Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 27, 1922, p. 2

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paub tor gkohortown hkhald skitkuiikh 87th 1088 1 iiiiiiiiiihbii w h willson itndartaker mud automobile jt horaodnwnltearae 1hoth lukl ot ly 5w or 5 1 j birth a mrnagea and dcaltu rmo ctuugnl or at the following rates hirthh soc hama 50c oaalha socmnmor ml card 50c 10c per line extra lot pied mookk in georketown september 26lh 1w 1 belovnl wtfo of j 77th year the funeral will tak place from her late residence mam slrect north tbyntdy l 230 pjn jjilcnnenl granprmxl cemetery esqnesing fall fair hiu kc lem al ctmjetom october ike ik 71k golf tournament wnilk sowkteople in canada are demanding that the gates bo opened to the foreigners who are knocking for admission news- papersjnjtbe united states art pointing to the penalties wbioh that country ibpaytng aa noonee quenoe of having left the gates too wide a chicago paper points oat that al tho men involved in some recently discovered plots for the wrecking of trains came from countries whore oppression and tradition breed hatred of govern ment and oheapen lite these people seem incapable of approciat ing orderly government they have little capacity and less desire fortreedom as it is understood by those accustomed to constitute on- al government there was a time when the idea prevailed in the united states and canada that there was praoucally no limit to the capacity of the public schools for converting almost any kind of foreign material into good citisen- ship the idea must be abandon ed experience has shown thai many of the people certainly not all bnt many who come from foreign countries never become citizens in any proper sense of the word they may learn to speak and write the english language because they dnd it useful to do so but they continue to be alienb bentiment and in outlook what promises to bo one of the best pairs in the history of es- uuesuig agricultural society will be held at georgetown on friday and saturday oct oth and 7th a large number of entries have already been received by the boo retary and numerous special at tractions have been added to the program tbife year music for tho day will be sup plied by georgetown citizens band the 48th highlanders pipe band and the star radio car or toronto two trotting events will take piacoufing the afternoon the exhibit of live stock poultry etc will exceed anything in previous years and it is expected that the display in the hall will be excep tionally doe as about 90 per cent the space has already been alotted to exhibitors get your entries ready and help make 1982 the banner jear for thi society prise lists may be secured from the secretary or at the herald office a golf tournament will be field on georgetown gulf links op sept 20th and solh on fuday the tournament in open to proles sionals when the following prises will be com ted fur medal play boy scouts a special invitation 1b extended to all the parents friends and well wishers of the town troop to at tend tbo scout stunt night on friday 29th to be held in the anglican church school room at 780 there will be demonstra tions of first aid blindfold knot- tying signaling etc and aluo some camp fun refreshments will be served by the troop the boys providing the eat mo charge will be made for ad mission or for refreshments but a boout will bo on dnty at the door and if you feel like gi ing a dona tion you may do so the in vesture of a scout is well worth seeing so come along and see what your boy can do court of honor thursday night at 780 pm bowling an interesting tournament doubles was played by the ladies on the green here last saturday the four handsome prises donated by mrs l e fleck wore won by the to i lo wi ng 1st event mrs p b coffin mrs a c mackay 2nd event mrs dale miss mo- leod tea was served by the ladies and the day was much enjoyed by all concerned on monday three rinks of our ladies took part in the tournament at streetsville when 8 rinks com- peted the rink oom posed of mrs o t mckay skip mrs p coffen mrs dale and mrs g c mackay won third prize the other rinks were skipped by mrs heath and miss ryan athletics church news st albans glgnwilliamr the service at st albons next sunday afternoon will be with drawn the members attending the anniversary services at st georges st geckoes the 70th anniversary of the foooaiilb paribh will be celebrated on sunday next by special per vices the preacher at 11 oclock will be the bight the lord bishop of toronto and at 7 oclock the very bev dean owen dean of niagara we hope to give our readers an account of the history of georges in our next issue knox chdbch prof gandier of knox college