Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 1, 1922, p. 4

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tim nbohnwrqw bylaw no a by law lo muthonw lha corporation of tho town of garorslown lo a-nar- ulif tro- bonds dsbao o sacuritlo at um ghrfmawn fi dry company llmltod lo lb amoonl of twrv tnotuanj dollar and ia of thobljr hu i r 111 iii kpa s tllr rt 1 wn vnun 1 illllli thr uriior r tlir 1 h n k wn hnr irrnl hiti i ditnl thr rtlrll ll v ii i i 9va mbjrcl i r llf l h rate r silil 1 i of gcorgr- v f ilih ngrrriilrnt ii f rill 1 kdinlnlr hereunto iiirkn and m ktlblh it cxprdlrnt submit nr l ikk ii 1- 1 v inw md t then tl curp ir iglit to recover amur i ll i iltrird rlfctont of thi knld uimlhfullly for tlihr approval to hi rln if h ild on rpii ration to kiiar- iitrr thli ink tlrbrnturrh or ccurl licit uic wild i thr georgetown lniilry imipnny limited to thr nmcrrrile iiriiiririal hum of twelve llimiftnud uoiiiith and intrrmt thereon ul i lie ratr tif six per cent prr nnn jt r the purpose net forth in the obi liiriiltonrtt ngrerlncnt avd vtllkltfas there in n tl military uf n similar kind or nnture slnblmirtl in tlir sulci rorketown nd iiihihs the ninount of ii r whole rntcublr prupcrti of the sak inimlcipnlit iirr rdinjt to the last re iihmi nsscsmiirnt irmiunts to msb ami 00 an1 wilfllr s the mm unt of thi existing debenture debt of the salt tiiunlripnlitv exclusive of locul improve ti nt debts secured by special assess uirnts no part of the principal or intrrmt nt which in in nrrrnr amounts lo council jll thi tiam of georgetown eiinrtn jt folio si 1 that the said agreement hereto annexed and marked a is hereby riliflrd and confirmed 2 til i the bonds debentures securities of the said the georgetown foundry company limited to the aggregate amount of twelve thousand dotinra and interest thereon at the rote of six per cent per annum pay nblc in the manner and nt the times stipulated in the said agreement he re nt tn annexed and marked a be and the same are hereby guaranteed by the wild corporatii n r of the town of georgetown 8 that the said bonds debentures or other similar securities shall all bear the name date and shall be issued within two jcars from the date on wliirb this b law la passed and may bear any date within the said two vrnr nnd shall he in sums of not less than one hundred dollar each and shall be pnjablc at the dank of mont real georgetown ontario in the man ncr following that is to sayi interest principal total first year t2ii00 326 21 106j1 2nd year 700 35 79 srd year 679 67 386 54 857 6tt 3h8 53 6337 411 b 609 66 bbs 47 6th year tih year 8th year 9th vear kith ear 11th j ear 12th jear 13th yenr 14th year 15th jear 16th ear 17th year i hi ar 19th year 0 71 s26 27 95 oh 462 01 426 06 3h9h0 850 42 308 67 264 42 217 si 167 79 1 13 ob s9 22 486 55 462 74 490 51 51994 551 t3 584 20 619 25 666 41 696 79 7st54 781 79 82871 87842 881 18 986 99 1046 81 104621 1046 21 1046 21 4046 21 1046 21 104681 104621 104621 104621 1046 21 104621 1046 21 104621 1046 21 104621 10681 10621 1046 21 8924 20 12000 01 2b24 20 4 rlll the aforesaid guarantee which is hereby authorised to be given hv the xaid corporation shall be en domed on each of the snm bonds de bentures or other similar securities and shall be in the following words or tn like efferft the corporation of the town of georgetown in the county of hal ton and the prov i ncr or ontario hereby guarantee unconditionally the payment of this bond with interest thereon according to its tenor this guarantee is given in pursuance of h inw number of the town of georgetown treasurer of the town of georgetown lleeve of the town f georgetown 6 each of the said bonds debrn tuns or securities shall be signed b tho reeve and nhu by the treasurer nnd shall be scaled with the seal of the corporation and the said reert nnd treasurer are hereby authorised to sign such bonds debentui securities and the clerk of the muni hpalitj is herein authorised and in slructed to attach the seal of the c irpnration thereto 6 in casf of the failure of the wild the georgetown foundry con pan 1 imlted to pay the said bonds debentures or securities as they respec- tlrel become due and payable and in the event that the corporation of the town of georgetown shall be called tipon tt pav the same then there shall be rained and levied in each year by apedal rate of all the rateable pro- wrtv tn