Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 21, 1922, p. 6

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m pab ta tthm baailvtowii bau johk tirt lwa eggs wanted tor cash hlgnoai price paid for fresh eggs at fonior grocery corner john and victoria streets geortio- town the imporln cljrdmdale kilwinning jock vill be m tilt own siams rvrndal rann 15 jnl line evwy sulunkir mid m mcomaty of hal- marckut and f uie totnnup of tv he no ride of john jrnistiia wwbt- ten-puti- westerly along the northwesterly umlf of john street a distance of ooe bun- tired and forty feeti thence north westerly nt right angle to john stmt a duunrr f on hundred ana sixty feeti thence northeasterly and parallel john street a ulstaoee of forty feeti thfuce northwesterly at right angle in thr last mentioned street dlstanc mf mventyflw feett thenci la tba ccasatt mar b m to fascsirporat ay aasalat- tk laws of the a ac oatarlo to tw bktawn ai i anu li mi hid u an giacmank a hi fortr in the gj fwnuta jc ud ttayuond ii- txjsrnr- vlnmiagwaa ana coorgc ulcavchavc np- t j- ixl cornornuun i dollar upon the se- a nhirtgagc un lung herc- ocrfbml and to be pur- 1 la aruid oorpo ration and- up- r the a tobe erected on hc wild f add exxeupuonfroiu repayment ten thorn est at tite utnuuntl the preceding the said mi the terms iitd provisoes ao far as the to hoth parth nd form i arc other- i e wt fuuyr ontln an audctotwiketf the sab riiy b rawest i it geqrgc cleave eft i gorpatioiiearingdute tiiu b iiaqoolcicae or v which- uie aajd parties l la aanijbcmjporaccd- under taajsw -of- twjbwic ontario an amfcuajpfoententi to pur pyi esmsa lasem in hdd corporation of f aamcmet the isteriy and parallel to jqhn street a distance iif one hundsed f eehrthen tuwthcnstrrly distance- of two hun dred nnil thirty- ftvo feet to the ptnee of brnlnnlnk rtr that wnterahallhe auppllrd to llic hnld ronipnny from the corpora- llonh watrr worjta viun free of inner lurlnti n prrlml of ten vrwi rroin hie rlrsl dny of jnniinry 1083 ilfy palmed by an nflrmattvc t ihretvipartcni of nil the mrtii- lictsof ihe ctmnfll thlk dny mnyon schedule a mumollaliuum op agltep- mlint made in triplicate tl da hiriiolh duy of may au j22 jebrwbm r the municipal ooftpdlu- tiun of the iown of georgetown hereinafter called the corporation of the 1 rat part ltnttrtmt n of ucorgetbwd in the ciuflty halloa merchint nud george cicuirejjftheyownahip of kaiumug in the county of hultnn farther here inafter vailed tliepartlea o1e aecond part avliiittiias tkrtpiiruea of tbesec- 1 arena in- firj tmdinrtjlrdretohinildaoj t and otber amusemeuu the mi town of george t igaljafjrtwif of tbe af ilia all kym be eccaaary to liiailaira if bcaaid munlidpauty fckmtvm ihmm of tea thouaand doilan d debenture to svqiawabttasit dealraueto yafetjafttawbbeatateaatne ttiae dibnnf the aw rby respective oaatpayable in rk t tdkfymg fmdadpaland interest yth leaped e u amid beawea shau lteftuwaaaodavpayawe in each pfmggffl idebeatatc of the said itajolitjibljjii b said period iajtloaed slbe naiouit of the enrkhal 3 applicable included in mortgage after provided and shall tury in nil rcapecu to the nollcuor the corporation 8 the parties of the second part further undertake and agree that the aald proposed company will insure unit keep insured during the period mi portion uf the said debt remains un illlil dgnlnst loss of damage by fii llterdttii ahouui mi iiualily lwpediri hnv nlll- iliahalhia ins bomo im jd cgrpojo flrtiimanll 5c aecaejd by special s- msaestk sis3794of which o part rtfa inbaest is to ar- w lz da ahd vbbbbas the whole rate- me pcanehxiif the said municipality rsaak taae rated for the said purpose iimsuinruii iif tiilmi laczcases la laa 4o itbelasc txvisad pq wlfitfn iwrfnir 3 twhi grrc bia at u here- v w ajmea eoaflrtaed fccslastaaau ad my be lawful zyjtliit0ew oftjteorebnrato mtswmumyttdi thoap- vr isiai aij cleave or a company gvi ajmjs tiaesaapartiataropobe tt3wve ilv i oamacdeaam of tea thousand aaastori as vwayof bonus inlaid of tlaeapia siyaaaad j- thtimpsod t3eaee oeave aposithe terpis jufe aw nbent ifcerewitd uon to incorporate a company for the purpose uf building said arznn on the