Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 14, 1921, p. 2

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rt v mil m w h waion undertaker and xioensed -smbslmer- malabt 0 auloamftitccrrrrsedrawnhearse phone nlghtor day 54w or 51 xhm qsomswwm bsmtp pucbttbbk hth ljml irth marriage atxl death am now charged for at tbe following rules births 50c i marriage 50ci deaths 50c j memor ial canusoct 10c pr lion exlre for married wiiitnkv rooebs at tls bono o ibe br da uauiln mrs m baker 63 won- da r wu toronto on moody decem ber- 1 fth 19th fc rev mr emm vcroa daughter of air and mrs g x rogers- glenwuuam ho mr j c we tney- silver ave toronto died kax at off en so cm savurday jeccnber 3 1921 beaaay sinclair laugh lor of gilbert sinclair and belov- ed w f of mr pave ckav ubaxnl auewale oa iliniayr dtifiat- jibe 4 1921 daughter gibertsclairudbelbvedwu of mr basesr txvsval tbttmapfiwi wesrgaiafraxa tqoalrip0o sooday november 27 9ji iajrob teeter to his 86 year our gaheofthe wild gapta has hpckndo rbooko what hie ixuiilulon hat done to lrrerve animals and birds ltelaietl in new book by iate dr unrilon hewitt who wed very shortly aficr hi literary work liid been completed canada and the united states tanil houldcr6honwera the diligent and forceful nation of the world in tin conservation of wild life wrltou william t horneday in uie new york time there have been times when we have been die- turned uy narrlbtfear that our neighbor of tfio norjth was forging abead of da in new enaejmeott aha la quicker do the draw than we are butusuall w m irv oa tin surely the canadian government must betprood o the late pri c qotyv doa havrftt re c ft ib muhicipial matters now that the dominion elec tions are over it is quite inorder lo talk aboil fc munioipal affairs and wbb is to transact the towns busi ness daring 1982 georgetowns uncontrollab exjmditojshavfl pretty large figures and economy compatible with effioien- oy will need to be exercised by whoever sits round the council board daring the coming year the council of 1988 now that georgetown has been incorporated mb a town will consist of a mayor vbeeve and six councillors- the town twill be divided into three wardb and two councillors will be elected from each ward the ratepayers mr only vote for the councillors to represent their re spective ward but all ratepapers may vote for the mayorand beeve t two hydro commissioners and public sohooltrnsteeajira also to be elected with nominations only ten days distant it 1b time attention is call ed tothe fact as usnal there are no adidatesoffering and unless effort iarfiade to aeoore a suitable slate thib condition will last right op to nomination day it is one of the peculiarities of the time which we are living that although the ratepayers arft willing enoig to criticise the council for ex itcaagaooe and bemoan the high rateof taxation they absolutely refaee to pas forth any effort to remedy bach condition so far the only person -who- has declared himself is councillor donald mo- intyrewbb wjll be a candidate for the beeveahip omtnary tnxjs notes the excelttiot turis square held a social evening at the home of mr green and daring the oven- ing hold their election of ofooers for 1988 the following were the o fllce in eleclod ilanorary pretor mr j- w ken- mentor loalie wruggctle past pretor boy king pretor fred davie deputy- pretor will marshall sbriptor arthur iyndall comptof jskbuck aohlevement as ft is aetforth nnevoume tha toasarrauon ps bobbbt waitbbs ai4be age of 0 years dr bob bert walters a native of acton wbo had won for himself high position passed away at beading penn last week deoeased was the third eon of george andbetsy wslters who- were pioneer resi- dents of acton where heepent his boyhood- he attended toronto university and medical college uving hi mn j and after i in pennsylvania whereve became widely jotowa in his professioh his wife predeceased hum 6 years rhis eldest daughter who had been ja pny 10 ago- twd ditnghters and two sons adr- vive also one brother john of acton and two sisters mrs f a galloway toronto and mrs g o kennedy of valleys- california- mr george- walters of george town is a nephew jlume the msarvauonf- the wild ufe orcanaa h u meeta a want hve jfeaxsjtrtd d nothuffclesa would have been satlar factory- the pookils really ljr sclentlie practical and thorough it eontalns a great amooat of valu able acts and flsures that heretofore have been scattere and elaave and the fine eaalpibactiliultrallonar sups and charts is highly atttefar- tory both in charaetar and attammeata dr hewitt was a remarkable man an bagllshman by birth and educa tion he came to canada from the rjmveraltyol manchester s ready- -trelaed- oolffiit the canadian government at ones offered him a hin nn aajdoinlnlon