Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 10, 1921, p. 2

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tgk qboboptowm hkbald aurfuht lqtb 1081 w h vftlbon undertaker tutd licensed embalmcr mala st ontow autnrtiftblcur ii me drawn llearae t hone l or aay j4w or 51 died s fclt knion at creamnrr on saturday ktnl fxh 1921 hmimi ktlentm airmlljean 2daii rah jx i ur r7j c l i bar t nrrnne ii lake p are w friday n memonam mahontiii lov ib mnnny of j ta gi brill mwm who felt n acl on aug t i9ih ou nreuol dead lo jr mm jumifl n pcae tu p sleep forever n our hrartn vm rh cmory we u lp- t mother and- nmtr cardiff thank 1 hereby convey my s icare thanks to neighborn and fnrtlua for i heir many k nd nensen and aynfaihy extended to me and my family uonmj my reed ul berenxc taienl mused by ihe dealt of my beloved b band mrs a1h m wnghl 1 that school tbacheb9 all over canada are determined to or gamjse far ibo betterment of their economic btatub and in so doing are relying on the same principles which have made the labor anion a force in modern society was plainly indicated by addresses de there was quite large turnout livered at the seoond session of- otbe union pionio at stanley tbe annual convention of the can adian teachers federation at the jboard- of b do cation building tor onto saturday afurnoon the growth -o-tlig-qioygaant- seems jto havecenfcredin western canada as at the present time the organ laation is composed of represent atives from the four western prov inces and ontario the maritimo provinces and quebec have repre sentatives at this year b gathernnjf s 1 bnt only as visitors many of the accidental drownings this summer have been due to the fact that people unable to swim have ventured beyond their depths if you go bathing and do not know how to swim well koop out of water with which you are unfamiliar and which may have treaoheronslioles in the bottom and do not try to show oil by walking a little fur ther out from shore jihan the other fellow and bo run the risk of lieing eaught in a dangerous current you can haveji moon fun where the water and you eon live to have more fan another day even if yon can swim and swim expertly there profllinbfling reckless we attandedv what are you ri8 to gain by drowning because you were care lesspor t or roc unless tiff bkvbnuk of the 3ell tolepbone co during the noxt two or three montbb increases substantially and there- ib no in dlcatiod that it will the oompany wile- make application to the board ocjhllway eommibsioners for authority to increase further its rates a prominent official of the oompany has given tbia inti mation to a member of the board daring the past week returns covering the period of hay and jane show an operating deficit of 65 000 officials of the company arc reported to have stated that if this state ol things oontmaes the oompany will be faced with an op erating deficit of olose to a million dollars for the present year fe omtaary miss hashah bllenton tbelate hun bllenton bad been r health for nearly a year injmfv bea anttfnbsed away at the borne of her sister mrs day creemore on saturday august 6th miss bllenton was a member of one of ther oldest famllieatb erin town- ship and was a resident of erin nntat earning to georgetown two yearsago a faithful and self saoriloingjnember of the anglican church who did great service to tfae ohnrcb rarbnn the funeral was held i torn her lata home in georgetown to the brio- cemetery awl vrmooodpcbwtey the bev h nowtonsmlth of st lukes nhcitreharql palermo the paubearers were joseph aid arthur day creemore geo c buenton toronto george ellen ton hillsbnrg edgar buentoq hoffafv all nephews of tile late missfiuenton and guy bossell a a cousin there are two sisters and five brothers to mourn their lossv mrs day of creemore hiss agnes georgetown james and thomas of georgetown george of hilton wtd of erin and henry of hillsbarg a large number of friends and relatives assembled both at the home and also at the oemetorat erin to pay their last respects to one who was always a ready helper and a true friend town council for k c for gregory notice council met at b p m aug d itb roovo dale in the chair and councillor anlhnny mo in tyre and ucmillan present mooting cabled to striko the rate for tho year moved by w c anthony sec onded by w momillan that tl o tax rate for 19b1 bo bob mills on tho dollar carried moved by w mi millan necahd ed by d- motntro that by law to fr nit exemption of farm lands nituated within tba corporation pf georgetown from taxation for certain expenditures be now read a first time carried moved by d mcjntyre second ed by w momilbw that by law j to grant exemption jf farm land situated with in the corporation of georgetown from taxat fo certain e be now road a second anttfalrd 41110 and toally passed and thai the seal of tbejiarporajtiod bo at tached jberetov cained moved y w c anthony sec onded by j malntyre jbhat angus duncan be given 16 00 for his work on the electric motor and that th clerk write him tbank jogjbim for tee willing ana eftt cient manner in whieh he helped in this case carried meeting adjourned glenwiuiams park eno last saturday and al though the rain spoiled the day somewhat all report a good time the methodist girls sewing class held a aaocessfdl sale ol home made baking candies to july 20th they wish to thank all who contributed towards it mrs w j sutton of indiana u sa spent a few days vacation at mr and mrs george allan s stanford and mr ed stone of bast rochester spent a few days with relatives and frieudb here re- ntly threshing is on in fallowing in this viomity and the yield is re ported fair we are glad to see that road re