Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 14, 1922, p. 6

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j f bylaw no f ji x ilstafflr f frrt t llicnr- isslr t j 1 a by law to ralsa by way of lo um hipi of tan thousand dollars lo assist bj way of boon raymond h thompson of iba town of gaorgolown in the county of hal too rurdwara marchant and ceorgo cloava of lbs tpwniup of eaqnaama in iba county of hal ton armor who aro to incorporate a company undar tlw law of lb province of ontario toe georgetown av provided for in an copy wharaof ja sat forth in tba scnoclala benynto annoxod mad mark4 a wilkufab tuc hutil kaymunil ll thommhii uinl jirtcc cleave liuvc m plled ti iw municipal curporatiuii f the town of eorgeluis n for a loan of cfcii ih m mi 11 u dollars upon the sc curitj n 1 lmirtr ifc on land liere- itiaftrr iim ribnl and to bo pur- hsactl in tin mliu corporation and up- urtli lhl f inr humlrrtl nul u t llirntr mirth ranter it mil u irallc i lin street u illilmur f frt feet hrnrr mirth wrtrrl nr rtntit anirlr tub qeobobtown qkhald junh nth 1022 the i nil n nlli five feel rij xtreet tllstnnr nrlh f wyln fin- feer to hie nl 11 khali he hupiiltnl tn from tlir c urn rn irkii ay at em free nf prriikl i ten venrs llir first dav of january 1931 kmalu paurd jv nn iffirtmllv itr uf three quarter tif nil thr mem bers of hip nrll ih- 1w5 mm taxes except fur sclitfnl purposes and local iiuffrovouicnts which arc other wise vtfiure fully act out in an agreement made between the said ray tuond 11 lhomjison gcorgfc clcaic luid- the mid uurpocatlna hranrug date the twentieth day of may ittm fur uic purpose uf aiding the said itaymonu ii ihotnpaun and george cleave or the company which the said parties propose to have incorporated under the laws of the province of ontario ob set out in sold agreement to pur chase nnds in the said corporation of georgetown und erect thereon on arena for the purpose of skating curling hockey and other amusements and entertainments and wherkab the said agree- lucnt contains a clause that the same is to be superseded immediately after the incorporation of the proposed com pany by an agreement between the cor poration and the proposed compan when incorporated to the effect of the said agreement and whereas the said municipal be necessary for said purposes to is sue debentures uf the said municipal corporation for the sum of sioooo and wjiekkab for the purpose aforesaid it will be necessary to issue debenture of the said- municipality tor the tun of ten thousand dollars the proceeds of the said debentures to bet applied to the purposes aforesaid and to no other and whkreas it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time and to- maka t principal of the said debentures repayable by respective amounts bat the amount payable in each year for principal and interest in respect of the said debentures shall be equal to the amount payable in each of the other years of the said period as is hereinafter mentioned and wllehkab the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said municipality exclusive of local provement debts secured by special sessmeau u 37499 44 of which no part of the principal or interest u in r- and whereas the whole rate able property of the said municipality liable to be rated for the said purpose irrespective of any future increases in the snme according to the last revised assessment roll is 936560 therefore the municipal council of the town of georgetown enacts as follows t 1 that the said agreement here unto annexed and marked a is here by ratified and confirmed 2 that it shall and may bcjawfnl for the corporation of georgetown to loan to the said raymond h thomp son and george cleave or a company which the said parties propose to have incorporated the sum of ten thousand dollars as by way of bonus in aid of cjaidrjmond jj lugmjiqjljtftd schedule a memorandum of agkp mf vi made in trlplicatr ii lis ihiructh day of may a d 19s2 between hie municipal corpora hon uf the lown of georgetown hereinafter called the corporation of the first par and raymond ii liiomlbos of the iwn uf georgetown in m county 11 niton merchant and george cleave of the township of bsuueslng in the count of hal ton fanner here utter culled the 1artlcs of be scion d part v hkitlab the parties o the sec ond 1urt desire to build un arena in the said- tu of o and tunc agreed with the said corpora tioo to incorporate a company for the purpose of building said the condition that the dittons- stipulations and provisoes set uut in the agreement hereunto cd nftd marked a 8that for the purpose mentioned in ure preamble there shall be borrow ed on the credit of the said