the said municipality a sum sufficient to meet the payment made hv the said corporation in each such year under its guarantee and the said special rate shall be levied at the same time and in the same manner as the annual general rate t th t in the event that thr said corporation of the town of george town shall be called upon as above mentioned to nav an of the said bonds debentures or securities when due nnd pnvable and in the event that the wild georgetown foundrj com pnnv i imited make default in any of their pavment as aforesaid then the said corporation of the town of georgetown shall have the full benefit of any righta as mortgage or other whw against thg properti and assets of the said the georgetown foundrv cnpan 1 imlted and as specified in the agreement hereunto marked a ftvai i y passed hv the vote of 11 rre fourths of all thr mrtnhrr of tl council this 81st da of october ib22 mfmoitandum of agrffmkvt made thi 3th da of october thousand nine hundred and tw hftwfen- a company inewtporaled under the laws ot ontario with head offlcr- at the town of georgetown in the coutrtr halton hrrrlnafter ralh company op the first prt ann 0-pcb- tu tju gs hereinafter called the corporation of thb secont part livkfa dmlrt us uf issuing certain bonds letknturrs or srcurltlrs ti the amount f twelve ihouaand di liars bearing ntrrrst at nix per ccnl per annum rifvlded the corporation gua ranters uh bonds debenture or seeurities am whfltfas the said cniupnnv as agreed to execute a mortgage tn iitir f the orporatl n as security r the payment of the said bonds lehenturra or securities and whkhpas the said c rir itlon has agreed to submit foa the ipproval of the qualified electors of the said town of georgetown and to finally pasn if approved a by law tn wthorrse the said c irporatl ti to tuarantee auch bonds debenture or securities to the said amount now therfforf this aghhf mknt witnesseth thai in enn side ration of the premises and the further terms stipulations and ndl tlons herein spec fled the parties hereto do hereby mutually covenant and agree tn nnd with each other ns 1 that the company will eon tinue 6 carry on thr business in their present premises in the town of georgetown during the whole period of the continuation of the guarantee of its bonds by the said corporation except in the cose offflrr strikes ac cident to machinery or any cause which will render ah interruption un avoidable and in any such easauflera tlnns slinll be resumed as soon as possible thereafter itie said com pany tp have the right to shut down its fartor for the purpose of making repairs or taking inventor period not exceeding two weeks in each year during the period of the guarantee above mentioned that the company shall dur ing the said continuation of the said guarantee employ in the said factory and business in the said town of georgetown not leas than twelve cm ployecs daily on an average for each worklagday jf each year of t snlri term and shall pay in wages a sum raging not leas than three hundred dollars per week unless prevented by fire strikes accidents or other un avoidable cause ah tht said em ployecs are to oe residents of the iwn of georgetown and shall be british subject thb company shall annually during the continuation of the said guarantee tf required so to do sub mlt to the said co ropo ration a state ment of wage paid and persons cm ployed by the company such state ment to fee prepared and signed by a chartered accountant satisfactory to the corporation and verified by a statutory declaration made by an of fleer of the said company and if it shall appear at any time that the average number of employees of the said company has been less than the number required then the said cor poratlon shall be cntjtjed to realise from the said company at the rate of twenty five- dollars per annum for each employee short of the average number required to be employed as liquidated damages for said default and not as a penalty and further if it shall appear that the average weekly amount paid for wages ha been less than the sum required then the said corporation shall be entitled tarealixe from the said company as liquidated damages and not as a pen alty at the rate of ten dollars for each twenytflvc dollars short of the required weekly average any and all disputes rising under this clause shall be determined by a board of three arbitrators one to he