Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 15, 1922, p. 4

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ton obobqktowm hkbaid nokmhep 10th 1088 bylaw no i for of umgorgtowo foun d to tka amounl dollar and in at ut par cant pal mod of twenty years s the mill l mipany i f lurl itile ii ild mnpnn rtnln bund trfc muunt mi rid o llnrs bearing al sli per cenl iikiieas the cirrtnrrluwn koun umpany i linltctl und tlte c rpor ti n i if the lwn if grurget wo h ivc rntrrrd into an wrrrmint ditrd th lliirtirth dnj if nil bcr 102 sibjct to ulc approvnl of tl r yii unified rati pnjrrh uf tlir wild i wn f grurgi ijiwi n rnpj of which ngrrrment 1h wt forjli in tlte itillrilulc hereanti uiinrxril nnd ni irked a and wilpltkas it is expedient t pints i it lv i h iind tn submit the kiimr ti ttr ip ilifinl hector of tin mtld iiuinlripnlily fur their approval to tuthurlzi lie mtil nrponitliiri to gunr uutce tlir ihidiih drbrnturfm or orcur ilea of tlir wild the jcorfrctow foundry oinpnny i linked to the i kk regale prineipul kuiii of ivclvej llioutiinil illnrn and inurcxt thereoi nt thsnratr of hx per cent per nnnun fur hie purposes set forth tn the nbovi lurritluncd agreement and m i1erras there is no othr industry l a slmllnr kind or nntun cni ibushed in tlic snid inwn o georgetown and whereas the mnnunt nfi tlir whole rateable property nf the said municipality according to the last lined assessment 11 mounts to 9 huojm wd wherr s the amount of the existing debenture debt of the hid municipality exclusive of local fmprovr meat debts secured by special asseai incnts no part of the principal interest of which is in to c37t0m tjowtherekorethe municipal cuuncil of the town of georgetown enact as follows li that the said agreement hereto annexed and marked a is hereby i ratified and confirmed i 9 that the bonds debentures or securities of the said the georgetown foundry company limited to the aggregate amount of twelve thousand dollars and interest thereon at thcl rate of six per cent per annum pay di able in the manner and at the times stipulated in the said agreement here- itril thr t iirp si h bunds drbrntiirr ir securities vnd w iikrkas the snld loiipn has n greed tn cjtrcute a innrtgnge in fit or if the trphrall n a security fur the pnnirnt of the said lx lids debcnturi or securities am vullhi s the shall pay uny premiums un it iiiulhlucry or art thereof the mi lent with interest tl if six per ceut ci time of sulll pujill payable to tin t rj nid shall be rci i nurtgagc 7 111 vi ill the eve being made during thi uld mortgage in ui ii is eriiu loudltion fttlt rerd ii 1 limit fi ind t illfird the sild tuwn if georgeti finnlly p m if npir ved i bj i iw t luthuftxc the snld corp fill n t puornntee such bonds ilrlirnlurrh securities n the said ammint w iiierhpork i11is willi r men1 wiinlissful it tl in mi sidcrutlon of tile pren lies mil tin further terms xlipulnti ns nil rmnil hons herein upended the p irtiii hereto do jicrcb ii i in dh iivmm mid agree to mil tl iu li i r u amounts d annexed and marked a be and the same are hereby guaranteed by the said corporation of the town of georgetown 8 that the said bonds debentures or other similar securities shall all bear the same date and shall be issued within two years from the date on which thin by law is passed and may bear any date within the said two yearn and shftii be in sums of not less than one hundred dollar each and shall be payable at the bank of mont real georgetown ontario hi the man ner following that is to sayi interest principal total first yeap 7b000- 326s1 8104831 2nd year 700 43 546 79 10631 3rd year 679 67 88564 104021 4th year 667 68 88868 10631 68487 41184 104631 609 66 486 bs 104631 08847 462 74 104031 ms 70 s2637 49s08 409 01 4x6 sb i year i year 7th jenr 8th year bth year 10th year uth year lath year 14th year lath year 18th year 16th year i7tti year i 8th year 10th year 2lth year 860 42 808 67 2s4 42 917 61 167 79 11508 4bds1 si 9 94 ssi 18 48420 61920 6s6 41 6bs79 787 64 781 79 89870 878 42 981 18 986 90 104631 104631 104631 104631 104631 104631 104691 10463 1 1046 91 1046 21 104631 104631 104631 892430 19000 09 9092430 4 that the aforesaid guarantee which is hereby authorised to be given by the said corporation aholl be en doracd on each of the sold bonds de bentures or other similar securities and shall be in the following words nr to like effectt the corporation of the town of georgetown in the county of hat ton and tlte province of ontario hereby guarantees unconditionally the payment of this bond with interest thereon according to its