Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 15, 1922, p. 3

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matthews drug store the borne of the vlotrolm agent pge at shaw hlfeh ormde ohoeolntee a fresh shipment of the well known k s guaranteed hot water bottles has just arrived at various prices see our win f display special 100 sale ol french ivory q a choice variety oltselected ivory on display in our store announcement all his masters voice records at 85c now reduced to 75e personals d j matthew drugs and stationery 1 1 ifn local news items a vote for the bylaw rex theatre tonight annivorhnry ut ijimohoiibc sunday the contractora are greeting s tho ateel work on the new arena siilo of work by the wa nt st ooorgos charch on dec 7th norval public school will hold ft concert and christmas tree oo deo 20 th grand muni rale and comimin- day nov 2tb cnbbagea for sale 75a dozen also oitronn a oil carrots 11 h heart well phone 106 mr win barber linn hold his frame house and 7 lottt the kale won made by e a benham auctioneer ben fetch in con- ducting an auction solo t pure bred cattle at kitchener today a incrling of nil shareholders of the oeorgotown arena will beheld n the council chamber ou pridaj ncnioki 17th at 8 oclock it is niportanl that every atiimvliolttai 1 tiraaent it you ure one bo there ulutntwl lwtmn the rev t g wallace of tor onto and formerly rector of of st georges will gio ao illustrated lecture in st georges solioolroora tuesday evening next on a trip through the rockies mr wat laco was recently elected chair man of the toronto ahpine club da honey has bought another lot of bam pie boots and shoes from the reliance shoe co- sec them premier drury and hon mr bigks will visit georgetown early in december particulars next iesne the board of arbitrators in the gregory land case held an other session in the town hall yes terday dont forget to fill your radi- tor with anti- freeze you can got it at j n oneill sons garage the toronto lime co are en larging their plant at the dolly e kiln ibneariog completion the stewart town pablio and snnday schools will have a joint christinas treauid entertainment on dec 20th a dance will be held in com munity hall limohodse on fri day evening nov 24th proceeds to repair hal i armistice day was obsered in town by a cessation of labor for two minutes arid a selection on knox cbnrch chimes the local conn oil of women will meet in the beat room of tho evening nov 21 at 8 oclock a pablic meeting jjt the inter ests of the foandrybylaw will be held in the town hall next week the date of which will announced later all- members of orion- lodge 109 loof are requested meet at the iiodge roomb on thursday evening igtb at 780 to go to brampton g cleave ng our town council met the representatives of the grand track bejlvay on monday even ing and discussed the renewing of the water contract for another term of five years no rate has yet been agreed on now is tbetrmo ortho year to redecorate your homo long winter evenings will be made moon brighter our entire stock of wall paper will be cleared out at great reduction watsons rexall drug store mr alfred hyde has sold his farm in nasragaweya the sale was made by e a benham the annual meeting of the childrens aid society of hal ton county will be held on friday evening nov 17th at a oclock in knox cbnrob milton annual re ports will be given miss emtna- line pankburst of toronto addrasbtbe meeting on social hygiene a collection will be taken ia aid of the ontario social tfyniene council- all are invited to attend mr kerr hhi1 llc i tut hi toronto frcmls mr duncan cam bell of moffat wot id own last thurnihii m r lid or ton juno ofmuikliatn a guohl of mm v tjndull mr h ix iwnrrcn it toronto called on icorgctown friends inwl friday i mrjnonimn llondcihm loft on tuomir to irit relator- in win ilhg moh11h 1 t coo uiki a noi ringuin arc wxiting in monliiitl this week irs r i varren of toninlo uhi friends in town nnd icin ity hint- week isa florence qrandj of new ket ia visiting at the homo ol her brother mr a m uraotly r and mrs jottculi coulter of terra jotta hiwnt a few dnjs re cently with friends in hamilton mr and mrs c smith of ilftiml too were week end visitors nt ltie home of their son mr v a smith mr guy wilson or asligrove ho was operated un for aungndi- tis last moudnj is progressing favorably hlwktt tho concert to be given the nfoce of cewl ol kcvlsfok vtters us itice i hereby given thai a court will ik- held pdrsuanl to the on i ariu vol em usl ad by his honor the judge ol