Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 1, 1922, p. 4

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paqm i the wdbhtesbakaotitvdel bleased nro the tinne lu huirib for theirs is tlio kiujfdom of pro rrohh bloftactlacajjm notion for they shnll conquer themselves blobsod nro tliey that lovo tlioi work tor their work bih11 reiuile tbem blessed are tbo faithful in little things for tbo shall inherit tbe great blessed aro tlio oonsidorfttn for they shall obtain oonai lorntion b am hu cl bw ness for poatorit hhall hoi 01 and emulate them blessed aro the i nccmfikcrh for the spirit of succohi shall w ro them btttaeed are thoj thntlntar in friendliness fo i j dn shall bring tbem happiness h r a foloy miiuuiliuii a ledgor erin see murdoch bros tor all kinds ol carpentry and cabinet work hardwood lloora 1 specialty ska tm a id all k nda ot look ahaiponed can mhop or phone li notice to creditors t ths hattim o ha kaai t han- ah ma it oi mitchell laie o the town o eocgclown in lb court of llaltoo widow de cased notice a hereby given that u ucd tors and o hera hav na eta ma against the tmate of he sad hannah matxaret m i ii wl o d ed ou o about be 54h iwio e lc nthday ottebroirytw to end 1 1 poal prepaid or del tot to the u dcrag rd v llcitor for frederick cook and ha y n bio eaecntora of the last ii a d tea ament o llie satd deceased hrr u a la and surnames uldnaaea and decnrlio and full part cufaus of he r rb ma it e statement of ibclr accounts a d the nature of tbe secarltwa f any held by ibcm and further lake nol c that after such last njeouooed date tbe sajd eiecutifawjrpfla lottatrt bote tbe assets of tbe deceased among tbe part ea ent tied therein having regard only 10 tbe claims of wtafcbr- they shall ben have not ce sod that tbe said execu- browns garage overliruls all makes of oara and storatio batteries all work guaranteed skaton sharpened and concaved phono wti main at north qeorgetonn fl m at your service hxbailey electrician headquarters for maid lamps fixtures shades etc call at toe harness shop and let me give you a price on your electric ywtt- satisfaction ovaranieed a b k t ut mu or any part tbereof to any person or pert tops of whom claims notice snail nothave been received by iheo at tbe lne of such d stnbut on dated at georgetown tbui 18th day of january 1912 h g heir solictor for frede cok and harry nohle hsecutora howemt smsjiewwh ta obdaaitomi bjuuid wuuwm in iw u railway news in brief captain vxoym one a the smt popalar shipmaster in tke ceast aervia of the canadian pa dflc railway and now jnaaurof thtr tsmmcr ch to uw presidency herehabt service goud british colombia branch of tbe can adian navigators federation sapor front victoria uya tend ers wilt be called by the canadian pacific railway for the repair of tat atael carbarfe no 8 recently aired after being ashore at jlorllei pass immediately fol lowing the completion of the survey to eater tab the fnlluttent of the damage in yi moore who iamajuerlav etrurrsral at to be held from january 28 bann to be eld from janoary to febroary a is auunc elaborate pnsnarationa to pnt th sportfesl or la grand atyto be hon tn la iiarntluun b hqp i ps from the- dominion qovernment for the donation of real buffalo head for competition among tadiea hockey teams of canada and the united states in addition tbe winners will receive a aflver trophy and tn dlvidnal medals the- amaaana ot livingstone bakery main street jmo j a bread all kinbs currant brown milk homemade white htrschorns ladies wear tailoriny to the ladies ol georgetown and vidnily saturday special chelsey buns elata bu a b bo d a we a o a big rcduc tion on all our ready to- wear garments we are also offering a big reduction op ordered suits until the 1 5th of february fiet yourpntig suits- ordexed now andhave satisfaction n bciftey of fjborgpwwp waa a wepk find vitutot with mr h matthews mr qbar4 loes 1otb line erin nattered a severe lo recent ly when several animals n his hard of cattle ffera anddenly seie ed with borne disease whioh bafll edtbe local anoljroviaclal voter inanes tbefl of tbo choice nm mala died aqd the veterinarian are taking every precaution to stop tbe disease from spreading mrs dr mcfaal of colling wood is vtbiting with her mother ijrb oarbery who is m failing health mr a b qraham of gore bay spent finriday with mr and mrs h matthews miss m teeter of alton spent tbe weelrend with mr and mrs v matthews advocate coal wood rheuajatism actatica v w ml fwipsj tgonblasi tavariablyyiald to tbia tm c a tamputoaa bbaaaatlc tapi smloal treatment many doctora aadsaany hundreda