Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 16, 1922, p. 1

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the georgetown herald f1ftt sixtn yka of publication georgetown wodnedy evening august 16th 1922 91 00 per annum in advanoe 9a00 to u b the georgetown berald evfbv weone80av evening t thft herald power printing office qaorgatown ont contract advertising rates furmshad on application fmbuamar mmd prwpriator laaahar cftbmdlmm waakly mai papar aaaeolmtlon at h titbu oorenvftht passenger pansenket passenger mail mall f passenger passenger sunday going wrkt passenger passenger passenger passenger passenger mail i- passenger sunday going nobth mail mail mail going soctb 7 82 a n 0 14 iv in 10 lb am 1 1 40 nm o 82 p m 8 26 pm 7 11 pm 7 57 am 212 pm 460 pm 6 02pm 700 pm 82g pm 10 16 a m 800am 4 55 pm 11 88 am 800pm tomi sikirtu huwt dailt time tablb aao pm pm going east 810 2 24 8 4tj going west 865 8 10 7 89 bohdatf timk table going bast am pm pm pm p jmmf 1220 8 45 810 9 17 4r am pm pm going west 1040 610 9 8e fab f era cycn anisl 2s1h eluott tmmj cimtim sta verwats strictly flratolaiaa graduates readily obtain attend the best cataloglio w j elliott prlmelpml waba1xey harness maker now ih jour ohanco to got mme new harness suit cases club bag auto rugs- etc that have ouie thro the fire but were nob damaged at alltgroauy rtdurod prices buhinfhh ab usdai bcpiirlhfl proiiptly atteam ta w a bailey op to date harness shop ham slretl ce0rset0wn bargains kitchen aprona house dreaaea porch dreaaea wash suits for 1 1 he bojs rompers lor i ule lots infants dresses jf so for misses j sox or children tjnderwear stamped ctooda etc ilrs 4walsllilwtaqem oeoboetowk coal best d l oey w scranton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j wafkins ndrral stating phone 62 fir erwingoldhams meat market mablstreet georgetown phone no 1 fresh lake trout every friday and saturday wafeh onr windows for specials on saturday w hamilton bstaftushtp 167a the farmers herd of cattle is his reserve account growing continually in value a certain portion of your profits should irregularly used to c rea tea fund for the develu pine ut uryuui licid if you need a loan see our local manager abourit bank of hamilton i g c mackay manager op o t w rosa physician and irgeon mm street georgetown phouc 22 sjt house surgeon grace hospital toronto special attention to diseases of wont shdtjnndren andlnfsnrpeeaiii tiy the ice cream sundaes serv at madges candy shop main street phone 214 dr tvrixuams physician and surgeon lice and residence comer or main st south and factory si opposite bar ber esuile qffice houra 9 10am z 3 and 78 p jn and by appointment phone 262 quick delivery guaranteed specials in mealestmie frame- house in glen williams to be sold at opce five minutes to coating nulls any reasonable o0er will be accepted georgetown creamery cream wanted by the georgetown creamekv for your accommodation we will be open monday s wednes day s and saturdaj nights till 10 o clock ice sold and delivered to any pact of the town phone for jour ice before 12 o clock prompt delivery georgetown creamery co m saxe manager directory bamaura bolloltora toronto and georgetown orica kennedy blook l llojr dale in chars of qtorn h q meir narrister salit 10 r he houdi 9am to s p m open wejnesday and saturday evenings phyalclarr and 8uraaol medical omoar of health jfffle llourawl to and to i p in pbona u vnc nd haldonllalii btrael south oppoalta praafayterlsn ftfitircn ill puttrj und a u ttjva liis trans- in liupurtul ci- to the uuniui hu il to the glurloui ruiifllatluna of tt um men wliy knew itmitllbrtw and gruek than ne lut hud u uiiperlor jiiualtr of tl c pontic cjiucuuh uf the fcnfillah tortbue j nd possibly a more lntlmtf q- wltli the holy spirit k watsom d d b m d b offlm rvanib to ft exoept thmrsasy artaraooma f l heath l- da d d a ownthrt omee in lsuia block on door north if onellla catia factoir houra j a tract clerk townsh p of esqueshj clerk 3rd division court the leading fire and life ins in co a represented issuer of marage licenses stewart i own ont v m h1xlse1c d c ihibopraotio office maul xray lafcoratory palsaarursidmato 10 yra axparli office over ptwt office consultation and spinal analyala o fries hours tuesda thursdays and saturdays 2 lo 5ad 7 to 8 pm pi on a office