ohuld jo ivy i9ui 1982 birth moron in mtmortam esqucslng conndr 11122 train struck auto there ilf j l limit of on no one known ill ihcjil lie nrt aches only ihon wln have lout can ley odhprti l hut u liorna in nileiue for uiu one ilinl i lm ed no woll sadly- in nucd uy daiirhler mis dabble pdfc in ioviiir mother mrs k july 17th 1921 in greenwood softly lemiiiik uhere the flower kciiiij wave lies my dear mother harriett in her lone and lent gnti fnenda my think that i ve lorjroile when at times ihey boo inc smile hut they little knuw the s e hides ised by t while i waller and wife tbe ontario motor vehicles act contains u utmtc which has- not been riven tbe publicity it deserves no person under tbe age of 10 years shall drive a motor vehicle and no person over the age of 16 years and under the age of 18 years shall drire a motor vehicle unless such person baa passed an examination and obtain ed a license is that clause be ing rigidly enforced chautauqua splendid series o entertain ments concluded on saturday georgetown cbnutauuua of 1922 wo a sqlendid success from a mu sical and oratoncal standpoint but it did not leceivo tbe patronage it de the various programmes during tbe entire week wore full of splen did muhio clean and humorous en tertainment and inspiring and m btruntive loc litres all who alien ded the series were delighted the lectures which were or pccially good were delivered by hod wbetwell wilson noted au thor of new york mr tom skey lull australian orator and soldier poet dr george w kerby orator of calgary the play entitled her own money presented by porcival vivian players brought out the largest audience of the- week it was certain i- an evening of mern moot and many hearty laughs were indulged in by both old and young c we understand that sufficient guarantors bavo been secured to complete the contract and that chautauqua will be held again in q i 1928rwbenr-it- hoped a larger patronage will show their appreciation of tbe efforts of tbe guarantors to pro vide a series of good olean high olass entertainments for the com m unity indoor baseball at a meeting beld at the bank of montreal rest jooms tbe fol lowing teams fhined the id door baseball tftigue firemen bankers masons creelman bros oddfellows and- baptist church ah games are to start sharp at bo von bcheddle july 21 firemen vs oddfellows high sohool july 21 bankers vs oroelmans park july 24 masons vs baptist high school july 24 creel mad b vs firemen park julj 28 masons vs oddfellows park july 28 bankers vs baptist high school july si odefellowb vs bankers bjgb softool july 81 firemen vb mbooub park aug 4 creelman vs baptist park aug 4 firemen s bankers high school aug 8 masons vs creelman high sohool ang 8 oddfellows vs baptist park aug ll bankers vs masonb park ang 11 creelman vs oddfellows high sohool aug 14th baptist vs firemen high school stowaitlown lulj 17u the council mot puihimut tt adjournment the hoove in tin ahair members all pnsont lli mimitoa of last moetiok war r and coulltmed brown liompsbire tliut tin treasurer pay harry aidwoll work on 10th lino lot 28 one team 2 days at 6 60 hi 00 1 team 10 houih at cf h80 1 spreiuict 10 hours at boc 4 a0 total 24 00 also harry aldvioll statute labor paid and performed 1b60 74 jiih gravel at lot 11 10 total 24 70 mrs ft mills 62 loads riao1 aj ioo 1800 in j as ross division ben narrop hauling gravel lot 0 can 9 226 1 2 ds at 1 75 per yd 897 87 teams hauling dirt 106 hrs at 6bo per hour 1kk man shovelling 106 hours at 27jo 28 67 total 500 98 carried brown hampshire that thf treasurer i f w uukkins 1 2 cost of one days shovelling fcii paying a like sum 1 peter mir ray actoo 1 2 cost of one team 8 at 6 50 8 20 12 cost of one man ahovelhmt 2 days al 2 76 dr m e gov land milton amputation of hand walter wftl jler iq 1919 be being in indigent circumstances carried brown leslie that the trees pay george laird for- repairs to plow and express chargfib 6 05 w d johnston for 400 ft 2 inch elm lumber 20 john 14 bags cement at il 20 48 00 less 14 returned empties at 20c 2 80 46 20 bell telephone co exchange service for july 1 64 adnm alexander kelso 142 yds gravel at 15c 21 80 supplied m j carton sawyer massey repairs for grader 8 88 carried leslie appelbe tbit the treab pay w rutledge tbe sum of 71 10 for 150 yds gravel put on bill lot 26 town lino 8 dajs levelling at 8 and 54 loads furnished town line at 80o per load chinguaiousy paying a like amount canada ingot co 62 70 for 2 culverts shipped to john barnes d matthew supplies for health officer hdro electric co 1 street light 8 and 10 lights in glenwil hams 80 to be collotted in taxes carried leslie brown that the trbas pay a f spear 11 25 12 new culvert between 5th