palm garden lunch rooms meala served at all hours ice cream fruit confectionery a full rine ot tobaccos cigars and cigarettes all bhone orders delivered ttovui next of house dresses oor christmas club is the ideal method for acotimn lading money byfftnall regula deposits bring in the 6c now next weekdegoait 10 increase yojir jde- poaifeo e we ai d t atforgbs cpifgh holy communion 1st and 3rd sundays 11 a m 2nd 4th and 5th sunday 8 a m matins rii a m sunday school 94s a m 8 hilton wallbridgk a oalau barristers tolloiters etc toronttr and x3oimmwwu offleat kennedy block le roy date in charge ot gmff- own office h o meek barrister solicitor el k office- mm st georgetown haura- 3anwto5pm open wednesday and saturday eve hinge dr t sfibosuttj physlolen am it uodtcal omoer i omeahouia 4to and t to p an phone m omce and be main street south opposite p church physician aaffsiireon mustreet phone 22 esh6ofe suntepti graced hospital speattedtioortosdjseasev of women anj cuujawtofaee jy matbtniivi offio haai eaept tiitesasyajnugayaaa r l hcat d o a- on the darkest day of winter we can sense the coming spring seme day oold and gloom will van ish v anihe birds begin to sing after longe uigli t rriord- ing i fill the passin g hour with song and no darkness can appal you or no waitingtime tseem long every qlpud how oft weve heard it let as ljke tiie birdmen be soar above- and get the snobhine soaring sonlb alone oan see r jttee eyseeil if while gang at tie lovelight ui eitehrotherseyes swtherts can pare the time they may each- learn something- about tb others char acter v v -i- v authorities say of teci eyej t they are usually lively peaetra- tire and brisk and prove a person his humor shone brightly at test of spencer rifle the scientific american gives a true story of lincoln con by mrr christopher nrspeheerthbtr earsold who was the inventor practically the stat repeating rifley jedutpewasasmimbltwevldene during the civil war as iiv the tk6 tjl war through the influence st jjj james o blaln and presldenjtxin- i coin the new arm which dldtmuch to crush the confederacy was adopt- eii mr spencers account of the test is s true contribution to both bio graphy and history he says- on the- way the president stop- ped in front ofthp war department and sent robert to- ask mr stanton the secretary of war to come with lis willie- we were waiting mr lin- tot coin told ub some good stories and tioticingthat orarof thff pboketir or his black alpaca coat as torn he took a pin from- his waistcoat and proceeded td mend it saying laugh- lirgly it seems to me tha4msdoea maglstratie of this mighty rpublibv- robert reported thatvmtstautqii was- too busy to accompany us well said the jeeaident they dq pwtty a overtherei ifye tzrifit wu aboard about aix inches wideband lhree feet long with black r spot painted at ttch end r the rifle outaified six ocatibre rmflre -co9et- ctet rldgps mr lincolns flrst shot lincoln hot wli r painotrfrjjj xo the left and five inches tow byt the n shot hi te huliseye and tthe btherv uvg yere placed cvose aroupd iu- vnow- said mr lincoln will see the inventor try if the board was reversed- andljuds6me- what better than the president well- hp said- yoti are yourfger than i am and have a better eye and steadier- nerve sbackletpn with unil 600 tvm the following tables eiplijiaithe different ctabs pntirt fic10 pm li am v800 pm aprons of att kinds and sizes ladies and childrens night dresses and under- wear v childrens bats tarns caps and scarfs warm stocjeuigs and pullovers we also have a rood assortment of cor sets front and hack lacing in different makes all to go at greatly reduced prices every day will bebargaio day gall suad inspeot onr stopfcv mrs 4wilsllr8elauu pm 017 pm ip 086 f increasing club plan put in 1o so 6c or ioo the first weefc increascyourdepoalt 1c 2c k or 10c aacls week in 50 vyeate 1c club pays 1273 be club pays 6375 2o club pays 2sg0 10c club nays ti2750 decreasing clup plan start with- the largest sum and decceass your deposits each week 1 this is a very popular plan eves amount club plan put in the same amount eachweek in 50 weeks 2so club pays s1260 500 club pays 2s000 60c club pays 2500 ta00 club pays 50000 100 club pays 00 s2000 club pays si 00000 ijjokoo j5000 club pays 20000 ofl idrjiun b o nor oneluucarrlasa otoit hours 1arato d nf- 200 club pays 1 0000 jrt high write for p- time best d l w scranton coal iri all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j watkins norval station phone 68rs4 ur windows m hockey boots for the whole family the largest assortment in town at rook bottom prices drop in and see theiii skates put on boot ijhard to beat come in and com- t quality and prices heavy fejt i heavy snag proof rubbers nd get for popplar shades for men and women i popular prioed r jreoroetowir 2 in 1 or nnggett polish lootip hazt to post ofloa oome in and join the olnb today bring in all the family there is nothing like having a bysteniatio plan for depositing yonr money join now we will welcome you bank ofepnd g c mackay manager we invite yon to cme in and join now ton will reoeive 8 per cent interest tftisp inislfixir oairoparrio offioes t aifhiki ohas j ijilfipli d o graduate of the palmer school o chiro practic curbpractics founuuhead davoiport iowa us a r office over pbstoffice consultation and spinal anaiyau