Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 7, 1921, p. 1

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the georgetown herald pi ykah of pdbuoation- 8eorgtowii wednesday evening daoemler 7th 1821 1 so por aunutn id advnu 2 00 to d 8 v the georgetown herald at th rfbald power printing oppick i qorglown ont contract advertising rates furnish an application j m moore faulahar ajid proprietor ubr canadian wakly nw- sapar aafjmjlation g tb tfktabl aoinq east passenger 7 2i a a passenger f 9 10au mail r 10l6am ma t jll 40 a m pasaangar sufipny obop passenger 8 0 p in passenger sunday j 7 11pm oolnq wf8t 7 67 anr loloun hail pan ben go r passe nger passeugor mail mail passenger sunday going nouth mail mart goino sodtb mail mail 101 p m 4 60 pra 6 02pm 700pm 8 20pft 1016aro 800 a m 6 10 pnr r tartt lbnku railway c daily time table 1 am p m p m going boat 810 s24 640 oping wentm 68 ihft 7 8ft sunday timb table going bast am p m p m pm pm 10 81 18 so 8 46 610 017 am pm p m jooing west 10 40 610 9 86 hlattr tern open ju jrt palm garden lunch rooms heals served at all hours lee cream fruit confectioner a fulvjline ot tobaccos cigars and cigarettes a phone or dfclipyro h wheafley special sale ihswetkarinextoi house dresses apron of all kind and xe ladii and children a night drcawaaiid under wear children bats lam rap and carfb warm stocking and pullover we alktkave h of cor ifii fr hi ami lull if ti mp n different make all to go at greatly reduced pncea w make room for our chnalnv good every day will be bargain day call andtsapsrt-oai- stock hij a waist urs e huuem aeobqkto aad ckwlaa kv taraato la ooted throughout canada for high grade buatneaa education graduate readily obtain employment write for bandaom catalogue enter any lime s w jt elliott principal coal best d l w scranton coal mall sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j watkins u see our windows eful xjluv9 whats more useful for a gift than something yon can wear s have something fpr every member of the family that is sure toplease a few minutes spent buy in the way of useful gifts shjgiexs for men women and child ran large assortment pret ty styles bso up lockey itoots the ideal gifts for boys and girls sara to please all tries at popular prices spats for rich men 8o live that whoa thy su rj eomos to join ppe innumerable caravan wbiob moves to that mysterious realm where each shall take hib chamber to fche bfleot faalle of death no strange and beautiful woini shall come and smash your last wilj and testament into smithereens popular shades for men and women in felt and broad oloth sore to please 160 to tbjio fellbdols- sure to please tbe old folks- several styles moderate prioes best makesv rubbers 100 90 185 iso gur- prices ancrextra quality stand comparison womens fine rubbers all shapes sizes 2 to s 1 00 girls fins rubbers 8isesll to 8 90 childrens floe rubbenft sizes 4 to 10 1 2 boys strong robbers rices 1 to 6 boys strong robbers sises 11 to 18 mens strong rubbers sites 6 to 11 fine rubbers ail shapes sites 6 to 11 r we ship these bobbers to yonr nearest postal station free of delivery charges be bare and state size of shoe and also shape rubber boots for the whole family qur stock of men s heavy bobbers 8oki pelts mnccas ins and overshoes is complete and we invite comparison as to quality and prices drop in and see them we do shoe repairing bay naurauta stop iwiy r jjfox nm of jhaa w horibott shoes kpr dshdnm slater siiom for men re asivay buy riytmasqfts i have all ihe money i need for christmas can you bayjtibjs today have you enough to buytcdl the pres ents joa planned and have them m nice as you expected rt if you cant do this this year make sure of it for the christmas of 1922 by joining out christmas ctub anyone can join wouldnt youjflce to be flush this time next year of coarse yon would and yon can b by m fanning our christmas club even payment classes jpcreashig payment in wucb the mm anasant la c3ascs daporitadacbw t trwaaks in wuch incmaw amoonm ate 15c weawy total iz50 ijapoaitad aach vaat for 30 50c weekly toola 2jjw 1c and locr total fiajs uo0 wkly totala 5000 2c and locraaaatotal 25js 200 wmkly total loeloo se abd ldcraaa totala bus s00wtty total m0o0 10c and incraaa totala i2tj0 looo weakly totala 50000 von wu rwkly tctela 100oo0 j gesrgetewa brsaxa b miamau manager merciiants bank christmds club nsuraneebrober why tifon start at hersadslds ottelpn beeaoseioar inetrnotion in com i mercial law will aave yon many a lawyer a fee because our training in writing business letters will enable yon to write letters that get i results becaiseour bookkeeping train j tog w enable you to know