Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 3, 1922, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fffty fifth yfear oh publication georgetown wednesday evening may 3rd 1922 1 60 par annum the georgetown herald u wi every wednesday evening f i the i 4eralo power printing office georgetown ont contract advertising rates furnished on applies an j h moore fnhllakw and propria tor maaabar cuuilu whu niw- q t b tlaib goino east passenger 7 22 a n passenger ai9om passenger 10 lgani mml 11 i0ait passenger h 4 ii in mail 6 80 ii m passenger 8 20 pitn passenger sunday 711 pin igoinci wbht passenger mail s 7 67 am 10 10 am passenger 2 12 pm passenger 4 60 p m passenger 002pm passenger 709 pm msil l 8 20pm passenger sunday 1016 am going nofpra mail hooam mail 4 6r m going booth mail 1 1 83 am mail 800 pm toroato sabmrba rallwa daily t1mb table am pm pm uoiog bast 8 10 2 84 6 40 going west 8 66 810 7 89 8dnday time table going bast am p m pm i 10 31 is 80 8 46 610 9 17 am pm pm otng west 1010 6 10 9 86 opa ad tear eater ntw eluott taaaja tad obwlm sta toronto the h gh grade business school jf tn luio our gradu tlra are u strong lie mand i rcparenok and be ready in nr cept a koud posi i the f f catalogue w j elliott principal uptodate harness shop stop it son want a new bet of ha rid made harness come in nfitl lot me give j on a price on it as jou all know hand made barnes will out wear factor mode why waste jour nioirej buying factory liar also headquarters fer trunks bafts and harness accessories repairing prottpllj atteaiea i w a bailey uptodatf harness shop main strecl ge0r6et0wm call and sec our stock of new underwear foi women and children we also cany a 1 ull line of ladies silk and lisle hose bus ter brown slaters fine ribbed line for children and a good line of misses and children s socks rompers and babies dresses bdbw h bonnets wool j ark pis boo tieb etc call and iaapaet our atok mrs watemllilwlitlem georgetown coal beat l l w scranton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j walkins nerval station erwingoldhams meat market main street georgetown phone no 1 fresh lake trout every friday and saturday watch our windows lor specials on saturday quick delivery guaranteed specials in real estate 3 houses on paper mill row 5 houses in college view 8 hon bob on queen street 8 standard hotels near oeorgetow several good lots for sale insurance district agent- for confederation life insurance co see our special policy issued without medical exami- nation fire insurance a specialty auto accident and sickness insurance r j hynds phone 203 george to wn established 167a the terms and conditions upqn whitb we loan ntut am oxlremelj favorable to the hoi rower wi shall be had lo have a talk with anjne who ran oltei acceptable suritv bank of hamilton g c mackay manager 8hilton wallbrioge dale burr stars bol ettora etc turonto ai d uooniotown oldct kennedy block la roy lala in rhare- nl grume h o heir open wednesday and sajurdny ni h d1eltnmarceijiis physician and suryton medical ottltor uf health office hours 2 lo ml lo i 11 it phona 68 office mid roaldanoa mali htrtiei uuth upponlta frealiyterluychircl drtc r w rosb try the ice cream sundaes served at madges candy shop main street phone 214 directory st qeoroeb ohurch hvanaon l p m slop id s is surgeon gra r m e o w nci freed g s m d s offlh hoarst 9 to 5 exoept tkanlay afuniooat f l heath los dos dentict office in latie block oi e door i o noll carrlase factory hour kiclseh cttiropractl6 offices a m hiel8en d c ohas j liioflelj d o gradutc ot the palmer school practic ch ropracttc i a la davenport iowa u sa office over poilofhie conaulutldii and spinal analyala free of mlb hburs tueadaj n thundayi nd saturdays i0tot2am and 7 to 8 p m phons offlce isow nnd ki ospm benj petc1 and peel qlenwllluuna poat oolce conducted aatlafactorlly and i tonable rates order left qeomatown herald oldce will recelv township ot esqnesing sanitary notice notice ih hereby given it ml all rcn dcnli d i tie townah p of fcsqi en nj are required forth ih lo clean ihe r lfllarn lit yards pig htyca waler lonelaand ouibu idingfi and prem es and re- all d rt rilh manure or other k b- ktor w ii co all resident a a keep their prem ihoroignly mai notlno ilhm go feet jmbuck butcher avlway kawpa a cowih buta t tke bm4 awue la fnak a awlt km wlauk h aua at ta lowest possible prices canadltfond board ucnm no 9 2 0b get the best k long distance puis the big warehouses at your elbow mo i wont load up with a big stock said the enterpnsingjnit cautious dealer if they sell as welt as we hope i can easily get in touch with yonr house by long distance and order more of them reordenng by long distance makes it entirely prac ticable for dealers to carry bmat stocks thus keeping down their capital investment and yet hot lose sales by being out of stock the wholesalers