Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 21, 1922, p. 3

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thb qhobobtowh hibbaij june aist isaa fr f foolis saving a penny saved is not always a penny earned sometimes it is two pennies lost the merchant who spends noth ing on advertising loses much more than he saves the money spent foi plate glass windows is iiot looked on as lost nor is the money spent on better interior lighting anything that increases favor that adds to sales that multiplies customers is very properly regarded as agood investment advertising isa good investmehtrjust as plate glass windows are advertising sells more goods to more persons than shopwindows do a word to the public do you resent having a merchant ad dress his message to you in the form of an advertisemet in our columns on the contrary is not your impulse to re spond to his friendly overtures shop where yon are invited to shop issued by canadian weekly newspapers association ci earing summer millinery 5 new radio and other summer millinery -at- v low prices binsy au1ikkh our of hip brluhlrm hut in the world why nol aikiitbi asks mr slac- caltmii scott mp writing id suudey at home when fok but over london when mists anil rain and sleet drive lunluduorb lu biuiundtho northern 1 aliorts of arrlca an- balkeu in bril liant sunshine the shy is a deep tur- quolbh the mfdltfrratiean is a sheet of purpli azure and emerald and the land la kay with flowers and orange groves and palms at christ mas one may phiok the ripeoranges and lemons from the treea in jan uary the scents of spring are already air almond blopsoms jtoel the hillside in the eucalyptus woods there la a continual bp rating ol bower pods and pattering of husks dfffths- ins their balsam every aide- the bougainvillaea trails its purple tresses over wall and bedgerowvnd the mimosa pours down tn cascades of gold the riviera is a favorite resort of those who bee the english winter butthe- opposite shore of tjie medi terranean the berbary coast except in regard to the oaslna at monte garlp outvies all its attractions the dlmato is warmer and more con stant and the vegetation more tropi cal the mistral wind which hfthe bmne of the riviera never blows the fceneryfa more varied more pictur esque and more wildly romantic the native quarter of algiers the kashbah as it is ailed is a veritable museuiqi of oriental and african life and custom the streets are an in- trlcte labyrinth of narrow passages lined by forbidding window ess walls and overhung by projecting upper stories which shut out the sky isometlmeslbroukh a hastily opened doorway one may catch a glimpse of a courtyard full of color the walls r pierced at intervals by the en tranced to dark cavelike little shops where ait the owners plying their hereditary crafts of tailor or metal workev or sllppermaker the streets are thronged by a motley crowd of arabs moors turks jews kabylea and berber tribesmen among whom the swarthy sicilians and spaniards seem quite at home the costumes are as varied and picturesque as the races red pur ple blue and white burnouses red fesea and turbans of all sites and colors attract the eye veiled wo men flit about like sheeted spectres scarcely european dress is to be seen it is all so strange and allen that a timid visitor might be pardoned for feeling nervous about venturing into this native hive but there is no dan ger the people are lawabiding and courteous to strangers and there is a simple clue to the labyrinth which seems at first so confusing if one keeps walking uphill one arrives at last at the keshan fortress and the palace or the dey at the very apes of tbe pyramid shaped town from- which a century ago tbe rulers of tbe pirate state could watch their cor sairs returning with booty across the mediterranean if one turns ones footsteps downhill one returns again to the parisian boulevards with their gay cadets and shops which surround the harbor your 1000 miles of cotton how much wool does tbe average person user every inch of cloth con tains about twentyfive threads run ning downwards and the same num ber running across it so that a square yard is made up of 1800 threads each a yard in length to simplify calculations we may assume tbat every yard contains a mile of wool yarn the average suit or costume needs four square yardti of cloth so that every man or wo man wears something like four miles of wool allowing two sets of clothes a year we and that each of us uses four hundred miles or woo in fifty years when we come to linen and cotton goods with eighty or one hundred- threads each way to the inch the total length of thread becomes ap palling a single handkerchief may contain s00 strands eaeb fifteen inches long so tbat 1000 yards of cotton thread are required to make it a shirt represents about three miles of thread in fifty years every one of us uses anything from boo to 1000 miles of cotton t misses claridge herald block main st mmm a popular officer the can- adbui pacific staasnshrps ltd a 3 vontcsbn whch has jvat com pleted her maiden trip cross the atlantic is under the imanrf mf capt g s webster ilnjuiu j hewa bora eta septenv ber srd 1867- and joined- mes srs eld er dempster m cow ytuari 21st 1892 capt web ster is one- of the- most pen m the capt76r webster auantle his first canadian padfie command the levav wehlgan in april 1903 when elder dempsters steamers were talcen over try the c pk since 1903 capt webster hashcommanded such weltknown c p r liners as the mont- rom lake cbampwn jk uanitobat and empress of britain d during the war the uetagama and heliu mjdtji jnaaj voya actxaa the atlantis un his charge brightest llgntbotwe new lamps are being fitted to cer tain of the lighthouses round- the coast