Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 14, 1922, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fifty fifth year of publication georgetown wednesday evening june 14th 1922 91 60 per annum in adviuioo 200 to lis the georgetown herald cverv wedncbdav evening at the herald power printing office garftown ont contract advertising rates furnished on app ileal an 4 m moorjp ibibuaar and proprietor bfaaaber oiudlia waakly nn- papar asasolatloa o t r tiaastabla qoino kabt passenger passenger passenger hail f passenger passenger sunday qoimq wet passenger hail passenger passenger passenger t passenger hail passenger sunday going nobth 9 14 ldi 10 1c urn 11 40sm 8 4h p id 020pm kg pui 7 11 pin 7 67 am 10 1g am 212 pui 4 60 pni 602pm 7 09 pm tlmj 10 16 a a hail mail going south 800 am 66 pm 11 83 am 800pm trats sahara raltaru daily time table am p m p m going bast 810 224 6 40 going west sjsss 10 89 bondattlinc table h going bast pm pm pm pm 10 21 12 20 8 46 610 917 am pm pro 10 40 6 10 9 8g tam castries stsw taruto tbe b gh grade bus dm school of on una our graduate an n strong de nand prepare now and be ready lo ac cept a good posit oo n the fall free catalogue w j iiunr uptodate harness shop stop if j oil want a new set of hand made harness route iu an diet toe give yo i price on it ah jou all know hand made harness will oat wear factory made why waste 1 our mortty buying factory bar man aiho betid quur tors for trunks rng nod h ft mesa accessories eptirtftf rnmfoy aottocw it w a bailey- op to dato uarnkss hoi all stat ceoketmm bargains kitchen aprons honsedremm porch dreaaea wash u or little boys rompers ttir utile lot infanta dresses jf son for misaca it sox for children underwear stamped goods eta mrs lhabllrsewlmacm coal beet d l w scranton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j walktas rarstetnm phone 62r24v ams meat market main street georgetown phone no 1 fresh lake trout every friday and saturday on satnriay quick delivery guaranteed specials in real estate taooo frame house on john at small deposit down sooo frame boo be on john st 5 lots 26 fruit trees to be sold at once utoo frame house and two lots in college view easy terms two brick bouses on qneen street brick cottage on mill street good location one beautiful brick house on emery street nioelj decorated cement brick house in college view to be sold at once essj terms for information apply to r j hynds insurance and real estate broker office rear of bank of hamilton 13- georgetown jmbuck bvtohee alwaya fcmpi ckua tok r th ftwmnhwab i ira balt lowest possible prices cauda food board u no 9 itofl get the best mtabushed 1672 the terms and conditions upon which vie loan money are extremely favorable to tl a boi rower we shall be glad to have a talk with anyono who can offer wptable necunly hamilton try the ice cream sundaes served at madges candy shop main street phone 214 i d c chiropractic office aailiul laboratory palmar qraduta 10 yr upuiuo office over i ostofs c conaultatlo and spinal analyala free ofpics hours tuesdajs thursdays and saturdays 2 to sand 7 to 8 pm phomojqce j5qw and residence 232 georgetown creamery intcd by the georgetown creamery for your accommodation we will be open uouday s wedues day s and saturday mghte till 10 o clock cer sold and delivered to any part of the town pbone for your loo befgre 12 o clock prompt delivery georgetown creamery co m saxe manager enamel your woodwork tthaltel makes a fta u wall as i nonkal finish used oa woodvorav k makes the room leattlarcsr has the asms effect on furniture ra as fact that cheaper wood may be used becaaas the grain is eontpmely the most eeodomlesl enamel because it goes further therefore it costs less rh thompson co georgetown ontario i t ni v runt firmi georgetowrttlour feecl mills seed corn xmproted reeublnar wteooiifdiano 7 sund white cap all 175 per bushel phone 195 wcbessey georgetown directory st georges church it lyc nu x l id 3rd sul day mam 2 i 4th hid m sunday k a u uatlna 11 a m icve neons- 1 p m su iday si haol 9 45 a n shilton walloridos dale barr atara sol cltora etin toronto and qaortauwo offlefa kennody blonk la rov dal n eharsc ot aora h o atcir barr iter sol o elr ofr e m 11 st eorgetowfc houra 9 a m to s p m often wednaaday and saturday even dr t m auboblldi physiolan and burftmn hadlcal offleor of haajta office houra 1 to 4 at 1 7 o t p m phoim u otso and h widen rat jcaln straat louth opposite fresbyurlan church dr c f w ross physic an and s rgeon m ii st ee georgetown phoi e 22 ex douse burkn racr hosp tal r watson d d s h oblea houii- 9 to s e tmaraday ajtaxaooaa p l heath lda dos dantlst oon in ltna block one door nortl r onsllla caxrlase factory hours a m to l m benj petch licensed auctioneer for halton ai d pael olenwllllaina post offlca sale oonduotad aatlalaetorlly and at rea onable rataa orders left at tba oeorsjetown herald offlee will receive prompt attention j a tract clerk towusb p of bsqufes nj clerk 3rd div a on court the lead ng f re and l fe insun km represented ofmm stewart town otil tenders wanted tendera will be rece ved by the under pied up lo june 22nd for the pa nt ng four rooms