free officb hours tuesdays thursdays and saturdays 1q to i2am z to 5 pm and 7 to 8 pm phoinsa office 150w and residences 0 to ba4c llteiy wit vtntifrtyxcpbr e ottaii u of ti sound understanding- apt- totalis often easily led by ontaltte influence selosli desirouja of absorbing the time fand attention of a friend and- benj petgh ueefed amjttoirateilior halton and oondocted satisfactorily and at rea- sonabls v ratea orters left- the oeorcetown herald offloe will reoalvs prompt attsnudfl j a tract i clerk township of esquesing clerk 3rd division court theleading fire and life insurance gos repre t issuer of t8arriagei3iseflses stewarttown odt en10v mail contract our bread because it is so good it tastes almost like cake and it is wholaome food for the growing ohild we bake every thing from the oread to- the flnebt of fine oakes oleanji neas reigns supreme here mckinley bros eufeimwai otitr sealed tjcndbas addressed to the will be received at a friday the 3rd- of be conveyance of his a proposed contract times per week on the office and grand trunk the first of april next j fuither in formationjbtu to proposed contract may be seenand lanieorms of tender may be obtained atthe postof es of norval and at the office o thepi cwcelnspector london onu post office inspector s office 23rd december 192p- j mclean post office inspector ugfity black eyes -are- said to indicate a dominating pflwer ie browniyed man- is the beat provider and the blueeyed man the most often henpecked- a true grey eyes denotes it la said that the person is of rather weak intellect devoid ot wit but a plalnploddlhg honest drudge oreenish ferey eyes with light streaks coming and going denote fn- ellectuallty impulsiveness jmpree- sionableness and love ot poetry and greyblue clear- steadfast eyes show a serene and confident nature- p blu ey with a sh iftfe on show dishonor and deceit darkblue eyes withjlkldlet-tin- flhdlcate purity and- a great vwer ot affection t- blueeyesvlttlagreeii tint show acholeritrttisposition when angry they jookred blueeyes streaked with unequal orange or yellow flashes show the owner to be quite different from oth- er folk original ana uncommon green eyes are deceitful and are the eyes of coquetry r ltght brown eyes are inconstant bown eyes with a green tint show an irritable disposition- brown eyes are mischiefmakers it is said a hazel eye indicates a subtle perctaj nature cllned to be arch and mischievous though goodnatured at heart the worst eyesof all are citron colored or yellowish eyes- beware a cold indolent belflsh disposi tion accompanies a ffeebly tinted or colorless eye british eyes are a proof- of good health and ahappy o on life iple who talk well ana love to usually have large eyes k eyes suggest deep and strong ona if- your eyes change color as from i to black or blue to brown it is aid tobe a lucky- signr a person who winks rapidly- ad vertises aqulckteniper a east or geins with magic powers do you believe in the magic pow ers of precious stones it is a belief dating bslck to the ancients that tbe gift of eloquence is bestowed by the sardonyx and disraeli wore a ring setwitff3htt jewetupntin occasions when he wished to electrify auditors and win new adherents to bis cause a certain royal princess wears- a ring set- with dot as one of her talis- mans it is supposed to possess sln- ulifficacy to p health ttontindeirthliory regardihg- jet was uiat ifpovdejed and mixed with wine ft was a sovereign remedy for toothrchir thcrshah off persia is neverwithw 6ut htov c at amber which he wearttltdurid bis neck it is said to possess the power off rendering its wearer invulnerable v the late caar of russia wore ring in which he believed was em beded a piece ofthe true cross once while traveling from petrgradjtb moscow he found thailhe had for gotten bis ring the train was btopped and a messengerr was sent back for it then there is rina of death nalnthllratahaulsbdut the heck of the patron saint of ma drid in one of the most beautiful parks of the spanish capital it is of pearls and diamonds but there is no special provision nude for watching- it as the spaniards prefer to give it a wide berth the story of the ting is a tragic itrasnwaefdr hadbeenj a regions south ofal the flrit r in the pubuc ey c usi befc ore chrmmas for sale rgood house modern conveniences together land very reasonable good boil brick cottage h house or other property be it a farm or only j yourclub wih be complete and you wul be in a position to buy xmas presents o to mate sucb other rise of your accumulated savines as you may desire 4 age bars noone ntomrbvcbjfteniias eiub none are too old and none too young- to join yourfirwweeuydeprtdectsyouametnbeiv anyone can job there are no dues or fees and we have classes to smt-aiunukrbegin- ning with the 1 cent a week increasing pay ment class which gives 137s at slend of tte nftyweekperiod up to the 2000 a week even payment class which yields 1000 at the end of the dub period with graduated clubs of all sizes in between and remember every little bit added to what youve got makes just a jittle bit more as i alsinutovao to o t walk droop m t cannot he trnited wild expression of the eye especially if the whole pupil is ex posed is a sign of insanity projecting rolling eyes belong to people who are not genuine byes deep sunk in the head are