Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 19, 1922, p. 1

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r v v thergeoretown herald fifty arxtq ybar of publication smrctoira wednesday evening- july 19th 1823 1 00 per annum in adtonoo 2 00 to d 8 the georgetown herald every wednesday evening at the herald power printing office qaorgatown ont contract advertising rates furnished on application j mtdore paftllaker ad roprieto afeahar oaaadlaa wely nawa- papar aasaolauon otpl tim tarda aofno kaht 7 22 aih pabhongor 9 m a m passenger 10 liam mail 11 4ftan passenger 8 4h i m passenger h br rrt passenger suiiday 711 t m ooing wkht passenger 7 67 am mail 10 10 am passenger 2 13 p m passenger 150pm passenger b02j m 7 09 p in mail b 26 i m passenger sunday jo ib m qoino nobth mail 8 00 am mail- 4 66pm going sooth mail 11 88 am mail 8 00 pm teraata latnui rallwav daily time table am pm p m going bast 6 10 224 6 40 qoiog west 8 66 8 10 7 89 bunda y timetable going boat am pm pm pm pm 10 21 18 20 8 45 610 917 am p m pm uoing welt 10 40 610 9 m fh tcm opera anjjist elliott yeaure ass gauulaa bttk im strictly firstclass smploytnent catalogue w a elliott priswlpal wabaixey harness maker now ih jour pi anoe to got tome new harness sutt cases club bags auto rugs etc t li lit liavo come thro tlie fire tot were not damaged at all at greatly rod u mid jriceh bdsineh as ufloai ftquiiiii pnmptly altoiied la wa bailet dp to date harness shop matt sired georgetown ba kxtoben aprona house sresaea porch dresses wash su is for le boys rompers lor i le lata infanta jd x sax for m aaea x so for children underwear stamped goods etc mrs i walmi hrs l wlahem oeoboetowk coal best d l ac w scranton coal in all sizea also smithing and steam coal mrs j watkins nnrval station phone 6kr24 rv erwingoldhams meat market main street georgetown phone no 1 fresh lake trout every friday and saturday watch onr windows lor specials on saturday quick delivery guaranteed specials in real estate frame house in glen williams to be sold at once five minutes to coating mills any reasonable offer will be accepted x frame house on paper mill row small deposit dtfwn for information apply to r j hynds insurance and real estate broker office rearof hank of hamilton phone 203 georgetown jmbuck butcher fc array 1u jill af u atarnto vuu aa da a tka u lowest possible prices v ftiimr paottboard license no 9 9108 55tbfot hie best k- established 187a l many a good i banco in lout for want of read money sometitmes a few extra dollars make all tbe difference decide upon n fixed reg ilar deposit id tbo bank and then eiceedit if possible to day ib tbe beat day to start try the ice cream sundaes served at madges candy shop main street phone 214 georgetown ctteajkrv cream wanted by the georgetown creamery for your accommodation we will bo qpen monday a wednes day s and saturday nights till 10 o clock ice sold and delivered to any part of tbe town phone for your ice before 12 o clock prompt delivery georgetown creamery co m sasce manager i r ha tn r b thompson co georgetown ontario sfecia polish georgetown flour feed mills seed corn improved bnannins lvitont4n no 7 auid wliite cap all 175 per bushel wcbessey phone 195 georgetown directory shilton wallbridoe dale barrut bolkltora etc toronto and oftorsatown nmn kennady u onk li oy da in ehrc nl on rca h o meir r rslrr sol or t- c os c his et rut- own ho s 9ilm o 1 r in ope he ineauny and sa rdn eve dr t n makoejlldfl phyaloiaft and surgeon modlcal ooctr of health offle itoura to 4 and 1 to i t to phon 08 offlt jnd realdanoa aliin euraat south oppoalte presbyterian church dr o i w absb i hya c ajatid surffon miu street gtomaloma uioue 22 ex house surgeon cracp moan ml maybe grown tps liavo their troubles but i n very sure a boj lias h h worries and vexal oni that his mjrce of unod destroy bia there a ooe thing i havo do r ticed that whatever be hia woes somehow somowsj they all van ish when n fellow s mother knows i sometimes when the things that vox you seem just more than you dan beat when jm fool no friends are loft yop and you really do not care then wrtbrsnctrfthittd ot trouble ho v roil id anyone supposo they would vamsbitito nothing wbon a fellow s mother knows 7 dr o v wiimams i 1 yajc an and su k oftce and ben tlence corner nf ma i st south j fc o j s oppo b ha bcrjlamlcj oftce hours 9 10 am 2 3 and 7 8 p r id by ttppoinl ncn f r watson d d s m d 8 offlm bonn 0 to except tkaraday afteraoona f l hcath ldidoi oantlat offloa in lne block one door nortl if o nell a curias factory ho urn j a tract c erk tow sh p of esq cs ng clerk 3rd d v a on cou the lead k fro and l fe ina r co a