Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 19, 1922, p. 2

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tub qbobobtown bhbu mini tltth 1922 dted in mentortam hauin i i ni h7i3 i vv ii i 11 1 kllcd f to rm irl uil 1 ih j u hu i hvrct retnen brat r h r inn neinory lot ij x hi itue jusi nokc r art a kl i lk k fl y when the m hj i f i ighl nri in i in jf a id i nm i i l k nil alone ri ere oil mes con cs n lonjj i k if you oi ly on id or chorar jlt iul i our iioug lu hdv wmhlrr wl ere wis b u our darl i w hurt jum h x yuiri ago 10 io rulhrr mother s filers and htolhrrs jhwhiary another respected citizta ol our town pawned away at guolph hospital laht week id the person of mr w j fare who underwent an opt ration tor appendicitis but succumbed to the shock de ceased was born in norwich fcug land id 1b74 and lame to canada in 1904 after residing a few months in brampton be came to georgetown where he has si resided besides hm widow ho eaves a family of four daughtei and one boo to mouru the loss a devoted husband and kind and loving tather it mrs burrows of brampton mrc w ii mcdod aid of simcoe beatrice pearl and walter at borne the funeral took place od monday afternoon to greenwood ccme terj the scr viee being i ortdurted b kev per e ival majcs thovuh r pi pminu thomas r fleming passed away on saturday at iiih lau residence 3ttl dundas street toronto deceased was in ins 65th jear and was born near milton on tar io coming to toronto lifteea joart ago he is survived by his wife and two sons william ewart of montreal and alwyn w of this citj a sister mrs john appleby of btewaittown and two brothers john 1 of orton ontario and w j fleming of chicago also glenwilliams host lliurbdav evening mr and mrs neij lumimngs were present ed wit a beautiful caaserote and military bundle the address was read by mm a w allen mr cummmkm on behalf of him self and wife thanked the rivers mr aiktii gave a ttpecah on com radeship also a dpeerh by mr dan raid after which mr and mrs gummings and otherb pros font vterc entertained to a dainty lunib given b the ladies aid most pleasant evening was spent b all air and mrs cu minings received this tor their faithful services to the church especially in the music line mr and mrs caudo wilson of toronto spent the holidays with their parents mr and mrs tom mull in holiday visitors were miss hate i mino of guolph miss bella roberts of toronto miss fcthel brcnnon mr sam mcmaster of toronto mr and mrs hailaod graham of hamilton mr clifford mullin or toronto mr tom beaamont of toronto quite a number of the oltixens at lower end of the glen are com plaining of the condition of the streets in that part tbej cannot get within 100 yards of their real dencea with a vehicle of any kind especially after a rain one street we reter to especially is known as guolph st from bridge at line to brown a hill is in a bad state something should be done to these streets in the near future all our main roads and side roads are in a bad state and should all have some repair the many friends of mr wi mullin will be pleased to hear that be has been appointed path master again some few years ago mr mullin was path master and did good work some is to be seen yet we hope to see some improvements again this year boys are requested not to rujo their bicjclos on the sidewalks this prat lice is dangerous the special services at both churches were greatly enjoyed last sunday at the evening service m the method i ht church the choir opened with the ixrnl is m strength by c smijier rev mi aiken sang a solo the pntms by j fnwsr after the m rmon the i boir ttnng nearer to thee bj j h tcnnej correspondence i oltolt iipra i dear sir may i express through your paper my very hearty thanks to alt m friends in town who so promptly wont to the assistance of mr ii ace 1 wood last week during the storm i ap p reci ate the assistance rendered but in many cases 1 did not have an opportunity of thanking you persona and i trust jon will ac cepkthis ossueh an expression j a wnjoromn memorial chimes vibratl hor the first iiml on easilr sun day at knox church towns abovs 2000 want school grapl inltuuv tikaa bj bonrd of owrgitown la prvmtar drat a bldln 4000 e it was a beautiful fasbnr mom ing ini i te bentting the occasion when to the accompaniment ol the sweet clear tones of the ne4 chitnei vibrating for the firnt tim services wore held in knox church last sunday couiniemoiat lug the install ationond dedioattou of the new eurilhon of eight bells the gift of mnbte grant fjawscn us a memorial to her husband henry pratt law sop it was in holy huh holy that tbe chimes were first beard promptly at 10 4ft followed by blest are the pure in