those of a jealous distrustful en vious malicious nature large eyes in a small faeelndlcate curiosity y byes close together near the bridge of the nose indicate meanness and nnworthlness t a shifting eye denotes dishonesty soft languid eyes show a volup tuous nature n never make a confldenfl oft one who keeps his eyes almost closed half- shut eyes show shrewdness land a lack of sincerity awiulnty eye is a penurious but honest- eye oblique eyes are cunning and de ceitful byes which have an fnojiteltlve ex pression and then when addressing a person an exceedingly kind ex- presslpn are hot to be trusted if your right eye keeps twitching the superatitioubsay that it means gbodnews your left misfortune if both twitch at the same time you will hear from a longlost friend the present king and he prese ltto mercedes upon theday of thelif lbetrothal her married life vas hort queen chrlstjha the kings grandjnother next wore the rlngtshe diedshortlyaftef and the king gave it to hib elafcerlnfantadcl pi w died within a month the ring then passed to a daughter ot the duo de qfleansvand l t t months tlsh engine facepthe 1 days while show avenshe many people tons times tht rraa8wfor kadt st evans ontario even payment dascies id which the same amount la depostted week for 50 weeks 25c weekly toads 12j0 50c weekly totals 2500 10oweuy totals 5000 200 weekly totals 10000 500 wvdcjy totals 25o00 1000 weakly totals 50oo0 2a00wskly totin 100o00 increasing payment classes in whlcbrlnrtseslosatuuqint ere- deposited each nk for 50 wetfta ic and increase totals 1275 2ivend increase totals j550 5c and increase totals 6375 10c mod incraaes totals i2ss you can join seven if you wish jheresathiterenee business k the business man the students in jiairiing the young people in pceitiohs about ared toive you insurance in any o i companies viz u i british crown em- m m georgetown bnatehj h r hinuaa blaaager stndonu are now enrolling think qniokly aot or yon may be too labe his consolation- two scots met in a restaurant its amohg while since i saw yon jock the first said aye the other answered im married since i saw yoitlast alec married exclaimed alec man thatsgood thats very good ouch no so good told jock the wifes got a temper the wifes got a temper t gosh bntthafs bad thats awfu bad no so bad jock went on shes got hooses mercy ron us said alec but that good the wifes got nooses thats terrible good so sogood said jock the hooses is burned tits alec sighed the booses d burned thats badl thats bad rhadr no so bad jock murmured the wife was burned too worlds wonder for twelve yesxs a ftenchman has been at work ona clookwjieh is one of- the most marvenons pieces of mechanism in theworld in this clock the quarterhour chimes are struck by figures repre senting the four ages of life while the figure o dea strikes each hourjr bach my onasntil chariot appeal aiyjcojbnj later she also died since that time it has been known as the ring of death a scottish farmer who for twenty years bad supplied a neighbor with a weekly consignment ofa dosen eggb discovered one week that thir teen had been sent in mistake he called oh the customer and demand- ed another twopence or his egg back dont be so mean said the cus tomer good heavens man tve been dealing wit you f years surely you can givemean egg with- outmaking a fuss about itt but the farmer frouldnt budge laook here said the- customer finally im not going to encourage your mean habits i wont give you the egg but iil give you a drink in stead what will you haver egg and milk said the farmer americas baptlamal font an american educator has been trying to boy aa a francoamerican memorial a budding that few amer icans ever heard of though it has bean called the baptismal fontof america it is the house in saint die on the meurthe riverj about six miles from the old german frontier in whickia4607 the name america was first put upon the printed page and engraved upon the map in the sane neighborhood soldiers of the first separate american unit wrote the name ot their country in their blood alcohol as iiocomouvt pnel from pernamhuco in brazil comes the news that there are approximate ly 0 modern canesugar factories which have about 800 tmiles of rail way of from 075 to a l meter gauge operated at present hyt-wood- burning locomotives the fui prob lem however is becoming a serious one andas a resuu the sugarmill operators are turning their attention to reducing woott- consumption and finding substitutes 4 consequently great interest is being shown in the substitution of alcohol whicb is pro- duced ufc large quantities police interfered magistrate cant this case be settled out of couit httuigan tt hat what we ere trying to do your bofior wbesthe police interfered helptuinesa its own reward never let yourself worry as to whether those you hip will be suffix e s rain blo rain these arex s ab bootj vlded sulphur there was a dqf ihy bnglandr tloh was ah preghated oriu carried by all the flnei canic eruptii remain ip sff several yearsv such phehp eraandlhra strong ascend as local wt these light ground andv the atmosphfl gravity iirl what slberisri is the count donla meansisl nlfles inth tha ancientp between bu sigiijifies its yielding i pitch hlberi habitation westward thej tended their i country of th ing found tnj it albion white of pessof its on the we