Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 1, 1922, p. 2

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tllk oflobhruwn h khali uhf 1st mi iw h willsonl undertaker and lieenaed embtlmer hal si 0iub hlr fhrwtihr vtw or si ii run 2h born ij 1 mr i a m rl i bh died f i obituary local council of women presentation al union ui 1 inlay i vonn lleasttllt gathering on lurrrli mht n mill mr i- tr oiuh pri sentet some china cubim- if ostcuin and hint ii ir us lictl in 1 1 t audcr tlimii psnn in tli it hand as a tokei ppiei of work as organist ami choir- inader repcctivcl both thoso ladies liau- been connected with tins congregation all their duys and have taken d luelv interest in its welfare us tug the talggtgwjiif ho bestow pii upon tliemthc madbtbt i hojr their special depaitmont and though honorarj workers attend td to their j n ties with marked ildelit the meeting wan opened with prayer and praise b the minister or the church aftei which miss norm lompson sang mie sutherland gave a rending m dodds sang a scottish song and miss cbeyne recited the chairman having spoken of the excellent work and service given b the ladiet whom the purposed to honor called on messrs andrew mcdonald and e tovvnsend w ho assisted by meaara frank petch and petei dick made the presentations when the follow ing addresses wcie rend dear mrs thompson we the members and adherents of union presbyterian church desire to ex press our appreciation of voui work in connection with tint con gregation we have enjoyed and benefitted bj jonr labors an ieadei of our diuir for man years und have expressed in words trom tune to time our thanks for the j rent help you have given to the praise service of the church thi gift of bong which the great giver of all good bestowed upon joii baa been cultivated and bsed not only in tinging his praise but also leading forth others so make his praise glorious your tine christian character and consistent life have added strength and force to youi waik and we have felt that jou were not merely tilling a moat useful position to which yonn cultiyated gifts entitled jou but that it wns to ou a service- of love as you led the p raise and told foith in song ihe u n search at lo iicbes of christ we ask ou therefore to receive this a a token of the esteem it which jou are held and as a tan giblo expression of our thanks foi your labours yours on behalf of the church walter iatteraon minister h iijons session p petch board of management llts john it n mw mi miun widu llii uu john heed passu n al i km ikiiim lot 0 klh line kr ou luuwlay i4lt ult in her 7ttib- oiu dciated was torn on tin laim on whit li nlio died and had tiknt her entlii life in this neigh boihood shi mi n kind and lo iij ifi mid mother a wood aoitih boi it ltd a flu milan woman she i- to iiioiiiii her loss a fuunl of three hoiik ami throe daufdiuirs art hie on lli old homestead win niotl hih line urin johiihuii und damef 8ask peter and miss marion spot wflsh mr reed died 1 1 s aim deceased was a un m of the picsbteran chiuiu the remains were interred m linn ce motor when ttio wrmo was conduittd b rev mr lindsay ated h hv mi waddell pull benieih were angus mi linn john thompson robin l kirkwnod p bennic john me lean and cleu uverland rietjds from a distance who at tended the mineral were miss marion reed spokane mrs j mcdonald thorn hi 11 messrs ira ora and ira oodrsnn don mrs h leuif toronto james marsh al ff anderson normal alex gray mrs d heed gnlt daniel wright ashgrove t reith orand valtoy arch io reed valley field que ihuse who ivtuiklcd i ho ltt iikuih nf hie hixai out f women in hi in tli it- hi lumiii of ui mertluuiu ban i jticitu lulcnmud in llio luitiuel m uilk n molikih alloaiih kllm in miss apinlbj who muli on the umli roui f i on w m min apihlhv exphtmed 111- ohjut of the ail of pitltiiinnil if it thrninji ttn nd imkui mo n uiidi tin tbei were- both held by tht church the meeting was closed with lite onginwof tha mati them and then lunch was served dg which messrs townsend and b young proposed and sei onded a vote of thanks to alt those who bad contributed to make the meeting so pleasant and profitable lklrni wns try vimllj c ashihllllll ihaulj hut ihtiiikkiis nf in ijini them bring i d eduiak tin i hililren so tiiat thoy in tuuo inn in i nine iitftil iik ii and wiiincti n our iiuiti iihs hfoi l slltttlll fill ill ulsn primnl and plumed her wort rould sol t i nf kkhl iiiiportaiu and 1m in lit rupture expert here dn jou suffoi from niiltiik if so fiour big oppoftni aimed mr reavelj the uoteil ruptuie cpoit will will he at flu mctiibbon 11 o tolt deorgotown ot one day onh wednesday mar st li and will be pleaded to hue free a iijjnatu2nto an suffgrei imd demonstrale hislnmnuh ftpnln this appliance wilf on tract tli opening in from 10 to 15 days an will cure t often in fioni three 1 si montlut tiiib apphaneo is positively demonstrated to ught on you i own pcison ui anj churge you do not spend ii pennyttnltt yonnrefohysnti stl ed thafe it is the right appliance you a consultation with beatelj will cost jou nothi don i let this opportunity get away from