ol druggleta front coaat to caaatvrlu coalirat tbjatarth the haadredaof tcs mlatlettersia art ueaahow that tjlcn have aaccaaafau treated rheamatlaim lambago haatritia sciatica and acute hen remedy at our extx fuataaeutrc tivhru for frew trial writot bcc os- colboraa st toronto b6u la oeerawtewsi by d jmatthbw he sbtdlls rliw standard anthracite scranton coal in all sixes automatically screened and loaded ft goafcl i wood select lamp for domestio and threshing porpoees smithing and cannelctwl in fact i carry everything to be fonnd in an optodate ooal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown phone s on hand all the time best scranton ooal iiain street phone 196 fardswrighl pokveyors ov government inspected meats fresh cured egg poultry fancy meats butter cheese ground bonerbomcimadesansage delivered to all parts of town i just received a fresh wilhrds hariddipped chocolates vanilla creams fruit creams carmels chips and peanut clusters dipped in delicious vanillachocolate special 29c per pound h druks main 1st georgetown wm evans s butcher f choicerpresh and cured meats v poultry butter and elggs good supply of fish always on hand t pactiewrishlato stqiolartorof beef oau ana et w eyansr- phone sos mustrebt georgetown stara at atokaabd oecaatewa ssa john ballan tine 3 qeoboetowm new barber shop ivulkst my bawev sfr bwalwses to laaua exchange hotel ci dect2nd- patr tbo only veteran barber a town attention given to children fob iq0h gbade repairing jlnd perfect skate sharpening try ja ballantirie atemmlr factory owssr kfias aa4 staanro t mstatum f called for and del vered cash eystrf box 546 phono 256w junk wanted i am paying the highest caab price tor all kinds of jnnk also hides and poultry b we omaatt pwule sal a vleaaariamtemt georgetown out m freeman postthsceboxho phone icc deering far machine international tractors gasoline engines buudnkkaonlnes axristta ombuk bsinwn of wire fence just airbed which we b offeriog at a special price phone 101 r 88 thos e bewson norvalont call and see the farmers friend afew while they last 1 masse bams spreader low down txa 4 new laat spring half pnobv 1 nearly new spring cultivator 1 second h brill 1 lumber wagon new last anro mer 1 root pnlper 1 no 21 walking plow jimt naed one week s b groat ofbce phono sssw besidenoeiasj georgetown interior decorating decorate your boanas for the winter xontna for the remainder of tbe season i can give big redactions on all wall papers i handle a fall line and can show yon sanipleat batimatea given ir rrqoirad p graining olaaingibto ebludp bell tlophoni 3lincohyejbattkjlirfaiary reganta and calgary patridaa wul be among- tbe comreting teams all the leading aki jnmpera of the world who will compete at the carlgary honors takose whose record of 40 years service as conductor ea the canadian pac fie railway bai probably never been eclipsed tn the history of the company has passed away in vancouver fie was super annuatad bye years ago mr labose was a baehelor and had no near relatives he was bora in quebec and commenced his rail road career as a messenger boy while still tn hi teens a livingstone son phone 8s georgetown a hxrschorn brook blook creorsetown phone 166 winnipeg twelve entries al to be ran tbe winnipeg winter carnival tbe carnival committe announced to day vne race will be from da to winnipeg a distance of 224 w htmt of tbe northern electric company is chairman of tbe dor- team races as a preliminary to the winnipeg winter carnival a recep tion and midnight frotle will be hed in the royal alexandra hotel on the afternoon and eyenlog of tuesday jmbimt therxaraivai com ass announced the carnival it self willopen two weeks bit ex the ntire ground and first floors of tbe hotel will be given over to the recep tion and frolic and the whole affair will revolve about the 4 candi or carnival queen kzeavatlon work in connection with the twentystory tower to be added to the chateau proateaae quebec has been commenced this foundation will be situated on the which is being demolished room for the building of tbe tower dynamite had to be used at times to loosen tbe solid structural work which had the effect of twlstliuc the steel girders into various shapes achnsrwcantseen tnlsetestirt yard of the hostelry with- piles of r j hynds insurance broker bisiiraiice in all branches phone 203 georgetown do yon want insurance k you do lam pkepai3 to give you insurance in any of theouowmn lnitclaarcontpaniesrviz- british american british crown em ployers liability london mutual eco nomical mutual waterloo guardian caledonian hartford western conti