Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 1, 1922, p. 1

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the georgetown herald 1 fifty fifth yeab of publication georgetown wednesday evening february 1st 1922 fl 60 por annum in advftnoc 2 00tp08 the georgetown heram u pumiflwi every wednb6dav cveninq at the sterald power printing office georgetown ont contract advertising rates furnished on application m jkoobe lmllafc w ym froyrutor ya a qxr tlsa table ooiso bast passenger 7 28 am faawjnget passenger mail 9t9w id 16 am 110 a ui 8 45 pin 6 80 ptn 820pm 71 pm palm garden lunch rooms meals served at all hours ice oream fruit confeotlonery a full line ot tobacco cigars and cigarettes estapu3hed lb7a 1 wfc know a man who used to hand over his snare money to a fnond to keep for bim because he could not resist spending it one day bis friend died and bis chances of getting his money back vanished your savings bank passbook in the sank of hamil ton is your safeguard directory t acorqeb ohuhoh holy communion lit and 3rd sundays ii m 2nd 4th and sib sunday 8 a m latin 11 a m v sunday school 9 3 a m bhilton wallbriook dale barrister solicitor eta forouto and ooorsatowi i om kennedy block lu ituy dale in oharse of qeors barnatcr soficttot etc office m s georgatowr hours 9 am to 5 p in open wednesday and saturday evening ssm lere ihd t any businesh wailed tho sad and gloom man havpn t made a dollar since ut armistice began n it i oouldn t help re floe ty g as i heard his otorj li rough that the hopeful thfltyrul lnmuer seems to have a lot to do i ve boon in business places where the air was ihiok with gloom and tho men wore bad and solemn like the mourners at a tomb and there wasn c any business orj any order coming in and what b more theiejievor will be till those fellows start o jkeuu let s oo connly council tho council mt at a pm jan 24 th u accordance with the mun iliiui act tho clerk in the eh air the iollu ving gentlemen filed leclarat ooh of t lection and qualt hoation and look thoir seats trafalgar reeve w b morden diputyrcevo j a johnstons esquobing reave j r elliott deputy reeve w j 1 hampshire nelson reeve w a irving deputy beeve w j brwkoo massagaweya reeve leonard w ghisholm milton beeve j w bfain o roovwf qa h deputy reeve w n robinson burlington reeve e a harris deputy reeve jobp a betznei georgetown be eve h hartwell acton reeve geo barbei notes and comments onk hunibbd and fifty prom id nt canadian manufacturers re lowing conditions and outlook for 1938 in the january issue of in dustrial canada the ofticial pub hoation of the cauodian manufac turers association take a general ly hopeful view of he industrial situation in the opinion of the large majority canada has seen the worst of the depression and j from now on a blow but steady mi provement irtbubiness and mann factoring conditions isaotioipated n careful oversight and the by ttndti fliodndt energy ii tiopa will gratoally right them selves again uj the electors of grenvilledid themselves pro id on thursday in electing hon a ml pawngar sunday ft passenger ooino wbbt passenger passenger passenger mail mail passenger sunday ootno north l going booth 7 67 am 10 16 am 201 pni 4 60pra 608pm 709 pm 8 20pm 10 16 am 8 00 am 6 10 p m 11 8u am 800 pm ah phw prdnrs delmrod ii wheauey poentttsj mhr-f- bank of hamilton g manager physician aftd euroaoi jwllcai0bcar at health ofllo hourtrj co and 1 to p m onlca and reattenca mali street louth opposite preabrtarlan church p f there ten t any business aren t ou weaci of the cry r men have caught the gloomy habit ana thoj sjt around and sigh but the hustler i have noticed ahfliraaoiiltblhfiaav jchau twaato la ballwa dailt time tabls acm did pm oouig eml 8 10 824 6 40 going west 8 66 8 107 89 sunday tihbtabiie qoinff bast an pan pm pan pm io si is so 8 4 en 917 am p m pm doing west 1040 610 9 86 special sale tms week ul neil m house drmes aprona of all k udt nod a ui lad ei and ch idren a n ghi drcaies and under wear children taala lfn cap n scarfs warm stock ga and pullovers we atao have a rood assortment ol cor eu frrot and back lac ng n d ffcrei makes all to go at rrcally reduvrd price every day will be barga nday ilaapaet ow stock oam mrs t witetbtrsewlauem oeorqbtowm the childrens education save forit just a little put avyay regularly in a savin bb account in the merchants bank will provide for the college education or technical school training which will help your boy or girl to forge to the front the money will be ready m when the time cornea if yoo start to save now 10 a month means nearly fourteen hundred in ten years th mcrchants bank headoffica unontrsal op canada established 1864 iurgwon c f r watsoh d s offltt hearai 9 ta tt exoapt tfcaiway afursbmu f l heath lda o d 8 oantlat jltlce li ln block ona door nortl t o nelll a