Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 21, 1922, p. 1

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jx- the georgetown herald ifty fifth thai of puimjcation oeorggtvwn wednesday evening june 21st 1922 qjsd per annum w advnnro s 00 to68 hfl p- fev- the georgetown herald in putil ahrf every wednesday evening at the herald power printing office qeoroetawn ont contract advertising rates furnished on application j m more piubkff smuropriator mmkn cutdu waour now papar assentation tr tlsaatabk going bast passenger passenger passenger mft1 passenger mail passenger passenger sunday u 14nm loutaro li 40 itdi 8 4 i m 6 20j m 8 2sptn 711 pm mali passongoi lotgam 3 12 p m 4 50pm passenger 6 02 p m paaaeuger 7 00 p m mail 8 2g p ro passenger sunday 10 10 acm ooing nofith uptodate harness shop stop if o i vantia new bet of hand made harness come in and lot mo give yo a irlce on it asjou all know b ind made harness wdl out wear factory mode wjiy waste jqnr hiqi ey buying factor har- dean also bead q darten fcr trunks bags and harness acresnorle repalrlil nmaujr anariea to w a bailey op to dats uarnhss 8bop la sbwt- cemcenwil r mm mail r goino sodtd ffwtat 4 65pm 11 88 am 800pm tereata knlwa rauwi daily time table am pm going bast- 810 224 going wwt 8 55 8 10 sunday timbtablb going bast am pru pm pm 10 si 1280 8 45 610 am pm going west 1q40 610 917 pm 9 80 fa9 tem opeas aagul ellioi 281b tbg sal ohulm sta toroat strictly slratolms w j eulatt prlaexpel bargains kitolten aprons honge dresaea pffroll ttffrmfh wuh su la for 1 ule boys romper tor i ttle tola infants dresses u sox far m sses f sax for ch idrcn tjxulerwesur sttmped crooda etc mrs wiillrsewuulem georoetovm coal best d l w scranton coal in all sizes -x- also smithing andsteam coal mrs j walktas korval station phone 62r84 erwinsgoldhams meajhmarfcet main street georgetown phone no 1 fresh lake trout i every friday and saturday watch onr windows for specials on saturday quick delivery guaranteed specials in real estate tsooo rams bouse on john t small deposit down jpqoo framo bones on john st ft lots 85 froit trees to i sold at once i frame house and two lots i 1700 terms two bnok booses on queen btreet brick cottage on mill btreet good location one beautiful bnok bouse on emery street nicely decorated cement bnok bouse in college view tobe sold at onoer easy terms for information apply to rjljhnls insurance and re4jl estate broker office rear of bank of haihwlton phone 203 georgetown jmbuck jll- t um lmlfm 1ajlla tm taaak aa salt kaaea vktik a swats at tk lowest possible prices i board lmbm wj9 3 1 os get the best try the ice- crearrtsundaes served at madges candy shop main street phone 214 c wa by the georgetown creamery for your accommodation we will be open monday s wednes days and saturday nights till 10 o clock tcet sold and delivered to any part of the town phone for yourloo before is ooloolc prompt delivery georgetown creamery co m saxe manager georgetown flour feedmills seed corn improved soanaiatr wiaconmin ho t tuul wliite cap ah 175 per bushel w c bessey phone 195 georgetown directory 8t georges church ho y commi 011 li a d 3n sunday h 1 1 m 2i4 4h ills lulaj is a uauna 11 a ol evnonc 1 t- tjunjay school 9 45 a m 8hilton wallbridqe dale bart ftara sol lei to ra etc toronto aytd oeorf atown olac katinady block u roy dale in ettarsc at uaorc wn omoa eic h a weir barrister sol c lor office mill y g rfcel houra 9am lo 5 p in opeu wednesday find sniurday dr t k hajuhxlq8 phylaifn and suroano uadloal offloar of health office hour i to 4 anu 7 to i p m phbna u orloa lad basil snoa uajh straat south oppoalta praabytariaa churcl dr o f w ross phya clan and surgeon m ii street ceorgelown i ho e 22 lx house surjp0n gracr hoftp ta toronto r r watsoh d d b m d s jpjsosiheartira to ft ejcmj tanzadar jutmamot f l heath ldj dps dantut omoa in lano block one door noi it o nelll a carruurc factory hoi 1 a m to 9 p m a m kxaueh tj o oamopracno omm andxrar laboratory palaaar oradnata 10 yra axparlaaoa i office oyer ptoffico consultation and splcal analysis free orrick houas tuetdaj thursdays and saturdays i to 5 and 7 to 8 p m phonb ofbce 150w and res dence 232t benj petch licensed auctioneer or halton and peel ainnwllluuna post oflloa salos cpnductad aatlafaatoruy and at re aonabta rataa ordara left at tha qeortatown herald oflloa will raoalts prompt attantlon j a tract cleric townab p of esquea nk clerk 3rd d v moti court the leading f ra and i e niiuran e co s represented br o stewart town ont tenders wanted school ceorgelown for spec real ons and particulars apply to mr s k rk or mr j b hckenxte j a thompson secy psb to all interested we sell and erect treston steel truss licensed and excloilve dealers jn sh nn flat system lightning protect on prof w h day manager guelph if any aflsc harge onnew bu idlngs by the dealer and purcnasa money rtfundad or phone g sinclair st sons r r na 1 georgetown phone 103r3 notice to creditors la tha baurrosat caart of tba caaai- ty at haltea us tka aaattar afu autavta at auoa oatkarlaa slac lata f tka tawai of oaorcatowa ml tka caamtr haltaa wldaw in pursuance oft be slatutcs in that be- hallj nol ce la