Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 25, 1922, p. 1

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pifty fifth year of pobuoation seorgttowi wadnaadajr braoiaa tounuory 85th 1988 1 160 per annum in advance 200 to d8 the georgetown herald evkry wednesday evinino at the tieftalo power printinoonnte qaoreetewn on contract advbrtisinq rate pwralalmd era apetlaatlm j m moobb wktf oisoua whuj wai atmxlaetabu goings ast puwotier 7aam 919 son mail 0i pmmti0r 8 mau b80 pimeiiger a0 pasaanger buftday t 711 ootkojithbc mfcil 7ot ioi aoi i 480 passenger 03 mail 709 stall v fkmenfar sunday hu0 oonrohobvh mail bjoo mail 810 oomaaouth mail rrr 1188 mmu 800 daily tjmbtable ad pjd pja going bast 810 sjm 640 going west 8u 789 bvkda rtnratabrjr going bart sliu pm pjq pan- pm 1091 1sjbo 848 010 017 ajn pn pjn going west- 1040 6j0 988 yastg aaa oaala msttmrt labtricifrrfirtcimta auasparunaota and mflkirt to to domtakm stu- w a nuiti fia palm garden lunch r mewls served st u hours xee oreain xvult ooxtfectlobeifr a full un ortcobaooos oicarssad cigarette directory an phone orders delivered n whealley hone 188 mill 3t special sale lib we ail next m house dresses apiona of all hods and slse codies ad chtklraos eight dresses and noder- wmt cbiodrena bats tain caps sod scarfs wans stocking nd pnllovara we also ham a mod assortment of-ifor- aata treat and bade lacing taidiffcrrai makaa all to go at greatly reduced prlca every day will b bargain day mrsclls4ewtaflm goal beat d usc w sctonton cod in all sizes alto smithing and steam coal children enjoy eating mrs j watkins norvalstsfcion phono 82r8a oh if s good tohear your voicef tniiuawanliiiteataeawkur tab jen btfnon loral diooonnd obo ooeniad bamloorbor d tfuv hlaa wx mloodlr dtr aad 25od p obo otoltway tffloajode jooriaothota eofljaf oa imc hota how nar ef oamahoowhotibat boll bohwb totbogmtothorflttl bar boolt out wttb loaokaooott a bw x saoovtoao tnmlor rfd of boa aa door vbr dot yoa edl boy or un towbtt sko taado tbb monnoataot onir iamlb moil a hohrfiir ort doamy woiooina l oiloo it ana mm soat a lsi diissase wm ba taaa a now oouook- cy tmir fins 01 imr akfc to utt f a eonrata a6vb ood to lour totea wm bo bimio to ior ooxol sutttoffioh ooriloo whb ba bnabut oaislfjt atttro boo broosbt loav slotoaoo wttbta th rooeb oamr oaa aflar 8 pjt wtjoa ss stsamihsteuoa tmtos anabontbolf tf awa zttttf tbo dov rati at raldolcbt thoy bo- p mbl a oomo objoot ono glial loi thadoy rotafj saturday tret bat more candy and bo bappy we say this because we nptioed that nearly every ono imo eating onr candy- are happy try it notion onr special tor tbii 8tnr- day tvruslivtaiclkt idt oarmaeu at oeonotre omuroh holyc lat and srdswtdan 11 a the childrens education save for it just a little put away regularly iff a savings account in the merchants bank wih provide v for the college- education or technical school training which will help your boy or girl to forge to the front the money will he ready m when lb time come if you start to hh now r s10 a month means nssdy fonrtsen n haid0rlmmal of calnurxda esteboslmd fee oonsoltatlon and bp4ai analyaia fo orncs hwas tbaadaya thoradaya and saturday 10 to tt a 2 to s p aad 7 to 8 pm dtra6mmls0aadluumtea onr bread because it is so good it tastes almost like oake and it is wholsome food for the growing child we bike every- thing from the bread to the finest of fine oakea oleanli- ness reigns snprame here mckinijey- bros glenwilllama ont georgftown creamery to our towit patron rajrssh jreaiifry batter 40c lb storage butter 36c lb georgetown creamery co m snxe mnnlagar appetizing j hill street ttaorgilowb phaamzi exhooaa satmmr hospital r u wataon b sa p l hkath lda dds do otuajumbnbxdo ctadaaf of tha palmar school of qnfo- ractk cwropfactlca p btenport iowa usa sbnj petchw- uotoaad awattoaaar for haltoa and paj glaawullaftaa post oftta balaa onabja rataa ordara ml at tlw oomsmown batam mm win raoal nhsmearlna juta clerk 3rd drrnon court tbeloucog- fire and lifa inaamoce coa rapnmontad aer at marriage licooaea leacoek the canadian who la at present on a visit j apparently hods a walk la tas zoological gardens highly pro line of inspiration htvaay- it give ne meet elbow room which he in canada while strolling be tore bnatkfasttotf the slopes of his mighty native mountains write s have always indulged in of inspiration to- in the pnbbc ey e ra t wunt is an easy flrsl tennyson and charles klngsley were veritable ehtaaaeys of smoke while sir james barrle la wedded to his vast pipe and my lady nlootlne he smokes seven ounces or tobacco a week while 1 oa a novel and la rivalled only by m maeterlinck who how ever is the unwilling victim ot a special denleotlnlaed preparation or dered presumably by a ruthless bed baa produced many maater- meoas notably those of mark twain jules verne and jamea thomson the plot of vanity fair attacked thackeray in bed whhe alfred