yonr business so that waste ib eltminateand pro tit results f because our stenographer coprse prepare you to ooflnpyl positions of responsibility and tnibt which pay enviable salaries don t- be a might have been j start on monday uptodate harness shop j stdpj before buying j onr new harness robes blankets etc come in and 8eeanut tbrhrba stock i make all mj own team hnnjebi i use only the bestof material j a nice trunk l suit case or club bag maketrnjee xtng tjotl me put one away for yon lehblh pruy altnm m w a bailey dp todate harnb88 shop hulmecl geokcnown insuraiice in all branches phone jjjjbb fsnorgetown slenographers wanteh stenographer who can wnte 120 words a mmate in short- banrt and 60 words minute in toueh typewntrag are in constant demand we train you at brampton bd8i nbssikstltdtbto reaeb thbo speeds nd when yoo have attaibih aamt we guar autre a position juahfton ms1jiess wstituti c fousrmmo djoughbqy hs h tinitvance why in thtj world don frenchmtn 5is- pro pa pronu to thelr absurd wordat tnke iht cli of troyca favorably immni tlirtirgis a i iratilratl m i twwi writ tip busa hi ii e auierlcuii leplnn weekly nnyanillj any iiiiiiibii liog would protiouiuti it i rlijiniitu noise mid go on iiih way rjoling id uic i now lodge t a good dewl well per formed nt so th frisky prot ho rails it tun l hough mhy and wherefore le boo oleu alone luiown but if you uunt to get cen wilh tbe f p try mm out wlb a regular word wlib plenty of t and hs and lhn la it wl ether is the cats fur aa the army expression nlmotrt has tncklejumialth jvhjlier and aouh hltu enrgle anil atnmmer sod lile aod fltiojlj turn up nla toci and htx aoy while somen here in hi in lldos an mill reaoundlug the last de- spalrltir notes of hla infernal inter pretation of o good christian word into vaj eair r re vnj wtlrr re shade ot- babel n iw a regaiilr the mutter of spell in- one of ihe prenehmsns pet tnonxtrosltlea in klaa ka say doea he k it hint ouya gnawers jin he goes to work and unburtlena hlmelf of vo a sibhanu a tbings until behasotten rid of giieat t que ceatl whnt doea it mean it means what la this thnr this ist which la hnt healthy way of maltrestuik hul r huh is right post office news if a trip- by aoioplana from halt fix to newfoundland is being ar ranged for about the tenth 10 of december and the post 6nice de uflitmont liaa boon asked to en iouraf0 tli lonluio by despatch ing a lettci mini fioiu mali fax on the lliklit in ii stitin it lias aareod to no urhle in this way piovidmg that those wnding tbe mail mattoiiibsutut the risk the requiremeta for this mail are 1 by aerial mm i tu bo prom mently written on tho tlddrijua side of tbe oavelopp 2 ubublftilhoenb uoabagej for a one ounce lottbr to be ftfflx ed op the address aide of the denmark to be republic accordlnfl to report the llttta coun try may abandon the monarch ical principle soon news cllspjitrlus from copenhapm ilethm there in n possibility of the otftahlisbinent of a republic te den mnrk the tittle country that has been iimrchyidnrekmit henlfdene ruled the country in 400 a d denmark is t h a monhr chy ruled by hlng chrlktlan who dl vwea his power with the two houses of pnrllnmtnt during the war it suf itmuiiatvlli in both its leadlngmous trla dalrylnjc an i the merchant mi many dnulsli shins were sunk ubonia inwjiite thhr neutrality and thh lonjc herda of cattle ttml had iuplllet a ihrge irt of kuroiies but ter nnd crmin wen klltwl for food dinmnrk bun u pipulutlon of2500 o a lurge purt of hum iu on smalt fnrma its nrco is 14 a square rallea l u v r tllg waitf nf aisry trau it is di nitelj imipuinted with ibb ikople to 1 a lrl 01 lun fund and 27r to i he square mile on die mnnj iklumlh hln ihe const icopen hop u the copltnl ond prlnclphl sea port h sltimtml u tie laluud of zee- inhd tlio lsj fol rortu he meh hunt iiarlne titd the tlntierlea while snd tte f nmin icebaro wm an acrobat not tnr num tr t n n ti tanic wila auiik bj u uebtrt in april wia a lien of h icel t rga wine of lluin ruhij o hiore ihan 100 feet e tit water lln nermkbted bj uie ktcatnalitp uuiinlrea on recent captuln htmlng of the slunnlrea anja that on m ii e berg gave a re markahlt ihlbltlm if lumbltiig as the vesml sailed past it urn arentlj lout a jtood deal r it undtr nnter eight tbroiiih th artlon of the warm aeo watet anil on hi watclni ft ih grear icelierk auilil 1 1j ttp i i mar board and rolled our mltl nu immtiike plssh aa it fell a fa t die top broke own ne rexttlt ttmt 4he halnu wax nlier th tumbled bocr orailn tli n jui as it rlghflnti itn if i iinr n hon broke off an i iijh i ii r nin tht sight ii ns n mi unusual n bdlnlmrgh stom n thread in j a tic hurl a