Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 14, 1922, p. 3

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the okobobtowu brbau junk nth i9ss foolish saving a penny saed is not always a penny earned sometimes it is two pennies lost the merchant who upends noth ing on advertising loses much more than he saves the money spent foi plate glass windows is not looked on as lost nor is the money spent on better interior lighting anything thatnncreases favor that adds to sales thai multiplies customers is very properly regarded as a good investment advertising is a good investment just as plate glass windows are advertising sells more goods to more persons than shopwindows do a word to the public do you resent having a merchant ad dices his message to you in the form of an advertisemet in our columns on the contrary is not youj- impulse to re spond to his friendly overtures shop where you are invited to shop issued by canadian weekly newspapers association clearing summer millinery v new radio and other summer millinery at low prices gaged at st durtl olotnew b hospital to i urse the elck and per torn men tal work from that time nurses were un t ruined until the doctors at the new york hospital btxan to lecture them on ac lint be cleanness in 190 meaner at ttataerwertfa ger- mai y opened the drat scientific train ins school fo n iraes in 1b36 flor ence nightingale was trained at hit establishment and introduced hie methods into this country misses claridge herald block main st jthei vo latiana western swayy canada tbkhbwaoots wlimipeo saskatoon prince rupert brahdoh caloart vancouver regina ephohtimi victoria choice of routes umtetesa4pa daily statay vsmnirlha bar and cochiam- car toronto to wiawpag on 5r3 sad fnokya va wftfc standard ai dniaicu f it wnaaipa lor aq pants wee v canadian rational railiuaqs imthk hih km i itkhs trmtlr nti ry i naulltul 1- 1 isabel if austria ii marital aunvrliiks of the b9m p b hlmbelli uf amlrln cuimort of th lau francls joseph wortf pro loi xed mui ioiki ant josepl haled i is wife fro n the n oineut flv week aflir their marriage when nhe dls c v r d mb li ii 1 lilies hllsabett bald t i a friend ii irly yearn later s tl etllu k snutiped wlthli u v wlw i i ki cw ut my i ubbuud was not all thai i i u nit hi wu and 1 have in- v or been th sani since s kru cu joseph did i ot adopt 10 br in met i ods of ki g ferdinand ot bulkurla wl en if wished to display 1 1h dlbplpua re towards hit wife lit was ii on r- lined hut uoue tin lean cruel hu insisted that nhe should baerve the iron etiquette of tt e wanted to see her babies ultimately on tie advice of the court phyalcliui he gave way a little but even wlrtst the visit took place it was not the- case of nappy little children welcoming their mother with cries of delight what actually hap pened was quite different first the royal govern had the children dressed in stiff ceremonial clothes and then drilled in the way they were to receive their mother on the appearance of the empress the tiny tots who under he austrian aya turn of education had no chance to be human aim ply bo wed as though they were ldrly courtlera no wonder fllaabeth refused to take part in the absurd ceremony inure often than was absolutely ne- cesaary it a tokened her to think that she could i ot fondle nor own babies and that almost from the day of their birth they were strangers to- her orad tally elisabeth avoided her uubband particularly after he tried to set her shut up in a lunatic aay lum now and then ane would stand by hia side at a reception but finally she left him to find consolation in the curtain to this miserable royal domestic drama came down at oe neva on september 10 1s98 ellin beth was walking along the quay leading to the landing stage at ge neva where the steamer was await ing her when an anarchist named lucchenl sprang at ber and drove a shoemakers awt into her heart the poor woman staggered but managed to keep her feet ai d only wnen she eaehed tl e ht earner did she alt down then she asks what is it the wub dead ltct nunto in hlhtiry the word nurse 1b derlvid from the latin and means to nourish there 1b no reference to a sick nurse in the blbk although numer ous children a n iraes are mentioned fablola tl e u at nurse recorded to history was a roman woman who established a hospital and con vales cent home for the poor after her conversion to christianity about a d 380 shu inaugurated a society of rlcl women and had thcra trained ne sick nurses nurses who are addressed aa sls ter on aqngunt or the old religious traditions asaoclut d with their work lost their professional dignity in ie44 wle hew gulf stream mystery recent investigations in britain in connection