toronto will p reach anniversary services in knox church supday oct 22nd methodist chdbch rev james m wright of hot- riston delegate to tho general conference of the methodiat chur ch meeting now in toronto will preach at both services on sunday you will find a welcome at our services if not a member of a bible class why not join now union chdbch the womens missionary society of union church will hold a spec ial service on sunday evening oct int mrs rev dodds or cheltenham will address the meet- song service at a oclock 1st price 10000 80 holes 2nd prize 6000 8rd prize 8000 4th prize 20 00 5 th prize 1500 oth prize 1000 7th prize 500 special prize 1000 beat 18 hoi the second day saturday sept 80th is open to amateurs only whon the following prizes will be mpeted for 1st prie value 60o0 2nd prize value 8600 special prize value 8000 best 8 holes entries for professionals to be in- the hands or the secretary i d l herbert not later than 9 a friday september 88th entries for as mate urn do be the hands of the secretary not later than 9 om sept bcth when drawingb for partners will take place play will be governed by rules of royal and ancient golf club st andrews scotland no entry fee required for either days an invitation is extended by mr j a willougbbyto all ama teurs and professionals to play over the course at any time before the tournament admission to the golf links or both day s free mr d l herbert secretary georgetown out 100 poire all sites dont buy a boot until you aeo the now im proved dayfoot boot at honeys made specially for us no 299 i coal is scarce tho papum are telling you about the shortage ot coal re ml the following a sixty percent rati on inn or 11 rkijiib getting anthracite from ennftj kama whh declared bj tliu pennsylvania fuel commission tins morning and whh wpproved bj rep sentatiih or the fuel com mm on or other states the pouohjhnnin fuel coimiiih an basch its decision on tile fiwt thst between now and april 1st output production will lo mt rent of tho nnnual output that is to sit that from april 1st inst until tho stimo dato next tear instead of something over tiglity million tons of antliracite being produced the total will bo in the iiihuortiood of fifty million tons at the most with buch a fcarcitjof coal it isbotult1 to be a high price lt takes almtit 72 lbs of coal to enual 16 lbs two gallons of coal otr in beat production so with coal at 20o per gallon you should able to save some tuoffb this winter by getting an oil gnu bui erand jon will not have to nlioel coa and ashes it will tltixf an j stove heater or furnace you can see one working nt the home o mr t blythe queen st george town w r bridge georgetown phone 207 w what sbtut with the mwey many a holdbh ot the canad ion government bonda maturing december 1 1922 has been asking this question the advertised of tho miniate of finance plies an auawer the investor by giving notice to the- manager of any one of the branc f n f ered bank can arrange to got new bonds bearing the same rate of in terest the highest possible becur ity and a liberal rate of interest esques1ng fall fair on monday afternoon last mr walter knox the well known atb lete and bolder of many canadian and even world championships on the field of sport addressed a joint meeting of the high and public school pupils in the public school anditorinm mr knox has a very pleasing manner and though now of mid- die age btill retains ability of earlier years whiob be attributes largely to the non use of tobacco or spirituous liquors aided byblean living with tbe aid of moving pictures be illustrated right and wronp methods of jumping racing put ting tbe shot eta after this all adjonrned to the playground and here mr knox gave an exhibition ot tbe right manner of training for tbe various athletic events meetings of thu kind should do a great deal to revive so interest in outdoor sports and already groups of boys may be seen endea voring 2to put tbe instructions re ceived into actuat use mr knox ia working under the auspices of tbe ontario athletic commission where to hjjnt fish and pad die in tbe new north is the title nf a newpublication dealing with territory along tbe transcontin ental uno of the canadian nation al railways in northern ontario and quebec full information is contained therein relative to where game may be found guides camps equipment etc and in addition a t- aeries sf comprehensive maps tbib virgin country offers ideal sport tor the hunter apply to any ajceot of the canadian nation- ajgrand trunk railways for fret oopy of write c k howard gen eral tourist agent toronto auction sale the undersigned baa been itstruot- ed by w o lrovkridoi to sell by public auotion