Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 5, 1922, p. 2

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tub oboboktown herald jifiv olhj 1923 firemens celebration bylaw carrksf hirth mtrr j r mitl h illm nrr tow liir 11 oil 1 llwi itirtlis wi miirr j i mil h vx mini ir 1 cd h 11 rr lint- xli4 or poem born pox lii onrioir ti si i jl 2iul mr milwri m 1 1- i married coxlip t iiil mmis uillow si artoil o 1 i fcliisuy juie 21 1922 b ihr kn c slwarl rn l d 1 mr l kx ndcr iviottllm jan cox only son ol mr id mrs uvid cox mil of fc t in memoriam riuiit in lov tj raimory of william j urikhl who died july 9ib 1921 jnl lhtjtl of bwcci fitnicmbrance jusl nyiienn ly fond and iruc jusl a token of altcitioti and a luikitic will for you wihit town council council met on monday e reeve henrtwehin tbe rhrrhnirtace councillors antbonj barber her nngton long duncan and near present minutett of previous meeting read and confirmed tbe following persona addressed council dr marcel us re pay menb of nurse account mr tay lor of taj lor construction co re new waterworks system mr p cleaves re hay on reservoir prop erty mr bvrimfgeour re unsam tary condition of bouse s b groat re wagon for water tank mr i i hugbcy applied for transfer of billiard room license on motion of anthony and her nngton tbe request was granted on same condition and terms as former holder a communication was read from h n parmer re expropriation of property in town belonging to mr gregorj president fleck of the chamber of commerce addressed council proposed loan of 60000 to smith stone to extend their present plant albo a loan of 5000 to mr brill to assist m establishing hat factory mr schigner smith stono and mr brill also addressed council mr fleck also spoke re sions asked by mr j n 0 neilt with a view to re building recently destroyed by fire mr w c cunningham hvns granted permission to tether bis cow in central park on motion of bnrber and her nngton a number of accounts were ordered paid ch tost asked council to pu r kn t of new hose for the fire brigade and to have the hook and ladder wagon repaired on motion of near and long the clerk was authorized to get prices from local dealers oj 6 pairs rubber boots on motion of long and duncan it was decidodibinirchoso n wag on for tbe watering cart for 140 from s b groat council adjourned to meet thursday as b 80 p m urge cilherlig eaoyed spirts on dominion day t th ronton geargetom will have ink htbifin notwithstanding g weather during die morning ihoro was a good attendant o nt he tire brigade h celebration and iporu in tli park on haturdiiy uitorooop minoiih athletic i m ut keen i i ontested and the ball games between st puis and sliauiiotks of toronto and our homo leaui vvtro wutohdwlli in tcrest bv hundrodti of ttpei triors the citizens band looked wull in their now uniforms and their selections at internals during the program added much to tbe plion ure of tho afternoon the prizo winners in tho differ ent events were as followtr 50 yd raco tor boi under 10 yrs jack duncan wulur law son angus weuijss 50 d race for girls nnder 10 yrs minnie sargent m kollj l spence 70 yd race for boys under is yra l cafr c stapletonil vint 7g jd race for giru under 16 yrs v chaplin retta toat e alcott 1 mile bicycle race jas matthew h c walters cigarette race d latimer h hale 100 yd raue for firemen only u bcott t dobbie i mile open race c walters p laird 220 yd open morntt b merrltt 100 d open e merntt b merntt ladder climtung race a tost id bcott best saddle horse miss mildred fleck baby show jean uernngton jimmy louth base ball tournament st pats toronto tlio b law to grant a loan of 141000 to the oeoiuetown arc nil co wus art nsl on mitulii hi tin follow inn vote for lift law 228 against hj law 1j chautauqna news thanks chief tost tbe officers and l members of tbe fire brigade here lb- express their thanks to the donors for comphmontarj letters regarding the recent ire and cheques as follows j n o noill 4 son 50 00 w a h c bailey 86 00 j m moore 10 00 tuuru attoatlon free meetings for children will be held in the big cbaatauqoa tent every morning at 9 80 from j n ry 10 to j oly 1 th inel usi ve- miss eva pook student from vic bona college at toronto umvers it will be in charge of the meet ruga and stmm hoping to bee as many of you there as can possibly ootne miss pook will instruct the children in singing songs recitations and prepare them for tbe peace pageant which is to be held on the last chautauqua day the children will perform themselves and will be outfitted with costumes and regalia tiokat hunt fie childrens tickets will bo placed in a number of stores on main street on friday afternoon at 2 o clock children wboflnd these may use them to all the chautauqua entertainments after noon and evening jul 10th to 15th inclusive have your lawn mower sharp ened and put in first class cond ti6n at cassidys works ltd henry block georgetown prt spfcaod axtkda cwdidd for at opsrstlc nmabara the series of chautauqua enter tainments are coming to george town