Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 2, 1922, p. 4

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v tm qaobqirqwm fcltaald agoubt 2nd lfiaa iv bylaw no n a faytaw to aatborias ttw tssua of uhiuh of lha torn of caera- towa to tt oouil of fin ttwrnsaad dalian to rant a bonus by way of ifiaa tp david brill to auiit bin to oaaatp awl oparata and carry oa a f ac tary for tba manufactnrim of bats awl cap in iba aald town of gwri- wlhillbas thr said david urill i no expressed the desire it uli and up erutc a factory in the said it of ccurietowju for the mil nufac lure of hula anlcaps ph u ue towh orfceorgettwn fur a luiuus uf five thousand dollars by way of ivn for the purpose oiutlnit him t equip factor mid operate und carry i on aald business- and ukuhab there la no it the r tnanuftudiry ur business uf a sliutlar nature u itlnd lu the wild luwn f georgetown and uheilbab the said david drill has entered into an agreement with uc jlald corporation uf ccorfc tovn dated tlc twenty eighth day uf july- ib subject to the approval uf the duly qualified ratepayer of tltt- y dlt ion and stipulation hereinafter tonuinnl the mid parties hereto do hercb luutuatly covenant and agree lu and with raili utlirr a iiikihn that in tu ssyi llir aid manufacturer nrceai 1 1 hat ns roou as possible utter thin aarceciieiit him been citi itled h tlie laid lurporutiun anil ilia b law tot firm ins the name i passed njler the approval of the sulci whereof u set forth in tlie scliedulr hereunto annexed and marked a and whereas l in expedient to pus tbia by law and tu submit the sainc to tjie electgrs of the wild luuui lipallty lo raise b way of loan the jiajd uim of five lliousaud dollars tu assist by- way uf burnt tlic said david llrllt to equip and operate and carry whk1usa8 for the purpose aforesaid it will be necessary to usui debentures uf the said lawn ol jeurgctown for the sum of five thou sapd dollars the proceeds of said de benture to be applied to the purposes aforesaid and to no other xndwiikkisas it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one thue and to moke the principal of the sold debentures repayable by yearly sums during the said period uf ten years being the currency of the said de bentures dd yearly payments being of such respective amount that the amount payable in each year for prin cipal and interest in respect of said debenture shall bcj equal amount payable in each years of the said period ofer mentioned anp v hfikkas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said municipality exclusive of local 1m provement debts secured by special asseasinenu ia 37499 41 ot which no part of the imnclpaj or interest it in and vttikbkas the whole rate able property of the said municipality liable to be rated for the said purpose irrespective of any future increases in the same according to the last re vised assessment roll is c936 iherefore the municipal council of the town uf georgetown enacts 1 that the said agreement herc- nnttranuexcd and marked a h hereby ratified and confirmed 2 that it shall and may be law ful for the corporation of tieorge town to loan to the said david urill the sum of five thousand dollars ai by way of bonus in aid of the taid business upon the terms conditions stipulation and provisions set ont in the agreement hereunto annexed and marked a 3 that for the purpose mentioned in the preamble there shall be bor rowed on the credit of the said cor poratlon the sum of five thousand dol lars and debentures shall be issued thcrfor in sums of not less than one hundred doliarseach payable in the manner and for the amounts and at the times set forth in paragraph four ft tm 11 debenture ahwl wilnkbb villlilul parllc hereto of the fin u iicriuulo set thcirliiktid and w thr mild crporutloii list lierru fixed its lorporulc itnl ntnl tin of the aald mujor and c it rk said municipality munid k vi ll ami iwltiid ill the prrsrmr of david iiktll lie approval oi in miiu tinmn proceed with oil proper dlilgcncv nut uu and place on the premises own i uir snid parlii rfb the corner of mill and f main streets in the said luwu of tieurgctowu ail necessary phttil mu ilner and equipment a d liable for c carrying on ul the uld busiucu at cost ot approximately souu h 1 he said