Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 28, 1921, p. 9

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j 6 thurkday rjnonle widow of ijlclherson in htr on tuesday oberl benrukt in rptace from- the blbr mcacofldn i nt 3 pm inter- neiery op many bohool tthv caps off ewhile coining fctid causing the paria bare bead- 1 causing more belies and cotj- sfor bills for the pierage- oi tizen en of mel canada i cabinet is as william ig while angus duncan flfd the same thing in ward 8 the vote was as follows bbsbve heartwell mclntyre ward i 106 88 wjtfd u 78 wardjii 76 66 i 280 282 majority for heartwell 48 wabd i counciilob8 m near 108 w 0 anthony- 6 g wriggieaworth 86 w barclay 60 wabd iii councilwjrs a duncan 108 w long 74 w abheuhuret 60 our town council for 1522 is composed as follpwa mayor leboy dsle reeve h- h heartwell counoillprs w c anthony wm barbed martin near george- herrington wm long and angus duncan lyon jime ifqt external the trivy ffiry graham hon william minister ef pjbharles stew- tinterior sup- ofjndian af- lines hon hew- minister of william lnebqtib8inr lt col bruwu beaded the po ifcittl 287 votes while goodeon appelbe came a close becond with 281 jt l les lie was third ni the race with 229 votesv tbfe totat vote was as follows polls l8 6etofcad appelbe 81 89 82 26 24 79 281 bird 81 68 68 20 22 82 216 brown 27 61 67 22 18 82287 hunter 29 82 88 64 14 86 212 leslie 19 62 86 14 14 94 224 187 287 28196 91 888- esquesiug council for 1922 is composed as follows reeve j w elliott deputy- reeve w j l hampshire coun cillors col g o brown good- son appelbe and t l leslie oul dandor- ainister with- iidiers tte- dt of jibtice ttubr ftsll- fine and fish xander bobb fro commerce ames charles home here on t bd respected removed from deceased was had lived in hjitne tbe re green 5 friday last nducted the dee nemonihs ander an old ludent of ash on monday dre the results in othbb places tbafalgab reeve w j morden aecl deputy reeve- dr jfrg jo b tone reelerted buncbiors james wlibrook archie a galbraitb austinbook nblbohbeeiretw a irving acol t deputy beeve w j brecken acol councillors g h mcarjibur w b cline h t foster nabbagaweya beeve leon ard chibholm councillors e agnew geo gordon thomas near w dredge chinquaoousy beeve t h elliott deputy- beeve james bovaird crunoillors wilbur little charles kirke and albert fleming l okvt6lllbiteyorav 8 fors ter beeve george hillmer deputy beevew n bobinson councillors walter cavenea mairsi w chambers c a blake- look robert marsh and b mi gib son bubunoton mayor j t hobson beeve b a harris councillors koenig atkinson kelley galbraitb williams acton beeve barber coun cillors f holmes h harrison e t thetford jeremiah bell dews imt tjlvhours on sonr pp evening the fee story of the ejonr best hymns pis hour with jl will attend aefcof pray bro revfcl l davidson chaplain w bro e w oolo treasurer w bio geo ford secretary wbro a b castell orgnnist brb a norrington 8d bro w long jd brp s worden d of c bro t nallea bro j 8aunders 88 bro w lawson jr js brb w barnard tyler auditors vw bro l grant and bro h r mimms board o general purposes v w 3ro major grant w bros nickel kennedy ford cole cas tell wilson boss corke barra- olougb gollop bros kirk dickie w lawson jr and saunders musical gommittee chairman w bro a b castell w bros rodb and cole bros bradley minims and gowdy reception committee chair man vw bro major grant bros col brow3aw lawson jr h b mimms iwjdvans wm gowdy jlltner thompson after the ceremony a social ev- vksspent wbbn the breth out ontario wore attspefiaed november becaiibe they falledto comply with the law governing the insumncjfc of liquor prescrip tions an autiorjitive statement just submitted by the board of wete eirtertaindd m- the usuai good stylenana a splendid prograni was rendered theorshiptulmaster elett mr- barrao w to mas- irfait liuiav year when moutmfldltia wortapenny but vrhoa tbe aota on hi forewtngw have -blurrod- togeiherlh -a- black mass it ib worth two guineas y tbe woolly bear caterpillar la notable only on account of the act that it la a weedeater but when it h d hashes outintdq tiger moth it may i y depends upon the marking when the spots are ciar the specimen la worth twopence when blurred it would be chwap at three guineas- most peopk know that the male cabbage butterfly has pure wnite forewlngs tipped with jetblack the female on the otherhand has fore wlngs marked with two very neat round black spots which are a dis tinctive setoff to lier appearance specimens have been ca which one of ha forewlngs is plain white and the other marked with spots only experts could detect the sex but jor such a specimen four guineas is no unueuat price common blue butteraios have their pecuharitles top