v to oqltotoww bmbalp auouht ptu ibm bylaw no a bylaw to aaihorlav th bsna debenture of th town ol coor tow to ik anoint of fivo tkouuwl dollar to rant a boon by way loap to david brill to aulil urn aqojp and oparau and earrjr oo a f lory for tba rtanu factoring and caps in tha aaid town of can wheiipas the sold uavw llrill ha expressed uic dwlrc to njulp and up erutc a factory in tlir no id lown uf j tfl manufacture of hat and tups mid hu l uirf saltl yiown of jcorireluwii for a bonua of rive uiousand dull y way of loan for the purpose uf ulijii hltfi to equip a factory md operate and carrj on aaid business and mlilitthas there ino other manufactory or business of a similar nature or kit id in the said lown of georgetown and wukubas the salt david jjrtll has entered into n agreement with the mid corporation of georfc- town untelluie twenty eighth day of july ims subject to the sppruvalnjf the duly qualified ratepayer of the lw t tcujjte cwi is vet forth la the schedule jj annexed nod marked a whelujai a la oipcdient tu i by taw nd to iwruit tlie electors of the said muni j raise by way of loan the of five thousand dollars to i of bonus the saiddavid p uod operate and carry lnc tl i whehjtas for the purpose aforesaid jt wlu be nccesry to issue debentures of the said town of georgetown for the unnf five thou and dollar the proceeds of said de bentures to be applied to the purposes htforesakl and to no other and whl it is deslioble tu issue the said debentures at one time nil to mal the p of the said debentures repayable by yearly sums during the said period of ten years being the currency of the said de bentures said yearly payments being of such rcspccuie amount that the amount payable in each year for prtn clpal and interest in respect of said debenture shall be equal to the amount payable in each of the other yean of the said period as is herein after mentioned and wheftas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said municipality exclusive of local im provement debts secured by spc assessment is s37499 4j ol which part of the irlncipal or interest is in errear and whereas the whole rate able property of the said municipality liable to be rated for the said purpose irrespective of any future increases in the same according to the last re vised assessment roll i mo560uo therefore the municipal ctfunell of the lown of georgetown enacts as fol lows 1 that the said agreement here unto annexed and marked a is hereby ratified and confirmed 8 that it shall and may be law fill for the corporation of george town to loan to the said david brill the sum of five thousand dollars as by way of bonus in aid of the said business upon the terms conditions stipulations and provisions set out in the agreement hereunto annexed and marked a 8 that for the purpose mentioned in the preamble there shall be bor rowed on the credit of the sold cor poration the slim of five thousand dol lars and debentures shall be issued therfor in sums of not less than one hundred dollars each payable in the manner and for the amounts and at the times set forth in paragraph four hereof th debenture diutms and stipulations hereinafter contained the said parties hereto do hereby mutually covenant and agree to and with catli other as follow ihul u to say i the said manufacturer agrees i ibat a ooou as pouiblc after this agreement hu been ociutcd by ii ic said corporation and the b law lonrtroilnlf tlj sadie id passed after the approval of the sal electors tu proceed with all proper dillgcuce to nut up and place on the premises own ed b him at the corner of mill and main streets in the said lown of georgetown all necessary plant ma ihiiiery and equipment suitable f r the carrjiug on of the said business ul a cost of approximately saoou aid manufacturer shall plate the said fixtures luuhiucry pluut in the bald factory and have hie in operatlomis a going concern hits agreement shall be null and void ml the parlies hereto shall be released from all liability or obligation there and it is further understood and agreed between the parties hereto that wherever either of the parlies hereto ore referred to suui referente shall khrn the context o allows be deemed to include and extend to and be bind ing on heirs executor bduiinislra tors successors and assigns of enrh if the utld parties in wllnkss w iimteul the parlies hereto of the fl hereunto set their hands the wild corporal mi has n- fixed its corioratc seal and uu of the said majir uud clerk hiiid municipality mgnrl tlai fu am i kltlil hi the presence t and male and al ruuybc allowed by um id lorpori uon 8 that be will carry on uic bus ncs of manufacturing liau and taps in the said factory or other suitable buildings for a period of ten years from the first day