carrlace factory hours and is confidently woiking to gather in ins sharp r h is timo to get the business it time lo hustler o it wftu a man s faith in lul i til e- mooh too long wc ve ucatti ed doubt much too ng wine sobbed ind whimpered much too long we ve talked of woe now it a time for opt m ism tu the hopeful phrase lot a go nielsen oaiaopractio tms sal chattea sts tavoato ainctly first cltu m all departments anddtmxoeued lo the dominion stu dents aatuated to obtain employment enter any time write for our handsome w j eluatt prlael pa coax best d l w scranton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal children enjoy ea mrs j walkins norval station vmaebeu toseu d c oras j umsfietvdiio graduate at the palmar school or practic chiropractic s fouola n ftead davenport low u sa oehcc over poatofftrtt conaultatlo and spinal analysis free y office houja tuesdays thursday and saturdays 10 to 12 am 2tospm and 7 to 8 p m1 phohs office i50w and res deuce 60 the sonny sooth our bread because it is so good it tastes almost like cake and it is wholsome food for the growing obild we bake every thmg from tho bread to the finest of one cakes clean l ness reign b supreme be re benjpetch urenaed auction- for hal ton antfj heawlluuna poat ofbca bala itad aauafkctorlly and at raa s rataa order left at tbs itown heram oace will rcolve oromdi aenuon- jf a traot clerk township of esques ng clerk 3rd division court the leadlpg plre and l fe insurance cos repre ner of lrmgi t censes stewart town ont mckinley bros glen williams ont in the public eye lj 0 1 wauta 9 while others waitryou sell by long distance atatidtn tubbed blsu lamp and snmnwned aypns jo hl presence the same thing- is being done toxlay only aladdins lamp has changed to a telephone can the man yob ions tejdo business with by long distance and he la vtrtnafly m your presence when he lifts the to listen rh- a you nunt hesitate to ikuiviw a tnonkeywnncb frftm sxtsls you ntdiajiy whan yoaeatl fabn while others cool tbebr beets m oassrofaeea waiting ye tell utm bala in a recep frame of mmd bis eurioatty is appealed to he realises the conversation will be brief kid lets dnwn tb ban y and where a salesman knows his goods then is smoo thing in oie tones of us voice that cantas onvicuon pots over tlsa deal your goods go through dtxat that were formerly dined to them because of the very low rates on sto rsahw uontostauon calls after s0 pjl if5ma s evexdnk and right calls by 1100 dis f bahbsm 9 teaos are being used more ajid mors w bbbbbi w far jtasbmnjqxpoaes jt only nqabes c 1 georgetown creamery to our town patrona fresh creamery butter 40c lbl storage butter 36e lb georgetown creamery co m seuce ktenaaer rfi ya maatt ca1 uptodate harness shop sjtopj if yon want a new bet of hand made harness come in and let me give youfvpnce on it as you all kdow hand made ha will ont factory madet why aeast cas thats at pnud eau aayetaw emfc it lsarj s satlt gpansys htujstuo the co30h anteaddt rf jjbl fttel jarasw tan er usaaralstae bast farf r eahar jfafcsacaaaasaaactlsajiliilly gtimm wo co ihnhad cuelph oht cakaajsaalwmaslbaaaw thomas ehewson horrtl suri xjs oeliciousi cind wear ractory made why wsfiuo jour money buying factory bar ness afsjk beadqunrtert fer trunks bags and harness accessories kchubi rrwvttj attttdc i jwaa bailey optodate harness shop lbbtftsw appetizing i macaroni with tomato sauce andcheese macarorfi reg 18c spaghetti reg lbv quaker macaroni 16t fi for loxary macarobi 10o 8 for catellia macaroni sauce per tin cheese per lb per pkg 16o per pkg 16c 45c s6o o 276 the ability to make good business men arvananituoos in their praise of the qnelph bnai ness college methods in equipping graduates for respoqsiblepoaiitona the uniform ability of our gradu ates to make good in the bobinetn world invites your investigation of ourjnethods goetphbusinessceliege hersod bxdbx qvelpa a x utnok prinoipal pbooe u66w amgrandyj phonf 7r wriing to the herald from naasan bahamas b w i tinder date of jan 14tb mr morley pet it says the particular points in the southland that we have visited jog on much as usual business depression is pretty general with miami florida making atbrave show and pessimists croaking louder than ever it is the fifth winter i have visited that town and growth in that time is remark ably good but there is by far the most building going on in the busi ness section that i have seen in any one winter the first na tional bank is putting up a ten storey building to oost three quar tors of a million dollars and all over are new btores hotels and apartment houses to take care of winter visitors just now the re suit is that there are vacant rooms n every hotel vacant stores on every street and people with honses and apartments to rent are offering them for almost anything they can get one man bad rent