Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 15, 1922, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fifty fifth ybak of pobuoation qeoraretown wadnaaday evening february 15th 1923 1 80 per andum lo adm the georgetown herald herald power printing office oeeraetown orrt contract advertising rate furnished en applleatien j m hooks f alae fjrietr mmmr oam wur mw o v tin table oonaobast passenger 788 am aseanger 19tn maul 1016an lfltt 1140am pumq er 846 pm mail passenger 680 p m bioyin passenger sunday 711 pin f ooiho-whb- paesenger 7 67am mail i 1016ajn pasteoger 801 pm passenger ttopm passenger 602 pm mail 709 pm mail 880 pan passenger sunday 10 16 am ooraanoftra mail mail 8 00am 6 10 pm ooraa boots malt 1188 am mail 800pm daut tihb table m pm pm ooiag bast 810 884 640 going west 806 b 10 789 smnutarnihvabije ooiag bast am pan pan pan pm 1041 1880 846 6 10 9 17 aan pan pan going west 1040 610 bbs earn aaa okutettturato i strictly bnt clama in all department and mwcaned to the po stu- ssk eater any tle write for w j prlaaal up to- date harness shop stop if you want a new bet of hand made harness ooma in and let me give you a price oo it as yon all know hand made harness will oat wear factory made why watte your money baying factory bar- nesa also headquarters for trunks bags and harness accessories kepaltja hrtu weaiei m v a bailey up t0 dats harness shop mm special sale tkbwmibinatei house dresses- aprooa of all kind- and iee ladtea and children a night dreeam and under wear children a bat tana cap and we alto have a good assort eot of cor- aeu rent and back bujnjc in dtfttran make all to go at greatly reduced price everyday wuloebargaioday mrs lmmsnemaacm coal best d l w scranton coal in all sixes also smithing and steam coal children enjoy eating mrs j wafldns norval station r j hynds insurance broker- insurance in allbranches phone sos georgetown erwingoluhams meat market maliv street georgetown phone no 1 ghoice fresh and salt meats qmck deuvery g established lc7a we know a man who used to hand over his spare money to a fnendto keep for him because he could not resist spending it one day his friend died and bis ohaooeb or getting his money back vanished tour savings bank pass book in the- bank of hamil too in your safeguard bar niter solicitor etc office hill si geofgetowr hourf 9 am to 3 p m open wednetday and saturday aveb ngt nk of hamilton imackay j- manunr p ccmackay manager your money is safe from fire or theft when jt is deposited in themerchantsijank yet you do not pay a cent for this protection on the other hand the merchants bank pays you interest twice a year for tha privilege of taking care of your nwney andlguarding you against loss deposit your pay in a savings account in this bank andr it prevents loss id pay your bills by sfim tric mcrchant5 bank rloadoe montreal of canada eitabiishad 1604 talu hlll ubshorey ft h1xi4udi caimopbaotio omoaa a k musklf s c ohabjt ukimaxd do graduate ol tbe palmer school ot cb ro- practic chiropractic founta n head davenport iowa u sa office over poatofbce consultation and spinal analyala ofhcx house tuesdaji tburedaya and saturdays 10 tn 12 a-m- 2 to 5 pm ienj petch uoeneed anotloneer tor hal ton and peel ounwultamt post offloe sales conducted aatlaajimorily artit- at re eonable rates order left at uw owraymwd hsaod offloa wul reoelve our bread beoanse it is ao good it tastes almost like cake and it ib wholsome food for the growing child we bake every thins from the bread to the finest of fine cakes oleaoli ness reigns supreme here mckinley bros glcawhhama ont igrandys 1 prune6syrup say mather this is great t wonder i franfc is iii i can t understand why we havent heard from him don t worry mother he s all right he has just for gotten to write but mother couldn t help worrying no letter for ten days from her boy at college t call him up right now said father just ask foe the number toe landlady will get turn to the phone its hsifpatt eight and you 11 get the evening rate on a station tlaiumcail well what s reft said mother as she famed from tb tfkpbme andto think bow simple it was to act ommnda at rat i think 111 out him every week she does both look forward to tinea happy few rmautear from week to we tbe iwjsnd evsafes rata e4er fttst tlb so very low tbawas mother aays itwoalovbelooliah to deny zwasaveaje a a long every eatac lose bisti kwn with vokes bridging ti twem home asd the abaent directory county orange lodge st aeorocs chuhch holy cotnmu on itl a d 3rd sunday 11 a m 2nd 4th mml stt sunday b a n haunt- 11 a na jtunday school 9 45 a shilton wallamidqe a dale sarrlatare solicitora eta toronto and