or october jik2 unless in case uf fire neudcnu lr tnauilncry strikes or for any other cause such as shall render on inter ruption unavoidable and in any suih case uieratluns shall be resumed as soon us possible thereafter uot ex ceedlog twelve months in case of touu lo by fire and ip x jpilona n tobd lows by fire as aiorc- siwv shall be fur a lunger period than thre months in any year the said manufacturers business shall be cou tlnucd and carried on after the said tepu for a period cuua to the time of the said interruption over aud uvc the said three montlm and in ie any interruptions from any cause us aforesaid other than from total loss tr flrcsha ian two months in any year the manufacturers business shall be united and carried on after the said term for a period equal to the time of interruption over and above the sold two months the said manufactur- o have the right to shut down the e 6t any inter- sdv h5 hrilut lbru dale i ren ceorgetown h l hhatii not bear interest at the rate of six per cent per annum having coupon at tacbed for payment of udi interest and shall all bear the some date and snah be issued within two years after the date on which this by law is pass ed and may bear any date within such period of two years and shall be payable at the bank of montreal georgetown ontario within tea years next after the date when they shall be issued and the respective amounts payable in each of such years shall be as followai tear interest principal total 1 s300 00 sj79 33 s679 33 2 277 23 3 253 10 t 227 m 171 6 14 23 426 2j 451 7v 478 91 sua i luuu ejetf year during the said period of ten yean for the purpose of taking stock or of miiiung repairs which sold one month nevertheless counts as part of the sold ten years and the satd bus nes shall be deemed tube in oper ntlon for the purpose of calculating the sold period that he will invest in the said business at least s4u00 in addition to the ssooo loaned to him by the said corporation which last meutioi amount the said manufacturer bound to spend in the purchase suitable machinery and equipment with which to carry on the said bus s that he will repay to the- sold corporation the amount of the said loan of five thousand dollars with in tcrest at the same rate as the said iorporation is required to pay to ob tain the money and said loon is to be repaid within ten years from the dale that the said money is loaned by the said corporation to the said manu facturer the principal and interest to be combined and payable in ten equal successive annual i of the amount required to pay off the bund issue of the said corporation to obtain the said loan of five thousand dollars the first of such combined payments of principal and interest to oeconie due and to be paid one year fronv the date of the mortgage here inafter mentioned 6 that he will execute in favour of- the said corporation as security for the sold loan of five thousand dollars and interest as aforesaid and as se curity for the performance of all the covenants agreements stipulations and provisoes herein contained on the part of the said manufacturer a mortgage to the sold corporation up on all ids said land and premises on the corner of miu and main streets in the said town of georgetown and up on the buildings plant and machinery and upon all other fixtures plant and machinery placed or erected upon the sltf hmlt r ni with the said factory free from dow er liens charge and encumbrances of every nature and kind except a first mortgage of s4m0 against the said premises and upon all buildings plant and machinery which may be subsequently erected or brought upon the sold premise during the currency of said mortgage and the said lands buildings machinery and plant to be of the value of 910000 the said mortgage to contain such covenant arc usually contained in a mortgage made in pursuance of thebort form of mortgages act and such other covenants as the said corporatii shall deem advisable for the security thereby intended quiet possession on default freedom from encumbrance except as herein mentioned further assurance that no act has been done fakc uico- that the f rrgoing is a true copy ur u proposed by law of the corpiratlon t n george town t be hubiitltted to the vote of tic elector on uic wui day of au gust 193 between the hours or nine u clock ui uie forenoon nd five o clock in iht oflerlioon ot the lown llnll in uic mid lown or georgetown and that the iwenly first day of a i a r n i tin- uf ternoon ot tlie town hall in uic said municipality ho been fixed for tlie np- uolotment or persons to attend at luc said polling place and at the final sum ruing up of uc voted by the clerk wl that if the assent or uie elector is ob tnincd to tlie said proposed by low it will betkeo into