somulmeb the briuiant blue of their wings is interwoven -wltfti- dark nmnklike baiftlsi these ate known afi rayd specimens thby are of br inter est to aciehtlsta and a much fs n-ve- guineas has been given for ati insert wblph ordinarily would have befn warti apenuy ter for the evening and announced the following the king and the craft grand master and grand lodge proposed by w brp b boss and responded to by w bro major grants song by bro geo e gollop the betiring master proposed by w bro w a wilson and re spondedho by w bro h corke recitation by bro b b foul is oar past masters proposed by bro skirktsiwndreeponded to by brob c mccullough recitation by bro greenwood our town proposed by wbr- shipfn1 master barraolough and responded to by bro leboy dale the junior wardens ttbt and wete a fitting climax d a most pleasant evening r leonestthe home otieauy- valuabl rare spetiiraens aire notifqund every diy there are stllp niany kinds wbjen fetch ihe ucky nndera many hn d of p thesilbutter flies lay few eggs nd ff tbhp fpwwhi pa out- soccessfully eorisoquently spectnonsj are- be66rolng- afcarcer and ticarceyv and their value is increcelng steadily no one haii ever counttd the wing- apota of tueae rare african moths even the muscles humber between four and five thousand they provide thrill in hunting as great as those in biggame expeditions- 3- inventor of the steamboat fulton la famed as the inventor of the ateamboat authentic hibtovy attests that jie was not the inventor rtw3 a sea cap tainof spain exhibited in the har bor of barcelona in the- presence of charles vj and tils court ji steam boat capable of a speed bf three miles an hour for nearly two hun dred years blasco de oaraya inven- jlpjawasl08t aightof -and- not till the eighteenth century was the subject tafeen up again european scientists became interest ed and the result was the construc tion of a steamboat on the river saone by the marquis de jouffrey in 1759 in 1788 patrick mller pm3cot- land built a ateamboat edflo well that a larger one was pmit in 1789 when seven miles an hour was made eventually robert fulton built the clermont which made ita trial trjp in 1808 robert fulton hatfthe fame of an that belottgs to blasco de garay who antedated fulton by two hundred and sixtyfive years correspondence to the herald r at the nomination meeting on dec 26th at stewarttown i un derstand that one member of the 1921 council made some remarks regarding an account recommend ed by the board of health on dec 14th also some personal re marks to both of which on account of toy absence from meeting i didnot have- the privilege of- reh mwffatriwifat plying those wishing to hear the other side of the story shall have the privilege- of doing so at the next meeting of the council when 1 yoara beapeotfdily 7 themedical officer of health for esquesing township umehonse following is the result of the chribtmas examidations held at limehoaee school tbobe- marked x were not preaent during the exams nameb are in order f merit br iv riohie benton 69 campbell boss 67 jessie norton 64 joe modonald 81 anna mere dith 6 hazel scott 2 helen wright sr ill stanley norton doro- thy tubtid -jfanswehrblan- ohe wright x forn3an moalpine jr ill pdria mcbride blmeda tariwell mary modonald prank carter albert brooks jim boss joe boss wilfred mossap harvey norton gordon moalpnei sr ii beatrice lane- gladys milliere z kenneth mcdonald oliye 0ivens jack tostin x ken neth mcalpine x jr ii nellie lane arthur scott jean givena elda tarzwell jeaajutodonald 8r pr jack xiawbon cassie hamilton jack smethorst don aid mcdonald jr pr irene soott violet scott billy devereaux mjll tarzwell freddie brboks margar- et mcdonald promoted from b to jr pr q wr jim dkvies a billy hamilton bussel mcdonald aogns mcdonald doris gowdy harold johnson nllie millierabsent teaoher viola m sheppard norval their on december 28c at residence iritnlofval mr ad mrs tbos hewbon celebrated the 80th anniversary of their wedding over thirty friends were present many of these obuld look back to the day when mx and mrs hew son were united irithe bondfefof hdly matnenony it was ahppy gathering iihat sat down to a sumptuous wedding dinner tlje table was beau tif ally deoorftted with red carnations and a ribh green foliage i apleaaaot veningwas spehmh games and reminiscent chats the guests appreciation of mr and mrs hewsons friendship was shownby many handsome git ts of out glass- and pearl adorned cut lery and ail the members of- that happy occasion v mr ana mrb- thos hewson many more years of health and prosperity and may god bless them always com ths funeral of the late mrs- jane mcpherson took place from her late residence xnverhblme norval on january 2nd mrs mopherson was the second young