he county ourt of i ho count- of million nt ihc town hall on ltie 28lh day ol nov ember 1922 al ten oclock o hear and del ermine tomplaints of error ami omu- s in i he voters list of the muminal if georgetown for 1922 ated hth day of november 1922 f l heath clerk ol town of georgetown method is t church op friday nov 17th by the mission band many interesting items comprise the program for the eveg do not miss seeing the indian pageant in wigwam and canoe admission 26 and is cents visit frtm aotoa guild aborit180ineniberb of ktjot churcfa guild acton visited the georgetown guild at the presby terian church here last monday evening the visitors provided a splendid program which was muoh enjoyed refreshments were serv ed and a most pleasant evening brought to a olose by singing the national anthem ntitce f cert i evtstei of voters list hereby given that a cmirt will be held pursuant to the ontario voters lim art by his honor the judge of thr county court of tbe county of hall on at the township hall on the 27th da of november 1922 al ten oclock to hear inc com plain la of error and omissions in thr- vnlru 1 lb m-mi- tax notice 1922 a grand mnsicale and communi ty dance will be given by the georgetown citizens band com mittee in the town hall on toes day evening nov 26th every citizen is invited to enjoy the evening and assist the committe financing our splendid band lots of music dancing and refresh ments cuknta4 slat aaalnlwr mrs mary mclaren mckerlie widow of the late alex mckerlie has celebrated her slat birthday at her borne in nelson township south of milton mra mceerlie is hale and hearty for her age she is the daughter of tbe ate hugh mclaren one of tbe pioneers of dundas street in the township of- nelson and has the honor of being the oldest member of st paulspresbyterian church log many gratnlations mrs mckerlie is aunt of our esteemed townsman mr wm barclay wednesday nov letfa desert blossoms featuring william rub oil episode 7 of with stanley in africa comedy ten see- ends friday nov 17th the man under cover- by carl laemmle featuring herbert bawlinson a great detective story leather pushers round 8 scenes canada new highways from coast to coast saturday nov 18th theo dora a goldwyn picture feator- ingbita jolt vet this is one of goldwyns- most famous pictures don t miss it matinee at 8 pm comedy torcby and orange blossoms fox news wednesday nov 22nd stage bbmanoe episode 8 of with stanley in africa comedy little rascal coming is matrimony a fail- anniversary services will be held in umehouse presbyterian church on sunday nov 19th services at 11 am and 780 pm bey mr little of rockwood will preach boqt services r t beunierol georgetown will assist in the singing at both services tea meeting monday evening program provided by walker keren professional whistlei dnre fildennan violinist who won gold medal at toronto exhibition and others admission 2fi cents everybody come and enjoy the evening- luw imt i when buying fish be sure yon geb tbe beau onr fish are kept packedin ice winteft nnd summer every fish guaranteed or your money back we aim to please our customers get your fish de livered after 6 oclock for the next days meal a good variety all tfeetitne of halibut salmon cod whiteflab lake trout flounders herring finnan baddie fillets salmon snacks boneless dry smoked herring and oysters oire us a trial pbone your ordej- for tonight georgetown fish chip cafe- phone 259 the bible is now printed in bo different languages and some people act toward it as if they didnt comprehend one of the languages it is printed in coming tbe story of automobile a picture with 86000000 setting showing the manufacture of a car from tbe raw material to the fin isbed prod net dont fail to see red not bars of ateel moulded liketjlay in babys band this picture will be shown at the rex theatre on friday and saturday cvoning go only whore you get the beat all our boots are made specially for us and come to us di rect from the factory any one finding shoddy leather in our boots please bring them back and get your money back and we will re turn them add wont pay for them you can come and buy from us with confidence weaave you to 40 per cent on repairingand waiting come in and see the dayfoot improved made or our customers i carry a bif stock tbe best boots money can buy- rbney money saver- for the people ipallty of esqueaing or 1922 dated 10th day of november 1922 j a tracy clerk of eaquesinjt ttik gromirtown ilkilau nokmllkh lbth i92u b a r n h i l ls pkk1j and iialtonb haiwiain htorb golden