again from july 10th to joly 16jj mime this year sur thai of previous years the sixnjgvjlays will be filled with splendid music clean and humor ous entertainment inspiring and instructive lectures a community event for all programme july lo afternoon and even ing ferguson operatic qmn tetfte evening mr john dux bury england s greatest reader and reciter july 11 afternoon and evening herbert maofarren and bis in atro mental quartette even ing mibs hazel huntington new york prima donna soprano july 13 afternoon and evening mr gabriel times noted com poser lecturer and reciter evening hon whitwell wil son noted author now york correspondent to london daily july 13 afternoon and even ing lieuranoo n cremona or c nostra evening lecture by mr tom skey bill noted austral ion orator soldier poet and world traveller july 14 evening mack swan great lough making plav her own money presented b per oival vivian players july 15 afternoon jun i o r cbaotauqua pageant conquests of peace by your own boys and girls supported by the embers male quartette california t leading singing male quartette evening dr george w icerby will lecture on the task of a nation prelude concert by embers male quartette tickets are now on sale by a number of citizens of georgetown members of the chautauqua or gamxation in town mr w t evans is chairman of the ticket committee get your tickets early season tickets adults 276 children 1 86 war tax included single admission after noons 8fio evenings 50o second and fifth nights adults 76c child ren 50c war tax extra single admissions to the abovo programmes aggregate 6 26 adult and 8 24 for children so it saves to buy a season ticket get yours earlyand co-operate- with the local committee and help them to real lie their objective in making tbit years chautauqua most successful to date oakvlllo mw xillod as a result of driving too fast on the highway one day last week clifford wardell was so badly in jured that he died while being moved to toronto george donaldson was seriously injured wm creitthton was badly shaken up and a willys knight car in which they were riding was smash ed to kindling wood the acci dent happened in front of sir jos epb flavelle s residence about two miles east of oakville bkltaaa bplaadla bnlant at the recent camp at niagara the hal ton rifles lived up to reputation as ono of the best rural regiments in canada not onlj was the regiment the strongest 10 numbers or any unit in camp but had what was considered bj m the best band fn camp amongst other duties the hal ton riflcsrand provided the entire program at sl juarks church garden party toh ljenttkp satisfaction of all tjie jregirmnt itself occupied the posi tlon of honor during the inspection and march past before major gei eral mobreen chief or the genen staff the halton rifles was also tbe unit chosen to put on a sliovv the same day in the nature of an attack on an entrenrhki position to the accompaniment of rifle fire bombs flares ftn3 smoke screens lo the sports the halton and duffr enn boys carried off more limn their share of the events fnrnioh ing the champion 125 lb boxer runner up in tbe 186 lb olass win ner oltbe 100 yds dash and 2nd in the 220 yds everyone bad good time and the grab was tbe best ever thanks to the financial support of a tojol co ante council mciict d at i u mj in compu tt in no that nl and in in readi id weather w t local couqlol women tliere will im a spe lal inectii of the ijotal ouneir of women mattlicw home main s on thiiradnv july dlh at 3 p m the chief feature of the meeting ill be the report of the delegates to the annual meeting of the national council held in port arthur junt 10 22 and in fort william j uhe-3s- the delegates from the georgetown local coun ere mrs j b day foot mrs noble of norval and miss g 11 day foot president of the local at the on vent ion which was tbe 29 tb annual meeting of national council delegates fi 65 local councils and 15 proxies present mrs w e sand ford president of the national 1 presided at the opening id gave a most inspiring address among other prominent members of the council wbo con tnbuted to itn success and wicli whom we are acquainted were paisons dr stowe gullen and mrb w e becker all of tor onto owing to mrs band ford s activi ties in the international council of women she found it necessary to resign as president of the national council miss carmich ael of now glaucow n s wai elected president miss carmich ael was not able to be present at the convention as she is now i england after attending tbe h ecutive of tbe international coin 1 at the hague union on monday evening june 20th i large gathering of parents and liildron met at the home of mr james mckane to tay good bye and make a presentation to misi c hoy no who has been the populai tonrhcr nt s 3 no 3 clung mr a mdontild was chairman of tin evening and after appropri ate inlroductor remarks called or miss lldred m donald who read the following address while ruth anderson jamie m kane and jut l cook presented miss chevno with a beautiful