hereby k that all cred t on and others having eta ms aga nit tbe estate of i be sa d al ce catherine king who died on or before the twellh day of march 1922 are reqti red on or before tbe thin eth day of juno 1922 o send by post prepaid or deliver to the undet signed soncitcrfor frederick george k ng admin strator of the sa 3 deceased their christian and surname addresses and desenpt ot the lull part cutars of their claims atatement of tbe r accounts and the nature of the secunt es if any bold by tbem and further take notice that after such last mem oned date the said admin strator m 11 proceed to d nbute tbe assets or the defeased au the parties entitled thereto having reg j of whkh tbey shall that tbe said adtn liable for tha said asset or any part thereof toany person or persona of whose cbums notice shall not have been received by h m at the lime of such d slnbut on dated at georgetown the s xth day of june 1922 h g meir sol c tor for freder ck george king adovnutr or of alice ca henna k ng deceased 3t iforlfafe sale 1 farm praperty under and bv virtue of the powers contained n a certain mortgage which will be produced at tbe 1 me or sale there anil be offered by public miction on sataraay jama tka setk iks al the hour of two o clock in the after noon at iba mccibboo house on the north easterly side of main s reet ji the loam of georgetown by hen petch auc uoneer the following property namely an and singular that certa n parcel or tract of land and premises a uate lying and befog in tbe townsh p or eaquesing fa the county of halton and province of ontario and bemg composed of lot num ber ib m the sixth concession o the said township pf eaquesing there erected 00 the said lands a two storey bouse con- talnidbeis roomtwh chls ngood repair also a abed 2sasd ft and a hollow t le silo 12x40 fl winch trm good repair there s also an hydraobc ramm piped to the bu idmga tbls farm conlama one bun dred anehorty acres of t liable land ten acrecsf bush and fifty acres of pasture the property wftl be sold nibjocl to a morlgaga to odd wutiam anthony o se cure the auea of fooooo w h interest at tbe ratffof 6 per cent per annum from the ftrst day of november mlwbicb tbe pxircbaaer b to lasaom the property will be offered for sale subject la a re serve bd fbted by tbe vendor terms ten per cent of he purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and tha balance to be paid in accordance with the terms then made known for farther part culara and cond 1 on of sale apply to le roy dale ceorge on- tario sohdtor for ibe vendor dated at geargetrmm this twentya nth riay of hay 1921 the survival oftrle fittsst wl lo the very am ft r test so in d ill their brains with o gnroltoh and fashion lire to jnsz nnd the bon ton natt re sits sorenff ftnj smilen sbo can circumvent aucl wilefi ttifl bnrvival of tle llttesb still goes on when tbe youth perverse and gay tbinlfa-tbat- vine nud folly paj lie wifl find bimself a drifting wreck anon vice doet paj bat pays in draw pays in failure shame and loss the survival of the fittest still fioea on ft be boftn in politics stbopa to underhand tricks and expects to win tbe game with honor gone he will aometirhe understand he baa played a losing band tbe burvlval of the fittest still when fanattoh would bark book to a narrow weed grown track and sbuttheireyes upon a bright er dawn let tbem grope if they think best truth alone will stand tbe test the surviva jl tha fittest atlll goes on many think im out of date nature smiles but let tbem prate for my simple saheme has work ed sinoe men were spawn let defectives play tbe jool let the viotims bcoro my role tbe survival of the fittest still goes an appeal tor children spring has passed and summer ib oere with it the call of na ture has become more insistent and those who can are leaving the city to go to the country so green pure and wholesome there are thousands of people who cannot leave tbe city we find the hot duaty streets crowded with little childrtn who are doomed to spend an enervfttintfbummer here tbe fresh air exchange appeals to jhejarm ers on behalf of tl wellington hay liberal leader in the ontario legislature was oar ried unanimously as was also tbe following moved by w f w fisher burlington and seconded by mrs fred dewar vice president of milton that tbe halton liber al association assembled at their annual meeting in milton express their unbounded confide noe our esteemed leader id the house ot commons bight hon w l mackenzie king we be lieve he will uphold ail the best traditions of the liberal party and as far as conditions permit will implement the principles forming the foundations of tat great party representing tbe grow th of democratic government in canada we further couple with his name in this connection that of our veteran minister of finance as being the fullest expression of tbe minds of the canadian people in matters of tariff and finance tittle ones of tbe oity and aefie that those who live witbin a rea sonable distance of toronto open their homes to two of the children for two weeks or more last summer 86 enjoyed holt ay given in t man per jue ttbe nnemploy went of last win ter tbe incomes of many