Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 27, 1922, p. 4

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paok a tub gkohtlbtown drbmd sfltimlikh s7tu 1822 iidlu aviator pnotimui ail opfln tall u itli no fold woalb or until late in deoombet m pro di ctod by henry prince a grand eon of the great indian chief pen uis who basei bin opinion pnnoi pally on tho position and moe taenia of the ntara and declared i it at the dipper ia exceptionally blow in its turning movement this beahon wul ampt basblaaua tile qazottti ih creditably in formnd that pram lor drur baa sifcnilled bin will in knout i accept the nomination again for liallon count for llio pruvinuiu login lature if it is icmlnroil to bim we understand tbo n utter in now n tbe bandit of tbe ufo cxecu tive and a convention will bo nail ed jn bo near fiiliirn to make tho ohoice bnflinktnn uawtle a caatfacoaabpioa j the toronto 9ur of bopfc 18th published the followmr walter knox former all round atbleten champion of tho world stated in an interview with the star cor respondent that tiese of detroit a toronto boy is tbe future aprmt wonder in bis opinion while 19 ear did qtenwfllfluiir lonth named mnrritt whom he diiwo ed nome timo ago ih one of the best comers in the pro mh re in running and jumping hmt iui of cattln since auruhi unit tho move ment of live stock from western canada to tbe eastern markets has been unusually heavy ship ments consist almost entirely of beer cattle the character of this business is snrb that fast ser vice by the railways is an essen tial and in this respect the can adian national railways are mak records between wi notice to creditors i tfca mattar r ta batata wu- uaasmakar uuoflktoiuup f eria la taa coaatjr af waula- taa ntvakr dansasai noth hereby rivei pursuant to n o tlr trudecs ail it so vh chapter 121 that all crj tors or olher ik lain or demands sea ml the o of ihe bkj will am mi kay who died oil or about the twenty th rd day of ata 1932 at ihoaa j township of lr re required on or before tbe four ill day of oitober lo nod by pout u i or deliver to i be uodenujrned n i r herein for alexander mckay and w lliam k rkwiod ibe mkiilan of i he e of thonadwillam mckay farmer aal their thrutiau names ami nt er addresses nd descriptions ll r full part culara writing of the r la n i latement of i heir accounis ami the m rn of ibo security any held by them and take ootico that after unci tail mentioned date he sail exetutorm w ii jirooeed lo distribute the assets til tbe and toronto yards trains of from forty to fifty oars of stock are quite usual and fast time is made possible by tbe splendid tangents and tbe lack of curves by this root a train of 72 ears of cattle was received early saturday morning at union stock yards west toronto making the tnpfi from winnipeg in 75 hour it hav ing left winnipeg on sept 18tb this probably is tbe longest tram of live stock ever received at toronto from tbe west what a ranch has the chap with a full coal bin and bis cellar well lined with hard cider and other desirables hereto fiavinff rejjard only t and aid execulon w ii not be i able the said assets or aypart thereof to any person or persnna l whom- t la mm notice thai i not have itrrn received by rn l ii e lime of such d wnlntlu i lkrov ijai k sol cltor for the said executors dated at georgetown this iii rteenlh day f september a d 1922 notice to creditors la taa matter f uui eatataor ada b bm at taa tawaaklp at eaqaa laa lataacaaatynf haitaalm- notick is hereby given pursuant loaei jo 56ol the trustee act rao 1414 chapter 121 that all creditors or others hat dig eta ma or demand against the es tale of the aaid ada b rou wbo diad oo or about tbe thirteenth day ol august ad 1922 at i he city of hamilton in the county of went worth are required on or before the fourteenth tlay of october lo send by post prepaid or del ver to the un dersigned solicitor herein for james l ross tbe adtuin stralor of ihe estate uf he said ada r rosa spinster deemed their chnatuin names ami surnames ad and descriptions tbe full partiru lara in writing of their ciairaaa state ment of tbelr sccounilbnd tbe nature of tho aeeunly if any held by them and takk notice that after such last mentioned date the said administrator will o distribute tbe assets of the aaid deceased among the parties entitled there to having le ai only to the claims of which they abal then have notice and thai the uuj administrator will not be lia ble for the said assets ot any part thereof lo any person or persons of whoa claims notice shall not have been received hy them at tbe lime of such distribution ulroy 0alb solicitor for the said administrator dated at georgetown this thirteenth day of september aj 1922 n cebabihq auction sale the undersigned has been in structed by c jt kusseu to sell by public auction at lot 18 utlinetbooatbgroir monday october 9 1882 the following farm stock and tm plementa at 1 o clock horses brown mare b d bred to imp clydesdale bay mare g p bred to imp clydesdale bay gelding 8 yrs old h d grey per cbe fllly yea cattiibgfoyt5hortbdrnbdw7 doe jan 8s white shorthorn cow due dec 89 red shorthorn cow doe feb 16 grey shorthorn cow dne in march jersey grade cow