chosen bj the corporation one by the company and the third by the first two 4 thai the company shall exe cute and deliver to the corporation- a first mortgage in the amount of twelve thousand dollars covering the lands buildings plant fixtures ma chine ry and equipment of the said company and such further plant chine ry and equipment as may be sub sequently placed upon the said lands in connection with the business of the company which said plant machin cry fixtures and equipment shall be regarded as part of the freehold free from ail dower liens charges and in cumbrancex of every kind or nature and the same shall be- of a total value of twenty thousand dollars and the execution and delivery of such mortgage shall be as a guarantee of good faith and for the faithful per formances of all the covenants condl tlons and stipulations binding on the said company by virtue of this agree ment until the said mortgage shall have been discharged as hereinafter provided and such mortgage shall be to secure the said corporation against any possible loss on account of the said corporation undertaking to guarantee the bonds debentures or securities of the said company to the aggregate principal amount of twelve thousand dollars and interest thereon at six per cent per annum as provided herein and to secure the aald corpor ation against the payment of such bonds debenture or securities o the said mortgage shall be made in pursuance of the short forma of mortgages act and shall contain the usual statutory covenants contained tn such mortgages and such other covenant as the corporation may deem advisable for the security intended including but without dero gating from the generality of the fore going the right lo convcyi quiet pos session on default freedom from in cumb ranees t further assurance that no act has been done to incumber the tandst a release from all claims sub ject to proviso for repayment power of sale on default for onf month on one month a notice and until default mortgagor to have quiet posses sion the said mortgage shall provide the company shall insure the building plants machinery and equip ment on the mortgaged premises to the extend of their fulr insurable value such insurance to be not less than the amount of the bonds de- ircs- or securities from time to unpaid and such insurance shall be endorsed in favor of the said cor pi ration and payable to the corpora it interest mav appear the said mortgage shall incorporate the terms conditions and stipulations of this agreement sn far as the same mav be applieawehrrofh parties here the company if required at an e by the corporation shall ex ecu t and deliver to the corporation a coo firm at or mortgage of the said lands nd premise plant machinery and quipment a additional seruritv to thr said mortgage that the company will assign t ran iter and deliver over unto thr id corporattltn the policy or policies of insurance on the said buildings machinery and equipment to be held by the corporation so long as an portion of the moneys secured b the said mortgage shall remain unpaid and so long a the liability of the corporation as guarantors of the bonds debentures or securities of he company shall exist and until the said bonds debenture or seruritie shall be fully paid and satisfied by the company in the event of loss by fire the moneys payable by virtue of mich policy or nolkis of insaranre shall be payafetc to the corporation and shall be applied bj the corpora tiop in replacing or restoring the building plant machine it or equip ment so damaged or shell be held b the corporation to pay the unpaid or unmatured bond debentures or se curities guaranteed by the corpora as aforesaid if the corporation hereof the with iuterrs r cenl uf i idi paji rail ihii lit of haixowktn n hkkaii nokmhkh jryt i get ready forfjte 1 get ready forthe chase special train for banters d shall he irtgagc 7 ii1a1 1 being made during the cur rem the said mortgage in an i t the i its terms ruudltlins and itlj uli iitikcricd nnd perfi rmr nyvidcr this green en on shall liuir hi liquidated dnmugt ut in this ngrr ncnt for such dcfuult and imiy cxl ise any nnd all rights und remedii i mortgagee under the tutid mortgage in as full and ample a manner ns if default had been mude in the pnjmctit f the sum secured 1 the sflid inorl guge and this clause mil be pleaded itoppel tu anv defence prevent ing the curpurati in