aifd one hall n the publ c scbool caorgetown for specifications and part culars apply to mr s k rk or j b mc ke zic tvthampso- secy i sb to all interested we sell and erect preston steel truss l censed and exclus ve dealers n sh nn flat avalem light n ng protect on prof w h day manager guelph if any build ng burned mm i ghtn ng after bav i it l p in be carpenter work w tl be done free of charge on new bu id ng by tbe dealer and purchase money refunded for prices pbone g sinclair a sons rr georgetown pbone 103r3 mail contract sialic timdkits addressed t tbe pos master general w ii be received at otta wa unl 1 noon on pnday the 30th june 1922 for the conveyance of h s majesty a ma is on a proposed contract for four years 6 times per week on the route nor val and gtr slat on from the lal octo- t 1922 next j- printed notices con a mng further n format on aa to cond ons of proposed may be seen and blank forms of tender may be obtained at the post ol flees pf norval and at the office of tbe post office inspector london post office inspector s office london 19tb may 1922 mb may djmi j mcliam post office inspector htrlfafe sate fan frwjserty undayt anp bv virtue of the powers conta ned n a certa n mortgage wh ch will be produced at tbe time of sale therew 11 be offered by public auct on on satardaj jmaa tba sit 1bs8 at the hour of two o clock n the after- oooi at tbe mccibbon house on the north eastarlj side of mam street n the own of georgetown by ben petch auc uneer the following property namely all and singular that certa n parcel or tract of land and premises a usle ly ng and being n the township of eaquesing n the county of halton and prov nee of ontario and being composed of lot num ber 18 n the sixth cdocess on o the aa d townsh p of esques ng there s erected on the said lands a two storey bouse con a n ng six rooms wh ch a n good rep r ilso a abed ksxso ft and a hollow t le silo 12x40 u wb ch a n good repa r there also an hydraulic ntnm piped to the buildings th a farm cools na one hun dred and forty acres of l liable land ten acres of bush and fifty acres of pasture the property will be sold subject to a mortgage to on wllum an bony to se cure the sum of 4000 00 w th merest at the rate of 6 per ent per annum from the first day of november 1921 wh ch tbe purchaser s to assume the property wil be offered for sale subject to a re serve bid fixed by the vendor terms ten per cent of tbe purchase coney lo be pa d dowrl at the time of sale and the balance to be ru d n afcorda ce w lb tbe terms then made known pnr farther particvlara a d fondrttows o wale apply to le roy dale eorgefown on tario sol curio be vendor da ed at georgetown h wenly n nth dy of may 1922 start business school this summer cuuftfnacsv vnawtoro ir aftcr hooiok a bu moons man liffbl a oikar and ju the matol tl oughtlessly into a corner of lua ofllrc near a basket a vip tor wrote the follnwidr aralirah one or kipling s best known poems if you call toss a match into a clearing and never give a thought to put it out or drop your cigarette butt with out fearing that flames may kindle in the leaves about if you can knook the ashes from jour lr r without n glanoe to see where they i uuy fall and later find tl e forest all alii where you have passed witk no one near to call if you dnvo your auto through the working and cast your utogio stub into tbe blasb up mindful of tbe danger therein lurking or homes or hapj inees that you may mmw if you cap leave your earn pf re while tia glowing no thought of industries that it may blight or of the billion saplings ua the growing turned into charcoal ere the com ing night if yon can start a fire beneath a brush pile when the wind 10 roanag like a distant grin you sorely should be jailed with out a trial and labelled las a lunatic my son cqjmry conneil milton june 6 1922 the council met at 10 80 am in accordance with call of the warden members all present the ward en in the chair the minutes of the last meeting were read confirmed communications were read as follows from hiss elizabeth appeibo womens institute to gordon home the ontario mum cipal association re convention ontario good roads association re inspection of county road aya terns association of managers of homes for aged and infirm re convention lieut col g 0 brown halton rifles with state ment of expenditareof grant for 1921 town clerk of miltou invit ing council to tractor demonstra tion and connty clerk of welling ton re boundary liqe between wellington and halton also copy of resolution passed by county council of waterloo suggest tog that the department of pnblio highways assume full cost of col ingmt inbtuifj and streetsvtlle high school for halton pupili mr bloin presented tbe fourth report of the stand rag committee on couney buildings wr heart well the fourth on special com mumcations mr morden the four th on good roads mr barber the fourth on printing and mr robin boo the third on education mr irving moved seconded by mr b reckon that the council go into committee of the whole to consider tbe reports of the various oommi ttees carried mr elliott reported reports of standing committees considered amended and