ed an apartment bouse forilsoo for the seabon and expected olean up a tidy sum by letting the apartments to tourists who were to start coming in november at new years be had practically no one in and bis landlord had gener ously agreed to bhare bis loss with him but they have the climate and are convenient to millions of peo pie who in ordinary times are prosperous so they willlikely ndo the storm of course this little island one hundred and eighty miles across the water from miami has them all trimmed for climate just now we are having a cold north west wind and a tempera ture of 60 atjnoet as coltj as it ever gets yet itmever goes above eighty in winter the coldest wind baa that soft mildness gain ed from crossing the gnlf stream the growing of tomatoes tor the winter market is growing in popu lanty they started shipping 10 early december and thousands of boxes 90 north by every steamer that calls as frost is unknown and drowning ont does not occur in florida it seems a much hot ter proposition for the second time in history these islands are making mono out of a oivjl war in the dba once it was a war between the northaad tbesootb and when the north declared a blockade of southern ports blockade runners establishedheadqnarters m nassau for getting supplies into the towns under siege it brought lots of money here and a very fine hotel the bojal viotona was built for the entertainment of men wbo were malting and spending it it b stilt one of the two best hostel gainthere is oivirwarin the states and again blockade runners have headquar tera in nassau only now they call them bootleggers and u the quantity of supplies getting over to the besieged towns is any in dioation it is going to take longer to famish the rebels into subjec tion than it did to starve their forefathers of course the americans trj to rive nassau a bad name in this connection as they do canada but here at least their own citizens are doing the bulk of the bootleg gtng yilh open bars everywhere one seldom sees a drttnken man on the street here porhft s it is bo cause thi bootlegrerx have got the price up too h gh j don t know nominations for che ouloe ot warden were modo as follows bigils a harris bj mr irving geo hi 1 inner by mr morden on a vote being taken mr har ris was declared elected warden for 1922 the warden elect made his de olaration of office before his hon judge elliott and took the chair he addroased the council expressing his thanks for the hon or conferred on him the tniuuteb of the last meeting n 1921 were read and confirmed mr morden moved seconded by mi irving that the following bo a special committee to strike tho standing tsommitteeb for the year 1922 beeves hillmer irving bar ber elliott blain hartwell cbis holm and the mover carried mr johnstone moved seconded by mr hillmer that this council do now adjourn for the special immittee to report carried the counoil adjourned the oounoit resumed the war den in the chair morden ohairman of the striking committee presented its report hillmer moved seconded by mr irving that tbe report of the ttee appointed to strike the standing committees for 1922 be adopted carried communications were read ae follows from 0 s btuart asking for grant for gordon home and presenting report for 1921 hoe pita for sick childrenand nation al sanitarium association asking for grants department of publio highways re disposal of old steel bridge sixteen mile creek mrs geo havtll asking for grant to halton women a institute ontar munioipa association refills introduced in the provincial legis lature w a cbieholm barrister re bently vs halton messrs mac kay mackay hamilton appllca- t on for appointment as county engineer j m denyes p s i re grant to halton teachers insti tute ballon department of agn cultural asking for payment of annual grant in january also ilaimb from btreetsvilte and geo rgetown high schools for mainte nance of county pupils resolution from burlington high school board re appointment of trustee memorial from counties council stormont dundas and glengarry reoto prisoners jail expenses and county council of perth re provincial highways and resplu tion from council- of hespeler re department ot education mr hampshire moved seconded by mr betzner that the deputa tiona from burlington be heard carried ma or hobson and messrs keo- nig bamford and bndgeman ad dressed tbe council ro appoint ment of trustee for burlington high school mr elliottmoved seconded by mr johnstoaethatfrank barber 0 e be heard carried mr barber addressed the conn cil re appointment of county en gineer his honor 3udge elliott ad dressed the council in support of the application of the national sanitarium association grant mr hiikper moved seconded by mr johnbtone that this count il do now adjourn and that the next meeting be beld on tuesday jan 24th 