Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 11, 1922, p. 2

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tub okorobtovrt w khali jandahv 11th 1822 born sharpb in tlqn k v r i 9i to mr n d in r lwrtl m tri a duktr a e lit ul married p pllion 1 r et bt i ul ur hmun 2eh l re j h mowc nller q icik to ld ih iiutwl oily duui ter ol mr thou u 01 in memortam v n r of hrtf- town council sovereign lodge georgetown jn th 1988 count il hi id their last meetinii for the jear it 10 80 a ro with tlio iippm in tbu ol strand councillors mcmillan mclntjre and anthony hut c od ami h loved angels httve gal cil sthai wrbirm thb new king cabinet cop tains seven catholics and twelve protestants five of the cntho i lies are from quebec nod tho oth er two r ontario tliefe u one protestant from quebec foni from ontario and all others are protestants divided b occur tiona there are seven lawyers three newspapermen four farmers mann f ct oxers ooe buainss man one labor man and ooe physi clan i ii ui i u toe of the flveprerioufl rowunim were read and confirmed it was moved by w c anthony nd tuioudod by win mcmillan that lilt re ik r l of the waterworks ii lte an prewntep by its in ii n d mo la tre be adopt id n proved an read car run wati moved by d mnlntjrc aud seconded by w c anthony tltat report presented by wm mcmillan chairman of property committee aa try work done by ftoie committee during past yer be adopted and approved as read carried it was moved by d mo in tyre and -becpnded- hyw mmi lion tbat the following accounts be passed a b oastelltumng piaoo 8 00 bell tel co t h 6 70 p l fleath paid express 45 t brooks r s cbaplingr t hughes ar a spires g r w evans g r w legrow r w dewhurst g r p g green g r hstapleton g r rl marcbmentww gr th w dean w gr th w dean night watch wdean night watch nicholson garage an to registry office reg uy law c h petch flremen coats n speight g r j farmer gr 4 grave guelpb gen hospital a brooks j p ben son w w j mcdonald coal t b dom bobber firemen boots world supplies creel man bros w w mcdonald chanty to be returned t j speight fire prater- 106s election expenses deputy returning officers john mason elmer thompson p l heatb poll clerks stafford groat john thompson- wakefield ford carried it was moved by wjmomiiian and seconded by d mclntyre that nn charge bero ado for the use of town ball by high school board for their commenoement on 16 tb and 16th of december 1921 as proceeds of the same are to be used to purchase piano for school carried it was moved by w c anthony and seconded by d molntyre that a vote of thanks be tendered to the reeve for the able and courteous manner in which he dealt with the affairs of the conn oil during 1921 carried nnam mously visits orion lodge t c00 oddfellow fr toroata tm tow moxuy klftat about two hundred members of soereign lodge 1 oof toronto taid a fraternal isit to onoo lode on mondnj evening they uui l b special tarjttm tlio radial and w ro nut h w nnt itives of the lodge and the town band a procession was form id beadfd by the band and two brothers carrying a large union jack mid nftxr inarobing down main street hii returned to the town hall icre the mhitmg brethren confer red tho second degree on thirteen candidates their workwas per formed in ainost creditable man oer and highly appreciated bv all the brethren present at the clone of the degree work mratost kobloflrand of on new town council our now count il mi i hull even ing with miij dult m tl i cl tr and reeve lkurtwill c mncillors anllionj bub i duikau lint ilernngton u d niar i nmnt tho ollowiim him d u commit teeuwert ikt4 i fur llirjiiu 192b prnimu inil l c mmu u citioiia vljiarbli- w look ii d w c anlliotiv 1 strth txui 1 walk m l noftr obituary rt uioijeiill of itohi 1 1 fteiiiietv i n liiouli jin t 1 ii her ii and rokftf ted rtsulmil mn i l fit idst i iierrin i nl ii u lie noil her i building an i property w c anthon ii ii ik ulvt ii arid o heriirigtun light and police g llernng ton m l neni an 1 a dun ui printuih and contmunii h w long a duncan and w bar ber indusfrial fth i u iiruo 1 1 w lang and m l near on motion of long anil duncan a motion to do bus nesb as usual with the meycbants bank okcau ad a was carried waiaon wait re appoint d json api otijtui members of- tho liigh biliool board g c maekaj was api n i a menrber of the ptihlio library board win ward and e coleman ucro appointed pouudjp keepers mr albert tost whs re at point ed fire chief the issue of 88000 worth of debentures for king and qu street pavements w is sold to the municipal bankers corporation ltd df which mr g c law rone general manager t ar and rued interest dticchrm- 1 u ih born at balliiuifiid 7h piuh vgnjp la in irrird to hun tmhdtineth mj son in 1kgu an i t lint t uikltxan i 1h7j nl n ho tmx ilki i d e it nn ho cuudu d tho bern