Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 4, 1922, p. 3

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tint qforuktown urbald hroiikk jth loaa matthews drug store the home off the viotrols agent pe at shw high grade ohooolti clearing sale ot goll supplies now on a rood luthorlmcnt of kolf duba n ibs 111 id irotih iiiohiiich iuucr tc regular i go chitm for bi 4 k chilm for 4wliib tor 6 00 clubs for hh6 sue 4ihi all other glfs and also oolff bgt subject to 1 per cent discount golf jballa at 45j and upward d j matthew drugs and stationery local news hems fair saturday tag daj saturday get your ties read get your exbibita in early dance in town hall fair night don t miss bearing the star radio car the street watering cart has been located we thank b coleman for some fine mush room el this week at 90o h ei ueartweli georgetown it ib expected an aeroplane will fly oer the pair grounds on satorday afternoon mostly all of 6ur merchants have decided to continue the thursday half holiday during oc tober mr a nomngton baa pur chased the ion cream and con fee tionery business from mr t h moorehead tny had pick pockets at mil ton fair it would be well to keep yoar eyes open tor tbem at georgetown we thank winn if red wriggles worth of esquesing for presenting the herald with a fine large puff ball on monday don t mibb the dance in the town ball on fair night venetia orchestra a good time for all everybody welcome the oddfetlows are looking forward to that chicken supper tbey won from the firemen on the base- ball diamodd some weeks ago hi s bible class of the methodist sunday school will leave the church at 7 oclock p nt thursday for mrs allens bsques ing any person wanting bulbs for planting can get them at the greenhouses or geofgetowtrfloral co up to en day evening of this week georgetown creamery will be open on friday evening this week but closed saturday afternoon and evening on account of the fair it ifl worth while to visit georgetown fair if for no other purpose than to hear the star radio car the concert given at fall fairs lasts for five hoars fall sate of golf clubs bags c at matthewb drug store it will pay you to get your supplies now call and examine the october meeting of nor- val branch at the womens in statute has been postponed from thursday oct 6th to thursday oct istfa mr frank whitfield will hold an auction sale of mitch cows spongers young cattle and pure brad hogs on oct 17th at lot 18 3rd line esquesing ben petoh auctioneer last monday night the young people of knox church held their bally service a good dumber were in attendance and heard a splendid address on making world brotherhood real by mr mclaren after the address mrs black aceompanied by mrs r f cameron sang two solos which were much appreaiated this is fair week and for this one week only a substantial reduo tion in price of singer sewing machines has been made if you have any intention of baying a machine it will pay yon to buy now shopldjjroo not hae the ready cash yon can purchase a macbino on payments as low as 1 200 per month norman h speight you are entitled to the com forts of lifcas well as anyone else the oliver oil gas burner was invented for your comfort it ib the greatest oonveince and money saver on earth today tbats why it costs you less to hae it than do without it can bo seen any time at the home or mr t blytbe queen street georgetown w r bridge bitrtribotorv the day foot boot that is im proved and made specially for j roney only see them before ou buy your fall boots will be sewed free if they rip they are water proof and yon will need no rubbers if yon have a pair of tbem all kinds or boys and womens boots tbeharibu pussy foot for child ren womens cushion soles low rubber heels kid 8 75 men a common plow boots solid leather lh to 86u repairing wo exce tbem all womens oak soles and rubber heels 00 and we do not keep you waiting all work warranted to give satisfaction we are professional shoe- maker and wilt gie yon good honest value for your money j roney the man that sella the best boots for the laaat m