1922 at 7 80 p m carried toparliainent bj a majority that not only teefiriod ter tho apprecia tion of tbe ex premier sworth but rebutted his progressive opponents for their lack of courtesy in deny ing him an acclamation which seeing thai they allowed all the cabinet ministers to be returned b acclamation was his reasonable due parliament requires men of mr meighen s ability and for that reason and also that canadians generally have a very high regard for him personally his re election was generally hoped for and will be hailed with satisfaction hanoves council has passed a resolution recommending that hereafter the town oouncil be re numerated for its service tbe taw allowb councillors 5 a day but they must pass a by law to that effect township and conn ty councils always take pay but so far towns and villages have not taken advantage of the act just why councillors and commission should serve the public for nothing while every other service ib being paid for is one of the things we could never understand some refer to tbe honor given those elected it is a certain amount of honor but if honest bernce is given why should it not be paid for febboaby is the most danger ous month of the year for canad ions vital statistics for the do minion juat published show that tbe mobt fatal months of tbe year are the first three most deaths oocur in february march comes next and january third in prac tically every province this is the order tbe ottawa correspondent of the toronto globe has been mak inquiries as to causes and he learns from dr j a amyot dep uty minister of health that pneu monta and bronchitis take the heavy toll in february dr am yot said the human system becomes peculiarly snboeptible to these dis eases about february because that is the month of greatest ex baustion after the hard winter i imagine also that people are get ting down to a fixed diet in which there is not enough reen stuff auoh as lettuce cabbages and bo the cattle at that time also are probabljr getting less green feed than at any other tinm5hd bo the milh does not supply the jack tbe vital resources are get ting exhausted after the hard fight against the cold the best precaution to take in for a man to go home to bed as soon as be gets a oold he will save time by doing it a few days then will save a week later and possibly prevent a oondinon that may develop into bronchitis or pneumonia in the army we did not worry about the spanish flu in the summer time but in tbe winter time bronchitis or pneu monia often developed after it the protection adopted by us was to pot tbe 4uen to bed where ft was possible and i am oevtain that many men were saved from death by pneumonia by that time ly precaution tbe attempt to fighj it ont in cold weather with a cold is dangerous business acton e a3fro fnai a aeawowstxawal ayfcsart easiness tratnmg standing couuittebb the council appointed the fol lowing standing committees for 1922 finance hillmer irving blain elliott roods and bridges irving hill mor johnson morden elliott chisbolm county buildings blain heart- well hampshire printing barber betzner breck on heart well education robinson barberj irvinrelliotl special communications heart- well johnstone cbtsholm hamp shire railwavrtanb legislation lhia holm breck on betzner robin son goods hoods morden irving chlsholra heartwell barber blain hillmer bobinbon breck on johnstone hampshire elliobtjfrea press betcner tbe first named on each com mi ttee to bo- chairman f the warden is an ex officio member of all standing commit tees- mr geo agnew wbo has been the agent of tbe toronto subur ban railway ever since the opening of the station here has retired from that position goupcimor e t thetford has been appointed to- tbe vacancy mr john p worden was in guelpb lfst friday attending the funeral of his sister mrs harry jeans last week sidney j oram of to ronto was appointed chtef of the fire department of st catharines there were thirty eight ap plica tions the in i tat salary is 2800 bidne spent his boyhood davs 10 acton and mo oram was also a native of this community mr oram is on experienced fireman mr and mrs wm sotnervilieof north bottlefoid sask arrived during tbe week lo visit mrs thos somerville and other friends hero a wiarton farmer sold two turkey in tbat town at 10 each purchased a horse for 19 and went home with an extra dollar 4n bis pocket from the sale halbiaui dad a preacher raibing lirs f bis desk in the midst of his sermon was paralysed with amazement to see hib rude offspring in the gal lery pelting the bearers in tbe pews below with dheatnota bat while the good man was preparing a frown of reproof the young bopefnl cried out yon tend to your preaching daddv i ii keep em awake nt l riss istttufe ttisti 1 at ijmaactrati- oow

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