and 0th con erin paying a like sum carried leslie appelbe that the trcaa pay wm cole for hauling and putting in oulvert on 6th line lot 29 0 carried brown appelbe that the troas pay 0 a wngglesworth work on 6th line con 6 4 18 4 cedar postb at 80c 1 20 repairing bridge lot 24 flth line 8 26 spikes 50c total 14 08 j barnes grading no 5 md e road 4 teams 8 days at 5 60 60 00 1 team 1 2 day at 6 60 2 76 1 man 8 dayb at 2 9 00 1 man 1 day plough ing 2 75 total 80 50 carried appelbe hampshire that tbe tress pay henry bayers jr for 17 yards of gravel at 15c 2 25 carried appelbe leslie that tbe treas pay john giffen 100 for 280 jds of gravel at 86c frank chibholm for grading on no 6 sideroad j54b5tl12 dayb on fourth line 600 1 12 dayb on base line 8 eipress on blade 77c total 64 00 campbell 1 2 cost 84 yards of gravelat 20o 8 40 hampshire appelbe that the treasurer pay thos early 100 foe gravel hauling 0 the 10th line lots 9 and 10 and 8 60 for doubletree for road grader total 108 50 c b swackhammer 18 60 for work on tbe third line and town line erin fred mc arthur bum of 18 70 for grading third line and levelling gravel on harry mcdonald s contract r mai 286 ejuesings share of gravelling town line between chinguacousy and esquesing lota 2 to 6 b h brown 18 00 value of sheep killed and damaged by dog james stark valuer harry mocdonald 142 88 for gravell third line opposite lots 29 and so carried i hampshire leslie thattbl9 counoil do now adjourn to meet august 14th at 7 30 p m wm lyons serlmsly lnared bey als ri aptaret prizes at calgary fair akhcmi commander honors canadas dead thrown from his car when it wuh w truck by the engine of a northbound freight inttt thitrh day morning william lyoim n ii known t hinguiu ousy furmnr in remote d to gtu lill hrpilnl th his le knee cup broken and t tight kiiic bod i hint ii alno miftering horn shot k an uniy brills d from head to the accident happened at jo 11 tliuradaj morning at the cross ing otorstlie cpu near lhe in torproviik ial brjckjardk albeit powell an eight year old boy wvh ith mr lyons in lhe car he is also thrown ontf but cttcned ith mmoi cutand bruises mr lyons lealizing nn danger as he amn to the crossing turned ins n r into the approach inn freight his ericape from deatb nan miracu lous july 17th the injuries sustain ed by mr wm ljona rormer or cheltenham whose automobili was btruok by a g t r engine on thursday hast are- worse thi anticipated the x ray showing a triple fracture in the right knee in addition to the fracture of the left patella v fall dates of taint be held tbe fairs to coming fall have been announced 1 by the ontario department of ag riculture as follows georgetown oct 6 7 aotod oct 8 4 jj aberfoyie oot 8 7 brampton sept 22 28 burlington sept 19 20 calodon sept 26 27 erin i oct 10 11 fergus sept 21 22 gait sept 22 28 grand allej-r- t sept 26 27 milton sept 29 80 oak vi he sept 14 to 16 rockwood sept 2980 streeuvuie sept 28 toronto aug 26 to bept s the adano orchestra of gait f bttels orchetra has baoo engaged to ploy during thebom- jmaivmonths on byery thumiday evestttg snrburban park near actonrby mato via crvwaon cor waoi forget this thursday naotoi base ball corrcspotilcncc mr j m moore the herald georgetown dear mr moore you bae asked us hnw the antomatic rap id eloctru cook stove 10 being re ccived tbroughoutcanada and we are glad to aay that we otp ahip ping to eserj prornce een as fur as dawson cits yukon as ou know we gie a guarmn too and btani solidly behind ll this of course makes sales for ua as most people are mclir hive an article a leasonablj fair trial take lhe hamilton district as an example there we placed some forty seven stotes u only one instance wore we asked to take back a stove that is a record am concern mifcht on- in many homes having largo ci tric ranges our stocs have been placed llrst of course on trial and thej have remained people conclude there is no earthly in paying for fuel- from which ibey yet no benefit with tbe auto matic rapid jou pay only for the fuel that actually goes into tbe cooking of the food and not for the heat which by other methods escapes into the air heating up lhe homo and the cook a lot of prejudice exists on earth right off without a mom ent s thought some people will condemn our stoves it cant be done to these we say it is do no and many thousands of peop m canada and the united states can tebtrfy and we will be glad to prove right m their own homes that our statements arc correct when tbe leading do- ieatic science ex ports of the womens institute branch of the departments of agriculture ontario and qaobeo have adopted the automatic rapid for every kind of cooking baking and in their fruit conning where they