Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 16, 1922, p. 4

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pao a thb oaomomowm hwbald auooht icth 1822 bylaw no caorf- a bylaw t antbortaa j tw of la to town to the- aatoaml l fi dollar to mat bonwa by way of iom to davsd brill to assist bin to wiwipaad operate and carry oa lae lory for uk bsaanfactiarinf of lata aatd caps in iw said tow- of ct- whekbatfthr saltl law drill has expressed lljf drain to ui anil uj erale a faclurj iu itc salt town of georctuwu r the manufactory of hatt and caps and has asked the said town of rurrluo fur a bunus of fit thousand dollars by way of loan i for- t pu nature ur kind hi the atd town of georgetown and whehas the said david prill haa entered into an agreeuient with the said corporation of george town dated the twcptyelfhui day of duly qaanfkd ratepayer of the aid town o georgetown a copj berefiseworuwnueaejaw j hereunto annexed and marked a and whkreai it b cspcdfcni to paaa uus b law and to submit the hoc to the electors of the said nuni- fitpailty to raise by wuy of loan the r stun of five thousand dollara to asalat by way uf bonus the aaid david brut to equip and operate and carry on the aaid business in the aaid factory n1 whkbkacwor cont the aaldjai hereby mutually cutenaut and agree to and with each other as folluwa that in to say i hie aaid manufacturer agrecai that aa aoun a poatiblc after rcewent has ltp executed by the sakl corporation ifini the by law con fi rutins uic aauic jaasctl after the approval of tlio said electors to lirueceu with all proper dllhjeucc to put up and place ou the premise owu n i ii ml the corner of mill aiul main streets in the aaid lown of georgetown all accessary plant ma cbiucry and equipment iu i tabic for uic carryiug un ot the aaid busltiesa at coot of approximately soooo a the aaid manufacturer until place the laid fimurta machinery uud plant in the sakl factory and have mir ante in operation air a fouif concern- on the find day of october ajl isxl or within miclr further uuic as may be allowed by the said tirporu uon a that he will carry on the bus neas of manufacturing hala and caps in the- said factor or other suitable buildings for a period of ten years from uic vint lay of october ibm unless iu case offlre accidents to machinery strife ur for any other cause such as shall render an inter ruption uuwvskuhlc and in any sutli taae operations awmll be resumed as mfon as possible thereafter riot ex ceedlug twelve months in case of totaj 1 and in ca o any inter ruptions by total oss bytii this agreement shall be null and vokl mid tlie parties hereto shall bo relieard utli all liability ur obligation iherr dcr aud- ii is further unierljd and agreed between the parties hereto that wherever cither of the parties hereto arc referred to such refcrrnrr tjinll when the rnnlrst so- allows deemed to include and eslend to and be biud iug on tlclrs eiulrv admlnistra tors successors and assign of rarh of the sakl parti in wllmtob iifiikuk uk- parties lit re to of the first iart have hcriuutu set tlicir hands aud seals nmf the aaid orpo ration has hrreuulu nf fined its corporate bcal aud tfie hands the said mayor and clerk of the id muutcipaluy munkd skal f l am or t riik1 in the present r of ftwlli brill notice lake notice that the foregoing is a true ioy of u proposed by law uf the coriiuratlun of ibe lown of georgc- tuwiii tu be subliiltled to uic votes uf uie electors ou uie xbth day or vu gut ll between tjie hours of nine ejutk in the forcuoon and five cluck in the aucmoou at utc lowu hall in the said town of georgetown and that uie twenty first day of august at fivejtslocfcu sliall be issurq within two years after kc date on whlfh this by law is pass ed and may bear any dale within iurh period of two years and shall be pay able at the tlaak otkloutroal george lown ontario adtffln twenty yran neat after the date when they sliall bf issued and uk respect list able in each of suth yraft shall be buildings plant and rnochlnery sud shall be fur a long period than three months in any year the said manufacturers business shall be con unucd carried on alter uie said term for a period equai to uic time obdhc said interruption over and above the said three months and in case any bttorrupllons front any cause as aforesaid other than from total loss aforesaid it will be necessary to issue debenture of the aaid town of georgetown for uie sum of five thou aand dollars the proceeds of said de bentures to be applied to the purposes aforesaid and to rather and ythkbkas it la desirable ic principal of uic said debentures rcpanb by yearly unu daring the aaid period of ten years being uie currency of the aaid de bentures aaid yearly payments