ill ii ihl f r 0ur thlil ftrn nn i ins lms il i hit i telrj win vmiel kn vn dwineltiluil n 1hh6 i ik n i fait il of ive liuulitrt hid nun those liv nt art mrn cohen mrs hi nter teigpton obvion roduflur at i ro bcrt in tho went one sitter shortill of biliiniifad also remains deet ttifd was the ildist ch irter membei of tin ruige order inmg in halton ffhc fntieral took place on ihifrb ay afternoon f t h school teachers life h saved school ttmchnr pnrentt dnail llri trht horfi on a ireld rr kki i r rrcs i m f r ful rr t ry uulwwi3 ii n tiii r rd f i was frlul tn il tv i i klrl i tlio y r p n l uvnv l l v j m n i nrly m hu i r b how r i i lit llf k t i k i hor cnn ibuti ns b u i i ii i w a charlt n 3 t uli i strn- toronto a springbay up in muskoka i apr i ng day in minkok with sky btnrwwr plus the tfmror birds in th on iimny slops n sir ttmllrr trtlllurt with rasur bands sti an ed it the qubstlnnldk atranicrr f never picked wild flowon t rrt she said wistfully w h in tho city father dlod and h mother of tuberculosis i was i lone t waan t etrong burlwl l hard and 1 got il thr- v vssimab the mens store special values j i vt e an offtrinr special valuta iri fine tailoring- to order for this month to kttp our work shop go ring- see our special blue sierge suiting to order for 53750 worth double the price buy now all ready to wear clothing at half price to crearn once g ba ga fie them a detbqit maqistbate n ounces that everjoue convicted in his court this year of motor car speeding will receive a jil sen tenoe of thirty days or more with ont tbe option of a one he de olareb that it is his desire to save the itvesorbt least flftlbnman- beings tjhis year who would other wise be aouriaced to the motor car speed demons the menace of tb highway is becoming so acute that drastic measures are necessary to protect tbe public is the canadian sirional bail ways recently issueda chart of earnings and expenses going down starting with august which showed net profits of some 47 000 a steady improvement bas taken place october earnings be ing some half million dollars great- ertban expenses tho greatest reduction in operating expenses occurred prior to july this is a most important point because it shows that the reduction in ex penses octurred prior to there cent reduction in wages put into effect on july 18th this is con elusive proof that greater tonnage and greater efficiency in manage menttwj5irirurtrtly responsible for this very encouraging state of affairs tr ffiryv of ns abb so prosy that we can enter upon a new year without making some wise or re fleet i ve observations about it a year is really a very wonderful thing when yon stop to think of it tbree hundred and sixty five days of unused possibilities and always enough to go artutfd year for everybody ton may be rich- or poor young or old talent ed or- unskilled but yon are on a plane of perfect equality about time ou have as much asjuiy one has most of as on approach tog tbe new year brace up and re solve that this precious period of time shall have all the virtues and none of the lailingb of its prede cessors by so doing we assert our faith in that grandest or all reassurances life is what make it thoreau put it know of no more enoonragina fact than tbe unquestionable ability of a man to elevate his life by con bflionafindeavor tho beginning a new year es an especially good time to remind oneself of snob things for after all there is one of the chief joys of living that innate feeling that we an do things if we jnst make np onr minds to use our possibilities take that away and life is taste less feel it and a thrill runs through you that makes yon glad you am alive your new year what will yon do with it 12 00 12 0 10 60 is 00 10 bfi 9 00 12 00 18 60 9 00 18 00 18 00 8 00 15 00 18 50 4 12 71 07 21 00 67 60 28 60 7 26 16 00 68 28 17 70 10 46 14 40 lodge called on mayor dale wbo bia tbe nut log brethren welcome and congratulated them on their splendid work f districkleaputy harold hamil ton and secretary wm long also degree work of the visitors an umber of the visitinu breth ren also upoke and expressed their pleasure at being able to vifiiti orion lodge and assist in the de gree work the bebekahs then served a de lictoue luncheon of sandwieheb cake and coffee after which u lal hour was spent the mbi tors left for borne about 1 80 after bearallx thanking the local odd fellow s and rebekahs for tbe i joy able evening spent tbey were a ngbt jolly hi and all shall be pleased to have them pay a visit to georgetown hib daughter mrs co ten and was ibnrge oflol no 24 the ye mains being carried bv six bro tlier orangemen re piminl mayes conducted the service at the home the orange rcr ce at the grap nprliiffi d hy war- hln p fill master arthtu recveb ao3 rm j ii moon the lemains veic interred in greenwood