Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 21, 1922, p. 2

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flirt hs marriage- mid death duujcnl or nl tlie following rntci wc mnrrinkck sov liilin 50 i curtis 50c 10c per lino r mcclufeshow big reunion nearly 500 galber tbe om homestead near omrchvloe died camkron at cminhihhl on edy june tltlifu2 ati on of mr ml mr 2 jcir nnil ionlhm- iiuttkbikii- at taio tic iritkl on jtinr ltli jvwhiu tnnieriinki hunband of mir morris jluuerttalil and rciiuk w ilium rr it i llplo mnnor snlc ctiim- inir manager plllie icorketdwn- ranlc of i in mxmoriavn- mvtltkktiott trf loving memory ot j mcphcrsonof norvnl who died ji 27lh 1920 lli wife what might jiave proved a uerioub accident occurred lit coun cil chamber stewart town on sun day last when two aulos collided fortunately no one was seriously liurt this has alwuya been dangerouk rorner for vehicles and especially for imtoa mow before a real sprious accident happbi cob id pot tho council chamber bo removed to the site near whore tbe old hotel used to stand tbe farm of s j mcclure lot 12 std lino west toronto ovn- ship whh on thursday lout the jcena of one of tbe mott remark- able re- unions ever held in tbe county of poel 475 descendant a of james mcclure who settled on the same place ionlusio gathering from various iointa in canada and the united states so far as peel county is con- corned the family- is no historic ope oa 108 years ago three broth era james john ad david came but from ireland in spite of the fact that they are scotch and laid tho foundation for tbe big clan hich fathered on the old haroa- atoftd tho extent to which they hare spread is indicated by the fot that there were member present from as far distant as saskatchewan and though the bulk of them were from the near b townshi or towns or cities royal arch masons orifriday june lgth tho royal arch degreo watfeonforredfor tbe irutvtime in the history of free masonry in geo r go town in iialton chapter by excellent companion faraday and the officers of poel chapter brain ptonably assisted by excellent companions macrn- sie and galbraith of st clair chapter milton in spite or tho torriflo olectricnl storm and torrential rain there was an excellent attendance tli jjhk okobohttjwk hbkau juhf fllst ims on monday july bbi tho ratepayers of george town will vote on a bylaw to loan the arena co composed entirely of georgetown citizens tbe sum of h000 to as sist in building an tip- to date skat ing and curling rinfc the loan asked for is amply secured by tho arena co putting in 12000 in cash and giving a first mortgage on the building to the corporation for the future welfare of our young people it is absolutely essential that a town like georgetown should provide good clean health ful amusement and we urge all ratepayers who have the welfare of our town at heart to vote for tho bylaw on jnly srd glenwilliams there was a considerable sprinl ling from western ontario and the united states even at that it was pointed out by di w p mcclure or elyria ohio that after having given considerable study to the family tree he was forced to admit that there is still a portion of the clan located tho glen orange lodge accom panied by their fife and drum band visited cheltenham lodge lost wednesday evening tho band played a program followed by speeches afterwliicb a dainty lunch was served the lacrosse game last saturday attracted a large number of spec tators and they had the pleasure of witnessing a good game al though the deal result was unfav orable- to the glen for the score stood 78 at the finish a little more practice and combination work on the part of our -boys- wilt yet make a winning team it is rumored that bolton hod a couple of ringers but we understand the game is not protested pat henry of brampton was tbo ref eree- mrs w h preston who under went an operation at guelpb uos- td ay-iii-progress- ing favorably rev w l davidson ba of georgetown delivered a splendid sermon at the anniversary services here last sunday morning from the tpxt why oods ways are best in the evening another excellent sermon was delivered by bev mr truobiood on friend ship next sunday evening bev mr aiken will preach bis farevoll sermon and on sunday evening july 2nd rev benjamin eyre tbe new pastor will take charge arouud pittsburg with whom they bavo not yet gotten in toncb the entire