Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 30, 1921, p. 5

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tbk okobqtowh kbald novtluilkh soil 1091 r r saturday treat through the kindness of the st lawrence starfch co of fort credit we will gio away free lio of their scribblers on saturday morning ho bojs and girla come oarly neitsons cream chocolate bars 8 for 25c this is a special jou may never read about again 8000 neil son s cream chocolate bars freab stock regular 5c eacli saturdar 8 for o home- made peanut toffee 23c this low iiruc shoo id make biimnesft bum on saturday our iea nul toffee hafi that sntistjinit tustj flavor try a pound saturdai regular boc b 9iz sseparld 7 wfeekjentlchacalates 32c nearly everyone js fond of fresh homemade chocolates and wnen ydii can bify 4bem at such a low price yon should never be without them in your home worth 60c per tb weekend special v 3 p saturdaysunday chocolates 49c box tbib favorite box contains one pound of our high grade chocolates and they are well assorted try a box satorday worth 75c saturday 4seabox t h moorehead brampton georgetown miltoit acton children enjoy eating oar bread because it is so good it taateaalmoat like cake and it is wholsome food for the growing child we bake every thing from the bread to tbe finest of fine cakes cleanli ness reigns supreme here mekinfceyros glenwilliams ont browns bakery on monday dec 5th we move to our new store on the corner of main and cross sts order your cream puffs not later than friday browns sanitary bakery phone 202 buy homekiuedmeats better flavored and keep better than cold storage buy where quality counts and the dollar goes the farthest jeverything we sell is killed in our own abbatoir and we are prepared to sell at rock bottom prices patronize the man that brought the price of meat down meat delivered to any part of the town w evans phone 208 mill street georgetown stores at agten aad georgetown jtbjbbs8s88 rex theatre saturday dec the 3rd f matinee and night gods crucible adapted from the novel trje foreigner by ralph conner god ft crucible tells tbe story of a young political refugee who comes to ganoda and there through sincere effort and dowo right bard work achieves a great buc cess practically all thescencs are photographed against the grondour of the snow capped canadian rookies and the production is inevery sense of the word a big outdoors one breathing tbe very spirit of tbe open country when mr macrae director and bis company went to winnipeg to moke the pic turo the governor of manitoba the mayor of winnipeg and the different uty officials all turned out to meet the train they were most enthusiastic oor tbe idea of hamg a bjg pictare producing company make winnipeg its base of opera lions tboj were fffveo the freedom of the city high officials or the canadian pacific railway procured for the company a real old engine lady diifferin which was the first engine to cross tbe c p r upon its completion not a member or the oompan will ever forget tbe hospitality they received during their ataj in canada moflo a dangerous fanatic ballavm eternal bliss to be hla tf ha mnu death whlla killing chriatlana in iiiiimtipt r and teachings of rliiui uirifuanlty with an the nili ii f ilmrih utitl slate la as i a u in ii r nr riiirxe jib the air ire th willi u mridi ik itntuoral lit ml hut f mi unbeliever la a ii llilihlitil ii willi il till the mo- prices matinee 11 16c night 16 27c a5slsbnlptsgshml firemens ball thurs dec 29 tk the university of alberta stunaloa b tb in b tki yotfth of tb aio wonderful potefttiautieb tar fi efficiency and good dttssasl tbe primary a of tb latere of alberta fa una a act passed creatine tfaa uaharslty off alberta and la 1mb tb first jarest- deot entered upon ua daties with u betbudtqt that jsar tbe alta of the uahvadtj oa tba high bank of the saarxkchewaa ia acres whoi there fataho a lam at boo acres aptee acres art aadar caluvmuoo la addition to those covered by buildings the austiru- tjoa hi n by the iiimbssiii and tbe expenditure to data ltrsin thro and onehalf ralqiaa satins than an three anarsodsaaar resi dential buildings athabasca had asslnfbtrin hauaad patablaa ball providing- residential i for ftmrhnbdred students the man reaching building la a band structure df naodaasb atjla was opeaeavfor rinse bi tk fall of 1915 tk new amdfcal baudta which will ba compleud far he opening of tk fall tesator ranks as one at tb caast fat