cookieruou by the municipal council of the said cr- prtipnata meeting ujiereof lobe held after the cxpirauon of one month from the dole of the flrat publlcauon of thb notice and that such first pub lication of this notice was made on the second day or august ad 1w2 lake nuucc further that a tenant io desires to vote upon the said pro- ppwd by i i ihivir in the clerk not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote a declaration under the canada evi dence act that he is a tenant whose lease extends for the time which th debt or liability is to be created or in which the money to be raised by the proposed by law is payable for at least twentyone years and that he has by the lease covenanted to pay all munid pal taxes in respect of uie property of which he 1 tenant other h improvement rates 1 urom j4u0 00 lrrijh i07 jo 2jm 72 1152 o4 imtvi tiil w 1295 w 2114 so ij72 w alu 20 fm4 tta iwi 4 ihs2 v 1754 24 i73j 1 5u 21 ik47 12 1v17 12 2ua id 12 j2 2 lift 04 hi 32 24 tb 4h 2wis t6 721 04 2702 2 sav 2 2siw os 3103 70 197 3t 12yjl 00 shall bo issued within two years after uie date on whirl this by law is pass ed and ma bear any date within such period of two years and shall be pay ableat the uonk of montreal george town ontario within twenty years next orier the date when they shall he issued and th rcspe live amounts payable in each i t such years shall he total 3487 mi j4h7 36 34h7 3b 347 36 34u7 jo 34s7 jo 34u7 36 wb7 3d 14h7 3d j4k7 36 j4h7 36 34u7 31 3487 36 147-36- 3487 36 31u7 34u7 36 3487 36 34h7 36 3487 36 29747 20 40 000 00 64 747 71 hat for the purpose of payttig urc auid instnliiicnt f principal and interest ns uie same fall due respec tively during uie ald twenty year being uic curnncy of uic sold dehen turc there shall be levied and mined in eachyear by a special rate property in uic aid municipality the sum of three thousand four hundred mid eialilj rcn and 80110 dollar at the aariie urne and in uic same limn i the annual general rrttcs w each of uie ald debentures shall dc signed by uie mayor and liull be igned also by the lreasurer end the dcbenlure shall be sealed with the t the debenture may contain nn provision for the registration of them aothorised by law this by law shall take affect on uic date of the passing thereof subject to it being assented to by uie electors- finally passed by n afflruiauve r1 t gnrtf rn f nil ihr tor the said loon of forty thousand dollars and interest a af rcsald and lecurlly or the performance f all covenants agreement atlpula uon and provisoes herein contained n the part uf the said company nurtgage lu the said corporation up ui the sold land and premise pottery ilnnt buildings plant uud maililner ind upon all oilier fixtures plant and nnthlnrry plmed r erected upon the uld i on tin and premises in lonnectiun vlth the said factory free from all inner hens charges and en ui nb ranees of every nature and kind and upon all buildings plant and uia thnt may be subimiumtl erect irought iijhjii the said prrfti sc during the currency of said murtgage inu the suld lands lluildlng u nchln rj and plant t he of the v line uf one hundred tin uwind dollar die said rigoge tl ti ntnln such mvciiwits ii j contulucd in a mori in 4iursuauce il urfc iliorl porm of mortgages alt anil such other covenant u the sold corpora uon slfril deem advisable for the itrlty thereby intended quiet p uwrik i in n ilrfnultmrrcfdoia from rtiium bmncc except s herein luenti inrd futther aiwurincc thai no net hu lirtu d lie fii rnenmber the said land except ns ifereln menuoned lu surance tu uic extent of their full in purahlc value in di uur currency wf lawful muney of canada on uie build ings plant and machinery on uie iniirt gjged pretitlses a release from all iniino hutijrct to the proviso for re or sale on default ree munl in writing and unul default trie mort icngorn to lime quiet poiweoslon and protlmfor uie- npnyiiicnl f oicbald sum ur korty uioussiul dollar and in tcrest st the rate per annum in tlie amount and at tlie times menuoned a bargain in tires 1 pair h2x4 kh cords a hmitod number 0xai nhito then liut 910 fhbutterf1eld vnlcanlzer doherly stoves and ranges second hftnd manure sprnnder mower burrjc mnple lent tidertieau brou llaj tinok jam and slink melotte cream separator mncliioe oil axlfe orcnae ber of uic council this day of a 1 lira than local bylaw no a byiaw to aul dafaantora of th town of gsorga- it of forty thou sand dollar to grant a boons by way of loan to hulk and storm l a to assist it to anlargo their prosvat factory and to put up oqsap and op al pottery plant and build a rod ty siding into tw said factory wheheab uic said itmiui and btonc i limit electrical manufactur ers carry on a busk cos fur monufoc- 1793 30 5000 00 6793 30 5 that