at lot 9 4th line esquesing on thursday october 6 19s3 tbe following farm stock imple ments and household furniture at 1 oclock horses brown mare by iotere 7 yrs supposed io be in foal to i sly fltly colt at side by isly bay mare by knight of bing- laas 6 yrs colt at side by dunna- tor dark grey mare 4 yrs grey filly 2 yr odestnuj gelding 1 yr hornby jim bay driving mare 4 yrs by monetill the above horses are sound and will boguaranteed on day of sale as represented cattle grade durham cow 7 yrs due time of sale grade dur ham cow 8 yrs bred sept 2nd class bteer 2 yrs fat 2 grade steers rising 2 pre poultry 10 hens 1 rooster white wyandotte 60 joung fowl implementsmh binder 6 ft cut good as new frost wood mower 6 ft frost wood disc harrow set diamond harrows 21 fleury plow clover table trtck wagon and box with shelv ing hay rank goo4 as new bay rack gravel box manure planks set bob sleighs lairds make 2 open buggies onto newly painted klepher make cutter gray make cutter pole buggy pole new mh binder tongue scoop shovel fi h p gilson engine good as newm h pole saw complete with blades white oak rip saw frame with saw and mandril 40 gallon oil barrel power emery grinder 80 ft 6 belting 2 lb lace leather book sw 2 logging chains sugar kettle small pile lumber 240 lb scales 70 ft iron tracking iso ft j rope 75 ft i rope hay fork sd oar large bt slock pump ge water trough clay gate roll of 4 point barb wire look chain 2 look devices 4 iron wheels jqit- able- for low wagon 8 neokyokes number of doubletrees crowbars forks shovels and othei articles harness set heavy team team harness set plough harness set single harness goldine single harness work collars and bridges hay and grain- 60 bus irish white oats 2 bbl ground flax so ton clover and timothy bay larae stack of straw to be fed on pli privilege of feeding until april 8rd 1928 furniture acme stove coal or wood box stove extension table centre table cooob ro chair 12 kitchen chxdfsd wsahtsund lamp lantern double barrel gun targe mail bmu everything will be sold without res as lease has expired tbbmb 10 and under cash over that amount 12 months cred it oo tarnishing bankable paper 6 per cent discount for cash hay groin fat steer and poultry cash a j kerb auctioneer georgetown october 6th and 7th special prizes horses 1 single high stepper lcroy dale 6 00 2 single turnout road provincial paper milk 6 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 4 00 3 best team eligible in classes i ii iii by w mcmillan e mcwhirter and joe gib bons 4l 4 best heavy draft team by w j camp bell ltd ndrval 5 00 6 general purpose team by w j campbell ltd norval 98 lbs kings choice flour 4 50 6 best lady driver by h wright exchange hotel georgetown 0 00 7 best agricultural team by bank of nova scotia norval 5 00 8 best express horse lbt by w j l hamp shire deputy recvo by c k turner milton 5 00 3 00 9 best farmers tufnoutsinglc bv r k an derson mp 6 00 4 00 10 best combinanation horse hiio and drive to be shown under saddle 5 00 4 00 cattle 1 best dairy herd 1 male and 3 females 1st y georgetown coated paper co 2nd by r h thompson a co 10 00 6 00 2 best dairy cow by john irving milton 3 00 2 00 3 best registered short hom female under 2 yrs col g o brown 6 00 4 best holatein cow by t l leslie 5 00 5 best oalf not necessarily registered shown by boy or grl this prize to be given each year by dr marcel us 5 00 sheep 1 best fat lamb by t h smith milton 3 00 poultry 1 best bird in show 1 00 2 best young pair in show 100 3 beat old pair in show 1 00 4 beat pen in show 1 00 5 best display rabbits no entry foe or mem bership required l 00 miscellaneous 1 best display in hall by merchant or man ufacturer to be placed 1st day by bank of montreal 6 00 4 00 2 bent display of articles made in george town by j h bingham 5 00 x3 best 10 lbs butter in 1 lb prints j m buck 5 00 x4 best pair of dressed ducks millar co 5 00 x5 best pair of dressed chickens erwin gotham 5 00 x6 best pair of dressed chickens h j fox 5 00 x best dressed goose a m grandy 5 00 x8 best pair dressed chickens w r watson 5 00 x9 best layer cake by sproat a lott 3 00 xlo best dressed goose e bamhill 5 00 xll best pair dressed chickens t e hcwson 5 00 12 best display of plants and flowers by john h bingham 6 00 13 by j m moore xbest half dozen buns herald one year xlargest 12 dox fresh hen eggs 160 1 60 1 60 1 60 5 00 xbest and neatest 1 lb butter xlargest half dosen onions xbest bag of white onions cash 14 by the tjsaton co limited toronto for the best two pairs of dressed chickens exhibited by an individual owner and raiser who has not won an eaton prize at any fair since 1919 the choice of tbe following tabic parlor scales