being of such respective amounts that the acaount payable in each year for prin dpal and inte in respect of said debentures shall be cuunl to the anaoaat payable is each of the other years of the aaid period aa is herein- and vvhkhbas the amount of the fwpg debenture debt of the sakl municipality exclusive of local im provement debts secured by special a minima la s37w944 ol which no part of the principal or interest 1 hi and uhbrkas the whole rate able property uf the said municipality liable to be rated for the aaid purpose irrespective ef any future increases in the same according tu the hut rc- laca assessment roil la yu6s60o0 the town of georgetown enacts kiwat f 1 that theshm agrcemehtbere- unto annexed and marked v is hereby ratified and confirmed 8 that it shall and may be law ful for the corporation of ueorge- lown to loan to the aaid david brill tbe sum of five thousand dollars as by way of bonus is aid of the aaid business upon the terms conditions ttlpulsuons and- provisions set out in the agreement hereunto annescd and marked a lungerper than two months in any ycacrthe said manufacturer business shall be con tinued and carried on after the said term f o a period cuual to the time of interruption over and above uic said two monthat the said manufactur- crtohavethc right to shut down the ma f uuryrdun said period of t of making repairs which said one month nevertheless counts as part of the said ten ycarav and uie said bust ncaa snail be deemed to be in oper ation for the purpose of c uie said period 4 that be will invest in the said business at least wou in addition to the twsoo loaned to him by uie said corporauon which jast mentioned amount the aaid manufacturer bound to spend in utc purchase suitable machinery and equipment with which to carry on the that be will repay to the said corporauon the amount of uie said loan of five thousand dollars with in terest at the same rate as uie sakl utrporauon is required to pay to ob tain the money and said loan is to be repaid within ten years from the date that the aaid hioney is loaned by the said corporation to htbc amid menu facturcr the principal and interest to be combined and payable in rl thousand tlultnr aud interest g aforesaid and as security ft r the perform niter uf all covenants agreements stlpulu uum and provisoes herein cuntulned on the part uf thp said company u mortgage to the said corporation uj said lands and premises pottery for the i lh toall interested i uelpll as follows i wit m u4u0 uu sioht m smh7 v jam it 115 04 3wjt uil ho ijut w 131 ho iju u im1 4s iftis oo i7u 12 imj7 1 iv47 u 3u04 40 t u ill4 sb mm m hi a thsi vj i7s4 ibau i ho ih ms jo tcrnoou at the town hall in the sakl municipality has been fucd for the ap pointment of persons to attend at bn said polling place and at uie final sum uing up uf uie votcby the cleric- and that if the ascnt uf the elector hi ub- tained to uie said proposed by law it will be lakeu into cvtudderauou b the municipal council of uie said cor- pomtiou at a thereo to be bcld after uic ci pi ration of one mouui from uic date of utc first publication of this notice an0 that such first pub- lication uf this notice was made on the second day of august ajx 1kb take notice further that a tenant who desires to vote upon the said pro- ed by law must deliver to utc clerk not later than uie tenth day before uie day appointed for taking the vote a declaration under uic canada evi dence act that he la a tenant whose lease extends for the time which tha debt or liability is to be created or in which thejnoney u be raised by the proposed bylaw ii payable for at least twentyone years and that he has by uie lease covenanted to pay all munld pal taxes in respect of the property of which be is tenant yther than local improvement rates mil 36 34x7 3d 34tl 3d 3417 3b 34h7 jo 14u7 3b 34k7 v m7 j4ji7 3b u itw 04 3487 mi n rictut lio 31 3487 30 uf 108 r 4u 4h 34h7 3b ie sbi n 7o0sw 3wttb 17 7 04 17b 34x7 mi 18 w 2t rt 63 h87 3b u 313 bo jioj to vm7 j6 m l7 jo 3w0 00 3w 3b fi 47 0 40000 to 61 747 20 i that fur the purposes of paying uie sakl instalments of principal and interest the same fair- due rcspec lively during the said twenty years bring the currency of the aw deben tore there shall be levied and raised in each year by a special rate suffl da property in the said municipality the sum uf three thousand four hundred and eighty seven and 861 0 dollars at the same lime and in the same i uic annual general rates each of the sakl debentures shall be signed by the mayor aud shall be signed also by the treasurer and debentures shall be sealed alth the ilof ute-corporauoav- f the debentures may contain any provision for uic registration ot utcut authorised by law this