Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 22, 1922, p. 1

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f the georgetown herald fifty sixth year op publication thegeorgelown herald j wabaiiey harness maker georgetown wednesday evening november 22nd 1922 100 per annum in advance 800 to us gtr tim taals flolntl katjt passenger 722 iin rastujnkev oh a passenger rlolhtv111 mm 1140 am pasitonitcr b is pin mml 02 p111 passenger 82g pm passenger sunday 7mi p- goino wrht paaaenkor 7 d7 am mall 1018 am passenger 212 pm powwdtfub t 460 p in passenger 602 ptu pasuengeri 709 pm mail 826 pm passenger sunday 1003 am ooimunolttil mail 800 a111 moil 465 pm 1 going south mail 11 tt mail l jj toromto bausamrfcaai euwt daily timktahle aro pm pm going eoet 810 224 640 t3filnfrwofrt865 810 789 sunday tisietahlk ooing east am pm pm pm pm 1021 1820 846 610 1117 am pm l-m- goi west 1040 610 035 sue km hjlm5y electrician headquarters for maada lunpi tixtnres shades eto call at the harness shop and let me give yon a price on your electric work satisfaction guaranteed winter is coming arc 1911 read for it 1 carry 1 full lino of horse blankets robes hit1s and gloves al rock boflea prices repairing praiplly areided is w a bailey lttodatih uarnetts shot alala street georgetown bargains a good assortment of childrens velvet hats and tarns flush and felt hats for libblo girls all to ro at a saori- flee also a full line of ladies and childrens underwear house dresses aprons child rens h xadiesam gloves stamped goods etc ompers mrs 4 waisbmrsewiiuew qeoroetowk coal georgetown i creamery cream wanted their by the georgetown creanrkery 011 1 ortommodatioti wi- will be open monflaj h wvdnen ilais itnd sutnultij 1 wll he open monriijt iiiklllm till 10 olltkk ice accounts will our customers who still owe us tor ioe kindly call and settle for same at once georgetown creamery co m saue manager the east end meat shop jcjffipr butcher dealer in all kinds of fresh cured and cooked meats orders promptly delivered geqrcftownpbpne 206 which are you t ire just two kind of people on earth ui dtiy it two kinds of people no more i nay nut the mn net and saml for tie ii undomtood tlitit the good are half had and llie bad nro half good not the rich and the poor for to count a mans wealth you must first know the state of iiih conscience and health not the lmmblo and proud for in lites span who puts on vara uir is not counted a man not tho happy and sad for tho swift hying oars bung eaeh man hut laughter and each man his team no the two wind of people on lh that i mean are the people who lift and tho people who lean where er yoil o jon will find tho worlds manses o always dimiled id just tw classes d oddly enough 011 will llnd too i ween ere is ouly one lifter to twenty who lean what ohxss are you are you easing the load overtaxed lifters who toil down the road glenwilliams of 1 a leaner who lets other or are yo bear r portion of labor and worry and care directory shilton wallbridoe 4 dale barristers oolleitora eto toronto and aoretown oincoi kennedy block le koy daltt 1 oharse ot oaore h o heir r inter solicitor eic mill sl geornclov urn 9am lo5p m lncsday anil saturday e dr t h marceixus physician d suraon o 8 car of health oince ioura a to ami twll phons 68 uinri and realdence main street fcrtilh ounohlte preab church the following item from a lon- dou ont paper of last eok re fers to an old glen boy iind bis bride mr j w j allen is a son ot mr and mrs samuel allen ulenwilllams an interesting event took phice yosterday at the home of mr and mrs j w j allen 9 high street when tbey celebrated the silver anniversary of tbeir wedding day a delightful feature of tho occas- 1 presence ot the par- 1 entu of both bride and groom mr and mrs sam allen and mr and mrs w moore respectively at the high tea at which the bride and groom of 86- years ago enter- tained a large number of relatives the table centered with roldeo urns was beautifully arranged with silver maple leaves and hearts in silver while a place of honor was occupied by the three- itory wedding cake which earned out the color scheme in its decora tions of silver hearts and orna ments many handsome and use ful presents in silver were given to the bride and groom by their relativee and friends as affeotron- ate tributes on the momentous oc casion mr and mrs j w j allen were married in georgetown ont on november 10 1897 by rev mr mitchell mrs mitchell being the brides only attendant mr and mrs allen have two sons william who lives with bis wife and daughter lillian shirley 810 sjmcoe street and victor gray allan at home among the other guests present at the re union yesterday in honor of the ilver anniversary were mr and mrs joseph allen qlenwilliamb of georgetown mrs w harrison and family mr and mrs ij bret- ton mr and mrs w