Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 22, 1922, p. 4

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paqb 4 tirr qeoaoktown nnult prurtury snd 1sss avsrtaetlcm aamlaat 0ra born all loro rcfuae wound the barn yard and weeds along lhc head ian da of laat oora torn flolria hboold bftbnroed in the uunns thin ib the advice of agricultural ofliomla in charge of tbe european corn borer campaign the borer winters in the cut stalks of corn nod tho thick stein weed a border log the fields and emerges during earlyjano in tbe molh slaite when the refuse is burned before that time the post la destroyed auction sale of- surplus farm stock the undersigned baa been instructed by auction sale of farm stack lavlemals he jos kobride o sell by pubic nun on m loi 11 i hsqucsmg on wwuiwiv mareh tst 1922 lock sharp lhc folkm i j duk bay mu u s dark 7 yrs i brown home 6 yrs liity bsy hnver 7 yrs hoks by borse 9 c att l h grade srade cow due a bl us in ml kde grade hnfei 1 dob if i due in march march 9heferm up u aetl by public auction at lot 26 con 1 1 esqueswg frfawr 4k 1s8s alteo clock lbe following cattu fc cows 2 due litne ot of sal 2 ft cowa farrow cow cow due in june 3 heifera nmag 3 year springing 3by era rising 2 years i bull mng 2 years bcifor ruung 1 yearl bull rising i year pios 18 store pigsi 2 sows with inters 150 feet of new nuiiiu opt never ifcod suitable for thrashing separator jack suitable for chopping tbrms s0 and under casb over tbai uooant 7 months credit on approved joint nplea- 6 p rml peraodudi fff f gc w a- wilson ben petch pica h hunk ot pigs mmbmbnts masse harm bind ft cut complete with iheaf carrier i ing mower 6 ft cut deenng mower ruti 10 ft massey mama hone rakr masaey liarns disk deering seed 12 hoeai maple rbopper irtick w ml r i bench sleigh hay auction sale f of imnclwm fataltire the undersjgncd baa been instructed by j i fbxdat febrdajtt bath at 7 o clock tbe following refrigerator sideboard box stove quebec beater move pipes bigh chair 2 kitchen chain kitcben table coal oil stove wilb oven wicker baby carruge add push chair combined baby sleigh 14 piano player rolls waah tub set of draw er wringer and stand 2 bedsteads and 2 springs bedroom disbes a quantity of dtabea and other small yclc3 5 u atnul umsi bottom chairs ben petch aucnosisjt ecbhws sale f bead estate in the matter of tbe estate of james mcheoemy lale of tbe township of eaqnesmg m tbe county of hattna there will be offered for sale by tbe executors of tbe said estate by public auction to be held on tbe premise situ ate in the village o olen vunaais in tbe county of halt on on thursday march 9ib 1922 ot 1 o clock lbe fol lowing property part of tbe north east erly half of lot number twenty one m tbe mmtb concession of the township of ftsqimni m lbe county of halloo and m be more particularly known and de- concessioas of tbe said township and m tbe boundary or division une between lbe said land and tbe land of samuel jlcxaa- ter tbence westerly along said division line ten rods to a port thence northerly in a line parallel with lbe concesaion line aforesaid eigbl rod to a post ibence easterly on a ime parallel to ike said di vision line ten rods to lbe westerly limit of road betw tbe ninth and tenth con- cessioos thence outberiy along said westerly limit of road allowance eight rod to the place of beginning containing half an acre of land more or less on lbe premises is a twostorey seven roomed rough cast bouse wfh good cellar also good stable terms 10 per cent of the purchase money to be paid down ai tbe tune of tbe sale balance to be paid within is days after tbe sale tbe said property will be sold subject to a reserve bxl for further particulars and conditions of aale apply to leroy dale george town solicitor for james s mcmeoemv and william j mcmenemy executors ol said estate ben petch auctioneer iron harrows 2 21 fleury pli gaspline engine 8 hp i 30 f i of 5 in rut ber belt massey harris spring lootb cu 1 1 vat or graielboa stone boat grinds gasoline power i band grindstone chahai fa i ning ml with bagger gasotii e t hand power set o wire mreiher con pkte bay fork iso ft ol in rope u i sling rope jpen buggv cultar robe j horse blanket set of heavy brass niount eddoubteaatnessiset single harness new jtognet cream sepanlor capacity 500 barrel churn a blacksmiths outfit drill hand forge nee 2 set heavy doublelreesi set of taps and diest s bench anu v 2 neckokes about 500 lbs jilackxmitti coal j 2 dorcn grain bags about 20 rods ol 9 wire fence picks shovels barn barrelt iplough ime plough harness ami ulhet cattle die ol blackleg a iioiiholltbuilk of lll ih hi kniv ti ih liltii kli h i w nrr d in kciir tomihiiii in win r in it iirtuor hiuniftr murpli h imd lliret lictid of titttli lain ti ill thp oitrlj fall hink f u n ji l illnh m nttmvid tin carliinach froyi lhc tilubk and hut kid litem iti it swalt iitiir l hum not thinkinu