bylaw shall take affect on the date of the passing thereof subject b bring assented to by the electors finally passed by an afflrtnauvi vo of the tn id upon all ulhcr fixtures plant and iililnrry pllirrd or crntrd upon the said 1 mi tin and iiremlys iu tinuectluii with the said fact iryr free from all i iwer liens charges bfiil cli umbrartccs ot every nature and kind and upon all buildings iilunt and ma my be s ubscou en tly erect t upon uip said premises during the currency or suhl mortgige aud the said lands buildings miihlii rrj and plant t be uf the vuluc uf tine hundred thuuoiiid dollars die suld rtgage to con lain auili i vcilunts are uiuallv loutaliicd in a iu irt gage uiude in pursuance uf tile sh irt forms of mortgages att aud suih iittotdennntsns the mild coqi ira tluii sliall deem advisable fur the ft rurllj thcrrby inleudrd uulct jm ssess- luiv 11 drfull rrrrdoui fruili ctliuin brances rxtrpl im herein lurlitl mrd curther nnmirunre that no uit iiuh brrn dour i i encumber the said lands except u herein mentioned in su ranee tu uic extent of uielr full in surnhle value in d liars iiir relic j uf luwful money of canada on the build lugs plant and machinery on the niurt gaged premises a reteasc frbui all riulnis subject tu the proviso for re that for tbe purpose mentioned in ute preamble there shall be bor rowed on the credit of the said cor poration the sum of five thousand dol inra and debentures shall be issued utcrfor in sums of not less than one hundred dollara each payable in the indfor ibuanw tbe amount required to pay off utc bond issue of ute aaid corporation to obtain uw aaid loan of five thousand dollara the first at such combined payments of principal and interest to become due and to be paid one year from uie date of the mortgage here inafter mentioned 8 that he will execute in favour of tbe said corporation as security for tbe aaid loan of f lvcthousand dollars and fail ml as afomald and as tbe times set forth in paragraph four hereof that the said debentures shall cent per annum having coupons at r tached for payment of such interest and shall all bear the sum date and hall be burned within two years after tbe dale on which this by uw is pass ed- and may beat any dab- within ach period of lwo yean and shall be payable at tbe bank ot montreal georgetown n ontario within tea years next after the date when they shall be issued and utc respective amounts payable in each of such years shall be as fouowsi year curtly for uie performance of all the covenants agreements sti and provisoes herein contained on utc part of the said manufacturer a mortgage to the said corporauon up on all bis sakl land and premises on theeomtttjfatillandmaui str in tbe sakl lown of georgetown and up on the buildings plant and machinery and upon all other futures plant and machinery placed with the aaid factory fraw from dow 402 10 679 33 253 10 46 23 679 3 676 33 237 54 451 7v aj0 42 47u91 679 03 171 507 64 679 39 141 23 538 10 679 33 its 94 570 39 679 33 um 62 679 33 344 640 89 679 33 1793 40 5000 00v 6793 30 ot that for the purpose of paying the said instalments of principal and interest an tbe same jtali due respec tively during the aaid ten years being the currency of the said deben th res there shall be levied and raised in each j yearly special rate sufficient there- for on all ute rateable property in uc said manlctpsuty the sum of 967933 at tha samu ttma and m the aanw ft bach of the sakl debentures i be signed by tbe mayor of tbe town of georgetown or by some other person authorised by bylaw of the aaid municipality to sign the same and by tbe treasurer of tbe said village and the clerk of tbe said municipality hall affix the corporate seal thereto t the coupon shall be signed by treasurer of tbe said municipality t us afantatwre may be printer stamped utttographed or engrossed finally pa by an afflrmatlmr vote of threequarters of all utc mem ben of the council uds day of 1ihl clerk mayo a agreement made in dapucau the tentyebjhth day of july ajx im petwekn david brill of 4hetown ol georgetown m ute countyttlalion l hereinafter cal manufacturer of-thbfir3t-part- thk corporation opthe townsfhf georgetown btchf uaereasmltb corporation ti the second paat wubkeas tbe sakl manufacturer proposes ts asakc and manufacture ttata and caps in tbe said town of and whereas tttsdu corpor ation has ngretd tosunmhior the approval of uteiquiuvkd dectom of thetowa4geoactwn and to fipal i granto the mid manufacturer a akraed by end between urn asadny way ot 1ow of the sum of urete thai if the corporation frv thooand douara mrable m cash soaantt awdthrjnw and if such mbw trlrrbfore tttlg agrae eorthatsb to a a and terms 4 bylaw no a byui dabentmroa of tho t town to th amount