pairing baa commenced on top of the out hill it was sadly needed does our constable ever see automobiles dnvea through the village these evenings with nc lights on at all why is it allow ed in glenwilliams limehonse the limehoose vi met at the home of hrs robert brown on thursday august 4th and was the district president hiss b appelbe was present and spoke briefly on the bibtory and work of tho institute this branch has oel boo or ganised three months hut has al ready a membership bf twenty three and has commenced to work for the gordon home at hilton terra cotla ur joseph coulter baa bone on n visit to friends in toronto ham ilton and buffalo hiss nellie saunderson bas ar rived homofrom gnelpb hospital much improved b health two freight cars jumped- tbe nulb at the switch here ophboofi day morning no one was injared but traffic was tied up fdr a few hoars hr wm dawson is confined to his home with tonsilitis mrs butting jb ytsiting terra cotta friends at present hrs j bewell of glenwilliamb vas a visitor id onv village last week mr wm kent jiad his car dam a consider la week wh it ran oner a bank the driver saped injnry acton complimentary comment heard on all sides these days wbeqever acton citisens band ap pears at a public function hr and mrs geo t coo or sorgetowd and hr and hrs harry smith and hiss elisabeth of toronto ppent tuesday after nootrin town calbng upon friends and idspectumtthe towns improve ments frank holmes gotj a little too olose to the baseball players at the park with his cjjiajwurdy the ball struck hit windshield and smashed it to smithereens hiss margaret bennett leaves today on her trip to england sue is erigaged to spend a year on the teaching staff of london city schools assembled jfrs- george hynda and hiss marjory garden are spending a week at the home of hr and mrs charles hynda igoronlb- free presc a couple of weeks ago tho at torney general issued a list of 11 barristers a pointed as kings caunselfl one of them w i gregory of oakville hnsnleoluicd and remains by his own prefer poo plain w- d gregory in a 1 otter to the attorney general mr gregory said no duties are atlached to the office- of king s coormol and it a pears to mo that no public intoy est requires the making of such ppoihtmantq there is no form of examination or test and no fix ed standard for determining to whom the title should be given tbero is bound to bo dissatisfac tlon and resentment whatever the composition of the list may be feel strongly that the practice of giving certain barristers procod epbe over others in top coortetiy making them counsel is undesirabfe and out omiarrnbny with the democratic atandardb that generally prevail in canada it scorns to me that there is o plaee where there should be abso- inteeojaahty more than in our courts nor do i see any reason why lawyers should be given pre coderico over their fellows any more than that official precedence sbouldbe given to certain men ui otber professions or callings canadians would not of them selves have created the office of king s counsel it had not its origin m canada and bas not its roots in oar soil when we brought over oar political institu tions from the old land we brought with tbe good timber some dead wood and the office of kings coudsel was part of the dead wood the repiur end of tho business at cook n garagi will bo closed til further notice owinrt lo repair of that and of tho building later we will open with a full hm i f equipment and mechanic the parts and battery end will bo open ftornoonh and wednottdny an 1 sat inlay evenings till furlhor notice fred cook brampton driving club will iiointhem race meet at brampton on- weuugl7 laces omaeace at 150 save rlllse daftc filrse sim kfmj just ulclwtnthpm pratou utckmtntirnh otts u ray t wtny 1 akmlapaaalcuter can appendicitis be guarded against 7 yes by preventing in tee tin al infection the intestinal antiseptic adler i ka acts on both upper and lower bowel re nfoving all foul decaying mat ter which might start infection excellent for gas on stomach or chronic constipation it re moves matter which yon never thought was in your system and which nothing else can dislodge one man reports it is unbelievable the awful impurities adler i ka brought out l v houngan browns garage and gener repair aboj dor halo and george sts georgctoirft over ffleen yean experience on all mlkca of can all work guaranteed always aemce at all una charle w broink manager bicycles repaired lawniiiowertkand uwi harpened poooe 200 na money to loan i bavee limited amoantrof funds available for first mortgage loans ongood town nd farm-property- these are trust funds and only tho best class of security will considered h gmeir barrlatter creorcettwn new barber shop near g tjb station over john ballantyne a shoe shop oeobgetowh hmb at am jbp aa wadaulavy aaal batsvaur it aa t roberts propbietob stand anthracite scranton coal in ausize antornaloauy screened and coal wood select lump for domestic sod threshing porpoise smitbmg and cannel coal tn fact i carry everytbing to be found in ad uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown phonb 19 purses divided 60 26 15 10 horses otigiblcaugubt 1st- five per cent to enter find ave per cent additional for money n ners five to enter and fonr to start in every event trottorsat lowed 6 seconds in each event tbo right is reserved by the dnv ing club to change tbe order of tbe program or to declare off any eventnot filling satisfactorily or for any other cause eattriea paafttvalr oka amcant w the canadian national anociai t rule la govern aiaatdm sc cahnamc auloavetncleaadai salon lo grounds 25c grand bland 25c and war tax da hutchinson president