heart jesus shall reign and ob foi a thousand tongues played by mr charles f white canlloneur of toronto who also played a number of other tunes during tht afternoon and before the evening at the morning service the church was filled to tbe doors when rev dr wallace of toronto delivered an eloquent appropriate address after the reading of tbe scripture psalm f and acts 2 41 47 the spoati chose as his text the 1st verse of the 122nd psalm glad when they said unto me let us go into the bouse of tbe lord in bis opening remarks dr wal lace expressed his great pleasure at again being privileged to visit the congregation of knox church and thanked pan tor and people for their kind invitation to him sisl at this memorial service he said in part there was a timo when there were no church bells nod tbo history of church bells is quite interesting from tbe lone bell to tbe inauguration of tbe chimes which ring out sweet music to call the people to worship in god s house bel towers are always places of special interest and are specially protected strong is tbe interest in the church of god to me it is an honor and a privilege to dedicate these chimes and share with old friends and new ones the memor lal to a good man whom it was an honor to know and have as a triend whose generosity liberal ily and christian spirit has left an impress on the community tbe late mr dawson was not a man of many words but his just and generous deeds fair dgajing j and though tf a iness for others will j remain long in memor he loved tbe church and manifested it in many ways without number today chimes call people to thatl house of god and prayer through out christendom in the early day a no call was sounded for many christians bad to meet in privacy it was about the 5th century when church bells were hoard in italy and a little later in bug land but now all over the world ohuroh bolls continue tbe call of the early christians to worship god those early disciples set a splendid example in their devo tion to the douse of god and if we are worthy sons and daught ers we should bave the highest regard for that early christian spirit and forsake not the assemb ling of ourselves together for the worsbip of god chimes declare the gladness of meeting in god s house and the joy or worship it ought to be joy id jour life and mine to be in our fathers bouse and listen to his voice of courage and hope how happy we should chimes tell the joy of christ ehgion and god wants his children to be happy but this is not always so in the minds of some men it is said tbe lack of joy in robert ingersoll a puritan father helped make robert an in fid el some people are so stern they are poor examples or cbnst tans god wants jby and gladness fn us all when we get down hearted and lose joy we should pray lor its return elijah was a courageous and strong man but for a moment he looked at circum stances and fell into deepair just as everyone else will do if they look at circametances bnt joy re mains a characteristic of christ s people put joy into your griefs all love a happy man bjup1y the christians cup should bo running over with oy chimes ring out with gladness to day because or easter he who was crowned with thorns now wears a crown of glory and tbe power or sin is broken christ lives and is a comrade beside os at all times iugb life in all experiences in loneliness and hours of perplexity and sorrow our divino redeemer and friend speaks words of roor age comfort and joy calling us to his father ft house where we shall linten to the sweet music of those heavenly chimes throughout all eternity at the conclusion of tbe sermon the presentation of the beautiful memorial chimes was maty h 8 mainlined i grant father of tbe donor the following words to rev r f cameron minister of knox church receive these bella that common of iinhallowi saircl trust lommrttcd unto tin as a minister of christ in this chtirth and take care that tin j he ever and onlv used in god h serme and for 13m lor l grant for mrs lawson georgetown april lutb 1322 in receiving the gift fin bhilf of the cougregation uv mr cum eron the pastor tatd we art grateful for tin gift ind we earn osth unite in prater that the chimes in iy be used for the jlnry of god and that the spirit of thi lord tnnt roach the heart o overj ono within earshot of then sound tbe praver of dedication was conducted by rev dr wallace followed bv all people that on earth do dwell played there was a 1 nge attendance at the evening service when rev ii wallace again occupied the pulpit and delivered a splendid sermou the kindly message of congra tulntion and good will from rev porcival mayes of st george s church to the pastor and people of