rcpreacnted insuer of marriage l cwnaen s e warn own on a m mieuien d o oribopraotio office and x-raj- ziaboratori- pajbner qradnate 10 yra azperlaaoi office over toa office consultation and spinal analyali free off ck hours tuesday s thuradnya and sa unlays 2 o s and 7 to 8 p i phonk office isow and reside c 232 benj petch ljcenaed auctioneer for halto and peel q ten wllllama poat offloe salea conducted aatlafaotorlly and at re so nab i e rates ordera left at th qeorxetown herald ofllce will reoelve urompt attention coal wood on hand all tbe time best scbjcnton coal cement on band john eallan tine qeoroetown long distance hauling teamingcartage tjong distaooe hauling with motor truck piano and furniture mov mg teaming and carting done by day or hour norman snyder georgetown phonel71 in the public eye b 0 t walker or aitshtuwlectt whan too drat elans at y attain appesur a butatarm opto- matarut ahoola be oonaultaol w will nnaris la racnlatod aooonunac totha atramathof and tha ubunnt of worh also uaaauoftb etnat m bohaa a ottat on tna rrvmlaaa blusfetouod to o t walkerr o kactataraa optomatrtst at optician nwi sm for appointment madi st bslamrtoh brampton business institute day school night school isaac pitman shorthand touch typewriting business letter writing bookkeeping commercial law office sj btema all business and public sol ool subjects individual instruct on enter any time call or write for part cutant h m ravsin prin phone 661 eflqs wanted lor cash hbjhert price paid for fresh eggs at porser s grocery corner john and victoria streets george- g town the old fashioned home there a an old fashioned house in an old fashioned street in a quaint little old fashions town there s a street where tbe oobble- 9 tones harass the feet as it struggles up bill and then down and though to and frcr through the world i must go my heart while it beats in my breast where er i may roara to that old fashioned borne will fly like a bird jto its nest in that old fashioned house in tbab old fashioned street dwell a dear little old fashioned pair i can see their two faces bo tender and sweet and i love every wrinkle tbats there milton as a rule there are nob many persons in the jail in summer bnt it has not been empty since ooto ber 1918 whea there were no oc cupants of tbe cells for eleven days yesterday there were three prisoners judge elliot and bis family moved into their summer cottage at bronte last friday afternoon the officials of tbe milton golf and country club announce that tbe course is now in splendid con dition considerable work having been done on tha greens and fair ways all those interested in tbe ancient game are cordially invited to submit their oamaa for mem bership tbe mjlton cbantaaqua ended saturday july 1st tbo pro grammes throughout were pro need better than tnou of last year there was a deficit which the guarantors had to pay ont of their own pockets however they bave tbe satisfaction of know ing that tbey gave the town in struotive and enjoyable entertom ments champion miss margaret dewar who has been teaching achoo during the past year at vanguard soak has- re turned borne for the summer holidays dr mcgoll left week in com pany with dr stuart and meee of ouelph for england tbey ex pect to spend several weeks at tending dimes in edinburgh save ontarios forests nothing appeals more to the im agination of hundreds of people than to see themselves bitting in front of a camp fire enjoying tbo evening and watching tbe sparks as tbey float towards the sky into tbe darkness above thousands of people every summer a pond their evemqgb before camp fires tellmg stones of tbe dj s fishing or boating but how many of those people take care to see that these camp flres are thoroughly extinguished before turning in for tbe night some who camp in muskoka tbe last thing they do every night no matter how low tbe are is to take several pails of water from tbe lake and extinguish every bpark some people think tbey are cranks on that subject so they are if every camper and picnicker would do be same thousands of dollars would be saved to ontario ery year and soorea of flres would be prevented tbe ontario department of lands and forests aa is tbe case every year has started an adver tising campaign in order to edu cate people to tbe necessity of be ing careful with fire especially dunng the summer careless campers cause ll percent of tbe forest fires m ontario a little care and com moo sense is all that s needed to prevent fires andjjy reading the advertisements wbioh commenced in tbo herald lant week everyone may learn not only bow to prevont flrea but a lot of valuable things abo it camping and out door