Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 8, 1922, p. 4

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tub gaopubtowx bkrald phbtujaay 9th 198b on the right road spite of nil the krow lorb aaj world m runuin rikht sunnlinn nliitn top da uopoan heaw n in mtthl wintorm never come to stay uoiuit ridden nory may hallelujah on tho va world runmn riht take the kaatwn to your soul world la rutin in nithtl an tib love that makes it roll with love it heaven in night love that kads fiom the gloom an the shadow of the tomb to the bcuuly an tho bloom- world tb runmn rihl l e rank l slantoit milton the annual meeting of the li a ton protects o association watt held m the town ball ber6 op xjny of laatweekr aod-was- largely attended tho association is in a bcallliy condition loan ciall and otherwise their aieing neaxljlfloo in the itceaaury on account of the large number of chicken i stealing cases being re ported lately amonff the members of be association it was tmanim oasly decided to engage the servi ces of a detective to run down the tion has the largest membership its htbtory the following offli were elected for the ensuing year president r e harrison vice president w e mccready sec tefcary treaaurer jas h wilson beeve mordon of trafalgar and mrs mordon leave ibis week for florida where they will speod a coo pie of mon or n inspector floody of the inland be venae department seined a still in fall operation at the home of barry hilson muton hemhte- htlson was arrested brought to milton and immediately tried be ore county police magistrate moore of acton who fined hilaoo 800 and coats which he paid befonner coughs colds and chronic bronchitis buckleyv brondutu mixture the world a nut wonderful martinas singin6 uke thrush or nightinmle says oregqhun critic one of the fliu haatrllmfea lo he vo- nl iwwow of mlsn jxnhlni marti rm nppoimd in tho i ortlnnii oreiio- lun kome tlinn ukti from the iwn of jrmph mucqifiitln one of the lent klion critlia urtlu weal litre i what i mild it secffril us if a real ikt thrunli or nhctitlnkak vih lletl hit uiiilltiiiiiiu last night when joxfl him mrtli u soprano lifted her frpnh dilloh yimiiit voice in wintf miss mirtltn h just a utile bcyunil iilich schoul iik and in nlreai ly a hlti ly rirml 0 1 crl slur by on i ore nlit browns garage haul nil luakom of tars and atonitfo linttcftflh all work jfuaruntool skatth sharpened and conuivotl phono 200 mam at north g001 gt low n 2 in at your servide h c bailey electrician headquarters for mazda lamps fixtures shades ete call at the harness t i shop nd let me give 7011 a price on your electric work satisfaction guaranteed phone 232 georgetown wan lnt duvil jo e u killu vocul training luis xillthttl anil inailv unir a volte hint is naturally swell esq or bmrilkrpurtty if miss marti no stags n jear or lw more and gets a mtlotnore conwrl experience shefwlll lie of the tetrnxzlnl crder of song queens tlie ircgolni ik a aamplc of the lav ish prt as communis i ion which hat been mcorded mltta mnrtlno in her puhlli work during ibo pun few years hr voloo baa attracted ihe attention of no ii a jicrsoimce than enrico ca ruto who has predict edtgwl mn 1 ml futurp for lur fonrier iresl teat amixon heard her sing two years nso and complimented her personally she is a distinguished artist rapidly forging to the front asthma- use irazmah kth jsst swafisw 1 capisle razmah7 guarantee to restore nonul breathing atop mu ti eathennes in the bronchial tubes tive long nights of qniet alcepcod babttfornuokdnig 1 0dsty ita trial e at oursgeacio tcmplfoa 1s ktag w toninlo sd iaomititovb fey dj main street phone 106 euwardswrighl purveyors of- government inspected meats fresh cured eggs poultry fancy meats butter cheese ground bone homemade sausage del to all p of town see murdoch bros ana notice to creditors notioi it dv m vli pura u coal amu wood on hand all the time best scrahton coax john ballantine oeorbetown new barber shop 1 will hovb my burbu exchange hotel dec 2nd patronize h only velenui barber ir town special attention giefitto children t roberts proprietor hi v nl of wilham brow 11 lals of th towiul p uf knqumv cou ly of hall 11 hsrnier dnmuil l tied on or abi 1 the y c ghth jay of jh ur 1920 are rd to let vrr or lend full part f ulars f ii i he- u i kri k e0 sol ki i or for i mountai i uolioi ini imlor 1ilale of in- said itniftl on or beforo the twentieth day of february 192 after whi h wi d ian mrnlionrd dale be ud admi uiraior will proirl lo ulnbilc ihc wt ojllf mj fmnte mengat the partus t lied thei inje regard only lo lie lain of l ch he bfaall then have riivchtot e dated thi 16lh day of jantiar 1j22 osahah it vkllfti pi snl 1 1 1 or or the said adm nmtral notice to creditors imtub mattbr i the bslale of i iiaji margaret mitchell late of thr town of eorgetown iftfttfi cou iy of haltoti widow dc caaedv notico f hereby given ilmt all crediion id other having claim aga nn the date of the uid hannah margaret m tche wh die on or pos ll 5th lay ofoctober 1921 are repaired an or letore the llthday of february 192j to end by post prcpa d or deliver to the undent gnrd solicitor for frederick cook and harry noble exectitdra o uil laaf ill and teitamcnt of ilia st d dcreaacd the r cbnittian and surnatne addrcaiei and description and full particulars of lie r ila ma the ntatcmenl of then iccounts and the nature oftbo becunties f any held by them and further taki not ce that after uch last mentioned dali the said executors will proceed to dlstn bate the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto hav ng regard only to the claims of wh ch tbey shall then have notice and that he sa d r xecu rs will not be 1 able for the said aaseta any part thereof to any person or per ns of whoe claims not ce 4hall not have been received by them at the tune of such distribution dated at georgetown this 18th day of inuary 1922 h g meir solicitor for frederick cook and harry noble fit ecu tors fob high gbade shoe repairing and perfect skate sharpening