entomolog ist and from an embryonic beginning he masterfully developed a bureau in the department of agriculture thai can receive no greater praise than the statement that it adequately covera the ground of protective en tomology for tie er-flmi- dominion wllb the department of entomo logy ona broad basis and well in hand as steel la drawn to a magnet dr hewitt was drawn into wild life protection soon he became acknowledged authority on the logical side of wild life protection and mcreaserandnnauy the new of- nce of dominion consul ting aoologiat was created for aim hsu in that responsible and enormously useful jgattlon that dr he in collsbor- atloitwith jameswwealkea the northwest game act a measure of farreaching importance to the game and people of canada just one month after dr hewitt onioned his work on his volume and laid it aside quite ready for publi cation pneumonia snatched him away at the early age of thirtylive it- is a satisfaction to know that the last page was written and revised by him as a foundation on which to build lhejlrsl deals with the as set value of the wild life of the dom inion- all american- sportsmen know that today thy qnest hunting grounds in the western hemisphere lie north of our boundary it is a taakwell worth while to set fortb truthfully and adequately the present status of the cariboo millions the muskox herdsthe- giant moose the grand series of mountain sheep spe cies the blsarre mountain- goat the bears of several species the beat breedinggrounds for north amer lean waterfowl are in canada and canada alone can protect theni the reserves for game and wild life in canada make up achapter of thrilling interest the one maps that show them in red make a grand showing of reenlu and tr very mnh to our mind i would like to seethe canadian statesntea and pub licist who can view these records or achievement without cold chills of pride chasing each other up and down bis main line of nerves twenty years ago canada set out to g f h a louis slander brentford ooal merchant was fined 1500 and ona- month in jail orui default of payment of the line an additional- six months in jail by magistrate j b maesieor wei land yester day on a charge of selling liquor uo t t on anoe act v vn will h well a to pheck hat first cold weather tyfiqgftof bbenniatiam before ifr develops dsetbe standard bem- edy tacs bamah the post tive asthma remedy ajsosoldby djmatthew special sale or sterling silver flatware in dessert and table apoona diana and irene patterns also single pieces lees than manu facturers cost to close ool a b willson rwe repair and clean allkinds of fore just in now winter hats pur trimmiogs cheap circulars sent on request see us paris- ian 8hopp georgetown glrgfitdwn nflre trugk aaase razmah gaonint ted btssl iw wa socu the hroncsual tabes give of qukt atseafcontabm no itfccnnngdrag tlodatyonrflrug- gufa trial lresats ante templens ias ksag- w to nlo m sala-aa- 3d j itsvttnxwti every department rilled to overflowing with beautiful useful and serviceable merchandise suitable for gifts ctaaililrens serin dresses- of iod aly tnnuaedt new advertisements warning parking antoa withm30 feet of any street corner or firei hydrant ia strictly for bidden and oseodera wlb be prosecuted p mblvuxs chief police wariaaaagr when a bre alarm uisouoded all per- iosare warned not toobetruct the fire truck in anyway c sod streets espeaeible forany accidents that may ir after thk notic f metnlla cmef pogce 2t warnins any peraob found 14 and 15 in the 9th known aalbe eaton fann wol be prose cuted to ibe full extent at the law any dogsfowadoa said pr w oostefat itp j hhccaular proprietor gtovvtulams well there are still a few tories left in the glen the children are looking fur- ward to the christmas tre and entertainment on deo 81st be present and encourage tbe child ran mr garvin has enlarged- his rinatofauregnlation sise new rights have also been installed shating as soon as weather per- niits i l a shooting match wilt helield in the glen on christmas tjraest price paid for fresh eggs at foratera grocery comer john and victoria su gaorgetowo slewsnlown 1 the bishppof niagara will bold l ooonrmaiioa at st johns church stewarttown nextsnndayat 8 pjn i l mrpred hamlyn oflnndoi spent sunday with mr and mrs cjajbrj clnirdi ne vvs mxteodibt oildbcb services at tegular boors on sunday next with prayer service following the evening serrioe on monday evehinnthr aex molar- en of the ontario sooialsertioe i- oonocil wilt sddress the bpworth league mf molaren has mee iage worth while hoar fann i baptist obdbgh oraday tat 8 4n mission ch fols and womans meeting jhol cawsonags 7j- pjov pnfc6ce of xmas mmatt hy baad school 8 p m prayer meeting sunday 11 amanapprovad workman 1160 sdx bunday sobool 48 pmusong aorttos 7 pm th