Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 15, 1922, p. 2

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toe qrobdkttiwn mkhai kh 16th iran dtmd hkvvin ii ci ryrl w i- i nwr lotl 1922 kir i aitr tf al brn s n vembor 111 1 i i i in memoriam srkhy 111 n f hefmtrr u i 1 ii i l novondw 111 1 how joyf i il c i op lill it melhodisi anniversary public school board lumuiiimih ij hpi cot in mill od hi ch irtti ifthl b ii uflu ntti n ud liv 1 1 uf c ilk lion boll i inurmrik in i ivin iiiii lk lltrni hill h imui il or tb nilonil r mi liou i ulo i rea lie 1 elo i n 1 in up nut bdrinojik it both un obituary nob rokhbt eftwlft hit at tbe age of bs jours m orl lii r win si- an est in noil hiyhly mspected leaident f of georgetown foi man oaib ins fed away at bin home hoie on friday ttoviaibir kllh decent ed was born ul mo ulojvvvale in 1889 and was married to susan sparling of btroetsvillo in 1864 he tben moved to glonwiluamb where be carried od a botchei business tor a few jeara after wards moving to george low u whero be baa resided over since mrs brwin ire deceased b n r jonrn ato deceased t a member of i he methoiiiet cburoh and a man of titcrling character eeteoineed by ill lo knew him a loving father kind neighbor and true friend lifts gone to hie reward he haven a farail of eigbt sons and one daughter vib john a of saruia ben r and chan 0 of i net rochester ny borne 8 of toronto robert h w herbert tidgar f fred j town and miss mabel of toronto the funeral which was a very large one look place on sunday afternoon when the remains were interred in greenwood co meter the service was conducted by rex w l davidson and six of deceaseds hods were the pall bearers those from out of town attend ing the fnneral were mr and mrs jos goldthorpe and daugh tors of cooksville mr peter gold thorpe of toronto mr clarence and harold hare of clarkson mrs ter or port credit mr geo will and leonard snarling of streets ville mr and mrs will anderson hagersvilbj mr and mrs bert dent toronto mr john anderson misa mary vino and emma an deraon of milton mr wesley mil lar toronto mr geo momnrray mr and mrs maik bubtle milton mrs barn boo toronto mrs aiken b mr and mies mokinnoy mr and mrs alex mokmney erin mr wiu colo of toronto mrs wcstook job weslook kitchener mrs bela weslook stratford at lh morning hlimco after culing ll l lfltl chni tor of si aiki froii lie lllh virwt the ipeaki i i hf an lux uvt tl n rider hi oil k i hon tbo i art ever with me and i have itt thmo wiih the f itbers tills v or to liju oj 1 i inotli buo bo unlimited bun f r in ik log merry on the lrp liful h turn some people wondei lij ibo older brother is uieuliontii in ll o ch tor at all vvl lie noun nav lie a there to g c a bmkgiouo 1 oi set ling to tli i roligal son and up pea in to bo hit nioht ihux a broth the tenlamoi t while the prodigal ron asked for hi tth ire of the tiither w property and reioived tin elder biothci wan n t oi is but i oniainc i obidu nl jo hie fathers v mhos lit cnld have h id hih too hut lnul rtxpoit for hir futhtr and would not claim his igbt as long as bis im lit lived the dillicill sitiinlioi in iho fain ij to dav is with tl o oue who oh m in ob tbe attitude of tbc prodigal iherf is no trouble with the elder hi other tbe prodigal is lopular tb the underworld as loug oh he k mono in thin fast igo but i0 me the elder brothi r whose monoy are you sending i is it hat vol have earned or jour father b bead the crime lists uch of which could have been eradicated with eaae expenditure tbe lavish use of mono bv tbe nob is what causes uch bitterness and strife in the world today the elder brother s attitude and cloan life is uch safer than that displaced by te piodiftat son borne smile at joung peoite sewing then- wild blot on tbe character tbat is hard to get away irom the prodigal son could never be the man bra eldei brother was the elder brother led a olean honorable life and could look any man in tbe face there is a place for the prodigal son but we should em phasize the advantages of right living and making friends with clean men we all