approved in commit tee of the whole mr hillmer moved seconded by mr irving that the report of the committee of tho whole be adopt ed carried mr hillmer moved seconded by mr morden that by law no 469 to authorise the issrte of 59 600 debentures for the purpose of pay ing county s share of provincial highway be now read third time and signed by tbe warden and clerk carried the by law was read third time w h elliott addressed the counoil asking for improvement on the base hoe from tbe cpu traofe to the foot of tbe mountain mr hillmer moved seconded by mr breckon that the following members he a committee to equal ite the assessment for 1922 w a irving geo barber w l chisholm w n robinson j w buun h h heartwell w h morden geo hillmer and the warden and that the council do now adjourn for thirty annates carried the counoil adjourned tbe council resumed mr hampshire moved second ed by mr morden that thin coun cit do nov adjourn to meet on june 6th at 7 p m carried tbe rouncil adjourned eguaij7si ab8faflmrtt at tuesdaj evenings meeting of the count counoil tbe assess ment otthe county of halton was equal 1 ted as foliowh trafalrnr s4g44 118 f squohior 4 hl8 708 nelbon 8 063 980 naasngawfjn 1411 898 milton 668 814 oskvtlle 1g41 449 buhmgton 1290 080 georgeuya acton c 787 440 607 2o7 18 128 19s plants for mile colerj toms to cauliflower and all varieties of cabbage plants for sale at w h godfreys lueljli st until late in jolj 4t public school report following ih the public school report for may 8r iv hon narry wood mnrgaret j kennedy jennie mo doiikttll j it me h dickson phhh harol mitaulcy willie marshall harold bi llivant hdith davis gordon alcott aileen bol ger busie blleoton bruce heath sam mokenae prod spires myitis tost aileen ross alice tuck and stanley godfrey equal jack creighton bernard knight dorothy hi table jean mcgibbon and irene tost equal victor ted der rota tost and mario flock equal eileen bullivant and annie hirsohom eqosl jean allan john armstrong v grace mcmenemy iuobel wilson john mcdermid margaret c kennedy sr iir hon peatjsajte hel en lano garfield mogilvray and kathleen barnes john bock pass alice treanor marjone hrllook gordon jenkins charlie kirk margaret mcdougar and harvey king wilhelmma hynds fred hardipg claude ken tne r isabel cameron elwin o strander wilfrid breen stella sleight- holme lome cave clifford brad ley winnifred james eleanor maw charlie will son and goof frey lamb ton violet tedder 1 babel lougheed bennett arno d frank tost hazel holtnes olaf stapleton john hall luieie neisb stella coulter lome walt ers edith alcott jr iii hon joseph bolger jock evans willie knight john dilly willie king edwin hoare jack watson mane cook lloyd cole aileen groat pass herman cole ruth evansmable sparling and jack foraterwallaoe mccauley gor don spence mai si e fduntain jean bullivant and willie merntt jean watt howard vintvdonald hernngtoh roy bradley gladys hill marion plant jack harrison helen forster margaret braisby sr ii hon gertie hirscborn louise o holloran and gladys henry eleanor treanor annie freeman bert tuck and olive davis irvathompbon kathleen wnght charlie stookford made line erwin emily lucas pass vinor wright margaret wnghi prank whitmee vera to veil alex jepsan helen hilts edith legrow and marjone mo kenzie mathew bouakill joe hall ralph armstrong roy hilts p h oa gregory maud allan roy mcenery eddie fran cis jr ii hon louise buliant ray cnohton lily saunders charlie denmson reina mcenery jack armstrong george sargent loretta legrow pass edgar gregory elmer costigan edith godfrey and billy bacon harold tost nellie green jack duncan clifford blj the gordon harley vera a barker willie roney willie vint george chaplin minnie sargent fred green edith tost frank rosso robert reeve jack davison ivan wright book i hon pearl blair jack maolaren edna glass flora alcott elisabeth brookes evelyn ashmoro tilhe hirscborn lois bntler jim evans ethel marsh all josephine hioksy martha graham aileen hamilton a toy sins bolger stanley allen pass helen harding lily huggins earl hilts harold dav id son margaret green willie chaplin raymond bridges jean merntt walter mcgi ih vary roy ward jessie hill fraser minims harold ritchie willie ritchie florence brandford john mc cauley form i a a honors mar garet deoibon lou vain woods equal jean bacon isabel thomp son equal helen brown aileen glass irons mulholland manon treanor equal mary reeve alma thompson alan mcdonald jim robs equal irene castle rukse firestine equsi stafford plant jack smith equal eleanor but u ant florence green pass ethel barker irene hall bob houngan bruoe mckenste m ait land wilson equal rose poile frank dew hurst o mar diggins kathleen dale vol ma 0 strander jack saunders frank green jim sargent brock rosso a class jean mcallister ar thur hilts earl marobment al fred davidson elsie carter form i b primary hon nellie scrymgeour jack hillock fthel spenoe munel wnght haxel barnes ethel smith irene feller alva willson josephine heath ernest alcott alice walk er helen mcdonald ella blythe catherine dilly daid saxe eileen costigan pass manon stock ford flod hilts brock harley mary arnold i m whitmee