coming of jeans monday btptj tkindsvysohooirsrippet and bdteitainment thursday deo- v ttonal- parks and- game preserves while thegettlng was good no pro- vinee seemed disposed to be behind in this conservation enterprise as a hnsl result these redspotted maps t g s o enltghteam eat progress dnui it eaters its de mdeneeno city state or nation ever deconsecrates and gives back to com mercial uses a park or a wild life sanctuary that has once been dedi cated- to- the- whole people aa theirs it is- quite as thojt9ujalyjmis5 stble to convey in f one paragraph s true imprssalon of the parka and game preserves- of canada as it would be to write the constitution of the united states ana postal card the collection of- national parks dom inion parks game preserves and bird sauetusrles la fairly bewildering- the subject cannot be portrayed en masse but we not that eastern can ada haa four huge game reserves and manitoba and sa bsvetalrtyonevmoat small a1 berta and british colontbla between them have seven game reserves next ascribe creation of her great chain of natlonapparks and same preserves canadas moat notable achievement wan bar lively participa tion in tbe creation of the now fam ous migratory btrevtreety dr hew itts chapter covering that achieve ment is interesting and valuable nts- tory canadas end of the treaty was taken care of with neatness and despatch and the resnltss a whole was an achievement of continent- wide importance obemlst rwiu yon have bsatedt hlek i wttl not ill take it yu jr and friday of this week in thtows wla84e 3 mapolson bonapartes early amat- asawfie tor a naval career i wish all ny boiconmra merry cttrristmas tt me know wbbre the beat boota pan bfrft ourectaadi am boond to get inanii at lowest prioea the grab shoe bean selling all over at 6 and 6sx i wont right to the faotory rqtoberietibd now have stock of them in out down ijo in prioe by bnyinit direct- from tacv- tbft lory bpysaod girts aetftpt boots troio 8 to ca y i and all rips sewed free a targe stock of womens boota from fjuoto 40 hookey boots all kinds 8 up skates gtdandand put on womens boota bsjasoled and rub ber baels ljfja tbe days of high prioea bsvegone bepairing while jou walk honeys bleotrio shoe works main st georgrj- wn at oall at wheatleys pabn gar dens and sss oar fnll line of xmas oahdiea nuts ots annaakag fbctimnlao slott un4feigars and chkxst agas tkxn place ymsr order early for chris m trees to be delivered setoruay bt xmaa n soydar boat 50 appty to e a ben c tax 1 85 pbooe 164 the gift to send away a boa of tbe cboiceat apple beantlfabr pt op tblak it apple bobotif paitkularab hat rea mmjjm mixed tiatothyaod dovernay at the us ordegversd la georgetown price ncoordiog lo auy to kcdooejd keariy bailey t owb pbooe84ri galai tea of well useful gilts for affi- christmas greetings the mens store weare ready to drinorihtinu lo yon uie fact liinl the character of our chrifltmnh iihijpvihh1uiv is d i ftort- n t so ift aa quality and kkhuhjviiipks nrc- cudtoriied differinl to wtint i offered to yon hy itlier shntm holtor bocnokotho pritioh nro no hi r h than foflmih nttrnirtivn rnorrtismltperj you will mil in our ktock the grrnlvitt ttusortiiifut of tiiveblo presents at ijlllo cont considerinh the gnality ponai ble to procure iuialinu or tiew nrkoni- armbumls hi aces contbinntion acts cormiatina of gartern hracoa and nrmhnnds fine assortment half hose filk and wool im tiler a fiik and initialed linen bankorcliicftt a won tor coat h for men til id hoys etc i shirts andgloyek- when o doubt a lianpy solntion to tbe gift problem oho always be settled on shirts and gloves the sort wesbow are sure to be acceptable at alltimee ordered clothing this edasonib the time when men are jpeciail 0 sp6ndid aisortrhent of over coatings and suitings at one- third- less than regular prioea this is a great oppbtonitytobo onreathm wottoordereditx style guaranteed beaaytowear olotbibg- ave clearing bjiour stock in boys youths and mens at half price we are offering great bargtuns in this line j 7 -t- we invite an inspection of our stock before making yoar christmas purchases open every evening shop early and get the host selection irtttitarcteoo rta sia cla tallomna u aiams rartnanioa awbu for sseaawell co toronto dratna sawldrt- ftlsanlin georgetown phone 126 cut rate cash and carry grocery babies and quldren women and misses men and boys glowenttcpsinlantvwool xaelc- ets bootees lutts andoweralls priees very moderate women jt misses silk oashniere and wool hose olowesv qanntlets oowns itndutauar and itnderskirts valves auretne best ire save been able to otter vewer nave we snoarn so larfre a rsnfa of dainty hendkereliiefli nor of snob walae as now tbew are jvst besatlfai pastry flour 84 lb bag bdwardsburg corn syrnp 101b pail 7 jb boiled