Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 4, 1922, p. 2

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a tub qkorgktown ukuaijm toitkii 4th ldfib seventieth anniversary hlhc fanjiag st georges parish celebrate oi sutay nrotlay nt j pn in memoriam thaikv in invimf nieuiitr nrf oriv jmurh hrrhert truv mthnfallcr died of lobar 2iul tmk tni dearest s i uu r iwlovril bl only y wheneer 1 ajhiak my pjcn with tcim artr wet oh darliiifr brw i loveil you and love ronhol forget the lord look yon away from n i was urn holy wiir i my heart a vacancy and li wl n mi but in rriy saddest mnm one hapfy thoiilit hu we will mniulii dei and be happy stime s sadly missed by kai h rot hern of c john iv pronl lion otlober isi battalion faembered sweet are i he in your nd brother ite was killed in ac- late ol the 76th au arc fondly re- mi that cling round alone with the comrades in france you lie sleep ik but the hearts in the old home love you dear son of ours you sleep with the where no tears of your friends ci on your grave in the red fields of france you are rut a ti e of love to your n sadly minacd by his loving mot in father sisters and brothers glenwilhanis sb well in loving memory of dinah the dearly beloved daughter ol the ib james and sarah sewcll glen williams who died october the 7th 192a toronto masons visit georgetown w bro e y barraclough master of credit lodge officers and members of credit lodge- 21 9 ap am received a fraternal visit from king solomon lodge no 22 toronto on friday even ing sept 29tb when w bro thomas taylor and his oflloers ex emplified the 2nd degree i w bro taylor was accompanied by rw bro dargavel rw bro anderson ddqm of toronto district and vw bro radford also many past masters of kipg solomon lodge and 85 members after the degree work a banquet was tendered the visitors by the officers wives in the town ball at the conclusion of which the fol lowing to list was announced by wornhiptal master e y bar raclongh the king and tbe craft propos ed by e y barraclough selection by blairs hiwaiian orchestra soog by bro dick carry beading by bro greenwood grand master and tbe grand lodge of canada proposed by vw bro major grant and responded to by bw bro dargavel dd qm song by master charlie sorym- geour monologue by bro cordon onr guests proposed by w bro h corke i pm reaponned to by w bro thos taylor beading bro greenwood song by bro curry selection by blairs orchestra song by w bro e w cole junior wardens toast obituary mrs jambb moore after on illness of some months duration tbomasin bume beloved wife of james moore passed away at her home here on tuesday sept 26tb in her 77th year de ceased was a daughter of the late alexander hume and was born in esqueeing near milton she was married 55 years ago to james moore and has been a resident of georgetown for tbe past 25 years besides her husband she leaves a family of four daughters all real- dent here mrs fred roddelt- mishes margaret edith and isabel at home pour ohildren died 89 years ago all within 10 days from diphtheria one sister mrs geo bume is the only remaining mem bor of a family of 5 girls and 2 boys demeaned was a life long member of tbe presbyterian church and a true christian wife and mother who will be sadly missed in the home tbe funeral took place on thursday afternoon to greenwood cemetery when the service was cooductjed by rev r f cameron the pallbearers were six nephews alex n hume blake hume frank mcdonald wilfred mcdon aid alex d hume geo currie boy scouts there wore large gatherings both morning anjl evening at si gootges church on sunday last lho occasion being uio 70th anni versary of the founding of tbe pariah in georgetown after a beautiful choral service ami the reading of the morning lessons from the 29th chap- 1st book of chronicles and 10thchap of st paul to the hebrews by lay i reader mr joseph beaumont ai must earnest and inspiring sermon was delivered by the right rev i james fielding sweeney ma 1 dd dcl lord bishop of tor onto the right rev tbe lord bishop ohoee as hi a text tbe 32nd verse of the btfa chap- ot the epistle or paul to the epbesians 1 speak concerni og christ and lho cburoh after expressing bis great pleas ure at being present at the 70th anniversary or st georgos ashort i eforonco to the origin of tbe diocese the beautiful church edi fice and the splendid work accom plished by tbe clergymen who have labored in the parish the speaker said in part what a christ centered man st paul was id his epistles he men tions christ no less than 224 times never can there be any human be more centered in christ and christ in him than st paul wtiujiaid for me to live is christ how exalted is st paul with life christ what an example a man ho counted all but iobs if be could not win christ pauls words have been the motto of ehurcheb all down through the ages under hir banner men and women have braved and endured persecution and martyrdom all for christ who strengthened tbem for christ and tbe church should be our em blazoned motifb a o tral group standing for christ these dark jays through which we are passing when god will reveal the gold from the dross and show attitude the niimster may exalt christ and extend his church but dont cheat and rob yourself of the purpose for which you have been brought here as workers for god it is all a part of his purpose and he has select ed you to live for christ and ex tend the glorious kingdom of the lord and saviour jesus christ the men who labored here in tbe past were all workiog to achieve tbe purpose of god mutual pray- a necessary factor of cburoh life your rector remembers yqu before god why not you remem ber tbe rector placed over you pray one for another for the pray era of the righteous availeth muoh moses prayers saved israel keep the man of god strong and filled with the spirit on your behalf dont leave all for bim but pray one for another mutual loyalty one to another is also essential it is not enough to believe him but there must be loyalty between priest and people or wo get no where some people say a clergy man has an easy life just preach on sunday and has all the rest of i the week to himself if there is a servant of god like that be is not fit for tbe ministry and i dont be lieve we have such its an all week job his personality must i mingle with all and be be a central figure in the community when he oomes to comfort you in your trials and borrows dont you owe him service cooperation all prayer all loyalty but no oo- opera tion with the roan of god is no good let there he no operation and then yon can say like paul now we are one together with god dont lot the excuses of the devil prevent you from being an ambassador and worker in tbe j glorious kingdom of our lord and saviour jesus christ numbers wealth and high titles do not make a strong congregation in them selves but with christ in tbe bhip you need fear nothing under christs banner go forth to con- qpex do your part in tbe war fare between good and evil and christs church will be triumphant i over all i am glad i came to speak concerning christ and bib ohurob at the evening service the very rev dean owen of hamilton livered a splendid sermon which was much enjoyed by the large gathering the subject chosen by the speaker was the road to yesterday and consisted of a re view of the past from which les sons were taken and used to assist and guide gods servants who were oonworkers with christ in establish ing and promoting his kingdom on earth he implored his hearers to stand for god and christianity that the sacrifices of pioneers fnr the church hxthe past might not be in vain the special mnsie by tbe choir the organ voluntaries by mrs an nandalo and tbe violin selections by mr jack thompson atbothaer vices wore exceed ing i y good and much enjoyed golf tournament professionals amateurs and spectators thronged the willoughby course last friday and saturday the parents who failed to at tend tbe stnnt night certainly mis sed a good time it wan one of tbe most enjoy able evenings since the troop for med we hope tboy will turn out in force next time meanwhile we trust every one will help to make next saturdays tag day a eoooefs scoots meet at the corner of queen and guelph streets on fri day ai 780 for short hike the newly invested tenderfoots pjease be at tbe school room on thursday at 716 no court of honour this week boys for tagging- will be warnrd in time and please remember tbe 7th scoot law tbe greatest spotting oont over held in this part or ontario aud one which bos done more than any lb ing else to put georgetown on the map wan the two day golf tournament held ou the beautiful hole course ot mr jack wil loughby that popular loyal and most generotis citiiicn of whom georgetown is justly proud and who in turn is just as proud of georgetown no other town in the dominion has agolf course open to its citizens and tboir friends from north south bast or wes absolutely trod al charge no other town has cititcnb who 11 make you more welcome to their magnillcent and beautiful 106 acres of marvellous scenic golfing grounds than mr and mrs jack willoughhy aa a host and bout ess thore are none bettor and we are indeed proud