ceuie ttry amonk lhoht from a distance- vibo atten le i the f moral vtt re mrs harold ctmpbe i miss win mfred bennett orfmrewllo mrs rioff mr ben ciwin rochester card of thanks la u lel cad mrs ii m tbornlon nh to i bank the i neighbor a il fr mda for lh r k ndnau hi d nalhyoi he r tcher but look at ma now the slow of hoalui was n its the rest add care anil and fnib air lhat saved m yes ahnne joyously surely nhe was worth bonny bl e eyrd st rl muskoka hospital fnr n deservnii her irralltudp contributions ma bv w a charlton 3 cut correspondence 6 00 6 00 6 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 county council the following are the members of the- county council of halton for 1922 trafalgar reeve w h mor den deputy reeve dr j a john stone esquesing reeve j r elliott deputy reeve w j l hamp shire nelson reeve w a irving deputy reeve w j 8 reckon n reeve leonard chisfaolm milton reeve j w blain oakville reeve geo hillrqer depnty reevew n robinson burlington beeve e a- har ns deputy reeve j a betsner georgetown reeve h heart- well acton reeve geo barber tbe editor the herald dear sir the treasurer of the muskoka hospital for consumptives desires gratefully to acknowledge tbe fol lowing contributions received ic georgetown by the field secre tary of tbe national san atari association coated paper co 10 r j creel man 6 john mcdonald 6 h biogbam 6 pro paper mills 6 m m law son 6 l e fleck 6 geo foundry co 5 barley eay co 8 geo floral co 8 h corke 2 le roy dale 2 r boas b a 2 miss e pennon 2 a fnend miss b mepherson 2 misar d 2 dr f r watson 2 merchants bank 2 g mackay 2 l honngan 2 a m grandy 2 d j matthew 2 a nornngton t geo creamery co 1 uiss e r debenage 1 j w kennedy 1 bb williams 1 church news mbthqdi8t chdbci1 ou sunday morning rev john cobour field secretary of the social servian department will preach bear his interest i message worship st 7 o clock in the evening with prayer service fol lowing in charge of tbe hi shi nl young people s bible class tho epworth league will have as their guests on monday evening next at 8 o clock the mooibei the w m s who will provide the program refreshments and of fering baptist church thursday 6 80pm annual sup per and business meeting all membtrs and friends invited sunday 11am a prayer upon mountain top 1160am sab battrschool 7pm bright singing of old hymns and a sermon on finding a brother monday 8pm young peoples meeting tuesday 8 p ui missiun circle and woman s society at mibk laird s st george b cbtubch tbe rev g f sooyil ma rector of st georges church guolph will be the preacher at 11 a m and 7pm at st george b church on sunday next card of thanks l hereby lodvcj- my ainceri uuuil friends and i e k bora fur ihc r k nd byca pathy extended i fl were c on i r billi on the occus on of ihc drath of my bcloi cd hustisnd mrs jmnui alexander browns garage overhauls all inakeb of cars storage batteries am guaranteed skatea shnrpe and concaved phone 200 1 st north goorgttown nid are oti going to jackson t businesi for any boy or gtr j m total 82 j yours very truly geo a reid secretary treasurer norval misses eettigrew of toronto were visitors in our village last week mrs robert goflop of toronto spent last week visiting friends h dr and mrs webster celebrated their thirtieth wedding anniver sary last friday they were tbe recipients of hearty congratula tions from a host of friends anniversary services- will be held in norval methodist church ontshnday jan 22nd services at 11 m and 7 80 p m rev r m geigsi r a will be the preacher onjpuesday evening jan 24th a grand concert will be held pro gram hy beat local and outside talent refreshments at dose at rev dr patterson of cooks to w p ai veraary sermons at 11 am and limehonse ac the recent dominion eleo- tionsthetbmnberelect for baihy river was mr dougall kennedy of dryden mr kennedy is a eon of the late paul kennedy wbo went from here tonew ontario twenty years or sokgo smoe the death of william newton and james newton tbe community of which lunehooae the centre baa been witboutst justice of tbe peace and there has naturally been a good deal of inconvenience in the matter of taking affidavits and securing the signature of a jafitlofl of the peace where such has been reqoired this inoonvenienoe has now been remedied mr william gowdy manager of tbe toronto lime company has received a commis aioo during the paat week this appointment will be very popular and the people of the community are rniirh pleased that mr gowdy glenwillikms mr garvin held a successful carnival on bis rink here last mon day evening there was a large attendance floyd varey won most of the first p rises the band played popular mubic our hockey team accompanied by a few supporters went to aoton on saturday evening and played their first game with the team there score aoton 