knox rhurch on tbe occasion of the dedication of the chimes much appreciated when announced by rev mi cameron to the large ongrogatlon present at the even ing service the hoi r undi r tin able lead ershipof mi gas loll excelled previ ous effoi is at both services the musical programme was the bpbt ever mvon in the church and many thanks arc due the niem bers for their very important and much appreciated contributions during the day a solo in tbe morning by mrs h m wet he raid and another in the evening by mr dilly were pleasing features of the occasion the choir were ably assisted on the occasion by mrs h m wctb erald and miss lilly herbert of toronto of tin this statenu ut nd ordei in oui i tl j uljf tuwiiri or iliu 4 do not participate in tin snppl men tar j grunt una grant rural acbools and cenfreh of less than ihh amounts to from 100 to 200 a teacher this prnvinc lal money of eoiirst is collided from the piovince as a whole when mr mckenie opened to day s organization meeting he hud forty replies in his hand and the attendance at actual rep rescntatives whs snfliuinl turdis representatives were present from biulington iuastview whit by oxbridge bt thomas lund say brant foid simcoe orange tiile sandwich colhngwood camubejlford thorold and george town represented hy mr s kirk hmton is premier drury h own constituency and last year the georgetown board eorrespondod with its premier member mr diury referred the matter to the deiartment then when george town drew attention to tbe fact that acton was receiving a grant that was denied to georgetown the latter was infornies according to mr mackenzie that the 1 600 limit bod been extended to 2 000 on the suggestion of h c ktl mer brantroid seconded by a w baines st thomad it was dectd ed to form an intenurbtn trustees- association to co operate with the present ulbau lrustees associa tion with the object of geltiuf fan lieutiikit and cjtiitublu dis tribution of supplementary k rants the following exi titive was ap pointed h g kilmer brantford chairman lrncst w white st marvs secrptarj treasurer dr mcgiliivraj whitbj a w bain ck st thomas j b mackenzie georgetown e t col drey ot tawa d a fisher lindsay and w d mcclelland harris ton it was stated that propaganada work would be undertaken and after the collection of data the legisla ture would be attacked major l grant an elder of knox church for years who made tbe presentation of the beautiful chimes on behalf of his daughter mrs law son tbechiqios consisting of eight bells were made bj john tavloi co bell founders lough borough england the gentle man who installed them was mr wm dick toronto who also in stalled the masse memorial chimes in the metropolitan church toronto a few weeks ago local council ol women the local council of women will hold their regular meeting the bank of montreal rest roo on tuesday evening apr 26 at 8 o clock domestic relations courts which the national council women has asked the provincial government to establish bave been tried ont very satisfactorily in various parts ot the united states their main purpose is to settle domestic difficulties before tbev reach the divorce court thus pre venting the rapidly increasing ap plications for divorce it is found that many divorces are the out growth of domestic difficulties which if taken earl could do settled amicably and the home id family life retained of cases w hicb have passed through these courts records bhow that 7 arc happily settled 07 beim permanently reconciled and kepi ont of the ditotco court wbere it is jjbt successful in bringing about reconciliation the domestic relations court sees that jiihttce is given in separation settlement previously separa tion settlements were frequeotl verv unjust the wife accepting anv sort of offer rather than make trouble in these courts absolute at the next meetfog of the local conncil of women which will be held in tbe rest room of the rank of montreal on tuesday april 26 major daje will speak on affecting women and been solemnlj set apart from all children all are welcome i f tl 2ihm chait mtto i b on ihi rd made the latest hoolt in bargains in music moxjffcan phonographs gerhard heintzman phonograph gorhai d heintzman pianos apox records wonderful bargains in new phonographs al k c mcmillan music store georgetown at the mens store new spring suittog overcoats qui 1 n fills i 40 farm specials bo acres dear snelerove loam all level ami 47 a res unjei cultivation f ncies elm limber brit u bouse 7 rooms bank barn 60x10 on i ft concrete walls second barn 0 8 drive house 24xl workshop and woodshed now silo 12x21 all in good repair good fences orchard vvclh an 1 wpriue creek 97000 of will ohan for nice