noyes admits to inspiration from tbe same its hams rao eo to o t walker r o midtomanslore jwhila they last i am offering 600 dono pairs of a wool book no oottoo in is as i do not use ootton in my mill of good weight and wearing qoally at 90o per pair or sus perdos pairs ponw tn and get your shar of jjsk value ilm mrtciiy hmttomwllle ontario gradnates for responsible pqedttans aenaifbrm ability of onv gradn- ates toiiiakegood in the b world invites your investigation of gnehilibnsimesscellese macaroni with tomato sauce and cheese satu4arsmb4r ohooolmtaa addowmm t bftarakaollis iaitoor parioraaddaajiiraeapot hotcboob- lata it ton acafoal titad a hot botril touahoatb rig th moorehead gcobifommen miltom obandpara j oat seventy- nix yeare ago to-tlay- tbats what tbe records say those eyes that now look into yours first sawjthe light of day smiles of joy midst crios of pain onoalled we had to bear as saving love or adams ourae it was our lot toshore a lovely world this might bave been so roll of love and joy tjnjy nun had jfenio enough r tonotsqoh love destroy r by seinsh deedt and senseless 1 oreads- baotvcthets life to boao bathfer than the precept learn ta bu b nj some good some bad we all have and foolish things have done batwjjete the use to argue thus with life so neatly run t but rather 16 it be for those whose lives before them isy to ponder welt tbe lessons learn ed and choose a better way imecwa of root w king 10 road toronto april 8th 1921 1 inspiration s lcocfc saysthat he ukei tbe sea is a mother of ideas john conlnos the american writer chose the bench at baa frcvton in sussex to klv birth to bin third novel babel wordsworth used to go about mntubting his poetry aloud galnlm a considerable local reputation insanlty thoreaii ihoush woethe outs an din k aposlle of friuh nlr and many people ihoiikht he was insane pippa posses was born in tha brslu of robert brown ins in dulwtch woods i counry gtrl on tbe tallend of old cart lumbering down a lam save thomas hardy the plot of one omiiwthbi famous novels she look ed so lugubrious that hardy made her the centre of his tess of tho durbervlhfa which he beffau a few days later william black wu luxl unlss ho bad his wife near by the un trior of tristram shandy was lost tt hu wjewns ncrby4rnrlt waa-ternn- whb wron aegrotus sum plus quam unquam dt mea uzorelam alck more thn eircr or my wife swinburne told edmund oosse that hla famous poem on baude laire came lo him in the middle of a bath those who have seen tbe manuscript maintain that much of tbe writing was done there also canada the model although an oralogy with tbe orange free statejs suggested jjy the name tirilte proposed free 8 ate tbe constitution and history of cnn ada continue to be cited oa a pat tern and both are as a consbaueucp very much the subject of discussion in the british frees jus now com parisons with canada are being used both for and against the irish agree ment the majority ot tbe copiqmu- tstors point to the comparative smoothness with which tbe canadian plan boa operated the london post on the other hand points out that the first use or its useal auton omy which ana majle by canada wot the imposition of tariffs agalns the mother country and the conclusion of a reciprocityagreement with the united states the granting of us ed out to the advantage of british traders and manuacurers and the sansewill be jfrue of the irish case the sinn fein delegates avsited themselves ot sourcesor information on canadian history and affairs which are open to them in london and what they have learned proved of greai we with them positive proof of tmaon exercise in practice ot the right or veto of canadian leg islation vested in tbe crown wax tarnished to them dortng tbe nego- uauons by- mr winston churchill and proved one of tbe determining factors in their decision to sign tbe agreement it is also one of the main points which tbey will place before the voters of southern ire land canada being quoted as a happy example of dominion auton omy aa against the republican form of government of the united states which is taken as a model by de- vajera and those who share his opinions lighthouse romances are filled with heroic tales ofbravciheiiaiid woraenorowttthirana it is not rene rally kn ownthat the earlier lighthouses ot the british obaata were built as ft matter orprl vate speculation when with the growth of kng- innds i merohanintrtt the need foe lighthouses became more and more pressta it occurred to many that these safeguards might also be made qmeahs of proflt authorised by the rpyefament to collect light dui fro passing- ships in return for the services rendered by the beacons bundlw of tuavday in vested capita inthe pnttlngtipotllgbthonses ucli in the tutme way modern specnlal6fa a out the country one of the earliest lighthouses was built by a quo her who upoaks of it as a grout and holy work to serve and save