need god there ta an impatience of morality toward immorality which bays if he can t walk straight let htm go moral men and women who have led clean lives cannot understand the fa hen if fathers and mothers d met at h i ll mr 1 wkcn n ll i chair d the foil v i g ii on hem pros ent mm wtllunn mis kenned 1 mr tvik m mites of ian i oi ng wtr i nil and totiftrmel move h mi kirk mid mm wilson lhalllit f llowmg ftcooimts le pul tortlovn llcinll pt 21 f h h iloirtwill i goo the tournament of local p layers whiob bad to be postponed on thanksgiving day on accountof rain waaplayed at the willough by golf links last saturday the winners in tbe contest were as follow a 1st miss mildred fleck and mr e codling 2nd miss annandalo and mr harold coffin 8rd mrs j modcrmid and mr w w boo 4th- mrs boe and mr j b mackenue sth mrs b leslie and mr robert corko 6th mra j b mackeneio aufl mr john mddermid 7th mrs p b coffen and mr r j hynds mrs dale and mr ne w cole were a tie boy scoots a special meeting of the local committee will he held on thurs dy nov 10th at 7 pm in the ehurch room will ever oflleer and committee map please make an effort to be present as matters of vital import ance to troop await discussion cuba meet in the schoolroom oo thursday at 8 p in scoots meet in the drill shed on friday at 7 8 pm we were pleased to see our visi tor on fridn last and glad to hear bts appreciation of the work church news mkthodi8t cudeco regular services m tbe metho diat church on sunda next at 11 atn and 7 pjn noh kh methodiht last sunday our congregations 4ibtaned to inspinog addressee b rev eli biddolfs i returned sol dier studying at victoria college the occasion being the memorial service incident on armistioe sun day services next sunday as nsual nerval at 11 aum terra cotta at 8 pm glenwilliamb tpm evrrj one clcome those at home remfowe xin with yonr prayor bis l4k f ftuimfcutranaati having taken another position out of town 1 am offering to the people of georgetown and vicmitv a obanoe to socore goods ajless than cost it will pay you toflall in and took them over some or tbe bargains are stewart vtabin t teg 4fl for 80 stewart cab net reg 40 for s5 cilumhia 10 beoords very lxeat 60o or 8 for 100 desk record rack violin strings and supples flags tpyt and numerous other bargains zk c momilun 100 17 70 roo mi don ild fuel ii j ickwon si i lies w ii wuthon supplies i n mojo o si pidios tifin pi in stei lid lor cut nod rs fiupi attendance oflleer p cm en ted reioit foi month of octohoi oved b mr kirk and mrs will son thai tl a lequeal of tbe high school piilx ho gian rehtarkl in tin nssemhlj carried board then adjourned vole for the bylaw were as heartless as some there would be no glad hand shaking when the prodigal retprned there should be more tenderness shown by good people to those who have sinned when bin en ters tbe home all suffer and all should bear the burden the church must labor for the sinner and the boys and girls who have made mi stakes bot don t sit at tbe feet of the prodigal with brass bandb fatted calves etc tbe good living man who is always there should be commended let us uphold those who have always tpomedbio children n prodigals and it took tbe cburoh a long time to understand this attitude it is just oa natur at for chidren to be wooed into the kingdom of heaven as them to be won by the fathers and mothers the elder brother waa justified in criticizing bia father if your boys stay by you why not lot them baye a little for them solves there are reasons why children leave tbe farm the tatber said all i have is thine lets not forget all heaven and earth are at the disposal of god s children if you are not happy to day you have not reached out to god too many to day are living on fatted calves or complain ing becanee they haven t tbom wben god says all is ours for thej asking at the evening service the preacher cboae as his text tbe 7 8 and 0th verses of the 19th paalm he pointed out the per foctneea of the laws of god and that 1t ie eaaj to do right when the life is m harmony with god tbe church was not large enough