of forty thow- sand dollars to grant o haauaa by way jtmi it to factory and to pot wp oquap mad op- arata a pottery plant and badd a way akfiag usto thaur aasd faotory whereas ute sakl smith and htone lbuitcd electrical manufactur ers carry on a business for manufac turing electrical fittings in its factory situate in uk said town uf ocorgc- otrtjwmebea sd btoue limited desire to enlarge elr present factory and put up equip and operate a lottery plant and build skiing into its said factory and whereas in order to la thei said factory and to put up esflop uaopertesmid pottery plant- tjcreenientu executed by thc-ssld- kintl except a first mortgage of so0 agabist the said premises and upon all buildings plant and machinery which may be subsequently erected or brought upon the said premises during the currency of said mortgage and uie aaid tands buildings machinery am plant to be of tbe ralne of si 000 the sold mortgage to contain such covenants as are usually contained in a mortgage madein pursuance of the short forma of mortga ac an su o covenants as die said corporation studldeem advisable for tbe security thereby intended quiet possession on default freedom from encumbrance except aa herein aseotionedi further assurance that no act baa been done to encumber tbe said lands except herein menuoacd inrtittiht ba the tent of their full insurable value hi dollars curr of lawful money of c on the buildings plant and machinery on the mortgaged premises a release from ail claims subject to uie proviso for repayment a powc sale on default for three months one month a notice b writing and until default he mortgagors to have quiet possession and a proviso for the repayment of ute said sum of five uritnnd dollars and interest at ute rate per i m the amounts nod at ute times mentioned im the prcccd ing paragraph hereof the said mortgage shall provide thai all terms covenants and conditions and provisoes of uds agreement shall so far aa the same may be applicable to both parties hereto be included bj and form part of the said mortgage until uie same fat discharged aa rterewafter provided and shall be aauafactory in all respects to uw solicitor of ute corporauon 7 that he will employ ten pjoyees within two yean uf october tfrsv ajx ims ute employees to the said corporation agrees i l that it will make the said to the said manufacturer upon tonus and conditions herein contained a that it will submit to the duly qualified ratepayers of the said town of georgetown for the purpose of obtaining their consent a bytaw to ratify this agreement and to authorise toe said corporauon to r of five thousand dollars and to issue debentures therefor for utc purposes aforesaid anduu so approved to ally pass hc auld bylaw a that it will pay the said m facturcr tbe said sum of five thousand prured by use said dol qualified rate payers of urn aaid town of george town and finally nation by the coon ril of tte said corporauon and tbe mortgage jiforeaaid given to the said corporation said sum of five thou sand dollara to be placed of the said corporauon of montreal georgetown ontario to pe payable to tbe said manufacturer os the plant la completed the tory eveodttnre vouchers ontbe said plant tf required ao to do by um aaid and aod it la jbwther understood and parties afaouu owsthrjftw and if such byuw asm not receive n rote anfflcrent wry eat bonus bylaw by the irrnobh tt tawf tha muadripa ad1aca and to build said skiing bmlth stone has asked uie said porauon of georgetown to lend it the sum of forty thousand dollara mdtoeul p i to put up equip and operate said pottery plant and hi bulk said siding and v hereas there u no other manufactory uf a similar nature or kind established in uie said town of georgetown- and whereas the sakl sndlh stone has entered into an agreement with the said corporauon of george town dated the twenty fourth day of july ibs subject to the approval of the duly qualified electors of the said town of georgetown a copy whereof is act forth in- the schedule hereunto anne an marked a and whereas it is expedient to pass this by uw and submit tbe same to utc electors of the said muni cipality to raise by way of loan the said sum of forty thousand dollars to assist by way of bonus tbe said hmlth stone ljmlted to enlarge its said factory and to put up equip a railway skiing to to operate and carry ou um aaid busi ness in the said factory and whereas for the purposcl oresaid it will be ncccandry to ventures of uie sammunlci ir the sum of forty thousand dollars the proceeds of ute said debentures to be applied to uie purposes aforesaid e sell ami ereel prem lhp srj and lux vr il 11 nml i li k i v ii day matinee -idink- humed l n i ic his 1 k k i j thci c irjwi ler w rk ii lie j