4 glen 2 the ioy roads caused a couple of minor motor adoidenta here last week- e blndd went over the embankment at the ont hill and ray graham ran into the railing of the bridge at tbe lower end or the glen we understand little or no damage was done to cars or occupant re g f scowl m a rector st- oh a r goelpbr will preach at st albans church on supday next tuxes notes tbe bulldog square met at the homeof their mentor percy laird on friday night last when the fol lowing officers were elected for s2 hon praetor rev j moore praetor j barber pro praetor c walters scrip tor j mills compter d laird several questibnsof importance were diboussed followed b asocial half hour enjoyed by all present erin ilh r entitled to write his o j m q mibs margaret bingham has re turned borne after holidaying with aoton and georgetown friends mr jos bingham toronto was a recent visitor with his brother mr wm bingham mr u thompson and mibb lola thompson of georgetown spent new years at mr jaa thomp sons muu mamie o town visited ber sister mrs wm dy s father the late thi gowdy es mayor of goelnh was t sinclair last week at rockside also a justice of tho peace men b black calf boots solid leather from btart lo finish and good fitters sizes 6 lo ll reg 6 00 on salirlebb than pre war prices 8 69 h j fox george town mother do you feel timid about asking jack for money dear daughter a quite new bride no mother but he seems very timid about giving it to me the cough killer is bnyyr coagha and colds destroyed faj tbo thousand erory day instant rcl trf from your suffering guaranteed by taking bncklei bronchitis mixture t m which la twenty time uoawr back if it fsili co in nosf i v hotjmgan the lead ng pin- and life inaura training i of life 1 if they nev on schools in toronto r unezcollod ucditici learning shorthand typewriting and business methods thirty years ox i ponsneo students can en i rol at any tune write h hn3book p mintosh wb8sksv wtoro toront4 norval hardware hardware stoves tinware etc we shall appreciate your patron age in ful ire as in the past frank hustler nobvil hxlxar go fins blkhc tallor-ln- am stockwell bouaeraon m co to georgetown drelzur sn dry ci lunat phone 126 att2fiih jacksons grand concert town hall georgetown tuesday evening january i 7 th under the auspices of the g w v a march national emblem flute piooolo bassoon piano bag ey vocal with flute obligate pale moon logan mrs small soprano mr small flute flut bolo by the woodland brook watzgor mr small flute duet l encoro victor herbert mr small miss morlcy cornet solo a dream bartlett miss callahan two flutoa lo here tho gentle lark bishop lieu ranee mr small and miss morlej quartette medley or old songs mibb callahan mrs small mi an mor lev mr small piano solo an indian rapsodj lieu ranee mibb morley bassoon solo a medley b letter song from the choco late soldier c the flee and tbe beet e mibb callahan piccolo solo ithe turtle dove polka demarc mr small mueettas aria from laboheme pucoini mr small saxophone bo lo laverni waltr be nnit h in ton miss callahan whole company al butterfly theo bandix b home sweei hon o the world over lempe in add tion to the above the g w v a orrhentrr will make thetr initial appearance a m treat the public of georgetown verj seldom iiaic a clianr fcottear alioiihe to houht ranmis will tie inade help the g w v a along our sale commencing tomorrow thursday january 12m at 10 am otters you a grand opportunity to secure wonderful moneysaving bargains see the display of beautiful draperies reg 40c to 125 for 29c to 98c large size big value bed comforters 395 all at reduced price 775 for 1200 electric table lamps with art glass shades 449 for 575 living room tables 975 only for heavy oak frame rock ers with heavy high grade english tapestry cushions for 750 coat and hat hall tree we ask only 595 695 only for- 995 heavy quarter cut oak octagon design pannel sides umbrella stands art leather couches big value at 1450 now 950 metal beds from 495 up brass bed outfit bed 2 in posts heavy j brass fillings 4 ft 6 in hig grade- spring and felf mattress of superior quality reg 59 for 4350 4piece empire oak bedroom suite of a special design reg 63 for 41 mens knee rubber boots firslrjualuy- 425 all rubber footwear at a big saving in price do not be yoipown k 1 doctor you know the old saying he who is his own lawyer has a fool for his client much the same thing is true in regard to your doctor faoctors do not know everything but the sum total of their knowledge is ajl that is known about d and medicine if you are sick consult your physician do no not experiment with un known remedies have confidence in your physician and your druggist we will dispense your pr with the purest and best in d tae sgkzxm store i hourigans a

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