommend if rubbers nxade by jhe dominion rubber system i u ii 1- ji b 1 m a an are- seel our jgrinpows cimglsli httc buu guaranteed to give 8atiaf action our lprgestdck is nqw cbtnrm gome in today and be- fitted properly as rubbers 74 j not fitcoirect will not give satisfaction a bundle or letters just a bundle of let torn h dozen or m no price on the market theyd bring j- yet id pass all the trpasurei knowledge to poro over one for they came from n qaeen not a queen on a throne midst the rmhifius or 6 lilts adorned with a rich diadem bat a- plain tender woman un known to tbe great loaf one of the mothers of men just one of the mothers of men didj s ust one yet at par- with the -beat- she was ioueep- ofahoibe that is lonely today f a little grayhomain the west neath the whispering pines on a foothill 8 slope gentry kissed by the wih1a and caressed in a oh amber of peace in gods acre of bone we have laid our queen mother to rest and this handle of letters so rich in the store of love and wisdom they bring well id pass all the treasures of keowledge to pore over owe for tbey came from a wonnvfino robbers to fit any shape heel or toe auisw s vhens fine robbers all shapes and sizes 1 rnhhra first rade sizes- 6 to 11 boys 6 boy s 1 to 18 girls babbers wffle or narrow toes 11 to s obildrens bnbbsrs sises 4 to 10 is 1 00 1 6il 1 i 00 00 90 jbrown rubbers for mjan fe women r rubber boots or tbe whole fasoily- qmihhtyrlmisfe for men and boys is now complete and we invite comparison as to quality andprice prop in and see them buy useful gimstmas gifts for xmas- lte xmas slippers popalar tlb3e for mo u 3d ffbotm wwortment in wonwn in j town or uen women vol and broftdoloth and children they make a tteefol gift visit ovir bargain tables for real z i tshee values- yie caniaxe ywi money t wepo shoe repairing seoboetotnr rorchiiaren sbuer bboea for men itm sss ssssss j norval flour mills ask yoar 3rooer for oar brands of floor kings choice for bread national for pastry alnji s kutt bllal- oata buttsa wtut ommaiij bna skarte olattta r44 ihlcak onuakat cten ivlwle ttsd chm tawa at an tf cmm w jcampbell limited norvtd ontario war bond gpupons cashed free ihe merchants bant witttiah all war loan cooptmii lnteretit cbsqnes wbehdaev on piesentation without making any charge whatever for the service if yon have noft a savings account why hot use your interest u money to open one with this bank cktmasxcrmimamm hkxuaaumi arcwlwlmcr the man who has been satisfying his clienfs who have been bqying houses and farms is e a benham dr andersons meeting a 8ebioo8 pbobucm confronts canadian readers ot this genera tion shall we en poor t oar own canadian publications or shall we continue to send over ot lion eight hundred thousand dol lars annually to the omted states sod- tbas from lack of support foroe oor own purely canadian publications oat of existence woald it not be wise and patriotic to rally around oar own canadian publishers and encourage them buceuelpn because our instruction in com mercial law will save von many ajawyers fee because oar training in wifchjr bosinese letters will enable you to write letters that get results beeaabbr oar bookkeeping irain- ing will enable you to know your boaiuesa so that waste is eliminate and profit results because our stenographers course prepare yon to occupy positions of responsibility and trust which pay enviable salaries dont be a mighthavebeen start on monday omodate harness shop stop before buying your new harness babes blankets etc oorus injmd see- an uytodatotook i make attmy ovrbf team harness i use only the bast of material a nice trunk suit case or club bag make a nice xmas gift let me pat one sway for yoa iqublaf rrtamujr utatuh w a bailed j optodatb harness shop lllauslrftl semsnown i have sold a large number of hooeet and farma and have vet on my list a number for you to chooaa from for particulara apply to j real emate asent georsetovvn ont box 188 phone 164 stenographers wanted stenographers who can write iso words a roinnte in short hand and 60 words a minute iff touch typewriting are in constant demand we train you at brampton bu8i nb8b institute to reaob these speeds and when yon have attained awn we guar antiee a position mahrtwmbirudistitlfte to make the great vodareiftudff r to do and to dare more than they have done in the past to compete with our allpowerful neighbors across the border is it nothing to loyal canadians that foarteen canadian publications have been forced 4o the wall inside of three years largely from lack of snnportr just at this season a sabscrip tion to one of oar canadiaiymaga sines would perhaps make a very acceptable xmas gift and many of our friends in remote districts wbereth privileges of a- pobric library are not available the world hasbeen aflin as stokas ap9p bat its gonna git better then folkll cheer up f so meanwhile doggone it lets pull a fool triok by oheenn up now while th world jb still sick i as long as th glooms are barred oat yon kin tell th old world aint failin if agoln t git weidx the children at stewart town are practising for their concert to be held 00 deo ssnd on dec 14th a school enter tainment will be held in