Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 8, 1922, p. 2

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tiik gaobortown tfluii frmmujain hth 1022 btrftn mar nh dentil rt l hurled for hi iho fu lillw llidlm 50c i mnrnalc soc lrn is so m n r isl card 5k 10 liic r xlr 1 i poems born martin in geitclibn oi tics jin will to mr ami mm c e k lir tlau j cut el bell ored knyat ptnfd oi sat i iin jm i irj j8lh 1922 rev um m y hi- 66th yi ramkmkat ucstuu ou tuesday feb rusry 7th 1922 john mncuy knnkmc of non 1 m i 481t1 year to our subscribers we tbaofe af thoho who have re r tbeir sabecnptiona to the herald will all in arioara kindlj ro ftt pprft ftft abv tig tlin x peqbq of billing please nttmid to sbib matter now glenwilliams a largo rjojnber of friends and neighbors of mr and mrsi simon proot gathered together m st alban b parish hall upon the oo casiod of their golden wedding among the out of town guests were mrs holroyd toronto mrs dr copp toronto mrs w h will eon and miss will son of geo rgetown mr and mrs scott brampton mrs sabli toronto mrs b scott acton a bountiful supper was provided mrs hill mrs garvin and mr and mrs wilfrid mceinley being largely responsible for tbo excellent ar ran gem en la made for- the evening s ilnmfint the rector the rev p mayes acted ax chairman and among those who contributed ut the programme were miss josen r- phine willaon mr t roberts mrs w scbenk and mra holroyd a pleasant social time was spent together and at the close mr jos beaumont on behalf of those present presented mr and mrs prout with a puree of gold and the following address dear mr and mra prout hearing thai on the 5th day of febru ary you bad achieved fitly years of happy mait ed me nearly all of which were pent in glenwilliams we your friends and neighbors have called th s gathering bat wc might in some tangible way lake noteot iuih an suspicions event and e tend to you our hcsrticsl congratulations it is fitting thai we should gatfcer in this parish hall for since it inception the panb jiaa bad nn atauncber supporters than you in money in kind and in service and the steadfast regularity of your x tendance at ibe church bas been an out standing example to those careless in these important matters we also take th opporlunit ofcongralulating mi prout on bis recent appoint men i to tb office of ministers warden it seems almost a new world that baa arisen during this momentous period of fifty years and people of this generation can hardly realise what it meant in rural canada ears ago to have women with natural skill in nursing such as mrs prout undoubtedly possessed and which ibe ex excised so generously whenever calld that through circumstance or choice your life bas been lived in this uiet v lage instead of in the turmoil of a city no cause for regret a we are told that not a thought norafeelini not an set ol beutyor nobility whereof mail js capable bat can find expression in the simplest most ordinary life that you have found tbi expression of the best that is in vou and that itjs appreciated proven by this demonstration of those wbo know you best and who ask your acceptance qf this purs of gold tn token of their affection and esteem signed percival mayes jos beaumont mrs elizabeth hill mrs mary garvin mrs sarab wiaswell of port huron michigan is visiting hoi sister mrs wesley booth the orangemen s dance held here last fridaj evening was largely attended campbell orchestra supplied excel lent musii all had a most enjoyable time the grand trunk uiookey team of toronto fatted to come lost friday eveningrcausing some dib appointment however we arc looking forward toa game in tbe dearfuture who owns tbe lusate in the glen and bas ti led the hill opposite mr dan bwds 9tb line the last two sundayb and can t moke it don t forget tbe snpper and entertainment to be held in the methodist church valentine day feb 14th admission 85 cental children 20 cents a meeting of lo l no 840 will be held on monday evening feb lth mr and mrs dennis tracy re oeived a scroll from the king in honor of their son herbert james tracy wbo died at pettawawa oct 2nd 1918 age 20 years mcisallj waitod on oouniiil re improvement to school grounds the rate for water fur m 3a xe s creamery was lled at co per thousand gallons the same rate now being paid bj other large oners of water john jackson of dr