ou itemeinbi date lll i in 4e htllilm utn iuisl tin in th iind 111 line i ik uk filling ml duinaii difn i arnold itidilli i ntr coh miigs hlarkhum mi tnrtnei mi1tii v kilneh u midililmu k f i- oh xb your subscription paid ust raz maii georgetown fish and chip cafe lte1 sprint salmun nrlli 11c mr bnuhl salinoii l rim hiki iiism ift t ihh im a iitl jo v h2 bmiljsn lltirmu nli fnsh 2i miied diismio i lb 2i siirimpkyimd oysters can you beat it w preston asthma fc jul swiflaw a cavtala razmah cuaron c iriiore norm breatbiug il jaltirmtki in the brooch is1 lui rn hb1 l lml uilcotn 12 sting w 1 d j matuiew druggist good business school heres why q owtt ivwnr duuhni jruund itioritisnd lyprwriuni id bu nrn mnhodi in am shaw buwif n schooli evrry wndrni hai rnfi ill auf bisksssawnsli l9naw r toronto clearing hfflpgffiplfl new spring goods xit the mens store nl s in s iii i- ii 1 1 miit dm l sioi i 1 uil il woimtd nmi the iyl tin 1h i tnuii i lt i sun il v ill i lid lct ltl 111 si n not khji fr iiii l it of i ii uimlilu fnrnihhintc department ii n w snni shirts ulims imtl n i kv iimj n vi hfn 1 u w d sm all lh lutist htenni popiihit price hew spring hats ml tin ii wet vth and tx st mattes uic to m round in nin in airimik i item an many sulfth featiiras in hats tlu siahiin un i it mil he pleasure to slum them to on v i it halton county sixth annual seed fair under the auspices halton agricultmal 8ootet and tin final live stock judging contest under the auspices of the department of arrfculturo lustilute branch and halton farmers clubs at royal buildihk milton friday mar loth 1922 live stock judging program 10 00 am sheop and dairj cattle 1 00 p m i morten beef and logs the following aluable prizes will he gicn shorthorn bull b a o farrow shorthorn ball or heifer by f c willmott hereford heif or hy w read head holstein heifer by tom leslie yoikshire son hj j b brethour oxford 8heep b ben petch winners hate choice in turn of the aboe animals rules 1 ojien to all boys of halton count who are not more than 25 years of age 2 who hae not attended a regular course at the agricultural col lego and have not been on a judging team to ouelph who have not won pneesin similar contest in the past 2 eais all bo8 in the local contests should attend the final contest bob who have been on the judging team or who have pieviousl i animals may compete for the shield cup and medals dear mrs anderson wo the members and adherents of union presbyterian church feel that the time has come when the work which you bae done in connection with this congregation should be acknowledged in a tangible way our thanks have been expressed orball oi tnany occasions tor the earnest self denying and prao tical help you base so ably and willingly rendered called by the unanimous oice of the ooogrega tion to fulfill ttie onerous duties of organist jou have undertaken the work and ier formed it in a most satisfactory mannei we recognize that vou accepted the call as a call from ood and am mated with love to him and with a high sense of dutv m season and out of season ou ba studi ed to do your p efficient and have descrverlllie praise of us all it is therefore with much pleas ure that we present this token of our esteem and recognition of your valuable services and trust that ynu will be long spared to sound forth the praises of our king yours on behalf of the church walter patterson minister a mcdonald sessions peter dick board of management the gifts and addresses were suitably acknowledged h both ladies mrs dodds again contributed another song after which messi mckane and h lyona bpoke in eulogistic terms of the help both ladies had given to thcongrega tion while rev t dodds or chel- ti nhanj in a witty and able speeeb conveyed his compliments to tbem for the evident esteem in which oats clovers earl white 2 00 1 00 50 sweet white 2 00 1 00 st jjate white 2 01 1o0 tio sweet yellow 2 01 1 00 2 00 100 nr six rowed two rowed alfalfa 200 1 00 ni peas small large 2 tft 1 00 fio barly round late rounj 2 00 100 2 00 100 no wheat early long 200 1 00 h marquis 2 00 1 00 60 late long 2 00 1 00 m ooose 2 00 1 0l fall wheat- beans x jfed 200 100 t white pn 2o0 1 00 60 white 2q0 100 50 rtjtes 1 all seed exhibits must be for sale and must be a representative sample for sale 2 all seed exhibits must have been grown by the exhibitor in 1021 3 all seed must be correctly named and placed in the hall before clock march 10th 4 an entry fee of 16c will be charged for each entr 5 no exhibitor can have more than one ontrv in the same lass bnt he may enter in each class open to him 6 the executive committee reserves the light to reect an entry hall control arrangements of exhibits to be labelled with the name uftha variety naid and address oi the ohibitor and amount of similar is 7 awards will not be made in cases where exhibit in the opinion of the judges is not a quahtv to merit a price of the quantity h weight required h premiums will be paid b cheque by the treaturar as soon possible aftei the show is over 9 the association will not be responsible for loos or damage to exhibits 10 protests in writing