jno srcaas secretary box 682 bnunplon big bargains in cigars pipes tobacco and candy choice fresh ifruits and vegetables hdruks main street georgetown canadian national exhibition toronto aug 27 inclusive sept 1 o be opened by buruj o konff canada s new governorgeneral color of the orient gaiety of a mfardi gras of canada resources jkulof men wealth of material over here super pageant of regal magnificence dnmatizjng vividly canada t ongtn growth and achtevenaenu color symbol allegory hundreds of performen muwc fine arto world lsrgestcslteaten of war photograph- thrfller of many kinds firework on a larger scale than ever before scores tf features only to be seen at toronto canada a greatest lfte stock farm display machinery and equipment of enjlea demlgnfor increastpg the efficiency of th farm and th comfott of the home reduced fares on all lines ourawel jbrnckertt bobt fleming mzwimvvitwtim jl tr lotderuuinre lout a permit the welfare of new agrlcultnral communities in this province require that land clearinfi be done with the cheapest agent t hand fire therefore restrictions most hamper aettlera as little aa la consistent with safety to itvearind property dis astrous exptwiaseaiarovea that in hot dry weather unregulated use of fire fa tfakuy wooded northern ontario means a menace to the lives and property of settlers and destruction of tbe provincial forest resources upon which a large part of ontario s revenue and the livelihood of thousands of her cfti- xens depend that is why ontario adopted a close season and the permit system or setting- out fire bat remember whetheryoa have a pram it or not yoa are responsible t or damages caused by any fire you light be caurfol save ontarios tbrests theyre fours w the close season for sauhur ootnre in rjorthera ontario to mtmaprll 16th to september 80th daring that time within the per mit area no one may set out fire for etsartaur uvasv disposing of e- jrta or otber inflammable waste or for any indnstrial parpose withqnt first ootainin a written ore permit bom a pnw this applies notonly to settlers but to raifway section crewa ckmp and mil craws road bonders fndodiiig goverh meat employeea and all other per- when starting fire for cookbur st w qolre that pfcw ae from in flammable matsrm jthat every rea and at it be thoroughly extinguished be fore quitting the place the close season applies to all ontario north of bobcayireon and smiths falls and west of the line faun there to renfrew the permit arsaroehde th parts of nlpisaiiur sudbury temia- katnina- and algoma lyuur north of the cjmt between hattawa and north bay and north of the c n b westward to a point soon 35 miles beyond homepaym the remainder of the provmee forms the exempt area within tbavaparsalypaopleil exe ar no permits an generally issued hut those aettuib out fires in the cleee 8eabonmro required to ttmti every reasonable precau tion and chief fire ranger if hibltory notke and require per son to take out a permit the fire ranger does htsaert to follow the happy medininbe- tween tbe desire of tbe settler to tela awd burn and the mmire- ments of public safety help him all you can ontario forestry branch- parliament bldga toronto ontario new spring goods he mens stor a j- our rane or spring suiting ib arnviijg daily already the ohoiccat onos am at hand they coniprise the verj jatont in i nghsh and 8ootcli tweoils serges and worstotls and tho tnhflrnsnj i tido llj kiimrlr ornyw prodotmnate with tbo now brown an i hlncb in plain and rich tones mooting with popular favor it ih none too early to ordor your hpnnp hurl do not whit until tlin rush order oarly and mt tbo best service nn i the best sefpction samples are now ready for out of town cus tomors and will be sont on request fn bopartinont- the new spring sbirfiveollarg flna79fiu car niye arrived mover before have wc had such aiwnytrfut rango in all tho latest styles at popnlnr pneos b sprint ripst all the newest styles and best makenare tpbo found in our nej arrivals there aire many styliatrfeaturon inlmts this season and it will be a pleasure to show them to yon when you call ready towear doliing now spring suits litest htylob and well tailored at city prices we are making a special effort una season to hmo the vory boat in mens wear equal to any cityurnishing onl alilfsbraont nt quality before pnoe it isagoodtime now to wloot jour new spring outfit stock is jh complete and bolectfrm better than later in the neason we ny teynarpairoruikdw lh aanurance that we can rive yoo aal afartwxi mellarco stooararallhaadanon at cooronio dralna u dit rnlrr georgetown phone 126 bignetls celebrated bread thexoai de lnx hundreds of families are jiow placing orders for this delightful n loaf theylite it for its good nesa they know it is whole some an1 they appreciate its good values ask your grocer phowe 327 rl 3 norval out herald advertising pays tllsbi fgrandys 1 pieklincj season is here again we carry a full line of spices whole and ground also while wine and cider vinegar jars and parowax oet your supplj now while onr stock ts complete a mxirandy phone 7s safclacllaa caaraalee rranplsdhrcrt s8 weekend specials fly catchers coil typo to hang from ceiling regular sc friday and saturday 2 for sc invalid port wine regular 100 friday and saturday dbc corylopsis talcunpowder regular 35c friday and saturday 24c toilet paper rolls reg 15c 3 for 2sc sal soda regular loc lb friday and saturday 6c weekend special chocolates regular 60c llx for 39c paris green reg 75c lb friday and saturday 59c a b s c tablets reg 25 friday and saturday 16c i 7 5xal aw h0urh3ans wsbsuggsbe js jiajfciisiflit j-

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