sdeo was appointed chief constable and foreman at u salary of h60 per year reeve heart well and j m moore were appointed members of the band committee the clerk was instructed to write tbe minister of public worjbt re the report regarding the pro posed rouees of tbe provincial highway through town f as iironuaetlbj premier drury orrthe occasion of his visit here last jnar a number of accounts were passed council adjourned to meet at post regular meetingor at calk of the mayor tbe best home treatment for rheumatism sciatica or neural gia is t rcs and for asthma and bronchi tie is baz mah goaran teed sold by d j matthew town council mini it met on tuesday c nuik ilh the mat or reeve and all tbe ajdi ruilii prphont minuttit of promou- meetings ii nl mid t oiillrtnotl the bell telephone co were i run ltd p i iiiihkion to crei jhiich on union stiect mr john mason addixtisd conn il it reftmil of inooine tax 11k rtpoit of fire chief tost was read mid approved and tbe limuka of council and tndtndth brigade it will be published in hera1dntt week on mn li on of long and near it wan nretit to petition tho cover not oi nor hi of canada asking that fines imposed m police courts bo paid to municipalities tnautwl of beuutiwud to the province lotion of bernngton and ant lion e mccaotiuh wiut i pointed assessor of gcorgoto for 1922 at a salary of iso xx scpmietcndorf a co of toronto wore apointed auditors for the yeariflii2 miss ryan was appointed col lc tor of water rates for tbo pifr 1822 messrs j b mackengie and fred hockey georgetown went toaeton on saturday mgbt and played a tie game 3 with the team of that i lage it was a fairly good game nil through but got a little rough toward tbe flmnish the two outsiders played by acton added considerable strength to their team and enabled them to bold oar boys to a tie the plav era were acton goal kennedy defence saunders gardiner centre adams wings jock and joe keotnor itub holmes georgetown goal a duncan defence j arnold c kenned j centre j ryan winga alf cole fred mccartney subs f varey c morton snow hynds of acton was ref ee the glen and coating mill arc scheduled to play a game at tbe nnk here on thursday nigbt tbe town and coating mill teams will pay for an oyster sup per at the rink here saturday afternoon game called at ii o clock the coating mill team enjoyed the chicken dinner tendered them by the town team at h wheat ley s palm gardens on monday evening a splendid menu excellent service and a good time are reported never mind about tbe flu keep yourself in good shape and dont go half way to meet every disease that comes along exetslors sale real estate in the matter of ihe estate o james mcmerietn lata ol the township of bsqucsing m the county of hal ton gentleman deceased there will be offered for sale by ibe executors of the said estate by publ c auction lo be held on the premises silu ate in tbe vrflagc o tlen williams in the county of halloo on thursda march 9th 1922 at fo clock the fol lowing property i part of the north east erlv half of lot number twenty one tn the ninth concession of the township of lsquemng in tbe county ol halloo and v- be more particularly known and di cnbed as fo s commencing fonil on the westerly limit of allowance for road between the ninth and tenth concessions of ibe said township and tbe boundary or divisio ime between the said land and tbe land o samuel wc mas ter thence westerly along said division line ten rods lo a post tbence northerly in a line parallel with the concession line aforesaid eight rods to a post thence easterly on a line parallel lo the said di vision line ten rods to the west or ly limit of road betweenlbe ninth and tenth con cessions thews southerly along saitl westerly 1 mil of road allowance eight roda to the place of beginning conti half an acn of land more or less on the premises is a two- storey roomed rough cast bouse with a good cellar also good stable tfrms 10 per cent of i b purchase money tg be paid ttdwn at tbo time of ihe sale balance to be patd within 15 days alfter the bale the said property will old subject lo a reserve bvd for further particulars and conditions of saur apply to i erov dale george town solicitor for james s mcmencmy and wihiam j mcmenemy executors of saideslae i ben petch auctioneer two hundred members wanted tim giurhotown llortu ullunil bocit b imk for