Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 23, 1922, p. 2

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paoa tub geobqbtowm flkbald auoubt28bd 1088 w h willson itndsrtaker and ltoented embmlanwr malattt omrpton autonobtk yf horsedrawnhrarae phooet nigfaf of day sw oc 51 births marriage and qeatha are now charged for al lite following raiea r nhs 50cj macriagea 50c dealt soc mthw al cards socj 10c per i oe ex ira lor diid march mbktral toronto llosp lai sun ay- 1922 wtlunl march mem ajc8 77 years chnrch news to grororb ohuech services in 8b georges church next sunday will bo held as fol lows holy com at union at hbjdj corporate communion of tnc womens auxiliary instead of on the first sunday in beplsttnber holy baptism at 6 o clock choral evensong at 7 p m ba ohuhuh patator home again sunday 11 aun tbejoy o8ajvation 1160 aj sabbatb school 7 pm the corinthian oburob yon are welcome jfwoj in two days the fjra brigade was called from its biumners on hon day morning at about 4 to attend on outbreak of fire in the barn of i mrs robert haw on the 9tb line the barn was discovered ablaze by borne neighbors who immediate ly raised tbealarm but t ef fbr6tto save the timvand con tentajwera at no avail and the hay and buildings were jompletely lost there on tneaday morning at about 6sq tbe fire brigade was again sailed out for a fire at the baton farm on the 8th line oooopied by j el mccanley- the fire which is supposed to have started from the gasoline engine proved adioas trons one for mr mccanley three large bains seven head nf cattle registered one none and the seasons crop were lost and bof for the prompt and hereto i work of the firemen and neighbors the implements and house would i bave been bwfc the damage is tonghly estimated at about 16000 1 and only partly covered by insnr the money bylaws v a georgetown ratonayer wntob the herald as follows bditob tub hkuald- i was interested in reading the by laws to be submitted to the ratepayer at ao early date iovol ing a total of 40 000 00 i am writing simply to urge pon the council the necessity of gu rding the interne in of the poop le in this aa in all matters that ivolve the disposition of publio monies perhaps careful invest igation has already been made and the members of council are pre pared to give these oans their hearty recommendation t jiopo bitch is the case i could name a municipality not a hundred miles from georgetown that made a large loan witboat properly exam iniog the securities of the borrow er and it was more than a quarter oentury before the town concern recovered horn tfao staggering lorn and by the way it is not many years since georgetown nar rowly escaped a similar set back i know nothing of the merits or propositions now submitted for the boy scouts ratepayers approval the desire for industrial expansion in george town is entirely commendable what i want to emphasize is that the securities offered lor these proposed loans should be adequate to prevent any possibility of loaaj tours very truly h- jwsxren toronto august 14 1983 the arrangements for the week end camp to be held at norvam from the evftning of sept 1st until the monday following are pro growing favorably wo need only one more taut so if nay boy knows of any person who would lend the troop one will lie i inane let the scout master know ax noon as pna evpry boy scout and rub please try anil attend thi all the second clans boouih an i be at the thurth room oi thursda evening at 8 ho um rorain and staves imperative seout and nub mevling on pn dny at the drill shed at 7 biibjeot scoot drills promotions scout c king troop leader eaolrb scout 8 mackenzie 1st patrol leader scout w knigbtrsod patrol leader luonb m scoot p spires 1st patrol leader scout j sorymgepur 2nd pa simmons bed outfits sod ctnattmss scout fieader scout j bunk ados hr and mrs chas ervnn mot- gleflwflfiuns we are pleased to learn that josmcmenmy was operat ed on in gnelpb hospital recently is home again and doing as well as can be expected mrveienr gardinel arrived heme from hamilton last satur day bnt is still in poor health we wish him speedy recovery mr and mrs har of m ml ttpo md nffli hrrnnnnr nnml ored f rochester m y spent several days with aoton friends last week mr and mrs jo b of sarnia wbq were visiting friends in georgetown and toronto spent sunday in aoton the goeste of mr and mrs k p gamble antons tax rate is made up as follows school rate 15 18 mills waterworks debentures 10 81 mills salaries and allowances 8 60 miliar general debentures 247 nulls shoe factory debentures 8 14 mills staset lighting 1l62 mills free in brary 40 mills mibcellaneoos 8b6 mills ber father mogreary the new parish priest appointed to st joseph b and the other churches of the parish arrived in acton from hamilton last week his first services were held on sunday when he was welcomed by a large congregation at bt joseph a a significant reference of father mc- greary in his introductory remarks was to the effect that he had come to fulfil the duties of parish priest he would endeavor to be all a priest should be and nothing more free press tetc m u by mil tbe public library georgetown oa nudat ado t ims al 3 a clock tbe following walnut