corpora tion the sunt of ten thousand dollars and debentures shall fafissucd there for in sums of not icsftitan one nun drcd dollars each payable in the man ncr and for the amounts and at the times set forth in paragraph four 4 that the said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of fire and onehalf per cent- per annum having coupons attached for payment of such interest and shall all bear the snuie date and shall be issued within two years after the dale on which this bylaw is passed and may bear any late within such period two years and shall be j able at the hank of montreal george town ontario within twenty years next after the date when they shall be issued and the respective amounts payable in each of such years shall be as follows car orporatloo grant by way of loan of the sum of ten housand dollars upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and iciiipl the property of the said com in from all municipal taxation ex pt hchool taxes and local improve- rnt taxes for a period of ten years mid also to supply the said company ilh water from the corp rations wa r works system free of charge for a period of ten years now therefore this indentur jtncsscthifcat in consideration of thi premises and respective covenants hereinafter made by the said parties each with the other it is hereby cov en anted and agreed by and between the parties hereto their respective heirs executors administrators suc cessors and assigns as follows 1 that the parties ol the second part agree that they will after the passing of the bylaw hereinafter men uoncd take steps to procure the indor sation under the laws of ontario of ijmitcd company and that the au thorixed capital is to be not less than fvelvc thousand dollars for the pur- po o a town of georgetown described as fol lows part of lot number nineteen in the ninth concession of the township of ksqucxidg in the county of helton now in the said town of georgetown and may be more particularly described a follows thst is to sayi commencing at the easterly angle or the lands of one james m buck of the said town ofgeorgctown butchsr which are situate on the north westerly side of john street in said town thence sou uf- westerly along the north westcrlv limit of john street a dis tance of one hundred and forty feett thence north westerly st right angles tn john street a distance of one hun dred and sixty feet thence north east erl v and parallel to john street a distnnce of forty feett thence north estcru at right angles to the last icntloned street a distance of seventy five feet thence northeasterly and parallel to john street a distance of nnr hundred feet then re south easterly n distance of two hundred and thirty five feet to the place of beginning and for erecting an arenn thereon 3 the partleoi th s p interest principal lotal ssoo 00 xh6 t9 836 71 s3 22 302 4l h36 is 61 so 31b 21 836 78 600 os 336 77 s96 7s 481 hu ms 29 886 71 461 b6 874 s3 836 71 441 8s 390 44 836 71 419 60 417 19 846 71 396 65 440 14 836 71 arc 44 464 w 886 79 348 911 489 89 886 711 319 96 516 83 836 79 54s 36 836 7s 361 6s sts 24 636 79 229 i 606 88 836 79 196 s3 640 s6 836 78 161 33 sts 47 836 71 124 17 712 63 836 7 7si 81 836 71 43 63 793 16 s36 79 s thai for uic purpose of paying the said instalments of principal and interest as tltr same fall due respec- litel during the said twenty years bring the currency of the said deben tures therr hall be levied and raised in each year by a special rate snfi dent therefor on all the rtetble property in the said municipality thr sum of eight hundred and thirty sis and 79- ion dollars nt th and in the snmr manner a general ratr 6 each of the said debenture shall be signed b the mayor of the said town of georgetown or b some other person authorised by b law of lh said municipality to sign the same and b the treasurer of the said town voupons shall be signed b the ti nrrr of thr said muniripafity and his mghature rus be printed starnped li thographed or engrossed 7 that for a period of ten jean u be computed front the flml day ol june 1923 or for so long onlj during h period as the said company hall ike no default in carrying out u term pro istoni and condluons of thr aid agreement the land to be pur- rhasrd and hereinafter described and the arena to be erected thereon shair be exempted from all municipal taxa tinn except from school taxes or from local improvement taxes the land of the said compan t t be pnrchascd and to be exempted from taxation as aforesaid under this bylaw trmr be known and described aa fol inws that hi tn wn conrmrnclng at the eaxfrly nsnrlr nf the unou of one jasnea h wmk of the said tow of 3corfctw drer