ik charue imi iu w buui by ii pdejtlfi liastf money refunded lw b or pi ona l s ncl i r wh i fnirttiwi1 pboirtairl doherty stoves anfl ranges for three months on one mouui s notice in writing and until default the mort g igiira to bate quiet pusscsalon and a ivlso for lie repayment uf the said second it am manure sprtitder mouor bokrien majile leaf onfcider beattj bros hnj in corn and slmrf meltttt c if ant separnor f machine oil axle 0 rente stbrroat olre phone 22w rohideiter 21s qeor0ctown this indenture made in dupli catc thla day uf july in ute year of our lord one lbuu sand nme hundred and twenty two between bmllll stone luhthjj of uic town of georgetown electrical man ufaclurcn hereinafter called tbe company uf the first part and the corporation of the town op georgetown herein after called utc corporauon uf uie second part herea uie said company are now manufacturing bjcctricai kitting in its factory in ute said town of c-corgctown- ad h hereas uic said company desire to enlarge thcirpreseut plant and to putup equip and operate a poucry plant and to put in a railway skiing on their property provided a loan uf 4uuu is granted to uic sakl company by uic said corporauon and whereas uie said corpor auon has agreed to submit for ute ap proval of ute qualified electors of ute lown of georgetown and to finally pass if approved by the vote of utc sakt etccioru a by law to confirm and approve this agreement and a bonus by way of a roan of uie sum of forty now ihib aolutemenl wll tat in consideration o uic premises and of ute terms uf this agreement uie said parties hereto du hereby mutually covenant and agi to and with each other a follows that bj to say i the said company agree i that as soon as possible after amounts and at the times nictation ed in the presetting paragraph hereof the said mortgage sliall provide that all terms covenants and conditions und prolejr0iluxtiantw far us uie same may be npltcofalc to l parties hereto be included in and form part of ute said mortgage until uie same is discharged us hereinafter provided and shall be satisfactory in all respects to the solicitor for the corpor nat tney wtu employ in their factory and in the pottery plant 100 employees within one yemr uf uic 81st day of december lftxll and iso employees within two years there from uie employees to be residents of said corporauon the sah1 corporation agreest 1 that it will make tbe said loan to ute sed company upon the terms and conditions herein contain 8 foot it will submitto uie duly qualified ratepayers of uie said town of georgetown for the- purpose of ob taming their consent a by law to rat lfy this agreement and jo authorise uie said corporauon to raise ute sum of forty thousand dollars and to issue debentures therefor for the purposes oforesand and if so approved to final ly pass uic said by law 3 that ft will pay uie said com pany uic said sum of forty thousand dollars after ute by law has been ap proved by ute said duly qualified rate payers of uic said town of george- townnd finally passed by the coun ciftof the said corporauon and utc murtgagc aforesaid given to the said corporauon said sum of forty thdu sand dollars to be placed to uic cre dit of uie said corporauon in the bank of montreal at georgetown outariu audio be payable tu utc said company as soon as uie plant is completed but utc corporauon shall make advances to ute company as and when required by uie company to ute extent of 80 of uic amount so required the com- any shall furnish ute corporation with expenditure vouchers if and when palm carrien lunch rooms meads served at all flonra corporation and uie bylaw confirm big the same is passed after approval of electors to proceed with ail proper diligence to erect upon their- aajl fac- and whereas it is issuc said debentures at one line and make ute principal of the said deben turcs repayable by yearly sums during the period of twenty years being ute currency of uie said debentures said yearly sums bring of such respective amounts that ute amount payable in each year for principal and interest in respect uf uic said debentures shall be equal to uic amount payable in each of tbe other years ot the aaid period as u hereinafter mentioned and whereas the and buildings or a niltrfrr- pottery plant for uie blanu facture of porcelain and also to put and place in said pottery plant all necessary machinery and equipment suitable for tbe carrying on of uic sakl pottery business and also to pro ceed with all proper diligence tu en large their present plant aud also to put in a skiing on ineir property at a cost df at least forty thousand del lara x the aaid company shall erect and r the said pottery plant rml f rt fiuturotr machlnery aad equipment therein