tuilliink m runslj uk and itttribiituik tlnirdtiitli to lhc fleets of f odrnr iitt i i iihilow a mhorl tutu nftrr ten morf hernmi ill nil ir olllh who uhh till ltd m tullttl or luiuiflild in toimiiltiitiun hit j ilmdcil it was bint kit k out of hit dirtdliptt diaeacos among ralttp tliero ten iuho died and werj buried m a nenrbj held tuej had drunk of tho water near where tin hint three weie buneit fim mnif arc noy ill and the dot torn hold out no iioiki ot rwoer meaford mirroi fowl 75 plymouth rock hens htv about 40 tons of hay will be wild by tbe bulk in 6 different lots aboul 200 ben i etch extorters sale real eslale msetwm cmtb b- fomiliirt in the siattek o lhc esl jane mcphillmcy lale of the village of glenwilluuns in the counly of halton widow deceased there will be offered lot le by lbe eawulora of the said estate by public auction to be held on tbe prem ises utuate m jbe village of glenwilliams in the count of halton on saturday he lluyday of march 1922 iwoolock the following property part of tbe easl half twenty in the ninth loncesaion of tbe township of esqueung in the said counly of halton and mavbe more particularly known and described as town lots numbers seven and ten in block a in lbe town of georgetown according to a plan of a oart ofihe aatd town madeby george mcphi lips pls registered m the registry bee of the county of halton on lhc 20th day of june ad 1851 containing b ad measurement twofifths of an acre be the same more or leas the said premises be ing residence and premises of said deceas ed on the promises is a comfortable two storey frame bouse conlainining six rooms with a good cellar said house being in fairly good stale of repair v there is also a small onestorey house in lbe reai said premises abio a ftablc or barn aboul 16 feet by 20 feet there will alsajmaoid at said lime and place all lhc household goods and fumi lure of tbe said deceased tbe more impor tant of which are as follows happy 1 sideboard 2 rag carpets 1 dining iooit extension table 2 bedroom suites 1 wood en bedstead 1 iron bedstead bice cur tuns stove pipe and other mtscellancoui goods tbrms op sjuk or rial estate 1 per cent of tbe purchase monej to be pid down at al lbe ume of the sale balance be pasd within 15 daysafter the aal tbe said real estate snlpbe sold subject to a reserve bid terms of sale of house bold good and furniture lasb for further particulars and condition of tale apply to leroy dale georgetown a solicitor for edward ml whirl er ontario the executor of no dolibt the reaxuo mont moon nhino whiskey is manufae trured under round is because still waters rto deep trcs c o a u wood on hand nil tin tini best scranton coal john ballantine oeoroetown palm garden lunch rooms meals served at all ho urn loe cream fruit confectionery a full line ot tobaoooa cigara and cigarettes the store thats lombaco heubitis sciatica omriably yield to this tb c a temnlcton s rbccnaatie cp- sdsnsjttcatinent many docttjra andbany hundred ol drugffiata itlotzoaat here s a stoi e that is different all phone orders deiii mu jl wlicallcy phone 13v mill tkia trwttt the hsmdreds of tes- tl l4i- i- nurlius show tkat tjtca bave uccrolljr traatod phewmntism lambato hsnmtftia sciatica aisd acate hen- ralsdm all kinds bat the beat evidence ia your own experience ii jtom amtler we vrant yon to try tbla jfnarutecd nonirtjuriona remtur at our expense dnfr stiata aeo tbc a 1 oo per box for free trial write tbc co s tmrn f st toronto sold in orgtaw n bv d j matthew spring overhauling let n overhaul your car no matter what make and put it id condition for the com ins season notadsc o ssol bmt s browns garage main st north pbon 800 norval hardware hardware stoves tinware etc we shall appreciate your patron age in future as in the pat at your service so diflerentl h c bailey electrician headquarters for jffasda lampii fixtures shades etc call at the harness shop and let me give you a price on your electric work satisfaction guaranteed phone 2s2 ceorwetown frank hustler norval ontario s georgetown said estate o petch auctioneer vdcsmpmnm boy ikataoad ware or pearl wre idtehea nten- sils and sate work they atfe so dean with a bint- hard smooth surface that wipes clean like china no smhtrins no scraping orpohahing josl use gvery cssarxfvable pat aad pan ts smade la dtber peart or dlahofsd ware tbe two phaatid quality snp ea sseird wares dtaaaowd ware la a t c eaaaiekd ateol aky blae aad wwte ortaue awawy walte taaua pearl ware ia eaaateled atod wufc two coata f mr and white eaaasel bssme aad ant bttber warn will grt kag aertee aak far pearl ware or diamond ware sum metal products co sjntt htjwtreal toronto wlnmipeg comokton voxmcouver cal0arv brampton business institute day school night school isaac pitman shorthand toiifli typewriting business letter writing bookfceepidg commeroiiil law office systems all bubtness and pubhr school subjects individual