the en optralion of aimholtbvtn geoigtlown to help in beautifying the town tiiihhouoi lint join iiwnmht ful woik along this line and i rend to put forth giouti i fl ih tins ouiiiih spring and stunt n i a int el ng was hold on i he von nil ar feb lut to place tin mk for tbo your ihe wot k va tunp d out and ih ably mannidtinil nil that is needed now tn the hup jwitof nil the georgetown h ople to make our picturesque town a vtry beautiful one the woik has bcou divided into eight different depirlmrijla as fallows premium committee prof hutt mr mclntire mr itoo mrs matthew and miss currio with mr pit put as convenor distribution committee mr papat mr denison mr herbert with major grant as convenor public plots committee mr mimuia mr denison mrs bessoy and miss curne with mr herbert as convenor olirdon pri coin nnttee p hutt mi mclntyre mis cr 1 1 man mrs roe mrs matthew with mr denison nsconvenoi ibership comnutteevmis creelman mrs matthew miss curne miss bisdley with mrs roe as convonor programme committee prof hutt mr mimms major grant bradley with rev davidson as convenor central park committee prof hutt mr melntyre committee on trees rev dav idson prof uutt mr denison with major grant as convenor two eood lectures will be given before spring an the subject of horticulture any one wanting trees planted in front of their homes would inivk this ntundt il tn applnatioii t v j ir goftm not on the i r i iho llortkiiltutsi s fori heir nliji i i liu io norval yoiir nir reading club ami m kntliiring of indies ntienil il tli i tniiuk mixhiuil of i lie rill i n ci ib hi id nt tin n mt f mn uihihw siitiirdny ufl nu 1 it uklh hllhi ielh do leimanl spent reading mnl ilihiiihnuig tin 6iuniui ulmpl i of maim clui ii 1 hint a fitii il nnidisn nomir suiry which wns h il i ted in tin club for the rit ttnlv the cmiadnui woiksme iiulud d in the coiiihi which ptmrtw ti afford nprofibibln ntul iiisiriii t ivn year work j oflipois oletled wore mm jcampbtll convenor mt hurley treasurer i f hil n ymink ptopli m l nkll in inn in i tirnrjn ti r nicmlii rs mi mi miui i k i mil i n can uilri tl f nntii ti nnil itm t some xiv iikii i it him i i hi hit yon tig 1 1 ili wl n lujulti hni imikh will in lull f till t imt palls t ll hik i i win i fl ii i buik 1111 mi r i mnl opcnul a i i w itita nhhe told of a hunting li p it tl fur in it am mr ii i ll llkiuul t i iii till ih lll k toii riuuei if fin t exihttiid 11 tilling of bis i irriiinn iloini ii bin vi st tr woik in tin istill went mr dmnunoi f oi a n ht look li ho titty oti i tin ii tlioifhatjd ifilluidh iiftn wlmh miss sl lift i orrenswrtd mm lurtl bvng ciimula wol mis ou ton miinitv sing nc lohid it try sue tthfiil nuj i oil i able t i ning- ih your subscription paid -pajm-jgacden- lunch rooms meals served at all hours ioe cream fruit confectionery a full line ol tobaccos cigars and cigarettes all phone orders doljvtred h wheauey auction sale or cattle and horses wednesday february vsw ii oi l o ik hr follow k hdsfs icrehrrrin mar 6 v ra pti flrr tij t y i r i i fllj 1 v s hk it illio k 4 i mr ti knde w alf n i i h1 hlei w f cull iteil vow alf al f ai ji d w irish jirney luluv li i e t ml njp durlii nil j hi mai t jr i i rt k ov di mar 10 r- i u il llidi mur 6 kcj ii rl w ii ik mil uir sr t 1 ititlmi cow milk ij well jat low 3 hia 1 aifcrn milk iil well wliuc urham in f 2 yr t rid durtmoi sldft i yrn 4 dm lihin sprn tt calvr 4 holnle n npr tiff chivli loll aii rk b umluuii ialf 5 mos2vtju llkorkti of siu a pbi al nlvex gfoeerypceials iitiiiilatid bimm 10 ii for piihli ciitunery butter i ei lb rolled oats lb fm chrihlk t- soda biscuits largo package penrlim large pat kat j for ctihtile hi up 7 bars for smith s phim nd apple jam i lb tin icing siinr2 1b for wax till cornflakes 2 packages ueorjiyc corn syrup 10 lb pail imperial jelly powders 8 for dromedmj dates 2 packages for j j g1bbens pnone 160 lane block georgetown it is here the new studebalcer cars now on display insure q continuance ol studebalcer leadership m motor car value in the new bigsix you get the clearvision onepie iiriroof i windshield but basically the ng ligsdc is the same dependable car that contributed much to ti akin 1921 wonderful performance of its 60- a studebaker year horsepower motor the roominess of its sevenpassenger studebaker- built body its unusually easy ear shifting and steadiness