which are situate iid i rrieduig p ir igr iil in mid mi rtjlgr khill 1 r linn if till nurrr h both purlieu nd form jiurt mill 11 r hll kn i ii sural during applicable inrhtdrd in uild i nirtgaxe llir i ii li r t j eggs wanted tor cash hikiiohl prid pun lor fti li ogk lit furnvutitt diiiun irnoi john ntid vtrtortn ntrrrttn iroii town itlng froi id ciiuony t mid tlnt tho tilnl the impoilcd cldisildli kilwinning jock m h h oe nd ltd i ir vtlrvht crvrr n1l gigc estrroi 7 in ciilihldlriitiun of the foregi itlg fovenutith the corporulion sgrecs to lo lit to the auld cmitpuny when in loriiurited the mini uf len thousand dnllim upon tie ufiiiu and uiiditloni hen in tontutned n i he- curpurutiun further iigreeh itml it will submit to the duly qui ficdrntepo cm of the -uold- iown- gcurkdown fur the purpose uf tninlng tlicir cimscnt by luw to n ty otis iigrcciuent arid to- authorise bin nid corpor itiun to raise the nuim uf ten ttiuushiid dollars and issue debrn tures ihenfor for uic purposes ufnrt bald and if so upproved to finally puh the said ijj law 9 ihut it will pay the suld com pun uie suld sum of lcn thuusa d du iium after the by law has been up proved by the suld duly qualified rate puyers uf the suld lown of george town and finally paused by the cutio cil uf uic said corporation and the mortgage aforesaid given to the said corporation said sum of lcn thousand dollars to be placed tu the tredit of uic said corporation in the dank of montreal georgetown ontario and to be payable tu the tuld company us aoun us the arena is completed i he said couipany lo produce satisfactory expenditure vouchers on uic said ar ena if required so to do by the said corporation ll uic corporation further agrees thut for u period of ten yean to be computed from the first day of jan uarj 1w3 or for so long only during mich period us the said company shall tuukc nu default in carrying uut the terms provision und conditions of the said agreement the land to be pur chased and hereinafter described and the arena to be erected thereon shall be exempted from nil municipal tuxu tlun except from school tuxes or from total improvement tuxes ihe lunds uf the suld company tu be vurchased und to be exempted from taxation is foresaid under this by law may he known und described us follows i 1urt of lot number ib in the ninth concession of the tbwnship of eftcura ing in the county uf ilalton now in the said lown of oeorgetuwn und limy he more particular drwrlbed us follows that is to sayi the custrrl nngl shoe repairing for bcwnn work- und uili grade ropturft this ih tho only shop id town fully equipped m oludidr hti toner wun b mill hcw on from twenty 16 thirty puiru of ho i ob per hour fsntn n maii noe to ft thfokneuh of of nn im li und pohitivnly uuiminbecd i buy tlic oryboktrci i cnntonrwtotl and oft tor ui ihkij uriuin iintl ilni f tradp j don t wiihiioph ho it hiy you to hac jour rcphlrit hliojiof thin idnd xikm od himnu follow d tin same bince 1 805 i imderwthiifi lint i know about it ja ballantine hours sam to 610 daily 7pm saiurdny work culled for and delivered system rox s46 phone 256w ihe lands m uuck c further undertake and agree thi snld company will when incorporated and will before calling upon the cor poration tn pay over to the said com panv any portion of the loan herein after referred to acquire the said land and will erect the said arena at a cost ht approximately twenty thpu and dollars 3 the parties of the second part further undertake and agree that the said company will erect an arena on the said lands costing at least the sum of twenty thousand dollars and will hae the same in operation by the first day of january 1923 or within mich further time as may be allowed bv the said corporation 4- tle parties of the second part further undertake and agrefc that the snid company will repay to the said corporation the amount of the said loan of ten thousand dollars with in tercst at the same rate as the said cor poration is lequirecvlo pay to obtain the money and the said loan is to be repaid wuhin twenty years from the date that the said money u loaned hy the smct corporation to the said bhf posed company and principal and in tercst to be combined and payable in twenty equal successive annual inataj ments of the amount to pay off the bond issue of the said corporation to obtain the said loan of ten thousand dollars the first of such combined pay ments of principal and interest become due and be paid one year from the date of the mortgage hereinafter mentioned s the parties of the second pm fnrther undertake and agree that they will before calling upon the corpora tion to paj over to the proposed com mm onj portion of