tenor this guarantee is given in pursuance of by law number of the town of georgetown of s each of the said bonds deben turea or securities shall be signed by the reeve and also by the treasurer and shall be sealed with the seal or the corporation and the said reeve and treasurer are hereby authorised to sign such bonds debentures or securities and the clerk of the muni cipallty is hereby authorised and in stractcd to attach the seal of the corporation thereto c in case of the failure of the said th georgetown foundry corn- tit u i hat the c ntpnnj will pre i lie bimincxh in tlicli in the o during tho w ole erlud if the lontiiiuatlim of the guarantee f il bindh by the snld t orpurhtion xetpt in the eaje uf fire strikes oc- idents to machinery or uny cause which will render an interruption un ildublc nndjn any such cusc npera ns shall be resumed hh soon us islble thereafter the aid com pnny to hate the right tu shut down jth fuctiry for the purpose of making repairs ur taking inventory for a period not exceeding two weeks in each ycur during the period of the untee above mentioned thai the coiupanywiall dur ing the said continuation oy the said guarnntee employ in the suiuv factory nnd business in the said fown of georgetown not less than twelve cm ployccadailypnan average for each working day of each jcar of the-anld- term and shall pay in wages a sum averaging not less than three hundred dollars per week unless prevented by fire strikes accidents or other un avoidable cause all the wild em ployees are to be residents of the town of georgetown and shall be british subjects 8 the company shall annually luring the continuation of the said guarantee if required so to do sub mit to the said coropo ration a state ment of wages paid and persons em ployed by the lompany such state ment to be prepared and signed by a chartered accountant satisfactory to the corporation and verified by a statutory declaration mode by an of fleer of the said company and if it shall appear at any time that the average number of employees of the aid company has been less than the number required then the said cor poration shall be entitled to realise from the said company at the rate of twenty five dollars per annum for ich employee short of the imber required to be empl 4uldated damages for said and not as a penalty and further if it shall appear that the average weekly amount paid for wages h been less than the sum required thi the said corporation shall be entitled to realise from the said company as liquidated damages and not as a pen alty at the rate of ten dollars for each twenyt five dollars short of tlte required weekly average any and all disputes rising under this clause hall be determined by a board of three arbitrators one to be chosen by the corporation one by the company and the third by the first two 4- thai the company shall i cute and deliver to the corporate first mortgage in the amount twelve thousand dollars covering the lands buildings plant fixtures ma chinery and equipment of the said company and such further plant chlnery and equipment as may be sub sequently placed upon the said lands in connection with the business of the company which said plant machln c futu and equipment shall be regarded as part of the freehold free r t uf default currency ul of the cv and sllpula id perf rn ml by the c mipuny under this agreement hen the corporation shall have i he ight tu recover u liquidated dam igm hi several suuis set uut iu tills agrn i cnt fur suth ucfuult aud may eer- ika uuy and nil rights and remedies i mortgagee under tho said mortgage in ua full aud ample a munncr o 1 defuult had been made in the puymeul uf the sum secured by the said mort g igc und this cluubc ulu he pleaded is un cbtuppel to uuy defence prevent ing the corporation frotu proceeding to realise tho said sums under the said mortgage if at any time the corpui securities nf the company th said co rpu rati ojl shall have the right tu as liquidated damages sbili puuis with interest at lie rate of six per ccac per annum from the date uf the payment ao made by the corporation and for such purpose tiiey may exercise any and all tights und remedies as mortgagee under the sold mortgage in as full and ample a munncr to recover the sold sum or sums with interest as aforesaid oa if default bad been made in the payment uf the moneys secured by the said rtgnge and this clause may be pleaded as un estoppel to any defence preventing the said corporation frtm proceeding tu realise sold sum or sums under the said mortgage 111a1 the company shall not re move from