instruction en tor any time call or write for particulars h m rankin prin phone 651 h sbevauiau- rminirvd standard anthracite scranton coal in cdl sizes automatical l screened and loaded coal wood select lump for domestic and threshing purposes smithing and cannel coal in fact i carry everything to be found in an ui to date coal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown phone 12 do you want insurance if you do i am piepared to give you insurance in any o the following firstctass companies viz british american british crown em plovers liability london mutual eco nomical mutual waterloo guardian caledonian hartford western conti nental dominion hand in hand do minion of canada g a fire insurance ii u h t li ii licen i onahln dint vour kdnil mens suits 30 35 40 up to 60 iilh fur 14 j m- do wo sell jb oreicoatn tf iuviiuiiito im a far dialing widtf awtyko clothing jtotute atnah kimui j oh the bkt ptbnihn value im jour money unii en i rtitt ti inuki nnj wronitkht feureli nqcnt will or tan rii inn mon foi join umnc than we mlgiv jou and on uin teilainlj do no lutttr ihan lo matte ujih nlnre jotir clothing store nalnns blackburn the house of quality main street phone 196 w wi roe phone 65 georgetown grand trunk railway system the double track route montreal toronto detroit uw chicago unuceue- hatftf car service sleeping cars on dight trams and parlor cars on principal day trains fall information from an grand trunk ticket agent or c e horn ing district passenger aftent to tjuareraairtatgertel4wa phohc 70 hot chocolate coffee bovril cocoa tea tomato soup served at madges candy shop main street phone 214 georgetown flour feed mills carry a full line of feed bran shorts scratch feed tor hens blatehford s egg mash it raabob hens la j chops bolted oats pastr and bread flour porridge oats and orahm flour bailed haj and straw blatchford r calf meal stock foods etc highest prices paid for oats chopping and rollins done lowest price w c bessey phone 195 georgetown call and see the farmers friend forj- a few bargains while they last genuine reduction sale white ivory for the balance of january these are high grade goods and at prices you cannot afford to miss comprising the following- mirrors hair brushes military brushes hair re ceivers powder boxes jewel cases soap boxes trays perfume bottles combs clocks nail polish ers picture frames etc ma8be 1 fi down no half rici oearl nv sprii 1 second hand drill 4 lumber wagon i 1 root pitlpet 1 no 21 walkinr plo ooe week i 8pr ader low new last aprini a b willson main street next mcgibbon hotel s b groat office phone residence 222j georgetown interior decorating decorate your hornet eor the winter months you better rubber footwear the strongest guarantee under watch rubber loo we has ever been pold rs fastened to each pan- of ames holden rubber- footwear here a what it says evsry pair of ames homsn rubber rxmwaf is fn to rmrimar any pair erf similar ahoas of any other make sold at lbe same price and worn under tbe same noditka it protects you against infenor workmanship and materials and assures the greatest possible value tbtjfce pnce you pay if every pair wasnt roade nght with the nght materials pure rubber and stout strong fabric and hmngs this guaranree wouldnt be possibte no matter what you need m rubber foo we want you to try a pair and satisfy yourself that the best look for aoea ffomon ames hojlden rubber footwear for the remainder of the can rive hik reductions wait papers i handl le and can show on fdtimates rivi paper i it r olarink etc foil nplea e bludd 3oi 09 gtenwilliamf bell telephone nog 6 for aajue bt tkc geargdawb efcawilliaats cmtacralive sadcty owtavij ed wards wrighl purveyors of government inspected meats fresh cured eggs poultry fancy meals butler cheese ground bone bornemade sausage delivered to all parts of town just received a fresh shipment of wilhards handdipped chocolates vanilla creams fruit creams carmels chips and peanut clusters dipped in delicious vanilla chocolate special 29c per pound h druks georgetown wooaaaoswwwwooaoowoa norval flour mills y ask youi srocer for our brands of flour kings choice for bread national for pastry alsrayv on mud rolled osts rolled wheat cornmeal bran shorts gluten feed oil k cracked cora whole aad chapped feeds or all kinds and fine and coarse salt we have apple barrels for sale w jcampbell limited norval ontario jmbuck butcjhek always heaps a choioe stock ot th t proonrawo t frh and ssil ata which fee sells at the lowest possible prices get the best the willoughby farm agency georgetown good frame house on charles strecuvssoo so acres near ballinafad 4500 7s acres near ballinafad 6000 100 acres near qeorgetown flo000 150 aoreaaear acton 113000 phone fifi o nl oflice an willoughby farm agency bcjohtct hvkmria st tsrasto fssscmalslsn rep bb mcdowell georgetown ontario

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