on the road at all speeds there is distinctiveness of api pearance in its beaded ede body tailored top massive head lamps graceful cowl parking lamps and look for these features in the new bigsu 60hj ssstn motor with tktachabl head dry plslksduc clutcn which nakoi he shlfhn of lolly qtilm ond assy if you pay more than the price of thenewblgsdcyou may buy more weight but is is lposidle to get finer materials or bettc- workman ship its light weight aii the use of the highest quality materials con tribute in making the new big- six die greatest 7pa nger auto mobile value on the in rket today cowl ventilator operated fro n da h courtesy lifcht on drivers 10ft tonnwa liftht tui exunialan c hifchet uood bniu coraplete in stndiebsiker iw onopieco siipaoof windshield thst jlwt ftroster vumn windihteld wiper cowl parling lights miniatures af headlight in oonien af windshield mssitva and artuuc hceolighla with improrsd dsftecting and diffuung loiuei deep ineurious ctuhioni uphoutttred in hand bnfl edonmnt leather large plain jim window in rear of tailored top totl kit in pocketon left side of driver locked with tune kay that flu troniuussion lock and ignition switch uxofinch cord tires j n oneill son distributors for georgetown hilton and aoton this is a studebaker year 2475 4tjjjid0ls6eodfes2lh the mefs store special values we ore offering special values in tine tailoring to order fdt this month to keep our work shop go ing see our special blue serge suiting to order for 37so- worth double the price buy now k all ready to- wear clothing at half pifce to clear at once great bargain get them melear fe co j flu hikuolaaa tauortnr nod ktsn s furnlalilns ants tor stookweu benderaon u co tdronto drains and dry claonlur georgetown phone 126 jacksons stocktakingsale this sale means big money saving values to you on good quality merchandise big bargains in all department a big sacrifloe on prices of all lines of furniture carpets and bugs 16 00 largo size union rags for 9 96 all liooleumnsand coogoleum rogaat a big reduction simmons guaranteed white enamel metal beds good mattress j and high grade springs complete for 14 9m mmona bigb grade brass beds felt mattress and guaranteed fz ateel aprtnue comploto 29 00 extension tables fumeftoiab 1150 reed bookers librarytableb fume flnibb oak good size 4 ru an extraqualtty of 46 in pillow cotton for embroidered pillow cases special for pair 1 i bargains in tea towelling from 58c and up i special twist towelling 1 good quality batb towels t flannelptte of good value i new spring prints big value s new spring englisu ginghams choice patterns a splendid value in honse dresses at 16 serviceable aprons at 4 we bave just received a shipment of large double size white flannelettto blankets tbe tlrst shipment for tbe past four monttya only a few pairs they will go quickly get youjb now best qnalitv 8 f men b all wool socks i mens good qualitj work and dress shirts 1 i men s good quality overalls black blue striped 1 i men s rubber boots 8 6 all rubbers boots and shoes at bargain prices u y 89 95 16 96 6 96 agazine shelves 8 96 see the goods see the prices quality service value jacksons georgetown r town and country cooperation an address on the above subject will be given in the town hall georgetown on wednesday february i 5th i 922 under the auspices of the georgetown and glenwilhama co operative society limited by mr w c good b a m p president of the co operative union of canada president of the brant farmers coopera tive society ltd chair to be taken at 7 45 p m a cordial imitation in gion to all interested in industrial or agncut tnral co operation to henr the heal of tbe organized co operative movement in cansda ladies especially incited n j- watch this column weekend specials assorted toilet soap box of 3 beg 40c or 34c vanishing cream regtbsc for 49c alma face povrder reg 75c for 49c rose and violet toilet water reg 1 oo for 74c rouge reg 65c for 38c witch hazel cream reg 35c a jbpttle special at 24c j saltpetre reg 40c a lb special 24c a lb or 5 pounds for loo with every hercules briar pipe at qxj30 we will give free a soc pipe holder chocolates regular soc alb to clear at 34ca lb humbugs molasses candy fruit blossoms reg soc a lb for 49c the xbjul store hourigans iiuksmijaqsstni iitiiaiktifsi

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