to accommodate all who went to the evening service the special music by tbe choir male quartet and solos by mibs josephine wilson mrs renme mrs black and mr thoa roberts were greatly appreciated the organ voluntaries by mies buck at both services were also much en joyed bev r f cameron and rev j h moore assisted at tbe evening service the pulpit and chancel were prettily decorated with flowers ashgrove the ashgrove ufo and u f w o held tbeir annual fowl sop per at the home of mr and mrs b w fieid on tuesday evening octobe8lbtv tbe bouse wss dec orated with appropriate hallow e po decorations about 80 mem bent partook of the sumptuous re lost prepared by the ladies after which the members listened to a prog ram trie of music recitations and an address hj mrs laws sec rctarv of the ufwo at the close of the programme a hearty vot of thftuks was tendered to mr and mra reed and family mr wilfred bird president of tbe club waa chairman qt the even log the aahgrove d f w o packed a- bale of clotbihg rained at 400 for the relief of the ire sufferers of northern ontario brom now on 0 t a en to roe ient officers are not to carrj fire arms mixing with drink a the do ocoamonftllv in saih a husmesa the comi i nation might ensil be dangerous no 71h ind 1110 ho sheriffs sale in lit iv fwv of r et hn j i or ihi- s rcme lour i o ild rnj loltcstr dot 1 l i y ol halt gn tlm ii c c ii e kr mowf v i r mae ma r tv u lot is sll all u n h i t tn w ii publi hu t o i m llupjrn urn a i 1 tlfcll nl p of t mitvr f uy niven brr 16 1w2 i pm rem cl sau mi wrsrtkb sheriff of ilec i dicd ii mie rroir ctii- n uilvr i9i2 7h1l y f tc saturday treat f t i is ivf k iii i it till tikml v ll il i i 1 hi ii i vml i is- k b u ll i krgular 40r prr lb r 25c weekend chocolates 29c vi hiv irikilu vfnfconj iiii n vilsl hi t itli h ltd nod hi fl i til ilii larinulsanil ih kikulti i 0 wlek lnd hphcial 29c lb tom ib si up toiu hi tin imti vimi mtvcj as mi ri arthur norrington own andofffij 1500000 7 per cent cumulative preferred shares hl cork co limited i authorized capital mmm these shares aie issued in a denomioation of 25 01 each in d are as stated cumulative prefeieme which means that tbe ordinarv shares of the company which aie privately held mcene nothingat any time until tbe 7 ib m nn the preferentp jjliares and all arreais of interest if any the also have priority as to caiital as there is no bond issue security the freehold land buildings n achinerj and equipment of u corke co ltd wbicb arc all pud for and belong ab solutely to the company herewith is tbe signed state nient of one of tbe leading appraibnl companies of ontario wl sterling appraisal company hereby certif that to the best of our knowledge and belief tbe present value of the said plant comprising land building machinery and ejuipment and after deducting all depreciation from build ing machinery and equipment is mnetymne thousand nine hundred and sixty aix dollars and aixty two cents 99 860 02q dated at toronto ontario oct 17 1921 stphlino al praisal compam a n a8eltinf sfcrbtabv tbea80bfh as will readily be observed the company has a valuable property and the security is ample but while a sound policy has been followed in creating a valuable modern and efficient plant tbe directors find that the working capital is too small and there fore this opportunity is now given to the general public to enter this hitherto private company to wool growers invitation is particularly given and to investors of this class a contract will be made to manufacture tbeir wool free for a period of years in a u ho lent amount to bring the returnb on tbe shares to 10 per annum to the general public privilege of special discount on purchase will bo given to shareholders so that holders of even one share will not be barred from participating management the president and manager mr h corko is well known as a woollen mill manager and manufacturer of long and varied experience as fellow director do tbe board be has the able as bi stance and advice of mr by barroclougb or the glen woollen mills glen williams ont