woibtll th gup was n iood game of base ball at the park inxt saturday af tornoon between thorold chain piotrn of niagara league and out homo team the result at the end or the 9th innings was 7 2 id fivorof 3oorgetown laws bowubb sis rinks of toronto lady bowl ore had a game with tbo ladiob hero on tuesday mrs gowdya rink of toronto won the inal the contusion of thrrgnmo the vis itors were entertained to tea by the georgetown ladies at the home of the president mrs hi lerson tw anvated after causa two men george thompson 48 branttprd and george miller 40 hamilton were arrested after a long chase saturday afternoon when a number of the crowd around the race traok at milton fair claimed that their pockets had been picked about 700 was found on the men it is alleged in the evening matthew brush toronto saw a man snatch a wo mans purse and after another long chase caught tho man who pulled a gun and threatened to ahoob he escaped mu ami eaolir rileasaot evening was spent on monday oct 2nd when the members of terra cotta ufo and d f w 0 met at tho home of mr and mrs g h leslie for a masquerade party and progressive euchre mrs b taylor represent ing an indian maid and mr t l leslie a 5th ave nqv york gentle man captured prizes there was a lively game of euohre in which miss black and will lyons were the winners lunch was served and all present spen a most en loyablg evening in tho police court at brampton on saturday afternoon before magistrate crawford g h hun ter the maples was fined 200 and 16 ooste for having liquor n an automobile on september s8 nhen lit year old lookie algie was seriously injuied his com panionb hilton cameron and e menan of oraogeville were dm friday oct 6th cameron of the mounted by ralph connor aes in canada in the valley of one hundred peaks comedy in for life saturday oct 7th wild hon ay featunng pnscilla dean in her crowning success a seupeo dons picturization of the world cam on 8 novel bj cynthia stock ley comedy the dark horse fox news orchestra wednesday oct 11th the devil within featunng duetin farnum with virginia valli in the leading feminine role with stan ley in africa episode 2 comedy saving sister susie coming tolable david no matinee this saturday on account of the fair church news baptist cqdecb young people b day on sunday the evening servioe will be in their charge come and worship with iem ii am christ in the old testament 8 god s promise to abraham you are welcome st gkorgxs the rev- a b hwginaon rector of fergus and formerly rector of st georges will be the official preacher on sunday next st albans services on sunday next will be a celebration of the holy commun at 9 80 am and evensong at s pm the preacher will be the rev a b higginson of fergus limehosse mr john t1 tarzweli has moved from the village to a farm on the third line erin there are several vacant houses in the lagenow mr gervaia has sold hia farm to mr joe mobnde the well drillers have been n the neighborhood for some time a well baa been drilled at oui school which will fill a long felt want hiss h howard our new teach er spent the week end at her home in lyden mr douglas gowdy who is at tending university was home for the week end isiting his mother who is quite ill mr johnsondtt general mer chant a bo has been visiting at his father home in new ontario is expected home this week personals mins ina clnru of tontntu hjiont llm week end with friendu here mr v j hott of hamilton spent sunday with iiim futhur and in other r and mrs a h rami of pal mo niton npunl sunday with relatives hare mr and mr brock harbor and babo of port credit vim led friendw in town on sunday mia cod of toronto spent a few days last week with mm w wriggles worth hmquemng mr and mrs g c lawrence and son mackenzie of toronto were week end visitors in town rev mr oltewqll of ottervilte is spending the week at lbo home of his daughter mra a m g randy mrs clifford creelman and mies alice creelman left last week far mogilt university montreal when they will rodiimc their studies mr chas bridfjo or markdale visited bis brother w r bridge at