Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 13, 1922, p. 1

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i the georgetown herald fifty sixth ykar op publication georgetown wednesday evening september 13th 1922 1 00 per annum in advance 200 to u b thegeorgetown herald every t 1 herald power printing office ourgdgwn ont contract advertising rates furnished on application f i h moore pamlksar u proprietor mww canadian wakly nw- pee associativa otr tla table ooino ra8t rasenkor w faatteniier passenger mail mm i passenger passenger sunday 7 i2 an 9 11 inn 10 lhnni 11 40m g hit i in 8s5 p in 7 11 i m going wkht passenger passenger pasnenger pasaenger u passenger mail passenger sunday ooino nobth mail mail 0oih0 booth mail 7 67 am 812 ni 4 co pm 602tni 7 09 p ra 8 26pm lolgnn 8 00 am 4 55 p ra 11 88 am 800 pm l tereate saharfcu bllw daily timk table am pm qoiog east 8 10 224 going woat 8 66 8 10 sunday time table going eaat am pm pm pm 10 si 1220 816 610 am pm oemg webt 10 40 610 tea mi caarlsa 8tu twreato la well known uirotighoth canada for high grade work ita oawzsm of tnla- handsome dialogue free w f selltett aprlnelsuu waj8ailey harness maker now in jour olmnw lo ret some new horn suit caaem clab bags auto rag etc tli at hao romp tliro the fire but w re not damaged at all at greatly reduced prices buainfhh ah usual f bcmuibfl rrnimi altarfe i w a bailey optodatfc harness shot llala street- cemcetown bargains kltouen apron- honie tjrremtw poroh dresses uah suits lor little boi rompers lor i hie lots infants dresses i son lor mikscr sox tor children underwear stsvmped goods etc mrs w8mafraeivbaem oeorqetowk coal best d l fit w scranton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j walking norvai station phone 62rs4 w w roe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 65 6eoe8eiowh jm butcher alwiaaaakaieabtak at tka baat anaanu laj fmak aal salt 1lmta mwlat ka aalla at tka lowest possible prices canada food board license no 9 2ioh get the best c the quaint exquisite legend of the wedding ring i weddfaw ring s ths ancient legend ot the weddlns ring from tba dim pent when tba imnwji towi warn sym d with rings of gi a sod boa yoa win find ft afasortaas leading ala- or a copy a bawillson main st erwingoldhams meat market main street georgetown phone no 1 fresh lake trout every friday and saturday watch our windows for specials on saturday established 1c7h the farmer a herd of cattle is his reserve account growing continually in value a certain portion of your profits should he regularlyuscd to crea tr a fund for the development of your herd if you need a loan see out local manager about tt bank of hamilton cmackay manager ore s and nld fashioned bouse in an old faahtoaed street in u nnint iittlb old fashioned ore it a utreot whoro ttio cobhlo tttotioh harukm tlieieet vh it htruggloti up bill and then w down and though to and fro throug tbe uurll i inuttt go mj heart while it boats in my breast wbei pi- i maj roam to that old fan hi on ed homo will fly like a bird to is nest in llinx old fashioned house in that nld fnhhono street dwell a dear little old fashioned pair 1 ran see their two faces so tender and hveot rid i love otiry wrinkle that s tbero the east end meat shop c ridler butcher dealer in all kinds of fresh cured and cooked meats orders promptly delivered 5 eorgetown phone 206 try the ice cream sundaes served at madges candy shop main street phone 214 jiktwayfoa mans heart every woman knows the answer and a dependable range ii the peat est aid a woman can have to reach the heart of the inan in her home what satisfaction to lhave a range happy thought ptpefasa- that ia a goodjbaker hat rt purnacea inaure warmth the moat out of your recipeathat and comfort in the amad ccnaunica little fuel and maintalna home a iteaijy even heat happy thought ranges save your happy thought hcatinb fo yourback your time and your o z 1 jyj temper they are easy to regulate and the big oven even beat and large cooking surface make the work cosier no unnecessary stooping because there la every attachment and device that cn be applied to help make a woman s work lighter three hundred thousand homes have happy thought ranges r h thompson co stoves n the old fashioned home directory ohilton wallbridqe sv oale barn stirs sollaitors eto toronto and oeorkotow oltlce kennady block 11 itoy dais in chart ot oaorsa h o hxm rammer soltor elc oircc mill st geprfretown hours 9aro to sp m opeu wcjuesdayiid sa avanings dr t h bcargeuijs phyaielan and burgaon lledlcal oomt of heavlth olflm hours t to 4 and t to 1 p dr o f w ross physician and surgeon mill street georgetown 1 hone 22 ex house surgeon grace hospital toronto dr c v w i liynician and