dne nov u holstien oow dui nov 1 hols cow due pen 84 hoi stein cowtdue pebr84 jersey cow shortly in and bred again tbe above oows are good milkers and regular breeders registered aberdeen angus bull 3 yrs a good one white steer 3 yrs spotted heifer 8 yra g heifers and steers yearling 8 heifers fall calves 5 early spring calves sheep 6 good breeding ewes uacla faces 4 good ewe lambs a pore bred oxford ram best of breeding hoqs 1 brood sow 8 pigs 4 mos fowit fi pr geese about 40 mostly pure bred white wyndotte hens implements deenng bin der 6 ft cat in good working or der deenng mower 6 fi cat in good working order deenng seed drill 18 hoes hassey harris hay loader maasey hams manure spreader maasey harris horse rake new spring tooth cultivator disk cultivator single boggy steel tired corn oultivmtor single buggy robber brad land roller market wagon 4 piece harrow cutter mieavy sleighs single fnrrow plow ill uodrabutt u lurrow plow cook shatt fanningjmul 8000 lbs weigh scales cream separator stock rack bay nick wheel hoe coal oil stove 8 burner grindstone kitchen range 8 beaters set team harness on wagon box- oil dram chains forks barrels hoes and van one other ar ticles to numerous to mention tkbbtr twelve month s credit on approved notes for all soma of 16 or over 0 per oent discount for cash all will be sold without reserve as ihr farm issotd ben pjbtcev auctioneer we have them raymond beaver and white bow ing machine doberty ranges ball dog fanning mills quebec sulk and walking plows bain todhope and mologhlin baggies oils and rasesh- sb groat office phone sssw residence 898 georgetown junk wanted i am paying the highest aafa price for all kinds of jank also hides and poultry o out m freeman po1 office bo 70 pfadmlss rsjgsfgsismil3saismislii3aisbfssjsslii to holders of five year 51 per cent canadas victory bonds issued in 1917 and maturing 1st december 1922 conversion prdf osals the minister of finance offers to holders of these bonds whodesire to continue their investment in dominion of carutda securities the prhriege of enhancing the mat bonchijor new bonds bearing 5 per cent mterest payable half yearly of citber of the following classes- five year bonds dated 1st november 1022 to mature 1st november 1927 b ten year bonds dated jst kovernber 1922 to mature itt november 1932 while the matunng bonds will carry mterest to 1st december 1922 the new bonds will commence to earn mterest from 1st november 1922 giving a bonus of a full months interest to those availing themselves of the conversion privilege thai offer hi made to holders ofttejrnatunng bonds and is not open to other investors tc bonds to be issued under this proposal will be substantially of the same character ea those which are jnatunng except that the exemption from taxation does not apply to the long distance hauling teaming cartage long distance hanliog with motor truck piano and furniture mov tog teaming and carting done by day or hour norman snyder georgetown phonr 171 holders of the maturing bonds who wms to amdl themselves of this conversion privilege should take their bonds as early as possible but not i later than september 30th to a branch of any chartered bank in canada and receive in exchange an official receipt for the bonds surrendered containing i an undertaking to deliver the cocreaponding bonds of the new issue holders of maturing fully r bonds m payable by cheque from ottawa will receive their december 1 interest cheque as usual holders of coupon bonds will detach and retain tho last unmatured coupon before surrendering therlmmdjtsctf for conversion purposes the surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks to the minister of finance at ottawa where they wdi be exchanged for bonds of the new issue m fatty registered or coupon registered or coupon bearer form carrying interest payable 1st may and 1st november of each year of the duration of the loan the first int payment accruing and payable 1st may i92s bonds of tbe new issue wilt be sent to the banks for delivery immediately after the r of the surrendered bonds the bonds of the maturing issue which are not converted under this proposal will be paid off k caah on the 1st december 1922 w a fielding amistcr of finance ija f hustler norval hardware of every description browns garage has now a wrecking crane and can handle all kinds of auto wrecks a and genera repairs and a toll line of auto accessories gasoline and oils service station for presto light batteries for service phone 800 day or night free air browns garage mala st wort coal wood on hand all the time be8t8obahtoh ooajt cement on nauid john ballantine oeokobtqwbt h c bailey electrician f shade etv call at the harneu shop amd let ma give yon a price on your eleetrie work batirfeotion onaranteed itwhim cewtcetfwn special notice shoe repairs the only fair way to do anj kind of a job is by piece work price so in the future 1 will charge so ma oh for the material used and a reasonable price for the time it takes to do tbe work this will cause my prices to vary bnt in shoe repairing charging a customer wbo wears a 5 shoe the aaiue pnoe as the one who wears a 10 or 11 is not really the proper thing to do as the party