company sat- down to dinner whioh was served ta ttle bam specially decorated for the occasion the afternoon waff omployedln speechmaking by dr 5bu- mcclure elyria ohio darius mcclure toronto john mcclure toronto dr w o mc clure cleveland d j mcclure brampton the oldest- members of tbe family all ranging in from seventy- ave to eighty- six years wore photographed the fol lowing posing before the camera andrew mcclure norvol william hi ilia morval dr cbisholm tor onto w j arnott hamilton mrs geo wilson cnurchville mrs win moclnre bramptoi mrs john- mcclure norval mrs ann mcclure toronto james ar nott brampton mrs wi hough by watford joseph mcclure- wat ford mrs james mcclure torqn mrs john mcclure brarnp- mra john mcclure george town mrs w j arnott hamil ton mrs thos mcclure bramp ton mrs thos mcmeekin bramp ton john froser hutton- ville the family of mr and mrs john mcclure 42 in number four generations were ale photograph- some very interesting relics in tbe shape of a spinning wheel tbe first quilt mode on the farm and a large group of photographs of the original settlers were on ex hibition brampton- band- and- a kiltie band furnished music di ing the afternoon and an orches tra provided music for tbe donee hich followed tbe supper terra colla mr w j rutlcdge has tho con tract of furnishing throe thousand yards of gravel and a number of teams ore busily engaged hauling the gravel to alloa mr j eaves we are pleased to learnis now able to be around again as usual the brick yards are running to their fullest capacity at present a number from here took in tbe formers picuioot erin on wednes day afternoon all report a good lime next sunday rev mr aikona will preach bis farewell sermon mr aikcns was highly os tee mod as a pastor on this circuit he will be stationed at lions head we regret his removal but wish him every success in his new field of labor we undersrand thathe rev mr hare will bo tbe new pastor on this circuit born on monday jnue 5th to mr and mrs n eier a bod miss myrtle mccauley of toron to is spending a few days with her parents here miss d britton of toronto is spending her holidays with her aunt mrs r puckering a number from here attended the anniversary services at glen- wjlli am s lasftsunday rompmber ml pleasant gar den party on june 37tb at mr jas bccles tot 19 3rd line west cbinguacony i have given tbe day foot co an ordor for specially mode boots no 899 improved with bock out side counter- for my own en atom- era soljd leather all through and made by the best experienced workmen and a reliable finhj boney georgetown jasper park ue opeae i as per park alberto juno with the unfurling of tbe union jack by mrs el c fleming of san fran si sco tbeqratlruestto regis ter and hoisting it into position front of tbe main building by mr johnm imrie of tbe edmon ton journal jasper park lodge as opened to the pablio today the importance of this event is chiefly in the fact that it ia the first btep to be taken by tbe cana dian national bajlways in provi ding permanent buildings for the accomodation of tourists inthib splendid mountain playground set aside by the dominion govern ment consisting of 4 400fiauore miles in tbe heartof the northern canadian rockies the assembly for the opening represented guests from australia united states pa cific coast points tbe prairie pro- and eastern canada the lodge is of artibtio log construc tion including a large lounge building dining hall and separate looping tquartera chantangna coming win le m la park jibr fota ft- lhh almost before you realise it the big brown chautauqua tent will rise and for six joyous inspiring days it will be a real community centre whore youny and old will gather daily to enjoy the intel lectual and musical feasts provid ed by your committee a glance at the splendid riro- tuld indicate that the dominion chautauqua management has outdone itself in providing a most attractive pro gram ot genuine merit it is the firth anniversary for chautauqua in ontario and a special effort has been made to celebrate tbe event by presenting the best pro gram so far provided socuro your season ticket from any meuibcr of the local commit- exce ens uuduh announced boaulifnl loyal arch workj thfi nnmn xemplilted in a faultless manner to tho delight of all pres ent the companions then od jourribd to the library where ex cellent companion li corko first principal or hal ton