and manu- faetorerb warehouses are virtually at the dealers elbow the goods are often shipped the same day it also enables dealers to try out the novelties and new styles people have been reading about and an asking for on which the margin of profit is usually greater than on staple lines use the belt to sell and to buy brmty b tuepboao im m lm lhmt station j a tract clerk tow ahip of rsuuc clerk 3rd d vi on courl the lead ng frir and lie on represented issuer of marr nge license i stewart ton on i stopyer h1ck1m mi kukin ixnt liu lin ut t it hiihtlo i i t tin cnwkin n i gi tl the or r pttpr 1 hon go linen ih giltin good ngm trj to help em ill ion kin duo t sit round vith hoiigin lip that is sure to floor oit try lo ge abetter grip on uit work before j on put hum gmger itl jer wuhjh when jou greet a nalx r throw j or iriibijlo to the bnrtln git light ilown to label ii yon ii notice i erj da ihtngs ih co nun nuhtjpr wav btoj jcrkiikni kit a hold hoal an turn it yon kin npt r handle gold less jou lr lo urn it it ru nii tho cobobn rrom jii ji stop jer durn repimn an ou ii nntice that jer skies alius ii be shiiilu a bf you hain t the nerve to crj sneak rwuj sumewheres an die 1 h the islh knox cburdi guiw buqnet the uttoodance contest v brought to a erj successful clone when the insert the gold and green sides bun quoted the win nors tho reds last thurudaj night at ii pm about 90 were present including the gueuw and all enjoyed a splendid dinner after which a splendid programme was provided mr fred edwards president or the guild acted as toast master a toast to the king and country proposed bj miss alice creel man was respond ed to b singing god save the king mr j d godfrey the first president of the guild pro posed the toast to the society he congratulated tbe sooietj upon its splendid programmes and its good attendance tbe preu ont president replied in fitting terms und urcd that tho attend ance be kept up to record tho toast to the reds the winning side was proposed by mr u fow lie and replied to by miss helen law son the leader of the redi the losers in the contest the qplil aud greens were toasted hj mr n henderson and ropli to bj missthelma henrj usicat programme was also rendered including vocal solos by black and messrs jack tout norman henderson and w pilly piano duet b misses young and livingstone mr hodgfns ac com pan led by mrh u ii hender bon delighted tho members with two molin solos rev mr patter son of norval was present and gave the societj a lew minutes talk jbefinal t o t ov fn the public health cltiaama an bqutud to comply wiui th pnbllo haalta aet ot be hereby fvcn thai all res den is of georgetown ars requ red fonbw tb lo clean i heir cellars dra n yards p g aty later closets outbu id nf and other so and remove iheralro n all dirt ire and other substance whi h may endanger the public health and lo t avc the completed by the leiilh day of may on which day the sanitary inspector will commence a general nspcition and further take not ce that ibe seirt on of the public health act pruh bit ng the keep ng of bog between the 15tb of ma and the istb ot november except n pen at itant 70 feet from any dwell ng house and 50 foot from any atract or lane with floors kept clear from all standing water and regularly cleansed will be strictly en fore i citiien are eamemlj requested in keep their prem sea constat tly clean and ihoroughly d sin fed ed lirov dalr mayor of the mumc pal ty of georgetown april 26lh 1922 in the public ij 0 t wuur eye a maos prayer ten tit that k minutes iioiii lit oiincch one ihiuud inj 104 ctitth rint dollar licit iiil so to inc tl at 1 can he it night with a i it ir coil vullioiit n him imiiir mj pillow mid iinhittintod by the facon f thorn to whom i uavu brought ain grant that i ma enen my meal tukel on the squire and thnt in earning it i mu h unto othorn as i would hint them do dcafdi me to the jingto uf tainted nuincj and trtlio stle or unholy skirts blind me to the faults or the other icllow but tevcat to me mj own guulu so that when 1 look into the faces d mj trionds 1 will have nothing to conceal keep mo young enough to uugh with little children aud hj ippathctit enough to be tnsidcrnto of old ugo aud when tho daj coi ith of daiknncd hades and the smell or ftowern tbe tread of soft footstops and the crunching of wheels in thejard make the ceremony short and thi epitnpb simple here lies a man allai 11 affirm th tt tin ait itilirtilh reprjustnlcd probablj it as i lemre to kuei the in inn i utilits ut that impelled the premier to keep tho fnlstigatioiis out of the haudtt uf a lomimttoc of the levitt laluk on which it would sea ret i j i been possible to present someone htnnding tqi for sir adam hock an i tint lljdro entoiprises diin base of the qutstion has evt deutlj been well thought out acton acton a lirttt flower show will be held on august 