nental dominion hand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance debris uwt art being cried kur to a dttntp u qnlckl at possible mr mitchell ibe- enercette- superintend- phone 05 eat fat- the contractors expects to have the other third removed with in the next ten daya when tbe ex cavatioa work for the foundation wql be rushed in the meantime the dominion bridge company con tractors for tbe steel and its- eree- hon are shipping tbe material to qiiebac daily sad it is expected that the frame work wilt be well on the way to completion by ha be ginning of next summer though it will take more than another tw yean to cattlplste the eastern es tension and improvements which whan completed will put the cha teau in an exeeptjenal position by its arehitectore and unlqne sitasfion la eeuperisonwtthallothe tha american continent daring the present season the canadian pacific has hauled jm cars rgfaln containing 48wr comaared with 2063 cars with v 78848 basnets daring the corra- the elevators at been a geaeiel fall- fxeffbtj during tbe last few days tat have bean re- quebec reports onvad of umtoibcov- near onslow corners t tamer which it is cuiated the assays gold and silver and it la onaantood he ass refused imfcftm for it the bnfldinaf tha new c p b station at carletoa haoigotasr ahead rapidly the slat tag almost comsma and as long berte1tb ready- for oaa the new platform ta tfmt wf the j 1s svvnvsacssrt rosflarbv d it saatbot floon baa the walunc room im hava tasn made by the encttoa of a ellwand cari p to- boast ofscwtstloa neiit7azmalil1mf snttabls tr ska i st the tews tlie codgh killer is busy md colds dnrtreyadlry tbe navy day laataaa nuaf rsai i n l sbi w ss aayat ealiieva sjeawijaaffefsi ay loukkoav i v houkkoa gtand irnsl rabway sjbtea taa dom beate awrnvuntwnv i strike blcsmriaoacaoa iritfibtraiiwaiid padec oars on prmcnpal day tralna stall uubrrnatioo fromaay orand kaatlaftnattshvisrcbom ia district risssnuar aaant iff norval flour mills ask tonr 3rocer for our brands of flonr kings choice for bread national for pastry alwmje kanl aaaiwt oato rhm1 wluat oirssml brtua sk4 olwta fataa ottttha onaaawa con wsak oavd ohsyass w7bmva apal barsala star sal w jcampbell umited norval ontario w w roe greoitoktown hot chocolate coffee bovnl cocoa tea tomato soup served at- madges candy shop ma1nstree phone 214 georgetown flour feed mills we carry full line of feed bran 8borta soratob feed for heoa blatohford a bgg masb it makes hernia qhops boiled oata pastry and bread floor porridge oats bid grahm flonr bailed hay and straw btatcbford a calf meal stock foods etc eukhest prices paid for oats pnovpinjud t hone lowest price w c bessey phqk1f iqs georgetown genuine reduction sale white ivory for the balance of january these are high rarle good and at prices you cannot afford to miss comprising the following mirrors hair brushes military brushes hair re ceivers ptfwdelboxes jewel casessoap boxes trays perfumebot3es combs clocks nail polish ers picture fianres etc a b witlson main street next mccibbon hotel f t the store thats sodilterent you have doubtless read and reread many clothing adver tisements this season too have been pestered with big type and yon have been reasoned with in small type yon have been plied with advertised reductions eo unr that your good sense at onoe stamps them as fictions here a store that is dillerent mens suits 30 35 40 up to 60 we sell no 80 suits for 1458 or do we sell 86 overooats for 188 we claim to be a fair dealing wide awake clothing house always giving yoo the besbpossible value for your money and ever ready to make any wrong right snrely no one will or can give yon more for your money than we will give yon and yon can certainly do no better than to make una store yonr clothing store high class tailoring and men a fnrmahings a j blackburn xheuse of-qoajity- phone 154 erwingoldhams meat market main street georgetown phone no 1 choice fresh -amd- salt meats quick delivers guaranteed jambuck btjtoheb auwsvya a staeb a u bwrt twasals tw lra natat s msmta wuah hua satas at tin lowest possible prices canada food board ltceoae no 2 ob get the besl the wtllooflbby farm afency georgetoin hoe m000 100 acres 50 acres workable bsjanceusfa ana pasture the buildings are sptenoid goodjraw house of 8 room water inside and bath bant bsunra good condition also pig pen and hen booses this farm is situated about 2 miles frormacton on the radial only cash l willoughby farm agency eaassve unrartasltrabk itsaac an itn replb mcdowell georfetowa oalario

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