dinsmora sister of the bride with tbeir j daughter lucille mr and mrs b greenfield mrs w wbitler mi and mrs harris mr and mrs r btevenb and daughter aileen messrs roberta of london j pos ter of qlenwilliams mrs charles smallridge brampton mr and mrs minn gnelpb dr c f w ross ihvkician and surreoo georj clown iliaiic office and residence corner ol mmr si soulli and factory si opposite hnr urs 9 10 am 23 and 78 pn nil by appointment phone 262 esquesing council th stewarttown nov lath 1022 counuil met pttrhiiant to ad f r watson d d s d s offlo hoi 9 to 5 ejtoapt thvmur obituary elisabeth con over beloved wife of james arnott brampton pass ed to her rest on nov lltb 1922 the deceased was a daughter of nelson conover formerly a resi dent of the fourth line chingua cousy mr and mrs jas arnott were residents of the town line chinguacousy for the major part of their lives being known by a wide circle of friends throughout the district from the town line they moved to georgetown where they lived retired for bix years prior to their going to brampton live years ago for the past three years mrs arnott has been ailing and passed quiatly to her rest on heirloom plate silverware for service with beauty and design with riohnesa in fin ish with dignity and distinction in everyline heirloom plate in also the silverware oflong service the pure silver deposit is unusually beavy and is uncon ditionally guaranteed we have an excellent assortment oftbe cardinal pattern a b willson a bc nielsen dc g hiropraotiooffioe and xrt isart ptlbwoniuta 10 rrprfn nice in bailey block next door in j n oneills consultation and bplnal analyst free officb houas tueadays thursdays and saturdays 2 to s and 7 tt 8 pm pi i owe office isow and residence 232 benj fetch llconsed au6tlanr for hilton and poel olenwllllaina poat office 8alw conducled batlataotorlly and at rea tonabl rattw ordara lett at th oeorsetown herald ohloa will raoalvi nm m pi tfntlon willoughby farm agency j a tract clerk towmhip of esquesinj clerk 3rd diviwrm court thejeadink pire and lite in co represented of mum re licenses slewarttonont 4200 buys good 100 acre farrr from acton with rood buildings 2 miles 5800 buya good 12c n georgetown 7300 buys good home 4 n splendid baildings 4 miles from t onhard at georgetown make countries at the office georgetown t h b mcdowell rep georgetown ontario 1 or to the willoughby farm agency ess office 41 wdwu si tmit fane hals 7jm meat market vvlftsdn street georgetown phone no 1 libksaain bui c sorter hoose steak wider roafet beef bbib boaat bfeef vrinrbeet loins ot young pork 25o shoulder pork chops sor streaky side pork 20c stewing veal lc veal chops soa leg of veal 25 loins of veal 6c i pure pork sosaaeit lfio windows tor specials on saturday 10e 10c guaranteed imi fire insurance j w kennedy seorgdowa aftent for aoine of tbe lroiittt con panics writing- ioiu ranee are you protected positions la bso mmnbwl mr and mrs arnott have been married within a few months of fifty years besides a bereaved husband three daughters are left mrs p g early of brampton rs a lu noble of norral and mrs 0 h daoard of durham mable arnott a deceased daugh ter died some yean ago when tbe family lived on tbe town line mrs cbarleb armstrong and mr harvey conover of brampton are bister and brother of the deceased the funeral which took place on tuesday nov 14 tb from the rate residence in bramptoo pro ceeded to norval presbyterian church where service was con ducted interment was made in norval cemetery the arnott tamily were connected with the norval oburah for a great number of years from thenoe mr and mrs arnott removed to george town and subsequently at the time of her death mrs arnott member of the presbyterian church in brampton bev mr mcarthur of brampton assisted by rev mr cameron of george town and bev mr patterson of norval conducted tbe aervioe a large oirole of relatives and friends join id smpatby to the bereaved husband and family iteevcn tbe chair mem bent til i present tho minutes of last meeting were read and con firmed i fc hampshire apnelbe that tho treasurer pay junior r lindsay tho sum or 87 for a sheep killed by doge q a uondenton tttluor james r lindsay tbe sum of h for destroying dog- caught worry ingbbeep o a henderutiu the burn of 4 for valuing two sheep claims james btark the sum of 4 f6r valuing two abeep claims sam hetherington the sum of 80 lor hauling gravel to no 6 aide- road 3rd con carried appelbe leslie that the treaa pay the toronto lime company the bum of 60 for putting stooa 8rd line hill 60 loads of stone on lot 28 60 total 110 e eaton lb yds of gravel on 27 aide- rood at 25c yer yd 460 q yde on 9th line for culvert 160 10 yds on glen rood 260 total ti60 matthew supplies for disin fecting 640 bell telephone co op to date nov 1st 1922 249 carried hampshire brown