with small- feet is helping to pay for the one with tbe larger i range my prices aorording to tbe sise of the sole or beel used not the sice of shoes i soloing and heeling will range from 76c to 200 whole soles new beets repairing welts sewing toe naps etc will cost ez tnv i don t repair while you wait as this is not a proper or paying system i have the ex peri enoe tools machinery also tbe largest trade for repairing in this section of tbe county all repairs receive the very best and prompt attention shoes called for and delivered jaa ballantine kaaalf raataatomnaaraf uaa qsaaltl tnstata hoars sajb to 610 daily 7 bm saturday j- worfc called lot and delivered cash raem box 516 phone 56w 77 aan en rangei heaters glaaa putty etc all at lowest possible prices fhlstlernorval w frampton contractor and builder estimates given on all kinds of building a aaanlllaa haaalraa standard anthracite scranton coal in all sixes automatically screened and loaded coal wood select lump for domestic and threshing purposes smithing and cannel goal in fact i carry everything to be found in any upt date- goal and wood yard john mcdonald georgetown j h smith stewarttown phone 84 r 13 old reliable dealer in wire fence ing fancy and plain gates and posts of all kinds always on band bave a targe quantity of rails which itjh deliver any length at reasonable price j h smith stewarttown increased demand lower prices studebaker factories are today operating at full capacity in an endeavor tomeet the widespread demand for studebakcc motor cars despite the full production schedules which have been steadily maintained the com bined studebaker factories on august 1st had morexthan 15000 unfilled orders on hand savings resulting from capac ity manufacture were passed on to the public through stude- bakers reduction m prices effectiveaugust 7 it iaa stude baker policy of seventy years standing to share manufactur ing savings with tile customer the qualityof studebaker cars has not been decreased one iota at their new low prices they repr the greatest in trinsic values on the market in justice to the purchasing power of your dollar see the studebaker hne embracing 13 models before you buyanycar note these new exceptional prices models and prices o b walkexvilk ont lightsix jaaa itrwb 40 b p specialsix jfaa f if w b 90 u bigsix raav jar w a a i touring 1375 rpadstcr 3 paas1375 coupe- roadster 2 paas 177s sedan 3215 tbortai 2275 syeeaator 4pasajt500 codpe4paaa 3175 sedan 375 sedan bperiat js50 roadster j paax17fj0 roadster 4paa1793 coupe 4paml 1750 sedan 3950 j n oneill son georgetown milton acton this is studebaker year navigable waters pro lection ait tbe hydro electric power comrmssion hereby pre notice that it has under v ilea 7 of lite navigable waters proterti act deposited with ibe minister of pomk works at ottawa and in ibe office of tbe registrar ol til lea tor tbe cwuoljr of went worth at hamilton ontario a dd scnption of tbe site and plana of a steel tower trammiuwa line to be baitt ross bmiimrlon ray in front of ham batch aod take notice thai after ibe eunrabont one month trou tbe dale of the first jjbhralion of tbra notice ihe hrdroelec w rower commlsswi w ii under section tnklbe saal act apply lo ibe m muter of public works at ottawa for tbe ap proval of ihe said site and psana and f leave lo ronatrtht aaid st atqpa kth 1922 steel to ros mis m every kind of frail tbe decorated and ta located mcety the ce n 2200 aod will be sold on e terms i bave a nosaber ot oil itood bargains on my hst cmw jmd ceftbsnown aieahery cream wanted by the georgetovvivcreaiaery for your annommodaiioo we will be open monda a wednes daj a and saturday nirfatti till 10 o rtlork ice1 ah eoatomerm must call andjbi bill and settle tor t month or ioo dlivery will be disoodttoud georgetown creamery co m saze manager cigars and confectiojiery cigar and confectioney store all kinds tobaccos cigar ettes cigars and tobacco pouches you will find all the above artice8in my stoitrat the most reasonable prices chotolates f cheapest line 39c per lb and up in bulk dainty boxea chocolates from 60c up h druks main st georgetown why not today why deny yourself for another day the pleasure and convenience that come with possession of a ford if it is a question of money we will take care of that our monthly payments are moderate and can be graduated to meet your purse you will buy a foid eventual ly why not today tonrlnc oonpa sunabovt sedaui ford prices s 44s 536 840 staitlaf aad elaotho uaktlac aa ckaaal sad opn afodau s86 staadard eqadaataat aa olaaed medala all prices are f o b ford ontario h a coxe acton real estate insurance houses to rent for information apply to r j hynds insurance and real estate broker phone 203 georgetown willoaghby farm agency for sale f 7500 gardeners opportunity 18 acres of nplewlid garden land all set out with straw be rne and raspbdrncfi and other kipajll rrnitn a new bungalow of g rooms and cellar water inside and rttroaoe siho small barn this plaoe la on a good road clone to a good market and ih a real prodaoer terms arranged apply h b mcdowell rep georgetown oatarla jkaituu avkmusutcrmm rkweaainm

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