manufacturer ahull place the said fixtures maoiincry und plant ill the said furtury und hiivc llif same in ojierslllun as a guiug luutcru un the first day uf october a i i ma or within such further lime u mu be allowed by the said lorpnr i tbat he will carry on the bunl ncss of mauufocturiug liuln and caps iu the sold faetory r other sollubir building for n period of ten cur from hie first da uf uituhcr 1hjv unless lu case ol fire ucildurt t maclducry rfrlkes or for jiny other cause such iu shall render an inter ruplion unavoidable und in nny such tase oporutiotih shall he resumed us soon as poaalbic uiercuftor not ex tecdbiij twriie mouths in luseuf tulnt loss hj fire und iu c uf any litcr- vulinonsby l5hinoa bynfetunmr said sliail he for a lunger period tii thli ngreciiient shall be null and voli mill ihr purtlcs herein hull be relrhori from nil liability or obligation uf and it i further underntixhl mi iigrrcd bitwcrii the jinrll lirrrl i tha whrrrvrr either of the p irtle hrrrt ure referred to suih rrftrfltfc hiiiiii whrn the rontrxono all hr drcmr to include and extend to und h bind ing un heirs executors iidmlii turs huccri ill be lisuad within two years uftrr ic dulr on wlilih thix l i iw i puss rd and inu heur any date within uih terlod of two ynur and linll lit pay uk at lie dank f montreal iiorgr own tl it trio within twruty riri the iiitc wlirii ihr shall lx jrs mil bear interest at the rate o alx per ctnl per annum having coupon at tached for payment of such interest and shall all bear the same date and balinbc issued within two years after the date on which this by law is pass ed and may bear any date within such period of two years and shau- bc payable nt the bank of montreal georgetown ontario within ten years next after the date when they shtdv be issued and the respective amounts payable in ca of su years hall be as fouowsi year 1 qlercst principal total 300 00 i79 a3 67v 33 21 m 3 2s3 10 4 227 64 throe month in any jear the said manufacturer business shall be con llaucd und carried on after uie fluid term fur a period cquul to the time of uie said interruption over uud ibuve the said three mouths und in ase any interruption from any cuutte as aforesaid oilier tliun from total loss b f sh be-for- longer period than two months in any year the said manufacturers business shall be tou tlnucd and carried on after the said term for a period equalto the time of interruption over enttubofe the said two month the said manufactur cr tu have the right tu abut down the said factory during one uiunth in each year during the said period uf ten years for uie purpose of taking stock ur of malting repairs which sold one month nevertheless counts us part of the said ten year and uie said bus nesa shall bo deemed to be in upcr atloa for the purpose of calculating the said period lhat he will invent in the sold business at least so0u in addition to the 0000 loaned to him by the said corporation which last mentioned amount the said manufacturer is bound to spend in the purchase of suitable machinery and equipment with which to carry on the said busl s lhat he will repay tu the said corporation the amount of the said loam of five thousand dollars with in tcrcst at the same rate as the said iorpu ration is required to puy tu ob tain the money and safd loan is to be repaid within ten years from the date that the said money is loaned by the aald corporation to the said mann facturer lhe principal and interest to be combined and payabh equal successive annual instalments of the amount required to pay off the bund issue of the said corpo to obtain the said loan of iveleuusand dollars lhc first of such combined payments uf principal and interest become due and to be paid one year from the date of the mortgage here inafter mentioned 6 lhat he will execote in favour of the said corporation as security for the said loan of five thousand dollars and interest as aforesaid and as sc- irity for the performance uf all the covenants agreements stipulations and provisoes licreln contained od the part of the said manufacturer a mortgage to the said corporation un til said land and premises uu ncr uf mill and main streets- in the said lown of jeorgetown and up on the buildings plant and machinery and upon oil