condltlbn thut the said corporation grant a bon us by way of loan of the sum of ten tliousond dollars upon the terms sod conditions hereinafter set forth and exempt the property of- the said com ment taxes for a period of tea years and also to supply the said company with water from the corp rations wa- ter wilrlrisyatcnrfreeofcharge for a wltnesseth that in consideration of the s remises and respective covenants ereuiafter made by tbe said parties eiilrwlththootberltbr hereby xov- cnonted and agreed by and between the parties hereto their respective heirs executors administrators suc cessors nd- asign s safollo wir i that theparuejl of the second part agree that they will after the passing- of the bylaw hereinafter men tioned take steps to procure hd incor poration under the laws of ontario of a ijmltedrcqmpaoyand that the au thorised capital is to be not less thai twelve thousand dollars f or thepur- posea of acquiring land la the said townot jjeojsftndescribed as fol- lower part- of lotj number nineteen in the ninth coacesslnn of the township of esquealng- mexountybf h now in the said- town of georgetown and may be more particularly described follows that is to sayr companies to be approved iy the sold corporation the buildings ilntil and machinery of the soldcoiu- iay to iut amount nut less than uic lebt existing front time co time from the said company to the said corpora linni and that tpc said company will nsxlgnthc said policies to the corpor- linni and that tfic said company will nsxlgnthc said policies to the corpor ation to he held by uie lulfcr as mort gagees up to tlie extend of their inter- tmto time as saim shall ap- 1 in consideration of the orw- lg covenants the corporatk agrees to lountothcid company whcalnr cuniornted the suui ten thousand doirarsupon theoins and condition herein coptoloii the corporation fnrtb agrees umt it wll submit to the duly quali fied rnf payers of the said- town of t r town for the purpose of cd- tuking their conscal n bylaw tw rati- f this agreement and to authorise tlie suld corporation to raise the siu of ten tliousond 4ouarsand issue deben- finally the said uylaw 1 that it wll pay the sa com for sewcsn work bnd bittb qrado ropnirn thin ib tbo ontj ahoj in town folly equipped in- oludiqrt stitohcr wbufiilleew on from twenty to thirty pairs of bolcft per hourfrom n hidrio bote to a tliicknean of j of sn inch and poaitlvdly mtirrnnteed i buy the ooaacilof the town of jacsaaa followsi ihc lands of one james m thesoidtown of- georgetown whlchare situate oatheno side of john street in- said town thence southwesterly alone the north- trlv hilhtf t tonce of one hundred and forty feet t thence northrwesterly at right angles to john street a distance of one hun dred and sixty fssi thence north- tfsterly and pataucr to john street a distance of fortj feeti thence north westerly at right angles to the last hienuoncdstreeta distance of aeventy- fltefceti thence northeasterly and parallel to jn street a distance of ic hundred feeti thence southeasterly o hu and thirty 11 bo borrow ilaiik credttaif the aald corpora ttzl dollars elal uhpelrsskmhrsxairbe issaed there- tfarsa7fcaas o4tot 4eashhaa doe bua- sr aheav jawark pach jpayabu id the manr k i ak aas febe asaoanu and at the bbaaeaietfwab paragraph four tsfsawsctl isllhe saul ddeotares i tat 0ietateof five and r coat pjey annum bavins for paymerilof aoau au bear tbe slrtaabl sbali be iisnied wilhia itfftcbe date on arbleh this t passed and may v bear witbia saobl period of mpbmi- as abali- iw pay- baafc of jawmreal gebrge- birio wltua twenty yvn piafxi wbea they shan be iaad4bc respective amounts bsaacbcjf amen years sball be j aaqr- abate xoirf tatotat- principal total vir iwooo m 8jbt prnred by t sa led-eate- payers of the said town of george town and finally pasted by the coun cil of the saiuscorporatlon and thi mortgage aforesaid given to uiejmid corporation sold sum of ten thousand dollars to be placed to the credit of the said corporation in the bank of montreal georgetown ontario and to be payable to the said company as soon as the arena is completed- the said componytp produce satisfactory expenditure