from proceeding eallie the said iuimi under the sa tgagc if nt uny time the curpn nlion shall be railed upon to puy oi shall pu any uf the bonds debentures securities of the compun ihe said corporation shnll hove thr right t reeui er as liquidated damage hu 1 sum ir sums with interest ut the rate or six per cent per annum from the date of the payment no mude b the cosporotton and lor such iiurpour the may exercise any nrtd ult rights nnd remedies as mortgagees under the snld mortgage in as full and umplc i manner to recuior the said sum or sums with interest as aforesaid as if default had been made in the payment nf the moneys secured b the said mortgage and this clause may be pleaded us un estoppel to any defence preventing the said corporation from proceeding to realise said sum or nil inn under the said mortgage- it thai the coiupan shall nut re mote from the iowa of georgetown cither la whole or in part without the konsent of the corporation 9 thai the corporation shall mlt a by lu to tbetatepayew entitled to vote on such by laws for the pui pose of obtaining their consent to the said by law to authorise the corpor ution to guarantee the bonds deben turcs or securities or the company tn amount of jwelve thousand dol and interest thereon at six pci ecol per annum for a period uf twenty years hit said principal and interest of the said bonds debenture securities to be payable in tin following that is to sa interest principal lotnl flsit year 1720 00 j26 21 1046 21 2nd year 700 42 34579 1046 i fn hit i id i i iikt i wield io lln 3rd year 679 67 36004 10462 1 4th 667 68 388 58 1046 2 1 oth 684 87 411 84 1046 21 6th 609 66 488 ob 1046 21 7th 600 47 462 74 1046 21 8th 555 70 490 61 10461 9th 5u6 27 619 94 1046 21 10th 495 oh 061 18 1046 21 11th 462 01 58420 1046 21 12th 426 96 61926 1046 21 18th 889 80 666 41 1046 21 14th 860 42 695 79 1046 21 15th soae7 737 54 104621 16th 264 42 781 79 1046 xi 17th 217 61 828 70 1046 21 ibth 167 79 878 42 1046 21 19th 115 08 981 1j 1048 21 20th year 5922 c8924 20 9bg99 12000 00 10461 211924 of itmrwiu l i t 1 1 lkl uf i klxmlt t nl ti lt biujt till m iuiw i lo full ui hi ii v ill r1 i i041u111h ikuiii huh m bill hn k hi mi1i tuh l ll n r tin awful x lliuilh hiiro 1 mi in ikijh nd hlinol i11i11 1 fur hlnunw 11i uuw hi n rthoru oiila lill n pr liuitl south e ml n il m ttam riors flti to 201 111 iimve north a ir ii he i ra ihl tfth n kuli 111 ii north of mm iii ul tu itiihwit line 1 on ih r n s pl 15 to nov lllllltl n 1l1 mini ltiillmjm is hi lln h ontiiik toil in 1ih i ik in 1 in rru i ii n h i 11111i mhiri hi 1 im niilkintil if i iik xiliil i ll ll in itti 1 iirttl uruuliih ll ll ll tll clllltlllll north uf parry 1 1 rmoiuile one mlrj luit and went nuhtntivel hunter nnd awhui dli on n lltmi 1 11 vloihusl ft to r v 1 bh 1 iohl iii un ndcr in hl j lienrl nt n i ml ih 11 i rlup vat nt um hiv fne as nhito nh a jirmt nil 11 ilp fii win iki no no 1 vusi 1 u ll hint hull vi 1 1 111 lit ullll lit 11i host lirr htihumnd n nlwajs tell wli 1 if ipi lilth i 11011 to hi j kiiiii1ii llniorlt in lltklllv rlttl l to ll f f 1 1 low 1 of tho mill itloom i lii cm id 1 an national railunh nf iiinmlinc hpcdiil lnun hirwre wliuli with n millar tininh will iiip i ill cunuindu spinal tiaintt will iti ijhriiuil oh rollowh uaso toiunto union stat loo nl lllgpm od 8lt fur caprpol and uilciiiirdmli ponitfi and 11 1 pui nov 2nd 8rd nnthth foikej j jit and intermediate pointb the u8iial ample rtmomodat ion of lep mg rw haffmikp cant a toadhea will bo piomued tin annual llunloi h leaflet la hikil li ll canadian national ljiijvajn in now itady tor diatn billion and ma bt obtained od iiiilial 011 lo an ngent of the nitnjintij 01 writo gencrl paaaen mr diiiartnioit room 017 hoyal hunt 11 dk toronto auction sale firm stcck aai lapleaeals lln umleihihntd han b 11 in ritrtiltml b walter thompson hcllby puhlipnik lion nl lot ml iu 7 btuiiuning on friday november 3rd hi la o 1 lo l nharji lln fiillowmk lluhrrvh black man hi oattlu 0 yra itooii ragou hurtu tr ki id inn by rjumoh liorac l yi- well uiofcrn liron liorao 0 jim ar dai maif igpd hood rami worktr lm v durham in ill 1 h yr air at hide durham cow due tune of bai durham cow dur- unto of hale durlinm row duo jnn 1 dnrliatij rowiluimar 21 durham ow bni xl 20 durliiui o dui jan 20 durham cow due muj 2h dim ham cow due in jnn dur ham nv duo- mar lfi tlolntem u diif in dec durham