canada it xerau the soothers part of a quadrangle at university headings and la bt haraon with tt i la additioa ta try it t- 1 dapartibabt of anatomy iilijikiliai j pautolea and pablfc hjrol ts xaawo tectar baua ia tbaatra fans witr eapaotjl fort haadnd mmaata aaca twebtr4ria aw- saad daoan reprasanaac tk fatar- a half a mfiuonta ba o ttm main twchlni 2 tae bngfnmring buflding ptaaaauaa af battsr atadical tratauut far tba galtad stataa sad canada dr h m tory jul is pretl- daat of taa tmsttr w i a kerr 1la fa daaue tk facnjtj dan mi tba faomhr af hadidaa tba uatvanjtj has achavrad the apartaat faactiaa af raaebjac in its edaearjoaal work tbe people of tk 1 t s fat a special ascratarj for thai dapartmaat who proawtas of the alberta university of the main buil dadsr mm dhactioa f tbe bxtaa- aa board tb farm young psoak af alberta ware klna a waak af the onrfwrafrj in of tbe unrmsltt is tu sataiami school for taaebera wafch la carry on its ninth pro gram of work bargtoeb mad gold tba year book af tbe tjabrersity ghre a ra- sami of tb activities of tba yaar which an as uterastina as hay an bead tn scope tbe craba tnelbde tb acrtcnjtnral ctob tba pharmacy club la its first year tba hedkal crob la it fourth year literary aad mnriesl intaraata are praamted by tbe litarary aasodaoa taa cto crab aumdolla club aad tb nnrfardty orcbaitra tb drama- tie society has established a reputa tion ta ajberta barnard shaws eoawdy ton never can tall was ma speetacaur production giren ia ta leading dttes of tb prorlaca tbe writara clob wbosa program ha covered the various fiabfi of hbtrary endeavor ta of value la such a young province as alberta amateur sport f bleary mt abmbaan tbpnaaad una cooaction of ay caaadiab n ii limkiulluil me ihw 1h tlic ii iiiimi ty iiib- in hot j iln ruler way be dlf tiny rv dlffereut unly 1 t lk a jimlg ami in nr i veruuiiitt tiit r ih i ia mihiral ruh r i hih in ills ilnt tire rlml ii i- a trltu llutt htln hlli in kim ill- if thf iitth tlirlntlan ins nnl i hut iti ininil it ipriuront miilil mti iiiiii isiiii ulic h lj- tt jffisiiiitiiit 4bwlf ei-fmlh- 1 mil 1iiii hi ir liitf to lllllnc oiriir- tliiuh moiihiiii nibiiim who hae o 1111 hrlhtiiirik ar oalfpil in tbe i litlij lui jiirnn itumlu from the sj mil wit ininilik nit ftliu ban mora or liiken mi ii hi up to leeaili ao ii hiik tin niiii iin in ihciirtitiif j li fur rl i n fiitnilc in cimciiil his tkflu uilf ir krl in u hunki i if rnili liiiill ii i 1 h rhil ihi mini iln ii ilnin hi- 1111111 mini perfert im rlli ifle minl si 1 1 ihlx fmluuill hi clirlxlliiii i of ilu mi n in joihh in a hill r n til i i rljh mid j ft tip i him with hi n i hit from i wait 1 to unload shipping congnttofi at london docks said to bb of an extraordinary character a uriter t tli loiiflon times de- wrllmf mi mtltirln aud alltn rtockfl at ttl iin an bcliik dfouiled to their fiitlixi iiiiiiicii nlth tig iiiiis mnuy of nhlih look himiiuih dead for the ilrtijile nasoii thai tbey can nni bfjn- loudetl beciiukv there is nowhere to put their rorvmg of biiiim carrying aunt nil inn uiein it ik mi1i to be a ciimmon thing to milt anything up loa ufhilli for a berth and to ie another month tied up upnlnst tht uliarf un- ioikiimr mill re i on illt ir inelucirncy of latair ii in h itiiwaaaehvwe resikinhlttle for the iitmge dlwluirgliig output ief shin of id mm in u nine- hour day has been rtituivd from 100 tu 03 tuns the 011 use k piirtly tin loss of many good men in i lie war jiurtlj loiiflnj on the jiih to miikc work fjt bh tunn men as pdskiiiil congfhtiifti of the ports is attributed to state control oer easen- tiiil imports to state control aver rail- ruuils and lo reduction of thpfcaeaaof inlxn by these mennx the carrying power or sbiptt bna been reduced at least 30 per cent below prewar stand ard barber shop dndar new proprietor upstaire cor kinc and quean ste save 10 cents on hair cots and 5 eenta on a shave by coming up stairs good work guaranteed everything clean and uptodate special attention to children give me a trial c e leach real nelshborilmsa an interesting txperlment id nelgb- borllnere tins bttn carried on for near ly a yenr in n pan of toledo which is populated nlmoht excluhlely by iolluli iniiulgmnts and their descendanta tbe polish business uin s club of tbe dis trict rorrehw hie kleu tluit the needy polish niuiitlcn in hie communlly sliotld be taken care of in a neighbor ly nay rather than by charity organl udonn the latter ware requested