surgeon oitice and residence comer of mai si south and factory st opposite bar iter hmate office hours 9 10am 2 j and 78 jmti ind by appointment phone 262 f r watson d d s m d b offlm hssiws to 5 bxo- tkmraday aftaxaoswa f u heath lda d d 8 danturt oince in lane btoelf ons door north r onilla carrlaka factory uaurn j a tracy clerk townsh p of fcjuuesinf l if k 3rd uiv hioii court e kndmg tire and lite iniun r rosniled irr of mniriage licenses slewartlown oi i a m mielsen d g chiropractic office jbd zray laaonltary palaaor oradaatoa 10 yrs zporlawi office over ioalorice consultation and spinal analysis of hick ii ubb tuesdajs thursdays and saturdays 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p m rlonk office iww and residence 232 benj petch licensed auetlonvor for hajton and pee glenwllllama poat offloa f conducted aauafaetorlly and at eonabln ratea ordera ltt at georgetown herald offlce will roealv prompt attantloo in the public eye by 0 t nikt cheaper loans help how the ontario loan system helps farmers illustration oaota dlaappoiiited ai oaratauy helected to halp young men of farming ejrpartanoa tanning lucllnauud and lnadoquate oanllal to et properly settlad in rajmlng was one ofttto teaaona tor the new farm loan lagta- lauon now httlng ad miniate red by the agricultural department board al ready it is possible to point to cases whoro monlt have neon advanced ror this purpose how it worked in one case in oaa ot he bent western ontario countlea two loans were placod which lltuntratss the quust developmotlt in ontario farm life a tat h or for many years a progress i vu anil auceeimtul farmer was anxious to get his two i comfortably located lioth boys a lu their twenties and both mar ried both had been brought up on did farm and of the older it was said he worked on the farm all his life except while away at the war with the aid of the father and loans only about half the value of the pro perty both boys acquired farms one has a fa ni of 186 acres valued un der 20 000 with excellent buildings and full equipment of stock and lm plemenu adjoining the otborboy has two hundred acres not valued quite so high because the buildings are not quite so good he also has a full equipment at it oca and lm plenients the properties are regis lered in the names ot the boy re spectively and they are responsible for carrying on operations ana mak log payments on the mortgage ttiay are settled down as fullfledged dtl sens with a splendid opportunity lor happiness and success and enough responsibility to act as a steadying influence at the same time the father remains in his home nearby to give the boys the benefit of hi ex parlence and maturer wisdom quick delivery guaranteed georgetown creamery cream wanted by the georgetown creamery por your accommodation uill bo open moada s wodncr dai n and saturday nrhts till 10 o clock ice all furttomers mtibt call nod get inllrnnd settle for last month or ice dlnerj will lie dtucon tinned georgetown creamery co m sauce manager r soaaln appear at becutatwa onte- istxierauoujd be ooawuuao wo will ttiorouaniy oraintne your th and preaohbe the glass ss that will give ohara- la xeanlated aooordlnsc to atrwngtb ot and the amount or v the lenaea also tne vain of the oc von netrlat la red p- lcnth crouad on the frem be sure too oo to o t walker r o raetatared optometrlat oatlolsoi brampton business institute i fall term aug 28 isaac pitman shorthand touch typownlinr boninesa hnglish ofllcc sj stems piling boakkeepidr arithmetic ponmnnehip com mc mini law unpid cakulation rasetatar earl h m rahkdt prla phone c51 tt should be the ambition ot ever man who works oa the land to own the land he works that many ten ants entertain this ambition there is no doubt and it is only a question of accumulating aufloient to onaaee the 36 per cent not advanced by the board the tenant baa the neces sary stock and implements and is all ready to go ahead there comes to mind a case in one oi the central ontario counties the man was uv ing on a rented tana ot 76 acres he knew the soil he knew the local conditions he knew exactly what he could do the owner ot the farm had it mortgaged and the mortgage tell due he could not pay it the holder of the mortgage insisted and was about to foreclose the owner went to the tenant and offered to sell at a pretty reasonable prloe the tenant came to the board and the loan he was able to get with bin own savings enabled him to buy and his annual payments on the loan will be less than the an payments he was making in rent the disappointed ones not all the loans asked for are granted the loans thus far asked and refused by the board aggregate f 38 000 at one board meeting nine applications ware passed and