iv the georgetown herald fifty sixtu yhilot publication oeorgetown wednesday evening september 20th 1922 u0 por annum in advan o 00 to u s thegeorgetown herald i p hi aharf every ednsday eveninq at the flerald power printing office foaargatown ont cafthact advertising rateb furnlahed on application j h moore pnallaaar and froprutor lrtw canadian weekly news paper aasoolatloa o tbj tlase table qpdto8t passenger t passenger passenger hail mail x- passenger pabbenjer sunday ooino wkst 7 2 a m u am 10 18am 11 40am 6 72 i in 8 25 i m 7 11 pm passenger passenger i passenger passenger hail passenger sunday ooinq nobtb mail hail ooino bootu mail ma 7p7airt 2 12 ti m 4 60pm 6 02i m 709pm b 25 pm 10 16 a m bo0bhi 4 65 pm 11 us am 6 00 pm tereate safcnra hauara daily time table om p m pm qoing bast 6 10 2 21 8 40 going west 8 66 8 10 7 88 bondaytime table going eaaji am pm pm pfa pm 10fl 1220 8 45 610 017 am p m pm going we 10 40 6 10 9 86 a superior school elliot tang and charles bte torenta la well known throughout canada for h gh grade work ita connee of trala- laan asp eased enter maw handsome catalog e free w j elliott principal waba1xey harness taker now s your ohanct to got hoi io vep harriets suit cauet club bags auto ruga etc that have route thro the tire but worn not damaged at all at greatly roducod l r mm bus1nfs8 ah tlhual f repairing prw-vptlj- attested w a bailey up to date harness shop mala street georgetown bargains kitchen apron honwrdreiiei poroh dr wash au ta for i e boys rompers lor 1 ttlc tota inianta dresses jc sox lor misses sox or ch idren tjndernreavr stamped goods etc hrs a watsvsvhrs e wubem georgetown coal best d l w scranton coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j walkins nerval station phone 62r24 a w w roe a a insurance broker insurance in ahbranches phone 65 oeobetowk jmbuck blttoheb always keeps a chelae steek or th bast bmniaw txeeh and salt meats wnien kaaau at ta lowest possible prices canada foo3 boavd license no 9 2108 get the best rest clocks you can go to sleep at night or take a nap dur ing the day and thoroughly relax real rest if a westclox is on the job beside you v it will watch the hours count the minutes and when the times up call you quietly positively pleat antly insurance against oversleep several sizes styles and prices at a b willson erwiiugoldhanis meat market main street georgetown phone no 1 fresh lake trout every friday and saturday watch our windows for specials on saturday iib e5tabushed 1673 1 the farmer a herd of cattle is his reserve account growing continually in value a certain portion of your profits should be regularly used to cieatr a fund for the development of your herd if you need a loap see our local manager about it bank of hamilton 3gcmackay manage by pauline j oh tin ton wo inst saw llfht in canada the luid belovodof uod wo i re tbc 1 1 lae of canada its marrow and its blood and wo tlio men of canada can faro the woild and brog tl at o wore born in canada bo death the british flag few of us hae tbo blood of kings tow are of courtly birth but few aro vagabonds or rogues at doubtful name and worth and all bnvo one credential that ootitlen us to brag tbat we were born iu canada be neatb the british flag woe yot to make our money we we yet to make our fanio but we have gold and glorj in our clean colonial name and every man a a millionaire if onlj be oan brag that ho was born in canada be neatb the british flag no title and no coronet is half so 1 roudly worn that which weinbentod as men canadian born wc count no man bo noblo as the one who makes the brag that be was born in canada be neatb the british flag the dutch may have their hoi land the spaniard have bis spams the yankee to the south of ua must soutbnif ub remain for not a man dare lift a hand against the men who brag tbat they were born in canada boneatinhe british flag whl get the cream of the trade list lovely styles i how do yon manage to get al these delightful novelties said the new customer as she looked around her i got tired of seeing my customers boarding the trains to buy elsewhere just because i didnt have some novelty that was being advertised whenever a new style makes a decided hit the whole saler or manufacturers salesman calls me on long distance and tells me about it and i order a few i havent seen prettier veils smarter stockings or gloves georgette-crepes- or ginghams anywhere and i see you have the new music too how perfectly plendid they leave me narfeccuse at all for going up to town to buy r thats j ust one of the