ashgrore pnblio school st directory stttkorqes ohtfrch holy communion lit and 3rd sunday it n- m 2nd 4u sad 5ui sunday 8 a m matina 11 a dv sunday scboot 945 am lltvoe a i bhilton watxbrliqe a dale barriatora sollcitora eto teronw and oaocsmown offloa kennady blook l roy daja in ohanra of oonr a o msnt barriater solidtof etc office mill sugeovxowti op wedoeadar and saturday eninga dr t bt atabtoblltjb physlaiaat and btirguon medical offloar orhsauh offlo houra 1 ta anl7 to m v 7 phar- bt ohio and rsldana main btraat tonth oppoaita prataftyrlan church dro t w atoms rhyncian wtd surgeon mill street georgetown pbone 22 exhouac surgeoo grace hcupiuo special attention to pi nun ol womoi and cblmren and infanl feedin r a waxsoif offioo havntt- 9 to a exoapt k l hkath l 0 o o 8 dtmtlat offlbt in lana block one door noni f olvauia carrlas factory hour- mo a h nsumon dc in cnanre of chan j lindfieu dchic r graduate l ibsiltrm srnauli ch prmctic chiropectii f cunt urn u davenport iowa 1va oprtca hiujuj ttku and satur an 2 to 5 pm and 730 to 6 jo pm phomk office i50w and reaiaencc go senj petch unnaad auctlonaar for halton and hal airniwllllanu pmrt ofllca bala wnduetvd atlaractmily ahd at r onabe ratna ordera lart at ttw gaorbatown irld offlc wtll itom ortnnpt attmtton t tuot clark toarnahip ol eaque clerk 3rd dwiaion court the leading ftra and ufa inanrancr tho meeting in the interests of halton national liberal and con servative association candidate was held in the town hall here last thursdny evening there was a largo attendance oflndies fond gentlemen from town and rounding ooqntry who had the pleasure of listening to lwo able addresses on the issnou before the electors in the coming eleotion mit fred mcnolly was tfii nhfittrfin nf flii a ypi noaodi 1vo- oeat opening speech stated that be was a working man and he be uevetl it- was in the best in to rests of the mechanic and laborento support dr anderson who stood for protection and the safguard- ing of opr haaeindubties which means future prosperity to our couutry and the w man he then in trodoeedthe candi date dr anderson who spokeat some length the dr said it was four years since hehad spoken on a political platformin georgetown and many changes bad taken place since then tbe great war was over and viotory was on our side but a com mercial war now threatened in the nature of a free trade policy there are three parties seeking pdwer and each have their own particular policy the national liberal and conservative party whose leader is premier meighen were appealing to the people on a protection tariff policy tbe polf- ciea of the other two parties were free trade which woald be disas irons to canada the war bos burdened this country with a large debt ahd if not collected in reven ue it most be collected by direct taxation the tariff protects the farmer as well as jihe oaddstries have found site 01 indian- sii two doaaat skaletoaa ihaoovaraol oa fafaa la eeoaealmc whang believed to be anlola dion battleflold was discovered lost tburaday by sidcoy monniy tatrrgirhis farm on 9n line inhsvsm questng known as the natbarit tucnor homestead which haajsj been in the turner family foroyrm one hundred years mr moanvj tain was plowing ufttoqramlrq broand oaiighli nrtbe bafflltb of a jargo brass h he the bottbfis ofwhioh waft rn- ed aav in the kettle wai indians skam digging operations once and fnasbbrt timedvetiwtou dozfln indiorr skeletons wereviiriij earthed all lying in a citce arounoi- the bret kettle fbuod anbtoer wasdngup jater reveraltorila hawkb a lot of wampum arrow3 heads shejls and beads were ajsoll discovered operations will mm continued in order to make farther discoveries issb turers to ome over here and mail ufacture their goods thereby pro viding work for tbe mechanic and laborer add a market for tbe farm ers produce canada has tbe greatest natural resources of any country in the world and it will -be-one- of- thegreateat in agricul ture and manufacturing but we mast have a tariff for protection a free trade policy with tbe states made- a name for canada which eheibflad touohpjdaud she has a brighter fotaro than the united states articles wq ooota not ge during tbe war are now manufactured in canada bnt coqld not oontinoe to be if free trade were introduced premier meigh en is one of the greatest men can ada ever produced and he is large ly responsible for the peace con ferenoe being held in washington today the polioies of king nod cierar are practically free trade neither at them if elected will have suffioient- numbers to form a government but they might com bine and this would make it bad for tbe cufltryjiaethibmaaofao tura our own goods buy our goods at homo and help build up cana- tbe dr explained tbe deal whereby p l boberteon of milton olatmed be had been unjustly fined 9800 by tbe government in a wire deal mr bobertbon had banoelled a certain contract and thereby left himself liable to pay amount referred to and bad paid nothing but what he properly owed the government he ex plained the reason of mr mur- docks attitude towards the gov ernment and designated him a soapbox orator trying to stir up trouble the united grain grow ers bad take