other fixtures plant and machinery placed or erected upon uie u i j nd i connection lake notkc that the forcttoing u a trot copy of it propuhrd by i iw f thr corporation of the lown or licorgc towu luthe submitted lothc v lieu of clcctom on the riotli day of au at luii heluern hit hours of nine luck lu the forenoon und five oxluik in the iiftenithiu ut the 1 owft hull in the slid lown of iieurgetown and utut the twenty first day of ih iq at flv n k hi the uf teruoon ul uie lown hull in uie suiit municipality 1ms been fixed for the up- pulumucnt ot persons to attend t said polling pluce and at ui iulubup uf tin uiat if the usttrnt of tli lalncd- tu the said proposed by li u will be tii ken iutu consideration by uie municipal council of the sui poratiun ut u meeting thereof ieldsner the cxpirsuf- jl r ticoi uptown l khath noli c fluid si tirantlr from uie date of the first publication uf this notice and uiat such first pub ucauun uf uils notice wus made un th second da of augubt a d loti lake notice furuicr thut a tenant ho desire to vote upon the suld pi putted by law must deliver to the clerk not later uiun uie tenui day before lhe day appointed fur taking the vote declaration under the canada uvl deuce act that he is a tenant whose lease extends far the time which tlia debt or liability is to be created or 1 which the money to be raised by th proposed by law is payable for at least twenty one years and uiat he has by the lease covenanted to pay all municl pal tuxes in respect of the property of which he is tenant other than improvement rates uid uu rrhpr hi i nh if li cu for the said loan of forty thousand dolltr ami interest as uf rr id md sjhurit for the perfomiuiur of nil covenants agrccnirnl hlipulu ii and provisoes herein rontului d the purt uf the said lump in u rtguge to the ukl l rp trillion up the uld 1 mill i md prrti lurs putter nit building pi nit and muhlntr pli j400 00 si0h7 i imw 11 ll i j4 747 20 40 000 00 6l 74 20 hat fur uie purposes uf paying il inxtahuuith of principal ami intercut as the same full due gpipei lively during the uld tvteilty yiur bthng the tnrteiuy of the snldoticbcn turcs there ahull be icvled and rulned in each year by a special rate buffi thrrpfiir o all the fid property in the huld municipality uie sum of three thousand four hundred mill eiicht hcven and iiuihu tlollapi at the sartie time and in the hnme n ncr a the annual gene nil rutes 0 each uf uie suld dehelit khali be klgned by uie muyorund uhnll be signed also by the jrcasurer one lhe dibeiiturcs shall be k ruled wltlr thi heal of the curp oration 7 the debenture nifty contalrrnny provision for uie registration of them uuthnrhtcd by laa 1 iris by law shall take affect on the date of the passing thereof subjett to it bring assented to by uie electors finally passed by on affirmative vole of three uuurters of all uie niciii bcrs uf the limikll this day of ad 10jj id i irry rd c a ring itl th hright upo rijuriitly erect during the i the v of suld ii i list iirlgngc i indh huihlliikh u i li iti t r und plunt i i he i f the v ilir of one hundred i ju juki md dollar 1 he aald nirtgufec to mtalti sucli c iveiiuut us urn uiiuallv c on tu tiled in u mart gsge mudc in purilumiec uf thr shirt 1ortns of murtgugcs act mill mu li ulher ruvenunts oh the ituld i orporn thin shall deem udvlsablo for the se iiirlt till rub inteiitled i0iit pokhcsm ion on drfintltfrrrdm froui eneum hriikts iiupt ns hrrrtn iiiriithiurd further ukhurmicr thut no upt has htm d nr to r ik umber llie said lunds except ns herein tnehtluiicd lu surnncc tn the extent of their full in htirnhli ijilur in dollar lurrnuy ul luwfuv money uf canada on the build higi plant und iuachltiery im the in irl guged premihcs h relcuse frikm all tlilum mibjttt to thr pnivlito forre payment a pqjver of sale on default fui uimn mon ontnie month nn in v a bargain in tires j 1 pair 12x4 kh corda a jiniitttl diniibtir uoxlti while tliev iahi 910 fhbitterfield vulcanizermag mowo dpherty stoves and ranges saconci baod alnauro sprcsulnr mower buicb mnple bfaf cvrmjor bpattj bros ua trnok cam ftnj 8lin molobte oieam soparator mnctbine oil axle orpase rithig and until drfault tli ti imvr ijiilit po thfjauor l tsd bylaw no 042 71 cp 1 hi 23 ic8 7 71 3u44 4j6 ii 451 