manicure set brush comb mirror hat brush etc ucnr mi hi cheyne the ratepayers aitd boys and girls ol ss no chllbuaioumy ami thr mem bttb of union chunkjibvc gathered here to mpend a sociable evening with you on ilie eve of your departure from our n e feel your removal will be a dn loss lo ihe school nei lion rommunily during your four year m sojourn ive made a host of friends voui bright mle hearty tiainlithakc and readme help in all work has indeed been a eacber have been d it r and already we set ble untiring work ir ken by johnc of youi t noble calling an ideal harmed w th honoi hcfruilsof jour n i lie splendid stand i k pupl twhmg is work because sacrifice and you rejone be good teacher one man and a good worn wasle our work has employed your a lo ihe best advantage and has indeed proved worth while work develops oui gifts powers and nalure nd you have al these and are thus fitted to your active work you have also the entenlial quali your utlhng tuunely pal ss sympathy loie cheer fulness and lact you have ever upheld the high ideals of cilnenship lo your pupils and we expect to hear in years lo come of many note- ables who can claim the little stone school of upper fifth ai ihrlr fwtor of tounda lion and you as i heir teacher your work in the choir sabbath school and oung ieoples society tas cvei been appreciated in social gatherings your wilt readingi and yoim voice mingling with those of ihe other young people has ever been source of enjoyment while we regrel your leaving we trust that it will be lot your future benefit and well j we ask you to accept this set of ivory as a slight token of our esteem for you and as a rcinembrante from your old friends and neighbors of s3 no chtnguarousy we shall indeed rnss you lo come for the ihcenng word tbe kindly advt and ihe hearty liandclasp that helps draw us all closer together and make i worth living our hope for you is that wherever you aie you may be long spared god s richest blessing be assured that you arc leaving beh nd a host ol warm fnendl who will rvjo hear ol your happmess and will ev glad to greet you on each occasion waller i miss choyoe very feelingly thanked all for their kind words and handsome gift lunch then served by the ladies and speeches followed bv rev walter patterson ii j w taylor thompson mrs geo leslie a sutherland james mckane and john lyons instrumental mubi i misses puckering miss anderson h lyon a and tbo leslie church news 8t gforok r cnurni j the re f h tosgrave bj of trinity college toronto wfll be the preacher at both services af st georges church on sunday next st axban fl glk sundaj 0th holy ommunion at 0 30 with sermon by rev prof cosgrate of trinity college tor onto no service at 8 o clock glenwilliams uijiohle j oso i ih heat iiiii after an to tliii old ouuntrv our lacrosse team wasdf dated at woodhri lie ihhi thurxdaj i v u ig in s to 1 quito a nuiiihei of vixitors were tik hay iiiiiuhi ih hi full swing thl ll mr and mis death an 1 child n dotqtlij and orwi of ann aiikji midi ulio visitor of miss mil m miuttt rimfittlv mrs hardy of toronto ih spend ng the week with mr and mm j mcmonenis i xs fanny wfaver n promising voting hoioihi if lh6 ilen sung a mil the baptist hureh lust siimlnv mi alhe horbnp of toronto spent the wrek end with friends chief of detectives george guthrie of toronto was a neck nd visitor in our village mi and mrs h j m master or toronto are visiting friends here misi maidie anderson recently lived from berwick on tweed scotland and is visiting at the home of mr and mrs merridav golf news tw r land is scheduled for two apqaar- anoof at chautauqua farm specials nice 100 acres for sale 3000 or with crop 10000 fine foam soil well fenced good basement barns comfortable house nice stream of water flowing through property water in both house and barn convement to village and on good gravel rood on saturday mormiih hint lolf links was the w n of a v interesting ton rnn mint bttuit n tlio omilojees of the links tin lirttt lart left lhi leu at tbt club h on o about 11 olok and the rest followcl in turn the weather loaring they wi re abh to play all ntnn holts mr tel fqrd mckaj mr j a willtuiuhli and mr l herbert k pt won tor the throe groups the store boinii rut follows mr w millet- 70 mr j hulls 70 mr jwlaxolwood 7h mr hulls 87 mr a rnss m mr morrison 102 mr w hodge ih mr c huuey 1111 mr g hams 12 there being a tie for fjrst place it was plajeil off on the first hole mr mtllei winning lhe tii lj stroke after the playing off of the che piny era and score keepers wore entertained to dinner by mrs w il lougbbj in the club house aftei dinner mrs willougbby presented the prizes to the winners as fol mr w miller ut mr 4 hullst 2nd mr j haeclwood hid mr hulls 4 th when ail bad received their pri zes and partaken of tin cigars which wore passed rounj mr morrison oxprcssed on behalf of tlio employees their thanki those who kept sroro and to id mrs willougbby for the line dinrer they bad provided and for i of the golf course at the mens store new spring suitings overcoats