Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 26, 1922, p. 2

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tiik okordlttown ilkilald a lhi i 50tli 1922 minstrels entertain annual cntcrtaiiitnc llio i leorgelowu miasli town hal last thnrs 111 11 j uvtllliigh l ijk it vc tilled holll dg i in m 1 n inn 1 1 ri n i ii k vk m l 11- p kius 1 1 itlillls rih min born i mj il m i i nui i iii ivlltl till- uwionhivjtiuklj ill the entertain school ol instruction tor hale secure your lunlriu linn hell m the here on monduv v of tur obituary etoittui ijov v the i lh llubett iiogan an olil anil u six tul resident of es ijhi sin at vlie age of ho jeare oc inrntl at wis home neargjonvil huus u april 18lh 1u22 tho fnneial hi im ec i were hold in the glen will mint church rrom where the remains were jaluu to the iuum ixuietejx and interred ou thiusdij afternoon ainl 20lh 1922 tbu immediate fauiilj wbo aur vtve him are iiih wife mm elia logan and tour rons henry hugb william and wellington mr logan was alvvavs tui cnoi- gelic hard working man and s vitfuabte otisen he behoved in liu lod and committed himself to ijim from earl uianlinod unti the end of hit life he was a mem her of the methodist church ii linseed into cteruit with unwav enng faith in the mere and low of his ood gleitwilliams i the true blue lodge entertain ed the members of ii o l 34g also true blues and orangemen of georgetown to a boti town hall last friday ev most enjujable evening naii cpent in games and dancing muhic was supplied b messrs dobi mckm lei und juik thompson mi henry lognn of mmncupo lis is uptnding a few dnji with friends here mr and mrs harrj williams 0 toronto and mr and mrs w h wilson georgetown mailed mr charles forster on sondnv the alterations and re la the dressing room and stage i our town hall executed bj m ales murruj make a decided m proveuient we are looking foi ward t a u w lloor in the near futui will allen jr who has been quite ill s improving nicely harold wbeeler tlo lias also been ill forwotne time is improv ing a social evening will bo held in the town hull on fridaj 28tb li oceedh in aid of our lacrosse the ladies guild ol st albnns outran will hold a sale of work on tli u radii april 27th tomorrow comtneoci nga oolo both t u delimited ineiil povided the i lionises were oepliu ij line mid all the solos were ri n de red master rob huurlgfcn in hear den hulls mad a big hit mr ii s hamilton who ouple of selections during intermission won the hearts of iiih aiidienee with the old llaid shaw the quartette and quintette were uiho well received in their ibers and all were lepentedl encored the end inon who appeared in l new suits of green and pink were efj funnj and c nicked numerous jokes which brought forth rounds of applause the orchestra under tho able laderstup of mr 11 g meir was new- featuru this psar and their opening selections anjarcomputii in en i in the choruses proved a valuable acquisition those who took part were end men l v uourigao v a smith it j hjnds w w roe g e earl c cole chdrus u e coften e cole p b coffcn c kennedj r ii thompean h r mimins a herbert w dily w mcdonald a thompson k mc donald r b foul is h s hamil ton w v grant picaninnieb- mobter robert houngan and master jack smith accompaniat mmw n kennedy interlocutor j m moore orchestra h g meir conduct or k roy edwards ralph robs neil curommgs w diggins j thompson e mcdonald colin mcdonald u gill a thurston mi us j leamtt- the stage scenery was the boat in the historj of the minstrels and was arranged and executed by messrs james hickey sr and angus duncan before tbe closing number on 1 lie second evening ot the show mjrfs nellie ken nod was present ed with a camera and boquet of oowors and miss jessie leavitt with n cutex set and boquot of flowers by the members of thi minstrels for their ery able ser vires as accomtianisth 0 1 lodge ip- i lirwl dgrih w ol mnii andidilli yearn from tin mi u repr m ouil alllieoikluhkill work the ilciiibt i nf thi lubiul i afutr all had ihirlaktn mr leuri cleiive h i of orion fjotlge georgotiiwn introduced past inuid mnntir ti w ooe who gave a splendid address on oifd fellowship distrnt depulv gmnd master h ilngnltun and 1nal district deputy will lord aln lade short upeec lies after whirli lienrtj vote of thanku