to claim them as citizens the lino large club house with its spacious verandahs was taste fully decorated with flags and bunting from its location one could see almost over the entire course and as the bright sun shed its radiant gleam over the green fairways velvet greens trout ponds and creeks the scene was ooti beautiful to behold the wil loughby golf course pronounoed by professionals w should- know the best nine hole course in canada and is indeed credit to mr george cu mining who is responsible for tbe layout tbe course covers 8010 yards tbe par for the nine boles is 84 fund every one of the 24 profession als who took part in the touma merit friday were enthusiastic in their expressions of approval their verdict being tbat they never wish to play over a better course the weather for tbe to urn a- meno was ideal and in addition to the competitors many spectators were present from distant cities and towns the result of the pro fessional contest was as follows nicol thompson of hamilton and kenny marsh of london tied for the first prize with icc each tboy agreed to divide drat and second money george cumming of toronto was third with 156 percy barrett of weston fourth with 159 add c h perkins fifth wilh 162 first figure following name of player is for 18 holes second figure is for second 18 holes third figure ib for total scores nicol thompson hamilton 74 81155 kenny marsh london 78 77 155 f murchie li umber valley 76 90166 george camming toronto 79 77 icc w drawer owen sound 79 84108 arthur russell lake view 80 bo 106 r jolly gait 80 85166 j b kinoear glendale 81 87 168 o h perkins brant ford 88 79 162 norman bell barnhill 84 81 166 r cunningham chedoke 84 90 174 jack pritobard missises uga 84 79168 wm freeman lamb ton 85 89 via porrj barrett wokioii hf 74 92 17m free in an llslnp luim rowdale 1hu robinson vcnunvh7 ih2 afkccliiig thistledown 90 ho 170 s kockwooil summit 90 82 172 it 11 tow onuillc 90 g iiincs london 91 m 175 a sims chedoke 9c 90185 a handcocl guplph 1h 92 192 c wtllson georgetown 104 105 209 at the conclusion of the content mr wi hough by thanked the pla em for their attendance and their assistance in making the event such a grand success it was pleasure to have entertained them and he hoped to see them all back again thd prixes were ttirn presented by mrswilloughby the recipients in turn thanked tbe donors they had all thorough ly enjoyed the day and wero unanimous in proclaiming that they had never attended a touma ment where they had received more cordial or better treatment the days proceedings concluded with three hearty c and wrj tiger for mr and mrs willoughby saturday morning the sun shone on tbe same beautiful scenery and surrounjings when the amateurs arrived to play their part in the big event they too were from many distant cities and towns well as including a number of local players the gathering of specta tors was also large and the second day proved quite as enjoyable if i wxht not more otbaoth ilt gjj sixtyfour amateurs represent- 1 ing clubs from victoria bc to montreal and including many of uoiom the presentation of the lyes for iiiih ovoftt mr willough h in llitit tj holelienrted pleasing hum out mmiiitr so becoming gonial jack that ha is on behalf of mm willouuhb anil iimself thanked all fur the inter at tlieywiim takers in the tuitrmi iionx the plajem fur their ilcan sportsmanship mm miller and the ladies of georgetown for pro viding refrchlnnonth and the georgetown committee that had ablj assisted in making the tournament a nuccesh lie also tended a heart invitation to all icttirn at any time and bring eir fnendhto onjoj a game oer e con ran mr coil ling then announced the names of the winners to whom mrs wijioughbj presented lhe i rites they in turn thanked the donors for their handsome prire and the pleasant game enjoyed on what the all ptoclniihcd the best nine hole course they had ever seen three rousing eh corn and a tiger tor mr and mrs willotigkby for their great kindneas and hospitali ty brought dne of themost notable events evr held in georgetown to a close secretary d l herbert and his committee are deserving of much thanks for the able and satisfac tory manner in which they per formed the duties of of ire we were proud to have bad the pleasure or meeting mr george cumming the gentleman who laid out this fine course lies a genial scotchman pleasing conversation ist and when you meet him bis personal magnetism just makes ynu feel more kind tnward jihe scotch the lunch provided both days by mrs miller assisted by the georgetown ladies was or the best well served arid