parlor ni le carpet and menu large dropleaf walnut table number pictures piano teat bra bed with aprmga bedroom snite with apnags while enamel bed m th spri child r white fnl rot with spnnga coocb bed urtaw pole eiectnc dome and lejectrtc heater dinger gong clock amall table hall tree singer sewing machine happy thought range 3 burner perfect od elove verandah chairs lawn t iron cultivator bathroom m r- 1 huda aleigb garden tools lamps fra i gems calaup bottles k leben utenaila deluding bread miser odd dishes j numeious other articles terms cash ben pelch auctioneer golt toflnumenl mia geo allan and daughters are spending their vacation london qnt lira a w allan is visiting at at peterborongh miss emma beaomoot has re- turned home to toronto after pending- her vacation uvea and friends here mr and mrs william beaumont and son left on tojssday on a visit to the west mrs bhnmplin and daughter mr doherty and baby beth of i chicago am spending their vaca- tion with mr and mrs m merri day we are sorry to learn of the death of mr william marahmeot who died oa bonday at general hospital toronto interment at ohnrchvllle on tnesday on sunday evening the metho dist chorea choir was very ably assisted by mrs shrimplti chicago who also sang a solo ashamed of christ by joseph greg aooompaoied by her daogh tar mrs doherty mrs sfarimp- un is a soloist of wide range and excellent quality and was muoh enjoyed by all who beard her card of thanka the nnderamioed wktmho acknow- iedg ibv padld work of tbe pira bri gade and neighbor in their endeavor to wiibewbaakac evmrtmaa woold htvebeanlom thanuaf one and all j h mccanley 7 z a mixed foursome golf tourna ment will be held on thursday august s4tb on georgetown golf links medal play poor best scores to qualify for semi finals and finals match play the draw for part- nereis as follows mies f herbert hr i a wil foulia hiss margaret hokay mr mo dermid vs mrs blake leslie mr d l herbert mrs willoughby mr campbell vs mrs g 0 maokay dr marcel lus mrs hodgson dr boss vs mrs annandale mr fleck miss doris miller mr w ford vs miss yoong mr nelle mr codling1 vs mrs telf mckay mr w w roe mildred fleck h b coffen vs mrs roe mr n henderson mrs p r coffen hr win mo kay vs mrs lowe mr p b ool fen miss margaret willoughby hr l t beid vs mrs v a smith mr dickson boe mrs boss mr dickie vs miss langan mr b corke miss holeod mr telf mckay vs mrs henderson mr fred bd wards mrs mcbermid mr r cole vs miss matthews mr leboy dale mrs graham mr g a maokay vs miss b cuok mr thompson miss a bradley mr h mcdow ell vs mrs l b fleck mr arthur herbert mrs arthur herbert hr j b mokenxie vs mrs dale hr n cole card of thanks lira robert maw extends ber wart v hank 10 tba seigbbors and tncmber of ba fire bngade forlbew very able as- tatance at tbe fire on monday mnrmog dr frank c gaved eyesight specialist 209 bank chmnbeitno 2 college si toronto will be at jlkneabbos tfold georoelewii saturday august 21th brops turn to ldpon eleclrlcal traatntenta given for soro eyva squint cataracts etc ta braastoa vlolat bay htsa fraqv gamevrntor exelalvol7 d07 dooo4 rail toswaoameablratiod and ian how takasp baaltby remember i vrnteoxgetown once a month avv stand anthracite scranton coal in au sires aqtomatically saceened and loaded coal wood beleot lump for domestic bmitbing and cannel coal in fact i carry everything to be found m any up to date coal ana wood sard john mcdonald georgetown phone 19 at the mens store new spring suitings overc new q mhtioh now i uttcrim n e ih fnlly re vm utinif lliu bnt tattoo 40 00 icb heauliful wool ll nt are i luduced 45 oo bedding week for one week we offer you jspecialjsavings on good quality bedding bed outfits brass bed 2 goo qual t mnuniuu metal bed wftlnut ilmab special design a with good quality felt mattress and good springe special 3740 white feonjel bed good mattress and good sprinfi special 140 couch bed with springs and matt res a covered with good quality material of a nice pattern with deep valanoo 17 00 for 11 bo mattresbes from s490 up ptllow at a special low price blanket at exceptional values heavy english blankets double bed size regular 690 4 90 beay all wool blankets 72x84 bperial value 7so special values in blankets from s3 49 up comforters a good showing of comforters of quality at very special prices which meanb a substantial saving sheets of extra hoay and fine qualitj cotton 2 60 for 189 other big sheet values tlao and tip sheeting extra qualitj 94 1 60 for 98o heavy 104 unbleached sheeting forsso pillow cases 100 pairs for 79c fine embroidered pillow cases 126 pairs for 98o pillow cotton special value 46 69o other widths of pillow cotton a at a low price bed spreads special at ts oo extra fine bed spread 4 26 for ts69 bedroom towels quest towels pillow runners dresser covers eto value service quality jacksons georgetown tenders oomo ftlpoe ngncd at his oftce djndai bt oakv tip up o augum 28 h 1922 for the construe- tlon of one 20ft amrrete bndifo on he guelph road north al lowvilte between con 3 and 4 n ooe 12l concrete cul vert on 7th i ne townih p o eq ming oppoa le lot 31 near rail nafad plans mar be seen at the office of the undersigned and at ihe officr of j f wlaon county road supt r rl