humanity at the some time he made n pile ot money out of it hud when lie died trinity house rwirf hishxlia b sum ot 170000 for hla rlglits naturally m those days the keepiiik down of expense was an ob ject with the result that where we now qud four nitii employed as keep- ihreu being on duty whilst one lakes turn usliore there used to be only two tuklu turn and turn about when tho niat lighthouse was built uu cum itraa off lands end it was placet in the hands ot a soli tary keue now this light hi built on the rocks above a grea cavern in which in times of storm the air forced in and out by the violence of the wind makes the most extra ordinary and terrifying noises this man had not been warned of this fact and when a few days after he had star duty a great storm arose lie hichino almost paralysed with fear an old sailor hlsmlnd wis full 01 the d nep- ben yarns of the ghottti of the dead holding high revel in eaves beneath tbje fio findlhoj actually bo i loved ihat he was now heariiik the souls of deported sailors shrieking above the storm for a time be fought against his fears a sense ot duty holding him to his task but the storm increas ed the lighthouse rocked with tbe impact of tln waves until at last a mighty sea cxfngulshed the light the keeper fled from the lightroom sung himself on his bed and was found some davs later with hla brain turned by fear this lighthouse now known as the longs hi pi seemed to be an un lucky one for its next keeper came to a violent end on assuming duty he took with him b is da ugh tor mo- keep him company it was not long before this man earned the dis pleasure of some neighbors engfiged d tbe playful profession known oa wrecking the lighthouse warning ships sway from the rocks they found their oc cupation kane and laid a trap for the keeper as he refused to allow the ugh to go out they enticed blm away on the plea- that his daughter bad been drowned and killed him throwing his body into the sea then they put out he light bat were caught before their dastardly plot could bring any harm to honest ships before the employment pf steam tugs lighthouses situated on lonely rocks were often cut off from the mainland foe weeks the light on tbe bell rock scotland has been isolated for as long as three months and it la not so long ego that the smalls coudjiot he approached for one period of six weeks the smalls is built on a group of rocks about twenty miles south of st davids head where are the re markable rocks known aa the jainhopand jils clerks tbe builder of this lighthouse was once nearly starved to death being cut off by a giant storm for some time all the provisions were used up be and his companions were in dire strals until they managed to get a message- obtrtjw in a bottle en closed lu a cask it asked for im mediate assistance our water all gone our are aulte out we cannot keep any light tt said and in an swer help was immediately sent this lighthouse situate in a re- moteipart of the- sea was theseene latervnirof another drama- ships reporftd that signals of distress were being ut up from the bmahs but that thenught was still going on a relief hoathifny wnit dt the keepers ww found to have died whtfittlie other was worn to a skele ton atone with the dea this man had heroically stood ytowa post tending the lantern asm doing the en tire work of the great lighthouse rolled amongst heroic light- keepers are the names of two women the story of one oraee darling needs no repetition but equally brave though not in snch sensational circumstances was mrs peter borque she used to accompany her bus- oanadiansstkostlut war have become uch a nation of spenders i tbat economists bave been said tittle heed the word economy means- rampamtively- nobbing iq- the vocabular of the average nrenjber of parliament or oocupier of a seat at the oily oouooil or sohbol board now that the real value of the dollar fa becoming more real perhaps there wi1 ba change in respect to pnblio ax- pendifenresi certainly one must come whether economy is popular or net and the sooner here iaa rec ognition of this fact the better for all concerned the spending of money has got to be associated from now on with the saving of money as regards items tbat oan be done without for a while at least when things are back to norma it will be possible to more ganerallyappreoiatowhattfaing are absolutely necessary and which are luxuries light belle is e- en me r there dur lng a storm the keeper slipped on tbe rocks and was beaten to death by the sea before the eyes of his wife later a ship th se h dls- uesssiknatsrrom tbfi lighthouse proceedid there and found mrs dorquf with her infant daughter ntarly dead for elfvt- n days and nights during btqiii nnd for she bad dot slept at ll but hnd tended the hlght and kuidij the fopbell it was she nld only ftp knowledge that the light uiisi be kpt going that nre- ir from becoming insane notes and