syrip per pound 6 cents barihhills norval d r rennie groceryspecmls kiko malt iwy uiirc 1 go pastr flour per 24 lbs 8go good blank tea- per lb 48o fine mild chew per lb 27o cofteo ground daily per lb 50c large tins tomatoes- 7cc v powder 2cc toilet paper fi roils 25c frys cocoa halves 26c la 18 bottle catsup 2cc pearlin8 for 86c lux 2 tor 25o starch 2 pkts for 2gc hulk starch per lb 10c toilet soaps can ti lie soap 0 for 25o lemon soap 8 for 2fio ivory sonp 8 for 2go good delivered afterschool hours the tax notices for 1s22 havim been sent out ue last install ment is due vow 33rd and 24th any person may pay the balance of his or her taxes before nov 241 but all taxes most be paidvnot latei i than nov 24th 1922 failure to wv i comply entails extra exiienbo and pjlone 151 fof quick dellveiy will be on new water works construction every day prepared gatinel one of the most pleasing healtb- foj exercises indulged in by man kind is the eating habit it is a habit that should be encouraged by eating good bread fresh daily and always toothsome and wholesome mark clark bakery and groceries norman h speight fs agent lor starr sarin itaklmb his sibmi bectric waslfcrs smcpervftt vacnmi oeutrs all of tbe above sold on very easy monthly payments if desired he also carries a complete stock of hmall electric appliances irons toasters table stores heaters etc norman h speight 100 per cent pure wholewheat bread most ol the so called wholewheat flour sold is not genuine wholqsvheat flo practically all of such flour has important ingredients removed in the milling process so that it will keep over an extended period of time for this reason when you bake your own bread you are not assured that you have the genuine whole wheat btead buy browns 100 per cent pure wholewheat community bread and you can rest assured you have the gen- uine wrapped to insure cleanliness exclusive agents j n h brown georgetown j n qneill son have ready for sale at very reasonable prices one top buggy in good condition three road carts in first clans order j tint what you need for tbo fall and spring one small bind power cutting box a bargain a few no 21 famous flcurj plows one 1015 ford touring car one 1018 overland 90 touring car a full stock of fleuo and cockshutt plow shared always on hand houh on durham st 2 br place hardwood root french door and ar to careful tenant apply w a main forau 78 acre 56 acre workable 8 room brick botn bank barn soil ia aand loam auiubla for market garden tniafarm ir bout 5 nrintttei walk from actoor for erttculara apoly to k a benham real late afrent qeorxetown photw 164 tf boa 1ss if carriage rubber tires put on promptly r automobile repairing wiu be done in the henry nock until our new building is completed thursday bargain day the following are a few of the many bargains offered thursday knitting yarns aiimtraleno sweater wool 2 for 8fl he ki scotch grey fingering per lb 1 11 canadian fingering per ii w orey saxony par ot 15 shtbting ileay fladnelotte shirting 40c for 2b oxford shirting 85o tor at steel chul oalnteas 40c for s bockfaat drill 40o for 82 ginghams apron ginghams 8tin 86c for 28 striped obambray 80in 40o for 29 plaid diogliams 27in for 10 hosiery ladies all wool hose ribbed in sand taupe brown and blatdc 126 ladies heather mixed wool hnso 125 1 co ladies silk hose special work brrtwn and white only 150 ladies fanry silk hose 260 for 130 wool underwear ladies union and all wool mu and ilrawoi h at greatly reduced in i ljadiet conihinations in union un nil ot 2 00 to 600 dress goods 3tiu all ol dress surge s200 for 125 itlin wool serge only 05 30in scotch plaids 125 for 75 specials glass tumblers 0 for 26 tungften lamps 25 and 40 watt each 30 only a few cuoh and inure rs left 2 for 20 sweater wools a lovely range of sweater wools in all the pop ular colors to see them is to admire them mcbean co georgetown newadvertiscmcnts horuks i firstclass cigar tobacco confectionery 84 store a- i carry a jul line of cigars pipes cigarettes cigarette holders and cigar holders i know that you will need to include some of the above articles on your christmas list i i have them all at the most reasonable prices ah liindb of chewing and smoking tobaccos now about chocolates splendid line at 89c per lb all kinds of chocolate bars fresh every week silver jake trimmings and others all sizes we also have a highgrade line which inoiudes maraschino cherries brazil nuts crystaliccd ginger milk new orleans carmela nut brittle coooaont brittle burned almonds fanoy chocolate almonds everything