the town of georgetown either in whole or in part without the consent of the corporation 1hat the corporation shall subi mit a by taw to the ratepayers entitled to vote on such bylaws for the pur pose of obtaining their consent to tbej said by law to authorise the corpor ation to guarantee the bonds deben turea or securities of the company to the amount of twelve thousand dot lar and interest thereon at six per cent per annum for a period of twenty yean the said principaland interest of the said bonds debentures or securities to be payable in the following that is to sayi- pony limited to pay the said bonds debentures or securities as they respec tively become due and payable and in the event that the corporation of the town of georgetown shall be called upon to pay the same then there shall be raised and levied in each year by pedal rate of all the rateable pro perty in the said municipality a sum sufficient totneet the payment made by the sold corporation in each such year under its guarantee and the said special rate shall be levied at the same time and in the same manner as the annual general rate 7 that in the event that the said corporation of the town of george- 1 town shall be called upon as above mentioned to pay any of the said bonds debentures or securities when dur and payable and in the crept that hie said georgetown foundry com pw 1 fmlted make default in any of their payment as aforesaid then the anld corporation of the town of georgetown shall hare the full benefit i of any rights as mortgage or other wise against the property and assets of the said the georgetown fnundr company umlted and a specified in the a hereunto annexed anrl marked a flhtaliy passed by an afflrma live vote of three- fourths of all he members of the council this 81st day of october 1b98- from all dower liens charge and in cumbrances ol every kind or nature and the same shall be of a total value of twenty thousand dollars and the execution and delivery of such mortgage shall be as a guarantee of good faith and for the faithful per fo nuances of all the covenants condl tions and stipulations binding on the said company by virtue of this agree ment until the said mortgage shall have been discharged aa hereinafter provided and such mortgage shall- be to secure the said corporation against any possible loss on account of the said corporation undertaking to guarantee the bonds debentures or securities of the said company to the aggregate principal amount of twelve thousand dollars and interest thereon ut six per cent per annum as provided herein and to secure the said corpor ation against the payment of such bonds debenture or securities s the said mortgage shall be made in pursuance of the short forms of mortgages act and shall contain the usual statutory covenants contained in such mortgages an other covenants as the corpoimoon may deem advisable for the security intended including but without dero gating frpw the generality of the fore going the right to convcyi ulet pos- session on default freedom from in cumbrances i further assurance i that no act has been done to incumber the lands i a release from all claims sub ject to proviso for repayment power of sale on default for one month on one months notice and until default the mortgagor to have quiet posses- slon the said mortgage shall provide that the company shall insure the buildings plant machinery and equip icnt oh the mortgaged premises to ic extend of their full insurable value such insurance to be not less j than the amount of the bonds de- ben turea or securities from time to time unpaid and such insurance shall be endorsed in favor of the said cor poration aud payable to the corpora lon as its interest may appear the said mortgage shall incorporate all take notice that the foregoing is a true copy of a proposed bylaw of the corporation of the town of georgetown to be submitted to the votes of the electors on the 87th day of november 1999 between hours of nine oclock in the forenoon and five oclock in the afternoon at the town hall in the said town of georgetown and that the 97th day of novcm ber 1922 at five oclock in the after- 5etermarcnndition and sfipulatlons fv th s v m of tnleent so far a tie umc fh v st memorandum of agrefmekt made this 0th day of october onr thousand nine hundred ann twent im- j company incorporated under the uw o ontario with head office at the town oj georgetown m the countv ofj hahon hereinafter called c part ani cottsisrewtoa t j hsetaaftcr caned tbej i corperatio or thbkcond part ul interest principal total brd year 4th year 6th