isow and residence 232 benj petch ucrnaoj auctioneer for halion and poel qlenwllllams poat otace e conduoted aatlafactorlly and at sonable rates orders left at the georgetown herald office will rw prompt attention coal wood on hand all the tima best scranton coal cement on hand john ballantine qeomeiovx frame house on paper mill row small deposit down for information apply to jr j hynds insurmce and real estate broker office rearof parth of hamilton tone 2 0 3 ceorcetown georgetown flour feed mills seed corn improved remaning wfbconaln no t and wnlte cp al 175 per bushel wrcrbe phone 195 ceorgetowjm long distance hauling teamingcarlage ijong distanos hanhng wittmptor track piano and furniture nfov ing teaming and carting done by day or boor norman snyder georgetown phone 171 mi jalbbibuck it tat- ttaswfood board license titi 9 ilun imfcrot the best- new translation without beauty ithouohti om a bath1ro beach 00 maliui 4m nib tatn o poet 1 1m rwl wh his n callud at all an the mo run siiakinpi ta paul ms into rhi il vfrm niiilotis b not if iht autlinr ytt rather nokkerlng is tin ftiit of tl t late dr morris jastruw who gavt na a now tcrtlon hi uo k nf j b and i ho nook of eoclsiiislt a and whom latest trui sodb of 3d u kb t is ptubstilt- thnt till jastrow tirslou u i moro fj liful trapsl itlun or the ttxt t an lliut in h- king jaiaer vursluti hut ufttr sveliiti u lew sain plea on his work no doubt i ttd rtmuiti ih l lit iultisii u reut deal of tli of what 1 sit upon the abtmnri sand v beside the sounding sea and atguta i pad not understand come flitting o er the lea unainli sights which give me iam uiy anatomeo look lean and lanky gnarled legs with knots upon the kneea and trunks likepipcolofl- or tegs come wafting turougb the breeze and arms like reeds and bands like baoib i gase on all of these ton woman to ber bathing suit upon tbeahinfng sand whebtjn the street 1 thought her cute bub now upon the strand where are those lissome luscious irves-9- uinfe dltort tror jostrow i tgan h reseu chts lliere wfrr many uuubth tliut soluiiiuu was lit u tlior lthir uf 1- celt ulastrs or of the song uf soiihu it d it is i w ukta for itruoted tl ut in tut word of the prufthsor uifre was no tuthor ut thtt wurd to the saw hjm yesterday and marvelled at his beaateons phis and watched hib shoulders sway but now within toat bathing smir qw ahnttldnrti whprw are thay song ci sohga he sayv songs art the expression of fulk bid uil oiiu they voice the joj fojt by tilt onng on the uwakn ng of lusalunaii luvo and tin pop iljirlty which tlif sot e must liave enjoyed and which led to their jms rutlon was d le to the rtsponse vtliich tney round hi the hi arts ut th s who i kurd tl cm and sant thtui the poet wtiq thus gives voice to emo tions felt by all becomes tniruy the mouthpiece of the clan to whicn h blonks or of the village into the lire of which lie enters with all hia fellows but le g allien e thinks that slnco no individual arises ta claim credit tor the song of sqiikb the credit might bo better given tu solo mon than to an anonymous throng of minor philosophers anil peasant lyricists here are a couple of examples or dr job trow a work which arouse tbs suspicion that all his tabor and scholarship were expended to llttla purpose tbt st james version chapter two is as follows 1 i am the rose of sharon and the lily or the valleys 2 as the illy among thorns so is my love among the daughters 3 aa the apple tree among tie trtms of the wood jflp 1b my beloved among the sons lsat down under his shadow with great delight and his fruit was sweet to my tastt 4 he brought me to the banquet ing house and his banner over me was love g stay with me flagous comfort me with apples for i am slcr of 6 his left hand is under my head and his right hand doth embrace me 7 1 charge you o ye daught f jerusalem by the roes and by the hinds of the fields that ye stir not up nor awake my love till he please here is dr jim trow s version beloved the saffron of the plain am i the lily of the valleys lover and so upon the shining sand beside the brimming bnne sit and watch those ghastly sights 3 and painful thoughts are mine sit and wonder why itb called t harvesters excursions in the pflb as the lily among thistles so is my darling among maidens beloved as the apple among tie trees of the forest