of the british isles meanwhile the engineers and experts attached to trinity house are evolving a new formula for estimating the candle- power of the lights which involves a revision of the strength or the beam thrown in the circumstances offl- clals at trinity house are unable to state which la the most powerful lighthouse in the british isles there are only three the lights of which are produced by electricity st cath erines the usard and south fore land the remainder over 0i are worked byoll and every yeaiuthay consume 146000 gallons of paraffin a strong light of 490000 candle- power alone absorbs nearly- 4000 gallons of oil thermalene discovered by karl wolf of zurich is an intimate mix ture of acetylene and raponrised oils and la claimed to have import ant advantages over other gases tor producing ugh temperatures it is somewhat heavier than sir has a spe cific heat a little over oneeighth of that ol acetylene and at room tem perature la liquefied by a pressure of 1600 to 1600 lbs per square inch a notable peculiarity u a soft sweet inoffensive odor in welding few sparks are thrown oft it can be used at relatively low pressure it produces no corrosive or poisonous effectstand is not liable to cause explosion j mr hay i wonder what makes our sou william so restless t mrs ray oh most or our bills are unsettled i doherty stoves and ranges beopnd hand manuresspreader mower booties maple leaf grinder beatty bros hay track cars sod sling r hejotbs cream separator machine oil axle grease s b groat offloa pbone sasw realdaoctps qeoboeiown canadianjxaders urge open gate towohthy immigrants teaming and cartage prompt attention to nil orders i for any kinds of teaming and cart age pisfnaand ftirpilura moving contract work a specialty norman snyder georgetown pbone 171 aia m southern jvwuioba s- lay lmmiirratlon pawed toward america from the nr ssmta of the earth this tide pas danumd by the war and its hwsnjsptton retarded by afterwar ejdlqw canada areeted lls- to quantity quality jmtoavta servedtml hoars loo caspian fruit confectionery ja frill tlne ottobmcoos cter sand cicavrettes apefsoi cwaihan leaders now declare far as canada ts 6oncernedf must be raised and encouraged lord under whose admin aa its president the can- pachte rauway performed i nriradea of eolonlaation and de velopment or canada says we sanat have inualaration we have vd vary uttle stncelm on the motrary i am afraid we have lost i sasewhat tbcnafter die war the auttaral feeling that grew out of the war en tbe pladnjr of re strictions on immigration rhst have sea moat disastrous tn their re- rsonouv conducted c pr jshd party arrivwd at a iiihr tstftam engltid suits we must have settlers from i all over the world not artisans but men who will go oat on ourland n our forests and to our fisheries and berp to develop these resources jthere must be an insistent demand upon- parliament to pass letrislktion that wit open the doors to them to a reasonable extent and will permit them to come in no man in canada knows better than lord shaughnessy what the immigrants of various countries have contributed to the dominions wealth and welfare there are owjrtee colonies of tjaxamaas scandinavians and welsh bs dop to many of these nationalities that have been merged into mixed communities between 1900 snd ibis canada absorbed 254vm2 im migrants from the central power and less than 100 have come in dar ing the sncceedhig ja canada realises the value of worthy immi- grants no matter whence their origin and the first steps are be- fng taken to open her gates ts all the point to consider when buying a used gar whatever you buy whether it be clothes furniture or household necessities you buy on good faith faith- thatthe manufacturer has made a good product faith that the concern that supplies you will stand squarely behind it when you buy a used car from a mclaughlm- jbuick dealer you can do so with absolute -confidence- for the mclaughlin motor car co limited insists that mclaughlinbuick dealers must typify and reflect mclaughlinbuick stand ards that they must be men of strict integrity of financial standing men who will live up to every promise made to a customer in con summating the sale of a car so when you buy from us you know exactly with whom you are dealing youll know what you are buying 1i cooks garage mill st georgetown a unique compass backjonotitudes the face of te dial comras a sunr mounted eoitpass which is nearly 200 yearsold end is fitted with a sundial also longitudes and latitudes of important cities and ports was nweoted by a miss buckley paseuger on board tbe canadian paolllc liner ijstagaua to kir e cox th third ulass steward tu a token of ttralltude while on a yoysge to canada mr cox states hat the squire of tbe parish at aveston norfolk pre sented tbe compass many years sgo to the hev buckley or weston who was miss rurkleys grandfather and when be died be ten 11 to her the comnsss is tn a wellpreserved green shagcaae inside which la the fol lowing inscription this compass and dnwfwms given me by sir oeorge oxenden in 1773 it having been sir bssf ptawelds made at paruttabout the year 17w h h jbm opened the sun dial and istrfcisss is od the face wfille on tbe back of lbs compass are tbe fcmjgl- todes and latttudas vit waa round a very valuable fa stiuiasnt for cmrrytag tn the old dscasbcompass dial coal wood on hand all tho timp best sceanton coal cement on lutnd john ballantine ocoboetowh mouloy sweetclover is a lankeroiis feed especially to younft cattle inveailgailonal work by provincial veterinarian i it makes castrw hon and dehurnlnc klsky store research and kb prrl mm ling palm garden lunch roo recently considerable sickness and losses have been reported among lcattle being fed on