try ja ballantine rapalr factory conar of klasj suai imsstbmro t rstatlosu junk wanted i am paying the highest cash price for alt kinds of jnnk also hides and phnltry itealduo oppoalt pnbuo b a victoria strwt oeorsetown ont m freeman j post office box 470 just received a fresh shipment of williards handdipped chocolates vanilla creams fruit creams carmels chips and peanut clusters dipped in delicious vanilla chocolate special 29c per pound h dpluks main st georgetown yrn evans n butcher choice fresh and cured meats poultry butter and eggs good supply orfish always oniiand p xrlmhns to sot quarter of boef omll and set prioea w evans phone 206 mill street georgetown stores aoston and georgetoi j deering f farm machinery international tractors t gasoline engines empire kalott crsasi sapamtora waukoaa onttsnra ttagilss 2 cars of wire fence just amiqed which we are offering at a special price phone 101 r 8 8 thus e hewson norval ont phone tw m skanllibk luqmd standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and loaded coal wood select immp for domestic and threshing parposes smithrng and cannel coal in fact i carry everything to be found in an nptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown phonfe 12 htrschorns ladies wear tailoring i the ladies ol georgetown and victniiyl wq are glad to let you know that we were able to enlatge ui business and will be able to give our customers a better variety in stock the opening of our new store at the mcglbbon corner i take place on saturday the 1 1th we are making a targe opening display do you want insurance if you do i am prepared to give you insurance in any of the following firatclass companies viz- british american british crown em ployers liability london mutual eco nomical mutual waterloo guardian caledonian hartford western conti nental dominion hand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance and we will show the very latest style of dresses and suis and all other ready-to- wear garments for the first three days all our goods will lie sold at cost we hope you will not ipse the opportunity to call and see n iitnyonttjtdaytheittrr f if you are thmking oi ordering a tailored suitor coat jbr spring please order early and get satisfaction thanking you for past favors and hoping to be at your service in the future w w roe phone 65 geokgetown grand trunk railway system the dou trac route oimftal twmnb betion uiojuun useudlei mstsg car service call and see the farmers friend a few while they last 1 maask hams sproader low down no i new last spring half price 1 nearly new spring cultivator 1 second band drill 1 lumber wagon new last enm mer r 1 root pulper 1 no 21 walking plow jtist used one week sleeping oars on night trains and parlor cars on principal day trains foil information from any grand trunk ticket agent or c e horn ing district passenger agent to ronto tj caaermaamtcerfetowi hot chocolate cocoa coffee tea bovnl tomato soup served at madges candy shop mainstree phone 214 georgetown hour feed mills we carry a full line of feed bran shorts scratch peed for hens blatcbford s egg mash it makes hens lay chops boiled oais pantry and bread flonr porridge oate and grahm floor bailed hay and straw blutchford n calf meal stock poods eto highest prices paid for oats chopping and rolling done lowest price w c bessey phone 195 georgetown s b groat office phone 222w residence 222j georgetown interior decorating decorate tour bomei for the winter btbntna for tho remainder of theseason i can give tin reductions on all wall papers 1 handle a foil line and can bhow jou samples estimates giren if required painting papering graining glazing etc ebludl box 109 glenwittgams bell telephone rwgv you better rubber footwear the stroutfssi gomrmntee onder wfilcb robber footwear has ever been sold is fastened to each pair of ames homen rubber footwear heres what it says bttrjpatr of arosa holdso rnbbsr sbom of anyaumr mtka scu at tfea rrsu under u pj jwoagainst mferior wrjamanship and materials and assures the greatest possible valoe for the price you pay it every pair wasn t made right with the- nght sli nibber and stout strong fabric and tarings this guarantee wooldn t be possible no natter what you need in robber footwear we want you to try a pair and satisfy yourself that the best is mfeert6ama tik cerfetem4 wpcrssiit ames holden rubber foottvear a hirschorn brook block oeoiaretovi phone 16s the store thats so different you have donbtless read and reread many clothing adver tisements this season ton have been pestered with big type and yon have been reasoned with in bmall type yon have been plied with advertised reductions so unreasonable that your good sense at onoe stamps them as actions here a store that ia different mens suits 30 35 40 up to 60 we sell no 80 saite for 1499 or do we sell 85 overcoats for 18 88 we claim to be a fair dealing wide awake clothing house always giving yon the best possible value for yonr money and everiready to make any wrong nght barely do one will or can give yon more for your money than we will give yoo and you can certainly da no better than to make this store yonr clothing store high class tailoring and men s furnishings a j blackburn phone 1 54 the house of quality 1 m erwingoldrtams meat market main street georgetown phone no 1 choi f and salt meats quick delivery guaranteed jmbuck butchee alwavra kaavb av ckola steak r tka beatpronnu in fraaj 4 sartf meavta wltuh a tmada svt tlu lowest possible prices lanada food board license no 9 21w get the best the willonghby farm agency georgetown frice s0o0 100 acres 50 acres workable balance bish and pasture the buildings are splennid good frahie house of 8 rooma uater inside arid baui bank bam v good condition also pig pen and hen nouses this farm tslutuated about 2 miles from acton on the adia only 1000 cash willoughby farm agency bealotbra 41 vldaita sl itowto psmtmatalsn rep bjb mcdowell georgetown ontario 41

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