not to extend aid in the district bat to notify hie club so hat it might meet nil em trfteu cleft thin la nnl done from the club treasury uoaevir an inves- tlgstlun is made in determine whether the need is tor ruonej supplies or uurt and thi oilier residents of the lilotl 1ikiiiiiiii it e tradesnien are then mfonneil thul their neighbors need their ahslxtaiire which the dab n ports ia slunjn furlbconiliig irnmunlty from whooping couok dr t luxxall or rome vii called o three different housoa in each of wblth a uilld had begun to cough in each cute he suspected that it might be whooping cough therefore aa a precaution he vaccinated all the broth ers and sisters with sn antl-whoonlag- scrom ten days later his ansplclea was ci m firmed by the typical whoop but in no case did one of tbe other chllurtn catch the disease though no attempt at isolation made in reporting this to policlinics rome doctor lunar says- be baa found nnrbeneflt from vaccination ones tbe dlkcast has become pronounced g j the success of your christmas cake or pudding deponds large i on tbe tjugliiy of ingredients insitlo in our grocery j ou will find hie choicest or imported raidinsf currants hvo dates kxlrat is and spices ourxlbnatruafl cnko or luddmg will havo a wonderful richneaauif flavor if the ingredienu cqme rrom o randy 6 raisins finest ilenciau per lb cat secdienk bulk per lb cair seedless in nackayes -bsnat-seeded- paekaher- greek sultana ler ip gtirranta per lb t oainttleb peel citron per lb orange per lb lemon per lb gut peel 1 lb boxes 85c 2bc 86b0c- s6cr 86c 20 4 26c soo 40e 40c 45c a m grandy i phone 7s ai shoe i repairing all kinds of shoe repairing done neatly strong and promptly j a bauantines eunmlrflaaterroaaboaar aus aad qam st awav o t at stettaau tjodert roberts barber abop hours bajn io610dajly 7pe- wedoeadaj and salnrdajr work called for and delivered caab rstem box 546 phone z56w nanlllh halnd standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded v coal j wodfd seleet lamp for domestic and threshing purposes smithing and cannel coal in faot 1 carry ererything ac be found in an urtodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown pbonk 1 right now is the very btist time to protect yourself against the happenings of tomorrow your time has a money valu every day you are away from your work or business by reason of sickness or accident you suffer a money loss today you may fee as fit as ever morrow in store for you but what has to let us be your paymaster in time of need curing intolerance of milk dr oen eerier report- to the french pediatrics society hist a newly born infant which eoolil not take milk in any form mi red hy three ubm taneoua injections one ever other day of 8 lit ml nl mlnlnim of sterll- lied cow s mill the ihlnl injection ua followed by violent vomiting and rigors hut rrom litis moment the hah inlerated milk in ihy luouih in pro- greslte doses iieplnnlnx with live and ending nlth sv gramri a day national amanltlaa england will return to the state of kentucky a dag which was captured from kentucky vol mi teem at the bat tie of tbe thame in michigan in tbe war of itllz the kentucky legtstu- haa oppn jirl icd money to sead kngtaml a ttimi ilslonerwho win nj buck ihc flue thin commlaslon- jii ruchnntin of louisville is if the com m under t tit kr tifwr w in ihe liatte everybody knows that ia c ther are mora templetons bkeiuntlc cptuleft mcatritis naarajbria scutinlbxbaoatc iwaay doctors avsacriba tbaaa moat fsgcbte ecu them writ for rfeextnal to tcrnpletoo toronto iw sal at kattbewl team rugby aad hoe great advance baa bean s la slbwtcc a badtoaiirs nr tjbsd i xaobijrbat f trpe p lot cnsjugefeltet i 816 la- i icraalmmul tractor 3 hp lotl gaaengnm 1slwmnmogoi mrcorwlchdidria i m ft diet dnil wcowltsod team wagon i h olnder good repair new cao- i vira nd nc plow imm uragle furrow i one horn m auitwwe for anlk dedverj top tngicj ijeel tbd utialj paroled and m good repjirrj pnenrnalrc tired opco boa t e h swoon nrval wl r bridge general agent continental canjalty company georgetown ontario herald advertising pays georgetown creamery ice butchers merchants ate and any person reninriog i hiippl of ice for the season of 1938 arc reqnefted to- place- thoir orders at oner in order that tbe tn be assured a sufficient snppl write or come direct to tbe creamery and make arrangements l georgetown creamery co m saze manager

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