the home of mr and mrs t ilil the queen st a fow daja taut week mr ed mo whir ter su perm ten dent at the provincial paper mill on the credit river who under went tin operation at guelph hos pita last wee is progressing fn orabl and bis many friends hope soon to see bun around again glenwllliams the town ball here last friday eve by tbo true bines was a huge- sue oeas there was a large crowd and all reported a good time miss maggie tost spent the past week with relatives to hamilton mrs samuel allan is spending a few days with relatives in loo don methodist church harvest home services at 7 pm next sun day special music all welcome for sale caahflowei s cab bage carrots beets potatoes pep pern oitrons and pumpkins h h heartwell phone 106 tf staged a humane bullfight a bnlmght complete nnd thrilling in nil the nnnnl detail vet without lelty without revolting features anil without the shed din of n drop of blood that fteemlnjc imnnsslhlllly was recently maged with complete mifcexa in connection wh the mexican inde pendence day celebration in loa an- eelen thanka to the int entlvenena of a california man say popular me chanics the bull filth t wna acted exactly as v ordinary mexican bull debt ex cept that instead or the usual snarp- polnted blade which are throat into the animal blunt prod with a biue- coated bane wen- uaed with these sticky weapons n e picadors charged he animals the adhesive base in- lean of pnmnu n the skin held the unces firmly alruk the blde glv ing the appearance or reality wlthsnt hurting the anlmnl in the teaat in this manner all the skill and cltement of a renl bull huh t were re tained hut the barbarous feature were eliminated nnd the usual stckoa ing i of the bight town council mla omit il met nig muior dulif in tlit i iihii oil 1 lboi- hoirluoll and unuiu iiiuih hurl xr long 11 rrtugtnn dun intininl anthonj present minntoh of previous tucftim were read mid cnnllniicd jon tractor taylor rimmed that 500 cubic vnrds nf cnrtli luon- than ontrrict nil led foi tit the reservoir hud been removed and asked 1000 for same on motion of long and duuciin the clerk was niftriu ltd to pre pare a by law to prohibit the wile or wood in icorgetovvn eiocpl by the cord carried a number of ik pontile were uns sod and other town work discus sed iti tongtli uftei which council adjourned honey j hsmite stewarttown phone 84 r 13 oldrehabledenterin wire fence ing fodcj and plain oatoe and oats of all kinds alwnjb on hand i havo a largoitantit of rails wbirh 1 will deliver anj length at reasonable price j h smith stewarttown altdatiom wanted il ilioirr lului m ki l hai rrn hi k k ll- w nlyll wanted for aaii 1 ll tft m thu real hiv lor k unugo ror saix nun itrutw in ni acamlmh 1 yiln jo t 4 ydt 1 liming room mlilr mrv a owlwan r dog lost hljick miii tjin lioiinil on isliirdny sep- irmlhr lotli any penofi knowing itn whinnlmiuladnalif d liiinl pbotiq 56 icon jlmirc lir1 lhrormhirt 11 m lauliv m hup for idle il aipu- 2 yrm old wood for sale i lia- drcured urre iimnlily of dry n licit hikhi cul hi muva lenlha 17 per i iul atwul iiukic timl three liuili or si 100 all orders mi at i oil ohkc bon to will rrreive prompt alleiilinrt llraniifunl gwnjtlown 4 ii brampton business institute fall term aug 28 isaac pitman shorthand touchy t pew riti buhiness ktiglisb office systems filing book keeping arithmetic penmanship commercial law rapid calculation phono ssi vaeclnata against insanity the brain of an insane person may be likened to a piano the intricate mechanism of which la broken mat ed ar clogged suja nr w ford rob ertson pathologlhl lo the cottlslraay l he shmh that lunacy like rartoaa other illfiunes la freijaetltly cauoeil b huclerlnl liifectlon and can le cured hy mutlne injections the recorded ohseimiilona he states ould narnint the condnslon that the bacteria thut most commonly cavse e intanlty an atreplococcos pye- s xipbrtt crl bacillus typhosoa badltus liiflueiiia if the form of ln- sanliv kniiun an dementis prsecox uuld prevented or cured states pal itoberthnn the lunatic asy- hims uoiild t mure than