families have been so reduced that vaca tions are impossible for a much larger per cent of city dwellers than in other years the fteigh borhood workers association ar ranges for the payment of railway expenses hat cannot pay board the children are all thoroughly examined by a doetor so that they will not carry any contagious di to their new frinndi we fully realize that the addi tion of two to a family means ad ded wprk to the housewife but view of tbe great need of nit children we ask that those wbo are interested and would care to open their homes to auab children communicate with mr f staple ford general secretary neighbor hood workers assooiatson 71 grosvener st toronto giving particnlara age aad sex of children who would be welcomed and dnr ing what periods of the summer tbe little visitors might depart for tboir holiday in tbe country trout fry lavoraitt the erin advocate of last week says mr w a burehell mana ger of the union bank here re cetved a shipment of ten thousand trout fry from the dominion hatcheries and on friday last with the assistance of others placed them fn the cool waters of tbe credit of course it will be from three to five yesrs before these will be a source of real joy to tbe angler but without btich sportsman like interest it would only be a few abort years when the credit would be void of tbo much coveted fcroov trout mr burobell is worthy of much praise for his interest and auooebu in securing the large number of fry d aaul goa a number of notable features are contained in the june number of bod and gon in canada george l catton a canadian abort story writer of prominence contributes flapjacks a short itory masterpiece there is an article entitled shore bird migra tion along n 8 by that famous naturalist bono castle dale wbilerobert page lincoln cod tributes random casts in addi tion to bib usual fishing notes dejiartment tbe guns and am emition department in this issue perhaps the b g feature tbe nnej department resumes with this issue under the editorship of frank h walker of windsor an authority on dogs and one of can ada s loaders in kennel circles a bryan williams contributes his usual hunting notes id bc and there are other features which no to malce up a well balanced at- tractive magazine which will bo found particularly interesting to all rod and gnu in canada a published monthly at woodstock ontario bj wt j taylor limited a quart of gasoline will propel an automobile fouc miles a aimitar quantity used for house hold cleaning often causes four fire tracks and an arqba lance to run tbe same distance liberal convention the annual meeting of the hal ton beform association was hed in tbe qwva rooms at milton on friday juno 9th there was a large at top dance nf delegates from all partti of the 00 mty mrs fred douar milton vice president presided in tbe absence oldrfl a mccoll president officers were elected as follows dr h a mccoll milton prosi dent paul fisher burlington 1st vice- president loboy pale georgetown snd vwao- present fred dewar milton secretary treasurer the speakers were j d pock toronto general secretary of the ontario liberal abaociaboo and w f w fisher burlington the retiring secretory charles d mcgregor received a of thanks and ftpprecjationtor hip valuable services for a number of years a resolution was passed that jn future the association be known sb tbe halton liberal association instead of tbe halton beform as sooiation a resolution of oonfldenoe ji county court and sessions tbe county court and general sessions for balton opened on tuesday before his honor judge si hot there were more cases on the list than usual two of them criminal the first disposed of was dunbar vatjbentley the claim was damages for an automobile collision one oar was on the torontohamilton high way near oakville and tbe other out in on the highway from a lane tbe jury found th the collision purely an accident dismissed it is hearing toe time for tbe annual vacation and it is a nltythat so few peoplo realise tbe value they can receive from a real vacation if ib a pity that we all take such infinite care to keep bur automobiles our farm tractors our presses oar tools in the best condition and let oar bodies get along as best they can we tear n afrftnt like mad breaking down thrt tissues and never give a thought to how they are going to be built up we let our minds get full of tbe sordid thoughts that come naturally from living too close to material things and we never get away where any kindof a spiritual uplift has any chance with us bight thinking is the secret of all happjness for if you think rightly yon are bound to live rightly and right thoughts are always mam feated in a btrong body full of vitality and in a happy frame of mind bj wrong thinking we do not necessarily mean wicked think but often we allow our minds to travel in the wxong direction instead of always hold ing them in the path where god directed they should go we get habits of thought regarding the number of clothes we must have the kind of an automobile we must have to keep up with our mends the number of parties we most give until it is one mad rush to keep up and to make both ends ewfc becs