payment- terms ma be arranged and any further information ob tamed on application to the undersigned henry corke pbebident amd manager service phone ib3 protfction 64aere farm for sale nice iillip fann of 64 acre on crikc of eor lovsnnnr mile from tin station larve brick li u mo i b iriis and slablini iitrhord mmiio bush fenced and watered ia not ncfihvt in ini about this little farm il it a luune inak r pi h sou eaaj tt rmn wtevans go mans heart happy thought pipvlms furnace innin wrmlb and comfort i tb imall happy tlionrhl haatlng- siovh mnn ln ful and dion warmth itvary woman know tb i and a dapandabla nnf la tba gnat att aid a woman can hawa to ranch tha haart of tb man in hat bom what aatlafacdon to oava a rann thai la a fooj dakar that gts iba moat oat of your radpaa that conaamaa utda fual and maldtalns happy thought rangm aava- yoor food your back yonr tima and your taropar tbay ara aaay to racnlata and tba bur ojran ann haat and laraa booking aorfaoa tnaka tba work 1 ataw no annacaaaary atooplng bacanao thoa a rrwrj anachihaat o i balp maka a woman work hghtar thraa hnndtad thooaand homas ban happy thought ranfah aak yoor nalhboar sha probably baa ona r h thompson co day loot shoes for hard wear theyre solid leather gear through look for this stamp oh the sole c b datfoot ctk oeovoctonf you can get tbem from j u jackson georgetown t d uumk faon milton t roney georgetown k u babnuill norval w sohknk gleowilliams j rooneys special no 299 ib a good boot it a solid and will wear well ii grand concert by harmony masonic male choir f in the methodist f church georgetown on mon eveg dec 4th llticketa for this conceit may now be obtained from mem ibers of the georgetown methodist choir and at the fol jlowing stores g randy s grocery stor willson a furniture 8 lore matthew s drug store pox s shoe store t roberts barber shop i grandys i grocery specials ogilvieoata per parkagc 25c new dates mr lb i 15c new liita per tb 12c new prunes per ib hi and 2 sweet wrinkle prs wr tin 20c french peas per tin inc allaa peas sims 2oc flolden baiifiim coin wr un 20c standard corn h tins 25c lux 2nkg 26c ivory gloss 8 pkgh- 25c royal gold o stareb ps 2flc st jtwrcm corn stawb x pkgs 2tc c pkgs nu jell and 1 jetly mould tor goc cornmeal 6 lbs 25c fine cut oatmeal per pkg jc- butk mibccmeat pr lb 20t a m grandy at the mens store new suitings and overcoats n jualitioh neu pattcmh nt w valucti renutiful wool us fnllv reirenenlint lb lel veiiew thai are produced 9300 mo oo m500 the b si iial ties il three io ular intrth are suicrior lo 1 iiiiim h helium inut jour at hm bigh as llfly sixtv or eent dollarx slip tal giiaranum i blue siries slric and plain an iik ludcd at these three popular pi ices see tbe xiiperh iiintlv offired fit style and wrknuinahi ii ran teed s mi hk u ill tm sent to outhide t uhtomers on request place toi it ii oi ler now un have your suit for b aster mens furnishings new arrivals in fine neckwear shirtu co 1 1 am under wcirfte hats and caps in alt the latest and ijoki htjles foi spring wear beady to- wear clothing at qalf pricfc to clear at once great bargains in this line must be t learn i wc et nd an inviutlion to one and ajl to call and inspect our stot l nnd prices before purchahiug jour hpnng outfit h miixarco fla hurloaaa tauorlna mx man a fanlahbuc jfnt tor stookwall handaraon at co toronto dwrnlom ai4 dit tnauilaa georgetown phone 126 thebestyet an extraordinary low pnee offering on heavy gauge pure alluminum cooking utenbils with a 25 year guarantee jt pudding i potato pots covered sauce pans 4cn 8pteoe sa panseta 1 68 1 79 double botlere 1 79 179 large preserving kettles 189 tea pots coffee perculatora large roasters tea kettles 226 aseroles with cut out oicklo 1 95 stand 1 98 225 a quantity of useful small 29 pieces at 2 for 2co quality value service jacksons- georgetown watch our windows good footwear rock bottom prices examine our goods a i compare our prices we can save yon money rriwpl mlvirj i i 1 1 icga shlj fox georgetown main sttbt pkmc 147 j- 7

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