the loun herein before mentioned have all pronr trnn ten of land plant and equ liter to the said corporate it for the said loan of ten thousand dollars and interest as aforesaid and as security for the performances of all covenants and agreements stipulations and provisoes hereinafter contained on the part of the said parties of the se cond part a mortgage to the said gor porn tinn upon the said lands and pre mises building and equipment and upon all other fixtures plant and equipment placed or erected upon the satd lands or premises tn connection a 1th the said arena tree from all dow er lienk charges and encumbrance of anv nature or kind and upon nit tmlid logs plant and equipment that may be subsequently erected or brought upon thr ssm premises daring the currency of thr told mortgage and the snld lands buildings and equipment iird plant in be of the value of twenty two thousand dollars the said mnrt gage to rontajn mch encensntjr as un usually contained in a mortgage made in pursuance of the short forms of mortgages act and such further cov en dots as the said corporation shall deem advisable for the security there bv intended quiet possession on de fault freedom from encumbrance fur ther assurance that nn art has been done to encumber the said lands in ranrr to the extent of their full in rattle vat tie in dollars currency of lawful money of canada on the budd ings plant and equipment on the nrort gaged premises release from all claims in b jeer to the provisoes for repay ment a power of sale on default for months on one months notice riling and until defau1tthc mortgagors to have quiet and the provisoe lovsk thr snld lown of georgetown dutch which nre situate on the north westerly side of john street in sntd tuwn thence south westerly along the north westerly limit of john street n dls hundredand forty feet thence north westerly nt ylght nngtcs john strret a distance of one hun drcd arid slxtv feet thence north ly and parallel to john street a distnnce of forty feet thence north westerly nt rlght nngles to the lost mentioned street a dlstirncc nf scicnty flic feet thence northeasterly und parallel to john strret a distnnce of one hundred feet llicnrc south east erlv a dlstnnrc nf two hundred un thlrtyfhe feet to the plnrr nf hr- klnntng and 1iif cortpotlation further ugrees that if nftrr providing for the requirements of its domestic ipftioi mdftrr i t t exist in contract for water of which the corporation shall br the sole judge the corporation has an available supply nf wat fur the purpose it supplv to thr company for the use operation or the said arena such quanttu as nnly br required by it fi time tn time free of charge and it is further understood and agreed between the parties hereto that wherever either of the parties hereto nre referred to such reference shall when the context so allows be derated 1 1 include and extend tn and bi bind ing nn heirs executors administrator successors and assigns of each of thi snld parties in wjtnkss whereof the parties hereto of the tint part have hereunto set their hands and seals and thr snld corporation has hereunto nf fixed its corporate seal and the hands of the mnvnr and clerk of the said municipality gboroi ckksve raymond h thompsoi signpd sealed dei iverfd in thepresenee of john h thompson take the town of george town to be sob ml t ted to the votes of the electors on the third day of july 1922 between the hours of nine oclock in the forenoon and five o clock in the afternoon alihe town hall in the said tjwn of oeorgetoi and that the twentrfxtr d of june 1922 at five ojwk in afternoon nt the town hall in the snld municipality has been fixed for thr appointment of persons tn attend at thr snid polling place and at the final siiliimlng up of the votes by thr clerk and thnt if the assent of tire electors ik obtained to the satdpropns rtl by law it will be taken into consideration by the municipal coun ell of the sold corp nl n meeting thereof to be held nftrr the explrntlnn of one month the date of the first publication of thin notice and that such first publication of this notice w made on the thirty first day nf mf a d 1922 f l huath clerk tnkr antice further that a tenn ah desires to lote upon the snld pi pohrd b la mint deliver t the clerk nt inter than the tenth dsij oetorrlhr dm appointed for taking the vote n declaration under thr cnnndn ftl drhec art thnt hr is n tenant wbnw lcnr extends for the time for which the debt or uobllitv is to br created oi ih bieh the money to be mined b the prukiscd by law is payable or for nt lrnt twenty one venrs and that hr hm h the lenir r tenanted lo pn nil municipal tnurs in respect of thr pmprrtv of