with the herring industry have disclosed the fact that the atlantic la invading the north sea working frti toweatoft up the coast roughly to spi bm tfr on a course straight across the sea 200 miles n b north ot the dogger the scientists took at intervals ot 10 miles samples of the wnter tayera from the surface to the bottom and found that there was a quite abnor mally large amount of atlantic water in the deeper parts of the sea and at the jume time an unus a de ficiency of coastal water which la ascribed to the very low rainfall atlantic water is detected by its high degree ot salinity its temperature and the constitution of its plankton which la the minute life animal and vegetable that forma the food of ashes the cause of this huge inflow of atlantic water la not known the sclent lata have no doubt that the her rings have been affected in aome way by tbe phenomenon but what has happened to the herrings tn certain parts of the north sea has not yet been discovered flahlnc with spider weba the largest spiders in the world are found in new guinea and their webs are ao strong that they are used by the natives as fishing nets these spider are very energetic and spend most of their lives in spinning weba the mesh is about an inch square at the outside and narrows to about an eighth of an inch at the centre tbe strands are quite unaffected by water natives use an ingenious method of getting the spiders to make nets for them at one end ot a jong piece or bamboo a loop is made about six feet across the bamboo la placed where spiders are known to abound and it is not long before the crea tures bave filled in tbe loop with a web brief prorog wbat you marry my daughter why you re too young wait until you are a little older very well art j 11 come again nex week doherty stoves and ranges second hand manure spreader mower bqrriqs maplo leaf grinder beattybroa hay truck cars and sling s melotte cream separator haobine oil axle grease s b groat office phone m8w rdaidencf 292 oeobgetown the silk worm and his product canadian pfejifioilmuvsr emprfe of fissisv japan hu a mouopuly of the a ik industry of the orient the jap ansae bave achieve 1 this irlui ph i the result of an early apprec at on of the value of organise un anil sla dardising and by reason of their ik 1 li tbe obief japanese export the silk worm therefore the spe cial pet and pride of the j span en people and all thought and care dt voted to making his surrounding such as will conddce to hi comfort health and happiness this is no light task at least 4 000 jeara of breeding for aijk alone has told op h r probably once rob tut const tut on an 1 the silk worm is now a temperamental little fellpw itfdject to demtalutit epidemics and greatly n flu en red i atmospheric oh an go of an unfriend nature it ta only fa r to av how ever that while with us ho devoti us little mind entirely to bus nen- and waste not one of the compare lively few momenta granted hln i this life he cornea into the worl 1 as a tiny pink egs accompanied h five or six hand red brothers end sin ters and for a fen day rents in th dark of small tray a covered iv tl paper in which tiny holer are mad on emerging from tbe egg his atle lion u attracted hv tbf f right lijflii of these pin holen he climbs p enquire ntiat they mean and nor n his way through them fnln hin betrayed into a world of to 1 and tro bis as manv a bun an being baa bee and will continue to he aa long n bright llgbtn glow m oolv h ng he bring with b f a first clnii appet te and the mul berry he loves muat be chosen with tender care n onfler to work up hi strength to tbe task nf producing fine strand of ailk for alout month he deinte h r cot re attention meals wjhickamount to a practical continuous performance with the ception of three or four short periods during wkieh he changes h a nktn to one that more comfortably onfonna to his fast increasing bulk vt the times care ib taken to keep h m frcm disturbing no i mm altlicnigh modern writers on the subject do not state that he is inspired to greater effort by mnsic served with his mealr if not it u perbapt because on en tal ua c would more favor distraction ban the contemplative calm moat conducive to the silk worm task of itting on weight having beoome a full grown silk arm he seta abont the serious bust ness of life the spinning of the en oon and e ght to twelve a uedred con nitqus yards of silken thread th a nkes three or fonr days and in moat rases his life shortly afterwards ends n hot wafer as might be expected of ne so early showing a predilection for bright 1 gbts the hot water en nblee the ik farmer to easily unwind he cocoon into a skein of gloss rolden colored raw iillk all ready for he mill a few