life stape at tklnt a4 fearta lum the toronto suburban elecino cars now stop at new platforms at the tbird and fourth line owing to the danger ffom falling stones at the dolly varden stop when tbe workmen are blasting in the limestone quatnsanear the lime kilns there tfiat point is being discontinued as a stopping place tbe plan of making stops at both ie third and the fourth line wih be popular the new worth a spaiisauas paradise to i on who spend their vaoa t on hal ng hunting or canoeing caoa la is drat among tbe codo tries of tbo world for tbe oppor tumties it affords fir indulgence in either of tt ese inviting in vigor atiag and t l ting pastimes but there i one part of tho do minton whiob is particularly in tiling to tbe sporting usl erman the big game hunter or tbo canoe ist it is what is aptlyrtormed canada s new north reached via cochrane and comprehends that vast at re tab of virgin conn try contiguous to tbe canadian national railways tranoootin eutttl division extending across tbe upper part of the provinoeb of ontario and quebec far a distance of over a thousand miles with hudson bay as its northern limit to quoto a traveller who knows it well it is a virgin country juat as god made it tthe spo t northern- country ib a veritable paradise within its vast forests there roam at will nearly allspec offai game common to the north amer ican continent of the big and burly moose it is the home bed deer have a wide range and in borne sections are numerous while caribou are to be bad by tbe hunter who seeks them in their feeding grounds in several dis trtcte bear are to be found while the smaller fur bearing animalb are oommon to a wide range of territory disciples of isaac walton will and in the numerous rivers and lakeb all that the most ardent of them can desire both in regard to extent and variety of flab which abound in their waters like or grey trout ranging in weight from six to twenty pounds are com mon to several of the takes waters in which speckled trout abound are easily accessible al though naturally the more re mote the districts the better tbe sport in some of the rivers and streams tho square tail trout weigh ing from fl ve to seven pounds good bass fishing is to be bad in certain parts and par tioularly in northwestern quebec one specie of fish whioh is oom mon to some of tbe older partb of canada not found in thib far northern country is the tnaaki nonge but in some of the waters sowing into james bay are to be caught the lordly sturgeon sports men having landed flub of this species ranging in weight all the way from twenty to two hundred pounds in the waters contiguous to hudson bay excellent salmon ashing is occasionally experienced pike and pickerel are common to okkmany toimym experienc ing tbe truth of the old saying about giving a dog a bad name t may be probably it is entire ly sincere in imagining that it will be bankrupt if it has to carry out tbe obligations imposed under the reparations settlement but the trouble is that not a co in the wor1i trusts tbe germans any more and germany has quite a iot of discussion has been ar of iate over the question of whether girls should or should not bob their hair and t is difficult to understand the reason for tbe fuss if woman imagines bobbing ber hair will im prove her appearance nothing in the world will induce her to re train from trimming down what has jjeen declared to be woman a orqwning glory so what ib the the waters or this northern wild to the canoeist who seeks ad venture in territory beyond the lonjiejfjlvaljabawnjjiojwatorilot tbe northern parte of quebec and ontario afford ideal facilities jttvers many of them mighty streams which for generations have served as highways to adven turers fur traders and trappers bound to and from hudson bay are almost beyond compute in number the country being grid ironed by them wonderfully in terestmg canoe tripe either ex tended or limited are available take for example the six routes to moose factory all of whiob bod their way into moose bjvef about so miles south of moose factory on james bay until within recent years this great new north was inaccessible to those who bad bat a few weeks vacation at their disposal it could not even be reached dur ing- an ordinary vacation term now over tbe lines of tbe canad tan national ra the sport ing flab erman the hunter the canoeist and holiday seekers in general can occupying en route modernly appointed steel con at meted trains reach points in this happy huoting ground in thfe eourse of a twenty four hourj journey from buch centres as tor onto and montreal and from new york chicago and boston in ap proximately thirty six