hich he is tenant other thnniloenl improvrmyit ratrs bargilis in smm4 hus fara hsemwry 4 second hand ateel tifetlop boggic t inam wngoo 1 n tirei 1 fordaon tt actor and jlow i 1020 til an tractor interna lional i 8 h p international gas eng on irvcksi i 6 hp rtlnon engui on trucks 1 3 i 2 hp cilaon rngnwrt i iv m m ngine 1 verity imjr furrow ri plow second ha disk drltia i mow t cut deertng several good work homes 1tolllima rfcrval t w w roe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 6s georgetown the eas e mea shop c ridler butcher dealml in all kinds op fresh cured and cooked meats and fish the right meat at the right prices call anil give us a trial orders promptly delivered georgetown phone 206 brampton business institute day school night school isaac pitmaji phorthand touch typewutitik buoineaa loiter writing bookkeeping commercial law office systems all bubinoaa find publx srhool subjectu iiidividunl instruction enter an j lime cnll or write for pajrttulars l m rankin prln pbone 601 0 6 4o i norvae ftour7lvlills sheds red clover alfalfa alsike and timothy seed oats and barley seed corn has arrived we have a quantity of bir crop seed on band w j campbell limited norval ontario browns garage has now a wreck i oh crane and can handle all kinds of auto wrecks auto anrj general renaim and a full line of auto accessories gaeolide and oils agent tor oil cushion tappeth service etntion for pieuto light batteries for service plione 210 daj or night free air browns garage main gt hortk phono 800 h c baile electrician sebae beanlitul sratnary in our shop window elerint designs at low prices fteadqiutxtera for mamdi lamps fixture shadei etc call at the haraeib shop and let me give yon a price on your electric work satisfaction guaranteed pm0ne 2 georgetown i i si i li 1 i fjr3ir grandys i gottry specials cherries pint jars reg 40c cocoa 2 lbs for peas 2 tins for corn 2 tins for cqrnflaices 2 pkgs for 1 lb tin red co hoe salmon t crisoo 9 lb tins rog 2 62 corn starch 8 pkga haspberry ard struwborry jam 4 lb tin mclaren s jelly powder 8 pks jello a pkgb pear me 8 pbgn ammonia 8 pkge lux 2 pkge sweet pioblee per pint blaolt tea per lb jfio h lbs l raspberry vinegar lemonade arid orangeade per 88c 2gc 20o 25o 19o 27o 210 2gc 26c 25e 80o i25 bottle a m graridy phone 7s sattsuctlm gnirutnd prmpl delivery built ln canada studebaker builds more sixcylinder cars than any- other manufacturer because studebaker builds them better we can show you many definite points of superiority in the specialsix that prove this statement in tunes of close competition mentwins today competitiorhn automobiles is keener than it ever was because people are buying morecarefully an they ever did toahnttmtsfitkuitlxt 2 pat studebaker increased its cana dian sales 64 per cent in 1921 though the industry as a whole showed a falling off of nearly 45 per cent 1922 up to may 1st shows a gain of 1 43 per cent in studebaker s production in the u s and canada over the same period of 1921 studebaker sales records tell their own story the buying public has declared for studebaker superiority j n oneill son georgetown ontario this i s studebaker year you get all the c wi a de laval not every separator a o that it will get all the but there is one machine that r always be depended upon to slim clean the de lavsj a de laval user gets more cream from the mik of each cow gets longer service from his maduoc and spends less time turning and washing 0 aik any of them sold by f hustler nerval c ihe quaint r legend ef the walfimgriag udaot land of tba w timmr fu sa mm j bra tka atardac oe nso syssiissib sisssc tt m nllra4 yowwlbflndll ifswillig saajhsf amm m o a b wihson umsl better business every week speoia dainty fresh chocolates its difficult lo anoell say ha of goods call id today and aample these valises before the prices are 39c and 89e per lb sfte ltne will be ni euch as you cannot pnrchmse tn the city of t i also serve idfent imxutl cigars cifiarettoa tobaooos pipes from soo to 10joo pouches cigarettes cases rubber baits teanis balls tejrarail also fruit and vegetables canned qoods eonsisti salmon horse shoo salmon all grades sanbnea presbdainty biscnits 35 per lb fancy to 15 oo h druks main st georgetown why not today why deny yourself for another day the plemswe and convenience that come with possession of a ford if it ts a question of money we will take care of that our monthly payments are riaoowale and can he graduated to meet your purse you will bay a ford eventual ly why not today chassis touring coupe ford prices 445 53s 840 all prices m t o b ford obtabio h a coxe acton

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