georgetown orao kennedy block ue iloy dale n ohrc ot qaoraa owir otnoe medical offlpar of healut 6flic hour 1 u 4 and lulp m pheheh orloe and reeldeno haln street aouth oppoelte presbyterian church bj0 phyalcjan and suiy mill street jeorfetown e mouse sut thone 33 irgooo grace hcnpltal toronto f r watiok d oaorgetowa ofllh hearei 6 to ft except thawday aftajweoa l tibath lds o d s oentlet otpoe in blook one door portl f o netll e carriage factor houra a m to e p tn ja tract clerk townablp of eaquea nj clerk 3rd divp on court tbe lead ng fine and l fe im be repreaented lasuer of marriage licenses stewart town oat f s near insuranoe agent bto laaaa awem bt phtst s01 osokoktowjr out id the pubuc eye t wumt to make good bubineas men are unanimous in their praise of the ouelph bust neaa college methods in equipping graduates for responsible positions the uniform ability of oar gradu ates to make good in the buajness world inviteayour investigation of oar metuods giieipkftisiiwss college harsod bldaim guelpb x uonok principal phone 1166w jam lb sunsweet prunes per 2 lb package oolden syrup s lb una qolden syrop 6 lb tina oolden syrup 10 lb tin- table syrup per bottle pure maple syrup per bottle strawberry add apple jam 4 lb tin baspberry and apple jam 4 lb tin pg jam 4 lb tin loganberry jam a lb tin strawberry jam 4 lb ttu baapberry jam 4 lb tin marmalade 44 os jar so 4 85c 45o 20c 4sc aftc aoaooc 407ao 7sc 76c 76o 85o 100 100 60o a m grandy phone 78 er a stronr farm agency j j qzbbom local aat a good business school arw5 why x ovet nvrnty vnuavmi yeuna mn and wonwn have kamrd esocdand rypewnnna and buav- n4di in i sraw bonnrn wok everjuojdmt hu rcon mipmii nwbawraftiaeaul f meiktoah emrppui insnsssamts f toronto tbe count uranho bod go ol halvonmeb in mittao otr tuesday ffb 7th the meeting was largo ly attended every lodge m the oounty beidg well represented tbe previous year s work was qu te satisfaotory id every way the following ouscera wore elected for ibaa c m jas mcdowell hornby dom h bowers acton 0 chap re 1 m mojer aoton 4 c beo sec w c brooker oak ville c in sec jl mcoaxtuey geergetovm c trees v bradley hornby cj3 orc w e mccrcady m i boo f 1st lecturer w evans oak ville onil fjifln- hf prft h r the separate sobool yuetitiou was dibcdssed after which tbe lol lowing resolution wan unanimous ly passed- moved by bro j andrews sue onded by bro bev a e marshal that tbe following petition be sent to tbe prime minister and mem bers- of the legislature of the province of ontario wheroas the roman catholic bishops of ontario have made re presentations to the government of the provmoo that the assess meat act ebould be amended so as to divide the school taxes paid by incorporated companies be tween the public and separate schools on tbe basis of population whereas the granting of such demands would compel protestant tax payers to contribute to the roman catholic separate schools and thereby pay for the teaching of the roman catbolio religion whereas such a division of school taxes as proposed by the bom an gatholio bishops would de pnve the public non sectarian school system of a large portion of its legitimate and necessary reven nea thereby seriously impairing the efficiency of the public school system and whereas under the existing act ail the school taxes that can be shown to be derived from taxable property id the possession of rom catholioa now go to the sup port of the roman catholic separ ate schools and whereas there ib a strong agita tion by the roman catholioa for separate high schools and colleg late institutes we the members of the county orange lodge of haltoo do here by register our strong protest and determined opposition to any such effort and we strongly protest against any change being made in jbhe school assessment aot as re lating to public and separate sohools jas mcdowell c master w c brooketteo sec local council ol women the local counotl of women will meet in tbe merchants bank rest room on tuesday feb si at 6 pm miss apptebe will speak on mothers allowanoe the committee on local need doing good work a fair am onnt of clothing has been received and has practically all been dis tnbnted any who have intended sending in clothing but have neglected it up to tbe present please send it in next saturday as supplies are low and there is still a demand for it a deputation from the national council of women waited on at torney general banex last wed nesday the georgetown council was represented by tbe president miss dayfoob among other mat ters the deputation asked that with oertafb exceptions women be made eligible to aot as jurors that mothers be made oo- guardians