of bis relations are piehv i ut to carry on the gnod work bill ten for these life has few joys it a long sleep of sevetai mostas an ti erg ng from the coooon as a winged oth that cannot fly and the iromed le sett ng about the business of lav g another five or au hundred tiny ggs when hat supreme task la com doted tbe 1 itle ufa goes out p nbly tired of a world in which moat the fun hna to be got out of eatiag but tl e s ik it leaves uvea on and ts first few weeks of life are swift there are doxen pro of wind ng washing weaving and coloring through which it muat go an j the leas time that these processes jtke he better a train load of silk repre- ntercst on ts alue and the pre m uina on ts insurance total np tie pi lousry that is whv every effort a i ale to get the finished product nto the dealers hands at the earieet possible scord d n thp i ruu ahipmea japanto new york wa mlk fron japanfo new york was re cently made by thwc p e oa april i the canadian pacific steaxoer bmpreas of buasia left yokoaaxba inrrying m her cargo 3000 balsa of silk far net york two mlmrm later tbe bay state another paei fc i ner left a m earby dock with t5w bales of silk bound foe tie same destination it was a nee serosa the pae fie occeui and the axaanean continent and silk and shippiaw saea of two continents watched f or tie re ull on amal at vanoouvei tkc emprens of russia silk was placed on a special train which was ordered to make all possible speed tn now york the silk waa delivered there nt s so p m hav 12 while te cargo of th s 8 bav state was d llvered 7 30 am afay 13 tbe oaaa dian paeif c through time fron toko hama to new york having baea 82 hours and 1 minute faster then that of the rival 1 ne and a record w tween these two points was tin ea jibllshed despite the fact oat it aa a 17 ear train the time eonsimed let ween vancouver and preaoott oa tano was only 3 dayb 17 boors aad 37 minutes cana la fastest tecalar pasaenger train is the rpe traaa canada limited which n montreal to tancouver tn 92 hoars and from toronto to vanoouver la 88 hours leavuig both cities dairy ta bipptng of una silk has defiaisely settled the rapretnaey of tbe ceaaos rout aa tbe quickest to and fron the orient and means jnueh to the fntnrr trade of canada ji it pays to advertise in the herald the reliable mclaughlin buick transmission is a feature of the mclaughlinbuick master four the same quietly operating depend able transmission that has been so pronounced aueature of the mc- laughhnbuick six is employed in the mclaughhnbuick four the design is the sameythe quality is the same only in size is there any difference every part of the remarkable line of mclaughhnbuick fourcylinder cars is as distinctly mclaughhn- buick as if the name were stamped upon it and back of every mclaughhn- buck car is the skill and experience of 20 years combined with unparal- elled manufacturing equipment fa cilities mclaughlin cars a built not merely assembled in canada au cook garage mill street georgetown llbt ok pkiekft koit lucky adaflbhion tlckkth si josephs picnic and garden parly suburban park near acoi june 14 15 olllltlrn pionio wetacifeyaflawm jut li pribh pair of ruonidr shoon at qib- beu s 8 hoe store box of candy tor rihh baseball for boy a oabdbn pabtv junk htu pair of shoes at liarribon a 8b og store mouth a pane to rex theatre goorgotawo or wonderland acton boljot candy garden paety jitns ictii oho toe of article at symon a hardware store so lbs of sugar box of cigars cojal wood on hand all the time best scrahtoh coax oarant4n iimxmd john ballantine oeoeoetowh teaming and cartage prompt attention to all orders for any kinds of teaming and cart age piano and furniture moving contract work a specialty norman snyder palm garden lunch rooms meals served at mil hours xee cremijl fruit oonfeeflonery nv full idne ot tobaoooi cicaxra and cigarettes all ph orders delivered h vfticaiicy jim shnllhk bil standard anthracite scranton coal ira all sizes aotonmtioally sozeenbd and loaded coal wood select lamp for domestic and thrashing purpoeea smithing and cannel coal in fact i carry everything to be found in an uptodate coal and wood yard john y mcdonald georgetown r mountain teacher op hawiian music will be at mr n brown a real denoe main ut georgetown on bcondaay afternoon and evenixak off each week for terms and fall particulars call at studio hawiian instrtunents for sale jhsmith stewarttown phone 84 r 3 old reliable dealer in wire penr ng fancy and plain oaten and parte of all kinds always on band m bave a largo quantity of hails which i will deliver any length at reasonable pfciee j h smith stewarttown destroyingjmstmd how to let kid of a very un welcome weed iron niilplate will