chapter and his officers and cbra pan tons entertained tho visiting cotnpan ions a banquet being first enjoyed followe1 by o high class entertain ment by m j h cameron of torontot tho following toast liqt was honorod- tbe king and the royal craft with musical honors the grand z an the g mto cbspisr propofled7xrettentlr companion hainan rsiionded to by very excellent comjsiniod armstrong the visitors proiwscd by ex cellent companion meir respond ed to by excellent comiuuiions faraday 1st p peel chapter maekenaie 1st p st clair-chan- ter galbraith jjt col conover the ladies proposed by excel lacticompanian h corke respond ed to by mrs coo the candidates were then called on and were represented by two or their members companions dr gollop and campbell halton chapter proposed by excellent companion lowry re sponded to by excellent compan ion h corke 1st p halton chap ter musical honors were then given by halton chapter to tbe visiting chapter followed by tho principal sojourners toast and auld lang syne closing a very happy and memorable event high school fobuii phomotions hon reginald lamb ton doro tby f ramp ton mina saxe georg- ina henry passed aileen hume richard sandusky donald russell stanley barth aileen moore cecil bartb clarence ben ham poreen mc- puaig promoted conditionally marie graham wakejleld ord william tuck fobh i promotion pass lillian watson victor norrington diofcson roe lack lucas clarence king promoted conditionally mil dred fleck john berymgeour jack lindsay hoxe hnghes madeleine mouin roy fticferingt in the cose of some of the pupils who are candidates at the depart mental examinations promotion will partly depend on the results of those examinations promo tions therefore in t tbe case of candidates at departmental exam- jnations will b an ne tbe results of those examinations ore known base ball farm specials jost a real good littlo form of 75 acres brick bouno of six rooms good bank barn fifty acres workable fifteen bush and ten posture extra well watered price 4700 possession cartbo had in thirty days choice little farm of 47 acres inside corporation of george town nice young orchard neat house and basement barn with good stabling if ip peed of a large farm consult us as we have listed for sale any sice or prioeaf farm you might be looking for ipta a schedule game at campbell last saturday afternoon and defeat edthe team of that village- by a or 9 6 now that george town bos struck n winning rait we hope to see tliein at tho top ax the league again tim score liy innings was as rohows ttrttbr georgetown 810000sob8 10 carapbellvil 1002008000 s 9 7 batteries georgetown cole blackburn and mcgill campbell- ville cargill crawford early and labb other league gomes ployed lost saturday aoton defeated burl ington by 64 milton j defeated bronte by 86 lragdb standing won lost bronte s 8 milton 8 2 acton 8 8 georgetown 2 8 campbellville 2 8 burlington 2 8 georgetown junior ball players visited aoton juniors on saturday and played a tie gome the score being 1111 batteries acton gibbcns mas- eels and while- georgetown walters green and allen our juniors ore entering tbe junior halton league and oil who ace interested are requested to meet at the bank ormontreol rest rooms on friday evening ot 8 pm t the mens store new spring suitings overcoats nowqualities new patternh nav values beautiful wool- ouh fully reprohanting tbo bost weavohtbatare tiroduoedt vt 3500 t4000 4 umnori to wjmmgo no more home brew tbo theory that every english mans home is his castle receives a jolt in the news from ottawa to tbe effect that hon w s field ing bos extended the scope of pro hibition to include tbe brewing of beer lin homes for domestic nse hereafter a householder who de- iresto hjrawheer for himself and family must in orderto do so take out a high priced brewers license furnish bonds to the amount 2000 and pay excise duty on all tbe beer he mokes of coarse un- nriheaeoondltion illicit- home- tawn bowling the following item of interest to tbe ladies was received too late for our last weeks ibsiie- the members of the ladies bowling club held their annual opening on friday afternoon when a large number of ladies were present and enjoyed a fine after noon and evenings bowling on the splendid greens too was served from five to seven the ladies ore very enthusiastic this year and a splendid programme of games baa been arranged with oks