much ap preciated by the visitors and many ofour towns people among those present at the tournament from out or town i were dr benncntc dr wit- loughby mr uowett mr n mc donald guelph dr and mrs mr clark noble miss mr- seymour lyon mr ingles mr and mrs g and mrs kip- and mrs bonlt- c lawrence mr pen toronto mr jji 2ji7 y auction sale of implements sl furniture the undersigned has been in slrttctod b w j alexander to null bj public auction al ash- grove on thursday october 12th at 1230 sharp the following illilkjienth uurac wniigon new cutler sot sleighs 2 horse eoltars set single imrncsh pnlper nearly now wet harrows mow or set good scales forku mke shovels number of good feed boxes new nuto rug new bluoe goat robe poultry a while leghorns pullels 10 ii it pullets- 10 h r cockerel 5 edigrcod anoonns 3 it 1 it cockerel 4 it i r pul teth incubator and brooder new melrftto cream separator ploh reg tarn worth pigt sow and eight pigs sow due in nov sow due in nov 2 rows c months old boar 0 months old the pigh wero nearly all winners in- toronto o i lawn and country pairs dininu itoom solid oak side board solid oak round table uu ar te r oak lounge with russian loath- er and cover roll top desk new with ofllce desk set uuarccr oak diners with solid leather scats set oak diners in oak with solid leath er slip seats never used hanging lamp bed room no 1 solid oak bedroom suit carpet rhnmber sot spring and mattress bed room no 2 dark blm suit with fancy dresser carpst chamber set b and mat trees bed room light elm suit with carpet mattress and spring 2 large murors bed stead new quarter cut oak with kapok mat tress and spring medicine cabin et parlor oak parlor suite oak centre table 2 oak- rockers oak music cabinet tapestry carpet oak gramophone new banging lamp pictures 17 yds rag carpet kitchen 2 tables kitchen cupboard with top new 6 chairs lounge range heater knives forks grocery sill every need around kitchen vegetables- carrots beets turnips also 9 cord cut into 16 in length terms cash or otherwise ar ranged ben pbtcu auctioneer at the mens store new suitings and overcoats new qualities now patterns nci ens fully representing the best v ipr lioautirul wool- lliat ai e produced v3soo s4000 4500 the bent quail lick at three jtoputar prices aro ktipcriur to qualities wlluig last jcar at as high tut llftv hixtj or seventy dollars special guaranteed blue sorgewf stripe and plain aro included at these three papular prices see the superb qualit offered fit style and workmanship guaranteed samples will be sent to outside cuslomerr on caijuest place your order now and have your suit for eiwtor mens furnishings new arrivals in fine neckwear shirts collars under- wear etc uats and caps in all the latest and best stales for spring wear n readyto wear clothing at half price to clear at once great bargains in this line must be cleared we extend an invitation to 6n and all to call and inspect our stock nnd prices before purcltnomg your spring outfit m millar co georgetown phoae 126 b gyjagrqrlfnitlfin oab for safce fan louring car 1921 model elccteir starter in 6rm cluss running tm ap ply at herald office points to remember about tbe oliver oil gas burner saves money heats better cooks better saves time easily managed saves dirt saves health oliver is best w r bridge distributor junk wanted i am paying the highest cash price for all kinds of junk also hides and poultry w id opmtte pmwue aviftoultnm ctoorcatown out m freeman post office box 470 phone 168 competed in saturdays event for collingwood which club handicaps prevailed j frank thompson turned in a gross of 75 and his handicap or tbiee firf intf iranpf gave him the best net but hoir 10jivlci waived bis claim to tbesirmerl j ff kennedy wwtcll priuandths reverted to rqun- 1 a or o lbc atrooge com ningham of the h umber valley naniea writing iniuraocc clbho g a drmr a you protected of guelph and m bar foot of wes- ton tied for second place and the former won on an extra hole fraqk thompson established a j record when he made tbe ninth hole in a birdie three this bole is 100 yards and it is the first i time that it has boon negotiated in less than par four a feature of tbe amateur event was the presence of several protn j ising junior players including nicol thompson jr son of the present canadian pro champion who made 85 d roe and r haxelwood of georgetown who iycjf csi ft cooperative co lid made a not 82 a p boultbee of victoria and jack soott of the coroo club of montreal were the players from the moft distant clubs among the other towns represented were guelph ottawa stratford