thir teen refused oadoabtediy tjs great bulk at these were declined be cause they did ndt oome within the purposes permitted try the act in the bra plaee no loan can be made excepton the security of first mort gagev before the legislation ot the recent session application for loans to discharge mortgages had to be declined now a number have to be declined because they exceed 40 per cent ot the value as determined by the inspector not infrequently an applicant who comes within the 40 per cent limit wants an additional thousand dollars to discharge a i at the bank and thus consolidate his indebtedness but an en cum brance under the act must be registered encumbrance and th bank note does not quality however deserving the applicant or unqdes tfoned tbe security sometimes an applicant wants a tew thousand do lars to buy cattle for feeding but the same negative must be given then there are the cases which are rejected because the board is not felled with tbe personal or material security adored when such oonclu si ons are rescued they are reached with much regret for the board is genuinely anxious to promote agrl cultural development by means of these loans wherever it can possibly be done with due regard to reason able security to the province inspectors are carefully selected in view of the importance of hav ing this information complete abd accurate great care has been exercised by the eh airman in selecting spectocs the plan followed i utilise local men very largely not necessarily one la each county but at least oue in a district of two or three coun ies already a list of of teen or twenty men ot integrity good judgment and good knowledge of farm values based on long exper ience has been secured and payment is made on a basis of the number ot days actually employed in the work moreover steps are taken from time to time to check up the work of in spectors by information from othet source and if an inspector is found to be extravagant in his valuations or influenced by considerations other than the strict merits of the case his services are no longer utilised tvoco w the ideal time to mtart business school u aad m itf wha j se 1 r1kvkn shaw seaoh la 1 konto eavt trala am emm mmu tna an mr uw tn- vto auml w martatataruah siadlwaaaav if what use is knowledge world lljulmur sternnsson whose cas- iniamiotis ot the arctic have added really t our knowledge of the north belleter in the hidden purposes of ulsiiuj that is to say he is lotk lo appraise the value of bis own ra pitarchies preferrliigf to let time reja- ler uie decision end perhaps select inline obscure or apparently unlmpor- onultig ss the most important coo- itlon of the lot columbos he points out sought gold and spls and rvturned with potatoes and nililltiooh to the diet ot tlun that have created more wealth than the lutrepld old navigator ever ireumetl in the unknown places there are al ways mtrrts aualtlng the explores- secret frequently of greet import t rid observes a writer lo the fortlaiid uregunlso oftest they bat incnuse the store of scientific knowl- eilge and enable un not to understand recognise the immutable laws that govern the planet to tbe aver age person these signify little or notb- he knows that the world will nag along ita predestined course pad tlist the mere possession ot the proof of theory will not his residence nor increase the fecdl lies of life to such it is important contrlbt steransson yet has offered are his proof t4oecurvy may be mastered without a vegetable variation of diet and his insistence that reindeer shall become through the vast expense of northern pasturage one of the fore mast sources ot the continental meat supply let each secret of science pursued to the ends of earth is worth the ctisse and often the bit of knowledge procured has the trick of finding us ntlcips ted application for many many yean the prince ot monaco cruised shout studying ocean cur rents while much of the tnfonaatloo so obtained was immediately available to the shipping world no one could predict that it would some day spare un from certain tragedy through this dose observation of ocean currents however it became possible to calcu late the drift of mines escaped from the hostile waters of the world war and to nam vessels agslpbt them on courses thousands of miles distant from the original location of the mines mr stifnnrson may well inquire with an enigmatic smile of what use la know ledger fruit preserved millions of years an interesting geoloulcal discovery fin been mad known by dr ventres representing the italian kv eminent by whom lie wiih stnt to the little vll in re of martin in the northwest cor ner of the inland of sardinia to re port un the runinred rxlulenre nf s