almoin nil f tin m ittoo t tton thnnd lm rt i i nintlj inlo mamhuirlr conn troi i li i nn partly because japnnosi nanr n wm llae the ndnntae on r h nxil h iimp tl tors org nn u in n i nmtem m a nil mtpport and nartl ih nun ihert imp been little ouarmtttl i from ii te sr ficlei tly inleniitvil fi iht mirki i to study its ret n rt mu ok him- 1 jaiianese saa t w inrk tin e oooflh ner pli 1 with nr hnnln i consignment until tl tj i wni e known werv jcm divl adviriisii and are now sold nn lll credit nn- o thai an rf nu mifiuninn eniertnit the mijil tl will mil n1j have to cnnumti m a iimlhj tim hut hi a inj i shuuirr hlflluhla nf i ut big th lr gnrmtf twtna of ninety five lwfnk in the oul i lllng nr in verklp pre n iim j i william frd nlueh ike i rs lit neither nf ihem iiik hit i ti i n ond jiimes inth ue r ihti h inih iflfcht of the b hi in which he was too much of a strain r jnd tutikli bijc lie k uetr goug to allow am nornimr lionrd r to remnln for metre than a w k ihhuum- it a loo much wt rk in leiirn new sturlea to en terrain the hume old iron a the alue of tbirtj 80 cents to be ptaoed on thff artdrebsrslde of the em elope in payment of the special charge for transmission by the aerial service wbioh has been fixed bj those making the flight wherever delay or misdelivery of a letter occurs the sender or tho addressee is prone to adversely onticise tbe plat office pre quently tiowevor the delay or mis delivery is due to the carelessness of the public m failing to properly address the mail matter in mea lion during three days of this month 1s8 800 pieces inoorrevtly or insufficiently addressed mail matter were handled at 6fi or tbe larger post offices this daily average of 42 800 for the 56 officea or at the rate of 16 000 000 for a year of 865 days think of tho number of postal clerks engaged in handling this mis directed mail who oonld if the pubfic were more oarefal be need to give better service in otb er lines i muoh trouble is due to careless writing to the use of a pencil in writing the address and the fail ure to give the proper street ad dress or to keep mailing hats up- todate with the chnstmaa hand bringing immense quantities notes and comments thf qtibbtlon of sunday work coming upat tbe international la bor conference ut ooneva presi dent tom moore or thu canadian trades and labor ctmgrcbb pro posed a resolution which it is said carried by a narrow majority to the effect that it ih the duty ot governments wbero 1i nmtances prevent full observance of sunday rest to provide for compensating periods of rest dunog the weekc mr moore did a good service to humanity by rfecnnng thepaasoge- of thatresolutidn the common sense and tho experience of man lundralinehab uue dwti lebtlfl afevco ir a necogsary thing for the worker and for society and while tne b w to obtain this js to addifconal postage stampto1 sunday asxrssplete a iot r f rest ml8eibletienextbe8tttiiog is to trj to provide that wherever sunday work is necessary the worker shall have book otherwotk leas day during the week m o i to themselves to see what of mail to dealt with it will befttrbtsoarmerobanta bave to offer necessary that the pubho adopt ire iparefnlmecbodtrinthe prep aration of its mail matter if the daily average of mis directed mail is not to amount to an overwhelm ing figure the following pqints to be ob served are pointed obt prepay postage fully address plainly and fally place name and address or send or onjtu mail matter carefully pack and wrap all rticlee sent by parcel post bat do not boa the said parcels as boa mg render them liable to letter rate of postage mail christmas parcels tmlj insure valuable parcels 1921 tax kales the following tax rates of some of our neighboring towns and vil lages might be interesting to local readers they are as follows owen sound 40 mills durham 46 mills hanover 40 mills ss mttlv walkerton port eugux 45atyi pergufl 40 mills godenoh 44i mills carleton place 41 mills oakvillo 421 mills acton 48 mills st marye 89i mills kincardine 61 mills las towel 87 mills renfrew 44 mills mitchell 87 mills mimico 61 mills weston 67 mills sundndge 62i mills exeter 414- mills brussels 89 milts cbatswortb 88 mills arthur 97 mills georgetown 89 6 mills orange wile 40 mills 40 mills grand valley mount forest 40 mills shelbume 41 mills tara 44 mills millbrook 46 mills cobalt 691 mills tbe wondebpui work of re claiming unfortunate children and enabling them to get a bettor out- look and start in lire a going on most satisfactorily congratnla tions to the children b aid society and those engaged in this great work may they accomplish more good every year there iaanotb phase of this question