manythlngs long distance does for smalltown merchants enabling dry goods hard ware grocery p and shoe stores to obtain new styles immediately and caterlothe progressive people in their town the cream of the trade sverybeff tbiepaon a a long distance station ihaathhhhh h o heir barn star sol c tor elc oat e mill si georgetown hours 9am to 5 p m open wclneaday and saturday even ngs dr t m haroellus phyaioian and suroaon medical officer of health oinca iloura s to 4 and 7 to 1 p e hona sb o ilea jmj raatdanee mai street soutl up oalte pibaby terian church dr c v williams i by c an and surgeon ofltc and residence corner of ma t s south and factory st oppos te bar ber tlale oftce hours 9 10 am 2 3 and 78 pm id by appointment v hone 262 vaytoa mans heart every woman know the answer and a dependable range la the greia eat aid woman can have to reach the heart of the man in ber home what aatufaction to have a ranee happy thought pfprjeaa that u good baker that tcta furnaoca inaure warmth the most out of your redpea that and comfort in the small consumea little fuel and roatntaina home a steady even heat happy tbouahtheatfni w yourba ytxn tfarayuid your stove mean leaa fuel tonper they are eaay to regulate and the bis oven even heat and large co the work r h thompson co the east end meat shop c ridler butcher deacbb in alu iosds of fresh cured andcooked meats orders promptly delivered quick delivery guaranteed i canadian born directory shilton wallbridqe a dale barriatara soltoitora etc toronto and qaorsatown office kennedy block lo hoy dale in chars ot oeorv nw dffloa la dr o f w robs pi ys c nn and surg con m s reel georgetown tho e 22 fx house surgeon grace hoip ta tor on i o f r watson d d s k d s 0orgtava offtoa hoaora 9 to s exoept thnraday aftaraooaa p l heath uob d d s dantiat oltlce in lauia block one door nortl it o nelll a carriage faetnry houra j a tract clerk towi ah p of fsq ea ng clerk 3rd dviot co rl e lead ng f re and l e insurance co represented luer ol marriage l censes btewarttnvn oi t a m nielsen d o chiropractic office aad xray labaratary palaaar oradnata 10 yraaxperl office over i osl office consultation and spinal analyala free offics hours tuesdaj s thursday and saturdays 2 lo s and 7 lo 8 p tn phone office i50w and residence 231 benj petch uoensed anotlohear for halton atu peel olenwllllama post offlee salsa conducted aatlafaetorlly and at rs aonable rta orders left at t georgetown herald orloa will reeal prompt attantloo in the publie eye by 0 t hauot most era troottla la the dlivgt result of aye aeajaot waan tna llrat alina at ye strain as a bvadatered opto- aatrlat anonld b oonsultaal wa win thoronatolr ana line ronr are and n m the gtaaaaa that will hrs ran ooafon and eaee oar modarato charaa la refill ad awarding totne txenertk ot and th r a or week tbalanaea also the valtm otttw mount- tnar rou chaoss a kawlaterad opto- metnatla an ere specialist who has prevan ua sampstaosr by kovemmant e tseajre for roar ayes l satonn tne pratnleee bbtsobue toti oo to o t walker r o halaterd optometrist t opuolaa nest aa tor appotntment xaim st school fair ivizoh won by btewarttown school s 8 no 0 at tbo fair beld on mr burt a farm george town sop torn ber ltitb first pnxo for p tirade uunrt of banner oatu jim por nor ttrd quart of harden peas marjory firabam 8rd golden bantam corn gerald gcftham 4tb mangels hlddie lunan 1 horbie jlunnn 2 reggie lunan u f beeth gordon tbirston percy baily s zota qrahain 4 turniim diok standiah 4 mar ion giften 6 carrots herbie la nan 2nd onions mary standitth 1 lulu graham 5 eddie lunan 6 parsnips elisabeth bon at ban 1 dick staodlah g potatoes irish cobblers fran cis thompson 2 harry law son 6 1 2 bushel potatoea irish cob biers francis thompson 3 harry lawson potatoea dooleys elizabeth bonathan 4 marjory graham g mary stan dish 0 half buahel potatoes dooloys elizabeth bonathan 8rd northern spy apples harry lawson 1 reggie lunan 2 snow apples herbie lunan lr reggie lunan 2 harvey lusty 8 harry lawson 4 eddie lunan 6 percy baily 0 baldwin apples percy baily 1 norman baily 2 collection of winter apples 6 vdfteties norman baily 2 percy baily 8 bartlett pears edna lnnon 1 herbie lunan 2 bsggie lunan 8 harry lawson 4 tomatoes franoia thompson 2 harry lawson 8 best field pumpkin francis thompson 1 zeta graham 2 ger aid graham 4 beat pie pumpkin percy baily 1 jim corner 2 harry lawson 4 best hubbard squash mary stan dish 1st aquasb dick stan dish 2 francis thompson 8 sarah standish 4 mary standiah 6 beat citron lttlu graham 3 gerald graham 