16tb reeve barbers newlj planted potato crop was effectively coer with the big fall of snow on wednesdaj night and thursday arning misses jean and anna liadsaj of the dental college toronto are home over tho week end a number of acton horse lowers attended tho horse fair at hillsborg last wodnesdaj henry wallace fine colt won second prize in jts class the disappearance of mr dau mckinnon who purchased mrs thomas rydei s farm the third line on march 1 has caused grave anxiety mr n f lindaaj was a deli gate to the trustees section of the 0 ea at toronto last week i presenting bun nock burn school free press a n might ittau homo thing belter hit h certainly can read stuff a lot wot bo than the hprtqg catalogue it iiuk well and apt i j uten said tht mini vbo tan not mt it thrill out of the seed catalukue has lost one of the reaf of life und is in muih the t tauguij as tho chap who hits never had the satisfaction of wing what it is to taato lettuce and tomatoes rovn in his own harden the seed catalogue is aood book to read it invanablj krtds to determination to do some gardening uhich is fai and awaj eprotitable and lieulthj than spending hours otr an automobile routt book milton mrs robt mcdowell and tit r son and daughter of victoria har bor spent from fridaj until mon day in town at tho home of mru t mcdowell aar mccready a farmer in trafalgar township near milton buclnined serious injuries mclud a badlj broken arm by being crushed against a big tree by b team of horses uhiohtook fright buggj which had been loaded on a wagon to which the tenm hitched as to mr and mrs h fowli members or the guild who left yesterdaj morning fnr toronto proposed by miss jessie baird and responded to by kev mr cameron mr fowlie replied thanking the society for tbe very kind words the members then joined in singing for he b a jolly good follow followed by auld lang syne wbioh terminated a most pleasant o cuing 1 erin the business places of lnn will close at twelve o clock noon on ovcrj wednesday during tbe months of may june july aug ust and september commencing moj srd mr and mrs john bcbbcj and mr and mrs w bessey and mis doris of georgetown spent sun day with mr and mrs h mat thews on monday evening last the erin turr club re prganiiied when the omcern were elected and rangements completed for a big raoe meet at stanley park on may 84th the club have arranged a program in which 260 00 will be paid for prize money mr j as long erin has a ply mouth rock puhet which produc ed six large eggs the last one measured 8 x flj inches advocate lorensa a kennedj of llamil ton former resident of george town and member or the metho dist church is one of sixty four wwroe insurance broker insurance in all sranobes phone 65 georgetown most by tnabla la tb dlotnlt otbr nasrlact wnan tba nrat alana ot t strain war a kaclatarad opto- matrurt aboold im oonnuud w wul utontuaor a t atraosruiot lam ton oh mvtrlat la a prots an tac tetrmrsm lanm arenni on tb fram bxt sonjc too oo to o t walker r o asthma razhah razmah gmmrentj 1o teatore dooml h ammami atoji bvbcm klherinn ntba broatsnal tatm ta ig nignta of ajatet awmf mwlfl habrtfbrtnlmt arw 91 ooat jastdnv at a trttlfreeaia t crwrtbi enpletooa 11 tumf tsld la oaarsvtawa vr d j mattbtw idging irom tho iiles ot wood t coxo is putunj on hit ilartm street there will be no shortage of lire wood in town this summer and it looks like pretty good stuff too mrs j it bartleman of tjm ins who has been upending the winter here with her parents mr id mrs g a hcmntieet return ed home on tnesdaj aotornpanmc bj boi husband rofoi inor notes and comments pitt- mn a i at lht mi t irctllj i pn wh i n 1 i uj mist aunls mcphvii intoi viewed bj an ottawa reporter ez pressed the op mon that public school teachers salaries around 1000 a jear had about reached the limit rural people could afford to pay now that agne has graduated from thd stains of a plain country school mgrm to be a member of parliament drawing 1000 for a few months work with free railway transportation thrown in she has arrived at tho conclusion that tho job sheoqoe hold down isn t worth more ttian 1000 candidly apeak mp wo would say thut if miss mcphail was a really diluent toucher she wah worth a lot more to ontario in that capacity than she is as an m p barrie bxaminer tllk lhtowm iinth an ounce that the pric lists of the local exhibition to be lit id uet future now read tor distribution the lis towel exhibition directors have gone a long wuj towards in suring the success of tbejr bhow bj getting their prize lists out so early in tho booson the majority of fall fain do not get theirpnwv lists out in time tn be of much advertising tiluc to the fair if the prize lists were issued not later than saj juno 1st in each jear exhibitors in every depart ment would have some reasonable time in whieh to prepare their entries tine would be