we babits of thought to grow oil us we begin to regard these tlungaas the most important thinginsb world and we do not allow the really big things to reach us the worth while things of this world tfatp the ci le case and ordered that each of tbe two parties sboutd pay his ownco c w bearitjo foi plaintiff s f washington k0 for defendant the king vs brown jas brown was indioted for two offences the first perjury at the march sittings of division court here in the case brown vs gun by and second conspiracy in the perjury case tbe evidence was what baa been reported in the champion that gives before the magistrate the verdiot was guilty with a recommendation to mercy sentenoe was deferred uptil this morning when brown was fined 75 and reloaded on mended sentecoe the eon spiraby charge was dropped grown attorney dick for crown mr macdonald for defence milton mr and mrs alfred leach of st paul minn are visiting at the home ot his auiter mrs g a humbtreet mr and mrs fred inman and children of dundas spent sunday here with her parents postmaster and mrs stewart mr and mrs wm shields mil ton announce the engagement of their daughter nellie isabel to mr ewart mckinnon only son of mr and mrs archie morinnon grin tbe marriage to take place in jane w j hartley the well known fiuit grower near milton holds the record of being tbe first man to market home grown strawber nes in hilton the hemes were put on tbe market monday morn ing june 12th- reformer erin mr and mrs w bingham spent sunday with mr and mrs alva kentner at ballinafad the bnn turf club bao com pie ted arrangements for a big day a sport 00 saturday july 1st at stanley park the program consists of three horse races a lacrosse match and a dance at night mrs thomas cook who under went an operation about three weeks ago in tbe victoria hospi tat london ib we are cleaned to aay progressing favorably and it s expected will be able to return home about the end of this week we were 1 leased to see mrs mokechnie able to he out after being conftoed for so long from an attack of neuritis advocate notes and comments why not a larroaro team for georgetown lacrosse ib cana da s national game tbo re m no town with a better class of oung men and boys physically fit to up bold tbe standard of our national game than has georgetown there are still a few of the old boys wbo were members of tbo team that won the intermediate cham pionship of ontario two years in auooession 9fr and 1896 living in town who would like bo bee tbe game flourishing again and will as sist in any way to reorganize a club here organize now have a few exhibition games this season and then wc should have a team ready to enter the league in 3988 ourselves constantly surrounded by so much that is trivial and t is only by getting out where god is more manifest than man that we can hope to get a real look in on reality itwonly traa regular old faahjqagjf- vacation that we get aoqriaibtpa with our ideale and ideals are the real staff o life i new features added to cotossos lru4 telle irtifl mm shp- tort rf ifevtttes fr eatrtfe made even more tremendous than in 1921 by the recent addi tion of many more trained wild animal displays and the purchase of europe s biggest horse show singling brothers and barnaul rk bailey combined will exhibit at toronto ont july 7 8 192 all wbo glanoe over the cable news or wbo read the magazines must hae rioted the many con tracts entered into by tbe bing ling brothers for foreign talent last winter a bpecial ship was chartered this spring to bring the hundreds of human performers trained animal acts and equine displays to america more than a million persons saw the mam moth new circus of 1882 daring the weeks that it exhibited in madison square garden new york now thib marvellous ex hibition is touring tbe odontrj aboard fle great railroad trains it is a third bigger than the ring lidg brothers and barnum bail ey show of last season big as is the wonder oiroub of 1928 with its more than twenty trained wild anhnal displays m steel arenas fully 160 wonderfully schooled trick horses 700 men and women performers 100 clowns and scores of features the price of admission is no more than before and although tbe trained animal numbers and the immense horse show wore circuses in themselves while touring bur- ope they are oot offered as separ ate attractions by tbe singling brothers and barnnm bailey combined shows inbtead all are on one grgantio program every thing is tu one mammoth main toot one ticket admits to all and includes admission to the tremendous double menagerie there are more than thousand animals in the zoo of tbib circus and these include a tiny baby hippopotamus only recently born and accompanied by its threeton mother another remarkable zoo- loan cat feature is an armored rhinocerous tbe only one known to exist and for which the ring lings recently refused an offer of 80 000 some time soon will be a good time to olean out tbe oupboard under the stairs where- all tbe old newspapers cardboard boxes and other rubbish has accumulated don t procrastinate i good in ten tidns are said to pave tbe road to destruction

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