comments attorney- general raney is oo tbe right track when he tayn bafr- uruw-uoatldr- ana tetf5rtj rig of- witnosaee in court mttet ceascw thesv prtissian methods of obtain ing evidence savor of tho dark ages and it is questionable if they ever served the purnosofor which they wore inttraded a lawyer is at home in a court room and with thu protection ho onjoy itu aad- ly out of place to ohear him play the who areoir 12 teabs in the peter- boro ancil the last two of which were spent as mayor of the oity a a molntyre retires with the firm oonviotion that the present bystemofnihmdipai odminitatrar tion is little better than a farce in many respects i havent any doubt but that one man could do tbe- citys ad ministrative or managerial work more efficiently economically and successfully than it is dono now by the it men whom the people elect said the mayor if the ratepayers would consider tbe oityb business in something of tbe light of a manufacturing business they might be able to see more clea the advanta of commls- aion or oity maimger systems a lot 06 time b wasted in the coun cil method of doing business one alderman is thinking more of some little work in his district than of greater needs in another pars of thp oity these are only some of tbe weaknesses of the system we are dinging to it is clumsy apd inelastic and every man who has seen it operate from the inside must be convinced tbat there is a great deal of room and need for improvement cattle cases two interesting cattle cases were tried last week before judge elliot at division court sittings- dredge vs common this case was tried at milton sittings last friday the plaintiff bobert dredge an bsqnesing fanner claimed 60 damages from johncommoorsroalbbntioherrfi the loss of a beifer struck and killed by defendant car some time ago near bpeybide tbe plaintiff gave evidence as to tbe loss of the heifer and its value john crawshaw- described the ac cident he swore tbat some of tbe plainatts cattle bad got ont through an open gate and he was driving them home when the de fendants ear came down a rther steep grade travelling fast and struck the beifer the defendant admitted striking tho animal but said be was jet travelling fast but somewhere be tween jive and twelve tniles an hour with full control of the car the cattle were on tbe side ot the road and would bave been safe bad not crawshaw raised bis arms and frightened tbe heifer which ran in front of the oar crawshaw admitted that he raised bis arms but- denied tbat this caused the accident judgment was reserved nd was ymfoirdav spfi nl m tm itlilrn marriages iv niy unit people with oppo site fhr cirlnticit make the hap piest mirrliirea vm thas why im looking for girl with money boneysb is improving be has added this weak a new wax thread rsfsmring maohine to bis ptaat which make it the most complete outfit in ontario for rs- saasa3lealing ts onr mot to j boner abea schptdral adilce a farmer dlseovtred tbat one of his men was stealing wheat from thebarn and being uncertain as to wast course to pursue he consulted huvtcar on the rabject the parson bode the farmer hi whatever ateps be took tor the pun ish meat or the offender to give heed to the scriptural injanetion if a man take away thy eoat let blm bare thy cloak atso ail right sir said the farmer that deddfea il res collared by wheat aojdi give wax the seek- now is tbe time you can realty enjoy a good meal of fish and chips when hungry and cold there is nothing eo satisfying and wholesome just imagine you get a delfoions treat for only soo alsosold over the oounter one serving 16c pish sold by tbe pound balibit bed salmon pink balmon finnan haddie fillets white fish boneless herring kippers salmon bmaoks and oy sters the plaoewhere you get tbe best quality nab for the least money georgetown ftsbtvcbip cafe plaintiff aoaanteirclaimpnt in by defendant for damageto oar and hotel expenses was dismissed t a hutchinson for plaintiff w for d mahon vs buck this was js jury case and was tried at campbell ville on batut- day the plaintiff allan mahon fanner olaimed 76 for a heifer claimed and taken away by win buck bntcber the plaintiff said he believed the heifer to be his own it bad been withtbia cattle all along as be believed and the tool number was correct- there hod been no addition to it the defendant swore tbat tbe beifer strayed away in j 920 he did not oee it again until last sum mer when he saw it with plain tiffs cattle and identified it by its having bis marks on one of its ears he bad punched a hols through the ear and bad putan other mark on the edge of tbe ear the ear had been torn from tbe hole to its edge but be was snre about the hole the jury inspected tbe ear de- ntdedthbit- the marks were those of the defendant and gave a ver dict accordingly t a hutchin son for plaintiff w i dick tor defendant 7

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