vouchers on the said ar ena if required so to do by tbe said corporation 10 the corporation further agrees that for a period uf ten years to be computed from the first day of jan uary 1038 or for so long only during such period asthe sold company moke mo default in carrying on terms provisions and conditions a said agreement the land to be pur chased and hereinafter described and tbe arena tir be- erected thereon- sball be exempted from aumunlclpal taxa tion except from scbobflaxes of from local improvement taxes the lands of tbe said company to be purchasedand tw be exempted front taxation as foresaid under this bylaw may bejenawn and described jis followsi partpf lot numb 18 in t ninth concession of tbe township of esques- ing irf the county- ofhaltob now in the said town of georgetown and may be more particjiurly described as follows uutsnoaayp commencing at the easterly angle of the lands of one james m back of the said town of georgetown butcher which are situate on the northwesterly side of john street in sold town thence southwesterly along the north westerly limit of john vstreet a dis tance of one hundred and forty feeti thence northweste at nnflga to john street a csrtancc at one hun- o inii font slioo hiird aihi ctnhhrd in will be hi hani llnrtn vny frulayalu luroo kuh- letl nlotk horse enrolled w hljihpm urm lot 7 41 h imp mi t htrschorns ladies wear tailoring special values for this week end in k sosh irujv iovii shoe inorval elour mills very bort no lciixloin htork and catertoliiburaj a flpo tnulc i dont fee 1 1 nlioobao it will pay you to have your repairs done at a buo of thin kind theratb a reason having- followed thebhoe ranin ttinro 1895 i undorftutnd what i know aboat it ja ballaritine jtpalr faotary caratawaff klaaj aal qwaaa st aisr o t r stattaa htbrn 8jti to 610 daily 7 pm snturday work called lor and delivered cash system rox 546 pbooo 256w brampton business five feet to the piece ofj beginning and for erecting ao arena thereon av the parties of the second part fnrther fmderbjke and agree n-jr-r- lncc e that the anihih hiiv bf b said company- will when lnooi anawloeforecaulrig upon uic r- porntlon to pjt over to the said com- panycany portion of the loan herein- referredto acqalnj the aald land 1 crectttie said jatenajita 8thepastleiibf- par furthe undertake and agjpeibat th told cornpanywiniwwt ran arena m uie said lands costtof at least the sttm of twenty thovsudonara and- will have the aamelnoperatioiiby tile juxsttday of jannrk ims or within uch fuithertlmeasmy1rtoii6wea- by the sold cprpo ration i the- parties of the second part farther undertake and agree that the said company witt repay o tae said corporation the amount of the said loan of ten thousand dollars with in- terest at thrsamc rate as the salif cor poration is required to pay to obtain the money and the add loan u to be repaid within twenty years from the date that thetytfd money is loaned by died and sixty feet thence north easterly and parallel to john street a distance of forty feeti thence nortb- westerly at right angles to the last mentioned street a distance of setcnty- flvcfeett thence northeasterly and parallel to john street a distance of one hundred feeti thrnce southeatti erlyn distance of two hundred and thlrtyfive feet to the place ofbef ginning and the cukpuha1iun fuluifr agrees that- if after providing for the requirements of its domestic water consumption and fire protection and sad t utv ifi ns a bm to ae7i 8s 7 su 78 8s 79 8m 79 409 7b 888 7 further undertake and agree- that they nuixaj asva fai v oav v satlaatfsjr tfce purpose of pybk n of riocipaland fall dacto ct2sear aarlag the said twenty years eaatun earreneyof tbe saw debea- jfvsts wro afadlbe levied and raised k- tm year by a special rate saffl- k- o therefor on au tha rateable r laajuljhi tbe said municipality the aaavat dgal twadred and thirtysix aaad 400 dollars at tbe same time v ta ike tame manner as the annual st tmh uf 1111 i kefaajsiial by tbe mayor of tbe said a asaavaeal ay xae asayor b nwstof georgetown or by aomc other isam aatborised by bylaw of the aau wsaib ipalltr to sign urn same an vtvetrmnkraf ttc hid ton ssd i jerkaf