bundled 100 acres clay loam 4 acres good bush brick hmijje 8 rooms 2 good barns drive liu ist garage windmill wells ood ences 9000 50 acres choue land on good road adjoining station and tillage good buildings some timber splendid opiortumtv 800o ottbh and balance arranged 100 acres h miles from acton i acres maple bush 7 nder cultivation larue h loomed fisme house burn 54x40 drive house 60xlh ben house well and two xpnngs good fences 5500 only 12000 casta some nice town properties in georgetown and brampton wtevans 6 go dominion stores limited the largest retail grocers in canada main street ge read prices smashed bu sugar pure cane loo xb bag s6 50 pare cane 10 ib bag 68c rook bottom price buy now prioes subject to change withontnotioo t tea our red package worth 70c our price 46c coffee our own blend 39c a lb cocoa pure in bulk 2 lbs 20 e rice fancy blue rose 8 lbs 26i corn meal 7 lbs for cc bread s lb loaf l kellogs corn flakes with jungleland book for the kiddies 3 packages 29c shredded wheat s packages 25c puffed wheat 14c cherry cake extra choice 2 picnic hams fixtra choice 34o prime cheese 20e a lb bacon machine sliced hit prunes 2 lbs for 29c sheriffs jelly powder h packages 25 e candy 26c a lb dates s pnokages 2cc currants re cleaned 2 ibx 81c corn starch it packages 2ir costard powder 1 lb tin h2c marmalade sheriffs 4 lb tin 6tk pure jam 4 lb tin special 7 r in s s ill s lid it iho tl i- ll i h lie ii tlf 1 wool i i tli il ii rodili id s4soo ire sit nor u pure maple syrup special jf fl soap 7 bars goc if bars tl 00 brooms 4 stnnn sflc toilet paper it roll 2je matches h boxes sir ammonia 1 lockages 22c n panshine s tins 2c we pay cash for butter eggs potatoes etc get our price before selling dominionstores limited quality goods servicer lowest prices i o ilui ir mm ir it as bikh hh i fty anlni 1 hint htruis strip ami plain tin i oj ul ir jiiuoi sri the superb i if rid in hii and w irbuiunslnj guaranteed sin ir h will be mill ui oiiuid i uitnit ors nu r picst place o i ruler i w mi 1 b ive your suit foi i aster mens furnishings n w in il in pine neckwear shirts collars under went ill hals and cui h in all the latent and best styles for hprmt wi u- keadj to wear clothing at hjlf pr1c1 to clear at ttmc irwil rurgamu in una line must bo cleared we ctcn 1 an invitation to odfi and air lo call and inspect our stoi k and pnr i before purcluutmg your spring outfit miliar co georgetown phonej36 main street phone ibs ed wards wright purveyors of government inspected meats fresh cured l eggs poultry fancy meats batter cheese ground bone homemade sausage deli to all p of t 70 acres workable balance good boab and pasture 85 tall plowed 10 acres workable balance for bush and pasture 85 fall plowed clay loam good frame house of 7 rooms with good cellar bank barn 54x41 ft tie up 12 cattle 4 horses driving ehed ben house hheep pen school 1 mile church 1 miles possession this spring and terms of pa moots can be arranged xots in the pines and college iew houses at all puces call mo at willougby farm agency or phone 60 willoughby farm agency leaf olucf u victoria si tsrute phut ham 7j rep hb mcdowell georgetown ontario jacksons new spring goods hosiery attew line of pin of dependable w ear in re thread silk h6se of a good weight and i several altars fvceptional value at tl 95 cashmere hose of a su lienor iuahtj a big other lines of good cashmere hose at lower prices wool cosh and worsted ii oi beav wear for bov s ai gloves kavsar pn style mvps the wear i prices that were iliwhls and weight that will stand the i girls the different sizes at speeiol prices ore thread silk oloves a glove that has got the and we oftcr tbe different grades of these at rbetu rvalue othei lines of hove at big underwear new ijinek etf spring i nderwear for women and children good j all i j mi lerwear al price that will apmal to jon new spring footwear tfutl opened up another shipment of classic footwear for women and children forsth comfort iinhtj and value there are none bctun mens wear men s medium weiij t t ndorwear all sires 1 2fi value for 1 00 men s medium weight rood quality 1 00 overalls for 1 19 mens work shirt- all sies ashdrteil rood patterns of a good quahtv material 1 1 i house furnishing wp can save joii some real mone on good quality guaranteed furniture ijodero furnit iro of newest dnsimfor every room in the house nl prices that are a hcnmnp ravin r wall papers ou will bo pleased a the many enlirelv new effects shown in our large msplay of new wall papers and will be agreeably surprised at the low price for xtich artist i wait decorations quality value service jacksons georgetown o

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