oft hausfaruon lrn 4ulllvallon will kraril ulc ilia liter aiiiplon or i iwi fitting lite hi rue d liar follqrli k la a continuation o last wtfk dinr hbiun on ths bst melh ds ut iliatroylns certain wcrds aftoctlnr ontario arms tuiraylns ulth iron bulpliate to prs veut miulard from itoedlna in otmi croph x iran sulphate or oopperaa can be abccvbatully uoerd to destroy mystard h htn ling grain wltbout injury to 1 rirallon of solntlon a 10 p r cent solatlon should be applkd tt is can be prepared by dlssuiiii an p ui ds ol iron sulphate in forty tail s of water iron aul pi atu ib dissolved quite readily in cold water tl solution should bo atraii d tt r ukl a cheuse cloth as it ib pit ti to it spray puuip tank this will retnov dirt and am nil par ticles una axt apt to dm thn op tales tloia to apply apply on a calm clear day juqt aa o0h as the first few plants in tho flelda show oowtrs it ib very in portant to spray tasty if tl planla aro loft too lonb the trfatuici t is not nvariy so fftctivb tf a heavy rain conies within twenty tour 1 ours after the solution is appllsd it will be micpasarj to spray again how to apply the solution an ordinary hand pump barrel sprayer such aa is employed to spray rrult trees may be used or a potato sprayer can be igged up to do this work many of tbe uptodate spray era hare a special broadcast attach ment for spraying weeds these are excellent for large areas as they co er a wide atrip at each round care must be taken to see that every mustard plant is covered witb the solution in the torm of a una spray the results of tbe ten years co operative experiments show tbat mustard may be prevented from seed ing la oats wheat or barley by spray inf with a twenty per cent solution of iron sulphate without any aer lous injury to the standing crop or to tbe fresh seedlnga of clover j hl howttt o a- college guelpb method or cultivation porbe eradi cation of bladder campion or cow bell badly inf eat ed fields should be ploughed deeply in tbe fall and then cultivated and crotja cultivated with a broad scared cultivator in order to break up and weaken the under root stocks in tbe spring this cultivation should be repeated frequently enough to prevent the plant making any growth above ground until it la time toput intatioearctop which mustbe kept thoroughly clean in order to be effective a well cared for corn crop planted in hills so that it can be cultivated both way a has been found to give excellent results special attention muat be given to hoeing out aay bladder campion plants which may appear in the corn croa and which are not destroyed by cul tivattoo one fallanil one sprin a thorough cultivation followed by a well cared for hoed crop haa been found to destroy practically all the bladder campion in a held except in exceptionally wet seasons j b howltt- flttlna tbe bone collar b an art much trouble results on the aver age farm each year from sore shoulders on horses caused by the improper fitting of collars and im proper adjustment of names the collar should 0t the shoulder so that in length there is just room for the hat of one s hand between the collar and tbe neck at the bot torn in width tbe collar should at snugly against the aides ot tbe neck from a point three inches aanve the shoulder point to a point about bait way u to tbe top of tbe heck the upper onetblrd to onehalf of the collar should be wide enough to allow one to pasa the thick of the hand between the collar ad the side of the neck if the upper part of the neck la thick a quarter sweeney or half sweeney collar should be used so as not to pinch tbe neck k collar too wide at the top will pro duce a sore neck on account ot side motion of the collar as the borae walk sweat pads should be avoided aa they hold the heat and sweat and produce a tender shoulder often causing a galled condition the hamea should be adjusted ao aa to bold the collar snugly against the aides of the neck and so as to bring the line of draft right angle to te face of the shoulder as nearly aa possible the collar should be kept clean by washing wttb a damp cloth each night whea it is removed from the shoulder washing the shoulder each evening with cold salt water will help to toughen the skin and prevent should er gall bank backs better balls better bulls bucks and boars build bigger bank balances saja the first national bank of bend ore and to prov4 it they bought an 1800 rambouluel ductt and 74 purebred itamboulllet fwoi to distribute among shfepiuen in ventral oregon the first puntbred sheep in deschutes vulcanizing tires lor sale al sines of tire tubes bepairod cord tirea a specialty f h- butterfield opp rex theatre geoetown

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