79 478 91 507 64 538 to 570 39 604 62 640 h9 679 u 679 33 676 j3 679 33 679 3j 679 33 679 33 679 33 679 33 179x30 5000 00 6793 30 8 that for the purpose of paying the said instalments ot principal and interest tnc fatl dllc respec tively during the said ten years being the currency of the said debentures there shall bojevled and raised in each year by a special rate sufficient there for on all the rateable property in the said municipality the sum of 467933 at tfa sunn tune and lo the same ttrn aa the a kcycrai j eadi oflhtsaiaacoci be signed by the mayor of the said town of georgetown of by some other person authorised by bylaw of the said municipality to sign the same and by the treasurer rof uie said village and the clerk of the mid municipality shall affix the corporate seal- thereto the coupons shall be signed by the treasurer if the said municipality and blsalgnature may b lithographed or eng finally passed by an affirmative vote of threequarters of all the mem bers of the council this day of 1m3 clerk bbtwekn david 1ih1lu of thtf town of geor in the county of llalton manufacturer heremaftcr called the manufacturer of the first part and tb corporation op the town xp gborgbto n herein after called the corporation op the becond part whereas the said manufacturer proposes to make and manufartu tiata and caps in the amid town georgetown and whereas the aslrl cnrpoj- uon ha agreed to submit for the s promt of ttte qualified electors of town off geo and to final- iy pass if approved by the vote ot the said etectori a bylaw w con- firm and approre this agreement and i t grsint to ttae manufacturer a tbonus by war t loan of the sum of five thousand dollars payable hi now thbbkfottk thfi 1 wltneaatth thai lnwwtstderauon of the r t ptesabes and tersms gtesneb toa a by law to authonsa the tsue of dahantnros of tha town of goorga town to tha amount of forty thou san do to grant a bonus by way of loan to smith and stoocumlted to asstst it to ealajrgo their promat factory and to put up equrp and op rats a pottery plant and build a rail way siding into their said factory whereas the said smith and lit one limited electrical monufuctur era carry on a business for uiunufuc turlng electrical fitungs in its factory situate in the said lown uf george and wheueaij the suid hiuill4 lu lotisldcrauon of with the said factory free from dow cr liens charges and encumbrances of every nature and kind except a first mortgage of 40oo against the said premises and upon ail buildings plant and machinery which may be subsequently erected or brought upon the said premises during uie currency ol said mortgage and the said lands buildings machinery and plant to be of the value of 15000 the said mortgage tu contain such covenants as arc usually contained in a mortgage tnadein pursuance of the bhort forms of mortgages act and such other covenants as the said corporation shall deem advisable fur the security thereby intended quiet possession on default freedom from encumbrance except as herein menuoned further assurance that no act has been dune to encumber uie said lands except herein menuoned insurance to the ex tent of their full insurable value in dollars currency of lawful money of canada on the buildings plant and machinery on the mortgaged premises a release from all claims subject to the proviso for repayment a power of sale on default for three months on one month noucc in wriuog apd until default the mortgagors to have quiet possession and a proviso for the repayment of the sakt sum uf five thousand dollars and interest at uie rate per annum in the amounts and at the umes menuoned in the preccd ing paragraph hereof the aald mort s pro th covenants and condition and provisoes of this agreement shall so far as the same wsj be applicable tu buui parties hereto be included inland form part of the said mortgage uoul the same is discharged as hereinafter provided and shall be satisfactory in all respects to the solicitor of the torpo ration 1 that he wlji employ ten cm ployed irithln two years uf october first aj 101 tnc employees tu be residents of said corporation the said corporation agrees t i that it will make uie said loon to the said manufacturer upon the terms and condiuons nerein contained x that it whl submit