so ib my love among youths in his shadow i love to dwell nd his fruit ja sweet to me bring me to the hoese of wine and serve me with love staj mo with raisins refresh me with apples his left arm caressing my bead his right one embracing me refrain o maidens of jerusalem 1 cbarge you ry the gaaelles and hinds of the field arous v untirfove is satiated we are sure that nobody but a professor would have substituted the word refresh for the word co ni fort or raisins for flagons one more translation of verses 8 ii is all that there is space for beloved hark my love is coming leaping over mountains bounding over hillocks behold him behind our wall looking through lattices love bet an to speak to me t the cold t is gone the ground is covered with blossoms the time of pruning has come and the voice of the turtledove is the fig tme is ripening her ngn and the vines are in blossom giving forth their fragrance rise up my darling my dove kecknt hfpobtb tbat an ontr break of army worms had been discovered in peterborough county have rfeerj investigated by the do minion and provincial logical departments and it has developed that it was not army worm bot a common out- worm known ae the bpottod cnt- in alberta they have a muni pal hospitals act which pro vides ways and means whereby the people may help themselves and bring within reasonable so- cofb the maximum of hospital aar- vice at the mmunnm- of ooefc the provinoe waa formed de i cannot understand veiopment in connection with health matters baa been proceed- and yonder man if man it is tngapidlyt the cost otineaica1 via cutiu utttul graa truk oat rate of 15 to winnipeg and half cent a mile beyond is the fare of all harvebteraezonrnons to the west by canadian national grand trunk routes west of que bee city solid trains ran through winnipeg without change new convertible berth colonist cars will add to the comfort of the journey and restaurant oars will be attached to the trains serving meajb and funohes lonable prices special cars will be provided for women for information re fares train service etc apply to nearest canadian national grand trunk agent obituary osoab i youhg universal sympathy and regret has b axp t w connect ion with the very sad pas sing of oscar irwin yonng son of mr and mrs milton young of brampton while engaged working for the gutta peroha rab bet co in toronto the youngmaa was operating a compressed drill by some miaohanoe it slip ped causing a wound in the abdo- men hewas t to the gen eral hospital toronto where everything that science could sug gest was done to alleviate lis oon dition a second operation was performed on thursday last bat the young man succumbed passing away on friday he was only 22 years of age and was a general fafountn with all whji knew him both in brampton and in toronto deceased waa a nephew of mr aqd mrs n belt georgetown r h thompson co cteopffetowa ontario branpton business institute vail term aug 28 lb8rr pi tman shorthand touch typewriting buninens english j- offleo 8 stems filing bookkeeping v arithmetic penmanship commercial law rapid calculation raajtst- bmrly eggs wanted lor cash highest price paid for fresh eggs at foraer s grocer corner john and victoria streets george- why trees hwell and shrink measurements with newly designed instruments hae shown tbat tree trunks may not enlarge tor many days or even wpcxb after leaves bowers and branches hne begun to growln the curious dallj variation the trunk may be actually smaller in raid afurnoon than at sunrise the sapjs aus imed to ascend in a kind or ovpandlng and contracting hose of woodct lis and like a hosk feed ing an engine this sh inks wnea the rt lei ds to draw- up sap faster than formed and swells when the demand sloe kens business school milton notes and comments that waa attacking the attendance and hospital service has been extremely high a few years ago the rural people decided that ways and me should bi provided to bring deqnate bospi t se nearer and to cheapen the ezpenae incurred by sinjraeea by the establisumeni of municipal hospitals the revenue required to maintain and operate the hospi tals ht raised mainly by direct tax ation on the district served the p are m dolla m day and the government gives a grant ot b0 cents a hospital day pr we presume 60 cents per pat ient per day the first