taaaldnanlctpallty shall c j sallta ae cseporate seal thereto tbe t tiaahify-r- d oy tbe trrea- t 1 wv the tela mankdpellty and jds j iisiiihii ii ij atampedii- tb aaiayln i or eeoirpssed r that for a period of cest years to la uaaaialif freaa the first hay of jwnah mm r for eo long only durlag jsjss as tbe said company shall amavev j in carry tog out- tbe itwiuoas and exsdttlons ottbe igjmiinl the tend to be por- caad fcerettatrer dcacribed and h an fce ancted thereon shall iu ivnslfll roa ao hutthhd taaa- laaa cbool taxes or from rawseat tsarra dw said eosnpany to ev d dpcmbad rest to be com and payable in twenty equal snecesslve annual instal- menbi of the amount to par off the bond usue of the said corporation to obtain the said ioadof ten thousand dolbtrs the first of mch combined pay- ntentsrof principal- ad intezestbeeobbv due and be paid one year from thcdatc of the mortgage hereinafter mentioned the parties of the second the corporation shall be the sole jud the corporation has an available supply of water for the purpose it will supply to the company for the use and operation of the said arena such quantity as may be required by it from time to time free of charge and it is farther understood and agreed between uuvparttes hereto that wherever either orthe parties hereto are referred to such reference sad when therconlextso allows be deemed to include and extend to and be bind ing on heirs executors administrators successors and assigns of each df the aald parties in itness whbheof the cartles hereto of the first part have erenntb set theh hands and seals and the said corporation has hereunto af fixed its corporate seal and the hands of the mayor and clerk of the said municipality gxokck clbftvb raymond h iiohpsok signed sealed delivered in the presencerof h t day school night school isaac pitman bhortfiand touch typowriting baoinesa letter writing bookkeeping- conimerolai law oflbce systemb all buaineaa ttnd pablic school subjebts individual inbtruction entov any timo call or write for partfoolars mrikajrkxavr prln pfa9ncsol ladies dresses coats a htrschorn kockhbon bloolt seorgetowii phone 166 seeds red clover alfalfa alsike and timothy seed oate and barley sood cornhaa arrived wo have a rjnatility of bit crop seed on band w j campbell limited norval ontario kcltbairey electrician beanliml stalnary in our shop window elegant deaigdb at low prices bdi5wqilsalicqrwr for mmm lainpi fixtures sgudea stetu mi tlw btintsm shop ayid lot m gjkvm yon atpiioe dnyour ielctrlo prevent iightniiig losses wflenrofirrljundtoga arepitjtected witir shinoftat likhtnino rooxyou may be ab- solatdy sure that theyre safe from lightning damage shinnetat lightning rods are the only i ldndinade in the form of a fiat cable sir oliver lodge steinmetz and other scientibtq- 1 state that lightning travels on the surface of con- 1 ductors and hence the flatcable will carry the 1 greater current because it has nearly twice asj much conducting surface as other forms actwdf tests prove that shinnflat hra ieabseifvinduction resiafc- ance heat and greater cav pacity than round lighiitiiig cant strike if shinn gets there first shinnflat prevente lifhtnlnff by per mtttinjr the electricity to leak grad- j uaixtfrom the heavily charged r gtound a building into the atmos- b abuvbj prof w h dat profaasor of physics at the ontario agricultural college for many yean and canadas recognized authority ot lbjhtnlns protection fat now manajfer- of the shinn mftr co and assists in training shinn dealers thus insuring correct instauation call and get a bonk on the ughtaias canae and coatnl livingstons bakery main street no 1 a bread all kpnds currant brown j milk homemade wltite r saturday special chelsey buns plain bunn and bread rolls ovory flay aleo pigs a livingstone son phone ss v georgetown will before calling upon the corpora- tion to pay over ig npoi to the proposed com- jefore nrentlencd have all proper tran sfers of land phut and equipment to the proposed company find that the j imposed- company wul execute andde- iver to the said corporation as secur ity for the said loan of ten thousand dollars and interest as aforesaid and