with fathers in control of children that tbe eoonomio position of the wife be improved by making her legally entitled to a portion of the husband s income that a domestic relations court be established and that the age limit of juriadic tion of juvenile courts be raised to eighteen acton mr f a williamson toronto and mr and mrs k norum be gina saak visited at mr david williamson s ouelph street over sunday tbe waterworks connection with the q t r water tank wau com pleted last week and the town is now supplying the tank by metre mr r smolair who has been confined to tbe boose for several monthsnowing to an injury to tbe knee is now making progress to ward recovery mr j p scarrow bad the fourth finger of bis left hand pain fully bruised while at work in the tannery on monday free press young flapper i bet dad you never aaw dancing like this back in your days pad yes i did onoe hut tbe place was raided before 0 o clook norval following is the school report foi january sr iv lion r- tom fendley h ida rankine pass reos hunter jr iv hon jronr lvans bebe momeekio pass gordon sharpc nina beamish 3r iii hon jean momeekm edith caaeiy pate edgar b goetl ethel big nell margaret fendley harland hustler arnott noble george ingl bporothy huila jr iii hpo terence paaa dorothj smitl couj ian i e a arnold fire department annual report evans robbie jonio depabtmbnt sr ii pass clarence hunter edith patterson warwick coup- land jean nixon roy carey jr ii hon jack murray pass adcbe caaetey mary hunter sr i pass dorothy watson martha murray lawrence allin son jr i pass fred sharpe jack rankine r pnm hon mary coop- land passmax campbell phyllis momeekm jr pnm hon donald mur ray margaret allinson pass eileen hunter jack case- ley harlen laird james saood- e v owens stewarttown followingla the school report for january for 8 8 no 8 quest ng stewarttown sr iv maximtrm 660 roes thompson 498 reggie luc 480 margaret giffen 478 peray baily 487 kenneth hams 210 jr iv leonard illingawortb sr iii maximum 600 roth giffen 488 herfaie lunan 489 doris harris 418 bill bonathan 894 gordon thirkton 289 har vey lusty 224 r iii maximum 450 edna lunan 889 dick blandish 886 francis thompson 219 sr ii maximum 800 irene wnggleswortb 168 sarah stan dish 167 dorothy graham 100 jim corner absent jr ii maximum 800 marjorie graham and harry lnwson equal 166 marion giffen 168 norman baily 161 elizabeth bonathan 160 jack brown 1s4 lena har ris 146 arthur haxelwood 111 caaeio bryden 109x fred illings worth primer olive wriggles worth bobby hams davy bryden wil lie bryden margaret hodge wil lie maoeie jackie thompson and eddie lunan absent perfect attendance for the month peroj baily reggie lun an ross thompson herbie lun an irene wnggleswortb norman baily han lawson margaret hodge willie maoeie teacher f mac d peden ashgrove the ashgrove tjf ufw met at the home of mr and mrs huffman on friday evening feb 8rd part of the evening s entertain ment was a masquerade the young people being dressed to represent bchool days all of those taking part id recitations and s making progressive games were played to tbe enjoyment of present miss edna wilson received as first prise a hand painted oentre piece and master gordon graham a handsome tie tbe others were two bottles of catsup ketchup everybody of which there was sixty present left for home in the wee small hours of tbe morning having spent a most enjoyable evening to the major reeve and ooun cillors gbntutukn allow li i u chief of tbe georgetown firo rri gade to submit to you my report for tbe year ending december til 1981 we have been most fortunate f during tbe year just ended in not having any serious fire losses more so than moat places the size of georgetown and it is only with the cooperation of all the citizens that we can keep our qra losses down by being careful at all times where we throw our lighted matches cigar and cigarette butts where we dump our not ashes and how we leave- pur flrta and furna ces when going away let me giv ynuqnojdatancp of downright carelessness which 1 found when i went into a ceitain busmeaa place right in the oentre of our main street stores the tenant having been either too lasy or indifferent had dumped all their coal ashes in one of the roomb on tbe second floor and when i went to see about it there was easily from 18 to 80 inches deep of ashes tn the room and they had had to scrape them back befbrethey ooold get their stove door open now in this business blook there are five different lines of business carried on and you can easily see what a risk the rest of the tenants were placed in on ac count of the carelessness of this one tenant