to suit your taste boxes of chocolates always fresh boxes of chocolates arriving fruit in sesaon h druks georgetown i roney pure boory from the fall flowern 10 in pail for 1 to p r tfjirrihon charles su 3tp baroain light aix sludebakrr 1922 model for bale b wrier leaving town can be ncen j n oneillii for sale piano in good condition dun ham new york make will be sold reasonable apply herald office for sale kitchen cabinet in good condition mra g c mackay georgetown it for saxjb quebec healer in good condition for de cheap apply to mrs laflwty lant houae north aide of george st lip for soxe sideboard hall rack alove ideal jewel feeder stove imperial oxford fanget s piece parlour nuilc apply to mrajgeo fcrd phone 205 georgetown ixst on saturday morning a black cow three year old any- person knowing her whereabouts please comn mra wm anthony georget atoves j a good range also small healer will exchange for wood apply al herald of- hot cold wet ordry get there eli ford sedan 78500 oahrtely epkf0ifoh inclemett weather cannot keep you- from en joying late all or midwinter pleasure if you drive a fod sedan the husking bee barn dance party or picture show will carryon despite rain or snow so will the ford sedan the ford sedan carries five comfortably more in a pinch let us place your order now for fall delivery h a coxe acton a- j n oneill son distributor of dodge brothers ad stndebker sisobsetown acxon motor os mllton now is the time to select your private greeting cards for christmas newest designs highest quality lowesbafices before choosing see our large variety wr watson phut b ghu wanted arc for children two or three week apply at herald office for sale reg yorkshire sow due in february ine given to responsible party j if m eaton farm lip boarders wanted good home and board centtally locat- ed apply al herald office mt saturday night between main st and collcgu view a 10 bill kinder please return to herald office and receive re- bailiffs sale under seiiure for rent ibe following i nicies the property of harold hancock ire to be sold by public auction on il 16 can 11 esquesing i mile from norval station al 1 o clock the following 2 jersey cows calved in aug jersey cow due in march roan heifer april i jersey bull 5 inos chestnut horse hd 8 yra roan mare hd 9 ynv supposed to be in foalt driver mare aged good in all harness bah wagon new binder in good working order disc driil good as new oliver riding plough rake 12 feel light wagon pigs crate ocenng mowci about 25 or 30 ton of hay silo for ensilage quantity of oatai about 20 ton of straw to be fed on the place set ol team harness buggy forks and shovels and oilier arti cles too numerous to mention all will be old terms cash notice to creditors la ca awttar of t eatet of doaald csubspball lata or tka town of goratau la tka osaa7 f hal- ton avmtlosmaa dmsmd notice hi hereby given pursuant to rction s6 of the trustees act kno 1911 chap 131 that all creditors and others having claims or demands against he estate ol the said donald campbell who died on or about the twentyninth day of august 1922 at the town of georgetown in the county of llalton are required on or before the eighth day ol december to send by post prepaid or deliver to he undersigned solicitor here in for john r campbell lixxie sinclair and man m campbell the the last will and testament eaeculors of donald campbell gentlema their christian names and s dresses and descriptions the lull pamcu ian in writing of heir claim of their accounts and ihc tat ure ol ihc security if any kcutby them mentioned date thr said proceed to distribute the itw tsotlheaid deceased among tbe pan ten entitled thereto having regard nty- lo the claim of bich they hu t im tutve no- lice and ibal the ssk escc be liable for the wid iivi thereof lo any person or perm claim notice hah not have been received disintulion lkkov dais solicitor lor the wd lirulon dated at ueortcctonu th i hth jay ol s itjt the rtxall drug store passe 7 in tbe public eye by 0 t hulked most 6t troobls la tbe direct rwanlt of sisre dvclaet vtasa the arat alsis at t stq- sttb sppssr a sastlsnafssd opts matrlat shoiiia e consulted ws will moroasrhlr your si as sunt pr tnewlaas that mil in to comfort kuml essaa out buxlsrsis ehsusje is raalad aeeordlnar to tbo atranattiof ssa uls sstoint or srant on bsacrevehooa ajtoclstarskl qstmns- trtot la suieyw sisiflallal who nasi pro-r- amuisittoii to otuwfor rotir are a tlis rrnlam too bo to o t walker r o a i 3 d v s oadiw

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