cow milkidp about i inoa durlinm cow bred oit 20 durham heifer tine in jiui 1 lilifor 1 fat steer 2 jra hbcifoih 2 rn 2 beiforh rid 2 yvk h bterih nod 4 heifers 1 yr 2 heifer cauos 8 and 0 in is itik sow und h igh 4 wl il plhhmk 0 fat bth sow bred akain pinsareall vorlfuilro and kood bacon tj pc shfr1 0 owes ilainimliirt down trade 14 co laigbn lamp jure dawn tradi limn hump ibne dun ii tradc fowl 20ili rod iicuh alkottw 1 gander lullfmfnth binder m 11 7 ft cut with fore carriage coal wood best scr an ton coal cement on band john ballantine oforoetowii browns garage han now a wrecking orade and an handle all kinda of auto wret ka auto nnd general repairs and a fnir line of auto aecesflorie uaholinc nnd oils service station fui piento light kattoriea for siirviic lione 200 daj or night free air browns garage haiast ntk fhns0c watch our window for special choice pastry f on saturday a livingstone son phone 55 georgetown cigars and confectionery cigar and confectioney stoic all kinds tobaccos cigar ettes cigars and tobacco pouches you will find all the above articles fn my store al the most reasonable prices chocolates cheapest line 39c per lb and up irl bulk dainty boxes cbocofates from 60c up 1 m the first instalment of prlncjpkl tu become due md be paid one year from the date of the issue of the aaid bonds debentures or securities and the re main ing instalments of principal to be paid yearly thereafter until said bondh debentures or securities arc full pnld nnd satisfied the first instalment of interest on the aald securities to be come due and be paid one year from the date that the said securities are issued and upon the necessary assent of the qualified ratepayers of the cor poratlon id conform it with the pro visions of the municipal act in respect to by laws for gran ting bonuses to n i an u fact uring industries having been obtained to the passing nt such b law and upon the execution and delivery to he corporation of a mortgage of twelve thousand dollars ti be made by the cnniponj as herein provided the corporation will guarantee the debentures of tho companj for thr sum of twelve thousand dollnrs and interest as aforesaid and it is furthfft undfr stood and agreed bj and be twecn the parties hereto that wherever either of the parties hereto arc refer red to when the context so allows such reference shall be deemed to extend to and be binding upon the successor and assigns of each of the said parties in witness ft herfof the par ties hereto have hereunto affixed their corporate seals and the hands nf thr qualified officers of the compan and of the reeve nnd clerk nf thr knld corporation sealed delivered coun tersioned by john a v ii iaughby president and 1 fr01 dai e secretary treasurer in the presence of h r mimms j a wii 1 otjghin 1rea ieroy daie secytrens seaied dbiierld tt coun tersioned by h h i1fart weiu reeve and p i- hprh clerk in the presence of h h heartwfi reeve f 1 1ifath clerk take notice that the fnrcgoing is a true copy of a proposed by law of the corporation of ihe town of groraretnwn tn be submitted tn thr votes m the elector nn the jttth da of november lp83 between hniira of nineoclock in the forenoon nnd five ociock in thr afternoon at the loon hall in the said town of teorjtrln nd that the th dax nf nvrm ber 19w at five ociock in thr nftrr noon at the town hall in the muni clpallty has been fixed for the n j ilnl nient of persons to attend at thr snitl polling place amt at the final m in mlng up nf the votes hv the irrlt and that if the assenf nf thr rwtoraja- obtained t the said pn poled bv law it will be taken into r n sideratlnn hv ihe municipal cnunhi t the aaid cnrporatlnn at the mrrtinn thereof to he hrlrt on he ihrh dnv f december 193s trr first putillrntiin of this notice was irisa on the flrt da of nnvtsmhrr 1w2 f i hfath tlrrk r thnt said proposed b law must drlter lo the clerk m later than the tenth da before tl dav appointed fnr taking hie vote declaration rnidrr the canada fiidrn act that he is a tenant whose lease extendi for the time for which tht debt or liability i to be created or ii which the mnnrv to he rained h thi able r fnr has hv the lease covenanted to pj rnpnkhpai taxes in respect of thr pro- pertv of which he is tenant other thnr local improvement rates f l heatic clenv vavfoa mans ueart- happy thought pinelrn furnaces injure ir ih and comfort i lb mi all every woman