take such pride at demonstrations it seems hardly necessary to say more the careful and thrifty housekeeper is om bent fnend for she quickly appreoiats the labor time and fuel saving effected and the joy of having all foods perfectly prepared probably yon bavo noticed oar advertisements ro the leading magazines and journals of canada and the doited states as welt as the canadian dailies in all am encan publications tbe george town as well as our detroit ad dress is given this is good ad vertising for our town we are glad to know that your itove ib giving auch perfect re- lults and assure you that you will be still more delighted as tbe days go by v yours very trulj william campbell sales co at the mens store new spring suitings ovcrcoals qualities new pattern nta valnph hdiutiiul woo i tlmt atu piodiued full i yri hciitini tlii lust 13500 t4uoo 14500 a bakfiunm tires 1 pair 33x4 kas cord a limited number soxsi while tktv ol fhbutte8f1eld vnkaiewrm cn c home with greater laurels those american repicsen at ve from north of the 4pth parallel i do not wish to draw any com pan lsont but out of those 490 00u cans clans who went oversens to fight for liberty and justice ibout half were casualties no army has a better re cord than thatjnd it is something of which canadians and americans are justly proud for we are all aroeri- as the general approached the statue he stood to attention ajid salut ed and later on with the greatest of good nature agreed to pose in front of it for the benefit of the press pho tographers general pershing is ac companied by colonel j t lore right and major marshall bis a another good game of ball was itnessed by a large number of spectators in tbe park last satur day afternoon it was a league game between campbellville nine and tbe local team at tbe end of the 9th innings honors were eves each team having scored two rnns in the 10th innings camp bellville went to bat but failed to ocore while georgetown in the 10th scored 1 run and won the game tbe score bj innings was as follows rhe campbellville 001 toooooo 8 7 8 georgetown oo00002001 8 102 batteries campbellville early and lamb t georgetown blackburn and mcgill next saturday afternoon the acton nine wilt play our boys in the park here and a good game is anticipated let ovary lover of sport m town turnoat and obeer our boys tovictory over their big gest rivals in the league what- ever yon do don t miss this game the acbedule game of tbe bal ton junior league will be played in the park on thursdaj evening 20th at osoi acton vs georgetown indoob baskball in a game of indoor baseball tuesday mgbt creelman bros de featod tbtr baptist church by a score of 27 9 batteries laird and laird bell and meredith have jonr lawntnower shairpowpntred dd and pot in first class condi tlon at coawdys works ltd henry- block georgetown special notice shoe repairs tbe only fair way to ia any kind or a job sa by jutcc work price so tn the faune i will charge so much for use i f i used and- a iicwwlilr jjnrr far tbe time it takot to do use work this will cause my pntca to vary bat in shoe repaimsr e sftsl same price aa the one who 10 or 11 is not really the proner thm to do as the party witja small feet n belpnac to pay bar the one with tbe larffer 1 ra a asy of tbe sole or heel nacd not tbe am of will sewing toe ropa etc will cost tra i dont repair while yon watt a paying system i glenwilhams complaints are again being made about boy s interrupting lodge meetings while tbe trustees should thing to tho hall windows or we shall see some of these boys get ting into trouble- mrs ed stone of williamson n y spent a few day s ith rela tives and friends hen recently also her niece gwdendolyn apple- ton mrs wm christie and daugh tern clarion and dorothy of east rochester n y are spending their vacation with relatives and f nends here mrs will allan of london and miss helen hallidaj of peterboro are spendinga few days here with relatives and friends mr john wheeler has renovat ed bis store on the inside and it looks like new again apples are reported scarce this vicinity mr j cain reports business brisk in the new garage here jrtr ftnumrs jos mem aster and family left recently on an extend ed trip through the west taking in moose jaw cplgary vancouver and seattle wash the orange lodge and true blues sprat last wednesday m goelph those who didnt set wet outside on tbe way home were lack the game of lacrosse with bol ton at bolton last saturday was largest tende for section oftbe county receive the very beat ntentionr- delivered ja bajlantmel dr frank c gaved eyesight specialist 209 bank chambersno 2 college st joronto will be at the mcgibbon hotel georgetown july 29th from 9 cum to lo pm electrical