0 individual collection of weeds harvey lusty 4th individual collection of leaves lulu graham 1st best cockerel barred rook bill bonathan 8rd best pullet barred book bill bonathan 8rd pair of white leghorns harvey lusty lat 1 dozen brown eggs olive wrig glesworth 5th rabbits norman baily 1st best pet arthur haeelwood 1 bill bonathan 2 percy baily 8 harry lawson 4 wooden stirring spoon norman baily 1 percy baily 2 milk stool norman baily 1st nail box reggie lunan 1 percy baily 4 harvey luatey 6 wren house jack brown 1st tie rack percy baily 8rd best dark cake irene wriggles worth iml best light cake olive wriggles worth 2 elisabeth bonathan 4 beat lunch box irene wriggles worth 2nd best dozen oatmeal cookies olive wnggledwortb 1st best half dozen bran muffins elizabeth bonathan 8 irene wrigglesworth s beet milk dessert irene wrig glesworth 1st best apple pie irene wriggles worth 1 caasie bngden 6 best pumpkin pie bill bonathan 1 irene wrigglesworth 2 best raisin pie irene wriggles worth 1st pound box of dark home made candy elizabeth bonathan 1st pound box of light homemade candy irene wrigglesworth 2nd plain apron hand made eliza beth bonathan 1 ruth giffen 2 fancy apron hand made marg aret giffen 2nd embroidered towel margaret giffen 1st clothes pin bag elizabeth bon athan 1 mafion giffen 2 best hand knitted scarf irene wrigglesworth 1st best bouquet ot asters lena horns 4 sarah standish 6 olive wrigglesworth 6 beat bouquet of phlox diok standish 1 dons harris 8 mary graham 4 elizabeth bonathan 6 best bouquet of mixed flowers francis thompson 4 mary stan dish 6 produot map of ontario percy baily 6 ruth giffen c landscape scene in water colors georgetown phone 206 v now u tttm ideal time to start business school stuaiats frsas all peroy wood namiiift contest ha ly 4 rulb giffen g percj baily won the cortitlcato of jlonor oh having tbo highest number of pointb for a s no 0 hih ui i iitps peninanhliii for boyb reggie lunan 1 percy baily 2 norman baily 8 penmanship for girls ruth gif fen 2 edna lunan 2 drawing of horse reggie lunan 2 herbie lunan 8 bird house jock brown 1st best dozen plain buns elizabeth bonathan 1st best half dozen plain elizabeth bonathan 1st best half dozenfancy irene wrigglesworth st best apple pie ireqewngglea worth let buna buns still street of sorrows bowery has in a measure reform but remains radolant of poverty and black despair the last of the old bowery l duap- pesiidg jobu clapps bowery ina is soon to be dismantled taoag street it the world the bowery has bain th veriest drab little of its hideous folor remains it has its poverty its pawnshops its rescue missions and cheap shops and army of human dere licts but much of the vice tbat onca marked it tuutvaniabed gone are the bucket of blood sui cide hall nigger mike callahan a th flea bag gumbossy s the doctors the greasy dish and many more lethal dives where murder was the nightly diversion and no waiter inexpert in of chloral drops could hold a lob there are many new characters oa the bowery but the potter h held is the resting place of schuyler vonnesk the bowery dude dan the fiddler ike the knob slippery 01 e jutt who picked a mayors pocket and many others l flourished in days gone sloppy mag mcdnskey tin can oostunan steve brodle chuck cm era ill with reporter made reputations hav passed on to new havens hui lay writers will aay the bowery is gronli g it makes good cop but tl e bowery remains a dyrk glo my street of hallowed memories in esrlj days it was a section of pleasant dutch farms win ding nags toned walks ban- dens of old fashioned flowers blue- eyed dutch maidens wide gr tiny space and much sylvan beauty nnd peace but that was long ago tt ere re main gambling houses and bm t era- 1 ijr joints cellar dives nickel thentirs freak shows and gunman s hanrouta it is not strictly speaking a slum a y more however this is due to flbrerly economic reasons merchants of kood repute have flocked here yet the bowery still stands for pov erty and the black lespalr that co es upon men who bate gnawed the bitter fruit of failure in the evening in the dim 1ft 20cent lod house on 5 nny see through tl e windows far ll at hnve lost hope eyes that are i r ss and brooding and tottering i uman wrecks who await emotl miens the inst great adventure ne v tnrk corre spondence of the indianapolis ptnr what in regarded hy tnnnv schol urs on ihe most valunhle llwovery wl ich has ict been mn le bv th archaeologist in palestine la the lorn tlon af the site of the cltj of cmiier nn im among its ruins ha e been found the