Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 14, 1921, p. 1

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the georgetown herald pipts fifth ybab op pobiiioation seoriatown wednesday uvenliik deoember 14th 1921 f 1 co per annum id advance 9ao to da r the georgetown herald u puhlhhhl every wednesday eveislno at the herald power printing office georgetown ont contract advertib1nq rates w furnlahad applioatlon woo j m dobx d f nttrb ofjlng ba8 passenger mail mail aeeeoger matl passenger t passenger sunday ooino wbst passenger mail passenger paasenger mail mail passenger sunday aoing north mail mail going south mail mat 7 22aa fflbatnt 10 16 am u40mv 8 46 pm 680 pm asopm fll pm 567 am 1018 ara 201 pm 4 60 pm 602pm 709 pm 820 fan 10 16 ftm 8 00 md 8 10 pm 11 88 am 6 00 pm tareit subarau rauwavv paiiitjmibjpablb sum pm pm going east 810 2j14 610 goioj west 865 8 10 7 88 atmoattdf tabu going bast am p m p m pm p m 10 21 1220 8 46 610 s17 am pm pm going west 10 40 610 9 88 mater teriortn jm few taomaja fib arts st ymto is noted throughout canada for high gud bwhwm education graduate readily obuto employment write for handsome pata garden lunch rooms meals served at mil how xee cieam fruit qonfectjtonery a full line ot tobacco oicavra axict cigarette all phone orders delfvcrl h wheauey special sale tus week w not m house dresses aprons of all kinds and ma ladles and children s night drcase and under wear children hate lam cap and scarfs warm stockings aod pullovers we abm have a koodeuson tncnl o sets frcnt and hick lacing n different make au to go at greatly reduced prices to make room for our christina goods every day willhe bargain day cauamdiaepaetoaxstaek mr j a wtom coal beat d l w scranton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j watbins gg our windows give footwear what could you give mpre useful whov more useful for a gift than somethingyou can wear we have something for every mcmbrlkpf the family that- 10 snre to please a few minutes spent in our store will surprise you what little money you require to purchaae gifts here drop in and look around slippers for men women and child ten large assortment pret- y styles o80 wp key boots jostwwnal pleases the boys anjigerln afxnu lower prioes this year spats popqlar efaaaee for women high cab bore to please 198 ttsjto and 50 men e boats 41bo fine boots for women and children 8are to please large as aortotent special price best makes always useful our prices and extra quality stand comparison women s fine robbers all shapes sizes si to 8 1 00 girls floe robbers sizes 11 to 8 90 children fine robbers sues 4 to 10 1 b 80 boys strong robbers sizes 1 toje 1 ott boye btrong robbers sizes 11 to 18 00 mens strong robbers sizes stall 1 26 wmts rubber for brown rubbers for cz onlldren hen and women mens high snag proof bobbers lane or s bockle style bed bobber boles all sizes 88s heavy felt insoles free rubber boots for the whole family oor stock pf men a heavy rubbers socks felts and overshoes is complete and we invite comparison as to quality and prioes open evenings until xmas horlbnlfc shoe for children bitter simw for men will start you in our come in and join a systematic plan for accumulating money by regular deposits when you join our cliriartxnms club you have a definite plao for depositing a spec fled sum each week thib makes it easy for yoo because you know how much you need for yonr club it prevents your spending it which yoo might do if yoahad no definite plan for keeping itv- the plan is simple select the cjub you wsb to jom and bring in your first de posit we give yon a pasa book showing the clpb joined and the amount deposited deposits are to be made weekly or in advance lhe following taba explains the clob plan white bxplorer describes his stxenge advent ires among south sea natives although from time to timo vialta bftve bpp pnld to tl e cannibal iejaddh of the soutl sean tew bave bnen so thrilling aod advent ureeotn as that made recently br mr fred erick 0 brian mr 0 bren jived for a year amoflg tba oannlbale quite fearlessly mwhfmedairtttrrthtrik0nbc complete relnrns following arc tlio co rpj inflcir haiton of ibe lottoo hold lattt week anderson fiahor ford m1iu0 5b0 808 go qoorgetown 017 807 74 acton 4 1 kf oakville 7g1 burlmgtod bsg brant ooapi tal ih nelson twp freemad 140 nelbti village co 487 7 444 186 increasing glob plan kllnl deposit ic 1st week 2c 2nd week increase fff 9 7c viuu 1c earb week n 50 week you have mumi9 a ftwuh deposit 2 it week 4c 2nd week increase a cft oc ifllui le each week i jp weeks you have 99u afhak deposit 5c 1st week 10c 2nd week increase ie c x 1iud 5c each week m 50 eefea you have ode 1 9 1a ahlnk deposit luc 1st week 20c 2nd week in- tan fa uvc uuu crease 10c each week in sq weeks you have lul9v decbea8ing