hairemptied 11 a few jtam time and he abows hat l mentlh prnecox in its cariy ibam iiiih imnn urvd in six ciabihq auction sale the undersigned has been in struoed by edward w sharpe to sell bj poblio auction at lot 27 10th line esquesing on monday october 16 1939 the following farm stock and 101 plements at 1 oclock sharp horbks chestnut horse b yrs good in all harness black mare yrs good m all harness cowb jersey cow 7 yrs doe jan 16 jersey cow t yrs due feb 28 durham oow 6 yrs doe feb 26 durban oow 4 yrs doe may 16 durham heifer 8 yrs fresh durham cow 4 yrs doe april 1 brtndle cow 7 yivdne april 16 durham heifer 8 yrsjoe ofay 26 bnadle oow s yrs due june 18 fat durham heifer 2 jrs durham bull si yrs 7 spring calves veal calf above oows are all milking well iurlbmkhts m h binder frost 4 wood mower spring tooth cultivator disc bay rake flat haj rack 18 disc drill mccdrmifk heavy wagon and box set s har rows now water irottgh 2 sets heavy harness bay fork and pul leys set bob sleighs 81 fleurj plow wood rack 20 toot ladder other articles too numerous to mention pigs 17 pigs 7 weeks old fowl 20 bens gajn cajbodt 6 tons of good timothy ban 126 bns of barlej 100 bus of oat also a parlor stove in good con ditiou 8 new milk paita furnace pipes nearly new tbbk8 fowl hay grain veal calf and rat heifer cash 6 per cent per annum off for cash ben petoh auctioneer w a wilson clerk barnhills peel and haltoto s bargain store watch this space next week barnhills norval alsle d r rennie groceryspecials pabtry flour per 24 lbs raspberry jam 4 lbs granulated sugar 10 lbs good black tea per ib fine mild cheese per ib balada tea regular 05c per ib matches 2 for club house olives large sise apple jell per bottle baking powder per ib tin white beans 8 lbs health salts 2 for laundrj soap 7 for lux fi for lemon soap 1 for castile soap c for 90c 76c 78c 48c 88c 60c 85c 89c 25c 8sc tfic good delivered after school hours phone 151 for quick delivery break that cold riker syrup of tar compound with cod liver oil extract for gonglm colds wuld hoarseness eoc bottle rexall cold tablets 25c box wr watson pta4lu the rexall drug store all street rime 7 thursday bargain day dont miss the great bargains we are offering every thursday mcbean co georgetown saturday treat the 12lh of october has been set aside through out the dominion of can ada as candy day the idea is- berono is to try and make someone hap py on- that day v oalonrdat october istit just introduce a box of our candy and happiness is assured what a happy world this would be if we would only think morn of others and icbs of ourselves cocoanut rock 25c per lb this saturday we are offering you 100 lbs of our cocoanut rock a wholesome toffee with lots of cocoanut and pea nuts in it reg price 80c per lb saturday treat price 25c lb weekend chocolates 29c the more we sell tho less we can sell tbjgm for that s the reason we can bell them for 29c per lb the demand is bo groat beg 4qc per lb weekend special 29c 6 neil sons cream cakes 8 for 25c thr best value in canada the regular price is 6c each reg 5c each sptarday special 8 for 25c saturdaysunday chocolates 49c a box this saturday box is a great favorite it contains one pound of high class chocolates special for saturday per box 49c r hmqqreheap brampton georgetown milton acton watch our windows special shoe prices for fair days only friday and saturday watch our windows for real shoe bargains we can save you money try us for good school boots t staler mb fwmca h j fox sjw georgetown kmlbat lr ckimrea ptsi the farmers herd of catle is his reserve account growing continually in value a certain portion of your profits should be regularyused to create a fund for the development of your herd if you need a loan dee our local n agei about it bank of hamilton g c mackay- manager nety advertisements flat for rent onm for iffi nr lit n rooms ov pot office ri uir iui pn mine tin dny ttiurfctln nr sjituril ij ihrrnoon averting for bale quartar cm oak parlor nei ntx pieces apply lo jsk scott john si 2093lp to xet 7 room house on mam si to in an y to r j