that the treasurer pay james molbaac tbe of 2 60 for gravel supplied peter mclgaac pm for road work roberto doughty for half daya work and 7 loads of gravel 812 h r ellis the sum of 28 for two sheep killed by dogs a 8 wilson valuer thomas may hornby the sum of 14 for one sheep killed by dogs a s wilson valuer a s wilson the sum of 4 for valuing two sheep claims kobt brown limeboube the aum f w for lamb inllnd by dogb james stark valuer homer dix on the sum of 12 for one sheep killed by dogs george irving val uer george irving tbe sum of 2 for valuing one sheep claim car ried brown ham pah ire that the treasurer pay john giffen supply ing stone gravel and repairing hill lot 10 8th line 210 angus lawdon l days operating grader at 4 per day 6 half day plough ing at 276 per day 188 express on grader repairs 60c total 798 g a wrigglesworth 128 hours 8th line lot 21 at 27 12 cents 8882 repairing culvert lot 6 6th line 275 89 hours commission work at 40c 1560 total 6217 fred harding limebouse two posts at 80c two poles at 50c and deliver- ne to bridge on 6th hoe 200 putting in culvert on otb line 800 total 620 canada ingot iron co guelpb repairs to grader 675 carried brown leslie that the treaa pay jonathan neilson rr no 8 georgetown filling washout on no 5 bideroad cob 4 8 also the following accounts for work on 8th line hill fred campbell man and team 128 hours at 55c 7040 harold campbell 128 boars shovel ling at 27 12 cents 8520 h b t ho v nbott uno canadian honk is m par but tho amernaiih i the border oitieh do ixit be aware of tbe fact in- tiy to pans canadian u washington cleveland clurago and any otbor american cilj und he will 0onn recogmxe the cnttoil stntoh needs n lesson on interna tional courtesy that will remind them of what this conn try has a right to expeot in tbe way or friendly interehango spkino that the depositors of the defunct merchants bank can linrdlj be to blame for what took place amlalsn seeing that tbe courts buo declared that t president nan northy of praise and the manager blameless it woulav be very intercntin to the publio to be made aware iih to who as to blame surely someone ust have blundered and if the oqlmalb were not at fault and the depositors and shareholders could not have been vho was it i norval flqur mills at all grocers kings choice for bread f national for pastry bran shorts feed flour coarse arid x dairy salt rolled oats wheaqets and 1 feeds of all kinds appli w adve notes and comments dont be dibcodkaged because your boy or girl wants to go and go aqd go to be always running here and there always restless always dissatisfied always reach ing out tbe boy and the girl are not to blame it is tbe complex seething life all about them reach ing out a thousand fingers to the life of youth it isnt a cabe for suppression but a cone for adjust meat and patient teaching of tbe way and patient discrimination of the worthy from the unworthy cirubch union is a fine thing to theorize aboutandprayforbut iru are many indications that the time ib scarcely ripe for bring- it into effect apparently re is need for a little more leaven yet before tbe proper time for union arrives and if tbat time unduly forced there can be only one result more division another aplit and now prosperous churches rent in twain by divided opinion and feuda having waited so long surely it would be wise to pray on and hope on until tbe propitious time arrive b the phesbxtebian cnuacnis making an earnest effort to in crease the stipends or salaries of its ministers the general as sembly has fixed the new minimum stipend at 1800 and n manse within a year arfd a half 421 con- gregations formerly below tbe new btondard made the required ad vance while some have voluntar ily exceeded it a id- receiving charges that have not been ablo to reach this sum- will have the amount made up from the fonds of the church dating from april 1st 1922 this advance in stip end is a belated recognition of the underpaid servants of tbe church junk wanted i am paying the highest cash price for all rinds or junk also hides and poultry saldamm oppoalt pvbuo f oa victoria strt georgetown ont m freeman post office box 470 phone 186 jjrcwoal oil lamp flhes ajiteady white light barns about one cent of oil in biz hours lights like ordinary lamp but gives ave times- tbe amount of light save ytfur eyesight by getting one of these lamps call and see write bodoe jr rja8 q r i on tuesday police magistrate- jelfs ot hamilton dismissed charge laid again at five young men who were playing f3btoall sunday they played in a vacant lot the magjstrate said if people can play golf on sunday i dont see in any harm in these boys playing football batk rrgatfsa a certain young man wrote tbe following letter to a prominent business firm order nfia nutor dear sirs please find enclosed 1 l50c for one