ngtrti ave buri nklon ont oakvilte out aug mlh 192i rov p smith cvil engineer staut at jmv hi ttraava taat l wfcr a tar v m aa tart at aay tba vtbara ftarumaa twwrttlaai aaa kakai i raasa tbtaaa katat fcss to holders of five year 5 per cent canadas victory bonds issued in 1917 and maturing 1st december 1923 conversion proposals nphb ministbr of finance offers to holders l of these booda who desire to continue their in in dominion of canada securittea the privilege of rartiartging the matnrinc bonds for new bonds bea sj per cent interest payable half yearly of exrhsr of thefbdowmg classes- a five year bonds dated 1st november 1922 to mature 1st november 1927 b ten year bonds datedljst november 1922 to mature 1st november 1932 whqe the maturing bonds will carry interest to 1st december 1922 tbe new bonds wq1 commence to earn interest from 1st november 1922 oivino a bonus of a full months interest to those availing themselves of the conversion privilege this offer k made to bolder of the inuptili and w not open to other investor the nondsmo be awned onder trd propo will be substantially of the tame charactet at those which are maturing except that tbexxemption from tawtion does not apply to the dated at ottawa ftth aagnst 1922 holders of the maturing bonds who wish to svafl themsehrt of tbicoveriio6prrnee mbnald take tbdr bonds as early as possible but not later than september 30th to a branch of any chartered bank in canada and recehre in exchange an official receipt for the bonds surrendered containing an undertaking to deliver the corresponding bonds of tbe new issue holders of maturing fully regb bonds interest payable by cheque from ottawa will receive their december 1 interest cheque as usual holders of coupon bonds will detach and retain the last unnurtured coupon before surrendeong the bond itself for conversion purposes the surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks to the mintster of finance at ottawa where they will be exchanged for bonds of the new issue m fully registered or coupon reg or coupon bearer form carrying interest payable 1st may and 1st november of each year of the duration of the loan the first interest payment accruing and payable 1st may 1923 bonds of the new issue will be sent to the banks for delivery immediately after the receipt of the surrendered bonds the bonds of the maturing issue which are not onverted under thn proposal will be paid off in cash on the 1st december 1922 w s fielding 4 mmutetof finance iyniyijl tl i lxttt qualities al three popular prirpk are superior to jiiililieh hllling last jcfir at an i ili vn littj sixtj or spentl dnunrs h port a guaranteed blue scntes stripe and plain are included at tlinne three pa iiutr prices tiee the superb qulit oftared pit bij le nnd wirbhiansbip uaraoteed sainplen ill be ncnt to outfiile custoniern on rwjuebt plaie jour order now and have jour suit for caster mens furnishings new arrivals in pino neokwea shirts collars onder wear etc hatn andgaps m all the latest and bent ntj lea for spring wear ready to wear clothing at ualf price to clear at once omat bargains in this line must be cleared we extend an mvittion to one and ail to call and inspect our stock and prices before eurcbaatdgycjit-spciok- outfit imlarco i atoekwallhandaraonst oo toronto pralna and drr f georgetown phone 126 heseesniisisisiiieiliibsigieiissisl b b g grocery specials half gallon jars per doc 1 76 imperial quart jars per doz 1 60 wine quart jars per doz 1 b0 imperial pint jars per doz 1 40 metal rings per dozen 26 glass tops for jars per doz 26 rubber rings per pkg 10 peas 8 tins for 36 corn 2 tins for 26 1 lb tin red cohoe salmon 27 clark s pork and beans reg 20c 2 for 86 8 lb tin clark s pork and beans 26 mclaren s jelly powder 8 for 25 pickles per pt 80 black tea reg 4ce 8 lbs 1 26 raspberry vinegar lemonade and orangeade per bottle 2fi i a m grandy i phone 7s 5 seeseeseeseeeeeeseeee farm house specials 160 sores with large crop of hay oats barley clover mix ed grain corn roots and potatoes hay orop in barn for sacrifice price of 7 000 farm ib a clay gravelly loam well underdrained 94 acres under cultivation balance fine bush and pasture situated on good gravel road two and a half miles from good village and station large basement barn good stabling large piggery adjoining large new driving house water forced into stables by windmill large silo two fine spnngb in pasture do not fail in having ns show you this farm would considered town or oity property 1 wxevans6g0 service phone lb3 protection i eeeeeese bramptoivdriving club will hold thus mix race meet at brtahtptoxa on saturday august 26th haocs to oommxmcs at 130 0ciaok sbjtjap ptmse sum race ptjhbx siodo heal vvmoer barrrd poibm aittdaa fa s3 is is pr oant ii ones eligible august isth fva per cent to eater and fiva per cent addnioaal or anaej wnmera fn to enter oar lp start n every eveta trotters allawed 6 second a each eveol tbe nfh u reserved by tbe oriv- t qub to change the tnder of tbe program or to declare oftanr event not plbng s or for any other cause eatnea positively loae angnm 2stb tbe canadian nal onal aasocislional rule to govern adults soc

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