more than two mil lions oat of tbe farmers in tbe west in 6 years and mr crerar was the bead of that organisation drawing a salary of 16000 a year the governments aotian toward tbe biordon co was what any government wonld have done un der tbe oircumstancea tbe can adian national itys were begin ning to pay their way tbe mer chant marino wus already paying and both woald soon help to pay off canadas debt mr fishers statement that tbe registrars were not fair was practically accusing them of perjury and was not cor rect no voter can be disfran chised his statement regarding free trade in england was also in correct in closing dr anderson stated that he was here in the interests of the canadian people if you wont stability for the manufactur er andsgripultnraliat yon want the tariff pblioy of mr mtrighen agriculture and industry mast go together nnd make this oouutry one of tbo greatest in the civilised world tbe ron hugh guthrie was loudly applauded as he arose to speak after being introduced by tbe chairman said this wax his first visit to grorgctown nnd he wok pleased to be here and say a word in favor of dr antlerhoni they iwd form- erjybeen opposed to eiicb other but the war had made many changes in tbe political parties of canada he explained tbe form ing of tbe meighen government which was strictly according to ronstitntion ud the oaltliiag that could be done after the resig nation of premier bordeh lie dealt with the binder twine barbed wire- and cream separator industries and urged bis hearers tonne their intelligence in decjd ing these itnportantliqesttons if free trade wasebtablisbedljn this eoiratrr we would oonttrvoe xo got from the united states asatheys would get the money whereassf manufactured in canada we wonld get the goods and money too ihsaj pointed out that if the tariff wtij tiers are removed as wavadvocal ed by both mr crerar andmtfis king it would open the janodaal market to the hooding of ameri can made goods an dwd bid prwtiovi ally pot our own canadton induss trieil but of business making it in- possible to compete with them aa they manufactured on a moohj larger scale and oould therefore sell a little cheaper with atreetiaf market he pleaded for tsiiff- of adequate and mo nroteo- tion a tariff which protects and- onafeicljrijjjjojitinne the proai perfty of tbe country in the besfw interests of farmer monjuaotuwrs and laborer alike at the conclusion of the epeecbv es a beautiful boaquet was presira ented by the chairman to- mria lawler she being the oldest iadyjs at the meeting fa besides tbe speakers and chair man other citizen a on the platva form were col brown l esa would be suicidal our soldiers tfleok h corkc j b mackensievi r nj ii m argfold w v grant and n cummtngs the meeting closed with singing the natippal anthem and tbreel cheers lor thekingsnd drin derson acton there are- lobfi voters in acton tbe otb station has just beenm in the hands of tbe railway paint era it looks well in its new cost of olive green and gray wi aaahrf triramfngrofbaokt 7 the fire at the works of thsl acton tanning comp on tnesr day- e vexdngof llu6weekoabsar more eerione damage than was atlrffs first afttjiotpated tbe insaranooiw appraisers wore here during thsjgj week and it is found tbe iobs will m be between 15000 and 20000 dr ha coxe who has been ill for the past four or five weeks isf able to be about now his man friends are glad to greet him again- the twenty- flrat annual ball and jijj supper given byihe members otsif aotoo fire brigade will be held in xm the town hall on friday eveningjs december 9 kingb orebobtra will provide tbe music free press millon on 8aturdrynov 19th miss- myrl early norva1 was the host- ess at a miscellaneaus shower giv en in honor of miss margarew- graham milton formerly of nor- val the county gourt and general sessions will open before his hon- jm or judge billot on tuesday deei 18th there are two civil cases on tbe list one jury and the other nonjury there will bo no grand jnry as there are no criminal m cases the appeal against judge jp tins decision in tbe case of nixon lqt vs milton arena co cameapat osgoode hall toronto on tues- day before- judges maclaren ms- gee hoaginb and midmetbn q t walsh for plaintiffs and h o white and w i dick if or defend- ant company it waadistnissed with ooste without mj w bite be- ing called on for argument champion hornby rs w jchisfaotm and miss id carradicewere delegates from hornby inntitute to the on- ventioo of the womens institute held in toronto fast week r and mrs o e saunders hornby aunounre tbe engagement tbeii- duuuhter isaliollc to a k purdy paimerston blvdl tor onto the marrthge to take place very quietly the middle of decern ber hoaaa off rafoca at the powl county council lart 1a week dr r g edwards physician im to tbe halton peel house of refuge presented his report and a h milner cb airman otthe tffesal house of refuge commissi 00 sub- milled the annual statement twenty seven inmates have besn4 admitted daring the year sad ahai present nonbtr is 4 o 1 the rbodsthut they wouldcoji between blsitxmjaiidlwl vjl to0- a i 3 d v s o a d 1 w 1 r n d

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