rathcameron may tedder lawrenoecole artijur thompson percy saxe helen he allister wilbert bradolj hnrrj wnght maasaaatb gardaa party a garden party under tbe auspi oes of st joseph s church actons two nights 1 wednesday and thursday june 14th and 15th in tbe suburban park on suburban railway by auto via crowson s c o rners basebal i wonderful concert talent acton band and orchestra in attendance dane rag floor admission 60c every admission ticket a chance on tl grand priss th1mk rioht as a man tl inketh in h h i iiirt so is lie think smiles and vmilos h1 nil bo think doubt and hopi will 11 e think love and love will gro think hateahd huu ou ii know think good and good is here think vice its jaws appear i think joy and joy ne or ends think gloom and dusk descends think faith and faiths at hand think peace subline and sweet and you that peace will meet think fear with brooding mind and failure s close behind think this i m going to win t think not what has been think victory think i can i then you re a winning man epidemiology ol gou if you ask the averago layman wbo plays gott what he thinks of it aa a game he will probably say it s groat or it beats anything else in the world or words to that effect all this is very true and has been said a million times and therefore it isrefrasbing to get it handed out to us a little differently once in a while j a scott well known in the golf ball industry who went to panama recently on a visit came across what might be termed the epedemiology of gou it ap peared in modern hospital and was written by a physician in thlt canal zone after a careful perusal of the article one feels that the safest coarse to pursue is to agree with the doctor it has been estimat ed that after a certain length of time in that wonderful climate they do get that way the article reads as follows golf is a chronic mourable dis ease occurring in all climates at all ages but most often among males in the fourth decade and characterized by alternate periods of mental elevation and depres sion the disease is ushered id by an acute myalgia of the mus cles of tbe trunk extremities and delusions of wealth as evidenced b t mis pu bags clubs and balls in the initial stage there is a marked change in the vocabulary and ap parently meaningless words such as toe lie maohie bunkers and so on are need id the chrome stage there is a settled and prevailing profanity toal l tbodi is oh ar- aotsnzed by the loss of the eqna tonal midriff generalbardeningof the musculatore tanning ot the face and forearms and general id crease in the coordination of brain eye and muscle a marked irritability alteroaied by periods of beau tit ate is to be noted in cases of long standing the dis ease ib most violent on sundays holidays and convention periods although associated with insect life golf is spread by intimate contact with in thffchron 10 stage a sub variant known as chin golf is recognised golf appears to have bad its birth in holland and numerous pictures depicting its victims putting at a stake set in the mid dte of the ice are still extant it is believed that these represent merely the hibernating form of the malady the stake is still used in different form introduced m scotland by sail ing vessels it bpread rapidly in spite of many legislative acts and formed there an epidemic focusf which has never been eradicated thence tt spread into england forming several virulent subfoci one of the most active still re maining at blankheath also fam ous for ita highwaymen the con nectioo between the two has never been established delegates to the forthcoming convention of the american hospital association are warned that west baden is one of the most virulent subfoci n this country modern transportation has help ed tbe distribution of golf round the world at first gaining entrance to the larger centres whence it has travelled out to tbe more sparsely settled districts thus from an urban disease it has grad ually became metamorphosed into an affliction of town and couutry alike this spread cannot be vtewed with other than alarm by those engaged in the public health and hospital fields a disease that may attack both boxes at all ages which reduces the morbiditj and morality rates which promotes longevity and de lays senility strike to the roots of the hospital and health work livelihood worst of all all repressive measures seem futile the clergy has preached against it as an enem of church attend anoe business men have realized that thej most either give up golf rbumcsb nd hare sacrificed tbe latter poets bae raved over the fact that nothing will rhyme r it et- it crept forward m idioubtj ftttackior all with whom comes into contact one armed men hate succumb ed to it advertisements for arti ficial limbs now show a central figure jnst about to smite a drive and as for the collar and shaving soap ads what would they do without golf t women no longer oxpfoisp with a crochet noedle and a box of chocolates instead the wield mastic and abuse tbe careless caddie yes golf has come lo stay and relief can on1 be gained by submitting to the in itable infection

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