clock cose of knives andforkst value from 626 to 7 00 xl5 best five lbs butter in crock by r j hynds insurance broker 6 00 16 besterbs butter 1 ib prints by robert simpson co toronto case of silver value 6 00 xw best barrelufnorthcrft- spies by a nor- rington t 5 00 article to be dtbvawd to donor georgetown fall fair races omt saturday october 7 1922 450 in ptjkses 450 217 trot or faois 8250 330 trol or pace 200 cniuiftii nhiioiiai riiiph ui kmrrn mile uretb il in 6 iivi ui palter lour to htaijl j r lbucv seirrtarj at the mens store new suitings and overcoats new qualities now patterns neu values beautiful wool ens fully roiiresenling the bout wmvph that are produced s300 4000 maoo i what about your farm list jour farm 01 other property for sale with a proince wide farm sellink organisation tbe united farmers lands department consult us as to our attractive listing terms we do not charge an commission if proneity nt sold bj jotir- aolf o through u other agencj we ask commission onl when we uel loral representative walter t evans phone 163 protection tbo best qualities at three popular prirfh are superior to onnlitioh selling last ear at on high as flft sixty or snvent dollars special guaranteed blue serges stripe and plain are hi eluded nt those three popular prices see ttfo superb tluality to red fit style and wirkmanabip guaranteed samples will be sent to outside customers on request place jour unicxnow and have your sutl for easter mens furnishings new arrivals in fine neckwear shirts collars under wear etc liats and caps in all the latent and best stytas- for spring wear ready to- wear clothing at ii a lp price to elear st once great bargains nrwhis line must be cleared we extend an invitation to one and all to coll and inspect our stock and prices before purchasing your spring on t tit n millar fc co ho hlfina iaammm hwi rmlrtlm ait tor bstookw bwdanon yoraate drains an drr hwnlm georgetown phone 12b nf the glen woollen hills limited and jacksons serviceable bedroom out fits at a low price dresser golden oak finish with good quality bevel mirror a simmons metal bed a simmons quality spring a sim mons mattress a serviceable floor rug complete for mb oo melrose knitting company glen williams wanted at once buffets empire oak regular 4000 tor china cabinets empire oak regular 8200 for girls to learn looping and lumbermen sock knitting steady work guaranteed e y barraclouch raymond graham vicepre 733 manager i28w toronto bargain store w w fisher pres j a tracy secy specials men b sweater coats pure wool regular 750 for 496 mens overalls big b reg 885 169 mens flanelette working shirts reg 825 18s mns working sweater coats reg 896 175 mens working pants reg 189 mens pore wool socks reg 75c pure wool blankets reg 1160 876 flanellette blankets reg 896 849 adlernicols next door to tbe baptist church mill st acton ont r- georgetown flour feed mills w c bessey phone 195 georgetown dr frank c caved eyesight specialist 209 bank chamber no 2 college st toronto will be at tbe megibbon hotel georgetown saturday sept 30th from 9 ajn to io pjm electrical treatments given for sore eye squint cataracts ate i nse tb brmtutajb violcrt hay hiffli frequency generator exclusively do not fail to get a demonstration and learn how to keep healthy remember 1 visit georgetown once a month a good bargain 9 oo 76 electric lamps at half price electric floor lamps with rich silk shades regular 8400 17 oo electric library or table lamps art glass shades beg 1200 6 oo a splendid bargain mens fine shoos odd lots sixes 5 6 7 only high grade footwear up to t60 choice for these include astoria slater monarch mopherson and i makes of good shoes dayfoot solid leather footwear for men and boys sold at a very low price for high quality goods a big special bargain a quantity of good quality toweling ot different patterns worth up to 40c grouped on a table for your selection at per yd another good bargain an aluminum casserole with nickel plated cot ont frame casserole is of heavy pure aluminum guaran teed for 85 years about half price at quality value service jacksons- georgetown igrandysi i grocery specials charm per pkg lux 2 pkga pearhne 8 pkgs ivory uloss starch s pkgs st lawrence co starch 8 plgs royal gold corn starch s phgs bid dutch 8 tins bonnie bright cleanser 3 fans corn flakes 8 pkgs post toasties 8 pkgs corn meal 6 lbs imperial jelly powder s pkpb a inter corn and peas per tin old arm chair com 8 tins atlas erand peas 8 tjns early june peas new pkg tin magic baking powder 1 in tin black tea per lb 4 so s lbs for block tea per lb 60c 8 lbs tor 1 8 1 40 a m grandy phone 7s leshiaksshesae a 13d

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