iv qiialitien new pattern n w yiiluta heaiitiful wmil fullj n ir neiilmg hie imhi wiiivik that are irtmlured s3soo j4oo0 4500 are nuiwrior u choice little suburban home of five i home price twenty live hundred nice garden soil and some particular choice two hundred acre farms fine buildings nnd situation some beautiful homes m georgetown and brampton at reasonable prices if you are in the niaiket for a homo consult us before buying wtevans6g0 service phone 183 and protection s jacksons tremendous bargains 1 half price and less for housefurnishings kitchen cabinets all the newest labor saving devices regular g000 half price tsooo buffet with top china cabinet regular 35 00 for 1800 buffets oak finish and large roomy spaces regular 48 x half price tai ao roav chairs and rockers oak fumeoncst tapestry 1265 for ttoo arm rockers leather seats go for 405 jl piece living room suite chairs rocker table ft oak fume ish art leather 4b 00 for s3390 3 piece bedroom suite white enamel metal bed good spring and good mattress 84 65 for 1495 dining tables round pedestal leg fume finish 0 hi for 11695 living room tables oak bs for 340 bed couches 18 00 for 1385 couches largo size tapestry 29 00 for s1boo couches large size leather 81 00 for s2300 floor or piano h lee trie lamps mahoifany finish 2 lamp socket beautiful silk shades value 26 00 to 33 oo cboloe 1500 jnmmieho grass rugs itx36 50c for 88o 84xi8 b5o 5bo 27x54 1 00 for t9o 24x4t2 25 for 169 iijiorted rugs footwear i the latest in fleet foot and other linos of white mimm classic nnd other lines ot the most lip to dauvstj le and oxfords prices vprj inu for satis factorj good wc offer on the daj foot boots for men nnd bovs n satisfactory wear prices very moderate betur for quality value service georgetown the 1h tt iiiahties nl three jkipnlar prir i pi ililii s m ming hihl m tr nt an hih as lift dollurs sscial kiiaranteid kltit st rues strio and plain are inrtiulnl at these three iopular in ren the hiiperb hiahij iftored fit plili nnd workmanship guaranteed situiileh villi be sent to outside ciihlomers on retpxst place jour mil r now and have yttur suit for haster mens furriishings new arrivals in fine neckwear shirts collars under wpar te hats and cnih in nil the latest and best atjles for spring wear r ready to wear clothing at half prick to clear at ootf great biugains in this line must bo cleared we etefd an invitation to me and all to call and inspect our slo l and prices before piirchaaingyour spring outfit boy scouts tbe meeting will be in the drill shod on friday at 7 80 p m wc going to get busy now tor the camping season there are lots of things you can all da so just do it the scouts certainly looked good both wednesday and saturday and it is giving the officers great encouragement to see the inter est you are all taking don t forget friday night overy scout and cob please attend there may be a visitor you never know lour i of honor on tliurs day at the church 6pm h c bailey electrician headquarters for 1 lonipi fimtnres shades etc call at the harness shop and let me give you a price on your eleetrlo work satisfaction guaranteed rne2s2 georgetown be sure ou piiithem onf carelessness with matches cigarette butts cigar ends pipe ashes camp fires fly smudges railway locomotives slashburn ing operations human carelessness of some kind accounts for 97 of the forest fires which every year add further devastation to the northern areas of this province dont dont take ny chancm wit fire in ontario forests dont throw away ciirar- vtte or dear butt pipe beds or burnt matrhes until you are drad sure tbey arc out dont nrxlrrt to drown out your fire with lots of water dontjwud your ramp fire against a ratten w or stump nor on windy patches nor at the base bmld it in a cornier fir place orwii f al rock or on a apot cleared down to tbe traeihil below or by be edge of the water dont forket that the tipper layer of around in tbe forcftt ronaista of partial ly rotted wood which will here are typical cases picked it random from last years fire rangers reports the rangen on the otnbabika to fort hope canoe route in the far north on july 4th found an area 10 miles long by 4 miles wide which bad been swept by fir since their previous trip a camp fire left on a portage waa the cause a prospector on the montreal river started a fire on jour 7th which burned over 4300 mere in baden township destroying 1000 000 feet of pine and 9000 cord of pnlpwood and which required attcntlodrtor a month a party of fishermen camped on porcupine lake burton township parry sound were responsible for a fire on july 10th which burned over 25000 acres and 2000000 feet of timber indiana sntoklns moose meat started jre on tun 26th which ran through 1700 acres a young jack careless frappei township which 1 tottng white pint the best way ro bfhtjemt on may 7th censed a fire b head burned over 2jk acres half of it ontario foresti parliament buildmgs branch toronto ont save ontarios forests theyre fours 7

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