club plan you begin wi h the largest payment and decrease each week bvin amodnt club plan jjjg ffajf deposit 25c each week in 50 weeks you have fj f ca- fj k deposit 50c each week n 50 weeks you have 25 m jj 0 deposit 1 each week in 50 week you bave 6vm 1 cess bcf w emh week in 50 weeks you have ju dpd depotil 5 each week n 50 weeks you have jgf qf ftfffn depottt 10 each week m 50 weeks you have gfftf m cttw depo 20 each week n 50 weeks you have l 59 clsb dei akrb cek n 50 weeks you have j ff f mh cllfc deposit sioo each week n so weeks you have g the natives had a groat jjklng for many peoullar foods for lastanee octopus was a rare diah qn one oopaston mr o brien was with a party of nattves who were collecting some small specimens of the qsb of whloh there were many on thn beach they were engaiced in the task of crossing l hem of their poison when there waa a warning snout four of the crew had attacked a giant octopus wl ich was hidden in a cave on the rocks from the gloom he darted out bis long arms the jthllethe nak boatman uanojna just out of reach of the writhing ten taoles struck at them with long suddenly the octopus came out of blb den to oght tie- was a reddish purple globe of flesh horned all over and with large bitter bating eyes that roved from one to another u if searching for his prey then eight arms a retched out on all sides of blm the natives began a fresb attack and then to bis horror urv-0brlen- felt a slimy arm wind itself around his leg hla cry attractec the na lives attention and with a bound and a slash they had cut the feeler another of the men had two ten tacles around him but hla compan ions hacked at the a until be waa tree the octopus who moaned dreadfully was eventually killed the remains were then gathered up cooked and eaten the visitor witnessed a light be tween a band of sharks and two large whales and a baby whale tbera were at least twenty ave sharks in the mad mob great white monsters thirty feet in length and it was us if a gale raged both the wl ale struck out frenaledly o defend tl elr young ope but the sharks harried them like hounds and at last tbe motherwhale disappeared 1 er baby being unatched from her aide a number of monster sword qsh once attacked a canoe containing mr 0 brien and a native both of whom were thrown in o the water the na tive waa badly injured a aword ha ing plercednlaleg through queer in the extreme wero some of the names bestowed upon the na lives for instance mr o brien a boy servant waa known as euplod ing eggs while quite common were such hlgbso dl g jltles aj mall eioua gossip drink of beer my darling hope vanqulal ed often and ci of seventh man who is so angry he wallowa in the mire vanquished or en wyis a ihir teen year old girl of kreal beauty seventh man was her uncle when bank of hamilton g c mckav we invite yoo to come in and join now manager ton will receive 8 per cent interest knfomakiw cnrisfnias ihnaffvxsiofdii with plenty of money m bankto boy all the i tbe joy of fiftvinc tbe spirit of christmas does not rim when ghrins la t when so moat be forgotten when eomeone gf you and yon can giro nothing in return yoo can make son of 1 for christmas 1921 by joining onr dob now f there are no does or fees of any open to all to yoo and every member family and year feisods jasrdaddw bow anacb saooavyoa warn 50j 10000 ssjwwtmldy totals 23oa0 huwwmtdytmala sodjm h r hiaaau manager plercnants bank christmas club r j hyttds insurance broker g why tonshorffd btajt at gaelphbasinesscodege herald bids gne beoaose oar instruotion in com mercial law will save you many a lawyer s fee becadae our training in writing business letters will enable you to write letters tbat get results because oar bookkeeping train ing will enable you to know yoo business bo ihat waste is eliminate and profit results because our stenographers coarse prepare yon to occupy positions of responsibility and trust which pay enviable salaries don t be a might bave been start on monday uptodate harness shop stop before buying your new hsrness bobos blanket etc oomer in and see an np to date stock i make all my own team harness 1 i use only the meet of material atnlce trunk bait case or clnb bag make a nice xmaa gift let me pnt one away for you teasirlni prau attesie to w a 6 a1le y op todate harness shop mala street geqw6v wanted stenographers who can write iso words a minute in short- handi aod 60 words a minute in touch typewriting are in constant demand we train yoo at bba upton bdsi ness institute to reach these spoons ana when you have attained same we gua antea position 1uirtwfinsirlcssnstltute 43 kilbride lowville bells school appleby strathcona f trafalgar tp boy no drtimnu i post vi lie mnnn s cor palermo bronte a bronte b sheridan e squeal a g twp si roat a nor sfownrttown 100 dublin 84 