remains of a srnngngue believed to be the very one wherein ot r s vlor prencl ed fpr more than 1800 years the tery site or such nn important bible city an cn pern mi ra has been in dispute it an thought that it stood at the nortl em cnl of the sea nf gall ee at n place called tell horn where there are exten sive ruins a nystemntlc exa ina hon of these nnd the unco erj of ancient documei ts now mnke it clear that this indep was ancient caper naum the ruins of a jewlnh sjna gogne have been brought to light fx plorera say this ten pie stood there in the days of christ and in tb cry building referred to in the gospels the position of the stones would in dlcate that it was tlestrojel by nn earthquake it in the belief of tb excavators that the whole edifice can be reconstructed expedition reports success new drug plants and specie of in sects have been discovered in the am asflo river basin by the muiford h o- loglcai exploration pt rty ace rdlns to word received at the cnlutnhla unl verslty school of phnrmncy from the head of the expedition curloux f rms of reptile and birds have also been encountered lo addition to bntantlcal specimens of great scientific value the explorer who is slxti four years old reported that his expedition m pro ceeding by rafts down the bopl river after spending three weeks in the vicinity nf cansmlna nn i fpln at the head of navigation of this nter wit richer vegetation was encnun tered an the expedition pe etrated into the littleknown rtglonx nf ihe interior ou nabc vuo bamri a members nf the 1 sijy norman baily 8 lulu graham 4 werereported in good heirttl nd th t7 rni e 11 1 r t live stock for shows a few rielpiu hints for youthful exhibitors bear the ancestors in hind pick t animals how to titil and handle colts calves and laiuba boys are making good aa eil ibltors ontribuied by department ol francis thompson 6 herbie lurt an 6 crayon drawing of a fruit nor man baily 1 harry lawson 2 collection of fhe fruits in water colors peroy barl 1 lulu grah am 2 cajendar of september in pencil or era on harrj lawson 4 nor man baily 5 writing o canada marjory graham 1 norman baily 2 eliza both bonathan 8 lena harris 8 writing maple leaf 8rd and 4th grades edna lunan 8 lulu graham 4 rath giffen 5 essays ruth qiffen 1 percy baily 8 essay on pioneer life in hal ton county irene wrigglesworth 1st essay on how i raised m poultry elizabeth bonathan 1st publio speaking for boys over 10 percy baily 1st public speaking for girls over 10 bash giffen 1st explorer uld that most anllnrnnnry results had been chta i ef n twlth standing irrltat ng delnvn and difficulty in obtaining reliable information r de pendable assistant new fssh on in fur colored- aatrakan or epdnn lamb in probably the st ranged indention ever put out by the parts fashion makers the akin in dyed to mntch the cloth of the dress which it trfis aod blue green chestnut nnd other popular colors are a 1 reed achieved this kind of for has been out of favor some years and f2 months ago could bare been bought at a most moderate 4gure now the price ta rising by leaps and bounds and the big depart ment stores and highclass dreksmakv era are clamoring for stock a th coming season promises to be one of varied and daring colorings truly a meek individual the meekest little man 00 broad way baa been found he stood in tb times square crowds watting to cross tin street an amaxwun woman agriculture toronto calves that have been fed liberally and julldoualy will develop as uj factors which we call heredity d- terul e if win bo all calf but iu perfection of lor n is determined by its parentage rnd cannot make a square beof culf out of a three- corfierejl dairy calf so to begin with the feeder should select the yuung calf largely on the individuality of the parents get a calf tbat will feed out to be aa good or beuur than its ancestors something that la worth while spending time and money on and than take care of it the bread score cards give clearly what is d- slred in breed type tbeae ahould be studied along with tneamhmal that is being selected for exhibition cajvlia should be haltor broken when young and handled gently that they may be quiet and docile at exhibition time if in proper flesh to k k well ribs and back well covered it is com paratlvely eaay to complete the work olprbparatlou prospective exhibits should be kept lu the stable for lev era weeks previous to the fair where they can be washed groomed aod blanketed in order that their handling qualities may reach a de gree of mellowness that is very de sirable in