oats for laundry soap 14 bars for shredded wheat per pkg r christies soda biscuit large sise new p orange and lemon per lb ioing sugar 2 lb for ivory gloss starch 8 packages ghalange brand corn starch per pkg carnation milk large tin- pearliue 8 packages nice large juicy demons per doz we have another lot of that good tea 8 lb 26o 97b 18o loo 17o 26o hoys ties t silk shirts ft9pfsa 1 for a sftftthan a seleotion front oar iorcsrfrnanere son gloves handsxvmfenielk st atari pnllovers tfnder all at exoeptlonal j j gibbens phone 160 lctxie blocu7georgetovvti beaatifal oat glass lane china linnerrfe tea sets vases jardineera serwin txagr gift books tor books art uoosts booklets paperettes xmas boxes deeoratlonik tjsefal artieles of all kinds for gift parses sntokers sets guc gfft bones combs brashes mirrors p pens genoi sulver boxxs toys gomes sleighs xmas stocking and candies gilts that are appreciated table covers and vapuxwspecnal towels stamped linens stamped pillow cases doylies banners stand covers and a nnmber of oholee pieces buy furniture now save money while you can the good innaeneo of real cwnafort do not nuike any mistake abont the in- naeneeof beaatifalnrnltare zt makes the dixtorenoe be a honse in hoaae in which yon take a joy and aoleannpin bags union boga 18lfi0 for cbwoboiastewbrvrt braaseletto bugs s18bo for bnisaeletto bogs 2lj0 10 00 -18-60- 18 85 16 60 jap grass bags s89g for jap grass bugs 260 for jap grass bogs 176 for 7 sb 176 1 b6 big bargains in tape try brassels bags- oil cloth bugs rog 796 oilclath bugs 10ju gs 1885 6 96 6 96 bos iluo 11 96 siaes np to 18 ft x 12 ft at a big sacrifice gruel sacrifice of innocent prices of high grade furniture valuable piepei of rex theatre ew tpchidmt boildiobnd land spleodid factory site for farther par- over two toe of say ojoantity of geu soaw straw good evade icotrii fuuof4f am ah jorgloa 1 atrsnged keai pa tf bojfnnr ron saxj clover 10 lbs lj65 aabbsr l3s at blake yaaoeiters bslbaafad at a r vaonatterv aaaa georgetowa oat t rtolzats itftsauc 10 bradtotay pallets ready lo uy a bargalo at ikoo brad rroasoaeety stock arspebt lj ela hrodtotay etialo snidraale also b- u allen pboae 17 kh koe tialn apecial price for beet avefity tfaaotby bay m 94 georgetown lot fro tmtfecfcbot fsca a 2 red beifersvz swats old 1 vp nutssxb lag can be said separately loouag for onasswwu net wt to eakta ares bargain v akeaveryia twaaaaoaa am erataajaoae4ajabeatgiads aowaay iaflibli ft a gtiodchrisbaa pres lj i ap- fjy hlldl u jg2s short course in agric held at farmer club room muton january 3rd lo january 27ui 1922 class will be held bach week with the exception of saturdays lectures from 10 am to 18 andljw to 4 pm j j axrrange to attend this valnabxe coarse and make application to department of agriolture milton ontlineof coarse xeotnres on i pertilixers and application soils and drainage dairying milk and cream testing feeds and feeding insects and fungus diseases bacteriology in relation to agriculture farm arithmetic andfarm aoconnta bnglishand composition vegetable growing in addition to the above practical work on the following operation and handling of inoubators practioal work testing milk and cream r judging of clover and grass seeds identification of noxious weed seeds pruning grafting and budding special lectures on bubjecte such as vegetable growing veterinary science bees and fruit the coarse is fbjeje to any farmer or farnmrs ubv there is no admission fee or tent books no age limit for farther information write or phone the departanent of agrioaltnre milton g l woltzbjl lauga oooobes art leather 8100 for inqptonebba heavy xtngliah tapestry 8a4far msnifloant 6 no the naoal4 piece bed rooni ssttas of basin walnut lame i dreassr chiffonier of speoial desigo- dtoeaing table with triple plate glass rsirrora ijargbtf and stand bog- 8cfor 1 bemmifo 4pseoe satin walnut bedroom suits all isj pieces begolaru6 oartainly a big bansain serviceable 8 piece bedroom bujtes bed dresser and stand empire oak 8300 fir 1 t a splendid bargain chiffoniers finest quality t out oak band polished large mirror apecial designs a teal beauty beg 7600 for note tbetprioe chiffoniers solid oak larjgje roomy draw ers large mirror special at 46s6 a good bargain dressing tables lent oat trtppla mirrors worth investigating 6800 fo 1 beds walnut mahogany finish and white bnaimal beds at a sacrifice dining boom seta living boom furniture ball library and kitchen furniture boxaers chair and all hnas of pnrnitare and floor cove at bargain prices w see the goods see the prices tsasis i r r fleming bsjl laraealillve coast thats why- wa tow prood to sail loutagaasa tw awa osaaa ta bji so- serfs toe cluon spreader ssisskss thomas e hew3qn nnl 0uri

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