and have uic same hi operauoo as a going concern en uie 31st day of occembcr llxx subject to unavoidable delays ur within such further time as may be allowed by utc said corporauon and will also bare their said present plant enlarged and tbe siding on their prop erty completed by said date or within such further time as may be allowed by toe said corporation s that they will carry on the elec trical kitting business and uie pottery business in um aaid town of gcorgc- town in their said factory o other suitable buildings for a period of twenty years from the first day of january 123 unless in case of fire accidents to machinery strikes or for any other cause such a shall render an interruption unavoidable and in any such case operations shall be re sumed as soon as possible thereafter not exceeding twclrc months b case of total loss by fire and in case of any interruptions by total loss by fire as aforesaid shall be for a longer continued and carried oh after tbe said term for a period equal to the time of ute sakl interruptions from any cause j i aforesaid other than from totot loss d hrft auall be for a lunger period municipality elusive of lll- uiao two months in any yew ute aaid provemeut debts secured by special of uie principal rear whereas ute whole property of ute said municipality liable to be rated for utc aaid pnrpooc irrc- specuve of any future increase in utc same according to ute hut revised assessment roll b j6su tuerkpore the municipal cottn ell of the town of geor enacts us fotlowsi i- 1 that ute said agreement here unto annexed and marked a is here by ratified and confirmed- tha it s and may b law tut tof utexurporati6o ot the town of georgetown to loan to um said hmlth stone umited the am of forty tboutand dollars aa by way of boons in aid of the- said business upon ute terms conditions stipulations and provisoes set out hi the agreement hereunto annexed and marked a bank that for the purposes i ana- in the preamble there shall be borrow ed ohtae credit of the corporation the sum of forty thousand douars and dc- benturea shall be ssned therefor on tbe instalment plan in sums of not payable la um manner and for uw amounts and ot the times set forth iu paragraph four hereof that ute said debentures shall all bear interest at the ratcof tax per cent per annum baring tached for payment o and shall an bear tha any year business shall be continued and carried on after the said term for a period equal to ute time of in terruption over una- above the tald two moothsj the said company to have tbe right to shut down tha factory during one month in each year during uw sakt period ot twenty year for uie purpose of taking stock ur of making repairs which said one month nctertheiejsscounts as part of tbe said twenty years and the said business shall be deemed to be in op eration for ute purpose of calculating use said period that the said company wtu put 1ukn additional capuaiu ute eaupnem by dccesmcrstiu ibs that they will repay to ute said corporation the- ojuenjt of uic said loeurof forty thousand dollars with in terest at urn same tate as utc said corporauon is required to pay to ob tain use money and said man is to be repaid wllhio twenty years from ute date that um said money is loaned by the sakl corporauon to utc said company iwc principal and interest to ik combined and payable in twenty dollac the first ot soch comb paymento of principal and interest to bec due and to um paid one year from the date of the mortgage hcre- c that they ww execute in favor of the aaid corporation as security ob c i confectionery a full line ot tobacco oieavrsand gikarettea quired by utc corporauon so to du and it is further understood audi agreed by and between uie parties hereto that if the corporauon should submit such by law and if such by ii should not receive a vote sufficient law by ute pryvjak act then this agree ment shall be null and void and uic parties hereto shall be released from all liability or obligation thereunder and it la further understood and weetf uteparue hereto that wherever cither of uie parties hereto are referred to such reference shall when the context ao allows be deemed to include and extend to and be bind log 00 heirs executors administrators successors and assigns of each of uic said parties in witness whbraopthcsald parties hereunto affixed their curpor ate scab sealed and dei 1vered and countersigned respective- 11 in the presence of h smith president- of smith stone umited louis singkk secretory treasurer of smith stone limited by lc roy dale mayor or said cor porauon of georgetown by f l heath clerk of ute said corporauon ofioeorgetown notice take nouce that utc foregoing u true copy of a proposed bylaw of uie corporauon of uic