wna lencf ered the past gmnd mauler muniral and vocal sjlo lions wore rendered during the evening which proved rjuito an enjoj abe oocasion usd wns ftr cucf utl mrs jacks spaoikl tlr bu1i1m a tiie and jnibe of the best make in turd mc onl for less lhaii the price of the cover these irr full mileage guarantee mid are lirlilavh other lar giuns in imfessones speights garage agent foi overland oaru fo ymtrtt a in ld7 the bank or 11 mm ton ocned a branch in tieoigetown this hems the lirst branch of a chartered bank in the count of halloo i trong and well equip lod progressive jet cdnsorv ativ e fbr tlft venra tins rank lias af forded atwolule rei uiilv to deposi tors tl baptlat gkareh thursdaj h pm prajer and biblo htndj markstloppcl sttn daj 1 1 tn conditions of reward 11 so snbhath school 7 pm the oddfellows and rcbekah lod ges at chun b special singing mondnj il m b y p l at brampton tucmlaj and rett- of week special tneelings t frjer jot 22 con 4 nansa gawen will hold a learmg sale on mondaj maj 1st of farm stock implements household lffects no reserve as the farn i hold it j kerr nut tioneer h r whillev lot 24 on b nawiguweii will hold an ctcn sue an tion safe on fridaj april shtli 4 good horses 10 cows so heitd of joung cattle sheep and lwj fib j kerr auctioneer tiie npprunch of tbe lirt of maj reminds us that onee upon a time there was a fisherman who never overestimated the sire of iho hfh that gal nwn but the h he hap been dead a long time win hi ntnn reminds us or that touching imp euned bj some un lwllever are fishermen all liars or do only linrs tish the w i have always handled the fhoe business is to bti ih bcit boots mono can bnv and then i nl the jince so low l that nn one else ran handle them i hiive mlditl to mj stock the da foot hoots that need no reeom mending j llonej the man that making a iinme for georgetown women s boots miled and fareled jj 00 eggs wanted for cash highest price iaid for fiihh eggs at forster s grocer corner john snd vutoria streets george town to rent ii opmcd house on ji jaijies uccjurlnc b julvi stoves fob saxe y new happy thought mince li specal 0k healer henry tranci john gowgelo t notice irll nnl h rrnonib1e for nil debl april 25lh co hv fur saie im giailk due april 2hih on paper mill eorgcionn the public health automatic rapid i electric cook stoveii and do your i lot w oompi no wiring uiu il ill day ol mt ln i k will v sr lkc ll ii nil a hi lii hi kr ping he m 1 ih isihx nw to fvs i iron d vll k l i i- kov dalk township ol esquesing sanitary notice nolict ii hrrcbj rivcii dial all rtsi dels o he tihip oi huemii nr required turmmilh lo ilean iheir leltnrs iccrp i heir pn ilmrooghly notr hllhinbofc rnnil requested i no p sly lo pi olany duelling 1 4 s4gt sy farm specials early ier cooking und leaking in com i or t no dirt no heat 3 sizes lv n j4mik 1 en ti m ipl te with ihensiu at the mens store new spring suitings overcoats 1 the bradleyedwards co our- inonej biti it a system full ip 3500 iiluin- n nines iknut i tul wool the tx1 wfuvis hint an- produied s4000 s4500 the lxr1 iialilns at three kijiliihi prueh it re siisrior lo ipiahl u t selling lasl vittr at us high as lift xixty or seventy tlulliiih smtial guaruliud blue sirues stnpt and plain ilel ut these tlnee kpular piues see the superb sijle mid w jrkuiaiiship guaranteed hiiiilc ittihi samples uill im- sent to outside rdn mi lin uctiiiiurs on r lilt foi easter pia r h- thompson co xdoal aciktfl rbuy where money goes furthest is just another way of saying buy a ford chassis s445 runabout 495 truck chassis 5 sim ting and electnr lihliling ou aboveuo evtra coupe 840 sedan 930 complete equipped all level and 47 brick ho barn oox new silo 1224 ind spring creek prior to leaving dresden where he had been chief of police for over ten years chief jackson tendered a farewell presentation and the following address which we co pj from the dresden times to john jackson on behalf of tbe oddfellows bowlers and firemen we have met here to night to say farewell to one of our members wbo hi been with us for a number j ears while we all regret that jou oortntdnt wea jou that it is our sincere hope that in jour new borne jou will meet with every success in ins ing jou we all reel that we arc losing not on i j a most desirable citizen but