collingwood simcoc and ac ton in tbib competition the score was aa follows jacksons exhibition dollar sale name cldh alf benwell norfolk cty club e codling glendale h b kippen weston d mcintosh simcoe h j lone rosedale j d fraser rosedale 91 j h barfoot weston 89 j n lyal thistletown 108 w m mcguiredr simcoe 94 8 underwood guelph 96 g a drew guelph 90 j e hntoheson wbston 101 b l conolly collingwood r cnnniogbam h umber valley g r moguiredr simcoe g b tovell dr guelph wh firstbrook lambton e m pil key acton j b maclean weston frank thompson m ississaugua p d ivey guelph w w roe georgetown 98 a p boultbee victoria b c 106 w r patterson collingwood 129 jack scott como club montreal 92 j r ho welt- guelph 114 dr marcehus georgetown llfi jm cbristio guelph 120 r haxelwood georgetown 119 c robinson thistledown 94 j datrymple collingwood 106 col a weir v 9g geo g mackenzie mississaugua 92 nicol thompson jr chedoke lol t t nolle georgetown 119 f mgifford stratford 100 j a cameron rivermead ottawa 100 0 stuart gait 108 d roe georgetown 104 t e smith cbedoko 104 a herbert grgetown i ntik 97 109 104 100 c l dunbar j m moore georgetown n goddard chedoke n cole georgetown j g jowett chedokth hefcoffen georgetown w a proud dr guelph pb coffen georgetown j r barber georgetown r corke georgetown h soonlson geos lyon lambton b l anderson lejbbton wc james lambton adarmao chedoke geo lawrence georgetown r cofe georgetown w f camming h umber valley j green thorn hi ii llfr guelph 123 farm laflds department the farmers own farm market branches in ell part of ontario i local representative wtevans 1 i service phone 163 protection i tll the glen woollen mills limited and melrose knitting company swclen williams wanted at once girls to learn looping and lumbermen sock knitting steady work guaranteed e y barraclough raymond graham viceprea 73r3 manager i28w georgetown flour feed mills we handle onlj tbe very best grades of flour and rolled oats bran shorts baled hay and straw poultry feed grit and shell chapped and rolled foed of all kinds delivered to any part ofthe to v glenwillimms op tuesdays and fridays onli wcbessey georgetown make your earn dollars your has an exchange premium up to one and one half its value at this sale no low grade goods bought for sale purposes we offer only our regular lines at a sacrifice low grade goods at low prices are not cheap goods what you can buy for mens 1 25 heavy ribbed union underwear 1 mens 125 medium weight un derwear 1 mens 125 wurk shirts 1 mens 150 overall aud 125 bhirte one oach 2 mens 46o heavy union soi 8 pr 1 mens heavy police suspender b pr 1 mens fall weight cloth caps 1 mens fine all wool cashmere hoi 1 mens gloves up to 1g0 alues 1 meos ties up to 160 v allien 1 mens silk finished fancy border handkerchief 5 for 1 boys wool roll top box 2 pair f boys sweater coats i boys 126 shirts 1 boys knickers 125 value 1 women and childrens cosy slip- pe rsau d house moccasins up to 150 for 1 linoleum finest qualitj h 4 only sale price per yd 1 floor oil cloth quality 2 yds 1 floor oil cloth stair ik in h yds 1 27x64 grass rugs i 4 yds s5 to 40c toweling 1 4 yds 8fi to 40c towels 1 2 76c towels 1 1 140 largo bath toweu 1 3 pine large guest towel 1 towels 125 to 161 1 5 yds 80c ginghams i 6 ds 30c chambrias 1 5 yds 80c print 1 2 yds 65c eiderdown 1 4 yds 85c rippelette 1 8 yds 40c cottonade 1 4 yds 80c cottons 1 4 jds 86o flannelette 1 5 yds 27c flannelette l 4ydb 35c galatea 1 v cotton 2 yds special 09c pill 126 sheeting 1 pair fine embroidery pillow cases 3 60c print aprons 2 pair 00c silkine hose 2 pair 60c london lady hose 8 pair 40o circle bar hose 6 balls best quality knitting wool 5 bars 26c castile soap 12 cakes 15c toilet soap a 40c 1 lb cans talcum powder 2g packages handy ammonia 10 boxes polishes assorted shoe metal stove and pipe 125 values in py ret oven glass 14 jelly tumblers with tope 12 jolly jars sorew top 6 sherbert glasses 150 value colonial glass cream and sugar 0 una cut glass tumblers 3 fine hand painted b and b plates 160 china teapots 2 75o brownwhite lined mixing bowls 140 hand painted fruit bowls 140 band painted cake plate 6 banu painted cups aud saucers 6 clover leaf runs and saucers 0 white china cups and saucers 4 b6o pieces enamel ware s 50c pieces oda met ware 1 each coffer and teapot enamel 3 wash boards 18 10c scribblers and eiorcise 26 be scribblers and exercise 1h 10c lead pencils 2 fioc boxes 1 h5c box rubens crayons and lots of other good 1 bai gains l quality value service jacksons- georgetown i l il isrv i

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