for the purpose of paying uie said instalments of principal and interest us uie- some fall due reapec- uvely during uie said tea years being the currency of the said debentures there shall be levied and raised hi each year by special rate sufficient there for on all the rateable property in the said municipality the sum of 67933 at the same time and la the same updner a uu annual general rales 8 each of the said debentures shall be signed by uie mayor of uie said town of georgetown or by some other person authorised by bylaw of the said municipality to sign the same and by the treasurer of uie sold village and the clerk of uie said municipality hall affix the corporate seal thereto the coupons shall be signed by uie treasurer of the said municipality and bis signature may be printed stamped lithographed or engrossed finally passed by an sfflrmauvc vote of threequarters of all the agreement made in duplicate the twentyeighth day of july ad 679 35 679 33 076 33 679 33 679 3j 9 33 79is herein menuoned insurance to tent of their full insurable value in dollars currency of lawful money of canada on the building plant and machinery on the mortgaged premise a release from all claims subject to the proviso for repayment a powei sale on default for three mouth one month notice in writing and until default uie mortgagor to have quiet possession and a proviso for uie repayment of uic said sum of five thousand dollar and interest at the rate per mi in the amounts and at the time mentioned in the preced lag paragraph hereof the said mortgage shall provide that all terms covenants and condluoti and provisoes of this agreement shall so far as the of the town of ofmbhrst part and thb cobpobation of thb town of georgetown htcfai after called the corporation of tub second part whereas the sab manufacturer propose to make and manufacture hats and caps la the said town georgetowa and wuettbas the aakt corpor ation baa agreed to submit for the approval of the qualified dectsn ot toe rwtt e georgemwn and to final ly pa if hprovecv by the vote of tbtf mid electors a bylaw to coo- flrmasdapprove tali a and to grant tr the muufactatfcr a watch our windoyv for special choice pastryj on saturday a livingstone son phone 6s georgetown t9 f r wr hall jr ra sa architect oo you intend td build or make alteration why not consult tm architect 9 box 524 in the prelcunjtdajragraph hereof ihc said mortgage stioil provide that all terms covenants and condition and provisoes of this agreement stall so far as the same may be apllcable to li ttli pnrues herein be included in and form partf uie sa mortgage until same is discharged as hereinafter r idcd and shall be satisfactory hi ail j respect to uic solicitor for the lorauon s b groat office phone 222w lrssncp 2 gboroptown bramptqn phone l66wef-w- ltlaaaattt r 4h speciai this assorted fruit ices regular 60o lb co mo and sample before buying this inoen1ure made in dupli cate this dy or july in uie year of our lord one thou sand mnc hundred and twenty two sh11h os stonb limited of uie jwn of georgetown fclcctrical man ufaetuferai hereinafter called u company of uie first part and hie corporation ok the town of georoetown herein after called uic corporation of the second part mlbrkab uic said company are now manufacturing lectrlcal fltung in ii factory in uic sold lown of ucorgetowu m h th said company desire to enlarge their present plant and tu put up equip and operate a 1ouery plant and to put wa railway siding on their property provided a loon of 000 i granted to the said company by uie said corporation am whereas uie said corpor- auon ha agreed to submit for uic ap proval of the qualified elector of uie town of georgetown and to finally pa if approved by uic vote of uic said elector a by law to confirm and approve this agreement and a bonus rr l 1 inl fnrtv anu whereas uic sold smith and btoue limited desire to enlarge their prevent factory and put up equip and operate a 1ottery plant and build a siding into its said factory and whereas in order to urge their said factory and to put up equip and operate sold potte plant and to bulla said siding uic sold bmith stone has asked the said cor poration of georgetown to lend it the sum of forty thousand dollars to as sist ltta enlarge its presenrtactorj and to put up equip and operate ald pottery plant and to build said siding anu whereas there i no other manufactory of a similar nature or kind established in uie sold lown of georgetown anu whereas uicssid bmlth stone ha entered into an agrccmcnl with the said corporation of george town dated the twenty fourth day of july lusx subject to uie approval of the duly qualified elector of the aid lown uf georgetown a copy whereof is set forth in the schedule hereunto annexed and