a personal friend one who has alwajs had the best in te rents of the town at heart and was trving lo make this a place inure worth living in we arc proud of having had jou with uh and shall alwajs remember the untiring efforts you have always sbown in anything you hae under taken especially in the beaut if ing of our public places we would ask jou t- accept these chairs ns a small re mem b ranee or the esteem in which mrs jackson and yourself are held bj your many friends here we hoi that jou both will have manj years of good health and prosperity and while occupying them during your leisure time in the years to come it will give you pleasure to think of tbe friends jou left behind you here yqu maj rest assured that any time you can visit us here you will receive a wholesome welcome signed on behalf or the above mentioned walter t jeffs 1 wnrnor j lord 50 acres near snelfcrove loam acjsjjrfldejrjaulilvfttioji h acres elm tim rooms bank barn goxto un 0 ft concrete wyuls bti drive house 24xlb workshop and woodslved all in stood repair good fences orchard wells s7000 or will cmhango for nice hundred loo acres clay loam 1 acres good hush britk hoime 6 rooms 2 good barns drive house garage windmill wells good fences 9000 so acres choice land on good road aljuining station and village good buildingw some timber splendid opportunity 3000 cash and balance arranged loo acres 3 miles from acton 12 acres maple bush 75 under cultivation largo 8 roomed frame house barn 54x40 di house 60x18 hen house well and two springs good fences j t500 onlj i3o00 cash some nice town properties in ueorgeiown and brampton card of thanks i kii and mn ih lo publicly lht jrralrfil apf a1 fm lo jhc and nnghson mho no kindly rtiw with xjmp and rrwrou axt hr uvnrn ind dnlh of husband card of thank we herctjj convrj our nnrttr thanks to irtend and nnjhthrs for ihctr many kiixl itmti and smpathy cxirndrd to m n nn rv rm vid borea ttrticnl canard by lls death nl our brkivpd husband and lather mr u pare and family wxlvans6g0 phone 1s3 service protection 4tt d r rennie successor lo j j gibbens specials for this week norman h speight methodist wms the women s missionarj sooi ct of the georgetown methodist church have just closed success fullj the 87lb year of their history at tbe easter meeting a verj in terestiog program was given a number of young ladies presented a pageant showing canadas share in the worlds task of giv ing jesus christ lo a waiting world and mrs w h orabam in a very able address told the meaning of the magic letters w m s we must supplicate we must sacrifice we hast serve the easter thank offering amounted to h8 40 the momborbbip this year is 60 auxil tarj members and j7 band mem hers the amount raised bj aui iharj was 348 83 the amount raised b the band 126 46 to tal amount raised for w m 8 work was 968 78 the ofllcers for the vear 1922 are as follows pres mrs b w kenned 1st vice pres mrs j w ad ams 2nd vice pres mrs j roney cor sec mrs prod cook rec sec mrs hudson treas mrs wm tyndall supt sjstematic giving miss m llutt strangers sc mrs w h wills for coloring straw leather wood rattan wicker etc one elkays straw hat dje sold onlj at the rexall store floungan s phone 76 agent for miss simplicity electric washing machines electric sweeper vac cleaners national electric ranges and appliances immediate deliverj from stock all fully guaranteed and sold on verj ebbj terms 9800 5 down balance in small monthlj payments ask lor demonstration jour own home touring car 53500 all prices are f o b ford ontario h a coxe acton mens furnishings shiru collars undei latest and best stjles wearte llata and caps ic for spring witit 4 readjtu wear clothing nl uatip price to clear at once ureal biugainn in the line must lie cleared we euni an invitiition to one and all to call and inspect our htiiek- and prices before purthasmg jour spring outfit mxllar co s georgetown l i phone 126 main street phone 1s6 edwards wright purveyors of government inspected meats fresh cured eggs poultry fancy meals batter cheese ground bone homemade sausage delivered to all parts of town telfera fanij thin sodas regular 18c for good black tea regular goc for honey 5 lb pail sweet pickles in bulk per pint- clarks pork and beans large aize per tin purity ots large packet