iktrillfnl fores i mild to be hie most oinltrrul in the world t rettier with 4 k beiidtl mid a corps of royul fi titers ik lnifstuatfil lit ninltir anil declares that the rumors were not pxtikeeratid tlit r trifled forest of anpton ns it is nt w kniwn was eliltnll sub merged through volcanic art inn the nutcr bv lis mineral prtpertles acted ss s presen atlve and in the cmirm of nites trsinformed the eketntltin to photograph end specimens which have come to home show not only trunks of tree but the f ullage and cvt n nome fruit preserved til roach million of jears and inn ljlng ex pomil to view because the nuler which once filled the basin has disappeared it certainly does a frunklln msn was s candidate for offlce and while electioneering rolled earh daj in the bovn in one of hie new paper onlfe lie wen usunllv greeted bef re the election with the well kill how b everything todsvt a few days hefore the elecllon bhi was feellnit rntlier self satisfied and nail rjonllileiitltillv in answer to the greed lie v ell ivoyn it i nts the devil how evenhodv s for int the dav follow li i the election found bill nverw heli l nclv leftited hut nevertheless tie nihil n tin itova at unual it vva ei iwrrnsxlnc snrt only one old printer bin the courage to ear well nill how gnem rill hmreil bovn it heats lln ttvll how ind inn h poll k nfuw the oearge r white medal of honor of the massachusetts horticul tural society tor 1ss1 was awarded to mrs francis king in recognition ot her services to horticulture by la creasing the love of plants and gar dens among the women of tbe unit ed states this la the first time the medal has been awarded to a woman a uuuudun palnter the salon societe national des beaux arts which opened in the a rand palais on april i sccordlng to a renter despatch from paris reaches a verv good average tn qual ity some i 100 pictures are pi hlblteu a feature of tbe exhibition being the large proportion ot british and american works of art on view mrs mary rlter of hamilton onl a canadian artist who painted a nuro ber of studlee of the ground where the canadians fought in tbe qreat war has a picture of the market of tpres thf market being held amidst th ruins caund by the war this picture will eventually be exhibited in canada kipling n war shnkesneiin wus rlt1 i to replace ii litmlenvltls costs onl he l nil whr thi il ml im llrth this h ffen forgtilteu and n null tertal w r u if in lulkir t 1 hut the inn lie wurkk uf the v w tilth nnil in mm live rt built i 1 hti im ms heirt goes with soul of a them and whit wbnl will he hie h iiiis to 1 ring up it cllltlrt n with in sucl un nes tn i ot i at the beclmilli if tt e ev hi h will isiue fn n tl la the evils ienln1 1 nil nr ul4- phll iwoplient will nk tin kuilvnnl klpllng in is tb iuet 1- ranee just choice of celebrities do 3 on p recliiit goml llterntura in thl countrj tlt centre f 1 hut if the home run klne hntfmtiil tn lie inwlnc a dfii 111 hiil i hi en n test lulli- n vlll n nlu in hint vlhnlt the rhanres are he i get wtepl on in the ish to see the bambino bir mingham ageherald irederic vuiiers wt died in biiklaud after i if campaigns in which hi was often undi r ore stands out a band- t in the gallery of war cor respond on tn or the old school it in cluded william howard russell whose description of the charge of llrlgade at balaklava is prusu that makes the pulae jieat tasler archibald forbes whom dan- it tit away from the near est teltkrnit nfflco if relays ot horses could carry him there benet bur leigh whom large ratniw of children i train him from taking the first ship for th front win n the toc sin or war sounded sdmond o don ovan scholar linguist botanist draftsman who wsa the quietest daredevil of them all and who shar ed the annlhllatloq ot hicks pasha a in the illomened march on obefd and fred burn any mad with lust tor battle the giant who was transfixed with an arab spear in tha broken square at abu klea last but far from least george warrington steevena who died ot fever in the boer war and of whom kitchener said he was a model correspondent the best i nave aver known it would be lnvlduous these writers in the order of their merit but th rllat of them known resentfully to many americans as bull run russell personage of the company may it be said the most illustrious matthew arnold imagined him lo the francooerman war as being hoist ed into the saddle by the old king of prussia while bismarck waa at the horse a head and the crowh prtyce held the stirrup war correspon dents who had an ived were respected those days although a british gen eral in the crimea did order rua sell a dog tent kicked down because ls an interloper the fact ot course buug that russell had dis mantled more than one