tbomufloi u corne 100 glenwillmma do mosbognweyn 18 170 ai t never give op better always k dmpalr file off toe load of doubis autker- injr fettera anda break the dark apeh tyrannical care never ge op or the burden otay siok you 4 providepoe ktodfj ha nrrflml the cop andltnajeandttonbkw brthuak you the watchword of hre wast be ntnfarrftffmp 90 109 112 aoo 16 u9 184 mr o brien visited tbem the chief suggested that be might like hla niece aa a bride so great waa the disappointment of both when the via or refused that mr o brien said he- would make her his little sister rhey were immensely pleased perhaps the most entertaining in cldont of his year among cannibals mentioned by mr o brien in his book white shadows of the south seas u of u wily native who got permission ta 1 are a game of cards on condition tl a be did not play for anything but n atches in one day every box of matches in tl e islands had boon lost to the banker who would have made a fortune by sell ing them back to the other natives had not the latter red scovered the old time secret of getting fire from wood new zealand fauna although now zealand is account ed by geologists one or the old sat countries on the globe its admirable assortment of flora and fauna sug gests no primitive mistakes it has no more snakea than tipperary it cherishes indeed no poisonous crea tures save an ill famed spider that nobody meets its only wild an i mala are two species of bnt and n small unobtrusive rat thnt i viry recent times the dominion co d boast of that lordly bird 1 e i on fourteen feet in height and cous n to tbe ostrich is asserted by a recc t correspondent now as extinct aa his neighbor the- dodo the moa remains a popular favorite a real br er remua in the native maori legends bone m tl o big bird sometimes with m romiud sash still attached have been fo nd in various places also aboriginal i n piemen ta contrived from 1 is great ekeleton b wl an i w em of birds that are waders the scar let ibis which has recently arrived at tbe zoological garden regent a park london bug la tbe most l beautiful i a plumage rasembles and rivals tbat of the flamingo which be cause it is webfooled is classefl among the swimmers notwlthatand in- its wading habits the ibis has neksr viaited england fnt wild sate but its congener the spoon bill was at one time frequently found in suffolk other waders too such as cranes and storks are occasionally seeil while the heron is happilj it 111 with us and every now and again a stray flamingo may pay us a brief visit acd lent rates lower la rurbpe the accident rates in coal mines ot kb gland franoje belgl m ger many austria and japm re much lower than in amcrvci because alt the miner in one nkne epnak the same language qsebec grwtnfliuch nearly 800fj00 basbeo naid- into the port of quebec vy the provincial liquor commission since the month pf j ilj accotwig to a statement of a member pf one commission to day the actual flftures are customs duties 170 99194 excise 117 00086 never gave op there a and changes helping tbe hopeful a hundred to one and through the chaos p win- dam arranges juver auccem ir you it only hold on never give op for the knowing that pronleace n lea the cop and of ajl rnsxirns the beat as the oldest is the stern never given watcaword of campbellville 166 brook v ile 08 knatchb ii 49 6268 8794 s anderson b plurality 1476 adas a runaway car whack liiiwhi cranked the other day wilfiout re- ieasiug the clutch made m men of the new lattice fence at hub ma- 129 sales residence on elgm street 157 mr and mrs john t lym left 815 for their new home at cfaehenhsun on saturday darmg the jear they spent m acton mr and mm notes and comments the ontario government ha evidently edme important changes in tbe composition of the county councils of the province circu tars have been- bent out to the mumoipat councils intimating that important changes in the co inty council system are con tempiatedbetog made at next sea eion of tbe legislature tbe councils are asked to express their opinion on giving women mnnloi pal franchise on tbe bame footing as men reducing incorporated vil lages tbat have shrunk io popula tion to police villages and using the assessed value as much population in deciding the repre sentation of mnunjcipejity inthe county council if these pli materialise there vill be marked obanges in the composition of the county coi ncils 60 pre boys aod children s heavy ribbed worsted hose to clear 69o and 79c h j fof georgetown how fiosd haass cads are asp a the following synopsis may be of interest to any good roads en thuatastrubo is still unfamiliar with the ontario highway laws and regulations 1 count bonds a county council is authorized to assome b by law- a system of roads lor construction and maintenance- the province contributing 40 con