cheese per lb soap p g or gold 7 for pearhne 3 for brooms regular ltt for 25c 23c 27e 22c watch windows for further specials for saturday only phone 151 portable ranges operate i off ordinary lamp socket broil fries tout steams or bakes 2soo large size 14000 300 places this electric sweeper vac in jour hbme balance small monthlj payments ask for demonstration in jour own home let niagara do your work dominion stores limited tte largest retail grocers in canada main st georgetown sugar per rwt g 50 sugar 10 lb for chc whj paj more sugar prices subject to change without notice pure maple sjrup per gal j 95 24 lb white satin flour 99e 9h lh white satin flour l 24 lb perfection bread flom 1 m 9h lb perfection bread flour 4 2 we carrj onlj the best gnules of flour special prices buy now currants 2 lb for sl corn fnthes packages 29 shredded wheat 2 pat k ages t j5c eagle hnlmon per tin m0 honej pure clover sib pail 9mc daley 8 packages tor castile soap pr dox 4th infants delight soap h for 2o what are you paying cartdj jellj beans butter scotch giant creams alb i peanut butter per lh 2 catsup large bottle our special blind tea have ou tried it ei- lb i shrelded cneoanut ier ih ij matches 3 lsixes 1 for sale 70 acres workable balance good bush ami pasture 35 fall plowed jo acres workable balance for bush and pasture 35 fall plowed claj loam good frame house of 7 rooms with good cellar bank barn 64x40 ft tie up 12 cattle 4 horses driving shed ben bouse sheep pen school 1 mile church u miles possession this spring and terms of payments can bo arranged lots in the pines and college view houses at all puces call me at willougby farm agency or pbone 60 willoughby farm agency cai office 41 victoria st tsrsal riwk mala 4s79 rep bb mcdowell georgetown ontario jacksons spring house renovating we make it easv for jou to furnish one room or every room in tho home complete from our large well selected stock of new spring frirnishings we pnpei jour walls carpet jour floors drape your windows siipplj furniture for everj room hang pictures on jour walla at new low pnoes real bargains in furniture 8 95 6 95 26 00 62 50 111 00 160 00 rockers fume oak taestrv covering oak hall trees 3100 white enamel wood beds for h7 0 3 piece satin walnut bedroom suites i 140 00 4 piece salin walnut bedroom suite 250 00 7 piece salm walnut bedroom suite wall papers our large lowing of beautiful wall papers gives jou an opportum tj to sele t manv pleading effects of different artistic features the lower -price- for fine papers will appeal to jou floor covertnfc we arc now showing the ne linoleum and oiulotb rugs oilcl eftrv ltuii miicli lowor than v spring patterns in congoleum ths and linoleums jap rugs tap i rugs and other lines of floor covering prices are have been able to offer for some time window draperies wi show man lme of rich and drapene- of a vanetv of different fabri beautiful effects in at remarkable good window pi i ih pure liu 1 lb i pure lild per cheese per lb puffed rice puftet wheat laundry soap spe tal for tin v barn for 00 eek onlj a string brooms each 9f win paj 7fc maile alour own bftkerv jellj rolfea 2 for 2v alencia cake per lb as cherrvand pel cake perhb 2k bread onr best large loaf iftc wanted at once car ltmu of potatoes get our pnn we pay cash for butter and eggs dominion stores ltd quality goods service lowest prices scotch ginghams charming colorings and patterns a superior quality of cloth that i will give the best of wearing rervice- mint will wash and laundry well land alwstri have a xtvlish appearance a low price for the quality 49c other good ijunlitj of ginghams at soc prints crumbs english prints- a line hoft satin tmndied print no better prints made special good values 40c and 45 we show a choice selection of line canadian prints of the belter qnalitj for 26c footwear we now show a good selection in all lines of new spring footwriar u najs to buj good grade footwear you get the style service wear and comfort good footwear is cheaper than low grade goods at a low price new stv les in classm footwear for women and children new astoria oxford and boots or men never have we offered better value women s ovfords from 1 b- up quality value service jacksons georgetown r

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