to the duly qualified ratepayers of the said town of georgetown for the purpose of obtaining their consent bylaw tu ratify this agreement and to authorise the said corporation to raise the sum br five thousand dollars and to issue debentures therefor for the purposes aforesaid and if so approval to fin ally pass the said by law a that it will pay the said menu facturer the said sum of five thousand dollanafter the bylaw has been ap proved by the said duly qualified rate payers of the said town of george town and finally passed by uie coun dl of uie said corporation and the mortgage aforesaid given to uie said corporation said sum of five inou satnd dollars to be placed to uie credit of the said corporation in uie rank of montreal geor ontario and to be payable to the said manufacturer- as soon as the plant is completed the said manufacturer to produce satlafac- ir aj vouchers on thfc said iant if rcqulredao to do by uie said isporauon t and it is farther understood and agreed fey and between uie parties hereto that if uie corporation- should abnut such bylaw and if such bhw shosdd not receive a vote sufficient lo carry on a bonus by law by the provisions of uie municipal act then llllb 1mjkniuhe mode in dupll cate tliis duy of july in the year uf uur i urd one ihnu guild nine hundred und twenty twu between bmhh mone limited of the iwn of georgetown electrical muu ufucturcr hereinafter culled the compuny of uie first part and hie corfora1ion of uib lown of ueokgkiown herein after called the curpuruuun of uie second part htklas the said company are w manufacturing hlcctrlcul fittings its fuctorj iu the suld lown of georgetown am vwlhulab the suld lompun desire tu enlarge uiclr present blunt d to put up equip und operate a ttcry plata and to put in a railway siding on their property provided a loan uf iouou is grunted tu uie suid company by uie said curporsuon tf whereas the suld corpor has agreed tu submit for uie up provul of the qualified electors uf uie lown uf georgetown uud to filially pass if approved by the vote of uip sold electors u by law to confirm and approve uii agreement and a bonus hy way of u loun of uie sum of torty thousand dollars ptijablc in cash now ihih agheemen1 und stone limited desire to enlarge their present factory und put up equip and opcrutr a pottery plant and build siding into its said factory and whereas in order tu large their sam factory and to put up equip and operate said puttery plant and to build said siding the said hralth btune lias asked uie said cur porauon of georgetuwn to lend it uie sum of fort thousand dollars to as iit it to enlarge iti present factory and to put up equip and opernte said puttery plant and to build said siding and whereas uie re hi nu uuicr manufactory of a similar nature kind established in the suid lown georgetown- and whereas the aald smith stone has entered into an agree men t with the said corporation of george town dated the twenty fuurtli day of julyf 1922 subject to the approval of uiaduly qualified electors of uie sold 1 own of georgetown a copy whereof is set forth in the schedule hereunto ann ex cdand ma ia and whereas it is expedient to pass this by law and submit uie same to uie electors of the said muni clpallty tu raise by way of loan the said sum of forty thousand dollars to assist by way of bonus tbc said smith stone i indted to enlarge it sold factory and to put up equip and op erate tfaid pottery plant and to build a railway siding to better enable the in to operate and carry on its said bus ncss in the said factory and whereas for the purposes aforesaid it will be necessary to issue debentures of uie sold municipality for the sum of forty thousand dollars uie proceeds of the said debentures to be applied to the purposes aforesaid and to jio other and whereas it is desirable to issue said debentures at one time and make uie- principal t the said deben tures repayable by yearly sum during uie period of twenty years being uie currency of the said debentures said yearly sums being of sucli respecui amounts uiat the amount payable l each year fur principal and interest in respect uf tiic sold debentures shall be equal to the amount payable in each of uie ouier years of the said period as is hereinafter mentioned and