hospital waa erected in mannville in lfils there are now twelve hospitals in operation there are features in this scheme that would apply in ontario particularly the main tenance or a large share of it be ing provided by the taxation of the people benefited a brmabkablb inobbabb the volume of motor traffic into canada in 1921 is shown by the returns compiled by the depart- of customs according to 7 registrations 617286 automobiles entered canada for touring pur poses during the calendar year 1921 or these 615074 remained tor leas than one month and 221 1 for a period of more than poe month and less than air months the total number for 1920 waa only 98800 or an increase of s2o 1 986 oars in one year allowing an average expenditure of 325 pen day inoluding gasoline and garage charge for the first class of oar and an average length of stay of seven days this traffic represents turfflrpbnattnr o oyer tl 000 while the second class of ear on the basis of an estimated ex pendlture of s20 per day for thirty days was worth approximat 1826600 this means that the- tnobflrh o canada imnig in a foreign revenue last year of 108826600 estimated en a five per cent basis it means that impr roads are w ove two billion dollars to this ooanary without taking into aooonnfe the servioe they render canadians themselves the registrations ac cording to provinces were nova scotia 228 prinoe edward ial and 22 new brunswick 1826 quebec 44264 ontario 587283 manitoba 8020 saskatchewan 427 alberta 80s british colum bia 25957 hauralmva bamsaa inspector denyes left on toes day for williambport penn on a visit to bis mother mr 8 w hiohener has accepted the position of principal of ridge town public school at a salary of s1800 bev w m msckay and family have gone to their summer cottage at bosedale victoria coanty near balsam lake where they will rus ticate daring this month m moqtbboa- left on tuesday on a trip to west ern can they w v friends and relatives and proceed ing on to the coast where they will visit their son william at new westminster three prisoners were taken from milton jail to serve terms in the ontario reformatory a guelph namely j b hillis trafalgar township wife beating root powell of hamilton burglary at port nelson and fred bradley 6f hamilton indeoent assault on a yoanfi lady at burlington mrs hall daughtes of the late sheriff clements of milton wai buried at milton she is sum ed by an only daughter mies lulu hall torontq last thursday judge elliot tried the three men arrested at burlington for robbing nathan irnngs house aa reported last week they having pleaded not guilty a number of witnesses were examined and the result was the oonviction of the three unen powell having actually done the stealing and having a criminal record was sentenced to not less than six months nor more than twoyears i atory after he finishes his time w h over to t ne york authorities to be tried it is said for murder baylisand mor- rato who did not enter the honse but were accomplices of powell were released on sospended sen tence to be held on august 16th the lawn of- mr 1 hdjm asisiovi tfe tennesse jiih1ee sdkebs formerly of roger williams cm versit nashville tenn will providetbe program taeotwms the bank of montreal on july 18th issued a report on the crops throughout canada baaed on tele graphic reports reoeived from the branch managers general rains have been of material benefit ha the prairie provinces and on toe whole the crops are in a favorable d condition ail the crops in on- i no are unusually promisln on t fail to attend the h 18 out md 1b a nbety c ft j da oood yields of bay are practically vjqtctctt mtcltx v nred quebec and maritime r prov provinces roots and fruit pood condition 1 british col admiaaloxi 4so suad 16o auspices ashgrovejmetbodibt ch umtum- mosc crops are suffering from drought in the province of ontario weather conditions were generally favorable and crops on the whole well advaneed fall wheat was ripening very fast cutting has bommeneed in some districts indications are for a crop above the average spring wheat oata and ostrley promise well over average hay unusually large crop practically all out corn crop is in good condition making rapid growth fraft large crop indicated pasture ln- spiendid condition

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