marked a and whereas it 1 expedient to pass this by law and submit the same to the electors of the said muni cipality to raise by way of loan uie said sum of forty thousand dollar to assist by way of bonus the said smith of uie sum of forty of the said mortgage until is discharged as bercutafter provided and shall be satisfactory in all respect to he solicitor of the iorporauon 7 that he will employ tewcro ployee within to years of october first faj 19ss the employees tu be rcstdcnbi of said corporation toe said corporation agreesi 1 that ix will make the said loan to the said manufactnrer upon uie terms and condition herein contalnedr 1 qualified ratepayers of georgetown fur the purpose of obtaining their consent a bylaw to ratify this agreement and to authorise the said corporation to raise the sum of five thousand dollars and to issue debentures therefor for uie purposes aforesaid and if so approved to fin georgetown in the county of haroa jib the said byjaw manufacturer hereinafter called the g flu it will pay the said manu manufacturer factnrcrihe saidsum ot five thod md t- a t- d aer the bylawhas been ap proved by the said duly qualified rate payers of the said towa of george town and finally passed by the coun cil of the aakt corporation and the murtgage aforesaid gtva to the said corporation said sum of five thou sand dollars to be placed to the credit of use said corporatiofl m the bank of montreal georgetown ontario and to be payable to the said manufacturer as soon as the plant is co the a to do by the said and tt b farther understood and agreed r an between the parua iflhe- ox hereto that if if the corporation boujd by3aw awd if such bpjav abould aot receive vote mfflcfent to cany a a bona bylaw by the pmvwoaui of the msmlrhal act factory and to put up equip and op- crate said pottery plant and to bulkl a railway siding to better enable them to operate and carry on it said busi ness in the said factory anu whereas for uie aforesaid it will be necessary to bottle debenture of uie said municipality for the mini of forty uiousand dollars lilt proceeds of the said debentui be applied to uie purpose and to no other anu whereas it is desirable to issue said debenture at one time and make uie principal of uie sold deben ture repayable dy yearly ninii during the period of twenty years being the currency of uic said debenture said y early tiuiu being of such respective amount that the amount payable in each year for principal and interest lu respect of uie aid debenture hau be tbe faid company equal to uie amount payable in each rf no earri uf uic other year of tbe said period a i hereinafter menuoned atd whereas tbe amount ot uie existing debenture debt of the said municipality exclusive of local im provement debt secured by special mn tttm 11 nt vthnnuopafl of uie principal or interest is in whereas the whole rateable property of uie said uunlcipautj liable ui uc rated for uic sasd purpose irre spective uf any future increase in the same according lo the last revised assessment roll i wutysexux iherefotte the municipal conn cil of the town of georgetown enacts as follow 1 luat the said agreement here unto annexed and marked a 1 here by ratified and confirmedt jt lliatr shall and iniay-bc-jaw- ful for the corporauoa of the tcnnr of georgetown to loan to the said smith sto umilcevthc sunt forty tbouiaswfedollars as by w f bonus hi aid of uie said business upon the terms conditlou upulalions and provisoes set out hereunto annexed s bnt wll nibeth that in consideration of the preuuic and of tlnrierus of till agreement uic sold partlc hereto do hereby mutually covenant and agree to and with cacti other a follows that is to uyi the void company agree j 1 lhat a soon as possible after uu agreement is ex by the said corpora anu uie by law coflnfl ing the name 1 passed after approval of elector to proceed with all proper diligence to erect upon uicir said fac torysite intheiwnofgeorgctown all necessary kiln and building for a suitable pottery plant for uic manu facture of porcelain and also tu put and place in said pouery plant all necessary machinery and equipment suitable for uic carrying on of uic said pottery business and also to pro ceed with all proper dulgcucc to cu large their prevent plant and also to put in a siding on their propertj at a cost of at least forty thousand dol tars x the said company shall erect and complete uie ald pottery plant and shall place uic said futures machinery and equipment therein and have the same in operauon as a going concern on the 31st day of december 1m3 subject to unavoidable delay or within such further time a may be allowed by uie sold corporauon aud wilralso avbeir said present plant enlarged and the aiding on uieir prop erty completed