especial true in the ladies departments ah it hits been in the ptst there is no time after the lists are issued for the ladies to got ready anj new fancy work or articles of domestic mannfactnrcs farmers arf ahwsfd w ing solicited by agents for lightning rods to demand to see their licenses for their protec tion against fraud or worthless materia tho governmtnt has re quired that every agent for light ning rod equipment must carry a license bearing the signature of the ontario fire marshall if tbe agent cannot produce his license t part with jour good money or the chances ao jou will be stung students thirty seven men and twentj seven womon who grad uated from the mood bible in stitute of chicago thursdaj april 20th these students have pie ted a two jear course in tbe bible gosjml music and prac tical methods of christian work and will go forth into various kinds of christian work at home abroad twent four of this oumber have volunteered for the foreimi held they represent twenty tw of- tw union and live foreign counlinis can ada fenhland netherlands nor way and sweden mr kennedy expects to take up pastoral work the graduation address wan given bj the dean of the institute re jameb m gmj d d tllk replies ot the graduat lag class at the ontario agricul tural college to a questionnaire given them by prof h h ledrew threw some verj interesting side lights on rural problems and con ditions tho purpose of the qties tionnaire was to ascertain the number of men intending to re turn to the farm after the cample tion of their college course those who wcro not going back to tin land were asked to state thei reasons for not doing so out ot 78 repln s a5 syated that thej were returning to the farm three were as jot undecided the remaindci ii id no intention of returning to the land half of this number was prevented bj lock of capital or from insufficient income for tbe capital invested and tabor expended the rest tended following other lines work in order to secure bettei i tng conditions several tell tl at thej wcro not rut out to be fin s many more would not l account of the labor m otoiiv andlonrhourtt the rill i account of the luck of intelli and social intercourse tilotloii tilt 1 hjnkionh in proven rather buidcnsome to mi icipalitirh and il is a mooted question whet bfer such pajmenta do not oojnajaoro rightlj under state rawer than local aid there be no questioning that the work of the mothers allowance imission of this province is ono in which the majority of the peopc take a keen pride tho ly thing to guard against is free spending policy and so far there have been few complaints bm direction rather there is a disposition to uige morp onerous jroatmon t of w idow ed mothers and then dependents death is something nono of us can perm an tl dodge but it is something to know that its effect can be al leviated when a communit has humanity enough to assist tho widows of those who have been taken to face the world without fear safe in the knowledge that they will havt reasonable assist ance in thoir task of pro pa nog their children for the varied duties of citirenship the new canadian nickel soon be in keneral circulation is not irticularl handsome appearance similar in bite tbe american nickel it bears image of king george on the one side and on the other hide bears tbe words canada five cents and two maple leaves the ede id not milled taaoaa with a klok la it two local men were overheard the other evening arguing uwn the respectivo merits of scotcu and irish whiskev for iqutd re freshment purposes one ot them thought scotch bad the best of it while the other favored the lrihh they arc both good but judging b what one boars these da a from ireland wo should judge that if anyone wants something with a strong kick to rt the had belter trj a little irish in till- houhh of cotnmous last week dr it k v anderson m p asked three questions regarding the d und as utrcit provimial high waj as follows 1 what part or dundos street in the countj of llalton lias been completed hj the provincial gov ernment of onlir o under tho federal good itt idb scheme 2 wtoit hmoivht of monej has been paid to the pro incial govern ment b the dominion government on account of this road 4 what is ihc cowt of the road to date and the cost pci mile hon mr k nnetlj answered as follows 1 dundan street ii of llalton nokr t but no purl or it ha ed under ttic lvtlei act 2 1k74 94 h ap roiimaui expenditure on the whole road from toronto to clappison s corners ii to list or december 1921 s 5hjoow or 192 per tn lo the detailed audit to give e nd ture in hal ton count is nof jet ompletcd l the county nnrttruction sbeeaiompleu llihhwas tlo best home treatment for rbeiimal sni sciutica or neuralgia is t rc s and for asthma and inclntis ts ra7 mah ooar- sold bj d j matthew ntced

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