that does not look so woluaod that is the home the latter certainly cannot be congratulated for look wiiere one will it is evtdont that there is a lack of that training restraint affectionate discipline and guidance which should be the birth right of every child that i too independence of thus gen eration are working considerable havoc everywhere were the fathers and the mothers of this oonntry performing thoir god imposed duties toward tbe child ren intrusted to their care many of these cases would never come to juvenile courts or later on to the other courts of justice it is no ase trying to dodge the mat look ont for them thefarmers advocate in a re centrhaue tells how a number of farmers hat recently been bwih died out of some good hntd cash by bnlboth tongucd thieves and jjiars passing themseues off as legitimate business men a cam era man comes along and takes a picture of the farm buildings and then conns to the farmer and ex plains that the picfnre when fin ished will be worth thirty or fortj dollars bul that if the owner wilt allow- the use of tbe put ure 10 the lias mentioned he may f he chooses purchase one of the pic til res nj a much smaller price lie then asked to sign a document inv this permission later 00j another chap comes along the picure for which he demandsj fifteen to twenty dollars if the farmer declines to pay tborrice be is confronted with a drrly sign ed contract and to avoid httga tion nnd trouble miuij a farmer handed over the money in some cases a frame haa also been introduced mtothe contract at an added sum farmers and others ill do well to make short shrift anj one who comes along ask ing for their signatuie sign no document untft it irbandleov read and thoroughly understood with the spirit of chbibt mas m tbe air you are going to buy an odd gift or two but that old familiar question of wbat shall i got and where shal i rot tt and how ranch will it cost present themselves which remindfljja ofjtatory 1 ten years ago a farmer down in one of tho southern btates put his initial on a dollar bill the next day he went to the near to and spent it with a mercesmt before the year was np he got the dollar back four times in six years the dollar came back for produce and three times be heard of it in his neighbors pocket tlio last time he got it back hwsentitto the city he has never seen the do lar binoe and never will that dollar will never pay any moro school taxes for him will never brighten anyof the booses of the community ho sent it entirely out of tho circle of usetulnea to himself and neighbors this story may or may not be true but the fact temaioa that the peo pie of georgetown and district before deciding to boyeswhprb ng certaingreat essefttiairthat make for clean and decent jnan hood and womanhood the old family altar is a thing that lives only in the memory of many of our families the reading of the word by tbe head of the family the teaching of its great truths aro things that in home after home belong to a generation that is past and gone the trouble it we re all m too much of a harry so muoh bo that we haven t time to teach and direct our children in the way they should m where is the end of this sort of thing go ng to bot that is impobeiblo to say but it is certainly time for a change though we wonder if parents really dare assert them ives now as they usod to do some won t even tin and thoy are the ones who render it impossible for others because children are very quick to bee the liberty en joyed by their companions as a lever target a relaxation of re straint from the parents who are ceallyendeavortng- to brin their children as they ooght to be brought np clubs new gut l anns every home in canada ceiy canadian school boy and girl should know the new canadian coat of arms it is a most bcaoti ful plate and should occupy a prominent place in all true canad ian homes the people of canada arc indebtedfto the family her aid and weeklj star of montreal for reprodneimrttfooew coat of armtt in nil its true heraldic color nd presenting a copy 14 17 isvww t nil leaders of that great pupnr fmnih herald nnd week l atnr is camulasgnulcst family and farm paper and ih known throughout the whole dominion it is wonderful nlueand protufat 01 pry member of the family with clean nholesomc instructive read it is a great monej savor for the farmers of canada nnd repays the subscription pricoone hundred fold each tear cuna k is proud of the big weeklj it has no ipcrinr tho world oxer and u tm provtni vear nfer year it cosih only two dollars a year nud each reader for ims will roenc free a copy of the coat of anns

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