exhibition calves when exhibiting before the judge see that your calf is standing on level ground quietly and with feat well placed ao as to present a good appearance don t let the other exhibitors crowd too closely and hide your exhibit from view handling th colt the colt selected for competition at the fair should meet the requirement of the class in whjoh it is planned to exhibit it should also be jyplcal of the breed that it represents as with the calf the eolt can only be what iu auoeatora make it colts may look vry much alike whenonly a day old but they certainly do not develop alike even it the care and feed are the sain 80 get your start by helecbng your exhibition prospect from good type parentage exhibition stock if you can liberal feeding from the beginning on a compara tively narrow ration to develop all the bone and muscle possible should be the aim halter breaking and careful schooling to develop courage and tractabuity ihoull be practiced from the beginning th celt s feet should be trimmed frequently enough keep them in proper shape teach ing the eolt to move attractively at th walk and trot to stand well and to permit handling of iu feet is very essential in the general training of the animal such training is also a great aid on exhibition day the eolt that has had liberal treatment from birth and developed well needs but little exhibition fitting flodf d ing will put a bloosn on the colt tbat cannot be attained in soy other way protection from the hot sun and flies blanketing and grooming are mater ial aids in developing a desirable coat condition and should be prac- tlceddutingthem0b ptflrtpi to the exhibition ribbon and atraar decorations while very attractive to the average good horseman do not carry very much weight with the high class judge and are not likely to be of influence except in very close competition shaping the kaunb for the fab- lambs presented for exhibition at so boo 1 or other fairs should first of all hat bean born early enough ih the aprtng to be well grown by ex hibition time tb lamb a fleece should be kept free of ticks and lice burrs and dirt during the season a washing can be given if necessary at least two weeks pervious to the show lambs that are kept up and fed in covered pena wilt show a bet ter fleece than if they bad been run nlng out on pasture up to the last minute the fleece should be neatly trimmed one week or more after washing if washing is practiced and care taken to keep the fleece free nf chaff and dust until the exhibition is over in feeding for exhibition variety in feeding stuffs should be nought in order to keep up the lamb a appetite using oats corn wheat bran cracked peas barley meal and oil cake meal for the grain portion of the ration and good alfalfa or red clover bay and iwede turnips as roughage these feeds if mixed to give a ration with a nutritive ratio of 1 to 6 or 1 to 7 viu take care of the growth demands and fat ten the lambs should it be desired to feed the lambs while running on pasture the grain ration given can be used the lambs should be ban died sufficiently to make them tame enough to stand well when being ex hlblted ff more than one lamb is called for in a class ah individuals ahould be uniform in size tvpe con dition of fleece and body fleshing netting the pig ready pigs presented for exhibition at school or other fairs ahould orst of all be ot the proper type and weight for the class in which it is planned to exhibit them the exhibit should be clean this condition is best accomplished by an application of warm water soap and the scrubbing brush the crate or pen ahould be well nodded with straw or ahavlnga to make it con forlable and attrac tive it should also be free from nulls old wire broken bottles or any other mierial likely to injure the exhibit l stev naon sc depl of agriculture toro to sardines summon ah i lr imp from sar ril but of tb luinllie that come x the united slat en nly a small percentage cot e itt tl e waters that surround sardinia tin of tb targe sardine fishing gmui is in tt he n rth est coast of trinee nn the sardines of brittany an famous per- 1 ops more brlttonj sardine are e ten in the unl led siaten than any ott er kind of imported sardine i rice paid for brittany sardines by french packers are high law sen non the fishermen obtained fn m 800 tn 400 francs per 100 ktlns a kiln tor kilogram being nppmxlmatelv two and a quarter pounls tt is reason ihe packers are pacing the lismrrmrn from 100 to 160 franca a mlo tie pormat price before the war was 35 to 40 franc a kilo