of yonr razors as ad vertined and oblige john jones ps i forgot to enclose the 50c but no doubt a firm of your bigb standing will send the raxor any ay the firm addressed received the letter and replied as follows dear sir yonr most valued order received tbe other day and will say in reply that we are send ing the raxor an per request and bops that it will prove satisfac tory v p8 we forgot to enclose the lnwor hot no doubt a man with ryonr cheek will bare no need of itv s5o 7040 u btull 88 hours shovelljng at 27 12 cents 3288 a wiley man and team 128 hours at 65c 7040 walter hodge sr 98 hours shovelling at 27 12 cents 2568 c sinclair 80 hours shov elling at 27 12 cents 8 26 j m wallace 90 yds gravel at 16 cents 1850 wm smellie operating grader on 8 tisdolea division one and one half days 6 esquesings share of gravel supplied and work performed on town line below norval 2061 total 2651 leslie appelbe tbat the treaa pay tbe following aooountsrw o morse campbellville for col- verts furnished municipality 47- 64 d robertson co ltd hil ton repairs for bridge given rood between town line and lbt line loci 8 400 p l robertson mfg co ltd milton rods and base fur nished for culvert 2nd line lot 17 1279 j b mackenzie lumber furnished for bridges in glen and limebouse 6164 w oatrander glenwilliams road work allowance lot 22 10th line 9 thos ho olnre btatnto labor paid in taxes and worked two years 1921 ft 22 at 2 4 carried appelbe hampshire tbat the treasurer pay s h albertson treaborer trafalgar township 89906 being esqifosings share of work done on base line car hampshire brown that this council do now adjourn to meet 16th daym december at 10 atn carried distant fields look green but vice of ambassador auckland ged- des with respect to renoajpiob at borne and giving of their youth and energy to making canada the great country that wo all want it to be this canada of ours is all right and tbe town of georgetown and its environs are all right there is no finer outlook in some respects on the face of the earth especially in ihe fields and land scapes of this fertile county of halton the rolling fertile fields of which on these sunny hazy autumn days offer a view tbat ib a delight to those who care to look distance may lend enchantment to tbe view but right bere there are opportunities and openings enough to satisfy the reasonable ambitions of every young mao milton fbere are now at least two statetfha ireland the free state and an awful state some ot tbe milton deer bunt- era are home from the north brioginga deer eociu the largest which baa come so for is a buck bbot by bert buck weighing 207 rba and having ten point antlers on wednesday about 4 i geo h shepnard wax at work oh a driller in tbe shale nits at the works of the milton pressed bnck co ltd at milton heights hej prepared two dyaonnte charges and attempted to fire them one went off but tbe other did not after waiting for a time mr sbep pard went to the unesploded hole to investigate just after be rearfaesmt the charge exploded and mutilated him horribly his right arm was blown off am much hie face was torn away he died within an hour be was born eieeeto milton and had spent bis life here he was an industrious steady man who stood bigb in th estimation of his friends cham- pion the great trouble is not with the schools but with tbe homes the tendency seems to be to leave all tbe training of the child for the publio school teacher in this day of specialization when the bread is baked outside the home tbe milk comes to the door in bot tles tbe olothes are bought ready made and even the music is ground out of a gramophone and the good night b tones come over the radio it would feem tbat par ents would have a great deal of time to devote to the training of their children thia dues not seem to be the case however tbe modern tendency in tho train ing of children seems to be to let tbe publio school teacher do it tbe teacher must train tbe child morals and manners look after bis physical welfare see tbat his teeth are brushed watch out for defects of vision have him weigh ed regularly if be runs down physically it in the fault of the teacher if he in a fine physical specimen it is due lo the care nf bis parents ttk ywatbs ctbfulm cajeaiar tor 1923 the publishers of tbe louths companion are sending to every subscriber who has paid 250 tor the 62 isstfes of 1928 a calendar for tbe new year the tablets are printed in red and dark btoe and each tablet besides giving tho days ot tbe current month in bold legible type gives the calendar of the proceeding and succeeding month in smaller type in tbematy v gin the companion ostaulait baa been published jn stswnttarijl form for many years and is eage ly bought for because of its novelty land oontenienoe l l

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