town of george town to be submitted to the votes of utc electors on ute sutfa day of au gust im between the hours of nine a clock in uie forenoon und five oclock m the afternoon at the town hall in ute said town of georgetown and that uic twenty first day of au gust iks at five u clock in utc after noon at ute lown hall in the sal- municipality has been fixed for uie aj pointment of persons to attend at the said polling place and at the final summing up of uie votes by the clerk and that if utc assent of the decton is obtained to the said proposed by law it will be taken into consideration by the municipal council of uic said corporation at a meeting thereof to be held after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice and that such first pub lication of this notice was made on uie second day of- august aj ims take notice further that a tenant who desire to vote upon the sakl pro posed bylaw must deliver to ute clerk not later than ute tenth day appointed for taking ute vote a declaration un dcr utc canada evidence act that he u a tenant whose lease extends for ute time tor which the debt or liability is to be rested or in which the money to be raised by the proposed by law bj payable ftirlat least twentyone years and that hrhat by the lease covenant cd to pay all municipal taxes in re- tenant outer than local improvement browns garage clrcttwltl scrvke subm scafeatlrclkvrwel cars ibunows wrecking ornoq ond can bftodle all kinda of auto wrecks aotonand geoefaj repairs and a fall line of auto accessories gasoline and oila service station for presto light batteries for service phone m0 day or night fre air browns garage atntnahmwtk vbanwws watch our window for special choice pastry on saturday a livingstone son phone 55 georgetown a l wright butcher main st georgetown vkntk shop in fedse 235 j special this wrar assorted fruit ices regular 60o lb 49o lb i come nod bample before baying special shipment of fre8h chocolates b9o lb gnntlcmcn ns you know cigarettes have somewhat advanced in 1 re i hae the ool tobacco store id town von can ret all kinds ot ii tobaccos nnd pipen cigarcttee boll ere make jour ownvcigarettes it a che all thone orders delivered hwheafley h c bailey electrician headquarters for ma lampi fixtures shades eta call at the harness shop and let toe give yon a price on your electric work satisfaction guaranteed m0ness2 georgetown xjjaifflib stewarttowrt phone 84 r 13 old reliable dealer in wire fence ing fancy and plain dates and posts ot nil kipda alwajs on hand 1 bate a large quantity of bails which i will deliver anj length at reasonable price j h smith stewarttown special notice shoe repairs tha only fair way to do any kind of a job is by piece work price so in the falure i will charge so much for the material used and a reasonable price for the time it taken tto do the work tbia will cause mj prices to vary but id shoe repainnr charging a cub to roe r who wears a 5i shoe the saiue price as the one who wears a 10 or 11 is not really the proper thing todo as tbe party with small feet is helping to pay for the ooe with the larger i range my prices aoiording to the aixe of tbe sole or heel ufed not tbe sixe of shoe i solelng and heeling will range from 7se to 8 00 who1 soles ae heels repairing welts sewing toe caps etc will cost ex tra i don t repair while jou wait as this isot a proper oi paying system i hare tbe expert enoe toolb machinery also the largest trade for repairing in this section of the count all repairs receive the erj best and prompt attention shoes called for and delivered ja ballaxitine ireurs8atn i r t 7pau saturday work vtt4 forand ilahvarmk caafa- symrm box 546 phone 2s6w 2t yrars experience hay fever asthma summed c0lbs xwawamtaabal a saoaufa ttwat- razmah beubf i immediate it i aaramal braatklng- smrmiyumt h druks main st georgetown jobbing machine wrlf of all descriptions at cassidy works henry block georgetown the east end meat shop c ridler butcher dealbr in all kihd8 of t fresh cored and cooked meatsr orhtin pimp georgetown phone 206 m htrschorns ladies wear tailoring special values for this week end in ladies dresses cnfcs a hirschorn moghbben block georgetown phone 106 night phone 23s j day phone 1b6 v why not today w hy deny yourself for another day the pleamue mnd convenience that come with possession of a ford 1 it is a question of money we will talcecare of that our monthly payments aje moderate and can be graduated to meet your purse you will buy a ford eventual ly why not today 486 chasaia tonrlnc oompe tstrtlnw ana elactrla ughuaa an okaaaia an osa mabels tsbjafctn standard malnasaat an ctlaaad model au p lu a f o b cord ontario hacoxe acoi l

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