as security for the perforntfnees of all corenuiui and agreements stipulations and provisoes hereinafter contained on the part of tiiesohl parties of the se cond part a mortgageto the said cor poratiort upon the said lands and pre- tnlsea building and equipment and upon all other fixtures plant and ailpmeot placed or erected uponrthe d lands or pmnlsestw connection with the said arena free fom all dow er liens charges andencumbrances vf any nntpre or kind and upod all bulid- tbs3 plant tpd equipment that may be subsequently reeted sr brought upon the said prernlscstdurlng tbe cngency of the said mortgage and the said bmds bhlldlnga andcqulptncnt id pjant to be of the value of tweotx- iwo thousand dnuaixwthe said mort- ttge to contain soehcovensnts si are usually contained ta a mortgage mode in pursnance of the short forms of mortgages act and such further cov enant as the said corporation shall deem advisable for the seenrlty there by intended quiet poss on de fault- freedoih from enebmbrsnee far- ther assurance that no- act bas been done- to encumber the said lands in surance to the extent of their foil sa turable value in dollars currency af lawful money of canada on tbe bumf lugs plant and equipment on uie mort gaged premises release from- all claims subject to tbe provisoes for repay ment power of sale on default for three months on one months notlee- ln writing and natd default tbe mortgagors to have quiet pomes- and the provteoo for e at- notice take notice that the foregoing la- a true copy of si proposed bylaw of the corporation of the t6wo of george town to be submitted to the votes of tbe electors off law third day ot july 1982 between the honraof nine oclock in the forenoon and five oclock in the afternoon at the town liail in the said towa of geo and that the twenty aixth day of june ims at five- oclock in the afternoon at tbe town hall in the said municipality has been fixed for the appointment of persons to attend at the sold polling place and at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk and that if the assent of uie electors 1 obtained to the said propos ed bylaw it will be taken into codstnerauon by the municipal coun cil of the said corporation at a meeting thereof to be held after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice and that such first pobucatlonof this notice was made on tbe thirtyfirst day of may ad ims clerk not later than the tenth da before the day appointed foi the vote a declaration under the canada evi dence act that he is a tenon whose lease extends- fbr tbe time for which the debt or liability is tobe created or lotrhlch the money to be raised by uie proposed bylaw b payable or for at least twentyone years and that he has by the lease covenanted to pay all municipal taxes in respect of uie property of which he h tenant other than local improvement rates sarfausli setaat baai fan rocks 1 6 hp otlson smrtoe on trucks i 3ltpcghepn etigmet i iff huf nhson engioei i verity amgla fottww ndina plow 2arcomlhanddesadriqa i otowor 3 nc lme kmn awillsod main si better business very week bneoial dainty fresh chocolaton it a difllcult to eieall my imer of goods call in today and samplo- tbceo vslues before pnrohasins the prioes are so and 80o per lb s9o line will be nnnsuaj alne snob as you oaooot pnrchase in tbe city of toronto for 66a per lb i suao serve jlismt itfxnenea and loe oreeaa cigars cirarpttes tobaoooe pipes rroro 60o to 10 ox tdbaewn p o cag rubber ballstuinib balls uy inmaiilv mfr also fruit and vegetables canned goods consisting of clover leal a ftla vv jijfipr salmon horse shoe sslmon all grades sardines a speotal inneij froshdaioty biboaitev 85c per lb fancy boxen chocolates j to s00 h druks main st ceorgetoi why not todayst why dehyryourself for another day the pleasure and cqnyeniencehjhat come with possession of a ford if it la oueation fvmoney we will take care or that our rqontr vr wcfsa are moderate and can hi graduated to meef o3l you will buy a ford eventssvt iy why not todavjf tovrlnc oavape 445 535 840 rnxtmbont sedsum 9 4w- all price are fo b ford ohtaio h a goxe act s

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