from outside town and cities rinks will be sent to the ontor- iq tournament to be held in tor- onto on june 26 and 27 heres hoping our girls will bring home some of the silverware boy scouts soy scoptsi hove you started saving for a camp yet tbe sum mer is here and its time to be making some plans there is no camp at tbe ex this year wrwe will have to fix up something else we must have somes wi in ming parades too because its port of our training dont forget tbe parade on fri day next and bring yotir staves you will need them 780 at the drill shed thats some idea selling gum etc at the ball gomes every littlo belps toward camp funds dont forget your ore drill and your port in tbe demonstration july 1st and listenl have you done your good turn every day remember your promise hove your lawn mower sharp ened and put in first class condi tion at ooasidys works ltd hepry block georgetown whatever it is as longas its electrical yon can get it at nor man h speights electrical- shop lane block fans 750 up toaster stoves 260 up irons 496 up 10 amp fuse plugs 9c double sockets spe 85 and 40 watt lamps 89c 60 watt 44c phone 47 tennis club the georgetown tennis glob bos been organized and the follow ing pfficers elected for the ensuing year honorary president lr dale president h b minims vice- president miss davidson seo- tress miss h henderson rules and tour committee h coffin josephine wilson miss mcleod w b ford grounds committee a cole cole john fanner j c l longs n henderson h r mimms tnelle i social committee mrsmimmsy miss miller miss mocuoig miss campbell miss wilson miss ken nedy miss annandale miss fleck miss edna mcdonald ox4df the originl graphic wou flapper as applied to young gills one would hove thongbt umt tbe word would leap ur till eyes so vividly de scriptive it w it probably hod its origin inline wit of a sports man who wis quick to see tbe resemblance for flapper ib tbe term used bf sportsmen to de scribe a youhgwild duck and could any term nre apply to the young person in her early teens more fittjnglyldescribe her t brewing will e tons one more queer anomaly is added to onr anomalous system of prohibitory lows ontario bouse wives ore at liberty to make wine for family use wine with as much olooholio vlrickio it oa can be de veloped by tbe operation of nstur aljaw she may be able to pro duce a beverage with a sus percent alcoholic contentthe sort of wine which baa been denounced in so much impassioned prohibition ora torythe sort of wine which is the subject of oftquoted acrip- tual warnings and yet the of the bouse is forbidden to brew o mild molt beverage having on al coholic content of 4 per cent the trouble appears to be that tbe nrivilige to manufacture beer building which wfll be iansediatehr west of tbe canadian pmrifle office buudnut and north of the puiiat expreaa and banage banding- it b eximcteduw withuvtbe few weeks the old station will b torn down and the work of exea- vatbur for tbs subway approach t the track win baeantummd wbslnccaxaont txsvellets on tbe canadian pacific- iwirttwwmd tram which passed through wbuu- j was little doris old on bar way england she travelled quit bo- senamaued and sailed hwm st john on the canadian pacific user mpntesbn to attend school in bag- ubd children travelling on cano- naa pacific trains and liners ar special looked after by otscisla and carl a new modern joutt sta tion for the lake erie sadnorther and grand river raflwmya is as sured for gait la the iismiiiibis fa ll w kirirwood general faa- ger of tbe two lines was la meat- real last week and as a remit of us trip be bss w appropriation necessary for tbe -tha-loeatiott-af- mvmbeisr tbe vidniry of tbe firessnt- tess- porary equlpaent on mats street it is satklpated thst 4be pbms wffl be in readiness soon and coatxacta ror tbe new bsodinc let hnsw distdy fada dnrinc the past ten smiil instmctktn to the esscr ceucy treatment of accident has been given to tbe enployses of the cjr hers and also tafts wtiss and danchtsss of iirlnjbm and tbs ladies of the town m seaersl tv jastmetian was rivsn by tbs eosai sinys cxst aid instractor for tbe l johns the people deeply apprsctatsd the prlvdece exteodwl by tbs isssgi meat allowing them thesarvtes of their in dr gray was as sisted by the general secretary of tbe cji first aid dsnsrtamb la lthding exsminatloaa of tho ilsisss dr grsy expressed great ssus- f fseuon with