reputation by writing the truth as a war eorre- spundent he was terrible as an army with banners to incompetents hum- bukb and rogues thackeraj once said that he would pay a guinea any day to bewa russell dlnuit at his table at the garrlck club the prince of wales who became edward vii had a high regard for him because no doubt lit was matchless cood com pany nnd an entertaining story teller douklua jerrold end dickens were fond of him in 1895 russell was knighted how good a judge of human nature he was may be in ferred from the fact that arriving late at longford as a reporter for the london times to describe a heated irish election he went straikhl to the hospitals to interview the most active voters fn their beds it was after hearing a course ot lec tures at aberdeen by william how ard russell that archibald forbes enlisted in the royal dragoons while still a trooper he blossomed out as a writer on military topics in sep tember 1870 he was sent to tha front lu france by a london paper and his career as a correspondent who would brave any danger to get and transmit m ws bigsn the pupil beat his master uuosell as a writ er forbes was by no means as ac complished but he wrote with a spirit and his copy had atmo sphere m in the zulu war or 1880 he rode 110 miles in twenty hours to get his despatches on the wire and two days later he again rode- alone 170 miles to estcourt he outpaced the om elet despatches benet burlelgn shouldered his way through many wars o donovan was the most ver satile of the old school and brave to a fault his book the merv oasis the record of a lonely and perilous ride ls a classic col fred burnaby ot the royal horse guards who waa so strong that he could carry a pony up a flight of stairs made a name for cool audacity by bis ride to khiva he was addicted to danger ous enterprises too erratic to please the war department he had to volunteer for most of his wars before macoahan died at 34 he had astounded the world by his reveta- tloos of turkish atrocities in the balkans he waa a tremendous fellow for courage and energy and hla writings deeply stirred the lib erals tn england fever carried him off at constantinople as he waa pre paring to attend the berlin congress leorge w steevens had lived the great war he would have peer as a descriptive writer he bad what may be called a cine matograph style nothing escaped his observation hla art was so perfect that a word was never wasted with kitchener at khar toum contains his beat work nothing could be finer than bis pic ture of the last dervish at omdurman who quivered gave at the knesa and toppled with his head on his arms and his face toward the legtob of his conquerors frederick yu- llers the isst to bo unless modest fc f knight can be said to belong to the old school looked like a french held marshal if a count of campaigns were the only criterion vllllers would lead all the rest he was both illustrator and reporter he had witnessed all the horrors that war could jleld and returned i m perturbs bit to the scene to the last lit was fr il receptive buoyant thoflrit war was a disappointment ttf him one seea precious little now he said the day of cbew- renikindent in the held bad passed modern war was not enough of a hand co- hand grapple lor vuiiers what was the use of the bayonet of th campaign in france he said its deadly dull business a mare war of attrition the airplane woum settle things in future he thooicht at any rate the war artist oeeaa- atlon was gone moatard fields that are heavily infested with mustard can frequently be turn ed to good account by using such areas tor the production of silage fodders the sowing or peas and oats in the proportion of one buahel ot oats to one bushel ot peas per sere the mustard will come volunteer whi make a very acceptable silage mustard has a high feeding value and the seed in the soil can bexex- bausted la time by following the practice of using mustard in rested lands for silage crops cutting the entire mass cereal lefcume and weeds and putting all in the alio in a finely cut and packed condition origin of manx cats the origin oi manx cats is now attributed to the arrival of these cats on the isle of man from shlse belonging to the spanish armada that were wrecked there they were probably brought from japan or eastern asia thcj are a distinct species with short lorelegs and ele vated 4ilndqtirir and differ trom other can son t what in call waya and cl vrarter they vary in color i ph whp hive owned them ror lot period say thev are not good n oust ra or hunters in character they nr rvther similar to a dog being i ictily com mn o mu and havlntv some of tbe qualities of a naifduh

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