will be received by the association seci tary up to march 18th 11 no two persoou from the mime tarm will be allowed to exhibit any entrv in the same class 12 in oats barley and whiat one hng of grain muht be shown in peah beans and potatoes 1 bushel mutt lie shown in hover and timo th 1 bushel is grain ma be expressed prepaid to milton in care of a l macnabh it will be expressed back or sold if the owner wishes 14 exhibitor should state the number of bushels or seed he has for sale and the price per huahel geo putnam a i maonabb seoy institute branch farmers club milton geo jl wolts bsa r r fleming b8a assistant agncultural representative and alx a mi mz at positively half price owing to certain alterations and the consequent inconvenience to which we are temporarily subject we are forced to dispose of a certain amount of goods at once and are going to sacrifice what is left of all win ter lines in our various departments also broken line of other seasonable goods at half price the sale will last for 3 days only 3 i thursday friday saturday march 2nd 3rd 4th following are the items on sale ladies wear mens wear 1 sorge and tin otuic dresses all exclu sive models al half price 1015 at 1475 ludieb suits in newest siviph at half price 1 we still have a few indus and misses winter coats which sold regular u 80 00 all one price 1o0o swtater coats ood tlcs and coiiiik at half pr1cj blousls a jooil i ange nf ooloi m crepe de chine geoigeltes -ilk- and voilisjit half price heather mituic spoil hose hnest pure wool worth 1 50 for 75o i all w intei undei wear half price genuine wool flannel woik shirts at half puce men h wool iibbed underwear half price em h 100 scotih wool underwear shirts onlv half price 75 o mm s troimers wintei weight alhalf price winter ovetcoats at half price men h and boy s sweaters at half price mens heav woollen so hflc qua 18c or 3 pairs for 50 footwear mens felt boots 100 pair mens slippers at j5cpahv a small lot of mens boots at 350 pair several good lines of ladies high top boots also ox- i fords and pumps all sizes in the lot but not in each style rush price 295 a few pairs of ladies spats 12 to 15 button lengths to clear at 100 for choice and economy act quickly remember this i only i a three days sale saturday being the last d brill co main street georgetown readytowear clothing a spring suits latere siilea and well ailurcd at city c luaklin n special cftoi t thmijeason to have n men avar equal to am it furnishing en tahlishmivil at qualit before price i ktkid lnpc nqv tn select tulii new spring outtit stimk it 11 inijiu ip ami seh i hon better than latei in the we iqvjite your patronage with the aisar- t we 019 give yon satisfaction lar co t dry ci hone12 idiikjlmmt tkuorlax 4 mn fnmliiblimr amnli for i hadenttd co toronto drain snt dry cluuf iasf3 jacksons 4 uom a ii bhoiildtwfi 11 of hapin rctolliitioii present content mi n or future hofie it annul be made too nltrnctirp tt furnihi v iium 11 comfoit hh v rv vvnlli should i ii t th ima i 111 o tic appri 1 iau 1 b 1 ii if llll l visit should hi 1 ilasir you and will in lc ui show toil 0111 jirtng wall piim 1 the tuakeit have t passed an previous forts to pioduie attn ic hinart designs 1 nppiopnate color 1 1 and at allies that w nev er better window draperies when oii have examined our wall pajwrt it is an opportune time to look over our draperv displa this will interest you our large range shows so many beautiful effects jn a large variety of drapery fab rics charming artintu modern oftects that will h trmonize with any olor scheme 01 furnishings of join rooms the nines will interest jjou floor covering an interesting department well worth a visit you cannot spend a short time more piofltabli than viewing the man serviceable rugs stable for etery room brussels tapestiv union japanese grass congoleum linoleum and dili loth rugs these are all of pleasing de signs and colors and are hcitik offered at prices that are much less than formerlv and which are sun- to meet with jour approval furniture furniture at ermtir ui room lo place an odd rocker chair couch dining 1 furniture or for an room in the house just now do uld save some mono we need room and are oflenng footwear astoria boot for men when cm buj astoria footwear vou get stk comfort service ultu nd v 1 pai 1 1 morn classic footwear for worn n ard children gives the greatest satis ttu tion in very wn it i et noinv to bit good footwear backed up b a factor guarantee it ims less per car to wear high grade footwear than km grade boiilt and shoes at a low price buy good quahtv yook and rac moni see the goods see the prices qualjty service value jacsgorgwd karswood k poultry spice 200 hens of same size and breed were divided into four pens of so each every bird had the same food each day but to one lot the poultry spice was given once a day the eggs laid from nov 1st to march 31st were vvith karswood 4389 without karswood 3452- egg increase with karswood 1937 isnt that convincing proof of the value of this poultry food 3 sizes loc 73 ff store i hourigans

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