whereas uie amount uie existing debenture debt of uie said municipality exclusive of local i in provement debts secured by special asscminentsts s374w44 ol which no part uf uie principal or interest is in rear whereas the whole rateable specuve of any future increase in the same according lo uie last rev inn assessment roll is s936 560jx tlferefoke uie municipal coun cit of the lown of georgetown enucjs as follows i 1 that the said agreement here unto annexed and tuarkrd a is here by ratified and confirmed 3 that it shall and may be law ful or the corporauon of the town of georgetown to loan to the said smiui atone limited uie sum of forty thousand dollars as by way of bonus n aid of the said business upon uie terms condition suptdations and provisoes set ont in uie agreement hereunto annexed and market- a s that for the purposes menuoned in uie preamble there shatbe borrow cd on the credit of uie corporauon uie sum of forty thousand dollar and de bentures shall be issued therefor on payable in the manner and for the amountsand at uie times set forth in paragraph four hereof 4 tbat the aaid debentures shall all bear interest at the rate of aix per cent per nnmim having coupons at inched for payment at anch interest soya all bem use same date and the premises und of the term of tills ugrceuicir uie suld purues hereto do hereby mutually covenant and agree tu and wiui each other us follow unit is tu sayi the said company agree i 1 lhat as soon us possible after this agreement is executed by uie aald ldrponrtlott and tl by- ing the same is passed after appro oy electors to proceed wiui all prupei diligence to erect upon uieir oid fin iury sllcjn uie luwn uf georg ngrr fr nil necessary kilns and buildings suitable puttery plant for uie i lucture of porcelain and also t mid pluce in suld putter plug necessary machinery and equip incut suitable for uie currying un uf the said pottery business und ulsu tu pro ceed wiui nil proper diligence tu en large uieir present plunt and utbo tu put in a sidiug un their property at u cust of ut least forty tuousuiid dul muy be upllcubh n he iui hided in unci form purt uf uie said in o rtguge until the same id discharged as hereinafter provided and shit ii 1e snuafactury in all respects to the solicitor fur the corporauon 7 lhat they will employ in their present fuctory and in tlie puttery plant 100 employees within one year of tilt flint day of december 10x2 anc iso employees within two year there from the employees to be residents of naftl corporation the said corporation agrliesfi 1 lhat it will make the said loan to the said company upon the terms i herein contained it wilt submit to the duly quullf icd ratepayers of the said i own or uie purpose of oh icnt a by law tu rut ify this agreement and to authorise uie said curpuratlon to raise the sum of forty thuusund dullars and to issue debentures uicrefor for the purposes uforch mil and if so approved to flnul iy pass the sold by law s lhat it will pa the said lorn pauy the said sum of forty thuusund dollars after the by law has becu ap proved by the said duly quullftcd rate payers of the said town of george n und finallyipussed by uie coun of the said corporauon and the mortgage aforesaid given tu the said corporation said sum of forty thou sunu dullars to be placed to the cre dit of ticsldd corporauon in the bank of montreal utt3curgctown und to be payable to the suld company as soun as the plunt is cumpletcd but the corporauon shall make advunccs to uie company as and when required by uie company tu uie extent of 80 of the amount so required lhe com any shall furnish uie corporauon wiui expenditure voucher if und when re quired by the corporauon so to do and it is further understood and agreed by and between uie parties hereto uiat if the corporation should submit such hy luw and if such by law should nut receive a vote sufficient tu carry a bonus by law by the provisions of uie municipal act then this agree- ihcht alum nt nun mm voiu arm tnr lhe sold company shall erect nnd complete the said pottery jdant and shall place the saldl fixtures machinery and ca therein and huvi ttfetttmc in operation u a going concern un tlie jim day of december 1u22 subject to unavoidable delays ur wlulin sucli further time as