hytxis- hoube to reht luaily hntcd also 2 healed rooms id bath to rent apply i o box 82 georgetown i semget0wn arena tenders scaled tenders plainly marked a to be re until i niin for the ruction ol a hockey arena and club house lo be erected a georgetown on flans and specifications mar be obtain ed ram the secretary of the georgetown arena company limited at georgetown nd at the office of the imdersijped a teponit of 10 00 will be required tor lame the lowest or any tender will not neces sarily be accepted frank babhrr and associates limitkd consulting engineers 40 jarvis sl toronto toronto september joih 1922 plans at mr dale a office clerks notice ol first posting ol voters list notice is hereby given that i have trans mitted or delivered to the persons men turned in section 9 or the ontario voters lists act the copies required by said sec lionktttbc so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuanl to said act of all persons appearing by the last revised as sessment roll of the nut municipality to be entitled lo vote in the saitl municipality at elections for members ot the legisla live assembly and al municipal elections and that the said list was first posted up al my office al slew art town en the 30th day of september 1922 and remains there for inspection and i hereby call upon all vol era to take immediate proceedings to have an errors or omissions correvted according clearing auction sale of fan stock bssteausts js fraltnre the undersigned has been instructed by hodoilf rarxes to sell by public auction at lot 14 con 9 suuesing on tamradaor octowr ltli ims 12 o clock the following uorsbs pnie winners reg clydes dale mare rose ol femdale no 3471 7 yrs supposed lo be in foal lo dunnot arflmp keg clydesdale mare baron ms gail ley no j9472 6 yrs supposed o be in foal lo dunnoltar imp pedi grees furnished day of sale black mare aged bay mare aged bav horse c yra good driver bay horse c yrs good dn cattlk grade durham caw calf at ide grade durham heifer calf at side hoist ein better duo time nf sale red durham cow due mar 3 grade durham due april 7 gradt durtumcow due may 8 grade durham oow due may 9 durham cow due oct 2u durban beif due nov 21 1 fawn jersey heifer due feb 27 2 durham cows milking well grade durham cow due dec 15th grade durham cow due june i4 2 steers 2 yrs s heifers 2 yrs 2 leers 1 yr 1 heifer 1 4 spring calves reg shorthorn bull hchs 2 brood sows oikshtre 19 young pigs ready to wean rejf berk sow and b pigsi 8 p gs 3 moa fowl 27 hens ply month rock 23- pull4s and 30 cocketelai a quantity of po tatoes and mangolds lurlemrhts dcenng binder 7 ft cut deenng mower ft cut eed drill 12 boes dam hay loader m h aide rake horse rake spring tooth cultivator disk cultivator steel roller 2 sets barrows double furrow walking plow 2 cockshult junior plows wilkinson plow turnip drill market wagun 2 steel tire buggtes 3 cut lersi 2 ftcuffiers 2 setssleighs stock ratki 1 hay rack farming mill weigh scales 1000 lbs 1 wide tire wagon new 1 nar re wagon grindstone root pulper teparalor 2 wagon boxes t oil hay fork lir and iso ft 1 in rope com rack about 1000 fl hemlock lumber 14 quantity 2 in elm si all plank cjuan ityf other lumber ohcelbarrow x bbl molasses grass seeder s sacks sail 200 lbs each about 40 ions good hayi a quan ixed grain and oats roll fence wire some cedar posts set double harness nearly new sei double brass nounted harness nearly w 2 sels single harness 2 sets plough harness a quantity of household effects chairs hanging amps larpeln and etc also forks ihov g cha ns en sals neckyokes about s cords lb in hardwood tuny ha gra 11 ols2000id and turns nder ash over hat amo mil 12 months ed joint otes per cent per annum oil a v sun 1en petch clerk auctioneer browns garage has now a wrecking crane and can handle all kinds of auto wreaks auto and general repairs and a full kae of auto accosnoriet gasoline and oil a- service elation for rroeito light uattenob por service phone 200 daj or night free air browns garage hslk stjf artar phu 8o0

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