we cannot be too careful and i hope that for tbe welfare of our town that although yon have all been careful ttyaud more so for 1988 we have twenty eight members in good standing and our regular meetings are held in tbe council mber on the first thursday of each month to which we extend to you a hearty invitation to come and see us if you have any eng gestiou that you think will be of benefit to us we will be very pleased to have you come and talk them over with us during the months of april to september in elusive we bavaour practices on the first and third thursday of each of these months there were eight fires in the town during the year and we were called to two fires outside the corporation namely mr deoison a and mr h bessey s the fires in town were h gartley geo near drill shed georges church grass corke woollen mills eli board georgetown floral co basket factory from these we have received the following donations and letters thankmg the brigade for their ser vices mr denison 86 mr corke 886 mr harding 15 mr l grant 10 tree gift this mono has been placed in the bank as a fund toward the purchase ot new uniforms which we so badly need wo would like to tbaok the hoove and council of 1981 and all others who helped us to get our new truck and hose etc and although it has coat some money yet if you wiu go to the fire hall to day you will see that eiery foot of hose that we have ib in use we would recommend that the present council take up the qoes tion of a proper fire alarm system as the present alarm system is not at all satifsactory as yon all know the one at the station s use less and the outlying ratepayers have no alarm at all having to either get the central telephone office to get some one to ring tbe bell or oome in and do it them selves what chance have the firemen got if some one has to come in from we will say mr herberva mr tl irwins or mrs dr nixon a to ring in an alarm trusting thib will meet with your approval i beg to remain yours respectfully a tost fire cb ef georgetown january 87 1988 oea tar meter xieaaae bar 1939 motorists are warned by tbe de partment of highways tbatthe days of grace for the use of 1081 motor licenses are scef tbe cos ternary rnootb of grace ended on tuesday now any motorist who ventures forth without a 1988 plate does so in danger of being summoned lo court to explain bis default erin we congratulate jas millo reeve of bnn township on his ap pointment to tbe honorable posi tion of warden for wellington county tbe township is also highly honored by having its reeve at the bead of tbe oounty council mr chester burt erin town ahip baa the first sign of spring be is the possessor of a pair of lambs born on the 88rd of jaou ary advocate david fielding a pioneer settler of end township died at the residence of bis son w h field log dixie on feb 8rd in his 80th year mr fielding bad been ill only a few days he was born on a bush farm in tbe days when erin had only recently been open ed to aettier until ten years ago be lived on the farm which he and his father the late henry fielding cleared mr fielding is survived by two sons rnasell of harm saak and w h of dixie also a sister mrs mary ann mc gonnell of cleveland ohio be was predeceas by hfa wife mary h swales 14 years ago and his daughters lillias wife of the late h c price bnn and annie wife of j j brown saskatoon saak with all itb drawbacks can ada has good reason to be thank ful for the manner in which provi deuce untied on it during the past a wheat yield of 800 000 000 bushels witb a total value of all field crops closely approaching a billion dollars is a record that any nation of canana a size would envy a clergyman was in the habit ofgoing np to bis little girt b bod aide- each evening and telling her a story before she went to bleep ninr he told her such a thrilling tale that the child sit ting up in bed looked ery straight at her father and asked daddy ta that a true story or are yon preach log ritated though it is difficult to believo that anyone could poai tivelj know tha men are to return next year to the wearing of knickerbockers thus we will go back a fpll cycle of years the return of short trousers for men would be the moat sensible fashion innovation of many years no reasonable excuse can be given for long trousers tey are wasteful muss and unsightly snicker bokera too are not without then defects the bandy legged bow legged and skinny legged are fear fully exposed to a critical world men aa a class however have no- tbfngto dread for our sisters with aim lar defects bave braved the short skirts and seem to like il

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