may be altuwcd by uie said corporation and will also have their said present plunt enlarged and uie sidiug on uieir prop crty completed by sulci date or within sucli- further ume a may be alluwcd by uie suld corporauon s that they will carry on the elcc trical fitting business and the putter business in the said town uf gcurgc- town in uiclr said fuctory or o suitable buildings for a period twenty years from uie first day of januarj 1923 unless in case of fir accident to machinery strikes or f an other cause such as shall render an interrupuun unavoidable and hi any such cusc opcrauons shuil be re sumed a souti ns possible uicreaftcr not exceeding twelve months in of total loss by fire and in csj anj interruption by total loss by fire us aforesaid shall be fur a longer period than uiree uionuw in any year the said company s business shall be cuntinucd and carried on after the sold term fur a pcrloil equal to the tfine of the said interruption from any cuuc u atorcsuiu uuicr ttian from total loss lly fire shall be for a longer period ttrsil two uiunuis tn any year the said com s business shall be continued and carried on after uie said term for- a period equal tu the ume of in tcrrupuon over and above the said two month rthe said company to have the right to shut down the said factory during one month in each year during the said period of twenty years fur uie purpose of taking biock ur of making repairs which said one month nevertheless count as part of the eold twenty yeats and toe said business shall be deemed tu be in op- erauon for uie purpose of calculaung uie said period 4 ihut the said compan will put fds0ik addluonol capital in the said business by december sut ltttif- 0 iliat they will repay to tlie said corporauon the amount of the soli loan of forty thousand dollars with in tcrcst at tlie same rate as uie said corporauon is required to pay to ob tain uie money spd aid loan u to be repaid within twenty years from uie date uiat uie said money i loaned by the said corporauon o the said conipony rhc principal and interest to be combined and payable fn twenty equal mvrtiiirr annual instalment of theamount required to pay off the bond issue of the said corpora u oft to obtain uie saldlhyasoiforty thousand dollars the first ol such combined payments of principal and interest to become due and to uie paid one year itttai uie date olthe mortgage here inafter inentlonedt 8 that they will execute in favor of uie said corporauon as security proviso fi suiri uf forty thousand dollars and in terciit at the rato per annum hi the amounts and ut uie times mentioned in the preceding para graph hereof lhe said mortgage ahull provide that all leruis covenants und conditions and iaucs rf ngwmrnl iitnill s b giroat ofllro phodo 222w rosidoncf 22 georgetown watch our window for special choice pastry on saturday a livingstone son phone ss georgetown il iniiw r w hall jr ba c architect do yon intend to btnld or why notf consult art box 524 brampton make alterations architect phone i66w m spsclax ran assorted fruit ices reialsrmklk come and mpli baton baying palm garden lunch rooms meals served at all hour ice cream fruit confectionery a full itine ot tobaeoob cigars and cigarettes ah phoneordere delivered h wheatley phone 183 mil h c bailey electrician headqnaftera-for- maada lamps fixtures shades etc call at tlie harness shop and let me give yon a price on your electric work satisfaction guaranteed phone m2 ceobcettmi hereto shall be released from itl liability or obligation thereunder and it is further understood and uie particajicicluhut iierever either of the ourtles heivto are referred to such reference shall when the context bo allows be deemed tu include and extend to und he bind ing on heirs executors udministratum successors and assigns of each of the suld parties in wlfnesi wheileur the said parties hcrcunti affixed their corpor ate seals bkalkd and delivered and counieuskjned hkblelllve 1 in tlie presence of w ii smith president of shito brone limited lous singer of ily le hoy dale mayor of said cor poratlon of georgetown djf l heath clerk of the said corporation uf georgetown hotk- tohe notice that the foregoing is a true copy of a proposed by law of the corporation of the lown of george town