est and the last surviving member of a family of seven many floral offerings weresent from friends in this locality in georgetown and in toronto she jeaiveb two sons and four daughters- bohert andrew margaret and charlotte of norval florence ftnd catherine ofjtoronto hidden in a glacier it in lgejerhihr known th glac fact that with the exception of two none remained epependetl quite two weeks and some only a few days the brevity of the latter was due itis explained to assur ances of future care ftm the doc tors themejjte9 ibs coroeln and lit me give you a pribeod it aevou all know tiari madeiiarnebb will out wear factory- made why waste your money buying factory har ness also headquarte fer tru bg8and harness yaocessories bepalrlng provpuy attended to optodate harness shopf ham slrcl g0jtet0wiv i w r pm tkprii cuntnrp euy dt mctairiah thursday 8 pm angljcan clhurchispeatfer rev dr mctavish 8 pm preabytetian c rev drvmctavish v every citizen in georgetown is urgently reqtfcto attend j these metmgs 1 we are qfiwhg special value jtoorder or thiefmonthrio keep oil ing see our special blue serge su 3750 worth double thepri all readytowear clothing clear at once great bargairt millar 1 i tin slcfaouum taliottov maa mm c3eqrcetown aiisiisij3siia 7 tt r some seem to think- that 1922 is goinftto bea we have stf much faith in georgetown that we see no reason why we ktwlv cannot taaake 1922 abannerettr jtesfc assured we will do everything tauoeee 7nourppwer to supply your wants with the best quality sweets atfhe very lowest price povaible depend on it quahtfiy is our first considev ation for this saturday we offer you the following specials brazil nmtltib 100 lbs of onr brazil nut toffee a rich batter toffee with lots of brazil ndtsin it regular 40o lb 29olb to give the year 1922 a offer you snj sensatl valil weneea room and wuf enamel and speed of about twoflfiha of an inch per hour and within the next few days an experiment will be begun that la expected to culminate 150 yeara hence it is intended to throw into thevcrevasse of a glacier on the graatauzet pontreslna a btroiiely- uisaerasbbox containing various docomtots concerning the death of tfiree zurich tourlbts who were kill ed at the spot last winter the pur pose is to establish the speed of the glacier movement and lt 1b calculat ed that the glacier will giveup the box at the termination of ifwjourney in about 100 tb 160 years one of thedocumentsnheboxaekb tbe under to vaend lt at once to the authorities of pontreslna with de tails of the i jhdi v not by water j a bishop wnowason a sea voyage encountered a- very eevere storm tbe ipieeengefs were greatly alarmed and j50 too waa the bishop- who haoilly convened a prayer meeting uitbe saiooni when the storm had abated the skipper or the uner chaffed the bishop regmrdmg tbi matter t should nave thought heswld 4tliatanjwne8okefina8yourlbrd shipvioget to heaven would not nave been afraid ofru hang it all itortedlfieblshop you dont think i want to go to heaven by w do yonf card of thank tbe family of fhe late mrs jane he phersoa wish lo thimfcll heir oiendijn norval and vicinity for tbeifkiridness and sympathy io their recent beceavetnent bronchitis colds and coughs blown to atoms evory trace completely rentowdbj the worlds tmtt powerful prepantioa buckleys broochitu mixture fuhy guaranteed to grwryoo reheformoney refonded 40 jm for t sold by mi drnsgimuor by nwit from wkbm said im ctaorbtowm by t v hotjuigah ja tract clerk township of esquesing clerk 3rd division court the leading fire nd life insurance cps represented issuer of marriage licenses stewarttotyn ont saturday weekend chocolates 32c no they are not just ordinary chocolates a good assortment high class chocolates 82o lb- of saturday sunday boxes for your next box of chocolates try one of our special saturday sunday boxes iiiey are gobdvseoiajtj neil sons cream cakes 8 for 25c le price they are fresh a 1 stock begular 6c i 7 8fmc sso leb8 than wholesi aaoh c saturday f h iwfomhead brampton georgetown milton acton big rediictijohs in at druks it oranges grapes fruit bananas grapes lemons will be sold at less than cost also choice boxed chocolates at very low prices h druks main st half half price for high pure afluiniiit 139 for 225 large tubs wash boards at less thl 39c 49c glasfrlampsa burner qauotfey 135 for 9f 49c for a good eng 19 for a 40 97 senuowet half price rogers hi tefed silverware knivc 15c buys 15c for 2 pkgs 15c stovj 15cfbr2 pkgs 15c for 2 cakes comfoi 15c for 2cakes 15clnfa 23c for clover leaf cu a fine decorated cup a big saving in 19c for 35c tc fjannelette 1l 4qc white cottonf 9 byu sheeting 1 44 in pillow cotton 7r pillow jacksons georgetown

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