by akl date or within such further time a may be allowed by the said corporatlon s that they will carry on the elec trical pitting business and uic pottery business in tbe said town of george town in their said factory or other suitable buildings for a period of twenty year from uie first day of january llxs jmjess in case of fire accident to machlaery strikes any other cause such as shall render an interruption unavoidable and in any ucu case operation shall be re sumed as soon as possible thereafter not exceeding twelve months in case uf total loss by fire and in case of anyintcrrupuou by total loss by fire as aforesaid shall be for a longer period than three months in any year tbe faid otnpany s business shall be continued ana carried on after the aaid term for a period equal to the time of the sakl mterrupuons from any cause a aforesaid otner than from total loss by fire nail be for a longer period man two mouth inany year the aaw company business shall be continued and carried on after uie said term for a period equal to the urne of iu terruption over and above the said two monthsi the said company to have the right to abut down the said factory during one month in each year during the said period of twenty years for tnc purpose of taking stock ur of making repair which said one mouth nevcrthdc counts a part of tbe said twenty years and tnc said business shall be deemed to be in op eration for tbe purpose or calculating the sid period that they will employ hi their present factory and in uie pottery planl 100 employee within one year of uie slit day of december 1922 and 150 employees within two years there from uc employee to be resident of sold corporauon thti said corporation agreesi 1 rhut r will make the sahf oon to uie said company upon uie term and condluoux herein contained 2 that it wui submit to the duly qualified ratepayers of uie said town of georgetown for uie purpose of ob taining- their consent a bylaw- to rat fy this agreement and to authorise the said corporation to raise uic sunt of forty uiousand dollars and tu issue debentures therefor for the purpose aforesand and if so uppcoved to final ly pas uie said by law 8 that it will pay uic said com pony the said sum of forty uiousand dollars after the by law has been ap proved by uie sold duly qualified rate payers of the said town of george town and finally passed by uie conn dl of the said corporauon and the mortgage aforoaldgivcn to uie said corporauon sold sum of forty thou sand dollar to be placed to the cre dit of uie wld corporauon in uie bank of montreal at georgetown ontario and to be payable to uic said company a soon as uic plant is completed but uie corporauon shall make advances to uie company as and when required by uie company to the extent of 80 of uie amount so required the com any shall furnish the corporation with expenditure vouchers if and when re quired by uie corporauon so to do and it i further understood and agreed by and between uie parties hereto that if uic corporauun should submit such by law and if such by law should not receive a vote sufficient to carry a bonus by law by the provisions of uie munlfkiol art then this aaree- rnent shall be null and void and uie palm garden lunch rooms memja bu ml nil honn ice cream fruit oonfeptlonerjr a full idne ot tobuoo cigars and cigarettes special shipment off fkesh chocolates 29c lb gentlemen as yqa know cigarettes bave somewhat advanced in price i have tba only tobacco ntore in town vnn fan oaf nil irinitlafl tobaccos and pipes cigarettee hollers make your own cigarettes it cheaper t all phone orders delivered h wheafjey h c bailey electrician h druks main st gedrgetowi headquarters for masda isvmps fixtures shades etc call at the harness shop and let me give yqu a price on your electric work satisfaction guaranteed nonesu gemcetown jobbing machine wtfff of ajj descri on cassidy works ltd t m j h smith stewarttown parties hereto shall be released from all liability or obligauon thereunder and it 1 further u and agfeca between uiepirtle hereto thai whereyer either of uic parties hereto are referred to such reference shall when uic contest so allows be deemed to include and extend to and be bind ing on heirs executors administrator successor and assigns of each of uie sold parties in witnbsb whbrkof uic sold parties hereunto affixed their corpor ate seals ed on the credit of the corporation the sum of forty thousand dollar and de bentures shall be issued therefor car a in sum otue payable uf tbe manner and for the asaount and at uie times set forth la paragraph foun hereof that the said debenture shall all bear- interest at the rale of ate per nt- pstt anstatu having couno at lacked for payment of auch mtccest that the sold cmpany wil put