hours and there is an interesting little booklet entitled where to hunt fish and paddle in tbe new north ohtamable from any office of tbe canadian national bail ways which enables the holiday seeker to select his camping ground in thib primeval paradise a number of sectional maps covering the sporting territory from west of lake nipigon to western quebec in which are shown canoe routes and trails wilt prove invaluable to the sportsman visiting tbe territory the booklet also furnishes in formation regarding go idea and other necessary details st a xjcma la lajta slaaeoa last week word was brought to on ilia that several sea lions had been seen at hawkestone on sun day last tbe leigh brother were watering their horses at tbe lake when sea lions were awim mtng quite near they were about eight feet long when the horses saw cheat they became frightened and ran away the lions bave been been in several other places recently according to reports the story is that a dr ons which was passing atbertey a few years ago placed tie sea kerns in lake simooe the oinns rather hard up and could not get a regular suppb of dsb for food and the lions were dying so they narrowb notes and comments once uobb the drowning acoi dent a that are reported from all parts of the country are proclaim ing in tragic tones tbe need of learning to swim every boy and girl nnleas physically unfit bhonld be taught to swim and safe swim ming pools provided thou to hkb pbomi miss agnes mophail mp has return ed 1500 or her sessional indent nity to the public treasury mfss mopbail s action is in pleasing contrast to thai of tha progress ivea in the ontario legislature who grabbed off an extra 600 at the closo of the s these ib how well under way a widely extended movement to have the adoleaont attendance act repealed by tbe ontario legis lature it is alleged the increased attendance of pupils from fourteen to sixteen years of age adds great ly to the bjjrdena of tbe ratepayers in providajta additional school ao oommodahpii other olatms as sert that many homes need the children when they reach the age of fourteen to work at home on the farm or to earn wages to sup plement the father 8 or mothers earnings an extensive ucbnsiho sys tem bos just been introduced by tbe elmira council for the pur pose of protecting local business from itinerant peddlers as well ao to raise an incidental revenue butchers bakers restaurant keep ers laundry men ice oream verr dors and keepers of all sorts of amusement places must now pay a license to carry on business in elmira and transient traders will be liable for tbe full extent of the taxes if they visit that town local merchants who pay munioi pal taxes should in any case be ient traders by law should be made more effeotive and stringent ly enforced since july the pibst all dis pensera of soft drinks have been required to take out licenses at s and all unfermented wines areat- ed waters or carbonated waters have been bubjeot to a tax of 6 per cent per gallon at tbe place of manufacture a tax of 6 per cent total sales by soda fountain dis pensera is made the retailer will not be asked to pay a tax on bottled pop this product bow ever bears a tax of 5 cents per gallon at the manufacturing end manufacturers and dispensers claim that this taxation scheme is unjust the tax is enough to create considerable revenue for tbe government but the manufao turers and dispensers oannot col leot it from- the public because the tax is not great enough to give them an excuse to raise pricea here is one instance at least where the public gets tbe best of the deal erin mr and mrs- wilson and sons of toronto spent the week end with mr and mrs p binnie mr and mrs w graham of bay city mich motored to eno and spent a few days last week with mr and mrs s bidler- 7th line mr and mrs a aroett enn mr cecil ridler georgetown t miss j bonnie miss laura car roll and miss myrtle booney spent sunday with mr and mrs 8 bidler 7th line hon w e raney and lady baney hon e c drury and mrs morrison accompanied by mrs rev hilts of toronto were the guests of mr and mrs geo ramsden on wednesday last advocate w oaamlla a rata 41 mola the new tax rate or oakville is 47 mills this ib a considerable increase from the past year s rate of 27 mills it being accounted for by tbe fact the town is under taking a number of local improve ments including sidewalks and building a school tbe time is coming when about tbe only thing that will scare a horse is to see another horse in town trouble with many people is that tbay can t reduce their earn rags and their jreaminga to the same oommon denominator

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