year 6 th year 8th year 9th year i uth year 11th year 12th j ear 18 th year uth year 15th year 16th year 17th year 18th year 19th year 20th year 679 67 6s7 68 68437 609 66 s88 47 066 70 82637 49s08 462 01 426 b0 889 80 8502 808 67 26442 217 si 167 79 us 08 36684 888 s3 41184 486 50 462 74 490 01 s1v94 ooi la 606 41 606 79 tb754 78179 828 70 87842 981 18 986 99 104631 104631 104631 104631 104631 104631 104631 104631 104631 104631 104631 104631 104631 104631 104631 104631 98p2430 12000 00 20924 00 the first instalment of principal to become due and be paid one year from the date of the issue of the said bonds debentures or securities and the re maining instalments of principal to be i paid yearly thereafter until said bonds debentures or securities arc fully paid and satisfied the first instalment of interest on the said securities to be- cotbe due and be paid one year from the date that the said securities arc issued and upon the necessary assent of the qualified ratepayers of the cor poration in conformity with the pro visions of the municipal act in respect obtained to the passing of such by law and upon thejexecntton and delivery to the corporation of a mortgage of twelve thousand dollars to be made by the company as herein provided the corporation will guarantee the interest as aforesaid and it is further under siood and agreed by and be tween the parties hereto that wherever either of tie parties hereto are refer red to when the context so allows such reference thai be deemed to extend to and be binding upon the successors and assigns of each of the said parties in witness whereof the par ities hereto have hereunto affixed their corporate seals and the hands of the qualified officers of the company and of the reeve and clerk of the corpora tl f ttcasnrcrj m1mm9 r sealed deli tersigned by john loughby president and dale secretary presence of h j a willouohby leroy dale secytrea sealed delivered 4 coukf tersigned by h h heart well reeve and f i- heath cleric in the presence of h h heartweix reeve f l heath clerk farmers requirements watch our window for special choice pastry i f on saturday a livingstone son phone 55 georgetown- a 1 i rffl bustoesa and banking requirements of nncca jl many nnd vanoua thi bank because of us doatv ooaract wkh farmer has learned through practical expe- nence how to serve them in a definite and aatftfactorr mantfrf it ha cooperaied with thera when they had to purchase land seed stock and implements and has helped them to sayfe and to mamtain then- finances m mzt orderly manner our branch manager will be pleased to have you onsulc with him bank of montreal established over ioo years georgetown branch h r mimms manager ae wright butcher main si georgetown ptoses stop 1m banse 235 f browns garage has now a wmrkrib crane and can handle all kinds of auto wrecks and general repaint and a e of auto t le and oils service ntntioi to light rntttenesjiri phone 200 ilairiiifihl free air browns garage malm st hvtia paucl ampton business institute at scm0l unit scmm ieaac pitman shorthand touch tnnurttink bamdesa brwiikh office sjrtenih piling spelling book kee it or ant lunatic penmanship commeminl law rapid calculation h ft bjutkui prla i phono g51 ma sfcovula r4lnd standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes antonmthjilly screnned ai load ml coal wood select lnmp for domestic and threshing purposes smithing and cannel coal in tact icrvrn oer thing to he found in iinj up to date goal and wood ynrd johp mcdonald phone 12 georgetown friendly game of bnaketball took place between goomelon and erin hih school kirltt in the iol grounds on wednesda the wore being i 8 inaor of erin fjiincli wan served in tho school and an enjoyable time was tpent b evtrybody ir pave sanders is in charge or the gaelpb btageitr no guclph mail delivery during the absence of mr geo sunders who is enjoying the nnnual deer hunt muskoka advocate forstersu v cash and carry grocery primary pneumonia wrought the most heiwy casualties or set era diseases during october in ontario according to the month statisttos issued by the provincial health department this malady responsible for 187 deaths while tuberculosis which was sec ond in tho hat of fatal infections exacted a toll of 12 lives diph then a which removed 40 typhoid which removed 80 influenzal pneumonia which removed 11 ind whooping cough which re moved 11 were the other principal destructive scourges bmallnox caused only one death scarlet fever five infantile paralysis two meningitib four and typhus fever two a decrease in recorded venereal disease