gboou audluonal capital 4n uie dunn enrby ueceaaber x i t-ifs- that they win repay to the said corporation the amount of the sw loan of forty thousand dollar with in terest at the- some rtte as theaeld corporation u required to pay uot ob tain tbe money and said loan u tobe repaid within twenty year from uic datflhat the said money i loaned by the aaid corporauon to uie said oocapany the prlndpaf and interest to be combined and payable in twenty ijaal successive annual la the amount required to puyofi uie aoad laaue of tnc said corporauon to ji- the said loan of forty thousand dollar tnc first of uch combined paysoenu of principal and interest to become due and to the paid one year from the date of uic mortgage here inafter mentioned a that they will exueute in favor of the ufcd corporation occmrtty in uie presence of r w 11 smith y president of smith stone limited louis singer secretary treasurer smith stone limited by le roy dale mayor omtd cor porauun of georgetown by f l heath clerk of the said corporauon of georgetown notte take notice that the foregoing is a true copy of a proposed by law uf the corporauon of uic town of george town to be submitted to the votes of uie doctor on uie ssth day of au gust ibm between tlie hour of nine o clock in uie forenoon and five oclock in uic afternoon at uie town hall in uie said town of georgetown and that the twentyfirst day of au gust iks at five o clock in thcafter- nood at uic town hall in uic said municipality lias been fixed for uie ap pointment of person to attend at the aid polling place and at uie final sfmunlng up uf uie votes by uic clerk and that if uic assent of the electors i obtained to uic ald proposed by law it will betaken into considerauun by the municipal council of uic said corporauon at a meeting thereof to be held after uie expl rattan of one month henry block phone b4rl3 olij reliable deal m w fence ing faocj and plain gates and posts of nil kinds alwajs on hand i hae a large quantitj of rails whioh 1 wil deliver aoj length at reasonable price j h smith stewarttown shoe repairs the only fair way to do any kind of a job is by piece work price so in the future i will charge so mnch for tbe material nsed and ft reasonable pnoo for tbe time it taken to do tho uork this will cause raj prices to vary bnt 10 shoe repairing charging a customer who wears a 5j shoe the same price an the one who wears a 10 or 11 is not realty the proper thing to do ns tbe party with bntfijtteet is helpmifto pay for tba one wtn tneinrger i range my prices ao ordlng to the sue or tbe sole or heel used not the size of shoes 1 kii ing and hpoltng will range front 7gq to 800 wfiole soles new heels repairing welts ui wk u sewing toe capo etc will cost ex homukdafe first puwkauonltra i don t rojuiir while you wait as tbir ib noj a proper or paying system i have the 01 pen enoe tools machinery also the largest trade for repairing in this section of the count ah repairs receive tho very best and prompt attention shoes called for and delivered of this notice and that such first pub llcauon of this noucc was made on uie second day of august ad ire take frbtlce further that a tenant who desires to ote upon uie said pro posed by law must deliver to uie clerk not later than the tenth day appointed for taking tha- vote a declaration un der the canada evidence act that he 1 a tenant whose lease extends for uie time for which thr debt or nihility i to be created or in which uie money to be raised by uie proposed by law is able fpr t least twentyone years hat he has bj the leaae covenant pay all municipal taaea in re spect tf the property of which he i tenant other utah local improvement rates t browns garage has now a wreaking crane and can handle all kinds of an to wrecks wtoto and oewsraj bepalrs and a hfl line 6t auto aocasaoneo gasoline and ojls aspt for oil cnahion tappets berwfoe- station rorerestd laght batteries for service phone 800 day or night iveur browns garage the east end meat shop c ridler batcher uealhh ih all kin of fresh cared and cooked ordfers promptly del georgetown phone htrschorns ladies wear t special notice speciaufalucsjor in ladies dresses coats a hirschorn hegibbon block georgetown phone 106 night phone 23s j day phone iso ja ballantine asthma ws hay fever far fratrmllljfttlsnlllt1 smsrmi why not today why deny yourself for another day the pleasure jtxd convenience that come jnth possession of a fold i if it is a question of money we wilt take care of that our monthly payments are moderate and can be graduated to meet tout purse yotrwil huy a ford eventual lywhy not today v ford prices chassis tonrinc coupe 445 6ss 840 runmbont sedu 4w startlasi qaotrte xjckua chaaat sal opaa moaals t au prices ax iv o b ford ohtarxo h a coxe a