knows tits anawar and a dbpendabla rang is lb grast- st aid a woman can hava tp reach the heart of the nun in bar noma what satisfaction to have a rang tluu js a good baker that gat lha must out of your recipos that consumes ilille fuel and maintain a steady even heat hippy thought ranges save your food your back your dm and your temper thsy are easy to ragulata and tht big oven even heat and la re cooking anrfaos make tba work easier no unnecessary stooping imcausa there is every attachment to 1 dp maka a woman a work ligbtar thr hundred thousand homes have happy thought range ask your nelgbbour sha prohabty has ooa r h thompson co es furnaces doe ring 6 ft cut peter hamilton duhip rake it ft wide rake hay lander deering new side rake deerink newt beed drill is dines deeridk manure apraadt 1udhope anderson roller oultivntor 19 teeth cultivator with wide abrn buaell disc 14 blades dian culti ator corn cultivfrtor net harrow h 12 ft wide liklit harrow 12 ft wide stock 14 ft clino fan nine milt and bagfier etjuipped witb pulley for belt rid inn plow ainfile furrow peroival make 4 new ebarea wilkinson plow no 8 pleury plow no 21 plcur plow no 12 2 furrow fleurj plow stone boat eouffler ml scales 2000 lbs cap bain ttan with apntlga aad box new rims on wbeela trujk wagon 8 in tires ii bay racks corn rack hn fork corn planter set grain lifters for m h binder pea harvester with bunch international gas engine 13 bp mogul tpe cream separator do laval 7g0 lbs beavj logging ohain 18 ft beavy logging chain 12 ft electric weld chain 14 ft gram cradle 8 horse evener for disc pump jack and belt post hole digger flftl far hleighw set light sleigta 8 seats top and bidea surre with pole and shafts good as new light wagon two beats jaew tires baggy pole and clips tor nutter set team harness breeoliing hewabn s make farm harness hew boo b make set light driving harness bewi make set plough harness several borne collars 9 colt baiters short slings alight used short slinpe never used chain and attachments for slings about lfi ton clover baj about 700 hue oats oac no 72 about 160 bus bar lej i bbl molosttes bo me i callage babys cradle good as new hab high chair cook stoe bright cooling tank milk paili wooden bed vinegar bbl this stock has all been bred and raised on tbe farm and is a choice lot everything will be the farm is rented for a term of years 8 took con be sold under cover if neoehsary teeh8 hay grain fowl and urns of 20 and under cash ov er that amount 12 month e credit on approved joint notes c per cent per annum off for cash w a wilbon ben petcq clerk auctioneer m mttarirlbt na mr la kndw vtamlk mtmi tkat cnr um sup i fccramnr smp wiafili ll wr ll ad ar aftaaiwll aatalmt h tt c smpxsware dhaaaai wan krakmaas h druks main st georgetown hydro electric sells lamps irons toasters vacuum cleaners ranges and all electrical appliances of all makes 25 nnd 40 wnl lamps go watt lamih 100 watt lanuw 40o special prices on nitro lamps eleotrio heaters ofall kinds town prh a ia nn office town hall georgetown flour feed mills wo liandlo onl the ery best grnden of flour and rolled oats bran shorta baled hay and straw poultry feed grit and shell f hustler norval hardware of every description fvnusoet hangei heaiters olmss putty etc all at inwrttt posaihle pnes fhlstlernorval long distance hauling teamingcartage cbopped n ul rolled peod ur all kinds delivered to any part of the town llonwillianm on tuoadnjh and friday onl w c bessey phone 195 georgetown ae wright butcher main st georgetown rkaira simb ik brase 2j5 j real estate insurance houses to rent 7 for information apply to ir j hynds j insurance and real estate broker phone 203 georgetown iim7iittance baukflgtfith motor triicl pmno and turmture mo tit tmimink itfhi carttnr done georgetown pbonp 171 farm machinery i internsstional traotors no ih tbe time to rmrrtaase yonr wf have lmtorh farm moclnnerj plenn cbnnt wilkmaon aaa slov0r p ateel roofinb lirhtmnb rod rajmond beaor nnd wbitesow wirerennnc nnulnr saws seeondhmnd 20 h hnmtfonl rn ennintt on truck c h p il fwnmo milb monitor nrinr rubber tre bnr top bumiy aleel quebec sulk an i llh rtri lomatmoal s dar drill haintudhoiie htid mc imiihiiiir- fltiiuheh several homes dm era ana workers o i- hihi orenftck sb groat t e hewson ofllr phone akstt kei lnr wi i oeoboetown i phone lol r 33 norval jl

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