treatments given for sore eyes squint cataracts etc i m tin branston violet aay high frequency gfonerator exclusively do not fait to get a demonstration and learn how to keep health j remember 1 visit georgetown once a month kt iunlitifh at tlirh- popular pruex are superior to n mtlluig liit jiar at us hihh us fifty nixtj or monty ilollitrh tjxcial gmuiuitced blue hmkch strik and plain nre mi i licit il at lhrtso three iioptihir ii ihh 8t the uperb iin1ilj oiti red fit mle and wirkiuaosliip giuiraiiteed bamplih mi1 he sent to outside customers un miiicst place irdor now and liavo uur suit for boster mens furnishings naln in fine neckwear shirts collars under hats and caps in all the latest and best stjles ready tc wear clothing at ualp pltlce tp dear at once great bargains in this line must be oleared we extend an invitation to one and all to call and inspect our stock and prices before purchasing your upring on tilt millar co fla hlhlu tuiarnmc iul man furalablnc innu for 8tookirll hnulrm r co toronto dvalna anil dry clamnloo- phone 126 1 georgetown- bf i fllr hydro electric sells lamps irons toasters vacuum cleaners ranges and all electrical appliances of all makes 25 and 40 wat lamps 40c 00 watt lamps 45o 100 wattlamps 110 special prices on nitro lamps fans of au sixes speoiml 8 in at 11350 irons from s47d up office town hall quit dqjpber from bw wit- desmff ttie big sunn m toronto ud bnunpton imi sttorday standard anthracrie scranton coal in all aot ffwlrjr cosd avood ijanp lor doaaealae in fac4 rearrj enrjitumf in on mood m say f- cosj and wood tar john mcdon marbtnm pbohk u look here men something different a complete new outfit o luloierlttoraeasure suit cup shirt and boots for only 2256 or 2550 i 4 o outfit oomplete from head tcrfoot i m v three payments if you wish satiathuuh oiuutmd we havti no cheap good a we make your suit from your choice ol n ls nssortmeot of woollen aiatcrmk in a lare range of pattern any style yon wish and tailored to jour measure the boots are hawthorne madeblack or brown broad or pointed toe cap and shirt are best qualitj and sure to please see the samples that ah we abic oall at one of the stores listed below or phone or write and our 1 will coma to you remember te guarantee jou com xsf action is complete ootttt mfg co or cajiaba a j kay a- ovalpk jt afai bta oeoboetown oat jacksons tremendous bargains half price and less for housef urnishings kitchen cabinets all tbe newest labor saving devices regular g0 00 half price ssooo buffet ith top china cabinet regular 86 oqffor m800 bultots oak finish and lare roomy spaces regular 43 00 half price 3150 eaflj chairs and rockers oak fume finest tapestry 1366 for 790 arm rockers leather seats s go for 4b5 7 piece living room suite chairs rocker table etc oak fame lnisb art leather 48 00 for s8890 8 piece bedroom suite white enamel metal bed good spring and good mattress 24 65 for 11495 dining tables round pedestal leg fume finish 29 00 for 1805 livingrooniieableboak 595 for t849 h c bailey electrician lttttit formstssdm atecsai t tfee harness rriipiii r yon m fnnsm om fsor electric nsillgfirtlcf ovutxmteed main clkeiwi palm garden loneh rooins meals served at all hour ice cream fruit confectionery a full line ei tofaaeoos cigars and cicarettes bed couches 18 00 for 9395 couches large site tapestry 20 00 for s1boo couches large size leather 81 00 for s2soo floor 8v piano k lee tnc lamps mahogany flriieb 2 lamp socket beaotifol silk shades value 25 00 to 88 00 cnoioe 1soo japanese crass rugs 18x80 50c for 8s0 14x18 bcc 5bo 1 27x54 100 for t9o imported rugs 24x48 2 25 for 169 footwear the latest in fleet foot and other hnea of white summer footwear classic and other itoes of tbe most up- to date styles in slippers id oxfords prices very tow for satisfactory goods we offer ion the day foot boots for men and boys ne better for satisfactory v ear prices very moderate quality value service jacksons georgetown all phone orders delivered h whealley istfalitla seen but fam tatmiery 4 xecond haod weal 1 re top btinkr t hcam wagon 3 in- h 1 ronlaon naclor apd pfow 1 10w taan trador interna octal i 8 h p lntrmalional a etupnc on irucka 1 hp on enrine on lruck 1 1 1 2 hp itaon rne i 1 w m cilon encn 1 enlf nafe lurrow odmtt ntrvat ll the imported cirdemtale kilwinning jock ftll be at his own liable ferndale farm ita is 3rd ime every salnrday and lloa day breedera abould see thia hone be ha ouahtv brdiob having aadi airea baron pnde hiaaihu baron rnbf and radium asld a noted btock borae to inaurr a foal 1500 enrolled and ttt- apectcd and daaaed to ib bqrbdm form will be al roaa burt a kot 22 4th ime every fndaf ahernoon from 230 to7pnto nsiu giluk ft soms proa 10v54t f