as compared with last year specials durham corn starch 8 for swan salmon pink tails swan salmon pink halves s for roae baking powder 1 lb tins rojal jelly powders itf oops 3 for k and beans canadas pride 8 for 1 tor pearl i ne 8 for amonitt sdow flake and star 8 for scotch health brand palm olive soap 8 cakes ancbot cocoa very best s ima shredded wheat a for post tosaties 8 for ten of this aftectnent so far maj be applicable to both parties here- the company if required at any by the corporation shall execute nnd deliver to the corporation a con irmatory mortgage of the said lands and premise plant machinery and equipment as additional security to the said mortga tha itlft companj will assign transfer and deliver over unto the nald corporation the policy or policies of insurance on the said buit dings machinery and equipment to be held by the corporation so long a any portion of the moneys secured by the nid mortgage shall remain unpaid nnd so long a the liability at the corporation a guarantors bf the bonds debentures or securities of the company shall exist and until the mid bnpda debentures or securities khali be full pam and satisfied by the compnny la the event of loss bv fire the moneys payable bj virtue of nch policy or podcrrs of insurance shall be payable to the corporation and shall be aaphcdby the corpora tlon in replacing or restoring the buudlnga plast machinery or equip ment so damaged or shall be held by the corporation to pay the unpaid or unmatarednmads debentures or ae lea guaranteed by the corpora- aa aforesaid if the corporation ment of persons to attend at the aald polling place and at the final si mlng up of the votes by the clcrk and tjhat if the assent of tlmj elector is obtained to the said pracp posed by law it will be taken into egss slnerahon by the municipal cnancfcof the said corporation at the meeting thereof to be held on the 18th day of december 1b38 of this notice day of novetnbt the first publication l made onjfc first 132 p l heath clerk take notice further that a tenant hn desires to vote upon said proposed by4aw most deliver to th clark not later than the tenth day before the da appointed for ukingthe vote a zj declaration under the canadn evidence 3l act thattie is a tenant whose lease extends for the time f which the debt or liability u to be created or to which the money to be raised by proposed by law u payable or fc- least twentyone years and thai has by the tease covenanted to paxah mnnlripal taxes in respect of the pro perty of which he s tenant otberjlhan focal improvement rates f lrhexth clerk phone orders delivered highest cash price paid for fresh eggs phone 28 corner john and victoria sts erin coal wood on hand all the time best scranton coax cement on nsvnd john ballanrine oeorcretowlf f hustler norval- hardware of every description ftarnkoea xtavnsei heater glaus putty etc ah at lowest possible prioen fhustlernorval long distance hauling teaming carlagc long jiiuuno haulms with motor truck liini ni i furnilure n trnnittnj and rartinr done georgetown phone 171 we have them bajmpm beaerand wbiu sew i rut machine dohcrty ranges bull don fanning mills qgebeo ulk and walking plows kaio tudbope and mclaiiriiiid biiggiea oils nnd oronscr s b groat oftlc phone 2s2w tteaidencr 2 ueoruetown hydro electric sells lamps irons toasters vacuum cleaners ranges an all electrical appliances of all makes 26 and 40 wat lamps 40e th watt lamps 4so 100 watt lamps 110 special prices on nitro la electric heater off all kind ikons from m7b office town hall georgetown flour feed mills j we handle onlythe ver beatgradoa o flour and rolled oats braio shorts baled hay and straw poultry feed grit and shell chopped nnd rolled feed of all kinds delivered to any part of the fc olenwilhama on tuesdays and fridays only w c bessey phone 195 georgetown icegream and hot drinks choice confectionery of att kinds madges candy shop main street phone 214 real estate insurance houses to rent for information apply to r j hynds insurance and real esta te broker phone 203 georgetown farm machinery tntertttionmitraotors non is the time to purchase yoor true torn farm machinery flenrj jhanta wilkinson lilowa bitggiea stoves pedlar steel roofing lightning rods wire fencing circular sawn seeondhauad0h p brantford gas engine on track sbp monitor gas engine robber tre hpjuo top buggy steel tires m h binder 7 it cut m h dtso drill fertiliser hoe drill international superior disc dnl several horsea drivers and workers v t e hewsoitj x phone lolrss ndrval

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