struction and maintenance the robd jweutiiedlaro ubuajjy aocbaa will accomodate the greater part of local market travel the mile age assumed is generally from is to 20 per coot of the total mile age of the county tbe roads are built in accordance with tbe de partment s regulations a stan dard tjpe ib graded to tbe width of 24 tt to 26 ft between ditches with broken stone orgrae to a width of from 9 to 18 ft in tbe case of country roads adjacent to cities a suburban area may be established under the jurisdiction of a special jommisajon represent ing both the country aod city the ooflt of these latter is paid for in the proportion of 80 per oent by tho county 80 per cent bj tbe oity and 40 per oent by the prov moe except some of the most ito nortant roads near cities which may be designated by tbe minister of highways as provincial county suburban- roads for these the province pays 60 nor cent and the county and cit 20 per cent each 2 provincial county road these roads are under county coo trol bnt to them tbe province contributes 60 per cent of the joost of construction and maintenance in general they are planned to form branches or feeders of the provincial highway system the road allowance for them must not be lens than 66 ft wide while tbe metalled surface is to be double track not less than 14 ftvio n idtb 8 provincial highways ad jacent to cities the cost in borne in the ro port ion of 60 per cent by tbe province 20 per oent b the city and 20 per cent by the connty mpli wbicb tne rood passea ouu do the suburban area tho province assume 80 per cent of tho cost on these roads the pro lortion of the province a share will be reduced on receipt of a sub sidy from the federal govern ment whirh pays 40 per cent of the cost of cons only e elusive orbridges and oni alter an agreement has been made with rettpect to oacp road 4 tonnbbip roads under recent amendment to the ontario ii ghways act tbe depart qjent of jhigbwayw in authorised to pay a otj per cent subsidy oq actual coat pvtonditure made by township or trnxroadti tnder their jurisdiction in vuition to this a subsidy of 40 per vt lb paid toward tbe eali of avtwdship boad supenot dentvt miss alberta butnerfisrd of tbe local pubbo school saust baa en- rsged fpr a term to teach the hsjpv er grade elaoaea tn the ool in dapan vbe yonnaj lady member of ystace mi 41m li 1st church and took an aettre part m tbe chorch work jshe will be greatly missed b a large csrale of friends in town one of the newly elected iaer- iteo er mr gbarjea c turned home last thursday after spending seven nwthn with rela tives in winnipeg mr hender son has regained bianemltb and la now feehng qoite himseir agajsa wbich fact his acton fezmreas- 1y appreciate cap j a kesmedy teller of the merchants bank baa bean transferred to tbroutoy ha made many friends m during his residv was in command of tbe local e of the helton bifleev mr w w scott of i has been seriously iu and baa daughter mrs wm hall baa waiting on bun for a few daya duri his stay i town o mon day tbe hon b xurury trunv minister or ontario was the guest of mr and mrshp j moorecroftrfree frees is mr fred stork of pin ertan old peel boy and awtive ot bolton where hn father erjndncc- eqadrng store for iaany years mr wm- coabextv nsanesjer of tbe gummed paper fjix baa bought tbe planing mill property hrlnrsjr ing to tbe estate of the late ma pork opposite the clpa station yard he purposes uufaaans the buildings as a factory in winch to manufacture pastes and gums now made at- tbe paper cneapanya it mr colbert will sever baa connection with gonuaed papera oo the first of the coeuna ymr banner a tunes era mrs sarah framnto morley daughter of the late j c browo 7tfa use nn died after a brief uumss atther boaae on main street bnn hi mar- ley s health baa delrned ever amce the death of her stater jane m 18zt mr and mrs hill and mr h theobald of hamilton called to see mrs pearson who has been m failing health but is we are pleased to note madans raped pro gress toward rec mrs george mason died vary suddenly on wednesday evenuew nov 80th 191 atther late homn lot 24 9th line pnn decease arao bom a yean ago near oon- ngaby advocate mrs d crawford who under went an operation m tbe guelph general hospital recently ta mak mg good progress towards recev cry tbe last regular meeting of the county council for 191 xnll be held on tuesday dec sota thw wtlf be followed by tbe usual warden s supper at the mcotbcoa house- in tbe evening most or the steel for the new 10k has at rived and iiijisim are ugaged id putting ij into poartson with tbe assistance of a doafe engine and derock belpranew ui a concert and chnatasaa tree ill be held fn waterloo school r beqoeaojjg oa evenuig dec isfitat 8 bef reehrnenta will be

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