to be submitted to tlie votes of the electors on hie u8th day of an gust 1s32 between the hours of nine o clock in the forenoon and five oclock in the afternoon at the town hall in the said lown of georgetown and that the twenty first day of au gust 1822 at five o clock in tlie after noon at the lown hall in the said municipality has been fixed for the ap point went of persons tu attend at the said polling phicc and at tlie final summing up of the votes by tlie clerk and that if the assent of the electors is obtained to tlie said proposed hy law it will be laken into consideration by the municipal council of the said corporation nt a meeting thereof to be held after the expiration of one month from the date 4f the first publication uf this notice and that sucli first pub licatjon of this notice was made on the bcconfl day of august a d j 922 fake notice further that a tenant who desires to vote upon the said pro posed bylaw must deliver to the clerk nut later than the ten tli dnj appointed for taking the vote a declaratlonua der 4heuanadn evidence act that he is a ten ahtw hose a ease extends for the ume for which the debt or nubility is to be created or in which the money to be raised bj the proposed by law ti payable for at least twenty one years and tlmt nehns bj thr ieuse covenant rd to pat nil municipal taxes in re kpcct of th property of which he js tensnt other thnn local improvement rata browns garage baa now a wrecking crane and can hanie all kinds of auto wrecks auto and general repairs and a fall line ot auto accessories gasoline and oils agent for oil cushion tappets service station for preauf light batteries for service pnotfe 00 day or night ifreaix browns garage ftels st kartk rsssoaasoo j h smith stewarttown phon 8 r 13 old reliable dealer in wire fence ingf fancy and plain gates and posts of all kinds alwftje on band i have n large quantity of rails which i will deliver any length at reasonable price jh smith stewarttown special notice shoe repairs the only air way to do any kind of a job is iy piece work price so in the future i will charge so much for the tnatenal used and a reasonable price for the time it taken to do tbe work this will can be my prices to vary bat in shoe repairing charging a customer who wears a 5 shoe the saiiie price ati the one who wears a 10 or 11 is not really the proper thing to do as the party with small feet is helping to pay tor tbe one with the larger i range my jinoes so ording to the bieo of the bole or heel iifed not tbe sine of shoos 1 holding nnd heeling will range from 7cc to 200 whole soles new heels repairing welts sewing toe caps etc- will cost ex tra i don t repair while jou unit ns this is not n proper or paying system i hne tbe ex pen enoo tools machinery also the largest trade for repairing in this section of tbe count all repairs receive the verj host and jirompt attention shoes colled for and delivered ja ballantine raulr fstaton cantar of slag sssr g t k stsitl hay fever asthma sdmmc11 colds toa dtwt need a mostlrs b-katt- aasat tor prova ths wocta el razmah reucf is immediate it rstatoraa ssoemaai braatuac- aopaamota ftatlvaia sad isroascfclsl ust ism aichtaibfqsdttslcsaa m m at your dnszbmti t tree trial to templeton 1 ssmlvtn speeial saia at off fresh chocoitates 29o lb onilensen as yttrfcnow cigarettes have sdmewhat advanced in e 1 have tbe oauy- tobacco store in town you carrget all kinds of tobaccos and pines cfeaurette bolters make your own cigarettes cheaper hl druks main st georgetown jobbing machi work of all description at cassidjrworksifet- henry block georgetown the east end meat shpp c rtoler butcher fresh cured and cooked meals orders promptly delivered georgetown phone 206 bxrschorns special values lor this week end ladies dresses coats a hirschorn mockhbob block night phone 235 j phone 166 day phone 398 why not today why deny yo foe another say thpleasiire and convenience that come with possession of a fordjx if it ts a qoesnoa of money we will take care of that out monthly payments are moderate and crin he jgradoated to meet your purse y buy a ford eventual ly twhy not today ford prices chassis tsmriaf coma jlulhtaoa an f o 11 ford ohtario h acoxe acton v v

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