ensilage in some instance only a few animals haja beeiv attectedon a particular farm but in a few- cases tbe losses bava been serious as one farmer is known to have tost 17 anlntals out of a herd f 50 cattle the frequency and peculiarity of tbcpo tosses has led the department to bare investigations and expertmonts made td afliermlae the cause invest icallonal work by ontario veterinarian n the staff or the ontario veterinary college have betn in closetouch with atl phone orders delivorod h wheaucy standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes automatically screened and doaded coal wood select lump or domestic and threshing purposes sffiittingndanimrlgoej in faot i carry everything to be found in an uptodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown pho 18 browns garage has now a wrecking crane and can handle all binds of auto wreaks auto and general bepairs and a full line ot auto accessories gasoline and oiib agent tor oil i cushion tappets service station for presto light batteries for service phone boo day or night i free air browns garage j mla sti tverth phenemol j e smith stewarttown j phone 84rl3 old reliable dealer in wire fenc- 1 ing fancy and plain gates and posts of all kindslways on hand 1 have a large quantity of rails wbiob i will deliver any length at reasonable price j h smith stewarttown in the public eye it 0 t wauet there are quite a nam ber of people wbo have yet to use a light ed match to see if tbe auto gas tank is fall those wbo did are beyond farther experiments 4be dtovluce and mllatil lntornia- tlon obtained as to the prevailing clccumstonctis whcrti cattlo have died in ail cases investtgatlou has reveal ed the fact that the uihhcb hare occurred among cattle fed extensively en sweet clover ensilage which had become mouldy sampka of the en silage were shipped to the veterinary clearly indicated that mouldy sweet clover ensilage was harmful to cattle from observations and information available at the present time it would appear that the harm is condned to sweet clover ensilage which has be come mouldy and that tho continued feeding of it is liable to causa death young cattle the first to succumb it is an interesting fact that youss cattle under three years ot age are the ones which sutler most severely and succumb the quickest hi illus tration of this the case mentioned where in a herd of 60 cattle tbe if which died were all young cattle un der two years ot age and in good condition no sickness had been pres ent in theherdunui after tbe feed ing of the ensllagd commenced and tbe losses occurred within a few weeks apparently mature cattle over four years of age are able to withstand the 111 effects batter than young cattle however continued feeding ot damaged sweet clover en- silage may be harmful to cattle of all ages it mai it la also interesting to note that operations such as dehorning and castration performed oh cattle that nave been kept largely on mouldy sweet clover ensilage caused sudden death in many cases while the same operations similarly performed on cattle fed differently hare not been followed by hi effects the exact na ture of the poisonous factor associated- with tbe ensilage and the manner in which ltbroduceaharin death has not yet been definitely determined and any opinions ex pressed at the present time are baaed on practical observations re it assart iteqnired in fact a large amount of intense study investigation and research will be necessary to obtain reliable con clusions reg the possible dan gers ihetaentalto the feeding of moujdy sweatoloser enauage or- as to whether sweet clover cut at cer tain stages and under certain con- utlona detelona harmful properties 4a silage in the meantime sufficient evidence is at hand to justify warn- rtte feedlr feeding- j tag f mouldy ensilage to lire stock order to avoid losses and under no- circumstances should operations in cluding dehorning and castration be performed on cattle which are being fed on sweet clover ensilage if tt appears mouldy such anwaiff seem to develop marked vascular changes which produce a tendency to internal hemorrhage resulting in death dr g d mcoiwray president ontario veterinary college toronto clover seed grown at home is bar clover seed from italy and other countries of similar climate produces plants that are not hardy in north- era districts of canada and the united state in lilt tour and one- hair millions of pounds of this seed came into the united states this seed la not sold to farmers tn the condition that it comes in because seedhouses know it ts inferior and will not produce good crops there fore it la mixed with native clover seed and undoubtedly is the cause to a considerable extent of thljdt i satisfactory clover crops the only way to be safe is to boy from reliable firms which will guar antee the source of the seed or pur chase from growers in the immedi ate vicinity when purchasing direct from growers care should be exercised to secure seed free from noxious and otherwise troublesome weed seeds a c amy university of minnesota keep records adequate records are necessary to the efficient management of any busi ness the farmer to be successful must be a business man as well as a grower of crass and producer of live stock as a business man hft should have suitable business records uniformity dealrable every poultry raiser should make a study of the market demands a uniform colbr of eggs id flesh tn poultry is desirable a mixed floek will not product- uniform eggs or meat and crrh from such a book are pot de for batch log vulcanizing tires lor sale all sixes of tires tubes repaired cord tires a specialty f h butterfield opp rex theatre getwetown

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