the geiieratkbowladg for domestic use has been abused displayed by tbe students in a great many iostanoes which fact led to tbe request of the tern- peranoe forces that the right to brew in homes be withdrawn whether tbe new law can be t en forced or not remains to be seen it will certainly be difficult obxt a todoh only a toncb of a womans hand lightly upon his gown but it thrilled her heart to its very depths j and cheered tho soul oast down only a touch but tbe healing power brought peace to ber sod heart and ber face was alight with deep est joy as she felt tbe pain depart only a toncb but the master knew and turned with words of cheer to the humble woman amid tbe throng who crowded listening near only a touch but the power divine comes- with ittjem above casting out the evil which bannts been enquiring our hearts the delightfuxand filling tbem with love- only a touch as from day to day he walks with us along but that touch gives strength to the fainting heart and cheers our hearts to song ottawa there sx least vlfioft square aeuas of peat bog with deposits fwss five to ton feet deep and h is estimated that each square mile contains on an average the equivalent of 430000 tons of coal the ceanetl for sewn- ttfie and indostrlal besssi at ot tawaafter consid the problem of ksssingcanjulartnsl consomp- uoa kmrowendeiit open tbe united states indneed the dominion and ontario governments to appoints jointly a peat commission which jatbaot peat bog on tbe montrealottawa line of the cpr tbe product was sold at profitable price in competi tion with coal and it b exp that flourishing peat industry wffl eventually be founded wlaateec western canada rs- enuy welcosmd the first contingent of hi 192e army of settlers from ttes when and ehu- jdian pat citie and union depots immigra tion offtefaus state that the taxflax for the season definitely b on all tbeae settlera will gp on tbe tend in msnftoha and the westers provinces tbe new arrivals for the most part are fsuily partks with effect or money or sou and- tbeir intention b to farm on tbe prairies sad not to migrate to the enbs manitobas share of these settbrs was a farmer group of 111 persons who expect to locste on farms fas ily groops composed uus party al- most entirety additional parties were bottnd for sa al berta and british cohnabb a party of 60 immigranm ar rived frouboscoe minnesota and was accompanied by 9 cars of ef- fecq all are bound for tbe wsst- proviikes hssel deu ssskst- oervttnrmaip of filming clejrk srd drraion com the badtog fire sitd life inawsbctr thewan was the destination of s of the cars one went to melrose sas- tcmrwan one to clrde aftertk sunrarnown oot end one to cbdworthssskstchswsa uie best qualitios at throe popular prices ore superior to qualities soiling last year at as high as fifty sixty or seventy dollars special guaranteed blue sorgos stripe and plain are included at these three popular prices bee the superb quality offered fit stylo and workmanship guaranteed sam plea will bo sent to outside customers on request place your order now and have your suit for easter mens furnishings new arrivals in fine neckwear shifts collars under- wear etc hats and caps in all the latest and best styles for spring weaft readytuwear clothing at half price to clear at once great bargains in thisrline must be bleared we extend an invitation to one and all to coll and inspect our stock and prices before purchasing your spring ontfit dont forget the firemens big demonstration at georgetown july 1st will be held on the presbyterian church lawn limehouse friday june 23rd good program provided good time in store for all rev a c stewart of acton will be chairman proceed i in aid of church decoration fund it pays to advertise in the herald blue bird s1ssoo a b c miss simplicity s13soo 8800 we are now able to supply any one of these three very popular makes which will give you a choice when dealing with us of any style of washer that is on the market easy terms of paynjent may be arranged for and there is no need of you waiting until you have the ready cash let the washer pay for itself each month afaaehine will be placed in your home on trial without any obligation or expense of any sort onyour part phone 47 box4go norman h speight lane block georgetown georgetown distributee- tot acton milton by- law july the 3rd

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